Page name: Ravenwood Estates 6 [Exported view] [RSS]
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Last author: Nuktae-tal
Owner: Nuktae-tal
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The Andorian Chronicles

Chapter Six

In which we return to Baerlon and follow the children and those left behind. Follow Lily and Darryl and the wives and pregnant woman of the manor.

"I want you to know... my mind isn't like yours. It probably isn't organized in any way. I've tried to forget everything from my past and live in the moment." Asper says softly looking over at his smiling face. She was still so worried even though they had already started. She was nervous and antsy, she just didn't want this to be happening.

Suddenly, multiple Aspers started appearing in front of them. "Wow, you have a lot of aspects and they all realized us as newcomers." A young Asper came up and giggled at them, before reaching her hands out to be held. Another Asper walked near and fluttered her eyes at Darryl, and sighed. Darryl must have seen this and looked back at Asper, quizzicaly.

Asper shrugs her shoulders and shoos the youngest version of herself away. This was... really creepy, seeing herself everywhere and in different.... aspects of herself? There was another younger version of herself that was giggling and running around about the others. There was one who looked like she was crying as well, covering her face and sobbing. Asper wondered if all of them were obviously one thing or another... Happiness, Anger, Sadness.

Darryl began his work, but could not help notice her aspects especially the ones he rarely saw. The one who fluttered her eyes kept walking up near him and sighing. "This isn't very easy, and consumes a lot of time." he explained. He also noticed the younger crying aspect and lamented the fact he couldn't stop to comfort her. "Asper what is that?" he indicated all the phases of the moon high over head.

"The moon? It's... the months I think. When I was a child... I hid and slept during the day and would only come out to get food... I stayed in the night if it was at all possible." Asper shrugged and scowled at the one that kept fluttering her eyelashes and sighing. Soon another ASper came forward and she was holding the young affectionate Asper, she seemed to chide the sighing Asper a little but smiled kindly in a very motherly way. Then tickled the little Asper she held into laughter, giggling herself before heading off back into the crowd of Aspers. There was yet another Asper this one flinched at each hand gesture of Darryl's and kept a wary eye on him while hiding behind the others as much as possible. It was rather obvious which aspect that one was.

Darryl noticed most of them that came close, "Why does the one flutter her eyes like that?" She kept her eye on him and he thought at once she was going to talk to him. He brought about a wall, as far as the eye could see the Aspers would still be able to roam about. But, they would be able to hide behind it along with her memories. Bracing himself for the obvious questions Asper or her aspects would ask.

"What's that why is it there! Make it go away! Stop it!" The shaking wary one said before running off into the crowd. "Darryl... you're so strong! sigh So handsome." The one who kept fluttering her eyes said drifting even closer and smiling coyly at him. The way Asper did before they got intimate. "What's with the wall Darryl and just ignore them please." Asper says her eyebrow twitching just a little with a little bit of anger from the attention all the others were giving him. "ALL of them." She growls a little and steps closer to him reaching out towards the wall.

Darryl's eyes snapped open, "NOOOO!!!" He sat bolt upright and looked at Asper who was laying still silently. "They found a way inside and threw me out of her mind." His eyes, flickered for a moment and stopped glowing. He looked terrified about the fact Asper remained asleep.

Elsa was by his side at the bedside quickly. "Darryl what's wrong? What have they done?! Who are they?" she asks gently placing ehr hand on his shoulder. She'd never seen such a horrified expression on Darryl's face before. Not ever in her life. She looked over at Asper as well, the half drow was laying serenely on the bed. Her body relaxed on hand on her swollen stomach near the top of her torsoe, breathing normally there seemed nothing wrong with her to Elsa's eyes.

"Soth's psion just pushed me out of her mind, they want to use her memories to torture her. I have to get back inside to help her," he blinked and scoffed. "The quick ejection, my powers are in flux, I'll have to wait a couple minutes before entering her memories." He grasped her hand, "I have to protect her. I broke my promise, and I can't fail her in this."

"Okay Darryl... It'll be okay... You'll get there and save her... You ARE a Ravenwood. Just remember she's safe in the physical world... You just save her in there." Elsa says kissing his forehead and giving him a tight hug. She knew it wouldn't mean much but... The ravenwoods were the hero's and these hero's always won.

"It could be worse, sometimes what the mind feels the body makes real. I have to find a way inside without alerting them, I'm there and can't break the rules." Darryl closed his eyes and focused, if he could retap into his powers, Asper would be facing them alone. He was a Ravenwood and they prided themselves on saving the day, he'd have to do no less. The power that would let him comb through her mind activated and he started to look for the memory he would need.

Elsa looked over at Feal with a worried look on her face. "We may need Bailey to heal Asper occasionally and check on the baby." Elsa said not removing herself from hte hug with Darryl. HE needed any kind of support he could get and as the oldest big sister he got she would give him all that she could.

Fael nodded and left the room to get Bailey, he was concerned for them. He moved quickly upstairs to Arten's chambers. Knocking quietly and waiting until Bailey opened the door. "Bailey we have a sitaution in the Lord and Ladies bedroom that will need your attention." He then started to tell her what all had transpired, that brought him to Arten's door.

Elsa sighed softly. Poor Bailey the Ravenwoods weren't easy on her. What with Aunt Arten being pregnant and in pain and then the elf and half drow and herself. And all the fights and bad guys showing up too. She just hoped the young dwarf woman was up to this.

Moments later, the door opened and Fael, Bailey, Arten, and Lai all entered. "Ok we need to do this in shifts by gods." ordered Bailey eyeing them. "Shouldn't you be back in there yet boy?" she asked Darryl. Arten stumpped over to the divan and sat down. Lai moved to the bed beside Asper, "Will she be ok, Elsa have you told you parents?"

"No... It's still midday and they should be checking in before nightfall. I was going to see if I couldn't relay everything then. I was hoping Darryl would keep her safe, but... Apparently they have a few more tricks up their sleeves then we thought they did." Elsa said giving Darryl another good squeeze before standing up properly and walking over to the divan to see Arten. "Aunt Arten... how are you doing? I haven't seen yu in almost three months." Elsa said, she had known dwarven pregnancies were hard and painful but she missed her surly tempered aunt something fierce.

"Woulda seen me sooner had it not been for that addle brained twit." she pointed to Bailey. "Oh shut yer gob Auntie," Bailey retorted, "Me orders from home said to keep you off yer feet." Lai sighed and looked at Darryl, "So you will be able to go in and help her?" Fael walked over and placed his hands on Elsa's shoulders.

"I missed you Aunt Arten." Elsa says with a soft smile as she put her hand over Feals and stood up to lean against him. "I hope... everything goes okay." she says with a sigh looking over at the very pregnant and serenely sleeping figure of Asper.

"THERE!," Daryyl exclaimed, "My only way in that doesn't break the rules." He looked around the room, and realizing his audience started over. "The only way into peoples memories is if we exist there, or take the place of someone who had been there. However in some cases if another psion is present they may spot each other. I found someone to be that she won't fear and the others won't spot."

Elsa smiled brightly. "That's great news Darryl! Do you have enough energy to stay in there and rescue her?" Elsa asks worried about their health first and foremost and he would need his Psionic energy while he was within her mind.

"We won't be able to use psion powers, because of the rules. If I tried hard enough I could break those rules. But, it will be easier to help her incogneto." he explained. Darryl laid down beside her and kissed her cheek, hold on Asper, I'm coming for you." His eyes flashed bright and brilliant, then he closed them.

Elsa sighs softly and sat down beside Arten on the divan, still holding onto Feals hand. She was having a hard time being the little leader of this group. Especially when Lily kept running off or was late to- "Where's Lily!?!" Elsa asks jumping up to her feet once more. Looking around at everyone. Lily wasn't in the room and it was too late in the day for her to be asleep. She should have been alerted to waht was going on.

Fael looked all around, everyone was trying to figure out where Lily was. "Shall I go see if she is in her room?" he offered. Arten looked puzzled, "If'n she knew what was going on she'd be a beggin' Darryl to take her wit him." Lai sighed inwardly, she would not have brought so many people into these chambers. "I think we should inform the parents as well as the Lodge Luminous." she prompted.

"How do we inform the lodge? The only people who knew where it was are asleep and or not even in the town. I'm going to go scry for Lily!" Elsa says turning and heading out the door. She really didn't even know what had gotten into that girl. Running off never joining the family when they needed her. Elsa was nervous and jittery and not at all pleased with the predicament at the moment.

Fael watched Elsa leave the room, "Will everyone be ok while I follow her?" He left the room and followed in Elsa's wake. He shared her concern the defenders of the house were few now. In truth he & the blades would be the spellcasters only defense. "Elsa would it not be easier to scry from the tub in their room?"

"It has to be a bowl of natural means. That's the only way it'll work and the bath tub is not natural. I need to find where Lily is and find out why she isn't here when we need her. She's a Ravenwood and family is everything, Family is... the only reason to continue on." Elsa says wiping her face with her hands but continueing down the stairs. She didn't want him to see her tears. She didn't want him to know how much Lily running off all the time hurt her.

Fael continued to follow her knowing she was trying to keep her emotions in check. When the reached the hall he pulled her into the drawing room, and into his arms. "My very strong wife, you should never hide your feelings from me." he whispered. He hoped that Lily was with Rand, bugging her uncle to help with the problems at the central prison. "Later you and I will take some time to ourselves, you need some attention and care."

Elsa sniffles and nods her head returning the embrace as best as she could. Still trying to keep her tears from choking her up. She was emotional everytime she was pregnant, she hoped it didn't make Feal tired of her. "We need to make sure the family is taken care of... and that everyone is safe." She says softly into the flesh and shirt of his chest. Her few months pregnant belly between them, making the hug just a little awekward but not uncomfertable by any means.

"Lily may be with Rand, thinking in a larger scope than you are." he tried to show her another side. He continued to hold her, every so often kissing her cheek. "The reason this family works so well is that it is Fael knew that like Lucas and Tani, they were concerned about the people of Andor, but their first priotrity was their family. "Perhaps Lily is doing what she thinks your father would do?" he kissed her again, gently on the lips.

"But she knows we are undermanned! There aren't enough fighters to protect this house!" Elsa says looking up at him. She knew she was being a littel silly at the moment, but his support and his lover and affection were making her feel like maybe she wasn't as silly and little girl esque as she thought she was being. "I still have to check and try to find her Feal. I'm worried now." she says not moving to get out of his grasp, instead tilting up her head to kiss his lips once again.

"It is best we not handle this with anger or being irrate, it can make things worse." he suggested. Continuing to stroke her cheek and neck, hoping to calm and focus her. "I applaud and love that you are so protective and wise, my love. You are an amazing mother and dutiful daughter, and I am lucky to be married to you." He then took her hand and led her to the scrying bowl in the other room.

Elsa smiled a little and followed easily. His words warming her heart while the rest of her was warmed still with anger. Though she put it aside as she came up to the large bowl in the center. Everything was already there for her use and she began to weave the spell. The words coming easily and falling off of her lips perfectly, she'd had a long time to practice this one. She concentrated on the task at hand and as soon as the last syllable of the last word was spoken and the water rippled into an image she was eagerly waiting to see. In the bowl was Lily at a burnt area, she was with a few guardsmen and was apparently helping them pick up the peices because she was covered in soot and ashes.

"There she is, shall we send someone to recall her here?" Fael asked. He understood she was looking for the start of the fire, just like her father would. "Otherwise we have to have Lai teleport her back here." He offered the option. Looking at Elsa he wondered which choice she would make, and how best to keep the peace between the sisters, should Lily not want to return.

"We'll send one of the gate guardsmen. We can't afford to use magic needlessly. what is she doing moving all that stuff? there couldn't have been any survivors!" Elsa scowls continueing to watch Lily root through debris. Lily was being careful because there was a basement level to check the floors first. It was probably the only reason they were even letting her go in the first place. For she was almost exactly the same size as Alehial herself. Unlike Feal Elsa didn't know what Lily was up to, she wasn't trained for ranger ways just wizardly ways.

"I'll see to it Elsa," Fael volunteered, "You should get back to the others." He continued to watch Elsa, to see if she was going to do anything else. Then he called Bowers to have a gate guard come to the house with a horse to carry a message. Once the soldier showed up and saluted, Fael instructed him. "You will report to Lily Ravenwood, she is needed at home in all due haste, then escort her here."

"Bah! Let her play in the mud until she gets home!" elsa says scowling and cutting the spell off with a negligent wave of her hand. Her tone was somewhat harsh as she spoke and she turned away from the bowl. "Mother should be contacting us sometime tonight... They are only a day away from the Garrison town by tonight anyways." Elsa says with a scowl, crossing her arms before gathering her things and heading back for the stairs.

After he dimissed the guard back to his post, then caught up with Elsa. As they got upstairs they could her excited talking coming from Altair and Alehials room. "Where did that come from?" "I have no idea, it twerent there a second ago!" "WHo cares ya Ninny just heal the damn thing!"  Fael looked at her with a puzzled expression, "What is that all about?" And they hurried back into the room.

Elsa looked at Feal and with a worried look she hurries faster up the stairs. "What's going on! What's wrong?" Elsa asks looking into the room and aound, looking for anything that might have been amiss or to see what was wrong. What was there that hadn't been only a moment before. Elsa was terrified someone had come into the room like Galin had before.

Bailey pointed to a wound on Asper's leg that was in process of being healed. "It appeared a little while ago, didn't notice at first." she explained. "Whatever is going on in her head is affecting her body out here." Lai added. "Means the lil guy mus be quick in her head." Arten was quick to point out. Fael was trying to absorb the informaton and looked to Elsa for any ideas she had.

"Darryl said it might happen we knew this might happen. It's why we wanted to have Bailey and Arten here. Darryl doesn't want her to be wounded not in her condition. How's the baby Bailey?" Elsa asks walking up to the bed and checking on Asper and Darryl, her anger completely forgotten replaced by her worry over Asper and her body.

Bailey looked up, "Well, long as it isn't anything huge she'll be ok. Me on the hand maybe not if I run outta spells." Her tone wasn't dire but it carry a certain amount of concern. "Is there anyway to wake her up, right now?" She hoped a small slap to the face would bring the pain in her arse around.

"Bailey... Darryl said they got into her mind... If we try to wake her up from psionic powers... I don't know what that would do to her. Or Darryl." Elsa says shaking her head negatively. "Just do what you can and don't overexzert yourself. Aunt Arten can you still use a few small healing spells? As long as it doesn't threaten her life or isn't a major wound we should leave it be. We can wrap it with bandages and put some medicinal salve on it for now. Heal it later." Elsa says sitting down on te edge of the bed and rubbing her own swollen stomach. It seemed every female but Bailey was pregnant in the house right now... and no many of them were useful at the moment.

Arten harumphed, "I can do better than that, I haven't been using my spells for a while so I crafted a wand of healing." She produced the wand, and smiled at Bailey's shocked look. Handing it to Lai she looked at her niece, daring a misplaced word. "Oh, my the boy has a wound now, Bailey to your work!" Arten ordered. Sure enough a slash appeared on Darryl and it bled onto the sheets.

Elsa chuckled but looked at the two sleeping figures worriedly. They were getting wounded so whatever was going on in Aspers head was made real enough to their physical bodies. she hoped they hurried up in their. It had only been an hour if that but she was already very worried about them. They had both gotten wounded, what elsa was going to happen. Wound Asper reget the wounds on her back like she had when she got here?

Bailey hurried and cast another healing spell on Darryl making the slash disappear. "Well, how about getting them some help in there or something." she suggested. Lai and Arten exchanged glances trying to come up with any ideas. "I'm not sure if anyone has a spell capable of inserting someone into memories." Lai admitted. Arten seemed to agree with the elven wizardess, "I think its all up to them."

"This is exactly what Darryl was trying to prevent... but now it had happened and we all must pray the gods will favor my little brother and his wife. To have him save her and their little girl." Elsa says softly shaking her head. "Meanwhile we have to protect this house and these two. Without them we are almost completely powerless to stop Galin and his forces." Elsa says softly rubbing ehr stomach harder until her child within was mushing against her, probably in complaint.

