Page name: Ravenwood Estates 5 [Exported view] [RSS]
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2010-11-18 22:33:17
Last author: Nuktae-tal
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The Andorian Chronicles

Chapter Five

In which WE are once again following the Ravenwoods caravan traveling to Sildea and run afoul of the hardships life throws into their faces.

Lyriel adjusted her cowl and moved off into the night. She would move about silently keeping an eye out, watching the forest and paying attention to the moods of the woods around her. She let the sentries know she was wondering about. She sat still often but continued to move about the forest. It wasn't until the sky was begining to lighten. It was then that Lyriel went and found a secure place. Tonight she did not feel like laying so she sat and crossed her legs and interlaced her fingers open palm up. Breathing evenly and deeply closing her eyes and then she was in her trance. Gone to the world around her lost only in her own thoughts.

Altair hugged close to Alehial, 'We should have headed out to get the kids with just a few of us." They had just spent an amazing time together, it had been so long. He gazed into her green eyes and felt things were feeling like the old days again. "I love you Alehial, and we shouldn't let anything divide us again." The distance between them was horrible and it left him feeling cold.

Alehial smiled up at him. "I know... I just... can't help it." Alehial says softly cuddling close to him. She could feel the change in muscle and fat around his body. "Your right but... we can't take any chances Altair." Alehial says with a soft sigh. She was far more relaxed then she had been in months before. She leans up and kisses his chin softly. His brown eyes were so trusting and loving.

"There isn't anything to help, as long as we work together." he told her. She was just the same as when the first started adveturning. All he ever needed in the world was her and the kids. "If we stay together there isn't anything we can't beat." He rubbed her back and shoulders, knowing she loved when he did this.

"Mmmm, you keep saying that and one day the gods will prove us wrong Altair." She says sighingly as she relaxed further, nuzzled against him and enjoying the magic his hands worked on her back. Sometimes she felt very naive and trusting with Altair, but most of the time she felt like she was playing follow the leader, and it always worked out just bout anyways for this leader in particular.

He would continue to rub and hold her until she'd fall asleep. Sometimes Alehial just couldn't let herself relax and just live. He thought for a few minutes though he had his own problems. "If they want to prove me wrong, they can send my brother back where he came from then. We'll even retire and stay far from politics and raise our children."

"Heh they are gods Altair not genies." Alehial mumbles softly, she was so tired, after their rounds and all the stress and now he was rubbing her back and shoulders. Well she wasn't going to last long. She was forever grateful to the little halfing genius who took her along with him to meet the most perfect man in the world. She was going to have to do something really special for him. That was the last thought she had before she slipped into slumber.

"Never doubt Alehial Ravenwood, you are ny best friend and only lover." he said to her. They knew that his time would be short after the last child was born. Now though, he'd have to help Flint with his marriage problem. He started to get sleepy and nodded off, beside her.

Alehial woke early, almost before the sun had risen, she had done her hair and gotten dressed without her armer. Stepping out of the tent she smiled brightly at the morning light. Looking around camp she spotted Tani finishing up with her cleaning up and preparing for the day, Soon the girl would begin her prayers to Pelor, Lucas wasn't far behind her. Lyriel was still in her state of meditation and the wolves were beside her. Conner was still snoring away with most of the rest of the guards. Seemed everyone was acounted for. Alehial walked off into the woods just a few feet and sat down comfertably to commune with nature.

Xibik watched the half-elf from a safer distance, he knew that she was formidable as the master had said. The holy bird girl was preparing for prays as was her husband. The drow woman was meditating as elves do instead of sleep. "Master said not to interfer, just to watch them all." he yawned, he would sleep for awhile then follow after they departed. He thought many times about things he could do to cause mischief.

It was an hour later that Alehial walked back into camp and went to the tent to awaken her husband. "Altair time to get up." She says walking into the tent looking over at her pallet. Tani was still doing her prayers when she had left and Lucas was right beside her, Conner still hadn't woken up yet but many of the gaurds were starting to stir now. The cook already up and begining to cook breakfast for everyone.

He stretched and yawned, "Morning my love." He got up and dressed quickly, once prepared he hoped he could find a cup of coffee. "Everyone up and moving or anyone need motivating?" He watched how easily she moved, light and airy she seemed less burdened out here than at home. Before heading out into the camp, he wrapped her in his arms and kissed her deeply.

"Everyone is still moving. I thought to give you some time to rest this morning. Everyone is just now rising and the sun is rising." Alehial smiles brightly giving Altair another kiss after telling him all the things. "Cook should have some coffee I know you love having it while traveling in the mornings." Alehial says pulling easily out of his embrace with a little half step and spinning motion. Grinning at him she walks over and pulls on her boots lacing them up. Slipping a dagger into each before lacing them completely. She pulled on the under armer shirt and began to suit up. She had been awake long enough that no she would be armored and pack up her things. She always had it packed and ready to be back on the cart before everyone had finished breakfast. When altair was not there to moniter her plate of food she ate as she did before marriage. Light as a bird in the morning.

Altair began lending a hand packing up the tent and finding an excuse here and there to steal a kiss or quick hug. Something about the outside world, away from titles, and cities that allowed them to be free. "So, how long do you intend on letting me stay with you?" he asked securing the bedroll. If she deemed it important he return to Andor, he would begrudingly go providing he got to hold her again like last night. "That way I figure out how to talk with Flint, about Poppy and the marriage."

"We should reach the garrison town by late afternoon at best. We'll be there for two days to repack supplies and I think perhaps it would be left if you returned to Andor before we began the last leg of the journey to Sildea. It's another seven days until Sildea after the Garrison city." Alehial says quite enjoying the small game of contact tag Altair was playing. It was only a few moments before the entire inside of the tent was packed into the two trunks it was stored in originally. As for the tent itself. Alehial left to the men, she wasn't strong enough to dismantle the large and heavu tent.

Altair wrapped and arm around her and traded places, "What if Elsa refuses to give Fael back?" The thought wasn't far off the mark, their daughter loved her felid husband more than the stars in the sky. He hefted one of the trunks and set it outside. "You still haven't asked about what happened with Gaerth." he prompted dancing her about the newly open space. "So, two days left to enjoy spending time just being man and wife?"

"And being the general and luitenant Ravenwoods. I didn't ask because it seemed you didn't want to speak of it. Tell me the news then since you are in high spirits." Alehial giggled softly and danced around with him. It wasn't very often he was in such good moods. She loved it. It made him seem young and energetic once again, as if they were right back in the frontier.

"Its not good, Gareth is headstrong about his decision" Altair grimaced. He proceeded to tell Alehial about Poppy wanting to join Flint on his travel and Lai scaring her half to death. By the time he was done, his grin showed he liked what she did. "You know Lai, set in her ways and blunt as Artin's hammer." Sharing everything he heared and saw, hoping she'd see a different angle for him to approach.

"Perhaps if we tell her she will be forced as part of the family to wear pants train with swords nad be required to have at least seven children before she is twenty?" Alehial chuckles softly, It was a bitter laugh though. she knew there was going to be no way to deter their cousin the king nor the girls own father. Alehial hugs Altair tightly and kisses his cheek softly. "I don't think there is a way for us to get out of this one my love."

He held her tight, "I'm concerned that this will push Flint away, and with Galin out there." He didn't finish the sentence, considering if Flint went to his father it would have far reaching consequences. "Marriage or exile, and given our families hard heads." he started, it the last couple seconds he dodn't want to finish what he said. He kissed her back and took some comfort in her being close.

"Altair... If he did leave Andor... You know Lyriel would go with him... she feels like she needs to watch over him and protect him still." Alehial hugs him tightly. "Everything will work out somehow Darling. We just need to keep working on it. We'll come up with something... I hope." Alehial says softly, before disentangling herself and looking around until she was sure that everything was packed away. "Suit up Altair I'll go check on the rest of camp." She says before walking out of the tent and looking around. Surveying the camp.

Lyriel was starting to stir. Coming out of her meditation and stretching out her limbs a little. Taking her hood off of her head and off completely, it was warm enough she didn't need it in the morning already. Standing up she shakes herself a little to loosen herself back up.

Right after she loosened up, a plate of breakfast and cup of tea appeared before her. "Last watch is the first to get food, and I'm already to go." Flint smiled, years of military service taught him a couple of tricks he used regularly. And given all the time he knew Lyriel the food was all things she enjoyed. "And I'll even be nice enough to return everything after you're done."

"Oh well lucky me, to be served by a guardsmen." Lyriel says taking the plate and sitting down once again. The fire before her had gone out last night and she hadn't bothered with it. She still didn't, the coffee and food were good and they would be packing to camp soon enough anyways. Eating quickly and finishing the coffee she gives Flint a coy smile. "Perhaps we can find some more time tonight at the Garrison town, to... talk... in private." Lyriel winks before handing him the ampty plate and cup and start pulling on her armor and weapons again.

Flint couldn't help but gape at her, he never thought she'd wish to be alone again so soon. "S-s, sure maybe I'll try to arrange for a nice dinner?" He remembered he was supposed to meet the man to keep Galin out of his head. But, being with her trumped that hugely, so 'father' would have to wait. He turned to take her plate and cup back to the cook, with a huge smile on his face.

Lyriel chuckles softly watching him go before she finished placing all her armor and weapons on. Looking around she smiles and nods to Alehial before heading off to the woods to commune with nature for her hour.
Meanwhile on the other side of the camp Tani finished her prayers and had gotten herself some food sitting on a large rock to eat so her wings were unhindered. She sat out and a little away from the rest of the company of guards. She knew they were all or mostly all still uneasy around her.

Lucas came up behind her leaning over her back, "Good morning, my light and love." He had a second cup of coffee, Pelor saw fit to wake him with an uneasy feeling when Flint and Lyriel returned. Meeting the gaze of the soldiers who were rather uneasy. "I brought the wings Altair and Alehial gave me so I thought I'd join you for a bit skyward." The uneasy soldiers actually made him a little cross, she was a breathing example of Pelor's guidance and should be viewed as a good omen on this trip.

"I would love that!" Tani says brightening up considerably. Leaning over and kissing his cheek she steals a sip from his cup and makes a slight face. She prefured milk or cream in her coffee but out here there was none. "Have you noticed something about Lyriel and Flint? They don't... feel the same." Tani says softly looking over at the two. She'd had an uneasy feeling all night and she didn't now what it was. It almost felt like she was in the pressence of something... malicious or malevent. Something verging on evil if she had to relly put a name to it.

"Pelor saw fit to wake me with something, but I do not believe it is Lyriel and Flint. More than likely they seem to be closer, I do not know particulars, but Flint says he loves her." Lucas had heard rumors, but hated the idea of prying into others business. People would tell you things if they wanted you to know. "We shall be vigilant, perhaps Pelor will reveal the source."

"Perhaps you are right. If Pelor wills it we will see what is meant to be seen. Besides they are good people. Shall we get our orders from your mother? Oh... I mean your parents." Tani says adding the parents as an after thought. She was used to traveling under Alehial's command the last few days and she had forgotten Altair had come over as well. they needed their flying orders for the day and then Tani would be in the air for most of the trip.

"We'll wait until we are ready to go, I wish to spend as much time as I can with you." he whispered to her. "Besides there are several tents to be taken down and packed away. I figure it will be at least an hour before we are on the road again." he took her hand in his and kissed it. No one could be happier in this moment with her and basking in Pelor's light. The nagging feeling wasn't very strong anymore, it could have possibly been something from inside the forest.

"Should we not offer them our assistance then? I know much of those tents are rather heavy..." Tani says smiling up at him, she always enjoyed being with him so much, but she was always looking for ways to be useful. Never again did she want to be treated as she had before she had run away. The slightly uneasy feeling was already gone and she didn't worry to much about it anyways. It was just a sudden off feeling she had gotten.

Xibik watched from a distant tree, the holy ones must have see his taint. "I's mus be moor viligilian when watchin drowsy and these humans." He considered trying to use his magic on the holy couple or the Lord and Lady. Both groups may not be so susceptable to his magics or manipulation. However, he thought perhaps he could manipulate the drow into another lustful encounter, perhaps without the protection wand. He grinned and rasped his tounge over his sharp little teeth.

Alehial went to the cook's and got food and drinks for her and Altair, heading over towards Tani and Lucas to await Altair's grand entrance from out of the tent. "How are you two this morning?" Alehial asks with a smile, having watched them be cute from a distance. she was so glad Lucas had found someone and what a someone he had found. she sat down and began eating. Even in the forest in the middle of a campsite Alehial had impeccable manners.

She didn't have to wait long, coming out of the tent he took stock of the camp. With a broad grin he nodded that everything was moving along well. He checked to see if the cook had anymore coffee and refilled his cup. "Sergant, report please, how soon until we are ready to move out?" The sergant come fumbling and unsure how to respond to the question and looked around.

"Shouldn't be more then an hour Altair, they just need to take down the tents and fold them up then pack them away. Put out the fires and scatter the ashes double check the wagons to make sure everything is secure and then head out." Alehial says winking at the kids before handing a soldier the plate and cups. "I suggest you stop being fluster Altair is here and continue with your work as we have been doing this entire trip." Alehial suggests calmly before walking over to the horses to check on them.

"I think from now on seargant you report to the Leiutant, if you can't handle reporting driectly to me." He wanted to make sure the situation didn't change when he went back to Baerlon. "And make sure every fire tender double checks to verify the fires are out! I don't want a wildfire running up this group's backside." Once upon a time he hated being a leader but, given his time in the army it was inevitable.

Alehiel finished checking the horses and gave out the orders for everyone. Lyriel was on scout cuty again. Tani and Lucas were to check the roads ahead, staying above arrow range of course. Flint would be staying in the company and would speak with Altair, they needed to get this off their chests and out of the way as soon as possible. Conner also rode with the troops and wagons, he wasn't strong enough of a fighter to handle himself alone. Alehial and Altair would ride lead and or about the group to check on everything.

The order chaffed at Flint he wanted to stay near to Lyriel. And he was trying to avoid finding out the king's descision. "I thought we were to remain in groups of two?" He would prefer to scout with Lyriel, but thought better, the seperation my make them miss each other for the dinner in Garrison. "Alehial or Altair should scout, and I'll help in and out of the wagon trains."

"If you think we should flint then fine. I'll go and scout and so will Lyriel besides she has her new animal shape. We'll be back when we reach the garrison town or if we find anything." Alehial shrugs agreeing easily enough. As long as Flint wasn't out there again. He had already gotten hurt once and she didn't want him to get hurt again. He was too distracted ith Lyriel around him.

He smiled to Lyriel, he hoped she would understand it was his way of assuring her that he wouldn't smother her. However he did make a mental note to find someway to have a fine meal with her. And as concerned as he was, he didn't want the information from the king to ruin his time with Lyriel. He walked over to Conner, "How well did you learn about Garrison last time we were her?" Conner looked at him then Lyreil and put it together.

Alehial shook her head she didn't know what had gotten into Flint all of a sudden. "Altair look after the boys." She warns softly while preparing for her scouting position. She didn't need to do too much extra really and they all just needed to wait until everything was packed up again.

"Sure leave me with the cousins of chaos." he smiled at her. Flint and Lucas were closer with Mathius, but they accepted Conner as a junior member. Growing up, they personified chaos and made Darryl the good son of the kids. "So, Leiutent had anyone made arrangements for camp or rooms at Garrison?" He didn't know if they would stay at the house again, rooms at the inn or camping outside the city. 

"No I was going to have Tani land and approach the gates telling them we need to Inn, and whatever else we might need. Besides who else should I stick the chaos boys to but the one they all learned from?" Alehial asks raising one eyebrow questioningly, though she was grinning her more playful little smile.

He grabbed her into a hug then kiss, "Touche Alehial." Grinning back he let her go. "Your plan to have Tani go ahead to secure the Inn is a godd idea. Have her also secure the parade grounds for the rank and file." He turned and mounted Fael's horse and waited for the all clear before giving the order for them to move out.

"Very well General. At your command." Alehial says and salutes winking before walking over to Lucas and Tani, trying not to giggle at the sight of Tani helping Lucas with the wings they had put on him. "Everything okay over here?" She asks trying very hard to keep a straight face too.

"Once the last strap is set we'll be under way." No sooner did he say it and tighten the strap, the wings came to life. He smiled at Alehial, "Follow the scouts from abouve and if needed bring help." He looked like a male version of Tani. And several soldiers looked very confused but went about his business.

"Not bring help, come and help, scout from above and come help." Alehial shakes her head leave it to her flight happy son and things would get really messed up. "Tani dear, Altair and I will need you to fly ahead to the Garrison town and send word we are coming, tell them we will need the Inn and the parade grounds cleared for our arrival. Lucas can either stay to scout or go with you. I leave that up to you." Alehial says before kissing them both on the cheek and heading off. Nodding her head to Lyriel Alehial shifts forms from half elven to spotted leapard. Lyriel at the same time worded her spell and changed into a black panther. All sleek and long, with short shiney black fur. They both pranced off into the woods.

Lucas and Tani took to the air heading upwards easily. Leaving Altair, Flint and Conner riding below. Flint began to laugh, having just found an amazing humor in this departure. "Uncle, Alehial & Lyriel are cats; Lucas and Tani are birds; guess that leaves us to be the wolves or dogs!" Altair chuckled but shook his head, "Gods you and Conner share a sense of humor."

It wasn't much more then three to four hours when Tani signaled to Lucas that they should head on to the Garrison town and inform them they would be arriving within a few hours. She could already see the town from where she and Lucas were flying.
Alehial and Lyriel traveled far and wide and on each side far forward of the caravan. They both scoped the woods but Lyriel had to shift back to her regular form only within two hours time. So she roved like a black and green shadow through the forest while Alehial stayed in her jaguar shape.

"General, permission to ride over and bring our scout back for a horse." Flint asked. Either Altair didn't hear or thougth not to answer him. "Thank you General." and he rode off into Lyriel's position. He kept the horse under control and rode out of the caravan perimeter. Lyriel would know that he saw she was on foot and at least come to shoo him away.

Lyriel did indeed see him and she scowled. Moving over that way careful to make noise so that she didn't spook the horses. "What do you think you're doing Flint! I have to go and scout. Alehial will be upset if something happens to you... again." Lyriel says hoping the small barb would teach him to actually follow orders as told. What he was doing with two horses she didn't know but she had a sneaking suspicion he was thinking she'd need it.

"Well, I thought since you couldn't hold your new form, and I do have the generals permission." He smiled back, knowing full well he wouldn't have done it if Altair wasn't here. "Better than running the risk of falling behind, then I'd have to come back & find you." He kept her horse reigned in close, however the horse seemed to want to get closer to Lyriel. "I think she misses her mistress's backside in her saddle." he chuckled at her.

Lyriel sighs and if Altair had indeed given him permisson or told him to bring Zyphira to her then she needed to take her. Walking over and grabbing the pommel and the back of the saddle she simply springs into the seat and quickly puts her feet in the stirrups. Grabbing the reins nd settling herself into the saddle. It was a elven technique Alehial had taught her for mount a moving horse. "I only just learned the spell, besides Alehial has more then one form. I wouldn't fall behind. I'm a druid remember. This forest welcomes friends and trusts me." Lyriel says softly looking out into the forest.

"I know and you'll get to take more forms as you work at it." He rode back to the caravan, he was going to be a dutiful soldier by day, andif she let him her lover at night. The charger he was riding, moved with grace and surprising speed. Flint would not push Lyriel into anything, for how could make nature do anything. Before he rejoined the carvan, he glanced back at her and smiled.

Lyriel rolled her eyes at him and urged Zyphira into the woods and out of sight again. Moving ahead to scout once more. Checking for any kind of trail or clue to what may be near or ahead.

Flitting from tree to tree above her Xibik watched closely. "Why didn't drowsy girl ask human to stay? maybes have more funs?" He had not heard from the master in quiet a while but this was his last orders. Even though he took a little time to use his magic against a travelers coach some distance back. Making the people riding inside fall into their baser desires, he smiled when they began attacking each other in passionate frenzy. "Ifs onlys I could read her minds better, find out my nexts mischeifs."

Lyriel sighs and rides on still eyes and ears peeled for anything out of the ordinary. "Geez tell a guy he's going to get lucky and he jumps the gun!" She growls under her breath. More then a little annoyed in the fact that she hinted that she had fun and would do it once at the Garrison city again. "Maybe now I'll take it back and not fool around at the city with him again." Lyriel says wondering if he would get worse the later the day wore on.

Conner watched his cousin ride back to the caravan, "I'm amazed you didn't stay with her cousin. Flint looked back and smiled, "She needs time alone and so do I." He considered staying with her, but wouldn't smother her with attention. "Feel like a little sparing Conner at lunch or do you have more singing about Poppy?" he teased. Conner matched his smile, "Alright I suppose that I can cross swords with you Flint, just no crying when I beat you."

It was at the lunch break, Alehial had taken Lyriel to a place and they set up an area for a temporary stop. They only waited a half hour before the Caravan caught up with the two of them. "Hail Caravan, think this might be a place to catch a bite?" Alehial calls to them once they were in sight. Lyriel was just relaxing on the soft moss next to the small fire they had for the cook to use to heat some bread a little. and perhaps something to eat as well.

The caravan rolled to a stop and provisions were unloaded for the men to eat and take some rest. Shortly after lunch was finished Conner and Flint went a little way off and started to spar with each other. And it wasn't before long before a number of soldiers were watching with interest. Altair sat and from time to time shook his head, when the duo broke into laughter after Conner made a flip remark. He was glad his son paid attention to his lessons but could act a bit more serious in practice.

"You sir have offended my honor," Conner remarked.

"How so?" retorted Flint "I'm the one supposed to be forced to marry Poppy."

"Touche, considering I have not a polite thing to say about her."

"So shouldn't I have the offended honor?"

"Thats between you and the king, and the hundreds of nobles she bedded before."

Alehial sighs. "Does it count if it was our son who soiled her purity?" she asks softly coming over and sitting down by Altair to watch the boys. Lyriel had lost interest long before and was checking her gear and the tack of her horses gear as well.

"We are assuming he was there first my love." he said dryly. He took her hand and squeezed affectionatly. He continued making mental notes on sloppy techniques, to use against them later. "Is Lyriel alright? I figured she'd have joined and beat them both soundly." It was true she wasn't his daughter, but he loved her like all the other kids.

"So says Lily the best friend of the girl in question." Alehial says frowning minutely at the boys as they continued to spar. "I think you should be helping them more. Lyriel is fine, she said she wanted to check on her gear. That if she wanted to see idiots fight she'd put on one of my 'outfits' and go to a bar." Alehial shrugs her shoulders only a little. She didn't mind letting Lyriel be on her own. Out of all the children Lyriel was the most... grounded.

"Well, if I could keep Conner's attention for more than an hour. Flint seems to have improved his form quiet a bit. I wish now that I'd been a little more hands on with the girls, Lyriel most of all." He knew that Alehial was the perfect teacher for Lyriel, but felt at times he couldn't talk to her like the Elsa. He looked at Alehial and smiled, "Let's go live in the woods in a tent somewhere."

