Page name: Ravenwood Estates 7 [Exported view] [RSS]
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Last author: Nuktae-tal
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The Andorian Chronicles

Chapter Seven

We return to Pachucca to chec on the progress of the mission Cybil and Mathius were sent on.

Mathius clutched her hands, "Cybie when we leave here it may be months until we reach home. Your beautiful hair will be longer then, and I am sure if it isn't I will borrow the hat of disguise so no one will know." He wiped away her tears with his hand, hoping his reassurance would get her to smile or at least quit crying. "And the first, and I do mean first person, to call my future wife a whore will be drinking their food rather than chewing it." He placed a hand behind her neck and kissed her cheek.

"F-future w-wife?" Cybil asks softly as she blinked a few times, her voice still thick from the tears and she sniffled not exactly ladylike. She turned and looked at him a little, the warmth of his hand on the back of her neck made her body come to attention and the soft stroke to her cheek made her lean in towards him and his hand. Her lashes still retained water from her tears and her cheeks were red and her eyes a little swollen. She looked a real mess with the make up gone that Helene had applied so meticulously to her face after such crying. Wiped off by her own hinds as she cried.

"You think because of a haircut, I don't desire you anymore? Silly Cybie, I stared because you looked amazing these clothes made you look sultry. As I said long, short, or no hair, I still have feelings for you." he said looking into her eyes. He brought his other hand and placed it upon her hip, the material and the way she carried herself was a surprise. But he knew a great deal of it was an act for Helene.

"You...You think I'm sultry?" She asks softly looking up at him hopefully, licking her lips in a little nervousness she leaned forward before he could respond and kissed his own. Wrapping her arms up around his neck, pulling him forward so his chest brushed her own through the material. She couldn't explain it but right now she needed to feel him against her, she wanted to know he thought her sexy in... the only really affirming way possible. right in this moment she wanted to be as close as humanly possible with Mathius and she hoped he wouldn't push her away. Tentatively she let her tongue glide against his and past. tThe tips from Helene coming in more handy now when she wanted to use them even if she was nervous or afraid to.

His response to her question never made it past his lips, she kissed him deeply and surprised him when her tongue darted into his mouth. Mathius briught his hand down and rubbed Cybil's thigh, his breathing quickened as they kissed. He could feel her chest against his and briefly thought of discarding her dress and kissing and licking as he had seen Helene do. Deciding against it, he would let Cybie be in control of this moment. Whatever she wanted he would do, her desires were his as well.

Cybil drew him closer spreading her legs so he would fit between them and lean against her completely. It pushed her dress up and out of the way, there was only his pants and her underthings between them now, she continued to kiss him deeply and used her tongue. Pulling back after a few moments she was breathing a little heavily and her cheeks were pink. "I..." She says softly and blushed much brighter or deeper as it was and the blush traveled down her neck. "I want you Mathius..." She says her voice breathy and only a soft whisper. IT was clear she desired him as her nipples had gotten hard and the kiss was nothing less then one of her best, but to actually speak it aloud had made her nervous he might refuse her.

He gently tugged the dress down from her chest and began kissing her breasts. "are you sure this is what you want now?" he whispered back. Reaching down he caressed her bare legs, and began to pull down her underthings. "Stop me if you are unsure, Cybie. We will have to go slow, so I don't hurt you." as he unlaced his pants and discarded her underthings. Once he removed his pants he went back to kissing her, he would allow her to get used to the idea before continuing.

Cybil swallowed seeing un undress. It was impressive and large and well to be honest very frightening. She distracted herself by kissing him deeply, and wrapping her arms around his broad chest. She had also shimmied out of the little dress she had been in so she was completely nude. She didn't want to stop but she was nervous and a little afraid of his stature in that area but she knew he would take care of her and she needed him right now. Needed him to be her strength and comforter, she just needed him to show her how much he loved her.

Mathius took her hand and placed it upon him, and he began to gently rub her nethers while they kissed. Still holding her with one arm and kissing her deeply, he pressed his hand against her. He waited to see if this encounter is enough or if see wanted to go further. If Cybil was too worried about him harming her, he would wait until she decided it was the right time. He continued to kiss her and maoned lightly with her small hand holding him.

Cybils small hand was only just able to wrap around his length and she very slowly moved around him, Exploring his entire member. She moaned at his ministrations to her own body and kissed him deeply in return. She was becoming wet, very wet from his touches and the smell of him. Breaking the kiss she panted and rested her forehead against his shoulder. "M-more please." She moans softly her fingers digging into his skin lightly.

"You tell me if it begins to hurt, alright?" his tone was serious but laced with desire. He moved his hand and took his manhood from her grasp, then placed against her nethers and slowly pressed against her. Mathius knew how she felt from her evening with Helene, but this was more then he could have imagined. "Cybie, oh gods your body is so warm and tight." he said before kissing her again. Mathius would understand if she stopped him, but prayed to all creation she wouldn't.

"Wait!! AH! Oh gods! nnngh!" Cybil stopped him when he was just inside of her. He was so large, it was uncomfertable but not quiet pain, not quiet at least. Her passage tightened around the tip of his member inside of her as she fought to relax and let it happen. She hadn't anticipated how small she was. She blushed from his compliment but her legs were widely parted for him and he wasn't even in very far at all yet. She moaned in pleasure as he had pushed within her but he was much larger then his fingers and it took her a few moments to finally relax herself around his girth. Panting she looked up at him and smiled nodding a little. "O-okay I can... I can try taking a little more... I'm sorry." she says blushing very hard now and not wanting to look in his eyes. She feared he would be displeased at having to wait for her say so on this entire process.

He brought her mouth back up to his and kissed her deeply, holding her right where she was. "Do not force yourself to accept me, I do not want to hurt you, believe me Cybil I was prepared for this." he moaned while explaining. Mathius pushed slowly further inside waiting for when she needed time to let her body adjust. Never had he felt closer to her, or more in love with her. Elsa had given him wonderful advice and he intended to use it all.

"Nnn hah! It it doesn't h-hurt. J-just mmm! just b-big!" Cybil pants and moans out. as he slid further inside of her she felt herself fill and she felt pressure in a place never before. She feared what would happened next though, when he reached her maidenhood. She was told it would hurt and everyone had told her to drink willowbark tea first but there had been no time for any of that. She tightened around him and relaxed again after another few moments. She was getting more comfertable with this though he was very large and she knew she wasn't.

Mathius felt his tip nudge her maidenhood, "This is the last chance to say no Cybil, once we go past this you won't be a maiden any longer." He brought his mouth to her nipple and gently bit down on it. There he would wait until she was sure that this is what she truly wanted. Holding her close and hearing her moans and pants excited him to know she desired him like he did her. The only thing that would make it all perfect was if he wasn't wearing the blasted collar.

"Then... You'll have to wed me to get rid of me Mathius. I will have no other men then you for as long as I will live. Because my heart and soul belong to you. I don't care what Pachucca says or Helene... I will only love you and you are my whole world. Everything I do is for you Mathius and I want you to make me yours... fully. I want to be your only woman." Cybil says her hand in his hair holding his head to her chest, the other running over his broad muscular chest. Everything she said was completely true, she wanted him to make her no longer a little girl but a full fledged woman... so that she could someday soon become his wife. She gently tugged his hair wanting to kiss him when he broke through the barrier. She was scared, afraid of the pain it would cause and afraid she wouldn't please him after that. She wanted the reasurance of his love.

He held her close and whispered, "No matter what happens, you are my first and only love. I will make you my wife and mother of our children and love you more when they come into our lives." He kissed her deeply and broke the barrier, he then stopped and waited for the pain to subside and her to stop him or encourage him to continue. Mathius felt the effects of his movement and began to worry he had done something very wrong, "Cybil I haven't hurt you badly have I?" Concern rang heavily in his words to her.

"N-no. J-just wait." She said softly her voice only a soft whisper. Tears had sprung to her eyes and it had taken everything in her to stop the cry of pain from leaving her throat. She trembled beneath him her passage tight around his large manhood, tightened from the pain and from having never before been touched by any man nor woman so deeply inside of her. After a moment or two she tried to relax and was slow to actually relax a little. "I... need another minute. I'm sorry." She says softly with the smallest sniffle she could. She didn't want him to worry or see her cry because of what he did. So she kept her face buried in his neck. She didn't regret this, but it HAD hurt. He was so far inside her now that it felt like her insides were all being pushed higher up into her stomach to fit him and she knew he wasn't even full seated inside of her.