"I have a sincere hope that, those forces remain at bay while they fight a different type of battle." Fael said quietly. He placed his hand over Elsas, feeling the baby move. Defend the house at all costs he thought, and in that moment he wish he had sent for Lily. "Is there anyone else like Darryl we could ask for help?" he ventured. They could use all the allies they could get.

"His father. But none of us in this house know how to get there other then the two asleep. I could... try scrying for him but... I don't know his name... only what he looks like. We met briefly once, there's no real garentee I could even get him on the scrying spell. Then he would have to notice it too." Elsa says shaking her head. It was such a large chance that it might not work. She didn't know if she should waste her magic even trying.

If everyone thought that they would be attacked without them, Lai surmised that Galin would be burning half of the city. "We should advise Rand about our situation. And your parents, but without Darryl there is no way to move the distances. Where is Lily, I know she may not be able to fight like Altair, but she would be able to battle off some disciples." Sighing heavily, she looked at Elsa and Fael, knowing Elsa had went off to find her sister.

"She is assisting with the fire at the prison. If you want things done grandmother the best way for it to get done is to oversee it happening. I'll stay and oversee everyone here... in this room. I've done all the ordering around I think I can handle for the day... I am not cracked up to be a Leader like mom and dad." Elsa says not rubbing her stomach hard any longer, with Feal's hand on her stomach she settled her nervousness a little.

"I will send a missive to her telling her our situation has changed." Lai stood and left the room. She proceeded to the scrying room and once above the scrying bowl cast her missive spell. "Lily, we ahve a severe problem at home, Daryyl and Asper are unable to help with defending us. I need you here with all do haste, inform Rand as well that Daryyl isn't available to help anyone right now." Once she finished, she called for Bowers, giving instructions she went back to join the rest of them.

Lily had jarred to a stop with what she was doing and looked around quickly. "Take over for me. I have to find my uncle." She told the soldier behind her, he was her babysitter and spotter, just in case as her uncle had said. She had originally gone out to look for Gerard but she had decided to help with what she could instead. "UNCLE RAND!!!!" Lily calls over the rubble waving her arms above her head to get his attention as she made her careful way back towards him. she had left her weapons with him and was only wearing her armor and a hidden dagger or two.

Rand looked in her direction and met her half way. "And what's wrong with you?" he did check to make sure she wasn't injured, before letting her answer him. They had been here most of the day picking throught the rubble for the answer why the prison caught fire. Already a few bodies and parts of them had been buried in graves. He know it wasn't over and sooner or later they would have to decide to rebuild or find a new site for the prison.

"I'm fine!" She says pushing away his hands that searched for wounds. "Grandma summoned me-" She tapped her temple with two fingers to let him know it was with a missive spell. "Said Darryl and Asper can't help defend the house... she said she needs me home now and to let you know... um... let you know that Darryl can't help anyone right now." Lily says looking up at her Uncle and hoping he could tell her something or if he had heard about anything yet that she hadn't. After this mornings excitement she had left the house thinking all would be safe since they beat back the Sothites. Working in the soot and rubble she had been the one finding the most bodies. But she marked them and left them for others to carry off. She had for all this time been looking for the source.

"Captain, You are in operational control now. I am heading back to Baerlon on crown business. I will check back in upon my arrival, continue to recover and look for the cause." he oredered. The Captain saluted and Rand took Lily to the horses. "NOw let's get back to the city and see what has transpired at your home." It would be two hours at swift gallop to reach the city.

"Uncle Rand wait! My weapons! I'm not leaving without them!" Lily says pulling away from him to go back to the guards and retrieve them. Once she had them and they were in place again she hurries to the horses and mounts quickly. She knew he wouldn't leave without her. He was overprotective of her as much as her father was. "I don't know what could have happened in so little time. Not after this morning when Darryl kicked the Sothite's Asses so soundly." Lily said without even thinking of the language she was using. She had been around the guards all day and had just picked it up from them. She did it often and was usually reprimanded or punished for it.

Rand let it slide, he knew she was impressionable. "Your brother has been a target and not just because of the last name. If he is out of commission, your father may be gone for a while." They were making good time and he hoped chaos wasn't reigning at the Estate. "You, Fael, and I with my blades will have to protect the house." he informed her.

"I... I didn't even think about Daddy! Oh no! this means everyone is stuck where they are right now doesn't it!?" Lily asks wishing they would make the horses gallop instead of canter. But she was better trained then that and knew it was better for the horse and them themselves. Besides Grandma hadn't sounded that terrobly urgent.

"Exactly, because my mother would have to petition the council to open the null field the prevents teleportation magic from working around Sildes." he explained. "Your brother in law will take the major brunt all things considered." Rand continued their pace watching Lily for any signs of concern. She had been trained by some of the best in the kingdom, and could hold her own. 

"But if we had to Grandma could still bring Daddy home couldn't she Uncle Rand?" Lily asked thinking about it. She loved grandma Sirrus but she never felt really comfertable around her. When they used to stay she always used to call her Alehial and Conner Rand before she caught herself. It was... really unnerving. There was simply too many rules for Lily to be very comfertable there anyways. Even if her cousin was there and a lot of fun to be around. She was thinking and riding the horse effortlessly well.

"I don't know well will have to find out the extent of hot water." Rand responded. His mother had convinced the council to allow teleportation to evacuate Baerlon during the war. And they hadn't been happy doing so, and told them it would most likely never happen again. "If not, I suppose we could attempt to contact a dragon?" he thought out loud. But, even that would have it problems.

"What like your mother in law?" Lily asked teasingly. It was always a little bit of a sorespot for Uncle Rand and she never knew exactly why, she had read the book but it didn't really explain things for Rand at all. "I hope everything and everyone is doing okay and is alright." She says then looking forward again at the large city walls protecting the capital city before them.

"Yes like my mother-in-law, like your aunt is a half-dragon, and your cousins are a quarter dragon." he answered. She had been a good partner during the war and they both love Cyndil fiercely. He looked at Lily, "I wish Mathius wasn't still in Pachuca, he'd be useful right now." He was starting to worry about that group, they were over due and no one had heard from them.

"Mmm we knew we might not be able to make contact... they had a month's time... to travel there and then an extra two weeks to try and find a way to contact us. Don't worry so much Uncle Rand, We can handle this without Mathius." Lily said with an emphasis on the we meaning herself included. She was determind to be seen as an adult like Conner was in the family. Not just another one of the little girls running around the house. "Besides I think it's funny when Aunt Cyndil is so protective of the twins and triplets." She says with a small mirthful grin.

They rode on for the rest of the trip and arrived a little over two hours later at the cty. Then they went directly to the Estate, Lily happened to look and noticed Gerard in bird form hoping along the wall. Rand didn't pay it much attention. They dismounted handing the reigns to grooms, then hurried to the house. Bowers in his full duty directed them, "Upstairs in the lord and ladies bedroom."

"Thanks Bowers!" Lily calls and takes the steps two at a time, it was a little hard but she managed. She wanted to hurry and find out what was wrong and why they had been called back so suddenly. But Rand was taller and faster then she was and she was merely keeping up with him. She waited behind him when they got to the room door. She didn't mind waiting but seeing Gerard made her nervous. She didn't have time right now to be running off and getting wooed.

They entered the bedroom smelling of soot and fire, immediatly putting the pregnant ladies on edge. Laying in the bed was Asper and Darryl, both seeming to be asleep. "Am I missing something or are we waiting on them to wake up?" Rand asked. Lai shook her head and looked at the both of them, she was a tad bit disappointed that Liliy ran off to poke around a ruin then make sure her house was in order.

Lily stiffened at the dissapointed look she got from Lai. Turning her head she saw one from Elsa too though Elsa had stiffened as if angry and her face had gone very very pale. She looked at Asper and Darryl sleeping and wondered why if they were just sleeping there was such a big fuss.
Elsa swallowed hard and tried not to breath through her nose. The moment they walked in she could smellthe burnt ashes from them. When Lily had come in... Elsa could smell burnt flesh. She had stiffened her back from anger and trying to breath and not dispell her food on anyone or setting anyone else off either.

Lai quickly filled Rand and Lily in on what had transpired after they left. "Now Rand you can get some clean clothes from Conner's room, and you two should both clean up and meet back her to discuss watches for the night." After they left, Bowers entered with incense to cover the awful odors. "Thank you Bowers," she said warmly, waiting for Elsa to work her tongue free. She was old enough to know Elsa could channel Alehial's wit in a heartbeat.

Elsa was silent though as she stared at her beloved little brother who wasn't quite so little ahymore and his wife, heavy with child. Rand with his wife and now five children too. Everyone understood what it was they were fighting for and why they needed to fight so hard and win. But Lily..."Stupid dissobedient little fool! Outside of the house and completely uninterested in keeping the family safe! Is she taking a page from Conners book and will start galavanting about using her name in every tavern and market?!" Elsa scowled deeply even ranting and venting wasn't helping very much. Though she was glad they were gone, her stomach was in knots and she still felt ill.

Fael looked at her and squeezed her hand, hoping that was the most she would vent until they were behind closed doors. Lai also looked at Elsa, "I will allow you your opinions, but not in front of her. Dou you understand me Elsa, your parents will take any action." She crossed and looked closely at Daryyl who again began to bleed, "Bailey, he needs you again." Bailey moved forward and began to chant again, hoping she had healed most of his injuries.

Elsa had stiffened at the reprimand from Lai. Was she the only one who saw what Lily was doing? Was she the only one properly worried about everyone in the house and outside of the house right now? "I understand." She says softly pulling her hand away from Feal's. She stood up off of the bed. It was too crowded right now for her to stay there. She put a hand on top of her belly and mumbled an axcuse no one probably heard before leaving the room. She didn't stop until she was in her own room again. Safely behind her door and away from that room.

Lai noticed Fael's look, "You don't agree with what I said?" 

"I do not, mistress Lai. Elsa is concern about this house and finds what Lily did as showing no concern." he evenly retorted. 

"Fael you are mistaken, I do not find it ok that Lily left. Right now is not the time for a feud between daughters of Ravenwood. If Elsa attacks Lily for not being home, Lily may attack back or worse. Right now is not the time for a house divided. Go and explain to Elsa, leave Lily to me." Lai quickly answered, while watching Darryl's body heal.

Fael entered their room, instinct said Elsa would head there. "Care to vent here in the privacy of our room?" He came up to her and kissed her cheek, then took a seat across from her. Always chose to sit on the stool, since there was no back to interfer with his tail. Clearing his mind of most things he focused on his wife.

"She already thinks me a child enough Feal. I'll never be respected as a woman in my own right like mother is." Elsa says shaking her head, she had been crying when he had come into the room and she sniffled and forced herself to stop crying. Wiping her eyes angrily she walks over to the ceramic bowl and pitcher and washed her face and hands. Drying them off she checked her hair out of habit in the mirror. She didn't want to see Feal's look right now. She loved him to death but she knew she wasn't the best woman out there. She didn't want to be such a burden on him... but she always was. She needed rescued and comferted and consoled and loved with a fierceness she feared he would someday grow tired of.

Faelwalked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her, "You are the best woman I know, and you should never hide your feelings from me." He kissed her neck and squeezed lightly. "Lai doesn't want you and Lily to fight while danger could loom. I think she agrees with your belief, frankly so do I. Now sit so that I can rub your shoulders and neck, I can feel your stress."

"Feal... I... I know I'm pushy and... over the top and a drama queen and I can be overbearing and push what I want without paying attention to others and pigheaded like Altair and I know I'm not the best women out there ever and I'm trying really hard for you and I don't want you to hate me because I lvoe you so much. You're the whole world to me and I know I'm emotional and I keep making you do things for me you might not want to do but I promise I'll get better at it and that we'll move out into the forest somewhere where there isn't anyone else and raise our babies and I'll be a better wife I promise so please just don't ever get tired of me okay?" Elsa says turning in his arms. She had taken a deep breath and didn't take another until after everything had come out. A little rushed and breathless but her eyes had watered up and by the end she buried her face against his chest to hide the tears falling from her eyes so he wouldn't get worried.

"Be quiet woman", he teasingly chastized her. "You are everything I ever wanted in a woman, mother, and lover." he said being serious. He kissed her, running his hands along her sides. Because he was happy with her his tail moved back and forth. "And I will live wherever we feel is best for our family." he murmured before deeply kissing her again.

Elsa moaned leaning against him. Her stomach once against pushing against his own making the baby within kick and push against the force it was feeling. Elsa didn't care at this moment, she wrapped her arms around his and held him tightly by the shoulders as they kissed. She put all her frustration and anger and hopelessness and love and joy at having him in her kiss. If things weren't so serious she might also have initiated something between them but things were serious and She couldn't think of doing something like that right now. Not that it stopped her mind you. She just knew she couldn't act on any of those thoughts right now.

"Now we should take a few moments to compose ourselves, then return back to the bedroom and decide on our watches." he whispered as he cradled her. He rubbed her shoulders and back. Fael gently kissed her again then placed one on her neck. They would find time later to enjoy one another, he felt that would help Elsa relax a little more.

Elsa sighed and nodded her head in agreement with Feal. Though she felt like asking him to tell them she wasn't feeling well or something to make her not to go back to the room and face everyone after that embarresing admonishment by her grandmother. but she sucked it up and stuffed it down inside of her, slowly pulling out of their embrace and rubbing the side of her stomach to ease the child within her a little. "Let's go then." She says softly wiping her eyes again, she knew she was being silly nd difficult but each time he reasured her it made her fall even deeper in love with him.

When they arrived back, Rand and Lily hadn't made it back yet. Lai crossed and apologized to Elsa. "I did not mean to be short with you, I just want to keep our little defending force from infighting." She finished her apology by hugging and kissing her cheek. Now all they had to do was wait for Rand and Lily.

Lily arrived not long after Elsa and Feal returned to the rooms. She was in a sinple overdress but she was wearing pants underneath it. Her weapons belt and everything else was on, it was just she was wearing one of her elven shorter overdresses over pants beneath her armor and weapons. She was braiding her hair so she could pin it up and out of her way. It was only mid back length but enough so she could do it.

Rand came in last, tucking one of Conner's shirts into pants belted to keep them up. "Gods, the boy is a giant." he declared "So mistress Lai our plans until we hear from Lord and Lady?" Lai crossed the room, "Fael, Lily and Rand are the warriors, and we will have to keep magic close. So, Elsa and Fael, Lily and Bailey, Rand and myself, but I will be present all the time except to take reveree."

"I will of course be taking over that shift and quite a bit more then just four hours." Elsa says frowning at her grandmother. Elsa hadn't forgotten Lai was pregnant. As much as the elf might like to try and make everyone else forget. Elsa had crossed her arms and would stand firm on this.
Lily tied off her braid and grinned at her smallish Uncle in her brothers clothes. They made him look sillier then his court clothes did. "I'll take an eight hour shift... anytime. I'm young I'll recover." She shrugs looking at Feal and her uncle then. Leaving the rest of the descisions up to them. Though she figured Feal would want the same duty time as his wife. Honestly she was fine with that.

"Lily, I want you to stay here and help with our general plans." Lai stopped her from leaving. Rand looked at Elsa to see if she was understanding what was going on. "Elsa, I don't want you or Arten to overtax themsleves. Four hours is all the sleep I need pregnant or not." Lai was showing concern that she was trying to hard.

"Oh no you don't grandmother! Mom left me in charge of your health and if you needed only four hours of reverie why did you sleep during your other pregnacy? Besides I've been having Bowers bring you food and he reports to me whether or not your eating it. You're not taking on more then anyone one else not if I can help it. You are pregnant too and even if yours takes longer it doesn't mean you can carry on like you used to regardless." Elsa says folding her arms tighter against her chest. She refused to back down on this. She knew Lai had begun eating only one or maybe two meals a day and that wasn't healthy especially when pregnant. Lily shrugged and sat down, glad the dress she wore was slit all the way to her hip and narrower at the tips. It worked great actually and she was thinking about using it more often.