"There were a lot of boys. We had to seperate them somehow. Though Lily just about ran away from home when she wanted you to teach her and not me. thank goodness a compromise was reached at the time." Alehial says sighing softly. Lyriel had turned out the best child of them all but Alehial knew that she only called Altair and herself mother and father when they were around or defending her family. She called them both by name when not around them. A distinction of something Alehial didn't know Lyriel was making to herself. "Sounds like a plan. When the family is safe and the world is in their hands let's do that." Alehial says nodding her head. Knowing it would never happen, or was highly unlikely to happen at any rate.

"Ok, but we only tell a certain number of trustworthy people where we are. The rest we will have to visit, and stay for a day or two then disappear." He was partially serious about this idea, someone always wanted something from them. He looked at her and smiled, "Or at least will have to give them map coordinates and see what happens." Turning his attention to see, Flint disarm Conner.

"Well that didn't take long... At this rate Lily would best Conner in a match." Alehial sighs wondering what had happened with Conner. A bard in her own family. It was almost unthinkable. "We would have to visit the grandbabies of course." Alehial says absently in reply to Altairs teasing.

"Of course, the grandbabies and the more 'normal' kids." he smiled back, continuing the tease. He turned as the sargeant arrived, "Are the men ready to continue?" "Yess, sir." he answered smartly. Altair looked at Alehial, "We'll have to continue this at Garrison sweetheart." Altair kissed her cheek. The men started gathering horses and equipment to continue the march.

"I'll see you there, We'll be waiting." Alehial grins at Altair before walking over to Lyriel and speaking to her for a moment or two. It was only moments later that they both were gone into the forest. Lyriel on horseback and Alehial back in one of her animal forms.

Once back on horseback he addressed Conner and Flint, "You both need work on your styles. We have tried to teach you both better than that." He waited to hear one of the young men state he wanted time to practice. Neither man made a motion, and Altair rode off on the way to Garrison.

It wasn't more then three or fours hours later an hour or so before sunset that they reached the Garrison city. Alehial met them up on the road a mile away from the city and mounted her horse. She hated going alone, they always made such a huge fuss over her. Lucas and Tani should already be there so that was a worry they didn't need have.

Flint reigned in close to Conner, "Going to take your father up on practice time?" Conner looked and smirked, "Let me guess you want me to ask him for training time?" Flint inclined his head, Conner wasn't dumb but not completely following his cousins intentions. "Oh well, if you need me to keep my parents busy while you spend time with my sister?" Flint looked at him, "You know me cousin, I was gonna get a nice meal for Lyriel and me." Conner grinned, he'd help out his sister and cousin, Lyriel needed someone that accepted her without question.

"What exactly are the two of you plotting together about now?" Alehial asks breaking away from the rest of the group to bother her male child and nephew. She knew they were both up to no good, they never were and they almost always planned things to somehow get past Altair and Alehial. Always even if they came to snoop. It always made Alehial even more suspicious about the two of them spending time together.

Connor spoke up first, "Flint was cautioning me on my lack of practice and was suggesting that I ask you and father to help me. And I must admit I'm a bit ashamed at be disarmed." He did feel a bit useless about the sparing match outcome. "So, can I count on you and father to help me, mother?" He looked at Alehial, he did want to impress them at some point with something.

"Of course you can Conner! I'm glad you and Flint are talking about this. Flint as a soldier has far more training and experience, don't you worry about him disarming you sweety. Thank you Flint for worrying about your cousin." Alehial smiled obviously relieved they weren't thinking up any pranks or plots. After all Conner really was lacking quite a bit and the boys had been talking about it all day. Moving her horse closer to Conner she gave him a kiss on the cheek raising in her saddle to do so and pat Flint on the arm gently. "I'll go check on your father now. Be good." She says before turning her horse and resigning to her fate of having to deal with the leiutenant out here as the garrison town. Not to mention the swarm of women that usually nabbed her at some point from the town.

Flint looked at Conner open mouthed, had he just conned his own mother?

"Close your mouth cousin, I do feel my skill could use some help. And know you owe me!" Conner smirked at him

"Why does that sound like bodes very ill for me." Flint bemoaned.

They both laughed and continued riding forward toward Garrison. Flint looked to see if Lyriel was nearby so he might be able to let her know about dinner. "How can someone so beautiful blend seamlessly into nature?" he asked under her breath. He would meet the contact and get the stupid pin, tell Galin to jump in a bottomless hole. Then go and have a nice normal dinner and spend time with Lyriel.

"Because someone is more observant then a lot of others." Lyriel says coming up from behind him. "I saw you talking to Conner what are you two planning up now?" Lyriel asks knowing it couldn't be good. It never was. Putting those two together was like putting Mathius and Elsa together, everything went to hell quickly. Though she wondered more about the foul expression he was wearing then anything else at the moment.

"I'm concerned about what you might like for supper since Conner wants a sparing lesson from both uncle and aunt." Flint looked at Lyriel and smiled a little. He was unsure if it was a good idea to lay out some of his plans to her. "I figured we could get a bite to eat since they will be busy." As Conner used the discussion to disappear.

"That was your plan? To have Conner keep Alehial and Altair occupied teaching him something he won't learn so you can try to wine and dine me?" Lyriel asks looking speculative, she wondered if Alehial already heard of this and what she had said or would say. She rode beside Flint now and marked where Conner tried to sneak off too, just in case she needed to kick his ass a little later.

"No, he asked for the help himself. I just intended on using it to our benefit." He wasn't going to lie to her about this to her. Keeping pace with her he looked at her, "So, any thoughts on supper, sit down at a table or enjoy out of doors?" He couldn't help but smile, she made the trip bareable and rather fun.

"A table sounds nice for a change, afte all this camping I rather enjoy society as little as it might be in this tiny town so near the border of Sildea." Lyriel says with a shrug, she wondered if Flint had loosened up any about her not wanting to be completely in love with him and drop everything for the future. Besides Galin was alive again. It was a danger for the entire family she couldn't be thinking of love or romance when someone so dangerous was utalizing everything from hs absence to get into every country and get followers.

"Very well, I shall endevour for a civilized meal." he assured her. "Which means a lot of wine for you, doesn't it?" he smiled and teased her. In truth the last time they really drank he wound up with his head in her lap, lamenting his parentage. Tonight though he wasn't lamenting anything about his place in the world. "So, chicken, beef, or fish for the main course?"

"Funny har har mr soldier boy. Fish is always nice." Lyriel says softly keeping pace with him on horseback. they would reach the gates soon, and then they would be bombarded though none worse then Alehial herself. After all she was a local hero in these two towns towards Sildea.

"Very well, fish and all the fixings including dessert what time do you wish to eat?" He smiled back at her, things where always so nice when they could be like this. Xibik, watched them and wondered if they were making plans for a secret meeting. "Ohhhh, if they don't plans ons being in woods then I miss shows." He set about finding some way to continue his fun, he wouldn't give up.

"Dessert huh? Any fruit is fine enough for me. No need to break out the family riches here. We are just going to eat dinner." Lyriel says shaking her head and wondering just what he thought this was. He was making it sound like a lot more then just dinner. and with Altair and Alehial being distracted she wondered if he was going to try to smooth talk her into bed next.

"Well, if you have decided that it is just dinner, then that is what it is huh?" Flint answered her. She was the one who had said something about Garisson and coupling again. He resigned himself again to having to play by natures rules. "Very well, I shall leave the choice of conversation to you then." A cry from the back of the line caught his attention, "I'll see you at dinner then while I go check on that."

"Take care." Lyriel says sardonically with one eyebrow raised questioningly. Flint was more emotionally attuned then most girls Lyriel could think to name at the moment. She didn't know what was the matter with him, but she rode on.

Flint arrived back in the line, one of the men looked very ill. "Master Ravenwood, we were gonna load him into a wagon, but his malady is moving too swiftly." Flint motioned they bring the archer to him, and threw his travel pack to his fellows. "I'll ride him up ahead to the healers in Garisson, he'll be fine." Once he had the young man settled, he urged the charger to move with all due haste in Tani's direction.

Lyriel watched and wondered what was going on. Alehial pointed out what was happening to Altair and gave him a questioning look while watching Flint ride off with a second on his saddle. Tani was standing by the gates outside of the town. The magic wings near her while Lucas spoke with the people inside. She didn't want to disturb them with her presence.

Flint prided himself on never wearing spurs, he learned to ride from his aunt & uncle. The charger at his urging, rocketed towards the city gates. The young archer was barely aware and was wracked with pain. He could see Tani and Lucas getting larger the nearer he came to the gate. "Tani, he is sick, I'd guess rat bite fever or brain fever." he called out to them.

Tani turned quickly, having to sort out her wings so she could see. Immediately pulling a spell so she could distinguish what ailed the man quickly to her mind. "Set him down on the ground carefully Flint!" Tani says reaching into a small bag at the small of her back and pulling out a few spell ingredients.

Flint managed to dismount and bring the young man from the saddle. "The rat bite fever makes more sense, he has been marching." The young man groaned and began a hacking cough. Flint looked at Tani with a little concern, "Could it be contagious?" He glanced over his shoulder to the rest of the caravan.

"I don't know yet, Has he been dehydrated?" Tani asks before speaking the spells words. With the spells use she would know what disease or contagion was inflicting this man and whether or not it would spread. she was concentrating on her task now and her wings fanned out around her to half cover the man her hands laid upon.

Flint waited to hear Tani tell him what was wrong. "He looks like he might not have had enough water." If the sickness was spreading through the men, the caravan would be halted or turned away. He contimplated riding back to them, but didn't want to start a scare if it was nothing. He watched Tani and prayed that she would find it not contagious and heal him.

Tani sighed softly and put her hand on the man's forehead. "Do not fret soldier, I can cure you." She says softly and chanted, it only took ten to fifteen minutes for the chant to finish and the disease to be lifted. She wet a wrag and wiped the soldiers forehead free of sweat and then his neck and the back of his neck. "It may take a few moments for your body to adjust back to itself now but you're no longer ill. Perhaps I should teach you a few feild remedies Flint, It was Rat bite Fever. I'm surprised the camp was running rampant enough someone got bitten what with the two wolves running around."

Flint was honored she thought so much to show him some field medicine. "I'm used to making the wounds or being wounded. It isn't contagious is it?" He hated the idea that the others could get sick and they would be delayed. "I think Lyriel would be an awful patient, not to mention Altair and Alehial."

"From what I understand all Ravenwoods make aweful patients. No it's not contagious, it's contracted by being bitten by a rat. They really are filthy little creatures. I've only delt with Lucas and he's easy enough for me. though I am as strong or stronger then most men." Tani says getting her canteen of water and looking down at the soldier she smiles and offers it to him. Putting her arm around his shoulders lifting him very gently and in a way the movement wound't make him nasues.

"I should ride back and advise the General of the situation." Flint stood and grabbed the charger's reigns. "You'll see to him priestess of light?" he asked before riding off. He made his way back at less of a rush than before. Once back he came along side the Lord and Lady reigning the charger into step. "Rat bite fever, Lady Tani identified it & took care of it."

Alehial sighs. "Good, from now on I'm telling the wolves to hunt closer to camp itself. And you're not on duty Flint, Tani is fine. B'Tani if you must. Let the men know and tell them to keep an eye out a bit more." Alehial says nodding her head towards the back of the troop. They could almost see the Garrison city now. They were getting much closer. Tani would be waiting for them now.

"As you will Lady Ravenwood," he said with a smile, "I shall inform the rear guard & wagon drivers." And once that being said, he rode quickly to the rear. "I think he was having a spot of fun with you, my love." Altair chuckled. He was glad to see Flint having a laugh, too much sorrow followed that boy. They were all accutely aware of the trouble Flint had seen in his short life.

"Bah! Spot of fun my ass, he was making fun OF me!" Alehial says whinily though she was also smiling about it. She didn't begrudge it. He could have his fun she didn't mind too much anyways, she was glad he had taken the guard to Tani and gotten the guard to Tani quickly and gotten it taken care of. He was much like Altair and she was very proud.

Altair smiled at her, he knew she was proud of the boy. "Well, here hopes the rat population goes down soon." He watched Flint go from wagon to wagon informing the drivers. "Have you and Lyriel talked much about his situation? I know she has an opinion and one that isn't toting the good noble line."

"she said it wasn't any of her business, that she didn't have an opinion she hadn't already shared." Alehial sighs looking over at Altiar worriedly. Alehial didn't know what to do for her children now. How to lead them and what advice to give them. they didn't seem to want her advice half the time. Or he help most of the time.

"The kids think they know what is best, and in time they will wish they listened." Altair said comfortingly. He knew that it hurt her that the 'horde' she raised from little kids to adults no longer needed guidance. He made it a point to talk to each child and remind them how much they were loved. And even if they didn't intend on taking the advice, be thankful their mother cared. "So, Conner wants us to help him with his swordplay?"

"Yes Flint and Conner were speaking of it. Conner wants us to teach him a little more swordplay. Flint told him he was to easy to defeat. that he wasn't much of a challange." Alehial says nodding at the fact that her children were older now and didn't want to listen to her advice or let her help them. Though Elsa was, but that was because she had a family and wanted to raise children and make her husband happy.

"Then we will help him all we can." Altair said with a smile. He wished he could find a way to make things better for her. "I suspect the squad of your fans will try stealing you the minute we enter the gates." They loved Alehial in Garisson and a group of women always made sure to visit if not cook for her & her family. He still even after all these years, marvelled how some people gravittated towards his amazing wife.

"Oh... Don't remind me... I suspect there have been a birth or two while I was gone too. I do hope none of them ask me to name a child again... that was embarrising enough the first time." Alehial sighs resignedly and shakes her head. How she wished these people didn't idalize her quiet so much as they did. She knew she had done them a great service but really after all these years.

"I find it very comforting that you where a hero before we met." Altair commented. She was beautiful and smart, but her heart was the most amazing thing about her. "So, do you think you'll be available for dinner at least tonight? Unless they have that much to share with you." He looked back to Lyriel and Flint, wondering what they had planned.

"Ugh! I only stopped one man from being too tyranical and gave the power back to the people of the town... The women I told them to make the men work with them and not work for the men. Anyone would have done what I did... I just had the... well the know how to make it all work properly." Alehial says harrumphing slightly. Letting her legs brush Altair's with her horse getting closer to his.

"You planted in them the seed of change, dearest. That takes courage and a willingness to stand for something better." he complimented her. "I'm sure the women remember more fondly, their leader who helped rid them of the tryrant." He winked at her and smiled, a quieter version of outright saying he loved her. "We've been through a lot both apart and together."

"Leader indeed. Besides that I was the first of elven blood they had seen at all. And you know I am thinking why is it then when you rescue me it is only ever a few days? But when I rescue you it's months or weeks?" Alehial asks with a raised brow, though she reached over to brush his cheek with h er fingertips ever so gently. She would go to the ends of the earth and back for this man. In fact she almost had once.

"Because when you get into trouble its closer to home." he chuckled. Alehial was the more level headed of the duo, he was the abrupt and led by he gut. But, when it came down to it, he knew there was nothing he wouldn't do for her. Their family was unconventional, and he enjoyed that because they loved each other. The crown's choice to betroth Flint didn't sit well with him, and a growing fear that the boy would choose exile to a loveless marriage.

"Yes for some reason my trouble is always easier to handle. I wonder why that is Duke Ravenwood." Alehial says with a raised eyebrow and curiosity in a sarcastic way dripping from each word. She felt there was no persuading the king this time and his wife wouldn't help either. His mind was made up and there were no loopholes or backdoors to get Flint out of this one.

Xibik kept following above Lyriel and noted Flint's mad dash to the city and back. He smiled, finding a possible way to continue his fun with the drow druid and her human lover. Focusing his magic again on her, "That was very selfless and good of him, maybe that is what is important and why I care about him." His thought ended, and he wondered if it was enough to again push her into his arms. "Hopes sos, mes likes watchen sem play kissy, kissy."

"Always the Hero are the men of the Ravenwood bloodline." Lyriel sighs and looks down at her horses mane. Leaning forward and laying her head against her horses neck, just taking a moment to listen to the lifeblood that ran through the big creature. "Well Zyphira... I officially am too stupid to be allowed to continue in this family. I can't keep him tagging along on the promise of sex without feelings. We'll tell mother we are riding ahead to Sildea." Lyriel says patting the horses neck. Zyphira flicked an ear back and turned her head to look a moment at her rider. She jumped a step and continued on head forward once again, ears pricked forward watching the other horses.

Xibik frowned, the drow had went in the wrong direction. He would have to follow her and keep an eye until they reached Sildea. "Damn, drowsy will needs other convinces." He suddenly felt his masters mind, and listened as he was instructed what to do next. He cocked his head again, "Why this routes master? Won's you's human master be's angry?" He kept pace with Lyriel however.

Lyriel was riding forward to meet with Altair and Alehial. They hadn't sent word ahead yet they were arriving... She might as well ride ahead anyways. It was safe was this route if one knew the route to Sildea anyways. And she did. She was confident nothing would go wrong... This time. Besides she wasn't going to accept any gifts from anymore people she met.

Xibik continued ahead of the caravan and found Tack inside the city. He landed nearby and after making sure the coast was clear, became visible. "Masters sends messages, have Flints go to the quarry to await speakys with Lord Soths." The human nodded that he understood, commenting that the imp should leave quickly. Turning invisible again he flew off, master Vennis was making trouble and it mad Xibik very happy.

Twenty minutes before the caravan made the gates of Garisson rain began to fall. Altair sighed, he had hoped the storm wouldn't make it until they had camped for the night. "Well, at least it'll be a nice night in the inn," looking at Alehial. Conner near the back of the line, looked at Flint, "So this means we are last into the city itself right?" Flint responded back, "Well if you thought it might rain you should've stayed up front."

"Mother... Father can I speak with you?" Lyriel asks having caught up with them and gathered her courage. She had debated how to go about it and she figured it might be best before they got to the city itself. Besides her adoptive parents always got antsy when she wore the hat of disguise and spoke with them. She knew however it was just better and easier if she wore it around people who didn't understand. Besides she had her hood up most of the day anyways the rain never even touched her, just her cloak.

Altair turned his attention, "Of course Lyriel, what is on your mind?" He was actually happy to have her talk to him, since she rode out so much. It sometime seemed that for all the love they felt as a family, sometimes they all walked alone. He looked at Alehial to see what her opinion was to the girls request. The rain droned on and Garisson was slowly getting closer.

Alehial turns as well her attention on her eldest daughter. "I was just wondering if either of you thought to send a message ahead letting Grandmother Sirrus know we are on our way to pick up the kids. I know Mom hasn't. I was thinking it might be a good idea if I go ahead and let them know." Lyriel says letting her horse move in besides Altair's own stallion. Alehial frowned thinking about it. She had forgotten to send a message ahead. She usually sent her hawk but... she had let her go a long time ago and had never retrained another to take her place. "I don't know Lyriel."

"Is there another reason Lyriel, you want to ride the road there alone?" He disliked the idea of seperating off one of the scouts. And he hoped with Lyriel being blunt sometimes, she'd answer truthfully. Altair worried he knew the real reason and he was riding in the rear guard with Conner. Looking at Alehial he hoped she shared his thoughts and concerns.

"Not really. This group is traveling too slowly! Besides I want to shorten this as quickly as possible considering what happened last trip. If it'll make you feel better I could take a few guards with me." Lyriel says shrugging her shoulders. Everything she said was true besides, she was wary of the towns now. After what happened the first time.
"I like the idea of you taking some men with you but Lyriel we're almost to the town. Why now? What made you want to leave right now of all times?" Alehial asks curiously. Wanting to know why her daughter was suddenly so gung ho about going on ahead of them all.

Flint raised up in his stirrups and peered ahead at the three horses. "Something is going on, Lyriel is speaking with your parents." He immediately started looking around for any signs of trouble. Conner looked at him and smarted, "Your advances probably scared her, cousin." Flint glared back and Conner thought he had finally pushed a little too much, "Sorry."

"I don't like the garrison town. I don't want to hide I just want to go and get away and do things at my own pace. Is that so bad? You two of all people should understand why I would want to get away from all of this. Or I thought you would. Maybe you've forgotten how to get away to be yourselves anymore. Maybe the Duke and Duchess is all that is left now." Lyriel says shaking her head. She was goading them a little, wanting them to let her go but still she did want to go. To get away, from Flint, from the town from her problems. She was tired of all of this drama and pressure of having to act right.

Altair rolled his eyes, everytime the kids watned to get approval it was always knocking the duke and duchess titles. "I dislike the idea of you marching or riding yourself and or more men on to Sildea in this weather. Sick soldiers can't fight and without a healer an illness could kill. That being said, daughter if Alehial gives you leave and you find willing escort, do what makes you happy." He reigned his horse around to go speak with the wagon drivers.

With his answer Lyriel was suddenly overwhelm with childish feeling snad turned her head sticking her tongue out at the back of Altair's head. At the sight of her grown daughter acting so silly Alehial couldn't help but laugh. It was a comical sight and did much to cheer her up, letting her know that her grown adult daughter was still the young drow girl Lai had kept telling Alehial she was. "I think you should stay. I will have Conner send a missive so I can speak with mother. I'd rather you be safe with us then go off on your own again. Just stay in the garrison town and have someone you trust with you at all times unless you are in the inn." Alehial says shaking her head. She was worried about all of her children. She worried about everything that might go wrong. Lyriel scowls at Alehial. "Fine! I'll stay like a good child." Lyriel spits out unhappily and spins her horse to go back to her place in the middle. In front of the wagons and far more ahead then Flint and Conner.

Arrival at Garrison was wet and not as quick as they would have hoped. The Captain at the gate looked at Alehial, "Welcome back to Garrison, Duchess we took the opportunity and set up tents already for your escort. And the same house you stayed at the last time is available to your family." He smiled at her, hoping he had done a good job for such honored guests. The wagons and soldier continued to lumber past, as her family collected at the gate as well.

Alehial smiles "That's wonderful, thank you so very much captian. We appreciate you and the rest of the citizens helping my family each time we come through. We are ever in your debt for you all being so gracious and allowing us such a grand return." Alehial says with a smile. The captain had been the one that had helped her before when she had come through the first time. Now she felt like she were in debt to these kind people.

Flint and Conner rode up with the last of the men, he made it a point to stop beside Lyriel. "Something wrong back on the road? I saw you speak with them." he inquired. He wasn't completly soaked, but he was a little damp. He glanced at Conner who was soaked and gumbling about not feeling anything below his waist. He shook his head and smiled at Lyriel, the same thing happened whenever Conner left home.

"Nothings wrong Flint! I have to help over see Alehial's things being taken into the home!" Lyriel says with a scowl, she was wearing the travelers hat and had her own human colored skin and her own appearance still. Her cloak also was pulled up and around her. It was clear she was very unhappy at the moment. She pulled her horse the other way and kicked her lightly into moving over towards the house.

He watched her ride away unsure why she was so angry with him. "Do you know what I did?" he asks Alehial. He looked about and spotted a tavern he was to ask for the contact. Conner still grumbling wnet to change clothes and find something hot to drink. "I'll go make sure the men are set, Alehial." he wanted to give Lyriel time to cool down.

"Actually Flint I wanted to talk to you about that." Alehial says grabbing his elbow on the inside of his arm before he had a chance to really run off. After all she didn't want him riding over to Altair and letting him know how upset Lyriel was she had told her not to. "Altair is still over there checking on the men anyways. Come on over here a minute." Alehial says nodding her head to an out of the way place for them to be and talk in private.