He was holding back his instinct to pull out of her. "I will do whatever you need Cybie," he kissed her neck as well. Mathius was going over Elsa's advice over and over in his head. Making the decision that if she couldn't take him much further he would pull back to make her more comfortable. She didn't have to take all of him, he felt wonder in just being a little bit inside her. "Don't apologize Cybie, we are together, that is al that matters, together and we love one another."

"Y-yes... um... m-maybe if you um... p-pull out a little and... um work uh b-back in." Cybil says blushing brightly by asking him to do it. The girls had told her that the more friction and the more pleasure she felt, the more loose and juiced she would become making it easier for a man to get further inside of her. She swallowed and nuzzled against his neck, inhaling the heavy musk, that alone was helping to ease some of her tightnss around him from the initial pain.

He began to pull out of her, gasping as he felt her closing from him withdrawing. "Ok, Cybie, I'm going to work it back in." he braced her for his re-entry. As slow as he pushed in the first time he pushed again, moaning deeply as she accepted him into her. When he reached that point again he looked to see her reaction.

Cybil groaned at the feeling of him pulling out. Her face scrunched a little at him pushing back in, her legs quivering around his hips. She was panting softly and it still hurt a little bit, more more like rubbing a sore then the actual pain it had been. She nodded her head and opened her eyes to look at his concerned but pleasure filled face. "I can... I can stand it a little more." She said her voice deep and breathy. It still hurt a little but as long as he continued to work his way in and out like the girls had suggested she should be fine she knew.

"We haven't used any protection Cybil, just once more and then we'll figure another way to please each other for now." he grunted as he again pulled out and pushed slowly back inside her. Remembering how he and Helene used their hands to make Cybil climax would work and he figured she would remember with some advising how to please him. He wouldn't pressure Cybil into doing this, he would let her tell him when she wanted another attempt. After he waited a little bit he began to withdraw watching Cybil for her agreement.

"No! uhn!" Cybil said startled thinking her didn't want to be with her after all. Or was making excuses. She knew they had the morning after tea and she would drink that. "It's safe I promise. Please Mathius... please don't leave me." Cybil says wrapping her legs around his hips and lifting herself up onto him. HEr arms pulled her tightly against him at the same time and it unexpectedly drew him much deeper inside of her making her groan and shudder. She was so slick now that all she felt was pleasure and a bit of pressure. He still wasn't completely buried in her but there wasn't much left of him not to be. She twitched and tightened and loosened around him inside of her unable to stop the pleasure. Soon enough she would climax and just from him working himself inside of her!

He moaned loudly, she had pulled him into her and without a cry of pain. Mathius began to work himself back and forth not further than she had pulled him. "Very well Cybie, I won't leave no matter what I still love you." He felt himself not far off of climaxing. He kept trying to recite Elsa's advice in his head to hold it off. Trust, he had total trust in her and what she told him.

Cybil groaned softly, he was still so big! She felt there should be physical proof showing or something, but when he worked in and out of her she couldn't help but moan and hold him tightly. "I-I love you t-too, Math" She says groaning it deeply her words warm puffs of air against his flesh. It wasn't long at all before she tightened around him and cried out. Her previous pure body tightening around him like a vice of heat and skin. She shuddered violently her nails digging into his skin hard as she orgasmed harder then ever before in her life. Her head was thrown back as she cried out loudly enough all on the compound would know what had happened. 

It was too much, Mathius couldn't hold back and climaxed too. He swelled and felt his seed enter her. He groaned, it felt like all this tension suddenly fled from his body. "Oh gods Cybie, you are so wonderful to me." he whispered into her ear. He gathered her to him, rubbing and stroking her body contentedly.

Cybil groaned unable to really form too much thought yet. She lay cuddled up to Mathius's broad chest in his arms. Listening to his fast heartbeat and trying to get her own too fast of breathing back down to normal. Already she could feel the euphoria of what they had done together wearing slowly off and with it brought a fierce ache in his hips and thighs. She groaned again though this time for a different reason. "I love you Mathius." She says softly looking up at him with a smile.

He cuddled with her and kissed her forehead, "I love you too, Cybil. I didn't hurt you did I?" The amount of time it took for them to do this suddenly made him very tired. Wrapping his arms around her and holding her close to him. She gave him an amazing gift, and trust that he would never break. Mathius yawned and kissed her again remembering again their lives together when they were younger.

"No... just sore." Cybil says softly, her eyes drooping a little as she was so worn out from what they did together. "What are you thinking about?" She asks looking up at him sleepily. She was just about falling asleep in his warm embrace, comfertable and safe. She was loved and loved him in return. She had greater hope for getting out of the future of them escaping.

He held her close, "Us growing up together with the others." Smiling he kissed her cheek. "I hope you won't be too sore, I wonder what the penalty is here for hurting a mistress?" he teased lightly. Mathius began to nod off as well, she was happy and that made him happy as well. 

"I'll list it as self inflicted okay?" she says with a yawn in the half of her sentance. She moved a little and snuggled against his chest resting her head down. It was only a few more minutes that she finally fell asleep and was gone to the world. She was comfertable in his arms and though she hurt a little she knew now that she had the strength to continue.

Helene stood at the foot of the bed, surveying the blissful sleep that Mathius and Cybil shared. Knowing that this peaceful after coutis nap would signal an end to a lot of things. Her orders were clear and while not ones she agreed with, but she would have to follow or the penalty would be severe. The Matron knew that they were not here to find a better life, spying was the real reason. It was a horrid idea that someone so sweet and lovely, could be so deceptive.

Cybil moved a little before shivering lightly and blinking her eyes open. She felt so sore! She let a soft groan escape as she gently tried to detangle herself from MAthius' arms. She froze immediatly when she saw a figure out of the corner of her eyes. Turning her head quickly she let out a relieved sigh and relaxed seeing it was Helene. "Helene... you startled me!" She said with a small smile even as she winced sitting up.

"I'm sure you soon to be more startled, Cybil Damodrid, concerning you and Mathius Ravenwood." she said one hand upon her hip. Mathius had not stired yet and for that she was happy. He may be a problem especially if enraged, she touched the controller on her belt. "How shocked I was to discover your lover brought his friends and you to spy on my country." she accused. "And the Matron is demanding for some changes."

Cybil stopped and her eyes got wide. "Helene no! I'm not spying! I told you, how I couldn't stay in Andor any longer!" Cybil said looking worried and anxious. They had been found out! She didn't know what to do, no one had ever discussed what would happen if they were found out. She shivered and looking around before blushing brightly at the one spot of red on the light colored sheets where she and Mathius had... finished their deed of coupling at long last. Reaching over the bed she grabbed the dress and tried to pull it on quickly. She just couldn't stand to be naked at the moment. "Helene... please you can tell the matron you've been with me this entire time! you've heard what I've said. I wasn't lying to you Helene!" Cybil says trying to convince this woman of what she said. Now that she was dressed sort of, she had it askew a bit but she was covered for the most part anyways. She hadn't moved much. Her hips ached and her legs didn't feel like they would be very useful after what she and Mathius had done.

"You however did not say he was a Ravenwood, Cybil. The Matron is adamit about these changes. I am glad though to see that you and Mathius have joined." she was candid now. "Was it everything you had hoped for?" she asked trying to express that her hands were tied. "I apologize for what she plans, dearest."

"Helene I didn't think it mattered if he was a Ravenwood... He wanted to be with me! Please Helene... please I... no... no it wasn't... It was... wonderful but it hurt... and I want him with me so it can get better! Please Helene you must speak with the Matron! We are not spy's! Please you have to beleive me!" Cybil said starting to panick a little. What would the matron do to MAthius and the others? What was going to happen to her? How could this happen when things were finally starting to smooth out!? Cybil didn't even realize when she had started to cry, but tears certainly were rolling down her cheeks.

Helene moved and wrapped her arms around Cybil. "The Matron may not listen to me, and even if she does what would you do to prove this?" Helene knew what would happen to herself if they were. "Cybil, if you have any idea for me to take back to the Matron tell me now." she implored. She looked over at Mathius and wondered if it was he or Cybil that was supposed to be the spy.

"I... I don't but... I just wanted to be treated... like an equal!" Cybil sniffles softly and hugs Helene tightly. She needed comfert even if Helene didn't know what she was really comferting her for. "I only wanted to be given a chance Helene... I wanted to be able to love Mathius and be useful and stop being used as only some kind of trophy! Now... Now everything has gone wrong! I ruined everything! I should have let them marry me off to some old fat man who only wanted heirs. I should have let my father decide everything! At least I would have been safe!" Cybil cry's harder shaking now. She was afraid of Tarin-Gail ever actually considering such a thing and it was a little bit part of the reason she had worked so hard. But she was more afraid of what might happen to them.