Lai stared open-mouthed, "And when is it your mothers place to have me monitored?!"

Arten began to laugh, "I think you are outdone my elven friend, I'm stuck with Bailey and you with Elsa!"

Lai crossed her arms across her chest, "I chose to try sleeping because I had your grandfather with me. Elves have had children for generations with only the four hours reverie." She was looking for an escape or way to take control again. "Bailey, look at Asper's fingers!" everyone looked and sure enough they were bleeding. Bailey shook her head and moved to Asper chanting another healing spell.

"Grandma... Did you eat today? I want the truth. If I must be like Bailey you better believe I will be. There will be nothing to stop me and no one will interfere with me trying to take care of you." Elsa says scowling at her grandmother. She knew Feal would help take her side in caring for her pregnant grandmother and the new aunts or uncles insiede of her growing slowly. Elsa was worried about Asper's little girl as well.

Lai smiled at Elsa then held up her hand with a ring on it, "This is a ring of sustnence, it is the same as eating and I wore it while pregnant the last two times." She slid the ring off and placed it on Asper's finger. "However, she and the baby may need it more than I. So, I will return to a normal eating and reveriee pattern." The look she shot Elsa, was a grinning challenge. "Now I, Elsa, Bailey, Fael, and Lily will go and rest, Elsa and Fael may take Arten and Rand's place in a while. Agreed?"

"Agreed." Elsa says softly nodding her head. She hadn't known about the ring of sustenance, even still nothing was a replacement for real food. Elsa was determind to watch out for Lai and her babies. Just as she was for her own little family. She looked at Feal and offered him a very small smile before she hugged her uncle. "It's good to see you again Uncle Rand. I'm sorry I haven't visited very much." She says softly.

Lily nodded her head and stretched her arms until her elbows snapped and her shoulders popped making her let out a happy little sigh before she waved to everyone and headed out of the room first. She was going to go outside and into the side yard for a little while. In pretence of doing her excersizes for the day. Maybe she would get to see Gerard after all this day.

Rand smiled at Elsa, "Do not apologize to me little niece, your aunt is the one who wishes for more frequent visits. And even your cousins ask when you will return." He kissed her cheek and remembered the little girl he used to play alongside. Until more children arrived, and she outgrew her old uncle Rand. He shook Fael's hand and let them go rest, and nodded to Lai, "Looks like its you and me, Arten."

Lily waited twenty minutes from when she arrived in the side yard. But she was not disappointed, from behind a bush she heard Gerard, "psst, have you seen a beautiful ranger-in-training named Lily, miss?" He peeked out and smiled at her, then using one finger beckoned her to come to him. He knew of the attacks and of the prison fire, something told him that he should get all the info he could from Lily. Gerard would have ravashed her on sight except he still had the painting of her nude.

Lily smiled brightly and walked over quickly into the bushes. It was a familiar spot the younger children always gravitated to it when they did somehting they didn't want anyone to see or hear. "Oh Gerard! I've missed you so much! It was terrible! These last few days..." Lily said instant moving herself into his arms and hugging him closely, laying her head on his chest. She needed someone to personally comfert her. Everyone seemed to either be mad at her or not want her around because she was underfoot. She knew Gerard would never tell her to leave or tell her she was being to childish.

He rubbed her back, "Tell me what has happened my love, I'm glad to see you are safe though." Gerard began to fish for information, and since Lily loved to talk, she'd supply him with everything he needed and more. He tilted her head up and kissed her for a long second, as he placed his hand upon her leg. She was an amazing beauty, a fact now Uncle Gregor agreed with even though the delays on getting her home were taxing. The young man knew, she would pan out in the end, and make him very wealthy.

"Oh it was horrible Gerard! First there was Asper and she was freaking out over something and then She and Darryl were argueing and fighting and bringing the whole family into it but then we switched out the household members and after that something else happened! A great fire started in the prison and we still haven't figured out why I personally know it was Uncle Galin's doing though! But before that Darryl had to save Asper because Jakes father Lash was here and tormenting her and then Sothites came through a portal and tried to get Asper and now they are both asleep in mother and fathers room and everyone has been yelling at me and telling me to go do something away from everyone else and Now I have to have a guard roster duty to watch over Darryl and Asper as they sleep but it's not just sleep Darryl in IN her head! And he's trying to save her and they keep getting wounds and we have to heal them and it's really weird and no one has been even given so much as a good morning today or yesterday or even the day before that!" Lily says letting it all out quickly and tightly hugging gerard as she told him everything. She wasn't even thinking he might not be safe to tell.

"Uncle Galin? who is he & why would he do that to the prison. And Sothites, what arguement do they have with your family." Pretty much everything else was forgotten immediatly, she did enjoy talking. He stroked her leg and held her close to him. "My poor misunderstood lover, no on appreciates you like I do." he comforted kissing her again. Without the parents home he could do what he needed, since the rest of the house was 'occupied'.

"Oh um Uncle Galin... er... we aren't close to him and the Sothites are those who follow the way of the dragon lord Soth from the dragon wars. Which is silly because my Grandfather killed him along with my Mother in self defence of course!! Soth wanted to marry her and make her his. you see and I know! No one says thank you to me or not even so much as a can you please! They just boss me around and tell me what to do and expect me to just do it like a child!" Lily says leaning into Gerard heavily nuzzling against his neck with her lips.

He goaned a little and looked in her eyes, "Well, I thank you for accepting my proposal. And may I please kiss my intended bride again?" Gerard was losing a battle with himself and as he leaned down to kiss Lily he raised his hand up her thigh and squeezed. Gregor had told him not to steal her virtue that many people would pay a higher price for a virgin. But, she was so willing to keep him happy, he dreamed several times of claiming her maidenhood.

Lily completely accepted his kiss and his words. One of her hands laid on his hip her hands not squeezing but there all the same. She fully gave herself to him in this kiss and wouldn't deny him. After all He loved her so why should she hold anything back or worry about anything? Talk of brides made her blush brightly and very happy. She moaned softly into the kiss at the touch of his warm hand on her thigh.

"Any word from the family on the road?" he asked breaking the kiss. It was the only thing holding them up, or looming to destroy his plans. "Have they managed to pick up the little ones?" hopefulness tinged his words. He squeezed her thigh again and smiled at her. If it wasn't for getting the little ones of the family from Sildea, they would already be in Valusia.

"No not yet... Though Elsa say's they are in Garrison town now... There's one more small village a hunting village south of the Garrison town they will go to but it's only one more week of travel until they reach the city and the kids are transported here along with the rest of most of the household to protect them. That's when we'll slip away okay?" Lily reasures him with the plan, of course if nothing else happened. If there was something else big she would have to make him wait yet again but she worried he might be getting sick of all the waiting after all her promises of them being together soon. She dismissed it in the firm belief that he loved her and would not leave her or be angry about this.

Gerard held her tight, "Oh, my love. I don't want it to seem like I am angry, just the longer we are here, the less moneies we will have to set ourselves up when we get to Valusia." He did worry in too many more weeks the profits from his plans would dry up. Gregor took a huge cut of the profit before paying for the set ups, after all that what remained was his. He had held everything in check until he spotted Lily and decided to push his luck. Kissing her deeply, "But I suppose we will make do with what we have."

"I know I'm sorry! But I can't leave now... they might get killed if I am not here to help. Mom and Dad spread the family out to try and figure out what is going on. To bring the children back and to take care of Baerlon and Andor." Lily says looking up at him, she really was starting to get a little distraught that it was taking such long time for her to leave. But she couldn't just leave then family when they were in trouble. No matter IF she was in love with Gerard or not.

"Perhaps there may be a way to benefit us, if you really want us to succeed?" he told her. Smiling he kissed her lips again, if he played his cards right the trip may be more profitable then he thought. "Lily, would you be able to get use some platinum or gold coins, or gems. Not much just enough to offset what coin I have to spend to remain here. I shouldn't tell you this but, I have been rationing my meals so not to spend to much." he looked at her, a little disheartened.

"I can bring some of my own... It's not much maybe two hundred... But... maybe it'll help for when we leave?" Lily asked concerned now about how they would be able to do this if they didn't have any money. But she couldn't slip away now. There was simply too few men in the household to protect all the heavily pregnant women. Lily's face was worried and sad and a little lost in thought at the moment. Her bottem lip was pushed out a little in a very cute pouty look.

"What about getting some gems? We can replace them when we return plus interest. Besides, we aren't asking them for a dowry, I'm lucky enough to have you." he smiled and kissed her again. He was a fool for those soft pouty lips, and for a second slid his hand to her stomach. He longed to touch her body, maybe squeeze her breast or kiss her chest. He had to keep his compsure and not give into trying to take her virture.

"I... I can't get into the vault Gerard... I have one or two gems a Ruby and an Emerald Mother and father got me when they were adventuring. But other then that I simply can't get anything other then what I personally keep in my own rooms." Lily says softly moaning into his kiss. Her arms wrapping around his broad chest, one hand at his lower back the other up between his shoulder blades. She was still very chaste even though she'd seen things and heard other things.

"Well, it will have to do, things will just be a little tight." he smiled and kissed her again. Temptation won over and he brought his had to her breast. He groaned into the kiss as well, she was young and felt wonderful. She was young, beautiful, and most of all pure in a word perfection. Now al he was worried about was if he offended her, and if she'd be cross.

Lily gasped softly at the feeling of his large warm hand over her breast. But she leaned into the touch and the kiss moaning deeply. Her hands tightening their hold on him as he felt her up. She only knew that finally her beloved was enjoying his time with her as much as she was enjoying it and he was finally treating her like a woman he loved instead of a little girl who didn't know anything.

He gathered her up into his arms and set her on his lap. Still kissing her and roaming his hands against her, enjoying the young heiress and her ardent kisses. "You give me hope that no matter what we will always turn out alright." he myrmured. He was waiting for the sound of the Ravenwood wolves, they always showed up when he was with her. He began kissing lower on her neck, to see how far she would let him go.

"Oh Gerard! I feel the same way!" Lily gasps softly moaning letting him roam her neck all he wished. She only wished she wasn't wearing her armer still as it would hinder him from going far at all. She was still wearing her weapons too for that matter. She ran her fingers through his hair, she was loving the attention he was lavishing her with.

He appreciated her allowing him to roam over her. "Lily, when is your turn to keep watch?" he asked between kisses. If he didn't take her virture he could have a little enjoyment. "If you'd like I could come and see you after, when you get a chance to rest." he offered licking the crease of her neck playfully. "I promise though, I won't attempt to take your maidenhood until we are properly married."

"Oh Gerard! What did I ever do to deserve a wonderful man like you in my life." Lily smiled brightly running her fingers through his hair gently, her eyes filled with love and emotion all for him. "I don't know when my shift is. No one told me... right now I'll be told when to take the guard and that's that. "I wish I could have you come see me. I would love to fall asleep in your arms my love." she said softly.

He kissed her again, "I'll be nearby, light a candle in your window and I will come to you." Gerard put his hand high upon her inner thigh, and rubbed lightly. "WOuld you like me to come to you tonight when your shift is over?" He knew Gregor would disapprove, but didn't care he wanted something else from this little operation. And after seeing her undressed painting his desire was almost at it peak.

"I'll try Gerard I'll try for you. Lily said leaning up and kissing his lips herself. She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly. "Only a few more days, and we will go off and begin our own lives together. We'll have a family after a few years of adventuring." Lily says with a bright smile and leaning close to him.

"You should probably go Lily, they will be missing you at some point." he sighed into her neck. A few more days, she said and he started calculating what that would mean. Weeks of shipboard travel to Illiene and then to Valusia. THey would have plenty of time to act like lovers, just making sure not to step over that boundary. And convincing her to bring money with her, would help a great deal.

"Yes alright. I love you Gerard..." she says with a smile looking up at him adoringly, her brown green eyes filled with the emotion. she didn't know what he was thinking of but she didn't need to know and she was already getting excited bout making her own history with him like Mom and Dad had done. Or rather more like Grandma and Grandpa had done. She missed Grandpa Conner sorely and the thought made her sigh thinking she really should head inside.

He released har with another quick passionate kiss, watching her form disappear back into the house. "You have certainly outdone yourself, Gerard." he whispered. He thought too, her equipment would earn him a pretty coin. A minor frown crossed his face, looking at the house his concern grew a little bit. Her family was powerful, from the psion borther to Grandmother wizard, and sister wizard and the monk brother-in-law, they might be watching and he wondered what they were doing.

Elsa sighed sitting in the rocking chair with a cushion behind her back and a cushion on the otoman holding her feet up. After everything that had happened she was tired. She hadn't really done much but mentally everything in this house was starting to get to her. She was sitting reclined in the chair in only her shift. She had taken everything else off so as to be more comfertable.

Fael watched her from a distance away, normally he closed his eyes furing meditation, but Elsa was a focal point for him. He was seated on a bench that looked like another ottaman. "Is there anything I can do to make you more comfortable, Elsa?" he asked having seen her using cushions trying to get comfortable. She was brave, proud, and most of all so very loving to him and their family. ANything he could do to ease her discomfort, he would do gladly.

"No I'm alright Feal... Just... weary." Elsa said giving him a small happy and content smile. She loved him, from the fights they had had in the begining and her stubburness in not leaving to him wooing her and teasing her. All the way to Andor where she was pregnant with his children and he was still a cat. It made her giggle a little and rub her now pregnant stomach as well. Looking over at his worried look she sighed softly. "come here my love." She called opening her arms for invitation.

Fael stood & stretched, walking over to her and taking a knee. He kissed her deeply, then leaned down and kissed her stomach through the shift. Continuing at that, he began to rub an squeeze her legs under the shift. "You are begining to stress over everything again, more than you should. We are a team and will work like one, we are going to rest until our turn to watch over them." he observed.

"I know I am but Grandmother doesn't seem to be taking her pregnancy seriously and Lily is just... She is such a child! She doesn't even realize how dangerous everything is right now for us." Elsa takes a deep breath and let's it out again. "No I understand but I'm a ravenwood woman! I can't help it!" Elsa laughed softly running her hands through Feals hair scratching a little as if he were in cat form. She knew he liked it even outside of his other shape.

He drew the shift up a little and kissed her bare leg, "This isn't Lai's first child, Elsa. I'm sure she is resting as well, not to deprive you of another aunt or uncle." Fael knew Lily was chaffing at having to be here, just like Elsa had told him at the Oasis she had been. "And Lily is young, dearest, you were like her at one point wanting to do something else." Abadoning her leg to again come up, kissing her neck and trailing fingers along her shoulder.

"Mmhmmm, and it ended up with me being grounded with double the work load then before and being dragged back by my father." Elsa sighed softly leaned her head to the side so he had more room to get to. She loved his attentions towards her and she loved how he was always so very gentle with her when she was pregnant, which was quite different of how it was when she wasn't. She let one of her hands run down his back before she gently stroked his tail, not yet exploiting the weakness at the base. She was saving that for a moment or two.

He gently pulled the tie at the front of her shift, and nuzzled the hollow of her neck. They learned so much about each other before they married. "I love you so much Elsa." he told her. He gently kissed her cleveage and stroked her legs again. He hoped she could relax just a little from his attentions.

"I love you too Feal, more then you'll ever know. But if we are going to do this it should be on the bed... not the wooden rocking chair." Elsa says softly speaking into his ear before licking the shell and nibbling on his earlobe. She loved it when he paid attention to her and was so gentle as if she would turn to dust and he'd never be able to feel or see her again. It made her heart swell and for her to do the same to him.

He offered her his hand up and went to the bed with her. "Are you sure I can tempt you into taking time for us?" he teased as he loosened her shift. Fael had watched Elsa for a long time before he ever interceded in her life. And she showed him her compassion for others was amazing. Kissing the back of her neck he ran his hands across her stomach.