"Alright, I'm all ears I guess." he was still confused. He walked over to the area she indicated. "I suppose you know why she is being moody and now you are gonna advise me queitly." He looked at her and suddenly thought he was gonna get bad news, again. He looked toward the tavern again and suddenly thought about finding the contact and beat him to death.

"I actually don't know what started it Flint. I was hoping maybe you could tell me. She wanted to leave the caravan early and go ahead alone to Sildea." Alehial says watching him. He kept looking over towards the Tavern and it made her sad to think perhaps he found more solice in alcohol then in his family. She hoped he could help her figure out what was the matter with Lyriel, after all she knew he loved her, though how deeply she wasn't quiet sure yet.

"I was going to have dinner with her tonight, I guess this was her way of saying no thanks." he said. He couldn't understand, the other night she came to him and now would rather push herself to be away from him. "Tell her not to worry, I'll eat supper and stay at the inn, in case I offended her." He felt more cold than ever and there was no more alone than now. "Is there anything else Aunt Alehial, we should both get dry and warm food in are stomachs."

"No Flint, keep your plans for dinner. I'll try to make sure she goes to it. After the unfortunate incident with you and the wolf and the crazy wizard you two need a normal trip." Alehial sighs and shakes her head, she didn't know what was going on but she was ready for all this crazyness to be over. "As for being wet and getting warm food. I think the women have got that one covered." Alehial says nodding towards the door of the house they would be staying. Inside was a few woen with towels and they were chatting and laughing together while directing the men around.

"Well, I'm off to the tavern then to arrange for dinner then." He kissed her cheek and turned to go make his plans and meet the contact. Walking into the tavern he noted several people, from the server girls to the regulars. Walking up to the bar he quickly mad plans for a private room to have a meal. "And you gaurentee your fish is the best in the region?" he was hopeful.

"Sure is, my recipe is probably the best in southern Andor. And we'll make sure you and your guest are not disturbed." the cook assured him. Tack noted the man he was to speak with. "Excuse me sir, I believe your dropped this," he placed the pin into Flint's hand. Moving closer he whispered, "The quarry outside town, nice and private with a nice view of the river below."

Alehial sighed but smiled and nodded where needes as the women swarmed her. She had gone inside to make sure each person who was staying in the house had their things in the proper rooms. She hadn't gotten very far before she was smothered by the women. there was much laughter and giggling. Even Alehial was blushing along with the younger girls in the group from what the old women were saying.

Lyriel meanwhile was out with Altair making sure the men and horses and wagons were taken care of. She didn't want to be swarmed by the women besides if they tried to 'dry' her hair her hat of disguise would fall off and they would run screaming no doubt. So she opted to stay outside and help with the men instead.

He looked at Lyriel, "Avoiding the throng of your mom's fans?" He smiled a little, in Garrison he was simply refered to as Lady Alehial's husband. "Will you be joining us for dinner? or are you planning something else?" No matter how many times he saw her disguise, it always felt wrong. He had always encouraged the kids to honor who they were and make no excuses about it.

"Flint said something about fish at the tavern. I would rather not tempt fate with those women. Besides I don't think any of these people have ever even seen a Drow before." Lyriel says with a small shrug. She knew his look, he always had that look when she wore the hat. He thought it was wrong she should be who she always was. Inside her skin and outside. But she hated seeing the fear and panick... the anger and hatred. It was simpler this way and she really didn't mind at all. She always had prefured Altair's company but as Alehial had told her and the other girls a long time ago, he was a busy man with a lot of responsibilities.

He grabbed ahold of her into a small hug, "I'm lucky to have a beautiful daughter who is willing to hide her beauty to save others shortcomings." He smiled at her, Lyriel was a good person and he just wished her life was easier. "Have fun at the tavern and have at least a glass for me." Time was growing short and he would have to tell Flint what the future held. "I can't do it tonight though, let him be happy one more night." he thought.

"I was going to head over now... so I'll see you later... or tomorrow considering you and mom go to bed early. Regardless of actual sleep happening or not." Lyriel teases after returning his hug. Pulling back from him she smiles softly and kisses his cheek. He was the only father she'd ever had. She really did love him like one too. So with that she walks off and turns to wave a little before heading into the tavern itself.

"Too smart for your own damn good child." He shrugged and headed into the house. The two story building was an estate away from the estate, and the people were always friendly. "I'm looking for my beautiful wife, goes by the nae of Alehial." he called out after hanging up his cloak. He started looking in rooms, and wound up at the kitchen where he heard the most activity.

"Oh Milord! Welcome back! Here dear a nice dry warm towel!" "Oh Alehial's husband is back! hee hee hee" "Here Sir, have something to eat!" "Sit at the table sir, right by your wife there." "Here now let me dry your head." The girls instantly swarm around him. Handing him a towel and then pulling out a chair for him. Pushing him down. Giving him more food on the table and then grabbing the towel and ruffling his hair dry with the towel. The girls were moving and giggling and the younger ones and Alehial were all blushing while the older ones were giggling among themselves. "Sorry hun." Alehial says looking apologetic. "Oh don't say that! You didn't do anything yet!" "Yeah save that for the morning when he can't walk right!" "Be gentle Alehial men bruise easily." "At least their ego's do!" All the women laughed.

"Have you ladies intercepted our son Conner?" he asked, hoping some of them would disappear. He looked at Alehial and smiled, "Or Tani and Lucas, I'm sure they would appreciate your help." The food was good and warmed him, he leaned over and kissed Alehial's hand. He smiled as he thought her friends were always so good to his family.

"No we haven't seen him." "Neither have the girls!! Ahahahaha!" "Your kids seem to know when you two want to be alone." "Alone alright, they can feel the mood descending!" "I'll say! ahahahaha!" The women chattered and laughed teasing and none of them felt like moving on just yet. Soon a peice of pie on a plate was in front of both of them and the other things were taken away out from in front of them. The women were cooking and cleaning and just hanging around, there was at least a dozen of them in one kitchen. Alehial smiles at Altair and kisses his cheek leaning over much to the giggling of the women.

"I always wonder, do your husbands hate it when we visit?" he quipped. The fire and number of people created a very warm room, he was already dry. He tried the pie and groaned, "This is the best I've had in recent history, who is responsible for it?" He smiled at Alehial, everything here was so much calmer here. After he had finished he proceded to get up and head upstairs.

"Thank you ladies but I'll be retiring as well." Alehial says leaving with much giggling laughter and a lot of dirty suggestions and comments. She quickly caught up with him on the stairs and grabbed his hand. "Sorry... I keep telling them they don't need to lavish so much attention on us when we come." She says looking apologetic.

"No need to apologize to me." he said kissing her hand. "Just next time I want to lavish attention on you, I'll bring this up." He wrapped her into a hug and kissed her deeply. "If you want to keep catching up I understand, and will wait until you come up." He smiled at her and stroked her neck gently.

"No I'll come up with you, I just want to relax and get away from the 'helpful' girls downstairs." Alehial says blushing just thinking about some of the things the ladies had said. Whether or not she had done a few of them with Altair was another story. Hearing it said out loud was embarressing and she prefurred keeping her personal life just that. Personal. "Let's go." She smiles brightly at him hoping she wasn't blushing terribly though she could feel how heated her cheeks were.

He smiled and squeezed her hand, she didn't blush much anymore. When she did it reminded him of when they first met and fell in love. He opened the door to the bedroom and let her enter first. Once in side he asked, "Would my blushing bride like some help with her boots and armor?" He already started removing her sword belt.

"I thought I'd be over and done with all the blushing by the what the eleventh child now?" Alehial asks blushing a little harder once it was brought out that she was blushing. She let him take her weapons belt and sat holding up one of her legs so he could unlace it and help her with it off. "But those women down there... Well some of the things they think of!" Alehial says scowling even as she was blushing brightly still.

He tugged her boot off, and dropped it to the floor smiling down at her. "They enjoy seeing that blush, and having you here emboldens them." The other boot followed its mate, and he began working loose the straps of her armor. "And your blush, reminds me of a young druid, of stunning beauty." he whispered. He continued to remove her armor and here and there lighlty tickled her.

"Ahahaha! Okay okay I think you've helped enough!" Alehial said squirming at each ticklish touch, retreating to the other side of the bed quickly. Putting space between them when she couldn't handle being tickled any further. "Maybe you should take off your own armor and boots now." She suggests with another small giggle. "Funny... I remember a rather frustrating and over impulsive brutish almost Ranger from a long long time ago." Alehial says then tapping her chin with her forefinger.

"Brutish? And I never tried to frustrate you, Besides I thought you liked impulsive?" he chuckled spreading his arms wide. He undid his sword belts and placed them on the far table. He loved when they teased back and forth, sometimes it was more intimate and enjoyable. He silently hoped that Asper and Flint's meal was enjoyable. He walked around the bed to where she stood and grinned again.

"Mmmmm I never said I disliked anything this Human Ranger did. In fact I'm thinking he did a few things... that were absouletely perfect. Though he is a little thick headed and dense... I was hoping he'd grow out of it. Though I hear Humans stop growing mentally around age twelve." She teases further watching him strip down his armor. She loosens the last of her buckles and pulls off all of her leather armor.

Once he got his armor off, he moved towards her with purpose. He wrapped his arms around her and lifted her off the floor, "Well, I think you rather like the fact I kept growing at least in body." He hadn't told anyone, but had been working on the history of the elves, from the splitting of the race to the wars with the orcs. "I remember someone thought me a very unwashed barbarian, until I let you know I spoke high elven." he smiled, she had said some very unflattering things.

Alehial giggles and wraps her arms around his neck. "Well I remember someone throing a little bit of a fit because they didn't need another female in the group. Especially a stuck up, what was it now... A stuck up spoiled rich girl?" Alehial asks smiling softly at him. "And you hadn't bathed. Besides who waited until I made an ass of myself to let me know you spoke high elven?" She asks one elegant eyebrow arched in mock contritness.

"I wanted to see what you would actually say." he teased back. He then loosened her hair and kissed her neck. "And I think I was on my way to the bath when you started your tantrum." A broad grin spread across his features. Arguing the small details always made them both laugh.

Alehial laughs. "Well, I bathed every single day, can you blame me for thinking you were a smelly barbarian. The first time I ever even saw you, you were half dressed and croushing down oiling your sword and cooking supper over the middle fire." Alehial says with a wry grin on her lips, he was in a very good mood right now apparently. Her hair out of the bun it slithered in it's braid, down her back. It was one thing Lyriel took to heart from her training. Always making sure to take care of her hair and get it out of the way.

He smiled and kissed her deeply while he loosend the tie on her pants. "I lament the fact that I'll be heading home when the caravan leaves." He held her still off the ground, she felt so right in his arms. "So my lover, can I convince you to let me rub all your tired muscles?" He enjoyed using his hands on her, she enjoyed it and most of the time it lead to other things.

"Actually that sounds amamzing! You're really going to spoil me you know. I wish it was just you and I traveling to get our children... but so much could go wrong." Alehial says leaning forward so their foreheads were against the others. She loved being in his arms and she hoped he didn't notice the weight difference. She hadn't been eating like well... he made her. She had gone back to her old way of not eating very much. She often did when worried about things or not thinking about it.

He set her upon the bed, and removed her shirt as well. Then he began to rub her back and shoulders. "I know how much the kids safety means to you." he whispered. Continuing to massage her, he leaned down and kissed her neck. Altair waited just a few seconds for the sound she was enjoying his handywork.

"mmmmm Altair you're amazing..." Alehial moans completely relaxing beneath him at his touch. Each area he worked over on her body made her respond with a different vocal responce and a murmurd word of flattery. She always forgot how talented his hands where when she was determind to be angry at him or frustrated with living in the stupid human city. It was when they were out and away from the city that she only ever truelly relaxed again and let herself simply be who she was and when he was with her it could be glorious.

He was happy she enjoyed his touch, and knew he was about to really make her ight when he started rubbing her feet. Pressing in the right spots to release tension and in a couple cases could make someone overtly amourus. "So, my talents still please you?" he asked. He was going to roll her over soon and continue working on her muscles. He grasped her ankles and began to infer she lay on her back.

Alehial chewed her arm to stop from laughing and giggling too hard while he worked on her feet. It still was ticklish as hell, so when he turned her and she followed him she let herself squirm a bit, though she still kept her arm in her mouth. The tears in the corners of her eyes however were hidden behind the bulk of her arm. the funny breathing and squirm would let him know exactly what had happened though.

He started up her legs, rubbing gently around her nethers and then up the rest of her body. For a moment he thought of staying at her nethers, but decided to get her relaxed first. "I need those hands soon," he teased. Continuing, he loosened her muscles and even worked her fingers and wrists. Leaning down again he kissed her lips, "Did I miss any spots?"

"No... I feel great. Like a puddle of half elf." Alehial lets out in a soft almost moan of a voice as his hands rubbed sore muscles into relaxed and blood filled muscles. Her pupils were dialated showing how relaxed she was and her eyelids were down a little as well giving her a somewhat sultry look as she lay beneath him on the bed comepletely devoid of clothing.

His touch now became that of her lover, he kissed her deeply. Her soft breathy response could seduce any man. "I think I need to find something to pour my puddle into." he laughed. Listening to her breathing was like listening to the wind, leaning down he kissed her deeply again.

Alehial moaned up into the kiss though if he thought was was going to get away with such dumb jokes in bed he had better think twice. She reached down and cupped the swell of his ass in her hand tightly. Then snuck her hand inside of his pants were she pinched the skin just under his butt lightly. Breaking from the kiss. "If I was stupid comments I'll go to your son the bard." She says smartly before nuzzling his neck and nibbling the skin of his neck muscles, letting her teeth scrape lightly and then licking the wound like any cat would to sooth the abused flesh.

One hand loosened his pants the other kept teasing her body. "Owww, bad kitty, be nice now." he moaned. Being together so long they learned how to touch and tease one another. He took the chance and nibbled at her shoulder and licked her neck. "You know how much I love and want you right this second, Alehial."

"I feel I might have an inkling how badly." Alehial giggled though she moaned at his touches. Her hand roaming over his back side lightly scraping her nails down his spine. Careful to not even leave a welt. She bit down gently on his shoulder where the most meat was on him and licked it soothingly again. HEr other hand teasing the flesh were his pantline was on his hip in the front.

Lowering his mouth he nibbled her ear, she was making him desire her so much. Playing and being playful was always a huge part of their lovemaking. Altair kept using his hand to rub her nethers, she was warm and aroused. "I think you are going to push me into escalting this." he groaned. 

"you should know..mmmmm... by now in this relationship I cannot push you into anything... your the one pushing into me." Alehial whispers next to his ear, before her hand playing with the skin of his stomachs reaches down into hsi pants to grasp him. She groaned at the feeling of his hot pulsing member and squeezed him lightly. her other hand gripping the thick muscles of his upper back and her hips moving against his hand at her center.

He released her long enough to discard his pants, "I take it that was an invitation to join with you my love." Altair then pressed forward into his true love. Lowering his head to her neck and nuzzling her, "By the gods woman, how is it you always make me feel like its the first time all over again." Alehial had that effect on him, making him feel younger and it was their first night everytime. The amazing warmth he felt coming from her made him emit a low moan against her neck.

"I don't know how you feel like it... all I feel is amazing bliss." Alehial groans out as she clenches around him and pulls him harder against her chest digging her nails into his back. She wrapped her legs high around his waist to bring him fuller and more deeply into her body. She loved feeling his hard masculine body against her own plush soft feminen one.

He pulled her just as close and kissed her deeply. "Bliss, I would describe you more as heavenly." he whispered. They always knew each others sounds and physical cues, it hadn't been long after they started being intimate that they picked it up. Altair pressed faster against her, groan in the intense pleasure they shared. He allowed his hands to roam for a little before grasping her hips.

Alehial moaned and met him thrust for thrust, gyrating her hips against him every so often, and raking her nails down his back. Moaning at every thrust and nearly crying out as her orgasm overtook her. His name was on her lips as she came and her legs tightened around his hips and his waist and her nails left deep scratches down his back. As her body tightened around him as well.

Altair felt her body and for every one of her moans he groaned a response. He could not ask for a more responsive lover, no one could in all the world. The more they thrust the greater the pleasure he felt and when she climaxed, he lost all control and orgasmed as well. He held her close and deeply kissed her lips. They didn't say much, they didn't really have to no on ever doubted they loved each other.

Alehial lay basking in his embrace, she felt wonderful, she still hadn't released him, she was always a little clingy right afterwards. Breathing heavily and holding him close to her. She moaned softly as her body shuddered a little in aftermath from what they had shared together. She loved basking in his warmth and feeling his chest moving against her own, she loved hearing his harsh breathing next to her ear. She wanted to burn the memories of these times into her mind so she would always remember them no matter what.

Altair kissed her ear then cheek, laying together like this was the perfect ending to their lovemaking. His hands continued to stroke and rub her sides and back, feeling her muscles twitch and listening to her. It was her and their family that he carried in his heart when he was away from them and home. "Have I made my wife very happy tonight?" he whispered into her ear. Part of him hoped she'd say no, because he would recollect himself and make her very happy if he hadn't already.

"Hmmm... you know I'm not really sure if I'm happy right now or not..." Alehial says nuzzling his neck below his ear. She was a mischevious glint in her eye and a rather naughty grin on her face. Not that he could see it of course. But it was there all the same as she teased him lightly. This man was her one true love. Her perfect soul mate. She would never find another man like he was to her.

"Since there is no half way answer." he responded as he nuzzled hers as well. Only she could get him excited like this, as he felt his body respond. He rolled over to his back carrying Alehial with him, groaning as they joined again. He held her hips and kissed her neck several times, he knew the didn't do this often. Demands of their lives sometimes got in the way of them enjoying and living life.

From the new position they were in now Alehial tortured Altair, twisting her hips and grinding down hard. raising and lowering herself and tightening her inner muscles around him. All her dance moves she had learned and kept up practice with she used. Though every few moves she took him deep into her and it made her pause. After all it was a better position for him to enter her fully, and she took him all. It had been a while since she had taken him all as completely as now. It wasn't long before she was panting and sweating herself. Glad her hair was still in it's braid.

He was in heaven and hell, he loved how she was treating him. Altair placed his hands upon her breasts carressing them. After a few moments he moved them down to hold her hips. Even though he thought of so much to tell her, it mostly came out in moans and groans of pleasure. Taking advantage of their new position he thrust his hips upward, trying to give her all of him.

Alehial cried out sharply her back going straight and her head going back. She was a sucker for Altair really giving it to her. Her inner muscles clamped down around him tightly and her nipples went hard. Her body glistening with beads of sweat rolling down her still fair colored skin. Her legs clamped tightly around his hips on each side. Her hands grabbed his knees and held them hard enough her fingers were going to leave indents in his skin as she climaxed hard.

Altair arched his hips and groaned as he shared her climax. He was breathing hard and held tightly to her hips. Smiling, both from the pleasure and that he pleased her. However he wondered who had heard the noises they had made. "Oh, Alehial one of these times people half a world away are gonna hear us." he groaned again and stroked her hips lightly.

"Let them. They will know then of our love together, and how our souls have bonded as we bond now." Alehial says softly slipping back into the slightly formal speech of high elven. Something she did when either very angry or very tired. "If Galin hears I want him filled with anger and boiling until he makes a fatal mistake and shows all his true colors once again." She says slumping over on top of him still. Her body twitching a little from the strenuos activity she had been putting it through. Her body was still sore from so much excersize she wasn't used to anymore. Add that to the last two nights with Altair and it was all she could do to hide the soreness from him. Though his hands and talent for relaxing her had helped a lot, she knew she would be very lonely when he returned home and she returned to her mothers.

He wrapped his arms around her body and held her close. "Right now, the evils of our world do not exist to me. Just these soft curves and warm skin, are all that concern me." he whispered. Altair knew they were both going to fall asleep soon, but didn't mind too much. His fondest wish right now was that all their children were warm and happy.

"So strong my love, so warm. Warm enough to make my blood boil and to make my heart beat. You are the only man I will ever love so deeply and so fully, with all my heart and all my soul. I would give it to you if I could like a soft and fluttering bird." Alehial says her voice getting softer. The lilting words of high elven flowing from her lips like honey from a spout. Her voice thick with satisfaction and sleepiness, as she lay on his chest listening to the deep rumbling of his voice and the thick strong heartbeat.

The tavern room was warm and only half full, when Lyriel entered. The tavern owner looked up and smiled, "Mistress Ravenwood?" he asked. Flint had described his dining partner for the evening to him. And she fit that descripton exactly, he suddenly thought young Flint was a very lucky man. "Your dinner companion is just through that door young miss, and I do hope you find everything to your liking."

"Thank you, I know this tavern has some of the most amazing meals I've ever tried before." She lets him see her bright smile, as she nodded her head in thanks. Opening the door and looking inside she smiles softly and steps inside the door so she could close the door behind her. Wondering just what he was up to. If he was still planning on wooing her he had another thing coming. It was true she felt for him but she couldn't fall in love and she just couldn't marry him, if she did the rest of her days ould be her living in sadness and lonelieness as she was left behind and he was not. She didn't want to love and wed. She certainly didn't want to have children for a very long time if ever.

After the door closed, Flint stepped picked up the tray and headed for the room. "Just in time." he commented as he entered behind her and shut the door again. He had the entire meal on the tray and several bottles of wine and even tea already in the room. There wasn't a lot of light in the room, and he then steped forward to her and pulled off the hat of disguise. "There much better, well at least I think so." commenting as he guided her to one of the chairs.

"Flint! What are you doing! Give that back!" Lyriel says with a gasp turning around. Not letting him lead her far into the room. She reached out for the hat he held in his hands. She hated being in town without it on. Especially since she had taken off her cloak and hung it on the peg already inside the room. If nyone entered now she was outed as the Drow she was born as. "Someone might come in here!" She says looking at the hat and trying to reach around him for it. He was so... big. right this moment she cursed her Drow heritage for making her so small.

"Wait a second and let me explain you hard headed woman." he tried to explain holding the hat aloft. He liked watching her trying to make him give her the hat. "Look around this room, Lyriel? Candle light, anything you would wish to drink, and the entire dinner hot and ready." He had placed a great deal of coin in the owners hand to keep people out while they enjoyed dinner. "Use those stunning powers of observation." he said with a teasing tone.

"At least let me keep it at my side you barbarian! I saw all of that, but if the place starts burning or people invade I have to be ready to go instantly." Lyriel says growling and jumping, her arm reaching above her as she leaned against his front with her own to try and gain some height to reach the hat. He still had almost more then a full foot on her. "If anyone is hard headed it's you! You Ravenwood blooded, hot headed, star struck fool!" Lyriel says still trying to reach the hat as she went up to her tippy toes.

He leaned down and kissed her, bringing one hand to wrap around her waist and the other with the hat hold it against her back. It probably wasn't smart, but her lips were right there. So while his heart pounded, he prepared himself for lady nature to bring her wrath against him. "Very well, but I do have the key and the door is locked." He looked into her eyes, "I thought of everything except dragons."