"Then protect yourself, Cybil." Helene urged her. Staightening her Helene looked he in the face, "Turn them over, perhaps you or I may be able to retain Mathius. The others will be turned over to another, there may be no other way. I believe the Matron may have had suspicions when you arrived." She then waited for Cybil to tell her what she wanted to do.

Cybil let her face form into the utter desperation of what she should do because right now it was the complete and utter truth. Breathing hard and trying not to panic. That was the key here, try to think just try to think Cybie! "C-can't I speak with the Matron? Maybe she'll understand?! Maybe I can tell her the truth! We aren't spies! I'm not a spy! Mathius only came to protect me... I.. er... I mean we... love each other. " Cybil said sniffling again trying to get herself undercontrol to think at least. the way it was now she wasn't going to be acting half of this anymore. she was terrified.

MAthius stirred, "What is going on Cybie?" He jerked right up and stared open mouthed at Helene. Cybil crying made him want to ger out of bed, but he knew he was without pants. "Cybil, mistress what is wrong?" he fell back into the part he had to play. Something in the pit of his stomach told him something was wrong.

Cybil went stiff at his questions. She turned and wiped at her face. "They... They know who we are." Cybil said trying to calm down more. She was shaking though, she was still so scared of what she may have done to them all while she was drunk. "They think... We're spies. I tried to tell Helene... To tell her that I wanted to leave Andor. Wanted to be able to control my own life! Make my own decsisions and that you came with me to protect me because... I love you and the others were your friends so they came to help but... The Matron doesn't beleive it. She doesn't believe me!" She said hugging hersef tightly and trying to stop herself from shaking. She was trying to tell him the story she had told Helene. That it was her idea and they came with HER.

Mathius started to speak but, Helene cut him off, "I know you are a Ravenwood, Mathius. The Matron was very well versed on who you both are. Even if she believes Cybil, she will force most of you to be seperated in one form or another." she told him her hands resting on her hips. "CYbil will most likely remain here and most likely the Matron will assign you to take one of my slaves place. I can not speak for the others."

Cybil shook harder and more tears spilled down her cheeks. She really had screwed up. Tarin-Gail had been right that she shouldn't go... Lyle was right that she wasn't good enough. Mathius was right that she wasn't or would never be good on a mission. She wasn't acting anymore, this right here was fear and remorse at what she had done. She'd ruined everything just by being there. She could barely contain her sobs at the moment and knew she was being a weak stupid little girl, but she couldn't seem to help it.

Mathius went to her without another thought, "Its alright Cybie, they just don't understand what we did. They don't know the whole story and aren't willing to believe us." He wrapped his arms around her holding her tightly, he understood her ruse and was attempting to hold her together through it. Turning to Helene, "And who gave the Matron her information, mistress has a right to know who bears false witness against her." Hope began to well up in him, if Cybil could take this and use it they might be ok.

"I'm j-just a silly Andorian Mathius, no one would beleive me over a Pachuccan woman. I'm not even allowed to SEE the Matron." Cybil sniffled leaning her head against his chest and wrapping her arms around his chest as well as she could. She knew she looked pitiful and him calling her mistress still meant he was still trying to figure a way to make it all work. Which meant maybe they could continue their plans after all.

Helene looked at them, she had a feeling they were going to get her in trouble. "ALright there is a ruling, but it will not be easy and could put you in more peril." looking at Mathius. "I will have to speak to council and The Matron to see if that can even be offered to you. In the meantime, I suggest you send the others to the farm and have them behave themselves. And you and Mathius will have to remain in my sight, of course when you aren't practicing your coupling."

Cybil nods sniffing and wiping her face, she wanted to be strong and she knew she almost blew it. If she could play it off then maybe Mathius wouldn't think badly of her still! She blushed at the coupling remark, after all Helene had woken them up from their first one and she HAD stained the sheets. "I'll do what I have to, but Helene you DO believe me don't you?" Cybil asks softly looking up at the other woman pleadingly, still in Mathius's arms.

She didn't directly answer except for. "I hope your resolve to find a new home is honest. Because it may cost a lot of people more than they can afford to lose." She turned to leave but stopped at the top of the stairs, "If I can I will tell you who accuses you of spying, and if there is any way of proving your innocence. I will return by dinner tonight, I suggest you inform the others and make your descisions on increasing the farms production." Then she left, the door closing indicating they were alone again.

Cybil turned and looked at Mathius worriedly. Wiping her face still and trying not to look like she actually had lost it for a few moments. "What do we do Mathius?! Someone found us out!" Cybil says fretting now. She was sure they'd figure something out now. She gasped and threw herself further onto the bed reaching out and snagging the control wand. "Boys! Come to my rooms now!" She orders before setting it down and looking at Mathius again.

"We have bought some time, and I would have no idea who is here in Pachuca that would know us." He took her by the shoulders and looked her in the eye, "Don't say anything to them about messing up or uncovering our mission alright. We don't know if you did anything at all, alright Cybie?" He kissed her cheek, covered the stain it was no ones business anyway and began pulling on his pants. He then helped her straighten her dress and wait for the others, taking her hand and squeezing gently.

"But Mathius... I'll have to send them to the farm! It's the only way to keep them safe then! and I did mess up... I told them my last name... How stupid was I? I must have said something while I was drunk to. I'm never drinking alcohol again! Not ever!" Cybil said hatefully, glaring at the ground. She knew she had messed up that it was her fault. She had to figure out a way to fix everything.

Kneeling in front of her, he took hold of her chin and brought her eyes to his. "CYBIE, it doesn't matter now, past mistakes are just that, past. Sending the guys to the farm may not be a horrible thing, it may be one step away from escaping. Just keep anything you might have given away secret ok, we fix it from here on out." He brought her close and kissed her deeply, "We'll be ok. ok?"

"Okay... I love you Mathius. But you have to save me okay? If they try to take me away?" Cybil said leaning down and hugging his tightly. She was still shaking a little but she had calmed down enough to get herself together mostly. They were just waiting for the guys to come and get in her room so they could explain what happened now. She was not looking forward to it. She knew they'd all be angry. Even if they weren't telling the guys they were found out. She prayed to Pelor that the Matron would see reason and they could fool her sufficiently.

The others arrived in short order, once settled they began to tell the situation. Of course they had left out anything about them having sex, and that Cybil had said anything. Asmodius and Litor looked worried and Nist was just plain confused. Questions began to flow from the three of them in short order.

"A farm what in the name of the nines hells will we do there?" Nist asked.

"Do we know what will happen if she doesn't side with us?" Litor wanted to know.

"When will we know if you succeed or fail?" was Asmodius's concern.

"Working on the farm... um plowing and planting and watering and such... as things on farms tend to get done. We don't know. No one had told me of the way Pachucca is run other then the ruling figure is someone called the Matron. If we succeed... She said I might not be allowed to 'keep' you. So if I fail and succeed badly... I suppose the same will happen and you'll all be sold off." Cybil shakes her head and shrugging. She didn't know what would happen or how things would pan out.

Mathius headed off any disension by adding, "At least out there you can find a way out of these and if needs be head home with what we uncovered. Cybil and I will have to take our chances with appealing to the Matron. If men come to the farm without mentioning Nist smells like troll dung do your best to escape." The others shook their heads that they understood and Nist managed an insult under his breath. He waited to see if Cybil had anything to add.

"I'm sorry... That I wasn't as good as I promised I'd be at this. But at least you can ty to escape and I've bought a map of the lands. I want you guys to take it in case you have to run to the border into Shadizar." Cybil says standing and walking over to her dresser and pulling out the map she'd bought of the land. They would be able to make it she knew that. She just had to do her best to try and solve these issues.

"Then if everything goes to pot, we run and let you two take the heat?" Litor asked unsure suddenly about this plan. The thought of abandoning them here without any help. "I think we should talk more about this plan. Mathius you will still have the collar on, if you two try to flee together." Asmodius chimed in. They looked back at Cybl wanting to know what she thought.

"I... do what I can for us to get out of this. There is to be a trial and I'm pretty convincing and I'll find a way for the collar to come off if need be." Cybil said shaking her head. Handing Asmodius the map, and sitting gingerly on the bed. Sitting straight and properly, hands folded on her lap and still. She was very graceful sitting there. Watching them all, she waited for the anger and the mistrust, the men to all tell her no. She was a little girl. For once she agreed with the Pachuccans. Men sometimes were too stupid for their own good.