"Oh shut up, everyone else wants some of the awesomely amazing thing that I am. you'll just have to share and be happy with the time you steal me away from everyone else." Elsa says with a giggle, letting the shift drop and pushing it away from her. She leaned back against him and run her hands through his hair at the base of his neck, rubbing that spot for a moment or two. She loved his tenderness and his gentleness with her. It was as if he looked at her for the first time every time. As if each time he touched her it was the first time. It made her feel so treasured.

"I understand I guess, I won't be able to please you adequetly or rub your back and feet, then." he teased back. He kissed her neck more boldly and brought one of his hands up to gnetly touch her. Fael understood from others that what he and Elsa had was the envy of most people. Moving from her neck to her shoulder and up towards her ear.

Elsa let out a soft sigh and moan at his gentle touches. Letting him have more room at her neck, she loved the wildness he still carried with him. "If you stop I swear I'll never stroke your tail again." She whispers lustfully with a grin on her lips and her eyes dark with passion. She was grateful of his gentlenes while she was pregnant especially, with being pregnant and having stopped breastfeeding the babies when they went to Sildea she had to squeeze them and they were still a little sore everyday regardless. Everything else though she didn't mind anything he did although they were always careful during the act of just because it was a large stomach to push against a very small person inside.

They climbed into their bed and Fael kissed her deeply. Gently rubbing all over her body. He intended in using his hands and knowledge to lower her stress. Lowering his head he gently licked Elsa's breast, knowing in a short time their child would feed from her. 

"Sh-shit! Feal! mmm Not fair... You know they are really sensitive." Elsa moans the lick making her squirm beneath him. His hands felt heavenly and sent spikes of hit desire to her core. during the first pregnancy with the twins it had amused Elsa to no end that they had been making love and accidently gotten some milk from them. She had to explain that the first milk was the best for the babies when they were born. It really had been funny though and he had been quite and ruffle tailed kitty for a day or so.

He raised his head and looked at her, "And since I am using my mouth on them, no jokes about a kitty and the cream." Resuming his licks he continued to stroke and rub his wife's body, hopefully bringing her enjoyment. Fael's tail flipped over and brushed her legs, it moved in such a manner that it would tickle one leg then the other. His fingers dipped into her and massaged her.

"But it's not uuuhhnn cream my furry man, it's milk your aah! Your favorite!" Elsa giggled softly and then bucked her hips and squirmed because of her limited mobility, it felt so good and she couldn't return to favor easily with the bulge of her pregnent belly. She did though lean up just enough that her hands wrapped around the base of his tail and began to rub. She loved it when he purred and made love to her. She always teased that a vibrating man was the best way to go.

"One day I shall probably have to try, but my favortie taste lies elsewhere on Elsa!" he teased. A throaty purr began to vibrate from him and he began to massage a little harder. She knew his spots, where to push and touch, and her knew her just as well. Fael bathed her breasts with his rough tongue, not quiet a cats but rougher than a normal mans. He felt his tail wrap once around her leg, his light furr brushing her thigh.

"mmm!" Elsa moaned encouragingly before she began to quiver a little. "N-no more! please I... I want you honey. I NEED you." She begs softly moving her hand just slightly to rub the part of his tail where it met with his spine. the most sensitive of spots on his tail to hit. She was going crazy with need and she panted and gazed at him her eyes glazed with lust and passion. Her other hand in his hair messaging his head.

He moved to join with her, he wanted Elsa just as badly as she called for him. Once together he began to kiss her deeply, feeling the heat that she was giving off. Fael did hope that once she gave birth they would wait until the twins and this one were a little older, before the next child. He continued to purr as her hand rubbed his tail.

Elsa cried out at their joining, her hands tightening on his body though she made sure to let go of his tail first. She had learned early on not to grab it. Her cry swallowed into the kiss between them. She loved the way he felt inside of her. She had promised she would wait until he decided he wanted more children, but she hadn't told him that yet. He was happy yes but sometimes she saw the slight wistfulness or slight dissapointment that she was too far gone with child to be able to do many things with him anymore. "Move my love, please!" She asked breaking the kiss and biting at his neck gently. As good as he felt she wanted movement, but just to be joined.

Her request thrilled him to no end, and he would do anything to grant it. Fael began working his length in andout of her rythmically, watching for any signs of discomfort. Seeking out the kiss again he moaned into her mouth and stroked her breast. Everytime he and Elsa joined was magical to him, being with her warmed him like being in sunlight. His tail sat still for a long time, laying alongside her right leg.

Elsa moaned and clutched at him with one arm around his upper body her other hand squeezing his butt urging him to move faster and to thrust a little harder. Not much but a little more wouldn't hurt the child inside of her. She kissed him willingly, parting her lips for him and letting her noises at their lovemaking be swallowed by them both in the kiss.

Fael understood her signals and slid deeper inside of her. Once she seemed satisfied he began to move in and out at a quicker pace. He broke the kiss and again took her breast into his mouth, licking lightly. Then he returned again seeking out her lips. Moving one hand he squeezed Elsa's butt as well, there wasn't a part of her he didn't enjoy touching or tasting.

Elsa moaned encouragingly, he was always so... perfect. Knowing what she wanted with just the smallest of hints or clues. "Yes! Yes! oooohhh YEs!" Elsa moaned her head back a little as she rode the pleasure building inside of her. His touches and his mouth were both doing things to her that would soon drive her over the edge. She loved him so much and he treated her so tenderly. She shook a little moving her hips to meet his thrusts somewhat.

As he thrust into her he gently nipped at front of her neck. The pace was constant and he sped up a little, making sure she could handle it. One hand slid from her buttock back to her breast, teasing her nipple. He began to growl a little as he went about pleasing her, it was a habit he picked up when the began making love. Elsa considered it his version of moaning or panting.

"Feal! Oh Feal!! OOOoooOOHH!" Elsa cried out writhing beneath him as or orgasm washed over her. Taking her a little by surprise, she arched her back and pushed her bulging stomach against his as her orgasm whipped through her. IT must have been the growling and the teasing of her breast. She was always highly sensitive when pregnant there and his growling was so exciting it just pushed her completely over the edge, her fingers dug into his skin as she held him tightly in her hands.

The contracting muscles around him and the musky smell teamed with her cries brought him to orgasm as well. He groaned and waited for them both to come down from that peak. Fael removed himself from her and lay beside her, his breathing began to slow. "Well, my love have I relaxed you suitably?" he teased. Before she answered he kissed her again deeply.

Elsa groaned into the kiss and still breathing hard she smiled contentedly. "Yes my love. I am suitably relaxed. Now shut up and hug me so I can take a nap." She says bossily with a lazy look on her face and a lazy smile on her kiss bruised lips. The baby moved and oushed against her belly and she laid her hand on top of the child and stroked the skin softly and began to hum one of the elven lullaby's she often sang for the babies. It usually helped sooth them.

Fael wrapped around her and squeezed lightly. "I love you and all of our children." he said. Laying his head upon the pillow, her song began to drift him into dreams. They would have time tonight to talk just the two of them. He hoped Darryl would be successful in rescuing Asper, he knew the younger man would stop at nothing.

Soon enough the baby had settled within her as well and she smiled. Relaxing utterly in his arms now. She sighed softly and kissed his lips ever so lightly not wanting to wake him up, but she wanted him to know how much she loved him. Listening to her heart beat she too fell fast asleep with a soft prayer to any god who was listening to help Darryl get Asper back and out of immediate danger.

Many hours later Lai came to Altair and Alehial's bedroom to wait, Lily would soon be here to wait with her along with Bailey. "How goes everything Rand and Arten?" She was happy when they reported no new injuries. She leaned down and kissed both of their brows. COming over she sat beside Arten on the devan.

It wasn't long at all beofre Lily showed up still dressed as she had been before, though now her hair was up in a bun pinned to her head. "I know I'm a little early but I wanted to see and I ran out of things to do to keep me busy." She says softly in defence of herself when everyone looked at her when she had entered the room.

"It is quite alrgiht Lily," Lai answered. She hadn't expected Lily or Bailey to be late for their duties. And before she could comment further, Bailey appeared behind her.

"Mind terribly moving so I may get past?" Bailey asked. She had a large mug of coffee and bread with her.

"Hey that's not fair! They told me I had to wait until the meal was ready for everyone before I could get food!" Lily said scowling at the dwarf with her food and coffee. They had told her that a snack would only ruin her appetite too. She crossed her arms and looked over to Rand and Lai and even Arten for help. All she'd done was try to take an apple anyways. Lily did move to the side closer to Uncle Rand to let Bailey inside though. She knew better then to get in the way of a determind dwarf.

"Don't know what to tell ye!" Bailey said.

Rand laughed loudly at them, Arten shook her head. Lai sighed, "Lily go ahead and get some food and drink alright?" She knew it would be a long noght and she wanted to keep everyone happy. "If you would have Bowers bring me some tea and a bit of bread and some fruit, please dear." Smiling at Lily knowing she would take care of it.

Lily scowled harder and with more feeling this time. "Yes grandma." she said softly nodding her head before leaving quickly. Flying down the stairs as was her habit to tell Bowers and the cook it was Lai's order. The servants finally listened and she watched as they piled up fruits and fresh bread and jams and the teapot and cups. Sighing she followed Bowers up the stairs. She didn't walk into the room until after Bowers since he had a load to bear. she hated that even the servants still treated her like a child whose permission had to be gotten over everything.

Lai thanked Bowers for being prompt then turned to Lily, "Many thanks dear one for fetching him. I don't think I had another trip up or down the stairs in me today." Rand and Arten said their goodnights and got up and left them alone. "Lily, what is wrong? You seem to be upset, come sit and tell me what is wrong." The feeling plagued Lai that like Elsa, Lily was chaffing at this conventional life.

Lily sighed and walked over slowly, sitting down making sure that none of her weapons got in her way or would poke Lai. "I'm glad I could help you grandmother. I really am. I just... everyone still treats me like I'm some kind of child... even the servants tell me no unless someone else gives permission for whatever I want before they allow me." Lily said slumping in hte chair a little in her unhappiness.

"They are family as well, and most of them have cared for you since you were born. None the less I will speak to them about allowing you to be grown up." she assured Lily. Lai took her hand and kissed it, then looked across to Asper and Darryl. "Here is a dire hope they return to us soon. I fear dark things may be ahead of us."

"With Uncle Galin alive again... it certainly isn't going to be good. I was born in the castle... the last time Uncle Galin was here. I was five days old when Mom and Grandpa killed him... what if... what if he tries to use us kids against mom like the last time?" Lily asks shivering a little and leaning on Lai's shoulder. Lily was careful not to let herself rest to much weight on the smaller older woman. She hoped it wouldn't happen. Mom would give everything and her own life to protect all of the kids and grandkids. They were her weakness. Lily knew that, and she thanked the gods for Alehial's strength and that of her grandfathers to save her and Conner from being raised by Galin himself.

Lai smiled and looked at Lily, "Dear one, you were born when your mother and grandfather kiled him. The other version of Galin, your father killed when you were five and in Sildea." She patted Lily on the knee, letting her know the little slip was to be expected. For a moment she allowed herself to float backwards in time, seeing Conner again and feeling his arms around her. It was a horrid shame that if Lyriel and FLint ever did fall to their feelings, he would die before she ever saw one hundred years, her eye misted a little.

"Grandma? I'm sorry... I didn't mean to make you sad! Please don't cry Grandma I'm sorry, I won't do it again okay?" Lily said worrying she had upset Lai, she took her grndmothers hands in her own and squeezed them gently. "I'll accept what I'm given, I won't make any problems for the family okay? Um here your tea will get cold." Lily said standing up and bringing the tray over to Lai so she could pick out anything she wanted from the tray of food and snacks.

"It's not that my dear, you've done nothing wrong. Sometimes the past chooses its time to visit you." she said dabbing her eyes with a handkercheif. She pulled Lily down and hugged her as tight as she could. Altair was not her son by nature or birth, and his children were not hers in the same vein. But, she loved them all with a mother's love, and woe to any that wanted to harm them. That is what frustrated Lai so much, that she couldn't help fight this new threat to Darryl and Asper.

Lily sat down next to her grandma and hugged her tightly in return. She felt horrible bringing up Grandfather when she knew grandma Lai was missing him so badly. It wasn't fair he left her early not only once but twice. "I'm sorry anyways Grandma... I didn't man to make you upset... I know you really listen to me... and I'm sorry I'm not grateful for what I have. I'll try to be better okay? I just... feel like everyone is still treating me like a little girl." Lily says laying her head against Lai's shoulder.

"Little one," she said with a small smile, "compared to my life you are still in diapers." Turning her head she kissed Lily on the cheek, how much the young woman managed to remind her of Alehial & Altair at the same time. "I wish I had a spell in my books to wake them, but with powers like Darryl's." she let her comment trail off. Part of Lai wished a spell would make them all little again, when she would end her reverie to find the whole lot of them had 'appeared' in her bed. She laughed a little remembering Lily laughing and giggling when she would sing in elven to her and Conner.

"I don't even know what happened... Just that they're sleeping. No one told me anything. No one ever tells me anything. I would never wear diapers after learning to use a proper restroom grandma. Why are you laughing? You're not remembering me in diapers are you? you better not be!" Lily said looking at her grandmother, lifting her head to look better at her face and try to figure out what was going through her head.

"Someone has been attacking Asper's mind and Darryl has went in to try and stop them." Lai explained grimly. It wasn't very long or complex answer to her question. She never kept things from the children when she could help it. "And to answer your question I was remembering all of you when you were little, and how you giggled when I used to sing to you in elven. Although I think that is where Conner picked up his knack for music."

"He still favors the traditional elvon songs. I hear him practicing them or singing them to women at the court. They haven't any idea what he is saying... He gets a kick out of it though. And... He still sings to me too." Lily says softly looking over at Darryl and Asper. she hoped nothing happened t Asper. She liked the woman, despite the hateful way she spoke to everyone and about their life. She was stupid that way but she was good and caring and Lily saw that.

"The doweger queen loved his singing most of all, gods rest her soul." Lai commented. Altair's aunt loved his family, thinking it was wonderful and diverse. "I wish I knew what was going on in there its been hours since he went inside to help her. Darryl truly loves her, and wants nothing but the best for her and Jake as well." She squeezed Lily's hand, "I'm glad you and your brother are close."

"I loved her too. We used to be close. We doesn't want to be held back by a girl like me anymore. Cause he's a man, Darryl is too... but he's never been afraid to love people and show he cared about them. That's just been Conners problem..." Lily said softly and sighing, holding her grandmothers hand, also looking over at the two on the bed. She wished she could be more like Darryl too for that matter or strong like Asper was.

"No matter what if you need him he comes running, dearest." Lai pointed out. It was Conner after all that could decipher her squeals and squeaks when she got really upset. She wondered if Altair and Alehial should have encouraged Darryl to find someone more like him, Asper was sometimes rough and abrasive. But, something about her worked for Darryl and that was good enough for Lai. In truth all she wanted was her family to be happy and the enemies to leave them be.

"I know... Conner is more then my brother... he's... my other half. I love him but... even he is allowed to go out and be a man. while I rmain at home." Lily sighed softly and walked over to the bed to check on them both. Darryl was sweating a little and she took out a handkercheif and dabbed his brow gently. "He must be working hard to save her." she mused softly.

Bailey who had been watching from another chair commented, "If he loves her like everyone has said, he's probably using every ounce of power he has." She watched the young ranger and decided she wasn't a lost cause and most likely would be an interesting friend. "So, how do we keep this from hapening again, Mistress Lai?" She at least used a polite term when speaking to the elven wizardess. Lai shrugged and said, "Only Darryl knows how and that's saying they wake up, right Lily?"

"Darryl said that if he can put something in her head they can't ever touch her again. At least not in her head they can't. At least that's what I heard when I eavesdropped a little yesterday." Lily said with a grin at the two women shrugging her shoulders a little. This was the first time Bailey had ever spoken to Lily. Lily had thought the young dwarf didn't like her very much... or maybe at all.