Lyriel stiffened against Flint's chest as his lips touched her own. Her eyes wide and she was unresponsive for the small amount of time their lips touched. "Flint...We have to stop. We can't... I can't keep doing this to you. It's not right...For us to be like this." Lyriel says looking at his chest and not his face. She had wanted to have dinner and have it be nice but... it was too intimate, she was getting scared of what she was doing, to her and to him.

"Why? What is so wrong about this?" he asked her. Flint knew the old arguements were cropping up again. "Why is it so wrong for you and me, but not for Lai and Conner, Alehial and Altair, Sirrus and Heran?" they tumbled out of his mouth quickly. It was dark in the room and he could only barely make her out. He released her and placed a hand in his pocket, the pin brushed up against it, reminding him Galin wanted to speak with him.

"Look at me! I mean it Flint. Look at me... I'm a Drow. Look at who I am. Look at what I am. What I'm doing in life and what I'm doing to you! Alehial is only half elven! HEr life is longer then humans but only twice so. Mine is three to four times that of a humans! Look at who I really am right now Galin Ravenwood the second." Lyriel says backing out of his arms. Shaking her head and holding out her arms to ward him off from anything else physical. "I don't know what overcame me in the woods I really don't. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I can't be who you want me to be, I'm sorry I can't be with you like you want me to. I'm sorry I ever came to the Ravenwoods home." Lyriel says tears running down her face she moves quickly and grabs her cloak putting it about her shoulders and drawing up the hood. "It would be best... if we avoided each other for a while Flint."She says her voice thick with her grief as she stood with her black skin and white hair, her dark green cloak around her shoulders and her hood over her head only partially hiding her hair from view.

She could tell he was trying to say something, to argue back somehow. He instead turned and left, slamming the door behind him. Lyriel could swear she felt a presence in the room. And after some time she saw something tear a chunk of fish away. Something was in this room with her.

"Show yourself!" She hisses pulling out two daggers into her hands instantly, she knew there was something in the room. She couldn't deal with this now. She needed time and she obviously wasn't going to get it. She waited defensive and wary of what could possibly be in the room with her.

"No!" was the simple answer she heard back.

"No? Why not? What need have you to hide when I know you are in the room now?" Asper asks looking around the table area for any more evidence of whatever it was that was in the room with her at the moment. She didn't like not being able to see someone in the room, or creature in the room as it may well be. "Just who or what are you?" She asks wondering if this... thing would even answer any of her questions. She had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach about this. All of this. Including what had happened with flint. she didn't have time to wipe her cheeks clear of the tears so she let them dry and ignored them as best as she could.

"Yous gives words no harms mes, and shat yous fedds mes. Swears sits Lyrieal Ravenwood, but no Ravenwoods." came back the disembodied voice.

"What does that mean? Words no harm? you mean if I tell you I won't harm you? Feed you? you're already eating the food that's there!" She exclaims trying to figure out what the rest of what the voice had said meant. Swear sits Lyriel Ravenwood but no Ravenwood? "You... know I'm not blood kin to the Ravenwoods? Is this what you speak of?" She asks curiously her brows furrowed as she tried to figure out what the voice was saying. She wasn't sure she understood.

"I's shows self you no sticky stick or clububs me? Swears..." it said again.

"I don't use clubs and fine I swear if you don;t try to harm me I won't try to kill you." She says putting the daggers away at the small of her back and showing her hands that she was unarmed. She took a second to wipe her cheeks with the back of her hand though. She was curious and a little dreadful of this... whatever it was. Especially after just seconds that she had insulted and hurt Flint like she had. She had even used his real name. She was regretting it heavily.

Across the table from her suddenly appeared an imp. It used its tail stinger to stab a piece of fish and pull it close. Popping a piece into its mouth and chewing quickly, "Is very good, you shoulds tries its. Yous and humans no kissy kissy tunight? Pities, but masters be happies." Then it looked at a bottle of wine. "Yous poors mes some?" it asked with a smile.

"Shit!! What in the name of the gods are you!?" She asks shocked enough she backed up a step and her hood fell off. It was then she realized that Flint had taken her hat of disguise with him when he had left. "Master? Who is your master? why would he be happy that I'm not... kissing Flint?" Lyriel asked the creature before taking a few steps toward the table and sitting down. She didn't touch the fish. She didn't feel like eating at the moment. She was resolved to pay Flint back his money he had wasted for the evening.

"I's Xibik, ands I's serves the master," his tail impatiently tapped a glass. Lyriel had the feeling if she wanted information, he wanted fed. Xibik was never told, not to tell the plan master told him. And if he left this meeting with a full belly then all the better.

Lyriel rolls her eyes and sighs aggravetedly. Picking up the bottle of wine she pours him a glass and sets it down nearby but with enough distance his tail couldn't hit her. No point in trusting this little... Xibix when she didn't know who this 'master' was. "Why is your master pleased with my not kissing flint?" She asks curiously, she gritted her teeth and waited to see if he answered her or not. She had a feeling he was going to be dodgy.

"Hes nose wants hes bloodyline wateres down." Xibik decided to give her a straight answer.

"Bloodline? Wait..." Lyriel stood quickly pushing the chair back with a loud screeching noise of wood against wood. "you're my fathers companion?!" She asks her hands straying near her blades before she forced them to her side and forced her hands into fists. She should have realized he was still around trying to rule over her life. He didn't even care about her, had tried to kill her. "What is your mission here? Why did he send you here?" She demands her eyes flashing dangerously and the look she was giving the little imp was not a friendly one by any means.

Xibik wiped his mouth stood on his little legs, bowed and proceeded to mimic back the night in the woods when they made love. Lyriel realized he must have been watching them, so in turn Vennis saw what happened as well. "I's serves the master and I's watches mistresss at hes commands, hes wantining temptasteion away from makins the babyies." Xibik then flew up to a bookcase where he hoped he'd be safe from her anger. "Hopes I do thats master isnts waitining for humansy outs ins thes shadows."

While at first sha had a hard time understanding him she didn't know. She would have been blushing hard if it would have shown up on her cheeks at his mimicry of her and Flint but the last thing he said chilled her to the bone. "What did you say? He's waiting for FLint?! Where! where are they meeting! Tell me Xibix!" She says following him across the room but careful to stay back several feet to give her time to reach her weapons if things got serious. In the shadows, yeah that was Vennis' style. Shadows and back stabbing, it was his forte, the forte of all Drow. Her lavender eyes had narrowed dangerously, if the imp knew what was good for him he'd tell her what he knew.

"I's not knowin, Whys yous care so's much?" he said then mimiced the earlier conversation. "Xibik's thinks you's lookeds goods all rollin an kissy kissyins."

"You little dirty fucking rat! Come down here so I can wring your black little neck with my own two hands!" Lyriel scowls and kicks the bookcase hard enough to rock it but not make it fall. She wanted the imp down on her level. She wanted something to attack. "You Contact him! You tell him I demand to see him now! Xibix I'll kill you if I must get this through to him!? Do you understand me little putrid foul creature! Tell him I demand to see him right fucking now!" She says her anger a tangible thing around her almost as her hands relaxed and tightened into fists over and over. She had beef with her father and she knew there was something happening to Flint that he wasn't telling her. If it involved her father then he was going to get himself killed.

"Rat? I's no rat. I's an Imp." he sneered at her. "Yous the one that sent hims away, safers he woulds have been buried insides yous, kissy and kissy until neither cans walkys." he teased. "Master no answers, Xibik. Eithers hes can'ts or won'ts." Flint could be anywhere by now, and possibly in every shadow could be Vennis Tryfell waiting.

"Shit... Shit! shit!! you!" Lyriel says pointing the to feisty little imp. "Come with me, we are going to find Flint. I've... I've got to warn him... Father only ever tries to kill everyone around me! Why didn't he listen before and stay away!? Why couldn't I say no to him!?" She asks herself angrily. Not yet having figured it out that it was Xibix who drove her into Flint's arms. She would call the wolves to her and have them track Flint, the only other thing she could do was scry for him.

"Why yous says no? Hes heart acheys for you, hes onlys seemss happys when nears you." the imp sing-songed the questions. They wouldn't find Flint, the rain would ruin the tracking. "Master, hates alll Ravenwoodys, but the one that hes daughters likey impalings self on soo muches." Xibik eyed the deserts laying across the room. It was depressing he wouldn't get to sample them.

Lyriel twitched a little, this imp was seriously getting on her nerves. "Tell you what Xibix... what if I let you have the rest of this food hm? the fish the wine and the desert? Could you take me to father then? Would you take me to where he is?" Lyriel asks trying to calm down with deep breaths and letitng her hadns tighten and loosen from fist to relaxed again. At least to distract herself from trying to kill the damned thing.

"I's does no knows, and me no lies to masters lil daughter." Xibik told her. He didn't know where the master would attack, just where he had been instructed to send FLint to talk to Soth. He flapped his wings a little, and looked like he might head for the window or the food. "Lyrials, whats that on the floors?" he asked pointing to the hat of disguise, right where Flint dropped it.

"My hat! My hat.... Xibix do you know anything?! Anyplace he might have been told to go?" she thought wildly, what if someone had already spoken to him... what if Galin had already approached him? would he go? Yes. After tonight he would go... he told her before she was the reason he stayed. Without her there was no reason... no reason. Lyriel pulled the hat on her head and it did what she always used it for. She waited for Xibix's answer. She was worried so terrbily afraid of what she had just done.

The Imp was silent, but before she got ready to leave said, "Everyones knows thats Alehials coulds finds anyones withs hers magics. Maybes, everythings wills be oks. Sothies are mads at hims, maybes Galins and guilds too. Ifs no friends masters has, thens Flints woulda been safer in yous beds."

"I don't need you telling me that! Um... don't follow me! right now I mean!" She says before going out the door. She was sprinting as soon as the door was open and ran out the pain door. She didn't care about the rain and ran through the mud and wet cobblestones to the house Altair and Alehial were staying in. throwing the door open with a loud bang she looked around. Just about all the lights were out and no one was in the house. "MOM! DAD! I NEED YOU!" She yells from the doorway before taking the stairs two and three at a time. "MOM! FLINT'S GONE!" She yells as she travels the steps quickly.

Altair's eyes flashed open, hearing Lyriel yelling he grabbed pants and put them on. He heard Conner wake up and call out into the hall, "What is going on?" He went to the door, to give Alehial more time to dress and stepped into the hall after telling her so. Lyriel came into the hall muddy and wet and most assuredly upset. "What happened, Lyriel, slow down, where did he go?"

"I yelled again, and he left. No scent too much rain! Galin or Soth or whoever it was set something.... Vennis is out there! He's going to kill him! I can't find him! I need mother!" Lyriel says hurriedly her breathing coming quickly but she wasn't quiet worn out yet. the hat of disguise continued working making her skin appear flushed from her excertion. "I'm not strong enough! I can't find him! Vennis is going to kill him! It's all my fault! MOM!" Lyriel yells again wishing this whole nightmarish day would end already.

Alehial had awoken and threw on pants and a shirt. She had no time for armor but she had her swordbelt on. Priority's were already well set in Alehial's mind. While she got clothes on and her weapons she heard Lyriel says everything, the panic in her daughters voice made her know Lyriel knew more then that but it was urgent they find Flint, especially with Vennis out there. She hurried out of the room. "I'm here, let's go I have to touch the earth to find him." She says grimply. Touching Altair's shoulder and looking at Lyriel.

While they began downstairs, He threw on a shirt and grabbed his swords. He glanced at his bow, but the weather was too harsh. He then hurriedly gave Conner instructions. And raced out to follow his wife and daughter, he hoped they'd find Flint nursing his wounds in a bottle somewhere. He honestly wondered if her information was correct. Would Vennis come here? and why attack Flint first?

Flint sat at the quarry, he took a horse and rode out to this place. The stone from here was used to make the walls of Garrison, now all that remained was a ramp and pulley used to lower to the cutting area and the river below. He felt miserable, Lyriel had protested then recanted so many times. They had enjoyed a night of wonderful sensations and almost immediatley she changed her mind. "Well, at least my life can't suck any worse now." he said sullenly.

"I beg to differ," came a cold response from behind him.

Alehiel looked at the ground outside of the house and cursed softly in elven under her breath. "I need dirt not stones." She says ignoring the rain that almost instantly soaked her from head to toe. She looked around and shook her head walking over to someones flower garden she knelt inside of it and prayed it was straight down to the earth and not a box on top of the cobblestones. Speaking the words of the spell quickly to learn the lay of the land, she was relieved when her prayers had been answered and she saw the entire fifty mile radious of the surrounding county and land.

Lyriel stood pensively near her step mother, watching the older and more powerful wizard cast her spell. She was the only one wearing a cloak but they all had their weapons. It was Ravenwood priority, clothing then weapons. Everything else was secondary and not quite as important. She was nervous as she watched her mother preform the spell. She was anxious to learn where he was and to get to him as quickly as possible.
"Altair get the horses... NOW!" Alehial says opening her eyes and shifting her gaze from the earth she knelt in and touched to her husband to the side of her.

Altair sprinted to the Dispensory and quickly he and three grooms saddled the horses. While he was taking care of that, Conner came from the house, throwing a cloak at his mother then taking the other and heading into the barn to mount up also.  "Which way do we go?" Altair asked Alehial. He handed them the reigns and fastend the cloak.

Vennis moved out into the feild of view, he wasn't wearing robes but he was carrying a sword. Behind him was six orcs all looking at the single human and laughing. "You will be the first of your house to fall before me, Flint." Vennis said moving forward. The human was armed, he wasn't stupid just outnumbered.

"Can't you ever just fight on your own, cowardly, but what should I expect from you." Flint tossed back. He had something else to say, except Vennis charged him, easy enough to parry. He started into the normal routines, with changes since Vennis fought differently. Trying to keep the orcs in his field of vision. "Well maybe I'll have a story to tell the family, if I win." he smiled at the drow and continued their fight.

"The quarry! Flint's there with seven others! Hurry!" She says having wrapped the cloak about her shoulders and leapt into the saddle of the horse. She didn't even wait a moment before she kicked the horses sides making it leap into a canter. She knew the rest would follow behind her. But she had to hurry with Vennis there Flint really didn't have much of a chance to live. "Of all the time to not pay any attention to the small schemes and of your only son Galin! you had to choose now?!" She scowls riding low against the horses back to let the horse run without her hundering it.

Lyriel had gotten on the horse quickly and after Alehial kicked her horse off yelling they were at the quarry she feared that all hope was lost and Flint wouldn't survive. HEr father was the most evil, and powerful wizards there was. If it was Vennis and Flint... there was no way a common soldier even a ravenwood could survive powerful magic like that. She too kicked her horse and took off after Alehial quickly.

The other Ravenwood men mounted their horses and continued out of the city. "The quarry is several miles away, we may not make it in time." Altair warned. He hated the idea he was bracing them for the worst, but knew it had to be done. Flint was capable and one of the better swordsmen he knew, but magic would be rough to deal with. "Alehail, you said seven, minus Flint & Vennis, who are the other five?"

Flint and Vennis battled back and forth, blades clashing against one another. He was unsure why the wizard didn't use any magic yet, "Don't tell me you don't plan on using any magic tricks?" Glancing quickly he saw the orcs were watching with interest. When he looked back he had to jump, Vennis's blade almost slashed his leg. However it was Vennis surprised when FLint kicked him in the face.

"I almost had him!" Vennis thought as he went backwards. The human was larger and stronger, therfore the kick sent him flying. He pulled himself up and saw Flint moving in. "I don't need magic for you." he spat, raising and meeting him head on. With a grin Vennis remembered the dagger in his belt, it would do so well if he needed it.

Alehial cursed again and pulled her horse to a stop. She turned her head and looked at Altair, knowing he would stop with her. "I have an idea and I know you won't like it Altair. But I can't not do it. Not if I can save Flint. Vennis was there with orcs. I don't know why, but I have a spell I keep with me just in case. It's the only way I'll make it in time to save his life." Alehial says not even blinking from the water running down her face and through her already soaked clothes. She knew it would be dangerous. But she hoped it would work and pay off.

He stopped and looked at her, "We should keep going Alehial, but what are you planning?" Altair moved her horse around handed the reigns to Conner who kept moving. It would slow doen Conner's response to the quarry. We will see you there then, "I take it if the spell doesn't work, your flying form will come into play?" They then continued on, galloping along the road to the quarry.

Flint suffered from a single slice, Vennis had two cuts one to hisforearm the other to his calf. They both continued at a quick speed, the orcs ponting and laughing. And almost to make matters worse the rain made footing slick.

Flint was amazed at the drow's speed and ability with a long blade. "So, anything I should pass along to your daughter next time I see her?" Flint said flippantly. He wasn't concerned yet about losing to Vennis. But, he wished if he was to die here that he hadn't left Lyriel at the tavern like he did.

"I'll tell my daughter you died like the dog you are!" Vennis cried and attacked again. Though he had a new plan for Flint since the fight wasn't going his way. As Flint parried his next attack easily, Vennis slashed the young man with his dagger. Instantly, the human retched and it was easily apparent the magic blade did as he made it to. Backing away the drow circled his now dying foe.

"I only hope I have time to save myself. the spell is esentially a... well a teleportation spell.. In which I teleport through one tree to another. I've visited the quarry before... several years ago. I met several trees. Just in case. If... If they haven't expanded and the tree I am teleporting to is still there it won't be a problem. But I don;t know if the tree is still there or not." Alehial says explaingin carefully but quickly none the less. She was already pulling out a few things she needed in the bags on her weapons pouch. She was going through with this no matter what, but it was a risk.

Lyriel hadn't stopped she was determind to get there in time. Her mother and father were doing something and she hoped it worked but she knew if only she could get there and he could hold out for her or at least called for help of some kind... There might be a chance. It was that hope that kept Lyriel moving the horse in a dead run for the quarry.

Flint hit one knee, his stomach burned the blade Vennis stuck him with must be poisoned or magiced. His latest retch brought up blood, and he fought to keep up with the wizard. "Damn you to hell, Vennis." he declared. Maybe he wouldn't have a story for anyone now, he thought. Not wanting to let the thought in his head, he simpley said out loud, "I love you Lyriel."

Vennis could not believe his ears, this human was still professing love for his daughter. He kicked out Flint's other leg, however the youth managed to dodge his thrust. And unbelieveably, Flint stood wobbly sword still in hand. Unbelieveable, and he felt the need to crush this insect beneath his boot. "There is no way a mongrel like you will water down my bloodline, she will never love you."

Alehial said the words and walked to a nearby tree. Taking a deep breath she closed her eyes and placed both hands on the bark of the tree. The words spoken she seemed to melt into the tree, simply pushing inside and was gone. It was only a second or two and she was pushing her way through another tree, it was smaller then the one she had used but ti didn't seem to matter and she walked out as smoothly as she would walk through any doorway. Opening her eyes she saw the orcs and Vennis and Flint standing there. "NO!!" She screams pulling both her blades and leaping forward into the six orcs who had lined up. She struck the first in the back with a straight jab and aimed her other sword to the one beside it. Two slices to that one and she was on the third on the other side of the first with a side slashing blow to catch his armor free side. She didn't care that she was splattered with the green orc blood. the only thing that matter was saving her nephew.

Vennis heard her scream and turned to see what had happened, as the orcs began to roar. And was surprised, Alehial had appeared and was attacking his leverage. No matter by the time she could cut her way through he have killed Flint. "KIll her, or die trying!" he called to his orcs. His scream was the next thing to peirce the rain.

When Alehial distracted them, FLint gripped his blade and swung. His aim was off but, Vennis screamed as the blade severed his wrist and it and the sword landed on the ground. It was almost all the power he had left, falling to his knees. Vennis was clutching the stump of his arm and screaming in the drow tongue. But, the world was dimming around FLint's vision.

"NO! FLINT!!" Alehial screams before dodging a blow from a club. Ducking away from a sword as well, she turned and slashed with both weapons simultaniously slashing across neck and belly of on the the orcs. Whipping her blade around she ran forward and stabbed through the shoulder of another, running her sword across his stomach growling at the chainmail deflecting her blows. She would never reach Flint in time having to deal with all of these orcs on her own. It didn't stop her from kicking the orc in front of her in it's privates however to make him get down and out of her way.

The remaining orcs charged Alehial at once grabbing and overbearing her. They made comments about how good the female would taste and what they would do. Suddenly, several orcs cried out in pain, as a longsword began carving into them. They dropped her arms and legs focusing on this new attacker. However Alehial couldn't see anything.

Vennis could barely believe the pain shooting through his arm. Flint lay on the ground, dying hopefully. It wasn't fast enough though, he pulled his dagger and continued forward. "Time to die little Ravenwood." he whispered getting closer to the non-moving form of Flint. He planned on drawing the dagger across his throat.

Flint heard him coming, heard Alehial & the orcs scream. He coughed and could only wonder what Lyriel would say when they found him. Turning his head to the side he saw how close to the edge they were. Suddenly he had an idea, enough to help Alehial if not himself. As Vennis bent down, Flint grabbed histunic and tried flinging him over the edge.

Lyriel ran to where Flint was. He was further away from the orcs and she had to go around the melee happening there. she wasn't even paying any attention to that. She saw though her father go in for the kill and Flint grab his tunit and bein the throw. Her eyes wide she feet slowed and she couldn't seem to get there or make much sense in what was happening really. He was hurt she knew that they both were. The purple blood was evidence of that but there was bright red blood as well and it worried her.

Alehial grunted in pain at the rushed attack. Her weapons gone from her hands she was dazed and couldn't really see around her. She heard the orcs screaming and she wiped at her eye's but the rain kept interferring and she was searching for her weapons more instead of worrying who was killing orcs. Besides who else could it be but Altair.

Flint tracked Vennis's momentum unsure if there was aenough to send him over the edge. His stomach contracted again and more blood came from his mouth. There was nothing else he could do, and he resigned himself that death was coming. He took the screaming orcs to mean that Alehial was taking care of herself.

He saw the orcs start to flee and let them go, they didn't matter. Reaching down offering a hand to haul Alehial to her feet. "Truly brave." he complimented her. "They are over there by that rock, your weapons, I'm going to go finish the drow now."

Vennis tried hard to stop himself and at the lip he managed to. He turned and laughed, "Pathetic huma.." There close to him was Lyriel, "No." he yelled and started chanting, a ball of fire appearing in his hand. Looking over he saw Alehial, and worse yet, Galin. "None of you will stop me, I'll kill them both!" As he said that he threw his hand up, and slipped over the edge.

Lyriel ran forward after Vennis' vanishing form. She stopped at the edge and looked down, wincing as he landed and his body broke against the rocks at the bottem. She turned away them and looked over at Flint before her eyes went wide. "Flint!!" She called out and ran to his side, one hand to his forhead the other to his chest. "No no!" She says panicked before chanting a light healing spell. It was the only one she had to offer. She hoped it helped, she didn't have any anti venom or anything to cure poisen from him.

Alehial turned at the familiar voice that was clearly not Altair's. She froze their hands still connected as she stared up at none other then Galin himself. She reached for her daggers only to realize she hadn't grabbed any of them. In her rush she had only grabbed her two main weapons and none else. She balled up her fist instead and struck him across the face pulling her hand and arm out of his grasp. She stumbled a little on her step backwards before falling on her ass slipping on orc blood on the rocks mixed with rain.