"It is the only plan that has a chance to work Litor." Mathius cautioned

"But what if this Matron is a disciple?" asked Asmodius.

"You risk yourself Mathius and Cybil." Litor argued.

"I think we give the rookie her chance." Nist commented.

"The matron refused the disciples. Helene told me. The Matron doesn't beleive in giving men power over her. and I know how to handle a blade. I wasn't born to be a fighter the Lord Pelor knows that. But I've come to be a decent one. On my own. I won't be a liability." Cybil says looking at the others her eyes hard and her back straight. She was resolved to fix this or find a way out of it at least.

"Enough discussion!" Mathius said, "five votes yeah or nah to accept the plan. You three head to this farm and play along while looking for a way out of the collars. Cybil and I will attempt to placate the Matron and if it works to go from there. So, when I say your name you vote, majority wins."










"It was my plan Mathius, my vote is already yes." Cybil says softly looking at the others. Truthfully Cybil was very glad Nist had changed his oh so high handed opinion of her from the begining and was putting some trust in her now. She had been worried about him opposing her everytime she tried to do something whilst here.

"Then it is decided, the plan moves ahead as we laid it out. You guys will go and handle the farm, I'm sure Nist will be able to find things there to help him with the collars. Cybil and I will do our best to get us all off the hook, maybe get us sent home. We just have to remain a group and not lose hope." He looked at the other men who modded and left, then looked at Cybil and patted her knee and smiled.

Cybil let out a deep shakey breath and slumped before letting herself fall on her back on the bed. Closing her eyes she then reached her hands up and touched the loose ends of her hair that didn't even brush her neck much at all. "they have a right not to trust me." She said softly looking over at Mathius after saying such. After all she had done they had still only been there one week maybe two. It had taken longer then that to travel by boat to even get there. She'd already messed things up somehow.

He sat on the edge of the bed and looked at her, "It wasn't you Asmodius and Litor don't trust. It was the plan they are unsure of, and I think with Nist backing it they conceeded the point. So, you need to review those papers and decide on the best course of action for the farm. Then when Helene returns we make the plan for dealing with the Matron." He leaned over her and stroked her chin, "And if you keep thinking you caused any of this I'm gonna have to convince you otherwise."

"It was my fault we all know it. You just don't want to say it to hurt my feelings. Anyways I have more then just A plan for the farm. Looking over these papers whoever she bought it from was trying to do some side dealings to a different market elsewhere or another farm because there are a few things missing. As for the land itself some irrigation and water regulation, a few furrows for the water to run down and keep the plants hydrated and it'll produce a better crop then it's seen yet!" Cybil said softly looking up at him with a small smile. She shook her head though and then frowned at the feel of her hair around her face.

He rubbed her arm, "Cybie this is your first mission and you had to take front and center. Besides I think Helene is rather intimidating at times." He looked over her shoulder at the facts on the papers. A great mathmation, he wasn't and after a little while he eyes began to swim. "I noticed that you aren't to bashful anymore considering you left your underthings off." he smiled playfully at her, an attempt to lighten her mood a little bit. Mathius was happy that she didn't order him away with the others.

"Mathius!" Cybil blushed brightly only now noticing after he brought it to her attention. She blushed fiercly looking around for them. How could she have forgotten? And in this dress she may very well have flashed herself to all three men! She blushed deeper and covered her face sitting back down and just breathing. She did agree with him about Helene though. That woman seemed to see Cybil as some kind of pet rather then another person. Maybe Cybil was a pet in Pachuccan standards.

He laughed lightly and pulled her to face him, "There, if that woman comes back sniffing around for your bare nethers, I'll protect them and you from her." MAthius had to admit not long ago when he caught the women in bed that he found it all exotic. Cybil was Andorian through and through, Helene was tan, dark haired, and was curvy everwhere. Together it seemed the exotic beauty was tempting and seducing the lovely girl from next door. "And besides, really the only person you should worry about is me, I love you Cybie." he said hugging her close.

"It's not just her! what if... what if I sat improperly and this damned short skirt, showed the men!" Cybil said blushing brightly looking up at him. She saw the dark look in his eyes and blushed deeper wondering if his thoughts were on last night. She looked down and tried to look at their knees but her eyes were drawn to his crotch which made her blush even harder and she sat up straighter and then she stood up. She was blushing too hard and she couldn't stop thinking about last night and him naked and... She shook herself.

Mathius also sat up, "Then perhaps you should mimic Helene and how she sits. I doubt she wears underthings, and I take the blush is due to you and me or you and her?" He understood Cybie, she was demure and sweet and their host while possibly a good person seemed completly uninhibited. "Are you regretting what we did?" he asked. What happened between them felt right for him, now he wondered if he pushed too hard for them to continue a relationship.

"No! No don't even think that! I love you Mathius! I love you so very much!" Cybil said quickly returning to him and kissing his cheek her hand on his other cheek softly. "I was... thinking back on it is all." She says shaking her head looking into his eyes, she didn't want him to get any wrong idea's. But it did remind her that she needed something rather important. "Hold on a moment... I'm going to ask Litor and Nist to get breakfast and... some tea." Cybil said softly and gently. She left Mathius for a moment and took up the wand. "Litor, Nist I want you to fetch breakfast for Mathius and myself. I also need... Tea, Ask for the morning after tea, they will know of what I'm refering." She commands before setting the wand down again. It was very odd and somewhat uncomfertable to walk around now that she had realized she wasn't wearing underthings.

IN his head, Nist and Litor probably stared at each other, open mouthed and with a couple sly comments. "I find that watching you and knowing your not wearing them, is increasingly hard to keep my hands to myself." he jokingly said. Mathius looked at the plans she had drawn up, everything sounded very encouraging. "If we had a farmstead I'd probably listen to your council constantly. However, I'd have to keep you very satisfied in return, and I promise nothing reckless anymore."

"These are just a few things Father taught me. I bet if you had paid attention to your mother you'd know more then me." Cybil giggles softly, a blush on her cheeks from his comment on her state of... or rather lack of some dress. She walked over and looked at the plans again as well, "I wonder if these people never heard of water irrigation? Or alternative planting." she mused softly, wondering if it was just that farm or all the farms. Not really noticing how when she leaned forward the dress gapped a little letting MAthius if he looked see all the skin all that way down.

Mathius turned and gaped himself for a few minutes until she noticed. "Cybie if I didn't know the guys were coming with breakfast, I'd kiss you some more again." His mind went back to the wonderful coupling they had hours ago. Taking ahold of her hand his kissed it lightly and smiled at her. 

Cybil's blush that had almost gone blazed to life again as she stood up properly and held her hand to the material to her chest. "I... I'm sorry I didn't realize it would gap like that! I... sorry." Cybil said softly her eyes soft as she watched him kiss the back of her hand. She could feel her heart flutter at the overly gentle and romantic way he treated her, even after they had had sex. She just hoped the guys hadn't gotten what she had ordered.

Minutes later the guy's were in the room again, "Breakfast as ordered, with the tea you asked for mistress and we hope it wasn't forward but coffee for Mathius." Once they set everything down they nodded and left, Mathius picked up the mug of steaming coffee. "Oh, after only water for so long, this wil taste great. What is so special about the tea?" he asked looking at her closely. "Come mistress let me feed you breakfast, anything to make you happy." she could tell part of their speak must be keeping up appearances.

"Then feed me." She grinned happily sitting down and moving the papers out of the way, she didn't want anything to spill like her tea his coffee or even the food. It might ruin the papers. Once the papers were moved she relaxed in the seat an smiled fully at Mathius. She liked her lips and wondered just how he would feed her or what he would give her first. She didn't asnwer his question about the tea but she did snag it and blow on it before taking a sip. It was bitter and not very pleasent but she had to drink it.

He ripped the piece of bread and buttered it, the put a corner in his mouth and leaned over. He winked at her and slid his hands along her legs. It seemed like he might try feeding her from his own mouth. Mathius wondered what possessed him to do this, but if she giggled, laughed, or took it from his mouth. Then he would feel he was doing a good job, and would try something else.

Cybil blushed softly and leans forward, gently nibbling it until she took the food in her mouth and pulled back blushing brightly and chewing the bread. "you're... incouragable." Cybil says with a small smile after she swallowed what she had eaten. She relaxed her legs a little and sat more relaxedly. Letting his hand lay on her leg without a word. She did however pick up her tea and finish it quickly. She needed that and didn't want to wait until it got cold and even more horrible.