Suddenly both Darryl and Asper started to shiver like the were submerged in freezing water. Bailey and Lai both headed to the bed to check on them, "Lily please help us with some blankets and we need to summon Bowers to have the fireplace lit." They were already pale and things didn't look like they were about to get better. Bailey looked at Lai, "Any ideas mistress?" to which Lai responded, "I wish I had at least one."

Lily quickly ran to the rope and pulled it to summon Bowers. She then ran to the closet and grabbed more blankets and carried them to the bed, tossing one to Lai gently and unfolding her own with a snap she laid it over Asper and put her hand to her cheeks. "She feels cold." Lily says softly looking worriedly over at the older two women in the room. she hadn't any idea what to do or how to react to this.

Bowers arrived and looked at the trio rather confused. "Bowers get a fire started as quickly as you can, they are freezing." Lai instructed quickly. She coverd Darryl and placed her hand upon his brow she grimaced he was still very cold. Panic gripped Lai, not knowing what Asper and Darryl were facing inside her mind. "Gods please let them go, make them release Asper and Darryl."

Lily had stacked the fire in the fireplace, she had needed to do something with her hands. She felt so useless and young. She hoped nothing bad happened or was happening, besides Asper still needed to have her baby. "Grandma... I think now would be a good time to at least try to reach the Wisdom." Lily said with a shakey breath.

"I don't know how to contact her, she always just pops in when she feels like it." Lai said a small amount of concern was being overtaken by panic. "The most we can do is contact your mother." she walked to the mirror prepared to push the reporting time of their travels. "Uhm, I hate to ask but is he breathing?" Bailey interupted the conversation and began coming around the bed. It was apparent without checking, Darryl had stopped breathing like he was drowning. Lai took the wand of healing and cast upon him, Darryl didn't change his look.

Lily frowned and started to chew on her bottem lip, a bad habit she picked up when she was concerned or flustered or frustrated. "Grandma... Isn't there anything we could do?" Lily asks checking on Asper, she was still shivering and goosebumps were covering her entire body. Her throat was starting to turn red. "Bailey... Aspers throat..." Lily says examining it as best she could. It looked like a hand print around her neck.

Bailey, who was trying to have an idea to help Darryl noticed the hand print. Lai leaned down and began to cast a spell, but before she was halfway through, Darryl began to breath again normally. "What in the nine-hells was that all about?" Bailey asked. Nothing in this house was never normal by anyones standards. This just proved it to her, but she had to admit the stood beside one another.

Lily relaxed some and sat on the edge of the bed. "Something happened in there and I guess Darryl was having trouble and well... fixed it?" Lily said with a shrug. She just didn't know what to do and couldn't even really use her spells not that she had many, and in general just felt useless in this situation.

Both seemed in truth to be doing better their color returned and Asper's bruises faded. Darryl was breathing on his own and she could see the faint light under his eyelids. "I think the tide has turned against the enemy, or they have found one another again." Her panic began to lessen and hope was returning to her. "Come home you two, and quickly please we need all of you."

"It's okay Grandma... Darryl will save her. AND bring her back. They'll come back." Lily says getting up and walking over to the elf. Looking a little worried and sad that she wasn't any more usefull then before. She was glad they both seemed fine though, and that she could see the glowing of Darryl's eyes, it meant he was finally able to do something or something like that anyways.

"So how do we know when it is all over, other than them waking up." Bailey asked clamboring down. THey had been gone for hours and remarkably, there had been no lasting changes in either of them. "I bet the first thing they both do is to hit the chamber pots." she quipped with a rueful smile. Hoping they woke up, Bailey wished to hear everything that went on. It would she believed be a amazing story, since she herself had been a part of Elsa's story.

"You should ask Aunt Arten about the stories mom and dad went on! GRandma Lai says they aren't good story material because there is too much death and sex. But Aunt Arten will tell you if you ask." Lily grins also looking up at the two of them, laying on the bed, you couldn't even tell that they had any injuries from the few hours they had been laying on the bed.

Both seemed to be breathing easier, Darryl even seemed to smile and brighten up more. Lai smiled and looked at Lily and Bailey, "Those stories are all in the book in our library. They seemed a little over the top that is why Alehail and Altair put the book away." She brushed a few strands of hair from his forehead, "If they beat the enemy why aren't they awake yet?"

"Maybe it's not that easy GRandmother... Maybe he has to fix her first... and make sure they can never hurt ASper ever again. Maybe... He's trying to fix her." Lily says with a small shrug of her shoulder. Getting a wry little familiar grin on her lips. "But the way Aunt Arten tells it is a lot more fun!" She continues to grin.

"Perhaps that is what is going on Lily." Lai admitted it was anyones guess. "And your Aunt Arten enjoys embelishing the facts, especially when making the story more steamy. Your parents have had an interesting life, and I pray you never have to live it." She looke over the couple on the bed, wishing they would wake so it was alll over. "If they wake soon, Elsa and Fael will not have to take a turn guarding them."

"Aunt Arten makes any story more interesting, You Grandma tend to leave exciting things out of the stories. Especially the fight scenes and romantic parts." Lily laughs softly standing up and moving around the room a little. She remembered being little and running into this room to wake her parents and putting on makeup with mommy and brushing her hair. It made Lily hopeful for the future and wistful for the past.

Everyone jumped when Darryl's hand moved to caress Asper's cheek. His eyes opened and looked around. "Asper, are you awake?" he whispered to her laying across from him. Lai began to smile and placed a hand on his shoulder, "Were you able to help her?" She looked across at Asper and silently prayed.

"Ugh... My mouth tastes like sand and shit." Asper groans rolling on her side. Getting the weight off of her back and organs of the baby laying on top of everything. Her stomach and baby were flush against Darryl's own stomach. She stretched a little and winced at the feeling the far too familiar feeling of being heavily heavily pregnant. She was very tired of being pregnant.

Lily jumped excitedly once and couldn't contain herself. She hugged Asper gently and jumped to Darryl's shoulders giving him a good hard squeeze. "I was sooooo worried Darryl don't you ever do anything like that ever again! You scared me half to death and I'll call Bowers to gt some water For Asper so don't you worry about that at all okay? Because I'll help take care of you too I promise!" Lily says before getting to her feet quickly and pulling the cord harshly to get Bowers to bring a drink for ASper.

Lai leaned over first and hugged Asper, kissing her cheek and putting her hand to Darryl's face. She was happy to see they both awake and seemingly uunharmed. "You two scared us a couple times, I will admit. I take it you both were sucessful?" Glancing at Lily, happy the young lady was wanting to be helpful. "Bailey perhaps you can check on Asper and the baby? If you agree of course dear."

Asper looked around grimancing that they were in the masterbedroom. "Fine whatever." She was a little confused though, it looked like it was getting slightly darker outside but only by... a few hours if that? Was it the next day? A few days? She didn't know. She did however hate laying down this heavily pregnant. She pushed herself up with her arms and grunted softly. It was always more work and much more awekward being pregnant like this.

Darryl reached out to help her get up, he noted it must have just been a few hours sinced the went inside her mind. Bailey came around and gently probed Asper's stomach, "I don't feel anything out of the ordinary, but I could tell more if I could cast, of course with permission." Everyone was being thoughtful as to her and the baby. Bowers arrived moments later and looked relieved that they were awake. "Can I get mistress and master anything?"

"Water would be good... Wine would be better but water will be good enough Jeoffrey. And Gods below Bailey I already said I didn't care get on with it!" Asper growled unhappily. She took Darryl up on his offer. She felt weak a little and tired, so she let him take a it of her weight and help her. She was kind of weary now, as if she had done a lot and needed to rest. "I told you to stop calling me that... my name is Asper Jeoffrey." Asper said after a moment with a deep scowl on her face.

"My apologies miss, but in company I should use mistress. And I believe I shall retun in a few minutes with something for you both to drink." He bowed low and left the room, as Bailey began to chant the words to her spell. "Well, you'll both be happy to know everything about the baby is good. She will be on time or a couple days early, but there is nothing to indicate you should worry." 

"Yeah great thanks. That eased all my worries. Now can everyone go the hell away so I can pee." Asper scowled heavily trying to figure a way off the largest bed on earth. ALtair and Alehial must have gotten such a large bed ust to fit the children in it with them because honestly only an orgy needed such a large bed otherwise. Asper felt like a beached whale on the stupid fluffy thing.

Darryl started to grin a little behind her and focused his powers and moved her to the edge being so careful not to hurt her. He then got up and offered her his hands to get her up on her feet. "If everyone doesn't mind giving her some privacy." he asked. Waiting for her to become stable and decide if she wanted his help or not. "Do you need my assistance Asper?"

"I just don't want to be pregnant anymore!" Asper scowls and groans at her stiffness as she waddles to the privy area. She had taken his help, hadn't even scoffed or fussed about him helping or touching her. She did grimance at his usage of her powers but the baby sitting on her bladder was more important at the moment. Lily had left the room to go tell everyone they were up and awake and okay so she was already gone and out of Aspers hair.

Darryl proved to be very dutiful in helping her then helped her back toward the couch instead of the bed. "It won't be much longer and she'll be here." he promised her. They had survived so much while being in her prison, and privately he wondered if any of it had changed her. He leaned down and kissed her cheek affectionatly. Bowers arrived with a couple of glasses of water and small ones with some wine.

"Oh Gods!!! Is that... Is that really alcohol Jeoffrey!?" Asper asks sitting straight up and nearly leering at the glasses on the tray Bowers was holding. She hadn't seen alcohol at all since she had even gotten pregnant. Alehial had basically outlawed it in the house. Asper had accepted Darryl's help and even cuddled a little in return, relaxing in his touch until bowers walked in the room with what she treasured highly. A good drink.

"I figured if your midwife, husband, and Mistress Lai had no objection to adding some water to it. Instead of a full glass of alcohol a little less of its full effect." he explained setting the tray down. He looked at the others in the room to see if the disagreed. He hadn't dared to tell Asper about the fact there was wine in the house and he, Altair & Alehial all had keys to the cellar.

"I don't give a swine's ass what they think! I could kill you for keeping this from me! I love you!" Asper says grabbing the glass and taking a swill before they could water it down too much. For a pregnant woman she moved quickly enough to grab that glass. She nearly groaned at the taste, and did close her eyes and slowly let it slide down her throat. She was deffinetly enjoying the taste of the wine in her mouth very much.

Bowers blanched a little at the boldness of her words and quickness taking the wine. Darryl chuckled and placed his hand on her knee, "I don't think that one will hurt too much." Lai wasn't overtly concerned, Alehial thought the alcohol wasn't good she really had no opinion. Bailey grabbed the other glass and took it in one swallow, "Isn't bad, will toughen the little Lass up." 

Asper snuggled into the couch and against Darryl. Content in knowing they wouldn't be taking the wine from her. She felt like once she'd become pregnant... they ruled her every move. Just like Lash said. She'd whored herself out for freedom and instead became their slave. She sighs heavily and takes another drink leaning heavily against Darryl's side with her own. Besides that Asper didn't give a damn what Alehial said.

Darryl put an arm around her shoulder, smiling broadly that she seemed to trust him again. "You all should have seen Asper, she was very brave and beat one of them all by herself." he told them. He figured she'd be happier leaving Lash's name out of the entire story. They all looked and smiled, ofeering congratulations on her victory. He looked at her and smiled, he loved Asper everything about her, good and the bad.

"Bailey." Asper says looking over at the dwarf and crooking her finger in the come hither motion. "Tell me about the delivery." She says her face determind and to keep herself busy she took another swallow of wine. IT was almost more thn half gone now anyways and she'd only had a few mouthfulls. "I stabbed a man in the back Darryl... It's not like I haven't done it before several times." She rolls her eyes at Darryl's bragging, like they needed to know what went on in her head.

Bailey took a seat and regarded Asper, "I've helped birth many a baby mind you. But, Lai might be a better choice to ask since you both are elven blood and going to have children. But, it starts with your water breaking and labor. Then it moves to waiting for the baby to move into position and you'll push and then she's out! There is some pain and pressure, but you'll have Darryl there to lend support."

"Gee as if I didn't know all that already. I was the one who delivered JAke... AND Alehial's youngest whatever it's name is." Asper says with a sigh. "I meant... what will it do to me... My mother Screamed and bled and bled. Alehial... Didn't scream... but she hurt too." Asper said looking at Bailey. "I don't want Lai to lie to me, and we ARE not BOTH ELVES!!" Asper yelled the last bit getting to her feet. She was ready to leave now. It had been completely ruined her mood.

Lai moved forward grasping Asper by the shoulders, "She meant we both have elven blood, Asper. And I will not lie to you, it may hurt every woman is different. Alehial has had several children that is why she only hurt. I'm not sure how big Jake was, although I figure he was bigger thenb you. You are having better care, as long as you let us help care for you both."

Asper had stiffened immedietly under Lai's hands. Her entire body going tense. She broke away from the contact harshly and quickly. "Don't touch me. Just forget it." Asper scowls angrily at them all before she angrily walks for the door. She'd had enough of them all and she couldn't stand being in the room with them all any longer. It wasn't clear what had happened in her mind but... right now she was just a little more hostile towards Lai deffinetly. Or more so then she had been before.

Darryl caught up to her rather quickly, and fell into step without saying much. Somehow he wished his wife and his family could get along, or at least be less hostile. Asper was not used to having caring people around her, and helping others wasn't in really in her nature. Suddenly he stopped short, what if she didn't feel anything at all for him? What if her acts of affection were to keep him protecting her and Jake?

Asper stopped as soon as Darryl did and she looked back at him. He looked worried about something and was wondering what exactly he was thinking about. "Darryl? Do you not want to go upstairs?" She asks softly, wondering if he wanted to go to their house instead. Actually she almost wished the house were closer to being finished so he would let them both move in and be a little seperated from the family.

He swallowed the thoughts and forced a small smile, "Just thought about what's happened." Darryl felt it would only cause more problems to ask her about his concerns. Would she ever accept anyone from his family as her own, they were all he knew until he left after the accident. Holding out his hand and taking hers, "Let's get you more comfortable, ok?" Once she no longer faced him, his smile disappeared replaced by a slight feeling of sadness.

Asper was quiet as well. He was thinking about what happened... maybe he didn't want her anymore. Maybe he'd do what Lash said he would, maybe... he would take the baby and dump her off. Her and Jake. Just like what Lash had told her, maybe he wasn't as innocent as he led her to beleive. She'd been in his head before and she'd been told he was healing. Maybe... he was healed enough that now he was like every other asshole out there who only wanted to use other people... maybe he was... just like her. Asper put her hand on her baby, and followed him by the tugging on her arm from their hands being held, she wasn't looking ahead and wasn't looking to see where they were going either. She didn't like the idea of being dumped. If that was the case of what was going to happen, she'd leave first and leave Jake where he could be taken care of rather then live on the streets with her again.

Darryl guided them up to the bedroom, the whole way wondering if there was some way to improve the relations between them all. Once inside he leaned forward and kissed her gently, still holding her hand. "I love you Asper and even if I seem distracted it won't change." Part of him was trying to convince himself if they could be more loving together, she might accept the family. "I really want to be the man you'll be proud to be with." he whispered to her. 

"Darryl there is no such man. Stop trying to be anything then what you are. Though I could stand less usage of the powers on my person of course." Asper says shaking her head. She didn't know where all this was coming from but she knew she didn't like it at all. "I put up with enough lies and falsehoods. I don't need any from you. Next thing I'll know is Jake will tell me I'm going to hell and he hates me for how I raised him and what I had to do to feed him all the time." Asper sighs and looks down. It was a fear she always held, but she'd had no other choice. All of a sudden she felt an empytness inside of her and she leaned forward and hugged Darryl tightly. Wanting it to go away. She just needed someone to... Care about her. She waslonely all of a sudden thinking of Jake.

"Jake loves you, I love you, and if you let them the family would too." he said truthfully. It had been a long day and Asper had many powers used against and for her. Her admission of her concern, felt like she was trusting him. Wrapping his arms around her, "Asper, is there something else you're concerned about? I want us to be stronger together, kind of like earlier when I had four legs and a tail."