Flint retched up more blood and pointed at his backpack laying nearby. He wasn't stupid, and learned at his uncles knee, and after trial and lots of error he could make his own antitoxin. Lyriel being here at the end was comforting. Raising his hand a little further he managed to touch her, and smile a little. "I'm sorry, he forced the fight." he croaked before retching again.

Her strike wasn't unexpected, he rubbed his jaw and looked at her. "Not exactly the thank you I expected Lady Ravenwood." he teased. He stalked over past Flint and Lyriel to look over the edge, "Tch, looks like the current washed him away." Then he came back to Flint, "No Cleric available? You'll have to forgive me, I didn't pack for the possiblity of poisons. Lady Ravenwood, can you help this young man?"

Lyriel blinked harshly and looked up suddenly unprepared for the voice of Galin and deffinetly not prepared to actually see him there, and if he had sent her father to kill Flint then why was he trying to save him now? She was confused but she grabbed Flint's hand and held it tightly. Alehial got up quickly and rushed over to Flint she quickly cast her detect poison or disease spell to find out what was wrong and if she could cure him at all. If it was a poison it would be fine, she always had cure disease and poison ready for use.

The spell went off and indicated to Alehial that it was poison so she should be able to cure it. Galin looked into Lyriel's face, "I apologize the guild has been looking for your father. He however was being elusive, and until he attacked here my wizards could not get a location." He stood and seen Altair and Conner coming. "I don't wish to cause any trouble, tell FLint I hope he is ok." he said as a portal opened and he stepped through.

Alehial healed Flint of the poison and used her strongest healing spell on him to take care of him. She largely ignored Galin's departing and worried only of Flint. Lyriel nodded her head and watched Galin go. She understood now that her fatehr had run and that he had eluded Galin and his men. Vennis had run to kill Flint... because his imp saw everything they did. It was all lyriels fault this had happened. It was Lyriel's fault Flint was in such pain.

Altair dismounted and knelt over FLint with the others, "Is he ok, Alehial?" He was trying to ignore the fact his brother just went through a portal after being so close to them. "Can we move him, get him back to the city & out of the weather?" He gave both women a close look to see if they were injured. Conner in the mean time looked down of the cliffside, then walked back to where the drow's hand was, "Um, I don't want to upset or offend, but what do we do about this?"

Lyriel sighs in a little relief that Flint was going to be okay. Standing up slowly and releasing his hand from hers she looks over at Conner. Stepping away from the rapidly healing Flint, she walks towards Conner, moving almost stiffly. She leans down and scoops up the severed hand. Feeling the skin and the weight and the coldness of death in it. She looks up then into Conners eyes and her eyes showed nothing. They were glazed looking and blank, there was no emotion in her eyes at the moment. She turned and silently walked to the ledge looking down with a small pause before she simply dropped it over the edge. "Now there is no more." She says softly. Probably unheard over the rain. That was it. There was no more of Vennis save for her.

Alehial was leaning over Flint her forehead pressed lightly against his. Her hands on his chest both of them still glowing softly from the healing spell as it finished it's work on Flint's body. "He's fine... He's fine now." She says softly feeling as if she hadn't much breath left in her. She was shivering and it wasn't just because of the cold rain soaking her. "I'll take care of you Flint... I promise... I swear to you I'll always be here to look after you. I'll make sure you won't have to marry Poppy, Flint. I will do everything I can, you are my blood and my heart." Alehial whispers softly closing her eyes and kissing his forehead. He was as healed as he would get from her. There were no more wounds covering his body, and the poison was completely gone as well. His color had returned and his breathing was completely unhindered.

Conner went to Lyriel's side, "I know you may not care now but. May his god or goddess accept him into the life after this, and may he rest in peace." He felt no love for Vennis, but he did for his sister. Conner, grandfather Conner once told him that even your enemy deserves a measure of respect, if you send them to the other side. That being done he took her hand, "Lets get all of us home and dry."

Altair removed his cloak and wrapped it around Alehial, "Get yourself up on your horse, I'll get FLint and we can leave this place." He grasped Flint's wrist and hefted the unconcious young man onto his shoulder, "Conner get his sword and horse, make haste who knows if more orcs are about." He knew the death of Vennis and Galin appearing to 'help' them, would be a confusion for them all. He managed to get Flint up onto his horse, and swung himself into the saddle. Before that he whispered to him, "Your grandfather wanted him dead for what befell your grandmother, he smiles on you now." He nodded for Alehial to lead them back to the city.

Alehial moved as if her hands were numb. But she got on the horses back and nodded back nudging her horse along. She was deffinetly done for the day after this. She could handle no more emergencies or worries. She made sure Conner and Lyriel were on their horses too before she followed the path at a walk with the others behind her. Wondering over and over again in her mind why Galin had saved her and not his own son. She shivered as a thought went through her mind and instantly she disissed it. He lusted for her and wanted what his brother had... he didn't wactually want her to make him heirs. Not when he already had one.

Lyriel followed Conner, being led to her horse and mounting it mechanically. She pat it's neck gently when it shifted beneath her and huffed out a nervous breath at feeling her unease above him. Lyriel wasn't really feeling much right now. Her father was dead, Vennis the man who had killed her mother and sold her to slavery... who had almost given her to the Drow family he had left... the man who at every turn tried to kill her or kill those around her. He was gone. Her dad was dead, it wasn't until they passed in through the trees Lyriel realized not all the water on her face was from the rain. She wiped her face and scowled when more hot water replaced the ones she had wiped away. Gripping the reigns tightly she pulled her hood up over her head to at least hide her face from view so she wouldn't be ashamed she was crying for that worthless Drow she shared blood with.

The ride back was done in silence, Altair had a difficult time and finally dismounted and walked alongside his horse while Flint remained. He knew Lyriel would shed tears for Vennis, after all even he shed a few for the monster that was his brother. Alehial was lost in thought, trying to make sense of Galin appearing to fight off the orcs that had her pinned. She was important, Flint was greiviously wounded and Lyriel didn't have spells enough to heal him. Saving Alehial would garuntee she could save Flint, Galin was learning and that worried Altair.

It was perhaps fifteen to twenty minutes before they reached the garrison town again. Alehial calling up her voice cracking a little that it was Duke and Duchess Ravenwood and their children. The gate's were opened and they rode inside. She was too tired to answer any questions of the guards and simply asked them to take the horses and help to take Flint inside the house and get up upstairs to a room. She had used all her healing spells on Flint and knew he was completely healthy. But the strain of healing takes it out of both the castor and the recipient. Not much but enough and Flint had lost enough blood he might very well sleep all night. Just in case Alehial was planning on staying by his bedside for the night anyways. She had probably overdone her healing a bit having used all of her higher level spells to heal him but, if he wasn't healed yet he never would be.

Lyriel dismounted her horse and let them take it away. She had stopped crying a little while back and now she needed to go of and be alone. To gather her thoughts and rearange some things in her own mind. But first... She needed to find that Imp if he was still around. She didn't know if he was or not. She walked straight for the Inn/Tavern.

Altair handed Flint over to Conner and a couple soldiers, he turned and wrapped an arm around Alehial. "I can read your thoughts Lady Ravenwood, you are going to get cleaned up, dry and rest. I have a healing wand with me, I will watch over him tonight." He saw Lyriel walk towards the tavern, figuring she need time to herself. "Father watch over my children, those with me and everywhere else." he thought.

Xibik was depressed, as he continued to shovel food into his sharp toothed mouth. Master no longer felt present in his mind, he lamented the loss of some of what he gained being a familiar. "No more yummy fish to (hic) comfort poor Xibik. Ohhh, is that sugar cakes? (gulp) yummy! wish Xibik knew how to bake cake." He turned to regard Lyriel when she walked into the room.

Alehial sighed and leaned heavily against Altair letting him take some of the weight of her body. "If I had only had my weapons in hand I could have ended this all tonight." She says softly already blaming herself for Vennis and Galin, Flints injuries and Lyriel, her poor confused daughter. She had lost her father... and while he had tried to kill her several times there was something there that Alehial knew Lyriel had tried to hide from them all.

"You can tell... that he is dead can't you." Lyriel says walking into the room and sitting down. She landed heavily in the seat and just stared down at the little imp still eating the food that Flint had set up for her. She still couldn't beleive it. Flint had just flung him over the cliff edge... She didn't know why but for some reson her heart felt like someone was squeezing it in her chest. Vennis may have tried to kill her but she had seen the fierce pride that she was so strong physically and mentally to stand up and fight for herself and against even him.

He knew what he would say wouldn't give her the comfort she needed. "What you did and how you fought saved Flint, my love. And while you are the most amazing woman I know, you can't do everything, no one can." he kissed her cheek and helped her inside. Once he took her to their room he set her down & removed her wet clothes and grabbed a towel and started to dry her off. "Once you are in dry clothes its into bed to rest, I know it will be hard to & I'll come check on you while we watch FLint ok?"

Xibik stuffed another honey cake into his mouth. "Gods thesses be heavenlys, has yous trieds theeses?" he squeeked, then choked. He slithered across the table and drank from the glass of wine. "Mys connections to mys formers master doesn't feels likes theres anymores." he told her before reattacking the cakes. "HOwsevers, I's does knowes thet hes was gonna toast you and humansy with his friesball." he looked at her showing he wasn't lying.

"I have no doubt he would have. He's been trying to kill me since... Since he killed my mother for my brother not surviving the birth." Lyriel says shaking her head and putting her elbow on the table. Her chin resting on the palm of her hand, As she watched the small creature stuffing his face. "I suppose then you'll be running off on your own to cause mischeif now won't you Xibix." Lyriel says watching the little imp with little interest. She was glad she could at least speak with it. After all it was the only thing other then Galin or her grandfather that knew him. Even minutely.

Alehial sighed and let Altair take care of her. "Yes alright... I'll try Altair. I just wish I could do a little more not... everything. Just enough." Alehial sighs softly and pulls on one of his shirts to sleep in. Right now he needed to sleep with something that smelled like him if not him personally. While she was worried about Flint she now had a plan to resolve the marriage issue.

"Me no knows, might follows yous, sinces I likes yous and humansy." Xibik said between mouthfuls. "Or maybes I find new master, OR...mes could stay heres and eats mores cakes!" his little eyes light up at that comment. "Sos, wills yous forgives humansy for hisis part?" he paused and looked at her closely. Immediatley he moved back to the empty wine glass and groaned. "Woulds yous minds fillingre mys glass again, maybes ones for yous toos?" he asked.

Lyriel nodded her head and stood up grabbing the wine bottle and uncorking it. She pours him the glass full and sits back into her seat taking a drink straight from the bottle itself. She didn't just take a small one she held it up for a minute perhaps and simply swallowed the contents down her throat before putting it down on the table. "I suppose now you are no longer tied to him you can go anywhere and do anything you wanted yes?" she asked looking down at the little imp.

He looked up and nodded, sipping the wine like a dog. Then he wavered a little bit, "Hows you drinks like that and no falls down so's much? (burp)"
Xibik stumbled back to the non existant cake and started looking for it, even peeking under a napkin. "You see where the cake got off to?" his speech changed with the amount of alchol he drank she suspected. "Xibik needs himself a place to sleeps off my drink and meal, maybe I crawl in with a maid, nice and warms and smells nice." he smiled before falling off the table.

Lyriel grinned a little watching his antics as she took another long draw on the bottle. "I little imp have more of a tolerance then you do. That and I'm used to fire wine though... this stuff isn't bad... not bad at all." She said softly taking a third long pull from the bottle. She was amused by the little imp. "You'll get caught if you sleep with a maid you know. then they'll send in the bird girl and Lucas after you." She warns softly looking over the edge of the table leaning far forward.

She could hear a soft sniffling sound from the floor, "Oh, what matters it! I'ss alonesy, mays as well go finds bridy girl and humansy holy woly warrior and ask them to vansquish me." He climbed back up onto the table and blew his nose on a table cloth then pulled it over himself like covering a corpse. His barbed tail stuck out as did the tips of his wings, he seemed to neither notice or care. "MAybes I find a hag? Oh, theys stinky. Greats, I'ms a over picky sidekickey!" When he sniffled again the cloth moved slightly, showing only a peek at the creautre beneath it.

Lyriel grins gain watching him being over dramatic. If she were evil and a wizzard she'd take him. but she wasn't either of those things. That was... someone else. "Find another Drow then since you have taken such a fancy to us. Or if you wish to give up I'll call my so called brother and sister here to get rid of you hm?" Lyriel asks sinking down to slouch in the chair, something Alehial would have scolded her heavily for. Brothers and sisters... "Bah!" She exclaims finishing off the bottle with a sigh. She had no family now. Well, she supposed she never did have a family to begin with. She loved the Ravenwoods but they weren't her family not really. Her drow grandfather he wasn't her family, to them she was a puppet. "Looks like I'm all alone now too Xibix." she says with another heavy sigh.

"Yous as lonesy as humansy, master tolds mes thats humansy dads wasn't interesteds ins hims either justs spitsy ons thes Discipleys and leaves." it told her. He sat up holding the tablecloth that now looked like a blanket. "Why yous says 'BAH' anyways?" looking up at her quizzically. Death by holy types was never a great idea, so in truth Xibik would have to strike out on his own. "Maybe I find a clean monster type, maybe powerful but dumb so I be the boss."

"I have no siblings. My twin brother was too weak to survive and Vennis killed my mother for birthing a dead son and a healthy daughter. Twin are rare for Elves of any kind even the Drow. The fact the male died was a bad omen. Now my so called siblings are human and psion. Married to who knows what." Lyriel says before standing up. She unclasps the dripping cloak and hang it on a peg before undoing her weapons belt and putting it up on the other peg. She walked back over to the table and cleared it off a bit, then began pulling hidden daggers from her person, one in each boot the two at the small of her back and two more one from her bosem and the other was an upside down spine sheath she had custom made for herself. Once those were out and on the table she began unbuckling her armer.

Xibik watched her, "Yous has so many weapons, almosts as manys as peoples that loves yous."  He watched her and wondered if he should find something more important to do with his life. "Yous no happys withs peoples whos loves yous?" he asked. Grabbing a crumb of food he chewed thoughtfully watching her. If she wasn't happy, then he wondered why she stayed with them.

"I have as many weapons for as many battles I am sure to see the need of weapons for." Lyriel says shaking her head and pulling off most of her armer setting it on the table as well. She then took off the underpadding and set it on top of the armer itself and relaxed in the seat once again. Just in her tunic and pants and boots now. As well as still wearing the hat of disguise. "I do love them. Very much but. It's not really the same anymore. I know I don't belong now. Not just because of what I am or who my father was. But because everyone is leaving... I know I'm young... really young, But everyone else has someone, or children. I won't for hundreds of years... or at least one hundred years." Lyriel says with a shake of her head.

"Why nots asks somones whos liveds and loveds, likes you?" he asked chewing slowly. He then got up and took a sip of wine, smacking his lips he sat on the edge near her. "I's ifs was huamnsy or otherwisey, I'ds finds ways to stays nears yous." he attempted to flatter her. His stretched his wings and yawned once. "I guessy we's in s the sames boatsy, huhs?" he asked her.

"The only person I could ask was grandmother... and she's dealing with the death of grandpa still. Not to mention she's pregnant. Yes Xibix we are in the same boat and if you were human... I shudder for humanity." Lyriel says with a small grin before reaching out and scritching under his chin gently wit her fingertips. She knew Flint liked that, when he had a beard or gotee anyways.

He almot purred, and grapsed her hand snaking out his tongue and licking the pads of her fingers. "Ohhh, no ones hads evers scratched Xibik likes this, feels goodsy its does." His wings began to beat back and forth creating a slight wind towards Lyriel. "Ifsy I was humansy, I's thinksy I'ds haves a prettys ladys." he laughed but, went back to purring almost immediatly. Lyriel felt his tail wrap around her wrist and squeeze almost like a snake.

Lyriel laughed and then giggled at feeling his tongue across her hand and started to gently scratch his chin again. She'd never heard an imp purr it was one of the most interesting sounds she had ever heard. "I am a pretty lady Xibix, and well I am not yours but we are here." she says softly using her other hand to stroke down his spine.

He shivered and continued to purr, climbing down from the table onto her lap, he released her arm. Xibik wrapped his arms and wings around her, and wound his tail around her leg. Other imps would be shocked at what he was doing, but he enjoyed her attentions. Xibik continued to purr and vibrate under Lyriel's hands. He turned his head and again his tongue licked the pads of her fingers.

Lyriel smiles softly and continues to pet his spine and scratch his chin. She wondered if no one had ever shown Xibix kindness at all... and what it would mean if he accepted kindness and wasn't somewhat evil in return? She wondered if that were even possible. She watched Xibix and grinned at his continued purring, it was almost catlike and yet... not. The important thing was it was distracting her and she was glad for the distraction regardless of how it came about.

"Xibik likess Lyrielss, sshess treatss mess nicey." he cooed. His little eyes started to glow and he withdrew his tongue and rubbed his face into her tunic. Then turned his head and waited for more, and smiled again as his tail squeezed her thigh. The purring got louder and he vibrated against her more. "We's frindss nows?" he asked looking up at her.

"Yes sure why not Xibix. We can be friends." Lyriel nods her head and gently scratched down his back, she knew to be careful because of everyone in the family getting the dragon anatomy lessons. It had to be somewhat similar for an Imp because of the wings at least she figured. The vibrations of the louder purring made her giggle though because it... well it tickled to be truthful.

His purr increased in intensity and he flapped his wings around her. "Ohhhhs, Lyriess I's bees veryss goodss friends." he cooed again. Then he wrapped his tongue around her hand and squeezed tightly, his tail followed suit. There was a soft knock at the door behind them. And admist his squeak, Xibik turned invisible.

"Who's there!?" Lyriel asks pulling one of her hands away from Xibix and shoving the hat of disguise back on her head. She grabbed a dagger and held it in her lap, hidden from the door and away from Xibix to not hit him. It was odd feeling the imp's weight and body even though she couldn't see it. But she let that thought go and concentrated on the door to the room.

"Excuse me miss, but if you are done in here could we clean up?" a maid asked. 

Xibik's weight pulled at her tunic, but thankfully he released his tongue from her hand. He used his legs to find some purchase so he didn't fall. Turning back he continued rubbing his face against her tunic. The purring susided quiet a bit so not to disturb or be noticed.

"Yes... Sorry... Come on in... I'll gather my things." Lyriel said back relaxing her grip on the dagger and setting it on the table. "Xibix I have to get my armor back on and my weapons and cloak." She whispered softly, she could still feel the weight of the little imp and she didn't know if he was going to follow her or what it was going to do. But she slipped two daggers back into her boots and was waiting for him to let her up so she could get her things so the maids could clean the room.

Reluctantly he slid down her body and landed softly and scampered from the room. Deciding since they were friends, once outside he opened his wings and flew to the house where the Ravenwoods were staying. She was nice and sweet to him, he decided thats why the other human liked her and master was angry with her. It was true he was a familar, and his first allegiance was to master, but that bond no longer existed anymore. "I'ss no make promissess untils I seess hows mistress treatss Xibik."

"I'm sorry things didn't work out as your friend planned. He seemed like it was important you be given privacy during your meal. You're very lucky is cares so much." the maid sighed and began clearing the dishes.

"I am lucky. Lucky that he is my cousin and cares." Lyriel says putting her armer back on and loose. She wsa putting all of her weapons away still as the maids were cleaning. "I just hate that if we don't get along we are fighting so hard." Lyriel says with a sigh sliding her daggers into their sheaths and her weapons belt back on. Grabbing the cloak next after tightening her armer just a bit more.

The other maid apparently unable to hide her interest said, "If he was my cousin, I might do something cousins really shouldn't. I find him very attractive." Her friend blushed and attempted to shush her, "My apologies my lady, she doesn't mean to offend.

"Nothing to aologize for. I know how attractive he is. Even if we weren't related... He's just... Not my type I guess." Lyriel shrugs nonchalantly as she put the cloak around her shoulders and clasped it. "You really should pay attention to his ass though. I've seen some nice ones but damn!" she winks at the girls and slips out the door. She had everything she had taken in and now she was going to go to the house and find a bite to eat in the kitchens since Xibix ate hers.

Xibik waited for her to open the door and he slipped inside, and almost paniked seeing Altair Ravenwood sitting on the steps. Altair looked up at her, "Are you alright Lyriel?" He stood and took her hand into his, looking at her with concern. "If you wish to talk about what happened, I'm hear to listen." He knew fighting with and losing someone in you own family was confusing as feelings conflicted.

"What's there to talk about dad?" Lyriel asked looking up at him, trying to hide the fact that all she wanted to do was curl up in his lap and let him hold her until it stopped hurting and being so confusing to her. She wasn't a little girl anymore, she could handle things herself. She did tighten her grip on his own hands holding her though. She didn't realize her silent musing had made her eyes tear up anyways without her even having to stop acting tough and grown up for once.

Sometimes his family was an puzzle to him, this time however his daughter wasn't. He pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her, not speaking knowing she didn't need words. Altair had only let a few people know even he had mourned his brother, as it was the nature of family. Vennis Tryfell was responsible for this wonderful daughter coming into his and Alehial's life. For everything else he did, Altair knew he'd be judged, but this was about comforting Lyriel.

"W-what's wrong with y-you hugging me alla s-sudden." Lyriel says trying to stop it from happening but the hot tears welled up in her eyes and it only took a moment of Altair holding her before they fell down her cheeks and she stopped trying to hold them in anymore. Shakey breaths and her sobs where the only noises from the downstairs area. She clutched at him desperatly as if everything else weren't solid and he was her anchor to the world. She cried until her throat hurt and she cried until her eyes burned. Until finally there were no more tears. She lay sniffling in his arms shivering with her head against his chest, his shirt wet ith her tears and leaving her feeling comepletely exhausted. As if... now that she had cried she didn't have anything left in her at all.

He unhooked her cloak, and removed her sword belt. Altair picked her up and took her to the sitting room. Conner had volunteered to watch over Flint while his father strecthed his legs. Lyriel was in pain and he knew it, and while he couldn't change it he could offer comfort. Setting down her held her on his lap, cradling her head against his shoulder.

It wasn't much longer after Altair had moved them that she had fallen esleep with the comferting presence of him holding her, and the familiar smell of oil and leather and metal. The remembered embrace that when anything went wrong Altiar was always there to make it better for her. She was asleep. The hat of diguise deactivated, as she had fallen into her reverie by simply being too exhausted and her mind falling back into old ways.

He pulled the hat off and discarded it, he then loosened and removed what he could of her armor. Altair brushed her long white hair out of her eyes, Conner would come to see what was keeping him later. Wishing none of the children would ever have to deal with such pain, he held her close. Faintly he could smell wine on her breath, and he did not fault her a couple drinks though he knew it wouldn't truly help her. "My poor little girl, if only the entire world could live in peace." he whispered to her.

Lyriel snuggled a little against his warmth more as he had spoken. She didn't drop out of her reverie though. After everything that happened she was too deep in her reverie and she needed it. Laying in his arms comfertable and relaxed in a way she hadn't been in, well in fact in years she once again looked almost... ten or thirteen even. Completely relaxed and laying in his arms her breath soft and nearly silent in the dark house, she once again was the trusting little girl that Altair and Alehial had raised.