He continued to pick bites of things, feeding her from his hands or mouth to mouth. Letting his hands roam about her legs, coming within a breath of her nethers. "Would you care for a fork or should I continue, mistress?" to punctuate his question he squeezed her leg. Mathius was teasing and pleasing her to take her mind off her insistence that she made a mistake. That and since the had been more intimate, he felt a longing to have his hands upon her again.

"You may... continue." Cybil said a soft blush covering her face as she was relaxed in the chair and feeling a little hot and bothered by his intimacy. He had never before been so forward around her... or showing so much pleasure in her body or even simply having her near. She was glad she cut her hair, Mathius approved of it so much. He seemed truelly earnest in his attentions to her and she was awed and shocked by his devotion to her. Her reply to him was breathy and husky, almost panting.

He kissd her again and tentatively ran his tongue into her mouth. And he slid his hand up to graze her nethers, lightly first then just a little harder. Cybil might question right now if he trusted her, but there was no real words to express the faith he had in her. He then took a piece of pineapple and gently brushed it across her chest then followed it with his lips. "Can I tempt mistress with anything else she may like?" he questioned.

"Oh you've been tempting me all this time... trust me." She groans softly, her breath very breathy now as she watched him travel over her skin with his lips. She ran her hands up his chest and up to his neck, cupping his jaw with both hands before drawing him up to her mouth. She took the initiative this time and after a moment she ran her tongue inside of his mouth and alongside his tongue, tangling them together.

As the kiss deepened, he wrapped his arms about her waist and drew her near to him. If he was happy about one thing, this visit to Pachuca was drawing both of them out of the 'normal' Andorian tenants of courtship. The people here while allowing slavery, where more in touch with their passions and desires. Cybil was learning to embrace what she wanted, and he was surprised when she ran her tongue into his mouth. Mathius brought his hands up from the embrace to rub his fingers along her neck to rest behind her ears.

Cybil moaned into his mouth softly as his hand cupped the back of her head. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and drew him tightly against her own body. Opening her legs and wrapping them around his waist. She was a little short compared to him and in this position she really straddled his lower stomach more then his hips, or his area of real interest between the two of them. She loved how warm he was against her despite how warm the room already was from the day's sun.

In response he slid a hand under her bottom and further towards his own body, barely touching her nethers. He kept his other hand rubbed and squeezed her neck gently. Desire for her was making him swell again, and he groaned in response to her moan. This never would have happened had they been at home in Andor. Cybil was driving him almost crazy with passion, it seemed like lately he couldn't keep his hands off of her.

Cybil wriggled against him and tightened her legs around him. She could feel him swelling below her, it was a very odd feeling and the harder it got and she felt it poke her the redder she became. This was insane! She'd never act like this were she at home! She'd always been such a good girl following every request given to her, and this time she wanted something for herself and she got a little more then she bargained for.

He broke the kiss and began kissing her neck while continuing to run his hands across her body. Cybil was blushing, he could feel the warmth of her skin against his mouth. The wiggling against him was a little distracting, but was increaing the passion he was feeling. "Cybie, oh you are seducing me to no end." he whispered into her ear. His other hand rubbed her nethers with a little more pressure.

Cybil moaned and panted against him. "who was seducing whom over breakfast?" She pants near his ear. Her body having grown tight and sensitive, she wanted nothing more then to be naked and against him once again. She blushed harder at such a carnel thought in her own head. "Undress me Mathius, and remove your pants." She commands with a small wry grin on her lips.

He pulled back and looked at her smiling, "Yes mistress." He pulled her dress from the bottom, moving it up and with her moving her arms pulled it up and over her head. Caressing her now naked flesh he kissed her again passionately. Reaching underneath her he tried unlacing his pants without seperating them. Cybil was enjoying the power she was given here, and Mathius trusted she would not abuse it or him.

Cybil laughed softly and got off his lap anyways. Walking to the bed putting an extra sway in her steps to make her backside more enticing, she then crawled on the bed and laid donw on her stomach rolling slowly onto her back. Blushing from the boldness of her actions. "Now strip... and please me." She grins trying to tamp down the blush riding her face, her hair was still loose and she rested her head in her hand with hr elbow keeping it all up so she could watch.

He stood and pulled his pants low, and began to stalk towards the bed. With every step he was aware she would see his manhood react to the desire he felt for her. "Yes, mistress, I will do my best." he whispered trying to sound dark and passionate. He moved onto the bed and grazed his fingers down her thighs then back up to graze her nethers. Leaning up closer he licked her nipple as he slipped his finger inside Cybil.

"mmm.... aaah... AH!" Cybil moans softly, running her fingers and nails gently over his shoulders and up into his hair. Crying out in pleasure at his fingers entering her. The lingering pain she had felt from their previous coupling drowned out by the pleasure he was already making her feel. She still couldn't beleive he had fit inside of her as large as he was. She panted and moaned beneath him. Her hips moving and bucking against his hands ministrations on her body. Her breasts swelled and her nipple puckered as he played with them. Driving her desire further.

Tilting his head so to look towards her face, Mathius lightly bit her nipple. His finger sliding in and out of her body, slowly at first but begining to build a little speed. Running his hand up and down her side and finally resting on her other breast, gently massaging it. Cybil's body was warm and her desire was making it easy to slip in and out with his finger. "Do I please my mistress?" he whispered before licking her nipple again.

"NNnn Yees! Gods yes!" Cybil moaned gasping and bucking against his hand once he sped up. HEr muscles in her thighs twitched and she raised her legs to put her feet against the bed. Her face flushed now for a very different reason. She gripped his hair tightly in her hands. She wanted to kiss him but couldn't vocalize it right now. Moaning and gasping at his touched to her body, she couldn't get the breath or the thoughts in her mind to tell him what she wanted.

He pulled away from her breasts and searched out her mouth, kissing her deeply. She could feel his manhood against her thigh, as he was comepletely aroused. Continuing the speed but now varying his depth into her, his finger kept plunging into her. Mathius could tell he was exciting her and that in turn excited him to pleasure her. Personally, he would rather please her a couple times over before trying to enter her.

Cybil kissed his fervently holding him against herself tightly as she could with her small arms. His warm flesh of his heavy erection made her a little skittish once again but she stamped it out easily as her body began to tighten and her legs twitched as her hips bucked violently against his own movements. She broke the kiss to cry out sharply as her climax came over her.

He slowed his movements and kissed her neck and chest, "It is my honor to serve, does mistress need more pleasing?" Mathius was going to wait for her answer before placing his erection inside her. Watching her coming down from her climax was intoxicating. Did she love him as deeply as he loved her. Everytime they tried pleasuring each other, it was earth shattering.

"I love you." Cybil whispers softly opening her still pleasure hazy eyes to look into his face. She almost asked him if he would marry her, but... this wasn't really the time or place for something like that. Besides... she was a woman it was a man's.... "Mathius... Will you marry me?" Cybil asks blinking a little and clearing her head. She had a hand on his cheek gently cradling his jaw, the other she was using to push herself up a little to look at him straight in the eyes. "I don't have a ring or anything... I can get you one though... if you want." She says softly looking worriedly into his face, wondering if she just really screwed up or not.

He laughed, and nuzzled against this wonderfully sweet woman. "I don't need a ring luv, you already have my heart." he whispered back. "And the answer is yes, I'll marry you if you say yes to marrying me." Andorian law stated that the man did the asking of the woman's parents, but he never really did care for laws too much. "Just you and me Cybie, against the world if needs be."

"Oh heavens no! You mother and father would be furious. Better for me to Marry you and become a Ravenwood and have the Ravenwoods help us fight the world. Cause your parents have done it a few times so... They know how." Cybil laughs softly nuzzling him again in return and I'll get you a ring... there should be rings... or bracelets... I've heard those are becoming popular too." Cybil says actually very serious about having a symbol for them.

"Long as it isn't a collar!" he teased tapping his collar. THe thing bothered him to no end, it was only the lethality of it that kept him from fidgiting with it. Mathius wrapped his arm back around her and kissed her. No one could blame him for being in love with Cybil, she was a perfectly raised young woman and now an adventurer. "So, what other aspects of our impending marriage should we discuss?" he kissed both her cheek and heart.

"The... pre joining of the actual legal one?" Cybil asks her voice soft as she smiled shyly up at him. They were both still embraced within each others arm and completely nude and it... well he... his li- well... he wasn't helping her not remember him being there at all pressed against her thigh like he was. Cybil loved this man to no end, she would do everything she could to ensure they got home.

"Are you inferring that mistress wishes me to couple and please her again?" he said with a grin. "Or where we will live and the number of grandchildren we will grace our parents with?" Mathius wanted to make love to her again, possibly with more motion and passion this time. But, laying here with her in his arms talking, laughing, and dreaming was just as good. If she wanted, they didn't even have to couple again but he figured she might wish to do something to become familiar with his manhood.