"You were a lot easier to deal with when you were furry believe me Darryl. There's too many things I'm concerned about right now. I'm just tired..." Asper says softly resting her head against his chest. "I want to sleep Darryl, but I don't want to be alone, please don't leave me alone right now okay?" Asper asks softly her voice not a whole lot more then a whisper. She wasn't going to admit it but the idea of being alone in this house was a little more then frightening to her at the moment.

"I won't leave you, I promise Asper." he said earnestly. He guided her towards their bed. "Would you like me to help you change? And is there anything you want warm milk perhaps?" Right now he wanted to prove he cared so much for her. Darryl still held her in his arms, content that she wanted him to stay with her.

"Just help me get out of this dress. I HATE dresses." She scowls standing up in front of him so he could undo the back laces of the dress she was wearing. She hated that she was forced to wear dresses now. "Fuck... I wish I was just done with the pregnancy thing already." She scowls harder waiting for him to unlace her. She was facing the bed with her back to Darryl, she often slept naked more then anything else now.

He unlaced the dress and let it fall from her frame. "You look beautiful though." he complimented. Since they had been married, Darryl found himself enraputred when ever she was naked. She always chided him when he called her beautiful. Quickly he offered to help her into bed, he would make her comfortable before getting in himself.

"Yeah beautiful like the freshly dead." She scowls taking his hands and accepts his help with greatefulness. It was hard moving around as heavily pregnant as she was, not to mention from the stress of the day and everything that had happened. As soon as she was comfertable she was loathe to let go oh his hand with her own. Her chest ached again and for the second time that day she felt a deep.... something inside of her. Something that didn't want him to leave her alone.

He went around and quickly undressed getting into bed and wrapping her into a hug. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and you become more so everytime I see you." He then interlaced his finger with hers, she was beautiful and when she smiled or laughed it magnified it. Darryl had always known he was different, and loved the fact that she was too. "Perhaps tomorrow we should go to the house and do some more work?"

"Yes I'd... I'd like that a lot." Asper yawns and snuggles against him, leaning into him heavily, her grip on his hand also tight. It was obvious she was rather needy for physical comfort right now even if she didn't realize that was what she was doing. Right after she spoke she closed her eyes and it was only a moment or two and she was sound asleep, from her own devices this time. As she fell asleep her entire body relaxed, she had been tense from the moment of waking up on the Ravenwoods's bed and had yet to relax until she fell asleep in their bed and next to her husband and the father of her child.

He leaned across and kissed her brow, "I love you Asper and I'm not going to give up on making our family work." He settled back into bed and slowed his breathing until he fell asleep. But, before he did he went inside his mind and talked long with his own aspects. Many things had changed since he had entered her mind. Soth had a psion in service and Darryl would need to be stronger to beat him.

Elsa winced and blinked as the baby began to get restless inside of her. While she wasn't in her last term yet a fussy baby inside still hurt small as much as it did big. Sometimes. Rubing her eyes she looks over to the windows inthe room and groaned, no wonder the child inside of her was so agitated. She needed to eat, she'd nearly missed dinner. "Ow... stop it I know...I'm getting up." She says looking down at her stomach. She stroked her belly softly and sat up, she was loathe to leave the bed but she did need to eat. So she let her legs hang over the edge of the bed and worked her way slowly towards getting dressed.

Fael woke when Elsa first moved and spoke to the baby, waiting until she was looking through her wardrobe before sneaking up and kissing her in the exact middle of her back. "Someone is hungry and making mommy get up?" he asked playfully, placing another kiss a little higher. Upon standing he wrapped his arms around her waist. "Shouldn't they have woken us for guard duty by now?" he asked. "Bowers would have never forgotten to summon us."

"You're right." Elsa frowned leaning back against him. She loved him so much, even when his teasing annoyed her a little cause... it wasn't funny how much the babies demanded from her. Like regular eating... and healthy eating and... how much attention they got from Feal instead of her. "Help me get dressed and we'll go see before I get food. Feal... how come you love me so much? I'm so bossy... no one could stand me... even Bailey got annoyed with me." Elsa asks softly turning in his arms and kissing his lips and kissing his whiskery jaw, and his neck.

He pulled away and with a smile and cocked eyebrow stated, "I know just the places to touch and lick that turns you to putty." Fael then kissed her deeply and stroked her neck. "Come dear one, lets find out what kept Bowers and what we can get you for dinner." He said and patted her flank, before heading to the door. Elsa was loving, kind, a bit bossy sometimes but, she made his heart race and loved strongly.

"that wasn't an asnwer that was an evasion." she grumbles under her breath as she follows him obediently. She loved him though, very much. Just as he said though he knew every one of her weaknessess, he knew just what to do to her to make her loosen up and relax and enjoy life. Just like she knew his. She grinned following him and watching his tail sway in a happy manner. She was a little distracted watching his backside on the way to her mother and fathers room. Once there though she knocked on the door.

Bowers opened the door, he and a maid were stripping the bed of linens and putting new ones on. "Have you heard the good news? Master & Mistress have awakened and I think gone to bed." No one was in the room, not even Lily being depressed there wasn't more for her to do. Lai must have went upstairs to her study, preparing to inform the parents of the goings on. Fael looked back at Elsa as if to ask the next destination.

"Bowers... Could I impose on you to have the cook prepare Dinner for the family? I think having everyone down at the table... other then Asper and Darryl of course they need to rest would be... just the thing for us all right now." Elsa smiles softly, hoping Bowers and the cook could get it all done. She did need to eat but she wanted everyone to be at the table. She knew it would only be a few of them and not as many as usual but she wanted the family around her again right now.

"Of course mistress Elsa, shall I also send the invitations to those members still in the house?" Bowers asked. The maid still humming and going about her work straightening the chambers. Bowers while waiting for her answer went through a list of meals that the remaining family all would like. "Shall I also have the cook set aside a meal for Master Darryl and Mistress Asper?" he suggested. Bowers prided himself in even being able to know what foods even Asper liked.

"Yes that would be good. Yes I'm sure Asper will awaken sometime during the night hungry. You're the mind reader Bowers do what you think would be right and proper for it all." Elsa smiles brightly nodding her head to Bowers. She needed something to eat before dinner though or she wouldn't make it long enough to wait for dinner. She looked over at Feal. "A snack to tide me over if you could also Bowers. I know I'm asking a lot. I am sorry about it. WE'll be in the sitting room." Elsa smiles brightly at Bowers. She missedhis father but he was doing an amazing job in his place.

"As you wish m'lady, anything for you master Fael?" Bowers asked.

"Tea if it isn't much trouble and an apple and knife so I may give Lady Elsa something to eat." he responded.

"Of course not I will make sure it is handled quickly." Bowers bowed and left the room.

Elsa smiled brigtly and kissed Fael's cheek before heading for the stairs to go into the sunroom to sit and relax. She was glad they had time alone while it was quiet in the house. It was a rarity in itself and she was glad for it. "Feal I don't think it's possible for me to love you any more then I already do." She says happily looking back at him, though that was a bit of a mistake as she continued walking down the stairs and her foot slipped on one of the steps. She wasn't falling forward just back, as her feet went out from under her.

Fael had always been fast and in this case it served him well. Deftly he caught his pregnant wife before she even touched the stair. "Well, I always hoped you'd fall for me, but we are already married." he whispered in her ear. "Are you alright Elsa?" he asked in a normal tone, righting her. He stood beside her and would stay close at hand the rest of the way down.

"No more walking and talking on stairs for mommy... okay?" Elsa asks breathing hard her eyes wide with surprise. She kept one arm on his chest though. This wasn't the first time she'd fallen on the stairs, actually she fell all the time on the stairs. This time she had been pregnant though and it scared her a lot. "Help me downstairs. Then I'll laugh at your funnies okay hunny?" She said not wanting to move without his support at the moment. she had scared herself a lot.

"Of course my love," he escorted her all the way down the steps. Then took her into the sitting room. "There all the way here safetly, are you sure you're alright?" he knelt and checked her shoe all the way to her knee. Fael was concerned, he had heard all the stories about clutzy Elsa and thought it was just stories. Fael then sat beside Elsa and kissed her gently, "You'll need to be more careful my lovely wife."

Elsa had gotten herself under control then and rubbed her face with one hand. "I was more scared just now then the time I fell down the stairs and broke my arm. How silly is that? God's if you hadn't been there I could have..."Elsa stopped and hugged Feal tightly. Then she let go and relaxed on the cushions, keeing one hand on him. "If I'm not a hostage I'm a clutz." She laughs softly looking at his worried looks. "I'm alright... taken worse falls. Not that I actually really fell this time." She smiles at him.

He relaxed some when she laughed, but gathered her into his arms. "Perhaps when we get our own home it shouldn't have stairs." he teased. Fael was still concerned and made a mental note that while he was home to always escort her down stairs. "So how long have you been following Lai's eating and sleeping habits?" asked with geniune interst. He saw Bowers coming with the tea and apple and smiled, he was a model of efficency.

"Oh hush! While I stayed with you I managed the stairs just fine! And what do you mean I follow Grandmothers eating habits? Someone needs to make sure she is healthy enough so the baby will be healthy as well. I mean Mom was doing it and when she left I know Grandma will leave off a few meals and she won't rest properly either." Elsa said not thinking anything of him hugging her so tightly or that he might become overprotective of her from that little incident.

"That is true, I don't remember hearing about your stair troubles until I arrived here. And I didn't know Alehial was monitoring Lai, your admission upstairs was the first I had heard of it." He extended his hand to Bowers and took the apple and knife, "Thank you sir." He released her and cut the apple into wedges and offered her a bite. Setting down the knife he drank a sip of the tea.

Elsa obiediently leaned forward and bit off maybe half of the wedge Feal held for out for her to take part from. Chewing a bit she waited to speak until she was sure no juice would run down her chin. "After Grandfather death... Lai locked herself away for a week or so. It scared mom so she started to keep a close eye on her when she reemerged and now that she's gone she asked me to." She explains before chewing and swallowing the rest of the apple in her mouth licking her lips happily to taste the juice of the apple more.

"It is understandable to find ones own way to grieve." he explained. Fael took a bite then offered her another bite. "I take it your mother keeps a close eye on everyone?" he raised an eyebrow. They were comfortable right now sitting together in this room. "I wonder if BOwers has been successful in inviting everyone to eat?"

Elsa took another bite happily and chewed it and swallowed before asnwering again. "She does. The court calls her a busy body or a nosey woman but... in a way it's her way of still being there for us. She see's a problem and she tries to fix it so we won't have to... but only if we can't figure out a way first. she wants to be helpful and have a purpose. She isn't suited for a dull life as a duchess attending tea's and parties and court all the time. She is... still very much wild. Like you." Elsa says softly and running her fingers gently down the side of his face.

He kissed the inside of her wrist, then kissed back a little further. "I was not the only one with a wild streak." he kidded. Scooting forward he nuzzled her neck and kissed her gently. "So, any thought to what we will do when everyone gets home? I know spending great amounts of time with the children, is number one."

"I was hoping to actually speak to the... er... wizards and druids stalking you again. Together. Um and try to get them to back off a little. When the children get home... I want to.. lock us away and just be together. Maybe... start looking for... a place of our own?" Elsa says leaning forward to nuzzle his cheek and jaw. She loved when he showered her with small touched and caresses and kisses too.

"Good luck on that, and the druids are more interested in two things. BOth of which I don't think we should allow, it was one thing when we added you know who into or bed." he whispered. No one knew except for Them and Lyriel about the night and morning they all wound up together. Fael knew that Lyriel and Elsa loved each other and he did love his sister-in-law as well. But, they had decided that no one else would do that.

"Feal! I didn't say we would allow them ANYTHING! I just want them to leave us the hell alone when my-our babies get back." Elsa says crossing her arms. She felt a little offended he would even think she would let any of that happen or invite them into it or anything. Besides Lyriel was a completely different matter. The whole situation was.

"Nice to know you want to be the only person tugging on my tail." he admitted. "I know that I am a curiosity among most everyone, and in truth the children will be the same. If felids thrive in serveral generations that curiosity will die away." Stretching and wrapping his hand in hers and squeezing gently. He finished the conversation on those who thought he and the children were a sideshow attraction.

"I just want some alone time to walk freely with my husband and my children. I think we need to speak with them to get them to leave us alone a little... tell them it's... instict or something I don't know." Elsa says softly cuddling up beside Feal. She was so very proud of him. "I know they want to... populate Felids in the world... but... we have a son and daughter already and a second son on the way. A few more children maybe in a few years and I think we'll be fine." Elsa says softly with a smile.

"If you were to do the mathmatics, if we stopped at three, and they had three and so on, maybe felids might have a chance." he held her hand. Bowers popped his head into the sitting room, "Dinner will be ready in about one hour. I am going to inform the rest of the family now." Fael could smell the food from the kitchen, it was all wonderful, "I wish you could smell like I do Elsa."

"But... Feal... I do especially after we've... had some fun between us and I'm covered in your scent and filled with your sperm." Elsa says softly petting his jaw with her fingers and her hand. She had a soft look on her face but her eyes said she was thinking of something else entirely. "Besides I don't want to just stop at three... I'll wait a few years but... I want a few more." Elsa says nuzzling under his jaw with her nose and lips.

"And a few would mean my luv, and anytime you wish to smell like me." he let the rest trail away. He would never be able to refuse Elsa, if she wished to have many more children he would indulge her while they could care for them. Absently he began to rub her leg and winder if she intended to break the family record for little ones. "So, what plans are we making for the rest of tonight?" he whispered to her. Maybe they would keep an eye on Lai or another family member.

"I don't know... not a dozen that's for sure!" Elsa says with a slight shudder, then shuddered when he gently rubbed her leg. She loved how much he always touched her and was close to her. "The rest of tonight is... well empty as far as I know." Elsa shrugged her shoulders wondering if he was wanting to do something special or just have it be the two of them for once.

"Perhaps we should find a place to be alone?" he suggested. If he could, he would remove anything that threatened his family. And in truth he wondered if he could stay a little longer with her. Fael desperatly wanted to place the babies back into Elsa's arms and know they were safe. "Maybe take a small bath together?" he commented.

"That sounds... perfect." Elsa all but purrs leaning against him and wrapping her arms around his body to embrace him. She was elated how much he loved her and desires her body. It was almost as if they were still out on her grand first adventure. Everything was so perfect and exciting to her still even after all this time of being together with him and having children.

Lai had come downstairs and heard some of their discussion, she smiled it was fitting they would be happy. She wished the same for Asper and Darryl, but was concerned that they were two very different people. Her grand children in many cases may not find such a happy ending in their futures. "How hard is it that people who have such feelings can't find ways to express them." She noticed Bowers who had heard the last of her comment, "Mistress, it is too bad Lyriel and FLint have a problem being together, but they may not be able to."

Elsa hums happily leaning against her husband, unaware of her grandmother being out there with Bowers discussing the grandchildrens love lives. She was simply basking in his attentions and his touches and his being there with her at all. In his attentions and everything he gave her she wished to give back tenfold if she could. In happiness and in support and in being his family and his everything.

Fael enjoyed her closeness, reminding him of the times in Shadizar in the desert. He was supposed to convince her not to press forward, but she got the better of him. There had never been a woman at the oasis like her and her determination teamed with her exotic look seduced him. "Why did you trust me when we first met?" he asked Elsa curious the answer she'd give.

"You were... as much frightening as you might have been... you never actually hurt me... besides you saved my life three times, then told me to stop trying to go. It was kind of... an oximoron... saving my life so I could continue and then telling me not to go and trying to stop me. Only to save my life again." Elsa says with a grin up at him. "Besides you have a sexy husky growly voice and you always were so gentle when you untied me and set me on my feet or made me stand behind you." Elsa says softly giving him a soft smile looking up at him.