Conner had come around and cast a quizzical look at his father, then nodded and went back upstairs to keep an eye on Flint. He continued to hold Lyriel close, wondering if any of the other children ever just needed this as well. He remembered when she was sick once and he held her almost like this. In four hours she'd awake and he encourage her to talk about what she felt. Conner would wake him if FLint needed him, and if ALehial woke up she'd probably take Conners spot.

It was only a few more hours that Alehial did wake up, not seeing Altair she dressed comfertable and despite still being exhausted and a little sore in places... like her knuckles. She went to Flint's room. Walking in she put her hand on Conner's shoulder. "Conner where's your father?" She asked in a whisper not wanting to disturb Flint if she could help it.

Conner stretched, wand in hand and looked at Alehial, "Lyriel was really upset & last I saw he was comforting her in the sitting room." Conner smiled grimly, "And he hasn't moved or stirred since we brought him in. If you want go check on them and get a spot to eat. I can keep on eye on him for awhile longer." He noticed her knuckles and grinned, "Need some help?" indicating the wand.

"No... That's one bruise I'd like to keep as a reminder. Thanks son. Why don't you go to bed. I'm used to skipping meals when your dad isn't around to force feed me." Alehial said with a grin taking the wand from him. She didn't have spells yet and she hadn't slept a full eight hours either. But they were here for a few days so she knew it'd be fine. "I love you Conner and I swear to all the gods if you ever do anything like Flint did or like Elsa did... I will disown you." Alehial said angrily and threateningly before she hugged him tightly and kissed his forehead in a motherly fashion.

"Aren't you curious about Lyriel and dad first? I'll stay, he isn't going anywhere. And do I look like I'd do anything so foolish?" he said with a smile. Conner held onto his mom, he looked in her eyes, seeing her concern. "But, you have to promise to not worry so much, brothers and sister and family have each others backs."

"Then stop sleeping around before you catch something aunt Arten will have to cure!" Alehial scowled and pinched his cheek. Hard. Before kissing it and giving him a big hug. "I can't promise the impossible Conner. I'll always worry about my babies. Especially all the really cute ones. I'll go check on them since you so intent on me seeing Dad and Lyrie." Alehial said hugging him tightly yet again and kissing his cheek, she knew it didn't hurt that much but she wanted to make it feel better anyways.

"I am very careful mum." he replied and squeezed her back. "Now go see if Lyrie needs a mom style hug. And don't come back with out a piece of fruit or some bread and tea." he teased. He took the wand and resumed his seat, watching over Flint.

Alehial chuckled softly and wondered when her kids had to start watching out for her instead of her watching out for them. This must be what Lai felt like. Heading down Alehial stops in the doorway and smiles softly. Lyriel was still so young, really young! Alehial thought that of all her kids but for Lyriel it was more true then the rest of the kids. She even still had quite a bit of baby face left over. "Altair." Alehial calls softly, making sure it was a whisper to not bother Lyriel sleeping in his arms.

He had allowed him self to drift in thoughts, trying to make sense of enemies and life. So, when she whispered his name he looked quickly and smiled. "How did you sleep?" he whispered, "I think right now she doesn't have any tears left. Did you check on Flint yet this morning, and the young man who volunteered to watch him?" Altair wondered if she'd join him on the couch or head back upstairs.

"Slept fine. I'm... not surprised she waited until you came to her. Flint's fine, and Conner demanded I get food before I start watching over Flint." Alehial said walking into the room and sitting down near him. She gently moved some hair out of Lyriel's face and sighed at seeing the purple swollen eyes that were a clear mark that she had been crying. She kissed Altair on the cheek and moved some of his hair out of his eyes too though she smiled at him.

"Our son learned from the best my love. I was stretching my legs when she came home, and this was as far as she got." he whispered back. He smiled at her, always more concerned for the kids and everyone before herself. That's why he insisted on being more caring for her before himself. "So what is for breakfast this morning?" he asked in a low tone.

"Oh no you've been up all night! Once she comes out of her reverie you are going straight to bed Altair Ravenwood. You and Conner both." Alehial whispers crossing her arms and frowning deeply at him. She was not going to let him exhaust himself like that. She didn't comment on the lerning from the best remark. It was laughable at best. She was worried about Lyriel but there was nothing she could do other then be there for her and ask her to join her after breakfast and washing up on her watch over Flint.

"Any thought to where Tani and Lucas got to? I would have expected them not to stay in the house." Altair mused. Some people would have thought it strange with a full grown woman on his lap, but Lyriel was light and he barely noticed they had been like this for almost the four hours of reverie. "Well you go on and get your breakfast, I will send her to come see you when she wakes. He smiled at her and looked at her with love in eyes, then looked back to Lyriel waiting for her to open her eyes.

"I think they might have gotten a large room at the Inn. Altair... I love you. You'll always be my hero." Alehial says softly before kissing his lips lightly and walking out of the room to the kitchen. Searching around she found a pear and a little bread and she took those upstairs with her. Sure that Conner would accept it as her breakfast, and go to sleep without having to worry about her. Even if it was a ruse and she wasn't going to eat it all.

He gave her a curious once over, "And you are going to be eating your breakfast? Cause you really don't want me informing to dad right?" He kissed her cheek and headed for the door. "Was Lyriel up yet, she had been with dad since shortly after I relieved him from watching Flint."

"Do you think your threats of running and being a little tattle tail will really frighten me into eating food Conner?" Alehial raised an eyebrow at him as she sat in the seat he had just vacated. "No... Lyriel's... not done with her reverie yet." Alehial says softly shaking her head. She wished she could do more for her little girl. But there was nothing really she could do, her own father had been killed but she had loved him dearly and he had loved her even more. Even killing the bastard who killed her father hadn't been enough to ease the ache in her heart from his loss.

Conner shrugged and left the room, he wasn't sure but it was worth a try. Flint groaned a little and stirred, but didn't wake. The illness was gone and the wound healed, but he'd still be sore and a little weak. The other men had cleaned him and dressed him in dry clothes.

"Don't you worry Flint... I'm here." Alehial said softly before humming one of the lullaby's she had always used for her children. She hoped it would sooth whatever dreams he was having, and help him to relax as well. She wished she could have done more... saved him somehow more then she had done. But Altair was right it was useless to dwell and only madeher tense so she let it go with a little difficulty and cofused on what she could do which was hum the lullaby and wait for him.

It was only about thirty minutes after Alehial had left that Lyriel stirred a little. She took a deep breath and opened her eyes slowly, they felt swollen and hot. She blinked once or twice to clear her eyes and looking up into the face of Altair still holding her. She had thought he would have laid her down and left her at some point.

"Good morning little lady," he leaned down and kissed her forhead. "Did you rest well, I hope." he squeezed her, still holding her. He hoped she would be able to function again soon. No one would rush her though, it would take a long while for her to come to terms. "Are you hungry or thirsty, Lyriel?"

LYriel nodded and brought a hand up to rub her eyes. blinking a few more times she disentangled herself from Altair at least enough to sit up more comfertably. "thirsty." Lyriel very nearly croaked out of a very dry mouth and winced at the sound. she felt weak and foolish for having cried like that... or so hard. She felt like it was true that she was still just a little girl playing as if she were an adult. She ground her teeth a little and clenched her fists. "I need a bath." she said clearing her throat and trying to get herself together again.

Altair took her hands again, "There is no shame in tears, it proves you have a heart." He kissed her cheek and traded setting her down, he went and got her some tea. Coming back he sat across from her and put the cup in her hand. "I'll have a couple people help draw some bath water. Your mother is upstairs watching over Flint, she came to see about you. I bet she'd like to see you when your all cleaned up."

"...Why do you always say it like that?" Lyriel asked softly, she sat sipping the tea. Greatful to Altair for getting it for her and for everything else. She had taken off all her weapons and armer and sat comfertably now. Everytime Altair spoke of ALehial to Lyriel it was always in the same terms. 'Your mother' 'she wants' 'She'd like' 'She is' Lyriel wanted to know why. It wasn't that way for any of the other kids. She know she thought of them by name and not... parental title. Like she had... well she just didn't. She didnt know when she had started or why but she still did it.

"I don't mean to upset you with how I refer to her when speaking with you." he said. He knew what she meant but didn't know how to make it better. "I don't mean to upset you with the reference like that. Would it do better to to use her name, you kids all at one time or another called us, mother and father. No matter what you call us, it doesn't change the fact we love you all."

"No that's not what I mean... you always say... your mother. Like it's a demand I call her mommy like a child. Like I'll forget who it was who took me in and taught me. Like... you don't want to be part of what I am." Lyriel says the last she said her lips quivered and her voice broke and tears instantly filled her eyes and rolled down her cheeks. She blinked hard and quickly wiped them away. "I-I know your my parents but... you aren't My mother and father. there is no one like me. And no one knows what to do with me." Lyriel says chocking back sobs, she had done her best to get it all out. To get it off of her chest. She'd seen Elsa and Mathius and Lucas all do it once. Fight with Altair and Alehial about being their parents. She had swore never to di it because it hurt them so much. But now she couldn't stop. they way he spoke of Alehial around her felt like he demanded to be recognised when it wasn't the truth.
Lyriel had to set the cup of tea down so she could wipe at her face and try to stop the tears and hurt inside of herself from coming out and hurting him too. But she just kept crying and her hands were shaking and wouldn't stop.

He took her hands, "We know you have never forgotten that we took you in. And there will never be a time that we would not want to be part of your life. As far as what to do with you, while you are too old for cuddles and kisses, you aren't to old for our love. Truthfully, I don't think Alehial and I mind what you kids call us. We love you all just the same."

Lyriel hiccuped and shook her head, trying to calm down enough to tell him. Trying to gt control over herself to explain. "That's not what I meant! Alehial wants to keep me in Baerlon but she doesn't know what to do with me there! You've always been to busy for anyone but the boys and Alehial and you guys keep treating me like an adult and then like a child and I KNOW Alehial worries and She's gone to Lai and Lai says I'm just a little girl and everyone else has families and people who love them and it's not confusing or anything for them!" Lyriel says still sobbing and hiccuping now. She was trying to make Altair understand but he wasn't getting it. And she knew she wasn't easily understandable what with all the crying but she just couldn't stop the tears from coming no matter how much she wished they would stop.

"Lyriel, our family is not easy to define, and sometimes we get things wrong. I apologize, as I have to Lily and Elsa that I should have spent more time for you girls." He thought ruefully, he was going to take a long time with just the girls when he got home. Reaching out he wiped away her tears and put his hand to her cheek. "I honestly want to improve on my weak points with you, can I ask you to give me that chance?"

Lyriel sniffed and nodded her head a little. Her bottem lip quivered a little again and she stood and sat next to him as closely as she could and put her head on his shoulder. She wrapped her arms around him and wiped her face with one of her hands again trying to keep herself under control and no longer crying. Altair was like a rock in a storm. Or at least that was what Alehial had told her once. Everytime Alehial was too distraught or didn't know what to do Altair was always there to give her some idea or to help her calm down to think and get through things. Lyriel hoped it would work that way for her too.

Altair hugged her back and produced a handkerchief, "Conner always insisted I carry one when not wearing armor, it seems more polite." He wiped her face and put it into her hands. "You missed her awhile ago, you were still in reverie when she came to check on us." he smiled at her. "You should get a bath and some normal clothes on for a little while, and don't worry about the hat ok?" He stretched and yawned, squeezing her in a tight fatherly hug.

"Conner is a ladies man. Anything that might tickle a woman's fancy or play into the night in shining armor image. If any of the towns women come... I'm putting it back on... but I do want to wash my hair..." Lyriel said softly blowing her nose and wiping her face off. "Maybe... I'll let mom and you rest together after I bathe." Lyriel said standing and stretching. "You haven't held me while I did my reverie in a long time. Thank you... dad." Lyriel says softly with a small watery smile.

"Yes your brother is, and that will be fine if they come." he agreed with her. Sometimes people wanting to wish them well, became a pain in the ass. "And for me and mom to rest together, Flint will have to awaken and be feeling well. And it was my pleasure to be here for you Lyriel, I love you daughter." Altair kissed her hand and wished her a good hot bath, before going upstairs to check on Alehial and Flint.

Lyriel nodded and left before she started to cry again. She went straight to the kitchen first. Fixing herself some tea and grabbing some bread, sitting down while the water heated she ate the bread slowly. She only finished half of the small loaf before she wasn't hungry any more, she set the loaf down on the table and walked to the pot pulling out a cup and pouring some water in it. Putting in the tea to steep she sit's down at the table again. She had some time before the women came to make the warm bath and left again. She had the hat on the table. She took it with her when she left the sitting room.

What she didn't see was the remaing bread float in the air and follow behind her. Xibik had watched her most of the night, but once she went all hugging he explored the rest of the house. The place wasn't bad, better than most of the places he had slept in the past. Keeping pace with Lyriel wasn't hard and he wondered what she did during the day. He stopped from time to time to take a bite of bread and watch her and think.

Lyriel sat again and set her tea down. She looked at the table and frowned looking for the bread she had just sat down. She stood up again and looked around for the bread. "Xibix... How much do you need to eat anyways!?" Lyriel sighed grabbing a new loaf from the bread box and sitting back down to her tea. Putting a little sugar in and stirring it, straining the loose tea from her cup. Taking the knife and cutting the bread she takes a bite from it and then a sip of her tea. Letting a grateful sigh fall from her lips. Her throat felt really raw just then.

He smiled and wrapped his tail around her ankle, "Not too much, I have such a small stomach. Sometimes a wild birdy egg, that breads will keeps mes for much of the dasy. Did's youse resty do good? Humansy satyeds ups whole timesy yous was veveries." 

"He used to hold me when I remembered things and dreamt of the past. He's a good man and I'm proud to call him my dad. I feel refreshed. Though my throat is very sore, and I know my eyes are swollen." Lyriel sighs softly and sips her tea some more. She smiled though at feeling the slight pressure of his tail wrapping around her ankle. "have you checked on Flint as well? Or are you afraid to go where my... where Alehial is?" Lyriel wonders softly out loud.

"I's knows wheres room is, but decideds not to goes insidesy. Tempty not fates does me." he was quick to respond. He peered up at her from under the table and watched her expression. "Yous gonnas goes seesy hims soon?" he quired her. Xibik sneezed after sniffing around the table more.

"That was a good idea... Motehr is proficient enough in nature that she could send you off as well of the bird girl. I am going yes. I'm hoping she won't stay, she needs more rest then what she's gotten. She's only half elven. She's also half human though.I'm going to see Flint and make sure he's okay." She nods taking another sip of her tea and taking a few bites of her sliced peice of bread.

"So, whats I do's when you leaves heres to goes theres to visits humansy?" he eyed her again. He hoped onto a chair and pulled another bit of bread from the loaf and dunked it into the butter left on the table, then shoved it all into his mouth. "Yumms, cows stuffs tastes goods it does!" it was all muffled and sounded funny. What was more odd was when the bread came away from the loaf, dunked and disappeared into thin air.

"You can go anywhere you like... or just stay in the sitting room. Only a holy person or person close to the gods will be able to know where you are. Stay clear of them and you'll be fine otherwise Xibix." Lyriel says saking her head and watching with a small smile on her lips. She thought it was funny was the image of the bread floating and chunks getting bitten off into a mouth that wasn't there. She drank some more of her tea and grinned where he was sitting on the table top.

She heard the door open and the women's voices began coming down the hall, it sounded like Conner was with them. "Ladies, I'm sure that my parents will appreciate all of this food. It really does look very tasty, you should be bothered so much when we come to visit." They dimissed his concerns and told him how cute he was. She had only seconds to bring her disguise back in place.

Lyriel grabbed her hat and stuffed it on her head, turning it into the familar hair clip and herself into a creamy skinned elf once again. She took another drink of Tea and that's when they came through the door. "Conner you better beware the wrath of your parents if you go wooing and breaking hearts in this town." She warns softly taking another bit. Hoping Xibix got off the table and out of the way as quickly as possible.

Coming over to whisper in her ear, "Only if you take the same advice, I've seen quite a few men look at your backside with a longing stare." He smiled to the women and nodded, "If you'll excuse me, I was up with my cousin who had been injured last night, I think I shall get some sleep." He exited the room and they turned to look at Lyriel. "Do you want anything else, Luv? We brought some fruit spread and sausages and many other things." they said. Near her ear she heard a whisper of 'sausages' then scampering feet away from her.

"I was wondering if it would be at all possible for a hot bath? I've been traveling for some days. I'll take a sausage whilst I go visit Alehial and my cousin though. If none of you would mind?" She asked softly with a smile. She was well aware how men looked after her. She was exotic in either her true form or her elven one. Men always wanted the exotic. she wasn't out for any sport though. Not now probably not for a long while.

"Course dear, and take two, will fill you in a little bit." one of the woman laughed. "And we'll see to it that a tub gets full of hot water for ye."  They were filling plates for Altair and Flint as well as Conner and the others. Still others were going to gather clothes to see about washing and mending. The kitchen seemed to take on a life and warmth of its own.

"Yes um thank you... But I already ate some so one will be good enough. Sorry about leaving the cup unwashed. Um... I'll go now thanks." Lyriel says after deftly snagging a sausage from a plate and leaving the room quickly. She shook her head heading for the stairs. She didn't know how women did that, they were already cooking and mending the fire was lit and the stove lighted. There was laughter and much talking in soft tones in the kitchen. She'd never seen women swarm so. It figured that it was all thanks to Alehial, hero to all women of Andor. Even before she was a hero at all. Lyriel stopped on the stairs and knelt holding out the sausage. "Alright Xibix come get the sausage already." she says looking around cautiously so no women would see or hear her.

He crossed in front of her path, stealing the sausage and licking her fingers clean. "Yummmmmsssss, is goody goods, thanksy yous." he crowed. Xibik continued on invisible with his prize, disappearing a little bit at a time. That having been done, Lyriel had only to visit Alehial and Flint then her date with a hot bath. She looked back only to see a little piece of sausgae under a couch slowly vanishing.

"Strange imp." Lyriel shook her head before going the rest of the way up the stairs and up to Flint's room. She only wanted to check in for a moment and then get her bath and take Alehial's place on watch. "How is he?" Lyriel asks softly from the doorway.
Alehial jumped, she had been dozing some and she turned smiling and then frowning at Lyriel. "Are the women here?" She asked softly noting the skin and hair color of Lyriel's. When she received a curt nod she sighed. "He's just sleeping. that much healing and the loss of blood took it's toll is all. He'll be fine. there isn't really any need to watch over him like this I just... Don't want someone to come back and..." Alehial left off. "Take him to Galin. I understand." Lyriel nodded her head. "I'll be taking a bath and then relpacing you mom. You and dad both need proper sleep." Lyriel said sternly.
Alehial chuckled softly and stood up stretching and cracking her back. "I know. Can't blame me for worrying all the same can you? Have you eaten yet? Also make sure to commune with nature, don't let it wait too long, you never know when you might need a spell on hand." Alehial said in her teaching voice.
Lyriel grinned again, "I ate but it looks like you didn't... I'll tell the women downstairs your hungry, Well I'm off to bathe and I'll return to take next watch." Lyriel said shaking her head watching as Alehial leant back over and gently brushed the hair from Flint's forehead and fixing it softly. It had to be a mother thing though and Lyriel headed back downstairs to find out where the bath was and send some girls up to feed her mother. They would make sure she'd eat. She could already hear their chatter and laughter.

Once she arrived and told them about her mother having not eaten there was a huge uproar. A plate of bread with butter, sausage, cooked egg, and fruit was made up along with tea. The younger women were trying to compete to see who would get to take it up to Lady Ravenwood and possibly see her charge. "My name is Ilomma and I'll show you were the tub is, they just finished filling it." a dark haired young woman said and led Lyriel to the room where the tub was.

"Thank you, Ilomma." Lyriel nods her head and follows the young woman. She couldn't beleive how much all these girls coveted Alehial so much. They treated her as she should be, a mother and woman first, a hero and duchess second and a military leader least of all. It made Lyriel chuckle at the thought of all the women argueing over who would get to take the food to her. She followed Ilomma otherwise quietly.

Ilomma opened the door to the room with the tub there wasn't much else except the copper tub full of steaming water. "Shall I stay and help you miss Lyriel." she stood there for a long while and waited for an answer. Her heritage seemed to be more Ophirian than Andorian. Long red hair and bright green eyes, she also possessed Andorian skin tone with a smattering of freckles. "We have some soaps from Tessia, a trader brought them two weeks ago." she pointed to the small plate near the tub.

"Thank you but no. I can handle it from here Ilomma." Lyriel says with a dinly smile. She wouldn't be able to bathe at all if Ilomma stayed in the room at all. So she waited politely and smiled at the other young woman. Waiting until she left. There was already towels and wrags in the room as well and really the only thing was the girl. Other then that Lyriel could bath and wash her hair with soap and finally get clean.

As she finished undressing and started into the tub she heard a slight chuckle. "Iss wes maksi Lyriels soups?" he quipped his invisible voice from inside the room. Xibik had kept pace with Lyriel and the other woman and slipped into the room. For some reason he felt a little protective of new friend. And Xibik understood Lyriel was a beautiful woman, but didn't understand the need to diguise herself.

"No we are not making soup. I am going to bathe and get clean." Lyriel said slipping the hat off and tossing it over with her clothes. She then unbraided her hair and shook it out. It was almost to her knees by the time it was completely out of the braid. She sank in the water and soaked herself thoroughly before just relaxing in the tub and watching Xibix.

He slid under the hat after he became visible, "Whas thisy? I's agrees withsy humansy Fwint, you much loverlyier withouts its." He suddenly looked like a large tabby house cat, then a white wolf puppy. The only thing that still marked him as an Imp was the eyes. In this new form he hopped down and looked over the edge of the tub. "Whys youse no licky self clean? Or orders Fwint tos do's it?" he cackled.

"why would I even WANT to lick myself clean? Flint is still resting from his wounds, he couldn't help even if I told him to. Thank you for the compliment, but be careful with that. If I go out without it I'll get attacked or killed." Lyriel warns before closing her eyes and relaxing completely in the hot water. She only waited a few moments before grabbing a wrag and the soap and begining to scrub her arms and neck and chest. Standing so she could scrub the rest of herself.

"People's makes no senseys, whys wanna hurt someshin prettys?" he said. It was rather strange to see a dog speaking like that, almost comical. He went over and snuffled through her clothes, hoping she had another sausage somewhere. Oddly, he began to wonder what other kinds of animal he could beocme. This magic hat of hers was rather ingenious and quite fun too.

"Because people don't make sense Xibix. People don't like what they don't know or don't understand. It's always been that way and it always will be." Lyriel said with a slight shrug of her shoulders before she began to scrub her arms and torsoe. Standing she scrubbed the rest of herself before rinsing herself off. Grabbing the soap again she lathered her hair. It always took the longest for her to wash and rinse and dry.

He watched her wash her body, remembering the parts that Flint seemed to enjoy touching or tasting. "WHys iss Fwint sso differentsy froms others?" he asked in a curious tone. Xibik found elves and humans so curious, they lied to themselves about what they wanted. And Flint was a huge enigma to him, he showed great feeling for her, that sometimes didn't seem returned. Maybe Lyriels feelings weren't always so obvious becasue she was drow, or that it had to do with his former master.