"How many children do you want to have? Where... would we live Mathius? I mean... I don't have much of a dowery... I mean I'm sure Father would give me a handsome one... I AM the only girl... but you're a hero, or rather adventurer, you don't make a lot of gold. How many children will we be able to support?" Cybil asked her thoughts derailed from the romantic to the somatic rather quickly. She didn't mean for it to happen but when he brought up those points she got worried about it.

"The answer to the first is as many as we can care for, the second is anywhere together. I don't care for a dowery, I'm getting you and a dowery pales in comparison. We will figure it all out when the time comes luv." he explained. Mathius cuddled her, kissing her lips, cheek and neck resigning to the fact he'd have to calm her concerns. Being practical sometimes, they would have to get home first.

"Mathius... Why did you fall in love with me?" Cybil asks softly wrapping her arms around him and petting his hair gently with her fingers. Sometimes combing them through his hair but touching him softly and close to herself as possible none the less. The fact that she was still naked and so was he or that he was still heavily aroused seemed to have slipped her notice at the moment.

"Why does the sun or moon rise. I think I've always loved you." he said again kissing her lightly. "Cybie, there isn't enough time for me to list it all. There is so much I could say, and still more I can't form the words for." He nuzzled her neck and chest before commenting, "And this latest development between us just adds to it." Mathius smiled at her and squeezed her gently, hoping he calmed her fears some.

Cybil smiles softly and nods her head watching him. "Make love to me Mathius... And help me get everyone out of this." Cybil said softly drawing his face up to hers so she could kiss his lips softly. Chastely, and gently her hands under his jaw, she opened her legs and gently slid her calf against his thigh.

He returned the kiss and moved forward placing himself at the entrance of her nethers. "Yes mistress." he whispered as he began to enter her. Mathius ran his hands over her body as they began to become one again. Remembering the advice he continued being gentle and responsive when she needed him to wait. "Would mistress prefer I change, perhaps Cybil on top?" he asked. 

"NO! I mean... um no... I just need a minute to.... adjust." She says panting between each few words. He still felt incredably large, almost to the point of discomfort still. But she widened her legs a little more and angled her hips before she tightened around him and gasped. His slow pushing had just gone from easy paced to quick as she tipped her hips and pushed forward. She saw stars and it wasn't all bad. Her body clenched his heated member tightly and her hips bucked up taking more of him without her being very concious of what she had done or trying to do. She almost felt like climaxing and he still wasn't fully seated. Though she'd heard entrance was much sharper and deeper from being on top of a man, she didn't want to try that one for a long time.

He stopped short and began to work back and forth going deeper every so often. Mathius watched Cybil's face for any pain or discomfort as he continued. "All the time you need luv, I will be patient." he whispered into her ear. Then he began to kiss her neck and down her shoulder. Unable to help himself his hands continued to stroke her body, savoring her smooth skin against his hands.

"Stop! Please stop just a moment!" Cybil begged softly, she was shuddering beneath him, she knew she was too close, she needed a moment to calm down so she didn't embaress herself and not let him finish. She was panting hard and her body continued to tighten around where they were joined and release him. She was struggling to calm herself down a little but the way his hands were so gentle and yet dancing all over her body, sent chills down her. When he continued rocking in and out of her she grasped his shoulders with her small hands and thrust against him, unable to quell what she was feeling she cried out softly as the first of many orgasms went through her. It served to make her much slicker though and he moved much more easily in and out of her.

Her reactions to him were amazing and her body clutching at him was heavenly. "Yes CYbie, oh luv you are an amazing woman." he declared. Mathius slowed letting her come down and adjust to his member. Even his hands slowed their exploration of her perfect body. However he did continue to kiss her mouth and neck.

Cybil panted and moaned, sweating lightly as she still held him. Looking down at him as she could focus again, though the pleasure still chased down her spine it was lesser and as her face was flushed she was suddenly feeling him throb heavily inside of herself. "I... I'm ready." She whispers it came out breath and her lips brushed his temple as she spoke. She'd never before felt so.... worshipped by him like this.

He began to work in and out of her again, feeling the wonderful sensations rise again inside him. Mathius sought out her mouth again and kissed her deeply. His member began to swell and he groaned knowing his climax was close by. Using his hands again to roam her body, he could no longer hold back and began to climax. "" he groaned at the end.

Cybil came with him again, the feeling of his member swelling and the heat of his seed tipped her over the edge and she tightened her hold of his body. This time she was slick with sweat and the scent of her filled the room, as she panted for breath and her body twitched and writhed beneath him. She couldn't speak but her voice rang out from the overwhelming sensations coursing through her.

He held her close, panting against her collarbone as he began to soften. Her body still held him, and she felt wonderful to him. "CYbie, you are going to enspell me. Right now I want to go home, get married, and start making you a very happy woman." The thought was appealing to him, hanging up his sword and living a normal life.

"Mathius... don't tease me... not when we are so far from our dreams." Cybil said with a soft fake pout that was ruined by the smile threatening to break out all over her face. She hugged him tightly to herself and continued to breath heavily but her heart swelled with love and want of the life he described. Though she knew he would continue to adventure, she on the other hand was done. If they even made it home.

"Never tease much....just please, that's my aim." he smiled back. He wasn't about to tell her but, once this trouble with Soth/Galin, or whatever the nine hells he was called was over. He was going to take up a trade and only take up the sword to defend his family and home. "And all my dreams are right here in this bed." he told her. Cybil was his future and while he cared for his friends, even they were thinking of retiring.

"Oh Mathius! How I wish we were home... How I wish things had gone smoothly!" Cybil said burrying her face in his neck, his masculine scent helping her to get her mind off their worries. Even though they were so happy and she was so deliriously in love and euphoric at the moment they had just shared together. It didn't stop the worry she felt over everything.

He tipped her chin up and kissed her deeply, "In due time Cybil, we'll get all the information we need and escape. In the meantime, I'll keep mistress safe and 'content' every day." He smiled at her and kissed her again, letting his arms snake around and hold her tightly. "Long as she'll have me stay beside her." He stroked her spine again gently, running all the way down to her waist.

"uuhhnn, oh Mathius I'd never turn you away, not ever." Cybil breaths out as she closed her eyes and arched as he stroked her overly sensitive flesh. It felt so good to be held and touched like this. No wonder all the Ravenwood children wanted true love like their parents did. If Mathius and her weren't soul mates Cybil thought she might die. Of course the only way to find that out was... Wisdom. Not that Cybil didn't like her she was just... unnerved by the strange older woman. Cybil shivered as Mathius fingers stroked her lower back. It made her muscles tighten and release once again.

"So what do we do about Helene? I think she is going to try seducing you and maybe me again." He damn near choked when he had seen them rolling around on the bed together. And even when they all three started to touch almost made him lose his desire to make sure he was her first. "And I must say, when she suggested you do something, I almost died." Who knows what would happen if Cybil remembered or if Helene got the back into bed with her again.

"For one thing I will never imbibe that much alcohol ever again. One or two glasses and no more that's a promise. She knew I was virginal... but now... with a man like you around she'll have a hard time seeing tht I would ever want to switch to someone or anyone else. But you're right she might try to seduce the two of us... and I almost died remembering it!" Cybil siad covering her face with her hands as the blush rose quickly and brightly over her. She was remembering it again. It was obvious, esecially since she wiggled in her slight discomfort at the memory. Even if they'd had sex already or twice, actually having done that to him was obviously very embaressing.

"Cybie I don't think it was something to be embarassed about. You were a little tipsy and she took advantage, but what did you say that to her sounded like agreement?" Mathius hoped she forgot how aroused they made him, it was his first time seeing Cybil completely nude and Helene was making Cybil make some erotic noises. To make matters worse when Helene and Cybil touched him, and they touched Cybil he felt electricity between them. "Thank goodness you all passed out, otherwise I may have gotten into trouble."

"I don't remember... everything she said was hazy and it felt good so... I... I don't know. I know it would have been nicer if I passed out much sooner. Gods I just wish I knew if I said something that gave it all away. I mean other then you.. and what we did." Cybil said still covering her face with her hands. It was such a look of childish innocense as she did it. Even though they were both naked and their fluids were cooling on their thighs.

"I think she sought to break you out of the Andorian mindset, and in spades I guess." he reasoned. He took her hands and pulled them down so he could look at her. "You shouldn't be ashamed, and I think it won't help our cause if you do this when she brings it up. If pressed maybe state it felt good but, maybe not for you, then change the subject." Mathius just could not tell what he would have done in her position.