"So protecting you, then telling you to stop your journey only made you keep coming?" he theorized. Leaning down to kiss her gently then wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "I should have wisked you away and held you captive then, maybe that would have worked better." he said with a hint of mirth and mischief in his voice. In truth she never knew how long he had shadowed her in both of his forms. Fael probably fell in love with Elsa before he ever touched or even talked to her.

"Well being a hostage seems to be an occupational hazard for Ravenwoods who are useless in close combative ways. But... I do admit the first time you saved me... I couldn't see very well and you were a dark blur that kept killing the men all around me. I was terrified of what you might be. When you untied me though, your hands brushing me every so often... you never even spoke. Then you just dissapeared. I had wanted to thank you. But I was terribly scared over everything that had happened. I didn't even tell Bailey how scared I was. If you... hadn't untied me and set me on my feet so gently, I might have never continued with the journey at all." Elsa confides snuggling against his side and resting her head on his shoulder. Both of her hands rested on top of her swollen stomach as she though back on that day so long ago to her mind at least.

"I must admit something, I was going to steal the journal when I was staying in your tent inm my other form." he told her, placing his own hand on her stomach. "Had it not been for the sweet disposition and letting me sleep in your bed I might have. You know though, because I am different we may always be viewed a little differently by people. I hope that you would never resent that because I am not fully human." He said the last because he'd been considering what she said about walking with him freely.

"Being human or not human isn't what I'm talking about. It's about those damn hussies who eye you like... like they are in heat! We are MARRIED! You are MINE! I don't share and I certainly won't share YOU with THEM!!" Elsa huffs and puts both her hands on top of his and holding it tightly. "Besides I fed you and petted you when you came to my tent. Even if you were huge for a house cat." Elsa says with a slight grin. It wasn't a big grin because she was still upset about the Druids and Rangers that wanted to 'help' the species. Help nothing those women just wanted to fuck him and she would scratch their eyes out and levitate them hundreds of feet in the air until the spell wore out if they thought she was just going to hand him over to them with a gods damning smile on her face.

Fael laughed out loud almost bringing tears to his eyes, he truly couldn't help it. "Elsa, I would never think of doing that with another woman in my entire life." he tried reassuring her. "I knew about your tent thats why I went there, hoping while you slept to steal the journal. Later it was because I wanted to keep you safe." He gently held her stomach and smiled at her.

"Don't laugh at ME! That is what they asked me! When you left and they spoke privatly to me. They even asked me to my FACE! If they could help the 'species' by using themselves to carry your 'offspring' Gods below those damn honry whores! I get angry just thinking about them but I swear if they don't leave us alone when our babies come back I'll kill them all." Elsa grumbles unhappily, first she had to think of them all the time because they were always out there waiting for anytime they left the estates. Now because she was being honest and truthful Feal was laughing at her, AND she was hungry and missed her babies and they were going to be coming home soon and she was hungry and angry and unhappy. She knew he would never stoop to that. But it didn't make her any less angry.

"You are so much like your parents, have you no faith in me?" he said then posed the question. "DO you think I would carry on with any woman except you? It is never an option for me and you should know that. I laugh for your use of words, hussies and saying they look in heat." He chuckled again and kissed her deeply.

Elsa softened into his kiss and relaxed against him but once it was broken she grumbled some more. "I don't think you would... I know you wouldn't. But it makes me angry. You're mine and I won't let them ever have you even if you wanted to. Which you don't." Elsa says in his defence then she winced as the baby inside of her finally got wriled up as much as she was. It began to push and kick out inside of her.

Fael began to tap his fingers on her belly, it sometime soothed the children. "And you are mine, one and only dearest." he whispered into her ear. The druids had been very over eager to help boost the ranks of felids. "Well, here is a major thing you can detail on parchment about felids, we mate for life with only one mate." Since he was the gensis of his race he could make a decision or two about them.

Elsa sighed softly in releif as the baby settled down inside of her, she didn't know why but it had worked for all the babies so far. His words though eased something inside of her. He did get to have a say in these matters as such. "I'll be sure to tell them that you are a monogamous species alright? We'll send them a letter." Elsa says with a bright smile on her face. She cuddled right up to Feal hapily.

"We'll just leave the other stuff out then." he teased. "I think a letter may be safer for them all. Not to mention less angering for everyone concerned." He held her close and squeezed her, "I have been very lucky to have you for my wife." He noticed that Lai and Bowers were standing outside the door.

"Shush you... Besides Who else could love you like I do. No one, that's who. We'll have to draft this letter after dinner... Which should be soon shouldn't it? I'm starving." Else whines softly looking over at the doorway. She was starving and the baby was starting to get wriled up again. which meant he was pushing against her stomach and her stomach was cramping which meant she'd be getting sick soon. The apple bites hadn't done much to tide her over apparently.

Bowers coughed from the doorway, "Dinner is done miss and master. And I did advised mistress Lily as well as Arten & Bailey." He gently touched Lai on the shoulder then turned to see if the cook needed any other help. Lai smiled at them then used her ring to move upstairs to change. The house began to wake up and get ready for a return to a little normal.

Elsa smiled brightly and got up, she could still manage that rather easily after all. Once standing she offered up her hand to her husband who still sat on the couch. "Let's go to dinner and await the family to join us. I'm sure everyone will be happier for it." Elsa says with an actually rather happy smile on her face as she looked down at him on the cushions.

He took her hand and stood, "Capital idea my incredibly brilliant wife." He kept her hand and escorted her to the dining room. Then being a gentleman he pulled out her chair. "Would you like me to get some tea for you or are you drinking something something else?" He thought she was almost glowing now that the family would be together for a meal.

"I think water or juice would be good. I've been drinking a lot of tea... I would like something else for a change." She says brightly, she flushed a little at his over the top words of praise that made her feel good none the less. She really was happy though to have everyone sit at the table for a proper meal again. Besides Feal still pulled her chair out for her and usually opened doors and offered assistance, it was very sweet.

He returned with juice for her and honey mead for him. Then taking his seat they waited for dinner and the rest of the family. "I think dinner will do everyone well." he confided in her. Lai reappeared dressed for dinner and smiling. As she sat down she commented, "Has Lily sent word that she would be coming down?"

"No... But she's always late. Even when the house is full." Elsa says shaking her head. Elsa wormed her hand into Feal's and was happy and content at the moment. Taking a sip of the juice with a soft smile she looks at her grandmother and teacher. "Bowers did tell her didn't he? About dinner I mean?" Elsa asked softly, if anyone knew it would be Grandma. Other then Alehial Grandma was always looking after the kids and their children.

Bowers, flanking Arten & Bailey smiled, "Of course mistress, I told her shortly after informing Mistress Lai." He pulled out a chair for Arten, who in turn glared at him. "What kinda fancy pants you take me for Bowers?" she growled but smiled anyuway. Bailey was already in her seat before he could even move to do the same for her. Lai suddenly had a thought, "Bowers you are going to join us for dinner, we haven't had a family meal and since you are practically family you'll join us."

"Oh yes! That would be lovely! We should have continued Dinner for everyday... I'm sorry I didn't think about it until now." Elsa says softly with a soft flush to her cheeks as she was very excited and happy and everyone was together again. Even aunt Arten. It was then that Lily came down the stairs in a house dress, clean and fresh apparently she hurried into the room. "Sorry I'm a little late... I was practicing outside earlier and thought I should wash up so I didn't smell." She says with a smile walking to her usual chair that she sat in beside Lai and Conner was usually on the other side but it was empty now.

Bowers went into the kitchen and helped the cook bring out all the food. "I will help serve before anything else." The cook had made another fantastic meal, there was meat and bowls of vegetables of all kinds (he cooked for an half-elven druid, go figure) and bread as well. "I took the liberty of setting some aside for mistress Asper and master Darryl." he informed them, "And I must go check on the pie for desert." 

"Just like Bowers to have his hand in everything!" Lily giggles softly at how the man seemed to be concerned about everything he didn't oversee himself. She knew though how much her family depended on him for many things. Her mother Especially depended on Bowers more then anyone else in the house. It made Lily wonder sometimes... if Mother and Father were ever going to run away from the city and live in the frontier ever again... They always talk about it. But it seemed to be like... a dream or fairytale more then real or solid.

Fael glanced at his wife then at Lily, two of the Ravenwood daughters and smiled. Their parents raised them all to be amazing women, even Lyriel who was following the druids path. "Have you been doing a lot of exercises lately, Lily?" he asked. The events of the last couple days prevented them from doing much. "I'm sure now that Asper is safe, Darryl will be available to help out if needed."

"Oh that's all right... I'm used to practicing on my own! I'm just trying to continue doing what Dad showed me before they left. And I always try to do the drills mom taught. Basics can save your life if you've ingrained them, and everything is a spin off or an extension of the basics. Just like mom said!" Lily says waving her hand as if she could literally wave the matter off. It was true, and besides it meant she got to see Gerard some too if she was alone. So she didn't mind terribly, besides no one home used a sword like her father and mother to teach her.

"not everyone will fight like your mother and father Lily, learning to fight those who wield other weapons would be of help." Lai reminded her. She could remember Altair and the first time he faced an orc with a double axe. It had been a horrid fight and if not for his quickness, Altair may not have been around to meet Alehial. "I think if Bailey and Darryl are available you should face the hammer and staff. Otherwise I could inquire about blades who wield othe types of weapons.

"Oh... um yes... I understand... if you think it's a good idea then I suppose you should." Lily says nodding her head, she was a little upset they didn't leave it be but she held it in. She didn't want anyone to get too suspicious, besides her father was still teacher her HOW to weild two blades at once. She could still only actually fight using one or at least fight with any worth with only one. There was only so much one could learn at home though before one had to go out and learn from life.

"We will discuss it with your father later I suppose." Lai told her with a smile. She noted Lily's reaction and was a little concerned at it. They all began to eat while carrying on other conversations. Fael ahd also noticed Lily seemed against the idea of training with others. He made a note to keep an eye on the situation with her training.

Lily sighed softly, it was times like this that she missed her twin the most. Everyone was talking but it always seemed she had nothing to say. At least Conner would tell her stories of when he ventured out and got in trouble or of something funny happeneing at the school he was training at for his Bard title. She just stayed home and trained or went to court and came home and trained.

Bowers who had taken a seat, and had added into the conversation saw her. "Miss Lily, how did everything go at the prison when you were there. I suspect the soldiers where happy to have your help." The rest of them turned to see what she had to tell them. There had not been a lot of discussion about that night and what she found there.

"Not much... I know the fire burnt fast, and it was deffinelty hot. A lot of the stones were cracked... even the foundation stones. Which tells us the fire was very hot, but what would make it so hot... I really couldn't say, certain oils or fuel would but none kept in a prison as far as I know. I was getting close to the source or at least I think I was... That's when I was called away by Grandma. I found a lot of corpses, um and most we cleared debris to check the foundation. " Lily says softly recalling everything she had reported to Uncle Rand the same day. She knew she had been very helpful, as a Ranger she could read how the fire had spread. Even if she was an untried Ranger as of yet. "The soldier had more fun watching me work then working themselves at least until Uncle Rand set about them!" Lily says with a girlish giggle.

Lai knew what she had meant, "Men will be men and I suppose if Rand got them back into their jobs." She found it rather funny and wished that Lily might fond a nice gentleman to spend her time with. That Gerard had caused such a rift between Altair and Lily. "Anything causing the fire that hot would have to be from some sort of magic." she theorized. It would bear more thought and consideration.

"It was pretty funny for a while though, and I thought so too actually. That's why I worked my way in and found a safe flooring to do so. I wasn't worried about helping with the clean up, I wanted to try and find that start." Lily says sighing softly, not that she could go help now anyways... she still had to stay home and help everyone here.

"And a right fine help I believe if trouble pops up." Bailey complimented with Arten nodding in agreement. The dinner continued and so did the conversations. Bowers it turned out was well versed in many things Ravenwood and the comings & going of the house. If anyone else would have guessed the man was stalking the family, but no one ever questioned Bowers and his loyalty. And he knew his reputation was earned partially on his fathers.

After a little while Elsa yawns and covered it behind her hand. "I think... It's time for me to go to bed... The food was excellent as always Bowers with my compliments to the entire staff. Goodnight Aunt Arten and Grandma. Night Lily." Elsa says smiling as she stood and pushed the chair away from the table so she and her stomach had room to get out and make her way upstairs to her bedroom.

Fael rose and did the same, as did the rest since everything was finished. Bowers told Lai and Lily, "I will make sure some food is set aside for Asper and Darryl. Goodnight Mistresses." He rose and cleared away the plates. "So, Lily what is you after dinner plans?" Lai asked her with a small smile. They had not had much time to talk lately, and it was something Lai wanted to remedy.

"I don't really have any Grandma... I mean... My blades are oiled and away... my leather is also oiled and in well working condition, my supplies are packed and together just in case like always. There's no more light left for me to go outside to practice with... and well... I have nothing to do inside unless I work on needlepoint or reading I suppose." Lily says actually thinking about it. IT wasn't odd for her to talk of her weapons and armor before the more ladylike things such as needle point, at least to ehr it wasn't.

"I was planning on going to the springs for a soak and wouldn't mind some company." Lai explained. They were always so proper and ladylike, it was boring sometimes. Before they had been adventurers and courtly thing had seemed distasteful to them. "And I know your mother and father would worry if I went alone." she continued. SIlently hoping Lily would want to come so they could talk.

"I get the hints Grandma, I'll come!" Lily giggles softly, sometimes her grandmother was so transparent in what she wanted. "We haven't spent a lot of time together lately have we? I mean we used to talk all the time and I used to come up and just sit in your study with you and in your room with you and we would talk all the time... But we really haven't done that in a few years.. I wonder why I stopped doing that? But let me fo fetch my things and we can go to the springs I'll hurry okay?" Lily says brightly and quickly as always a large mouthful of words and a very quick speed. Lately she had been doing less of it. Especially in tenseful situation or times she was concentrating hard but, when she wasn't she came out in full force. So with those words spoken she lifted her skirts and ran up the stairs without waiting for a word Lai spoke in return.

Lai shook her head, she loved Lily, but the girl needed to learn to slow her speech. "But, if she did, she would be Lily would she?" Lai said to herself. She rubbed her stomach and smiled thinking about the baby growing inside. "I wonder who you will be little one, I think your father would be proud." she whispered. Then she laughed thinking about al of her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

Lily was back soon, with a few of her things and a an elven dress rather then the andorian style she had worn to dinner. Now that she was ready though she also was wearing her light cloak and had grabbed Lai's. "The leave's are already starting to fall Grandma you shouldn't be going anywhere without a cloak if your going out. I don't want you getting sick or anything and someone blaming me for not taking care of you if you didn't rememeber to on your own besides mom say's we should always take care of anyone who might need help and I know you're not like really old for an elf or anything but you are pregnant and this conversation just got really weird so I'm going to stop. Ready to go?" Lily asks smiling brightly at ehr grandma.

Lai touched her cheek and smiled, "I appreciate your concern dearest." They then left for the spring to relax. "I hope the family is safe and making good time to Sildea. Things need to quiet down around here, with all of us." They arrived at the spring in no time, and found a secluded spot.

"I wonder if their trip was as exciting as our stay at home has been. I hope for their sake it was a lot better because this sevenday kind of sucked! I mean like royally sucked too not just like it was bad, but I mean the jail burned down and the prisoners escaped and Asper and Darryl thing and a bunch of styff was going on and I hope they had a nice long boring few days. I'm always going to worry about you Grandma, I don't want anything to happen to you... Ever." Lily says sinking into the water after she had spoken and letting out a long sigh and soft moan as the warm water helped her relax and it flared up where she ached and pained.

"To boring trips, and no injuries." Lai added as she also sank into the warm water. "Lily I am flattered, but I still have years to go in this life." she explained gently. Her granddaughter had grown up in such a short time, it struck her a little sad. Nothing however could keep her attention from the water and how warm her muscles felt, letting out a slight groan. "So, why did you not complain when they decided to Conner?"