"Flint... is a typical Ravenwood. He loves fully and whole-heartedly... like a child. He loves and trusts too easily. I won't be the one to break his heart and leave him morose. I see Lai moping around and not eating properly. I see hear her move silent at night about the house with tears running down her face. I WILL not become like her." Lyriel said resolutely as she continued to lather up her hair. Working the soap through it all the way.

"Sso beings likey Lai iss bads then?" he asked turning around trying to look at his tail. "Ifs he lovey like yous saids won't stayings aways breaky his heart and maky him m'orose?" some of those words made Xibik's head swim. The imp never understood matters of mortal hearts, they could be downright entertaining. Shaking off the hat he got closer to the tub and sniffed around, the soap tickled his nose and the water was warm but now not as clean. "WHy do this? Does it helps to dunk self in water and usey smelly stuff?"

"No not bad not really... just being like her is a bad thing is all. I don't know what to do about Flint Xibix. If I did I wouldn't be screwing up all the time would I?" Lyriel said dunking her whole body under the water again and rinsing her hair harshly. Resurfacing and wiping the water from her eyes she continued to rinse out her hair. It always took the longest for her to wash and dry. But she wouldn't cut it, not for a long while at least. "Because... it get's the dirt off of me and makes me feel happy." Lyriel explains with a soft sigh.

He looked over the lip of the tub and sniffed again screwing up his nose and face. "Watery and soapy thingys makes happis? I's thooughtys Flintsy makes happis? Manys thingys makes you's happis?" Flapping back to the bench he turned back and kept watching and waiting for her answer. Humans were confusing, taking pleasure in somethings but denying others. Imps conversly, denied themselves nothing, and for the most part took pleasure in mischief.

"Yes Xibix Lot's of things make me happpy. It's complicated being a human. Flint makes me happy in a carnal way... these make me happy just for the sake of enjoying it." Lyriel said standing up from the tub and wringing her hair out as best as she could. She grabbed a towel and wrapped her hair up in it and put the hat of disguise on her head. Making it a pin to hold the towel in place. She then started drying off her body quickly and wrapped herself in the towel so she could change into clean clothes in her own rooms.

"So, I comes withs you's? I's gonna nap and don'ts wants steppedy ons." he asked. Having been trampled over the years by Vennis and the odd apprentice, he always tried to find an out of the way place. And Lyriel seemed nice enough that she'd keep him from harm. Actually he wondered if he could stay long enough with her if he'd be fed regaularly and warm and comfortable. "Flints no makey yous happi anyothers ways?" he spoke his thought out loud.

"He does but... he's better at Sex then anything else.. other then fighting of course." Lyriel says wrapping the towel firmly around her body after drying off as well as she could. "Sure... you can sleep in the room. I'm sure Tani and Lucas won;t even swing by... Alehial healed him and then some." Lyriel nodded her head, she really didn't see a problem with it at all and so she didn;t mind much.

Once she opened the door he bounded onto the bed and stretched out. "Ohhs, nows this feelys goods it does!" he just about purred and flapped his wings lazily. He looked rather funny all stretched out and enjoying the bed. After a few minutes he turned his head to regard her again. "WHys yous no afriads me's seeings yous withoutsy coverings?" he asked rather innocently. FLipping over he sat up on the bed and inspected his stinger.

"I'm not... it's the women downstairs I'm worried about." Lyriel shook her head grinning at his antics. She dropped the towel rifled through her clothes before pulling out black pants and a dark green top. Pulling on underthings after taking care of hygene and such, she pulls on the clothes and takes off the hat. Intent on drying her hair as well as she could.

She heard a scraping sound and realized he was using the stinger to clean his teeth. Once he took care of that he inspected his claws and retracted them again. He folded his wings aginst his body and got closer to her watching as she was drying her hair. "WHys yous keep hair so longs? Whats ifsy an enemiines grabsy it, could spell curtainsys for yas." Reaching up he ran his little fingers through some of her hair.

"I like it long. Besides I keep it in a braid most of the time... and the Andorian court doesn't ever know what to think of me. I always invision my mother with long silver hair too. I know it's probably silly since I don't even know what she looked like but... I like to imagine she would have made a good mother... Like Alehial is." Lyriel said with a shrug of her shoulders, still working to dry her hair.

"Ohs, Perhappys master hads paintings of hers?" he supposed. Flopping over onto his back and satring at the nails on his little toes. Looking over to notice her look, "Me's canst be sures of coursey." Xibik thought quickly that even if he knew where the master would have had anything like that, it wasn't his to tell. Suddenly he decided maybe he might need to move before she tried to wring it out of him.

"I wouldn't even know... the last time I was there.... was to fetch him to force his help with Flint... After I refused to leave and bothered him of course." Lyriel made a face thinking back about those times. She looked inquiringly at the little Imp and his flinching and scurrying. "Even if he did Xibix... what would I do with it? Where would I keep it and how the nine hells would I get to it?" She asked softly taking out her brush to care a little more for her hair.

"OHs, hes moveys since then, to the newys location." he confided. He scampered up to the pillow and crawled under it. His tail then slipped under it. Xibik hoped she wouldn't press him into telling where the new lair was located.

"Then he had moved and his stuff has to. What should I care for Xibix? I've never seen her face and why should I need to now?" Lyriel sighed softly and brushed her hair evenly, with smooth strokes. Humming softly under her breath an elven lullaby. It was one Alehial always sang to every child or wounded person under her care. It often was hummed by most of the children without them really paying attention to them.

Xibik pushed the pillow up a little and looked at her cautiously. "Nots evens curiousy whats shes looky likes?" he pressed a little bit. Then dropped the pillow back down. It was a dangerous journey and it wasn't like the master didn't have guardians watching over his things. She'd never be able to do it alone, and it was doubtful anyone would willingly travel to the lair.

"Of course I am!" Lyriel snaps angrily then huffs and continues to brush her hair trying to sooth herself back into a resemblance of calm. "I always have been. Who doesn't want to know what their parents faces look like? But I got over it a long time Ago Xibix. When everyone abandoned me and I had to do things myself. The Ravenwoods have been more then kind to me, I would like to repay them for that, someday I might get to, but for now I just try not to dissapoint them." Lyriel says brushing her hair all the while speaking with the little imp. HEr hair was still wet and very thick but even though there wasn't a hair out of place she continued brushing it.

He stuck his head out from under the pillow, looking a little like a turtle. "The new lair is well defended, evens ify that painty is yous moma. It would take more than yous to gets up ats it. Bes happis witsh whats you havesy, is dangerful to goes questin fores its." he stated matter of factly. "Theys beens mores than kinds, I watchy Lordsy Ravenwoody holds yous earliersy, likes mosty mens cradles gold."

"To the Ravenwoods children are more precious then any kind of payment Xibix. And I already told you I wasn't going to go after it. I can live my life without it. It's not that important. It's just an image after all." Lyriel says rolling her eyes, tired of the topic suddenly. She wondered if he was always this chatty or if it was just for her sake that he was talking so much. She continued brushing out her hair knowing the more she brushed it the drier it would become.

Xibik shook his head, happy he didn't have hair and pulled back under the pillow. How could children be more precious than gold? Humans and elves made very little sense to him ever. After a long time, he began to doze off, his breathing made the pillow move a little bit. His last thought was wondering if she'd stay long up there with Flint.

Once Lyriel was content enough with how dry it was she drew some of it back and tied it off. Dress and clean she puts the hat back on her head and concentrates. Another hair decoration and she walked out the door and into the hall. Up the stairs again and knocking on the door walking in. Walking straight to her mothers side and putting her hand on the slightly larger womans shoulder.
Alehial looked up at Lyriel and smiled then frowned a little. "He's still asleep. The women wouldn't mind you... not wearing the hat Lyriel. I could speak to them." ALehial offers softly handing Lyriel the wand and standing up.
"It would cause more hassle in the long run. I'm fine mother. I'm used to this, just go and rest with Dad alright." Lyriel smiles and hugs the older druid. Taking the wand from her hand gently and sitting down in the recently vacated seat, she knew she wouldn't have too long to wait, it had been almost a full thought already.

Shortly after Alehial left, he stirred a little. The wound on his back while healed ached and throbbed, making him groan. Flint knew he wasn't alone, Alehial would have made sure of it. Opening his eyes and squinting a little bit to see Lyriel, disguised as always in town sitting with him. New aches broke out inside him, he had killed her father after she again rejected him, there was no way he could make amends for what happened.

"Hurt still?" Lyriel asked softly, leaning forward a little her grip on the wand tightening from the loose embrace that it was before. She saw the grimance on his face though what it was from she wasn't completely sure. There seemed to be a lot of it going on though and she knew there was a lot he could be hurting from. Basically she knew there was a lot he would be feeling most of it regret or remorse upon waking.

"SOmetimes no matter how much healing, an ach still presists, at least physically." he admitted. Flint wasn't sure what he should say to her, but felt he needed to say something. "Lyriel, he didn't give me a choice and I know you might hate me. But believe me, I'm sorry it had to happen like it did." Remembering what happened before his confrontation with Vennis, he was unsure what would happen between them.

Lyriel sighed softly and leaned back in the chair again. "He set himself up for his own death. He died because he failed at the task he had set himself. He got the death that was long coming to him." Lyriel shook her head. She still felt a little numb to what was going on and what had happened. Even after crying and falling asleep in Altair's arms, it still hurt, But she couldn't deny any of what had happened. And she certainly didn't lay the blame on Flint. "I don't blame you for his death Flint. I don't hold you accountable."

"So, how long have you been watching over me?" he asked. He watched her and fought the urge to reach out for her hand. She had told him no again, and it still hurt even without the attack from her homicidal father. Something just couldn't let him shake her from his heart, he loved Lyriel and that hurt worse than any wound. "So, the Ravenwoods showed up to help you and Alehial save me." he commented.

Lyriel shook her head gently. "Alehial got there first. By the time I got there... Galin was killing the orcs to save her. Her heart ached because when she had seen Galin was when Flint had thrown her father over the edge of the cliffside. She tried to keep all the emotions off of her face, the anger, the sadness, the loss and the heartache. I only just forced Alehial to bed twenty minutes ago." She said softly, she almost wanted to tell him about the imp but a warning in her own mind made her not. Xibix would be her secret... the last thing she had linked to her father. She'd keep him her secret, even from Flint.

The mention of his father made him sit bolt upright, then immediatly regretted it. He felt like he was going to be sick but croaked out, "Galin was there?" Flint had been told that Galin wished to speak with him there, could it have been a trap for Vennis or himself? He was able to read some of her emotion and he hated that he was the cause. "Could I trouble you for some water or something, Lyriel." he asked trying to change the subject.

Lyriel nodded and got up getting him a glass of cold water and kneeling by the bed to give it to him. She pushed his shoulder back until he lay flat again. Concern covering her face more then anything else now. "He was worried about you. But he knew he had to save Alehial to save you. I... didn't have the spells to do it. He stayed until he knew you were going to be fine... then he left, he said he would be back." Lyriel said softly, wanting him to know, just as she would have. If her Father hadn't died of course.

He placed his hand over hers and took a grateful drink. "How long was I out for?" he asked her. Again his father was a subject he'd rather not talk about. "I appreciate your attempts though, you've always been there for me." It concerned him that now there were so many things they could not or would not talk about, they never hid much from each other.

"But each failure is a heavy price I keep making you pay." She shakes her head sadly, it was something she was starting to realize, she couldn't keep him safe. All to often he had been in trouble... because of her. Each time he was hurt the most was her fault. The direct result of her being with him or doing something to him. "You slept nearly twelve hours. Even Conner took a turn watching over you."

"No one can foretell what is going to happen, and you do more than you think." he kept ahold of her hand. If she was allowed to keep thinking like this she would hold him at a distance. "I guess I should check my boots for any Conner pranks then. If he keeps on like this someone might think he is growing up." Thankful his true family was willing to watch over him when he was in trouble. 

"He was really worried about you Flint. And his mother. He even ordered her to eat breakfast since Altair was downstairs with me." Lyriel says with a slight grin, it wasn't much of a smile and it didn't hold nearly as much mirth as it would have normally. "As for the future... There are a few who can and do often know what to do and how to do it. I confess I am not amongst them but I need to be...more aware of myself because of my... race." Lyriel sighs coming down to the truth of it.

He looked into her eyes, beautiful silver and so expressive, "Those that would treat you different for your 'race' are idiots. I've always said that Lyriel, you shouldn't have to suffer because of evil drow." Part of Flint wanted to draw her down and tell her how special she was. "I take it Altair and you needed to get some things out?" Truthfully he didn't expect her to tell him.

"Altair is more a father then most born and blood related to it. If I could call anyone my father it would be Altair. I simply meant I'll far outlive you and all my supposed siblings and thair children. I need to be aware that what I do now will affect others in the next generation as well. And the one after that and the one after that. Lai was right when she said I was too young and don't understand." Lyriel shakes her head, she saw the look in his eyes and on his face though. The fact they continued to skirt issues neither of them wanted to speak about wasn't helping.

"Altair is more a father to a multitude more than flesh and blood ones." His own father was included in that sumation, Oddly only Mathius's parents were the only unknown parents. His and Lyriel's were evil, Elsa's sold her to cover a debt, Luca's died during the occupation, and Darryl's was just plain creepy. "But no one knows what the next day or night may bring in anyones future." he had made that arguement before to her. "I mean if you had told me that Galin and Alehial would be fighting to a common goal, I'd have called you beautiful and crazy in the same breath.

"They might... just in different ways. Who knows what the will of anothers is Flint. Not I. Sometimes it feels like the Ravenwoods want to pick up more strays then to have their own children. You're the only one that makes sense. Well... you and Darryl of course. I'm the daughter of their enemy... or was. There was no reason for them to take me in." Lyriel says with a soft sigh, as much as she was glad he was alright, she could see the pain he was in being near her. Or of them both talking together about such things. Though they always said they wouldn't somehow they always ended up doing it anyways.

"Friend or enemy never mattered to them, we were all children who needed some to care about them. You helped protect the house and combined with your wit and charm, well you know the rest." he finished by kissing her hand. The family taught the children to believe people could be good, just be pratical about turning your back to an unproven one. With her hand so close he could smell the soap she had used to bathe. He thought aout the night in the woods and how wonderful it had been.

Lyriel got a slightly troubled look on her face before she looked away. Even though she pushed him away he was always so tender and so caring towards her. She hated that he was so easily swept up in her, it made it all the harder to deny him. In his arms and in his bed she found a peacefulness she hadn't anywhere else. It scared her and saddened her to know how short his life would seem to her in the years and centuries she would suffer alone. "Flint..." she says softly the pain she felt clear in her soft spoken word. "Why can't you just let me go? Why do you pursue me with so much furver..." In her words was the ache she felt over him, the pain she felt each time she tried to push him away.

"I can't name it Lyriel, its more than words can say. You and I understand those things others label as ugly about each other. People see you and see drow, I see the beauty and compassion. They saw me and saw son of a murder and usurpor, you saw me. And there is more than that." he tried to explain.

"It would be better for us both not to be involved or complicate matters with each other so often. I mean at all. Dammit Flint... You're not helping to explain anything... you are so useless... getting stabbed and liking me and... Gods your like a fucking puppy alwyas following me around with our tail wagging. Happy to have any scraps I give you." Lyriel blew out a frustrated and aggrivated breath. She wasn't harsh about it though and the moment she said it and let out the breath she laughed. Then sat on her ass and laughed a little more. Especially with what had happened to him, it was ironic and funny.

"Lyriel, I have feelings for you I can't bury or burn and if the only way to share them with you is to take scraps, then 'ruff ruff'. He smiled at her and shared the chuckle, he remembered when the wizard brought out his lycanthrope heritage and merged it with a dog. The only person he felt safe with was Lyriel. And she cared for him exceptional well until he was normal again. "You used to like when I frustrated and aggrivated you." he raised an eyebrow and finally held out a hand to her.

"I was a lot stupider a few weeks ago." And she thought to herself, if only I had gotten smarter. Because she reached out and took his hand after and moment and laid her head on his chest. She hated how much she felt she needed him and the comfort he gave her. The closeness between them was something she didn't know if she would ever find again. She was stupid for wanting it to the degree she did. "Can I buy you a collar this time then? Cause you wouldn't let me when you WERE an official dog." she teases softly.

"You do, and you'll have to pin me down to put it on." he chuckled. He gently brushed his hand through her hair. "I still hate the fact you are wearing that stupid hat. I understand it, I just hate it." Flint knew long ago that Lyriel was different, but like he told her it made her special. People that looked 'normal' sometimes had blackest hearts, Lyriel was reversed, onyx skin and a beautiful heart.

"I could pin you down. Not like I never did before hand either of course. When we were still young and stupid you never complained about it. You even tried it once or twice yourself." Lyriel said softly picking her head back up, and sitting on the edge of the bed instead of on the floor beside him. "The ladies are here, we should go downstairs and get you food. As much as you ache you need to move and get your body adjusted to the new muscle freshly healed.

"Taskmaster." he grumbled but started to get up. Lyriel could see the mark were the dagger had done its work. Standing with a bit of a groan he grabbed a shirt from his pack then his boots. "Alright we will go eat, but I really don't like sitting in the middle of all that chatter. Looking back at her he offered his hand to help her up.

Lyriel shook her head and stood on her own. "We can sit at the table. If we ask they won't bother us. I haven't really eaten either so we can eat together if you like. Then I have to go outside and commune with nature, get the spells I might need for the day." Lyriel says stopping in the doorway with a soft smile looking back at him. She hadn't really needed the hand so she hadn't taken it. but she waited for him in case he did need help managing the stairs.

He made it to the stairs and groaned part way down. The muscles in his side ached in protest, but he kept going. "So, am I supposed to go with you to commune or are you waiting until the next warden awakens?" he teased. Alehial would probably keep a close eye on him until Baerlon was back in sight. Flint could already hear all the women in the kitchen talking, and steeled himself for the onslaught.

"Do you need help? and no... I'm going to eat and then commune. If you want to come you can but it'll bore you. Just prayers and reverance and the like. Though I'm sure Alehial will freak when you aren't in bed when she wakes up again in a few more hours." She laughs brightly waiting at the bottem of the stairs for him. She was worried a little but knew he should be fine. He was being a baby about the aches of new and newly healed flesh.

"I'm fine and we wouldn't want Lady Ravenwood hunting us down." he responded with a smile. As soon as they entered the kitchen they were quickly led to the table and made comfortable. Everything smelled wonderful and the fire in the hearth made everything more festive. Flint listened to the women listing everything that there was to eat. "Ladies first," he commented dryly to Lyriel.

"Eggs scrambled with a biscut and butter if you please ladies, and a glass of milk." Lyriel says with a pretty little smile on her face. She looked the pictures of innocent and sweet at the moment even though she was wearing mens clothing modified for herself. Sitting down demurely she endured the ooh and aahs of her manners and how well she was behaving. "Ladies would it be much trouble if we ate in peace? I know it might be rude to ask but he was recently wounded so... He needs time to recuperate." Lyriel smiles softly at the woman around them.

A couple of chuckles and one whispered comment about a quiet breakfest for two. "Same for you young sir? but, with coffee instead?" they asked.

"Yes please and thank you." Flint took a seat and watched the hustle and bustle as they were served. Then the ladies left them alone to eat.

"I told you they'd leave... with the wrong assumption but leave none the less anyways." Lyriel sighs and rolls her eyes as well before picking up the silverware to dig in and eat. After all the sausage had gone to her Imp.

"Well, at least the didn't offer to bring it up so we could eat in bed!" he joked. Flint spread butter on his biscut and taking a bite, he commented that everything was wonderful. It suddenly occured to him that if he was alone for a while he could find out what Galin wanted so badly. And almost shaking his head at the thought of thanking his 'father' for assistance. "I guess I will be ok for a little while on my own."

"Well I would certainly hope so... a child at the age of what twenty three should be able to keep himself occupied I'm thinking. The food is fantastic, Alehial certainly knows how to make the best of friends with the people she saves." Lyriel grins at him eating her own food and drinking her milk, she agreed it was delicious.

He gently kicked her under the table, like they used to when younger. "You know what grandmother says about sarcasm." he smiled & teased. He took a rather large swig of coffee and burned his tongue. "Owl, twhat iz weally hot." he blew on the coffee and set it down. The small kitchen felt like when they were younger at home in Baerlon.

"Ow! Little brat! You got what was coming to you!" Lyriel chastises him rubbing her shin and taking a bite of her bacon. Somewhat vicsiously with a somewhat smug looking grin as he blew on the coffee. This was the most comfertable she had been with Flint in a relaxed manner that didn't involve sex or sexual tension of any kind in years. It was nice to feel such things again and to be so comfertable.

"Wow, what did the bacon ever do to you?" he commented. "And that smug looking grin sure hasn't changed." he pointed out. He picked up a piece and took a bite, whoever smoked their meats was an artist. "I need to remember to arrange to get some of this when we come back through for home." He smiled at her as he reached across to get some butter for his bread.

"It got in my face, I'm sure they'd love to seel you some, I hear from the fresh game and the free roaming animals their smokers know every technique and then some." Lyriel says sticking her tongue out at Flint before finishing her bacon. This was nice actually, she wondered though what they were all supposed to do until they left again.

He looked at her and smiled again, he still had a deep interest in Lyriel. But, he enjoyed just being close to her and for a few mintues not feeling the guilt that he was responsible for her fathers death. Would he be feeling like her if she had killed Galin? "So, how long will you be out communing with nature?" he asked. It would be a good idea to know how long he had to speak with Galin.

"The actual commune will take an hour but it's best to get away from things touched by human hands so I'll travel a ways out first. I'll be back in two hours three at most if I have to go further out." Lyriel says putting her chin in her hand and her elbow on the table. She looked up as she actually thought about how long it would take her to commune.

"Are you going to inform Alehail & Altair about your departure? They will certainly be concerned if you go missing." he commented. He watched her with a ammused smile, she was probably the most important and special person to him. Flint finished his bread and eggs, then finished his coffee, which he tested to make sure it was cool first. Quietly he worried things would never be right between them again, it vexed him more than the possibility he'd have to marry Poppy.

"I was going to take Wolf with me. Alpha can stay here, or rather just outside. I was going to ask the girls to let Alehial and Altair know when they woke up I have gone to commune." Lyriel said with a slight shrug of her shoulders as she finished her eggs. Once done with everything she smiled at him and grabbed her plate and empty cup. "I'll be gathering my things to go after this. So keep yourself out of trouble and if you still ache take a bath, it should help ease the tension your feeling." Lyriel says setting her dished in the sink.

"To bad your leaving, I could always use some help scrubbing my back." he teased her. He appreciated her offers and advice, always trying to take care of him. He stood and put his things into the sink as well, "I suppose I'll have to see how much damage my armor took. Maybe before I climb into a hot bath." He almost tried to take her hand, but remembered her words from the other night. 