"It did feel good! That's not the problem! You're supposed to cherish such things and do them in private! She's trying to hard to make me hate Andor and live the way she does! I don't like it!" She scowls trying to ignore the memories of everything they had done for the moment. She was tired of blushing and being so skittish but she just wasn't comfertable about it all yet. She knew she should also go out and be in the public more but she liked being with Mathius.

"I know but better she maybe try transparently to influence you. If she tried a lighter touch (snicker) who knows what may have happened." he explained. He kissed her lightly then again on her neck, "We should get cleaned up and be seen outside mistress." He smiled at her and gently squeezed her again. "Do you think we can get access to the baths the warmer water may invigorate us?"

"Only if you carry me naked slave." Cybil grins brightly, wanting to be bold to show everyone she wasn't some plain Andorian and again only able to stand it if Mathius was there to support her and take care of her in the process. She sighed against his soft touches and smiled wickedly up at him. "We'll see how invigorating the water really is shall we?" She laughs.

"You wish me naked carrying you, or me carrying you naked?" he kidded. Then looked at her, unbelieving she wanted to do this. "Wel, if mistress wishes it, so shall it be." He disentangled from her arms and swept her into his arms. He smiled at her and headed for the stairs, Cybil wanted to show everyone she was acculamting to life in Pachuca.

"I can handle it if... you're the one carrying me Mathious." Cybil says leaning up in his arms with her arms wrapped around the back of his neck to kiss his lips softly. She was very embarressed but they needed the ruse to continue like he had said so that they had a better half of the arguement. She did keep her legs together though and left her arm across her chest while wrapped around his neck. It still was very embaressing for her but she was determind to act convincingly.

Everyone outside saw quite a sight, as a naked Mathius carried an equally nude Cybil from the guest house. "Which way mistress to the baths?" he asked respectfully. Cybil noticed Helene watching from her balcony with a surprised look. Mathius saw her as well and didn't comment on her look, he focused on getting them to the baths. Whispering to Cybil, "You are impressing me greatly luv."

"Over there, and I'm impressing myself, I'm actually terrified right now." Cybil whispered back and was trembling a little bit in his arms. She smiled and started nibbling his skin to distract herself from the people watching them walk around. She hoped it worked for him too, though she was a little jealous Helene would see him completely nude. But as she was the one tasting his flesh she didn't mind as much.

Helene was very surprised at the sight she saw, and really found herself envying her guest. "Very good Cybil, you're growing up." she commented then drained her wine glass. Mathius was following her orders to the baths, apparently they were going to play there or just clean up their enjoyment. She supposed she would have to give them the news that she recieved from the mistress inquistor. She sat for a few minutes and reviewed the scroll she recieved, no reason to keep them from doing what the were going to do.

Cybil was blushing very hard and simply resting her face in the crook of Mathious's neck for the rest of the walk to the baths. She really hoped they would be left alone and Helene wouldn't try to join them or anything. Cybil didn't think she'd be able to handle that. She hoped MAthious didn't really feel her trembling, it made her feel even more weak then she knew she was.

They entered the baths, and Mathius didn't even stop and marched them into the water. "Wow, my last bath was cold water, this feels really good." he commented. Surpressing a groan he lowered them into the water and sat on the ledge with CYbil resting in his lap. "We made it CYbie." he kidded her. Dipping his hand underwater he scooped some up and dripped it over her back.

Cybil moans softly at the warm water over her back. She leaned against Mathious' back and rested her cheek against his chest. "I think I want you to bathe me everytime we are here. It's much nicer then Helene..." Cybil says softly, cupping water in her small hand and letting it fall over his shoulders. She was fascinated watching the small droplets slowly run down his dark tanned flesh. She licks her lips and swallowed before using both hands to cup water and wet him down.

"We'd be spending a lot of time in this water then," he gently splashed more water over her back and shoulders. He drew her close and kissed her deeply caressing her body. "So, where do they keep the soap so that I may rub my hands all over my mistress?" smiling at her with a wink. By the time they got home at this rate, Cybil may very well be pregnant. "Shall I work my way up or would mistress prefer I go down?" he asked reaching for the lightly colored soap.

"Down I should think." Cybil whispered softly, her breath hitching at the thought of his soapy hands all over her. "Wrags should be in a stack over by that nook." She says softly waving in a vague manner to their right. IT was nearby and there was always a fresh stack of them there for use. She was a little flustered from the kiss and the hot water was certainly helping Mathious in his endevors.

"Who said I was going to use a rag?" he quipped lathering his hands with the soap. He reached out and began rubbing his hands everywhere starting at her neck and working down. As he encountered her breasts he leaned forward and kissed her again, gently slipping his tongue into her mouth. Rubbing the mass of slippery soap all over her stomach and around to her back. "Mistress's skin is truly silky smooth and amazingly soft." he commented.

Cybil was breathless after the kiss and the feeling of his hands gliding over her body like firm silk mage her tingle. As he got to wear the water blocked him from going any lower, she stood up in front of him. "your hands are... like molten fire licking my skin slave." She says teasing him as much as he was teasing her, she had her hands on his shoulders for balance though and her heart hammered in her chest.

"I aim to please my mistress." as he rubbed and squeezed her buttocks. After that he began soaping her legs down one and then down the other. He then gently lathered her nethers, looking up at her face. "Does mistress agree with my technique?" he asked begining to feel aroused while watching her. Mathius then cupped and splashed water to wash away the some of the soap before leaning over to nibble her thigh.

"Y-yes I do, I do." Cybil said her thighs quivering lightly, she stayed standing in front of him. Looking down at him, she ran one hand through her hair gently. He was... so handsome it made her heart ache that he loved her. His touch warmed her and pleasure pooled in her belly, just small little tingles that made her breath deeply and her eyes to be thick with lust.

His hand slid back up and began to rub her nethers again, "MIstress favors me with her praise." Mathius a second later began kissing towards her nethers. His other hand began to squeeze her derrire playfully, his own tone was getting husky. The smell of her excitment was almost maddening to him. "I think I must rinse you off and inspect your nethers more closely to ensure I've done a throughly good job."

Cybil shivered and her nipples hardened into peaks as he touched her again intimately. His words made her mouth water and she swallowed. "Yes I...agree." She says nearly panting in anticipation for their play. Her hand in his hair tightened into a grip and she hoped it didn't hurt but she needed something to anchor her and help her keep her balance just in case.

He picked her up and turning laid her onto the stone of the bath. "Mistress seems clean but, I must look throughly." he whispered. He brought his mouth to her nethers and began to slip his tongue inside her. She had enjoyed it when Helene did it, now he began to lick roughly upon her clit. Sliding his hands under her posterier he tilted her hips so he could please her more.

Cybil gasped and moaned, writhing beneath him as his rough touches brought her extasy. The cold stone beneath her back and the hot touches of his body a stark contrast that made her shiver. It wasn't much more then a few moments that she cried out as her climax overcame her. She writhed and squirmed, hands clutching tightly at his hair.

Mathius lessened the pressure on her, letting her come down from her climax. "I think I may have gotten mistress clean, or do you think I missed a spot." He kissed her thighs as he pulled her back a little to the pool. If Cybil told him she wanted more he would gladly oblige her. Her reaction was amazing and it aroused him to no end.

"Missed... but just one." Cybil pants leaning forward and biting up an down his neck, ashe pulled her close to him in the warm water. She was very turned on by his actions and wanted to be very close with him again. He was so sweet and caring and everyone who had seen them had expected it any ways so she felt it was something she wanted to do anyways.

He held her close, akwardly his member was between the two of them and the motion between them made it harder. "Perhaps I should try again, if mistress believes I missed a spot?" he teased. The water was warm and soothed the tension he had felt before. "However I think maybe mistress should use the other 'rod' of control." smiling at here. Mathius kissed her deeply and wrapped his arms about her.

Cybil blushed brightly going red. She nodded her head and lifted herself up a little. Taking his member in hand and swallowing nervously she positions herself over, his tip was at her entrance and she took a deep breath looking down in the water instead of at his face. She let herself slowly slink down until the tip of him was inside of her. He was so much hotter then the water around her but it was so different.

Mathius wrapped his arms around here and helped to guide him into her. Cybils body was hot and the tight feeling as her body clutched him was mind numbing. "I love you Cybil, ugnnnn you are so amazing." he groaned the closer she got to seating herself on him. Her skin was flush and he kissed her breasts and gently rubbed her postieror. Neither he nor Cybil saw Helene behind a curtain watching them throw caution to the wind and enjoy themselves.