"I did complain... But it never did any good. It would just make Conner upset too and either not go or demand for me to go with him. I don't want to hold him back. We may be twins but we aren't the same at all. I wanted to go... get experience and do something but... Mom and Dad are right, I'm a little girl and I don't know much... but I hope to... learn someday... maybe someday soon." Lily says softly and looking over at Lai in the water beside her.

"Conner should have stayed here, that is what bards do city things. You are a ranger like your father, the wilderness is were you belong. I think we were all too busy packing and arranging things to see that. And I believe it rather unfair to you." Lai's tone was apologetic and rather soft, she really was a tad embarassed at how Lily was picked over.

"It's not like it was the first time. I'm sure... Conner will be chosen before I am for several occasions more then just this one. But someday I'm going to strike out on my own. Even... Even if Daddy refuses to see me as anything but a little girl, and even if all my brothers only see me as their baby sister. Someday... I'm going to... just be me." Lily says softly. She had spoken as much as she normally did but this time it was slow and halted in a few places. She looked at her hands in the water and not at her Grandmother, she wanted to tell her the truth and wanted her to be proud but she knew she just couldn't.

"Your father sees you as his daughter and worries about your safety, and your brothers are protective of all their sisters. And you should just be yourself Lily, in everything we've tried to teach you children is to be proud of who you are." Lai hugged Lily tightly worried that she might in a desire to prove herself might take a huge risk. "You do know that your father left you in charge, so you are the first defender of our house. That sounds like to me, he has a lot of faith in you." Lai relased her after a long moment.

"I know... That and I'm the firstborn of blood. Which means me and Conner are the Heir's to the Ravenwood name. Though not me specifically. I know everyone just wants me to be safe. But I hate not being helpful and useful. It just seems like you all tell me to be who I really am but every time I try to be that person... you all try to lock me away where I can be safe again. Even though Daddy left me in charge I'm not fooled. Feal is stronger and more skilled then me, Elsa and you are fighting over the household and each other... The only people who don't seem to bother are Bailey and Arten and they don't even... seem to know I'm around more then half the time." Lily says softly and slowly still, she still spoke more then a mouthful but quietly and softly, she hesitantly let go of Lai as well from the embrace and sat back in her seat again.

"Then I challenge you then to exercise the duty your father left you with. Starting with the post tomorrow morning, go through it and make your own ideas on what to do. We will send a missive in case you are unsure but, use all your suggestions." Lai hoped Lily would rise to the occasion, she was a very level headed young lady. "Then there is also the visit to the family trade yard and warehouse tomorrow."

"No that's alright Grandma, I'll keep working on my spells. I need as much practice as I can get really. I don't mind Grandma... I know some day Mommy and Daddy will give me my chance and help me out. I just hope... it's soon or that because of this crazyness they don't lock me away like always." Lily says with a bright smile looking over at her grandmother and looking as cheerful as she always was.

"I just want you to be happy and yourself dear." Lai told her. She felt content in the warm water easing the tired feeling in her muscles. Lily possessed an indestructable spirit, and it made the young girl lovable. Smiling she remembered a younger Lily complete with her doll asking for stories. "Do you remember asking me to tell you stories, you've grown by leaps and bounds since then."

"I love your stories Grandma... You always have the best. You remember everything! I wish I could remember as much as you do... I wish I went on adventures like you did too. Tell me one of the stories please? I mean while we are here and talking about it." Lily says smiling brightly looking over at Lai, Lily still loved to hear stories but she was much more concience of Lai and her space and her own needs, so she had stopped asking for a long while.

"You've heard most of them Lily, at least those that concerned your mother and father. And there is a problem with remembering just as in adventuring is sooner or later sometimes is the stories are all you have." She remembered her first group, Conner or course, and Geoff, Lyle's father. They never had a regular healer in the group. Lai began to tell her a story of that group and its fun.

Lily smiled brightly and leaned forward to hear Lai's words and try to commit them to memory. She loved the stories and never minded repitition of any that she'd already heard before. Lai told them so well that she might have been able to be a bard herself. So Lily sat comfertably in the hot water sneaking closer to Lai until she sat right next to her and was holding her hand in her own. With most of their sides touching. It was something she'd always done as a young girl. She and Conner both were very physical people, they touched and liked to be touched by the people around them all the time. Lily because as a little girl everyone wanted to hold her and Conner because he was her twin. Or they were twins. In either case it was the same.

Lai wrapped her arm around Lily and squeezed her tight. "Do you remember when you questioned me and your mother sitting here? The differences between you and Conner, and how different humans and elves and half-elves were?" She smiled and kissed her grand daughter on the cheek. Lily would probably be on her lap if it weren't for the size difference and Lai's stomach.

"I remember mom blushed when I asked her why Conner had a penis and I didn't if we were twins. I also remember you told me... that you as an elf were physically and mentally different from humans, and that even though Mom ws a half elf... because Daddy is human that's why Conner and I are Human." Lily says smiling happily and snuggling against her grandmothers side. Lai still looked so young, The same age as Alehial, or rather... both of them looked very close to how Lily would look in a few more years. Lily was still growing after all, she had gained an inch of more height in the last few months and her body size was changing too. She wasn't as busty as everyone in the house but... her dresses were fitting tighter in that area just a little bit.

"Your mother has always been a blusher, I've told you the story of your father's arrest in the frontier. She not only turned scarlet but almost passed out." Lai giggled, something she always did discussing them and their beginning years. Lily was so much her parents, no wonder why she wanted to strike out to find her own path like her mother. "I noticed that your dresses are fitting a might snug against those." indicating her breasts.

Lily blushed softly and looked down in the water. "I know... I noticed too. I mean of course I did but... er I hadn't thought anyone else had noticed." Lily says softly stuttering about it in her embarassment crossing her arms over her breasts. "I remember the stories... about how Daddy was in the tub when they came... and how mommy passed out when they kept asking her questions about it and Daddy cought her and tended her. B-but Grandma I... I do wish everyone would take me more seriously and less like a child. I mean Conner does. Conner always has spoken to me like we are equals. But he was the only one."

"You feel we haven't treated you like an equal?" Lai asked in bit of a worried tone. She had heard from Altair that Lily felt no one took her seriously. "My love you had always seemed content to be here, perhaps we didn't see that you had changed your mind." She sometimes had a hard time remembering how many times the children declared they didn't want to adventure, who they wanted to marry, and where they wished to live. "As a family we have become somewhat disconnected." she commented with a sigh.

"No I... when I started training Grandpa told me when I got good enough to score against him one point in the practice ring I would be allowed to go on an adventure. But... Then grandpa stopped training me so frequently and I kept myself in the courts acting like a proper girl. Then Grandpa seemed to forget about me and Daddy took over and Daddy was completely different... and... then Daddy stopped training me too. All I had... was the acting properly, the being a proper young woman of Andor but... As much as I enjoy that, I've always loved watching Daddy and my brothers practicing... playing with the swords on my own too... and now training. Only now... I can't train either cause Daddy keeps going off too." Lily says softly leaning her head on Lai's shoulder, she knew she was only whining and being a child about this but. She didn;t want to leave without having a talk with Lai. She loved her grandmother so very much.

"It won't be for much longer dear, your father will be back in a couple days to continue the training." Lai stroked her cheek and smiled. Lily was important to the family and her parents especially. She was Conner's other half and both children had a way woth their twin. Bt, Lai could understand her wanting to spread her wings, she only hoped that Conner would start looking for a little responsibility. "I understand how hard it is, and sometimes you feel that no one notices, but they do dearest."

"Tell me about it... I'm still getting greif over Gerard and the dinner incident. If everyone trusts me... how come none of you show it? I mean Conner runs out to the city all the time... why is he treated so differently from me when I can defeat him as I am right now! It's just... everyone else is so much more important then me... Everyone else is having grand adventures... or babies. I mean don't get me wrong! I love babies and I love the fact everyone is... adding to the family but... I'm always last on everyones mind. I wish... for once... that I could be with someone... who didn't treat me like I didn't exsist... That actually took care of me, who... I don't know actually kind of wanted to be around me just because of me being... me. Or at least someone who would help me actually acheive something for myself." Lily says snuggling up against Lai's side. SHe sort of needed the physical contact her grandmother was giving her right now. Usually she dumped everything on Conner but he was gone.

"Well, I'd prefer you find out what you want as far as adventuring before blessing me with a great gran child!" she poked Lily's stomach with a teasing tone. "Your parents traveled one end of this country to the other before they settled down. And you and Elsa have a lot in common, your father has at least taken you out of the city a couple times. She had to practically twist his arm behind his back twice to be given the chance to leave. You should bend her ear a little, but you should have spoken up before now, I'm always wanting to help you." 

"Then how about convincing Daddy to let me Travel across the seas?! I mean... There's a whole lot of places I can go but... Elsa and Cybil and Mathious they all went oversees and I want to too! I don't want to have a baby or anything I want to adventure! I want to go out and see the world!" Lily says leaning back giggling softly and holding the belly previously poked. She wasn't like Elsa... who had Daddy wrapped around her fingers. Everyone knew she followed orders well, and wasn't very outward with her wants. "I don't want to bother her... She's prfegnant and the amount of time she and Feal spend together... doing.... stuff is, well it's hard to talk to her and she always says she can't understand what I'm talking about or anything so it's easier just to not to talk to her most of the time."

"I can only try to help you in going to adventure, but remember your sister had to take Bailey with her. And you just need to slow down when talking to Elsa and some people. Conversations are not a race, they are more of sea voyage." Lai knew b part of the reason Altair kept a close watch on her know was because of the Gerard situation. And Lily would have to study a little to back him into a corner like Elsa did.

"I know I know.... it'll be a really long time before I'm ever really able to convince Daddy of anything. I just thought it was worth a shot you know? Oh well... we'd better wash and get out Grandma... you are pregnant and being pregnant you shouldn't stay in hot water for far too long. It's bad for the baby." Lily says before reaching out and grabbing the soap and a wrag to help wash her grandmother with.

Lai's brow raised seeing Lily taking charge, "You are going to bathe me? I not only bathed you, but changed your diapers young one." She laughed, but turned to let Lily use the rag to scrub her back. She felt honored those who she called her grandchildren doted on her so. "Lily, how are you leave if I start relying on you to help me?" she teased, Lily was doing a splendid job however.

"You have my aunt! She's the same age as me! have her help you. she needs to earn her keep." Lily says jokingly as she gently scrubbed her grandmothers back. She blushed a little when Lai spoke of changing diapers and such but she didn't pay to much attention to her teasing. "Besides I know Mom helps you when she can convince you to let her do it. And Elsa helped you often as your pupil and another granddaughter." Lily says still scrubbing Lai's back gently, from back of the neck shoulders and down to near the top of her rear.

"Hmm, you have a better touch my lovely Lily." Lai retorted. She reached out and took the other rag and after soaping it indicated Lily should turn around. "And now I will do something I hadn't in years." she exclaimed as she began to scrub Lily. Like all the children she kept her body groomed and clean, the Ravenwoods were the one of the healthiest and cleaniest families in Andor. "I noticed your mother got you a wand of diplotory and you've been using it." again with a touch of interest.

"Yes... It's easier then using one of the razors, it's sort of embaressing having a cut like that on your legs. The wand makes everything much easier and nicer to use. Why did you say you haven't done this in years grandma?" Lily asks softly curiously, grandpa had only been gone a few months, Lily wasn't quiet so naive as to believe that Lai and Conner had never actually bathed together. Lily had actually learned a lot about everyone who lived in the house.

Lai patted her face, "I meant bathe you Lily, I think the last time you were four or five years old." She smiled remembering her grand daughter splashing about in the water and even trying to escape the tub. She continued to scrub Lily. "The wand is amazing, and whoever came up with the spell is a genius. Very practical and efficent." she commented. Every adult female in the house and a male or two had one.

"Too bad it wasn't a Ravenwood... then we could have afforded to rule the world... or at least a small portion of it." Lily laughs softly shaking her head, it was something many of the nobles in the court often accused of the Ravenwoods. It was something they all feared but Her family was too loyal to their cousin as king to ever do something like that. "I don't really remember much from when I was four OR five years old Grandma, how am I supposed to know that? Besides you should come with us girls when we all go bathing together sometimes. I mean I know the others might feel awekward about discussing details of men and such with you... but I think it would be fun to have you there." Lily says considering she always blushed and washed herself to keep herself rfom leaving prematurely when they started speaking of size and skill and other highly embaressing things.

"Too many people think we are trying to rule the world anyway, even bowing at Gareth's crown. In truth they would not be so willing to sacrifice what we have to defend this country." she explained. Lily would be another in a long line of dutiful warriors for the crown. She once heard the children talking about who would take their parents place, at the time Lily didn't have anyone. Now as long as she kept on her path, she would take her father's place.

"Grandma... Why don't Mommy and Daddy move out to the Frontier again? They always talk about it... and how much they miss it... I mean I know the prophesy about Mom having twelve kids... and how Daddy... won't live long after, but... Why don't they go do it if they want to? I mean... there's plenty of older kids they could let live here... they wouldn't have to worry about things all the time. How... I mean... I know I'm kinda juming topics with this question but... why am I the only Ranger? I mean... how come no one else wanted to be a ranger like Dad? How come I'm the only one?" Lily asks turning to face her grandmother, both questions hard to answer she knew but no one ever exlpained them to her... not yet anyways, when she was younger they told her it was too complicated and when she was old enough no one had time or... no one tought to tell her because she was old enough she... ought to know already probably.

"It seemed in short order that so much happened that prevented them from retiring. And you have all of the hallmarks that make for a great ranger, Lily. Your father saw it as well, Mathius went from being a thief to finding his skill and strength as a warrior. Elsa, Lyriel, Conner and Lucas found their magical connections. And Darryl has always been a psion, you all have been amazing to watch growing into the people you're becoming."

"I guess it makes sense... I just... I feel like no one really understand me sometimes you know Grandma? Like when you and mom fought all the time before Mom and Daddy got married. And like Aser fights everyone here... No one understands her and you all keep telling her to be herself and then expect her to change to fit this life and the way we all live. Instead of compromising with her and trying to make her feel more at ease." Lily says grabbing another wrag and washing her arms and legs and torsoe. When Lily was with Lai she always felt more comfertable asking questions and working things out then she ever did with anyone else in her family. Other then Conner, but Conner was too busy composing songs or sneaking out of the house or wooing girls.

"Your mother and I didn't fight, we just had some disagreements. Well, you tell me exactly how to convince Asper to be more at ease with us. I fear that her dislike and hostility may start affecting Darryl." It was one of her latest fears, if Darryl began to dispair that Asper didn't love him, she could only guess how it would destroy him. So many people and trying to make harmony work in a world of chaos.

"I don't think she's comfertable here. I think if... if she left she'd be happier. After all she was... super poor where she lived and then... according to the rules of her home country marriage and slavehood are almost the same thing. The only difference being is your husband can treat you any way he chooses and you must give him a child. Or children. From what I read... She as a wife is still basically a slave. I think... I think that she still sees it as the way things are here too. That... now that she is married to Darryl and is giving him a child it means... she doesn't belong to herself and that, that she isn't free. Our cultures are really different and I don't think... that we have been working on bridging the gap. Maybe... I should help Darryl finish the house so that Darryl and her can... work things out between them... and she won't have to be confused anymore by this strange household and Andorian laws and things. I mean she still doesn't know how to read or write on her own... And Darryl kind of forgot I think to keep trying to teach her." Lily says, once she had started talking she had just kept going, everything she thought or felt or read and so on. It was obvious though that she had been reading up on things. Checking things and trying to figure things out. Much like her grandfather did, yet with the aptitude for action like her father.

"Have you approached Darryl?" Lai asked mistified by her calirity of thought. Perhaps she was correct and that gave her a wonderful idea. "I want you to have Asper help you and Darryl make descions for our family, although without Darryl would work better. Several contracts will need descisions, and I think you two are bright enough to do it." Bringing Asper and Lily into the descision making process might help bridge that gap.

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