"Don't avoid Alehial alright? I know she's going to yell at you and you won't like it but... She was terrified for you Flint." Lyriel says looking at him and sighing. Leaning forward she gave him a quick hug and left again before he could grab her and make her stay. Just outside the room she told the ladies she was going to commune and to let Alehial know she had company and would be fine before she went upstairs and began to suit up in her armor. She also informed the girls to make a bath for Flint. It only took her fifteen or so minutes and she was done and heading for the door.

Once he was alone in the kitchen, Flint again felt so very alone. "Never thought I say this but, I half wished Vennis had killed me." It struck him in an odd way, knowing he would die before she would is why she kept him away. But, not being with her was slowing breaking his heart and teamed with the whole Poppy situation. After a little while the women came in advising they were going to get everything around for his bath.

Lyriel left the house while Flint was still in the kitchen apparently and she had her cloak on, she didn't want to stop and talk to anyone. She needed time alone to think more. To grieve more. So she left the town and it's walls and called for Wolf. Telling Alpha to stay behind just in case and she and her companion walked off into the woods in search of a place to commune.

Flint climbed into the tub and was looking at the pin in his hand. "Ok, now what!" he thought. "This is stupid, the whole thing was probably Galin's plan. Married to Poppy, a revolting idea, I'd rather get exiled than to marry someone that opens her legs for anyone. Gods, I just wish I could understand how to make a relationship work with Lyriel."

Lyriel stopped and breathed deeply, she'd had to go several miles out to find an untouched spot. She had found an small space where the grass was green and was shaded by the tall old trees around it. Sitting down in the middle of it, she began her commune. Becoming still and breathing deeply clearing her mind of anything but the sounds and scents of nature around her.

"You see decite and mistrust, in my request Flint." came Galins voice. FLint didn't feel right letting this man into his mind. "You were never to have went to the quarry that night. I dealt with the man who was supposed to give you the pin and instruct you to wait until late to contact me." He did sink lower in the tub, hoping the water would wash away the pain he felt.

She let the slow moving trees feed her strength and the activity of the creatures energize her. She began to say her prayers to the gods of nature. speaking fluidly in Druidic she continued to commune. She could feel the life all around her and the life that surrounded her. There was no racism, prejudice or even emotions humans and human like beings ruined.

"Have you not thought about what will happen if Gareth forces this marriage to Poppy? Alehail is talented and a deft court manipulator, but what else is can she do if he insists?" Flint hadn't considered what would happen if this had happened. Why could they all not let things between him and Lyriel work themselves out. "I may have a suggestion or two to help you, son all you need to do is ask."

Lyriel prayed on speaking still out loud in druidic. Feeling the grass underneath her and the leaves. Hearing the insects and the wind rustling through the trees. She felt at peace and very calm as she recited the words spoken by hundreds of druids before Lyriel was now. She let the thoughts of her life go as she focused solely on nature and her deity and being in and part of nature.

"So, you wish to find a way to re-ignite Lyriel's interest in you? Fine I know that Vennis had a stronghold where he stored many things, including a painting of a pregnant drow woman that looked a little like your lady." Flint almost slid under the water, coming up and sputtering water, "Yeah like anyone in this family is gonna let me totter off to assualt a wizards hide-a-way on my own." Alehial would be watching him like a hawk for the next three days at least. "You'll have to find the chance to slip away, the pin has the location in it, you will just have to think of Vennis and the gate will open." with that Galin's presence vanished.

Lyriel finished after another forty minutes of prayer and commune with nature. She felt more peaceful and comfertable where she was. Taking a deep breath with her eyes closed she tossed the hat back on her head and transformed it yet again. It was easier for now and she didn't know if the loggers would be out this early. Better safe then sorry she though as she began her walk back. Whistling for Wolf and putting her hand in her fur when she walked by her side. She had a day or so with nothing to do now and she needed to fill it. So she thought of things she might be able to do while she walked back.

Flint finished washing and drying himself, changing into clean clothes. He went back out getting another cup of soffee then considered the pin. If he tried to do this he was risking alot. But, if it might help him & Lyriel it might be worse. He shrugged and considered time verses options.

Lyriel grinned as she saw the towering city and Garrison before her. No wonder the elves still didn't like adventuring this way much. The place was ugly and well kind of offensive. It went against nature not with it and it was completely human in a way that was undiscribable. "Go off and find Alpha, stay out of the humans way both of you." Lyriel says shooing Wolf off so she could go to the Garrison and inside the gates.

The city was awake and already moving through its morning routines. The guards remembered her when she left and nodded as she returned. "Good day miss, welcome back." a guard mentioned. There was a couple visitors to the guest house, most of them were heading right back out. Probably being turned away from seeing Alehial and Altair.

"Thanks it's nice to be back. How goes the day soldiers?" Lyriel asks with a bright smile as she walked closer to the gate. She had to stiffle a giggle at those being turned away from the house. Alehial and Altair were probably still asleep anyways, Lyriel wondered if anyone even knew that Flint had been harmed last night and that the Ravenwoods had been upset about such matters. She doubted it. It happened well after midnight. She hovered near the gates not yet wanting to go back into the house, besides she was armored and had all her weapons on already, she didn't much care for the idea of taking them all off.

He stashed the pin away in his pocket, if anyone caught him with it he'd never hear the end of it. And if Lyriel found out that Galin dangled this information in front of him, she'd beat him until he couldn't smirk. "Live a complete lie or do something that could only be described as completely stupid." he reasoned. Taking another couple of sips, all the family in the house were sleeping leaving him all the time he could want. Looking to the ceiling hoping even his mother & grandfather could advise him what to do.

After talking a little to rather stiff and unsociable gaurds Lyriel gave up and decided to check on the gear and men from the camp. See if any of them were awake yet and how the equipment and carts had managed with the rain and mud. If nothing else she'd spot something that needed fixed and she would see that someone was aware of it. She really had nothing else to do all day.

Flint considered again, no one was awake and he might not be gone long. "What the hell" he thought "I can be there and back quickly." He stood and went to gather his equipment. Galin promised the pin would take him right to the lair. Be careful and not get into hot water, then return and show her he was serious about his feelings.

Lyriel decided after not finding anything wrong and only few men awake that perhaps she should go to her room and check on Xibix. She could lay down and rest herself a little as well, she felt a little achey and she didn't like it very much. So she turned and headed back to the house her adoptive parents and family was staying for the night and some of the day it seemed.

Flint opened the door and cursed when he saw her coming. "And she'd keep me from going or worse yet want to accompany me." he thought quickly then shrugged. He started out the door and pointed himself in the direction of the soldiers. If she wanted to check on him, he'd have to figure something else out. It did trouble him that he would have to lie to her, but to tell the truth would get him chastized or stopped.

Lyriel smiled softly seeing him then frowned a little at his ignorance of her and at his direction. "Flint... What are you doing?" Lyriel asks, curious as to why he would go to the soldiers, regardless of if that was what she just did or not. That and he needed to take it easy, after his streinuos day and after everything that had happened.

He stopped turned and did wave, it was rude not to and he was in love with her. Then he had an idea and started her way, his mind was telling him it was stupid but he was Ravenwwod anyway. "So did you have fun with nature?" he asked while embracing her. Anyone watching them might ownder if there was something between them. He stepped back and smiled, "So what are you doing now?"

"Well... I was going to the house for a little while... Yes I... had fun... I guess. I just checked on the men, most of them are sleeping in since the General and Alehial are as well. I even checked the carts and wagons they are fine as well." Lyriel says not leaving anything out she didn't want him to feel useless but if he knew what she had done maybe he was going to do something different. He was acting odd though. "How was your... bath?"

"Lonely." he said with a sly grin, easily teasing her. She was reading him, just like Alehial and Altair did. "Well, now I see I got dressed up for nothing, since you've taken care of that. Care to do something or go talk while we wait for the next order from the commanders?" He continued to tease and joke with her, he kept her hand in his.

"I bet." Lyriel said drly to his teasing about the bath. Just like him to come back at ehr with something like that. She had walked right into it too. Though he was still acting rather strangely or so she thought. "Sure we can... do either. I'd like to sit and rest a little, Commune can take it out of me still a little." She confesses softly. All theconcentration and hard prayer sometimes did wear her out just a little. It was why she did it right upon exiting her 'sleep'. That way she had time to recover a little until everyone else woke up.

"Well, where do you wish to talk then mistress nature?" he asked. He would allow her to make the choices. Maybe even if they found each other again, it would be by her choice. Lyriel did seem a little tired, he knew her emotions were running a little high, and she would be tired. "Sitting room or privacy of your or my room?"

"Your room" Lyriel said quickly squeezing his hand. Xibix was sleeing in her room, and the sitting room would be flooded with 'helpful' women. Besides he would let her lay on his bed if she asked. It wasn't like she was going to take a nap or anything, she just needed to rest a little. She wondered why he was being so hospitable though, it was curious and questionable in her mind.

"Very well, as you wish." he said and smiled at her. "Looks like my plans are going on hold until later." he thought. Together they walked back to into the house. Quietly, they evaded the 'helpful' women and went up to his room. He gestured to the bed as he began removing his equipment.

"Thanks..." Lyriel says softly taking off his weapons and her chest peice of leather armor. She then lays on the bed on her stomach and looks at him curiously. Elbows on the mattress and chin in the palm of her hands. She knew he was up to something, he was acting too odd for him not to be. It was very strange and she just hoped it wasn't something as stupid as it was last night too.

He laid down beside her and stared back, "You are measuring me for something?" Flint nudged her and smiled again, hoping she was still feeling playful like this morning. "So, shall we strip the bed and make a fort? We are a little out of practice though." Grabbing a pillow and jamming it under his head. Hauling his feet up he pulled off his boots.

"Not enough supplies beside we made castles at home... With everyones pillows and blankets... even Bowers helped us by getting the wooden pins to hold the sheets together do you remember?" Lyriel smiles brightly then makes a face. "Ugh! Soldier feet!" She teases with a grin holding her nose comically. It wasn't really true, but he teases her first so all was fair.

"I remember boxing a certain little brothers ears when he put a pin on your ear." he reminded her. "And my feet don't stink, must be something in your nose." he reutrned the teasing. He remembered that while he was chastized by parents, she actually kissed his cheek as a reward. Time caught up to him quickly, remembering the late conversations and stories and waking up to her bouncing on top of him. "I only have six words for you, Flint and Lyriel versus the Pirates."

"OH! Don't even bring that one up!" Lyriel laughs softly rolling onto her side so she could look at him better. She didn't know what he was thinking all the time but, reminicsing like this was really nice. She wondered what she would do in the next hundred years. Who would she be with then? Where would she be? And mostly she wondered if she would be lonely.

"I also remember you saying something about making a ladder with the court ladies under dresses to escape." he teased. They had been inseperable for a long time, before love started to blossom between them. "When did you find out about Galin being Soth?" he asked suddenly. Flint looked at her and smirked at her. "I remember your conversation about why you hid in my bed three days before my birthday."

"Stick to one topic bird brain!" Lyriel shakes her head, she had to actually think about the question of Soth though. It was a long time ago and she barely rememebered it. "I think... because I was a slave... They spoke both his names around me. So I always knew he was the same person." Lyriel says trying to remember those day long ago when she had been a slave and her masters were Soth and the Blue Lady and HEr own father.

"Ok, now to better topics..Now about a certain elven maid hiding in my bed before my birthday." he laughed and nudged her again. "I didn't know what to make of you? Thought you weren't a birthday present, although now it might strike me funnier." He sighed and looked at her waiting to hear her side of the story. 

"I don't remember... That day." Lyriel shakes her head a little. The way he spoke of it she wished she did... it must have been special to him... but for some reason the memory wouldn't come to her mind. Maybe she'd been thinking too much, or thinking about her father too much. "Now you're a pervert though so it doesn't really count does it?" She asks sith a grin.

He looked agape at her, "Have I attempted to do anything to you now?" Flint looked a little insulted. "You don't recall what you did huh? That morning, I figured you did." Flint crossed his arms over his chest, and looked at the ceiling. Lyriel might not recall, but that morning stuck with him for many years.

"What was it? What did I do?" Lyriel asks trying to remmeber, she snuck into his bed a lot when they were kids. They used to sleep together, or rather... he would sleep and she would lay there and pretend to be normal. She remembered that. She would sneak out of the Ravenwoods house and then back in again later. But she couldn't remember the day he was talking about.

Flint remembered she slipped into his bed and tapped him until he awoke then explained she was going to give him a special gift. Then she snuggled up with him, and when he awoke she gave him his first real kiss. It had stuck with him, innocent and childish, but it was important. "Gee, and you said it was special to you." He gently ran his finger down her chin, and chuckled.

"I'm sure it was! I mean I know it should be! But I really can't think of it." Lyriel says frowning her eyebrows drawn together tightly as she tried to think of it. She really was trying very hard to recall what it was she had done but she just couldn't remember anything. Though she had snuck into his room a few times sometimes.

"Don't worry about it Lyriel, it was a childish thing." he commented. Patting her cheek gently and teasing, "So, I take it that memory problems are in your future?" This felt almost like the world before everyone started telling them no. "How about the fist fight at Conner's birthday with Timmon Hamilton?" he flexed his hand. He remembered because of the lesson learned, never throw a punch if your opponent may dodge cause it breaks the window.

"I...kind of remmeber... Your hand was sliced all over all the way to your wrist." Lyriel says thinking back on that day too. But she didn't really remember very much about most of what happened at the Ravenwood house those early years. Or rather the middle years. It was as if... the softness of that household somehow... melted into everyday. Making everything blurry and hard to rememeber because before that life... was one she vividly remembered.

He took her hand in his and kissed the back of it while she was trying to remember. "Maybe it will come back to you at some point." he said as he relaxed. Just being here with her eased some of his discomfort from everything else that was bothering him. "Has anyone talked to those we left at home? I bet they are worrying about what all has happened while we have been gone."

"Er... eheheh I don't think Alehial even thought about it... I didn't either. I don't... I don't think anyone did!" Lyriel says looking over at him before bursting into fits of laughter. She rolled on her side still laughing to look over at him. She couldn't beleive they hadn't spoken to anyone at home in... what four no six days now. Or that anyone from home hadn't tried to contact them either.

He hugged her as he chuckled, "I'm surprised you find this so funny, any other time you and cousin drill sergeant would be barking orders." Everytime Elsa and her were together he teased they were the bossiest duo around. Flint knew they always meant well, they always did. Suddenly he smiled at her and started to tickle her. He knew all the spots and loved her laughter.

Lyriel was about to retort when he started to tickle her. She squealed and squirmed on the bed trying to grab his hands and stop him as she laughed harder and was soon gasping for breath as he continued tickling her. Her eyes misted as she continued to laugh unable to pry his hands away and keep them away.

When he finally let her pry his hands from tickling her, he too was laughing. Flint wrapped her in a hug, "I have always loved your laugh Lyriel. It used to cheer me up to no ends, especially when I thought no one wanted me." There were times that Tess, when she was being wooed by Quinn didn't have time for her son. And that was when he depended on Lyriel to make him happy.

"No one wanted to leave you Flint." Lyriel said slowly calming down from the giggle fit and the long tickling session. Lyriel wrapped her arms around him too and rested her head against his chest. "You always gave me a purpose... either when I was taking care of you... or keeping an eye on you. I might have left when there was no reason for me to even be there. I was a charity case.

"You were charity to me, Quinn saw me as another man's son, Tess saw me as a moment of weakness, even Alehial and Altair see me as 'his' son. Only you saw me as Flint, that's why I find you beautiful." He knew his mother loved him, but he felt out of place at times. Then Lyriel came to stay with them and she showed him affection and attention. He rubbed her back enjoying the closeness between them.

"That's not true... for a long time Tess only saw you as a joy. Quinn... was a city man. Tess never had a problem with me... but Quinn thought I was... well I'm sad they are gone but I won't miss men like Quinn very much. I send prayers for them in the after. I just wish... there were more people like Tess in the world." Lyriel says snuggling against his chest and just relaxing in his embrace. Inhaling the masculine and musky scent of him. Though he seemed a little tense still. She wondered if it was her. Being this close to him after denying him... for the third time.

"I told Quinn he had troll dung for a brain, when he tried to tell Tess not to let you back once. He was good to my mother and his children, but we never saw eye to eye. I'm too much Ravenwood and I pray for them everynight too." He felt his eyes begin to water a little remembering those he lost. Would he have to add his love for her to the list of things he would lose if Gareth had his way?

"I remember listening to the arguements Alehial would have with Tess and Quinn. I always snuck around to listen, especially after I put you to bed for Tess. They always ended up going outside, so they wouldn't wake you up. That's why you always come to the Ravenwood Estates too. Because Alehial said you needed proper teaching for your skills to be reckognized." Lyriel says squeezing him tightly but not to tightly, though she didn't want him to cry she also didn't want him to seek attention or comfort in another manner.

"So, a better chance to make sure I didn't become like my father. I enjoyed my training and it was only smart to join the military. To serve others, to bury the fact of who my father was. To be treated like an individual, not a carbon copy of Galin Ravenwood." He was confused, trying to figure out who he was and who he should be.

"No... They trained you because you had a lot of potential. They wanted to teach you to be the best that you could be. To let you be exactly who you wanted to grow up to be. I'm glad I could help you... all those training sessions and family outings down in the woods." Lyriel says softly hugging him tightly and gently rubbing her face against his chest.

He fought the urge to pull her up and into a kiss, she believed in him even though he had killed Vennis. "You are too kind with your words and praise, some of the time I went to avoid Quinn and spend time with someone who ment more to me. Especially when during the hide and seek weekend when it rained and we found that little cave." It had been a nice trip, and amazingly they had not been found snuggled up in the cave with branches covering the entry. "We had to lie in there kind of like we are now, just in a softer place."

"Yeah we did... I was just starting to learn about the druidic ways back then... so any time we could ever sneak away and play... well... I treasured those days more then you might think. Sometimes... some of the things we did.. are hard to remember or some of the things I don't remember at all... But some of them I remember more clearly then anything." Lyriel says softly, she was struggling right now but she always beleived he would be a great man and... somehwere along the line it became ingrained in her head.

He fell silent, listening to her breathing, smelling her fragrence, committing it all to memory. He hated this life, for unless things changed he would never be able to be with her. Flint wished he was an elf or a drow, then nothing could bar them from being together. After a moment he squeezed her gently. This would only be better if she had not denied him again.

"Flint... Don't ever be afraid of who you are... and Don't ever change who you are inside okay? I don't... I don't want you to change. I don't want you... to become petty like everyone else eventually becomes. I... I don't know if I could... stay if you ever changed." Lyriel says softly, not wanting to admit it but she really didn't want what happened to change him from who he had always been into someone she didn't know anymore. Into... someone who didn't love her anymore.

He pulled her up to look in her face, he smiled and kissed her cheek. Then he took his turn nuzzling hs face into her neck. "I'm trying Lyriel to remain on the path. I just feel a bit lost, like there is nothing that I do that seems right." Flint's hand rested on her hips now, and snaked around them in a tight embrace.

"That's silly Flint... you always know who you are, sometimes you may forget but... not for long. Just think... when you're unsure stop and think for a moment about what you are doing and how you should continue. Never doubt the things you've done Flint, you can't live life regretting everything, if you do you'll never truelly live the way you were meant to." Lyriel says wrapping her arms around his broad shoulders. He was twice the size that she was and nearly three times as broad. While he wrapped his arms around her easily she could barely reach her fingers around him.

"Its not always so easy, all I hear is who I should be and what I should do. No one thinks to let me pursue my own path, live to be more than my father, but not be a copy of my uncle and grandfather. I missed a promotion because my commanding officer kept refering to me as Altair's nephew." He had never told anyone about it. Flint suddenly felt ashamed that he was acting so petty about his family name and duty.

"Flint... don't let anyone pressure you, maybe you should leave the guards then? If you... can't be who you want to be there... then leave. Flint... no one can expect you to... be your father or your uncle. If they do then they are stupid. You are a different person from every other person. Just because you sound like and look like someone else... doesn't make you them." Lyriel says giving him a slightly worried look, her brows drawn together as she gently stroked the side of his face. "I am not my father... Nor am I a true Ravenwood. For some reason... I enjoy killing. I know it's wrong but... given the choice like with the men last year you helped me catch. I know... you wanted to hand them over while alive but... Something inside me rebelled and I killed them. It felt good to kill them. Alehial and Altair would be ashamed... horrified even to find out that I enjoy doing things like that. But... it's a part of who I am. Is it wrong... to be me?" Lyriel asks softly looking in his face. She'd never confided in anyone about this. About the fact that killing and the rush of battle made her filled with excitment and happiness.

"Its not wrong to kill an enemy, but it must be tempered; at least it was what I was told." he answered. "Don't look so worried, you are my guiding star Lyriel. No matter how my life changes, I always want you to be part of it." He kissed her forhead right where her brows met in an attempt to chase them back where they belonged. Flint could never raise arms against her, he'd die first to protect the center of his world, wether they were lovers or not.

"Flint... It shouldn't be me! I'm... not right. I'm not... good like the Ravenwoods. I wish I was... but I can feel it. The difference inside me, the... danger inside of me. I want to repay the Ravenwoods for everything they've given me... the food and shelter. The training and raising of me. My father was right... They only took me in out of pity and charity. I want to prove him wrong but I know... the difference." Lyriel says pulling away from Flint, she felt like she was going to cry and she didn't want him to see her. She wanted to stop babbling this to him, her innermost thoughts. She didn't want him to know but she couldn't stop herself from speaking. She tried to pull out of his arms and away from his body. The distance would help her to shut her mouth and to stop her from telling him all these thoughts in her head.

He wouldn't let her pull away from him, "You are good Lyriel, and I've seen your heart. And they, we, love you you help make the family whole. I couldn't imagine the Ravenwoods without Lyriel, it just wouldn't be the same. Even though we walk a darker path, our home and family is only complete with us." Flint drew her face to his own and stroked her face, he wanted to make her understand she was needed and loved.

"It's nice to think so... but it doesn't make it true Flint. They have always gone out of their way to make others see me as the same as them... always tried to make people treat me as normal. They may have tried to raise me as one of their children Flint... but I never will be one. You don't understand Flint... as much as you felt different... you weren't. Not like me. You didn't have to face your father many times over and hear his mockery... Hear how easily it was to make sense of everything the Ravenwoods had done for me. I am part of the family... But I'll never be one OF the family." Lyriel says softly tilting her head down and closing her eyes, trying hard to stave off the tears that threatened to fall down her cheeks. She didn't want to show Flint how hard this was for her to face. She didn't want him to try and comfort her.

"They didn't want you to be mistreated for being a drow." Flint tried to explain. They family had always been proud of the children and wanted them judged by the merit of their heart than the color of skin. "Well if you don't believe what I've said. I guess we are both misfits, hiding in plain sight?" he said to her. He was trying to comfort her, but also show her no matter what they could always have each other.

"If you left Andor Flint... no one would know who you are. But I... unless I use magical means will never be able to hide myself. Flint it's not the same. I should go... I've rested enough, and I'm sure I interupted you doing something important I guess." Lyriel says trying to once again get out of Flint's arms. He was still holding her pretty tightly in his embrace, and she was loath to leave but she needed her composer back. So she could at least act normal around Alehial and Altair. The other Ravenwoods didn;t need to be exposed to her like this. She trusted Flint but... she knew he would never betray her.

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