"AH! Y-your huge!" Cybil winces slightly as she slid down a bit by bit on top of him. He felt thicker and deffinetly longer inside of her. She slid herself down a few inches and clenched him tightly rotating her hips around him, her hands on his shoulders and her head back as she concentrated on what she was doing. It felt really good and yet at the same time she was still sore from the recent activity too, she wanted to take it slow.

He could see in her eyes how much she loved him, and he returned that love. Nothing could change that, and woe to the person who sought to get between them. "Cybil, you are going to enslave me to your bed and body." he declared and kissed her neck. Back behind the curtain Helene could hear every word and found her guests amazing. She had to fight the urge to try joining them, however she did gently touch her breast while watching them.

Cybil gasped softly and slid down further over him. Panting and moaning out at each inch she took him inside of her. "You've enslaved my heart." she sighs out wrapping her arms around his neck and trying to relax to take him all in. He felt so large inside of her so deep and still there was enough space she sould only feel his legs with her lower thigh. HEr body was clenching him tightly and the water slipped around her skin and her flat stomach. It made her slick still and let her move easier over Mathious.

Helene watched Cybil with a slight touch of envy, Mathius was an amazing specimen. And with a wry guess she figured he would even overfill her own body with his length. But, she also remembered touching and tasting Cybils body and the enjoyment they both had. Her other hand ran down her hip moving her dress aside. For a second she fantazied about joining the two of them in the water or better yet the large bed in her chambers.

Cybil cried out laying her head on Mathius's chest. Her entire body shaking as she took him dee inside of her body. She had to hold herself still, she felt she couldn't take any more of him. He was simply too large, she thought she might burst. She panted and moaned. "Can't... too big. Uugh so big." She groaned shaking her body clenching his member tightly. She had little more then half of his entire length inside of her.

Mathius held her close and moaned, "Its ok Cybie, don't force yourself, I don't want you to hurt yourself." He kissed the top of her head, smiled in the contact between them. From her vantage point, Helene was very impressed the male was a thoughtful lover, more concerned for Cybil then his own pleasure. And more than impressed that her guest would impale herself on what honsetly looked like a club made from human flesh. Perhaps Andor wasn't as bad as she had been told, since these two seemed so wrapped up in each other and their friends.

"N-no I... uuhhh... don't mm want to... be unfair." Cybil moans and pants out. Her eyes shut tightly as she tried to make herself relax and take him easier inside of her. He was just so large and she was... not yet stretched enough or used to sex. She swallowed and raised herself a little and sank on top of him again moaning as she kept her hands on his shoulders for balance and let the feel of him inside of her and the delicious friction of movement distract her from the overfull stretched way she felt. She knew he must be aching to move or to do something but she could only go slowly at the moment. She deffinetly knew that it was better being under him instead of on top of him though. At least... right now it was. She moved again raising herself up until only the tip of him was still inside of her and then she gently and slowly lowered herself over him once again. With a deep and breathy moan.

Mathius groaned loudly as she slid down his member, "Cybie, don't hurt yourself, this is enough for me just to be with you." She felt wonderful and he couldn't ask for more. He held her close and kissed as much of her neck and face as he could. Trying to control his breathing and not wanting to climax without her was begining to become a problem. "What did I ever do so right to deserve someone like you?" he asked rubbing his forhead aginst hers.

"Doesn't hurt... Nnn! Ma-Athioous." Cybil hisses as she continued the slow process she had of slowly pulling her hips up and then letitng herself move slowly back down him again. It was hard and difficult but she wanted him to find pleasure in this. She wanted him to be happy with her. Like she was with him. She wanted to give back the feelings he gave her tenfold. Rubbing his forehead she continued to concentrate and panted heavily moaning as well. There was simply so much of him! She continued to clench around him tightly each time she went down on his length. But she never did get much more then half in her still.

Helene was feeling aroused by the sight she witnessed, almost impossible was the urge to try joining them. She found it simply amazing that CYbil was undergoing such an amazing pain just to share pleasure with him. Mathius was groaning and whispering to Cybil. If anyone doubted that these to cared about each other.

Cybil panted sweat was rolling down her shoulders and her back. The water added a subtle resistance to everything she was doing, but as much as she was doing it seemed Mathius needed more, so on the next slow downstroke Cybil clenched all her lower muscles including her ass and thighs trying to give him the ultimate pleasure inside of her body. She ket building towards it but the sheer size of him seemed to keep her from it at the moment. She moved her hands to holding his face one hand on each side of his jaw keeping their foreheads together she opened her eyes to look straight into his. "C-cum in me Mattie Cum for Me?" She asks softly her face flushing from the boldness of her words but her eyes were glazed with pleasure.

Both Mathius and Helene were shocked at her request, so bold and unlike Cybil. Mathius gave in and began to climax holding Cybil close to him and panting. "I love you Cybie, Oh gods I do." he told her. Helene felt her own climax and covered her mouth so not to alert them of her presence. She would have to talk to them later about this intensly amazing scene.

Cybil cried out as Mathius hot seed spilt into her. She shuddered and gripped him harder as her body trembled and shook, apparently all she had needed was him to tip her off. Cybil was breathing hard and was slumped against Mathius's chest after her orgasm. She felt weak and worn out from what she had done. Her legs more tired from this then even her training had made her tired.

Mathius moved over and set her on the edge of the tub and held her close. "My god Cybie, you are going to kill me sooner or later." he laughed lightly and tipped her head back to kiss her. His heart pounded in his chest and his breathing was heavy. "I only hope my mistress is pleased with me?" he teased, kissing her again. Reaching over he plucked a rag and wetted it to clean her off.

Cybil panted heavily and smiled at him in return. She was wiped out, exhausted from how much she had exzerted herself to please him. "More then any other could please me darling." Cybil says softly relaxing as he took over for the rest and was cleaning her off for her. She felt she needed a nap, she hadn't really slept overly much and now she'd just done all of this. She really needed to take it easy with Mathius though.

He quickly scubbed himself clean and gave her a towel to dry off with. Following suit quickly he tied the towel about his middle, and got a robe for Cybil. "SHall I carry mistress back to her room to nap while I speak with the fellows?" he asked. Helene from her vantage point moved into the house. Poor Cybil must ach something fierce and she had something that may sooth that.

"Yes... and send for more of the same tea that I had this morning at breakfast." Cybil says softly as she tries to keep her eyes open. She was so tired she felt her limbs shaking. She had barely been able to dry herself off. Her hair would have to dry on it's own and be brushed once it was dry of course and she would just have to bother with the tangles later.

He scooped her up and headed back to the guest house, stopping a servant on the way requesting her tea. Then once he got her inside and upstairs to her newly cleaned chambers, he set her down. "Does mistress wish anything else? Or may I go and perhaps regenerate some enrgy for the next time you wish me to perform?" He kissed her deeply after teasing her, it was a great day they had. Slipping his arms around her he gave her a tight hug.

"I love you Mathius and please... um don't tell the guys very much okay? I mean... Just don't, cause if you do... You'll never get any ever again. I mean it. " Cybil says looking at him hard even though she was very sleepy. "Go be with the others Mathius. I need rest, I mean it I'm exhausted." Cybil says snuggling on the bed. Laying on the bed a little, spreading her legs a little for the robe to open until her creamy thighs showed. She had a pillow under her head and was already half asleep before he even left completely.

Just before she nodded off, she felt pressure on the bed and a voice rouse her. "I've brought you your tea, dear Cybil. And something to ease any discomfort you are feeling." Helene told her. She opened the robe exposing Cybil's nethers to her view. "Has your amazingly endowed lover left you aching despite the wonderful orgasms you had." She took the jar of balm and waited to hear what Cybil would say.

"H-helene?" Cybil asks sleepily, opening her eyes and blinking a few times to look down at the older woman that was almost kneeling between her spread legs? "Yes... He's just... so large... I don't want him to worry but... it... it's quite a lot to take." Cybil stutters out the words as she roused herself a little more, turning to sit up properly and getting a little tangled in the large robe she was wearing. It was coming undone the more the moved around and she didn't relly want to be completely nude in front of Helene and even though she was exposed she didn't want her breasts to be either. Cybil was slowly begining to build a rosy flush to her cheeks, she didn't know what Helene was going to do and it scared her.

Without a word she opened the jar and began applying the balm to Cybil's body. It would dull the ache and allow the young woman to sleep while her body adjusted. "I brought your tea, drink it soon for it tastes horrible cold." she nodded to the nightstand. Her other hand pulled the sash allowing the robe to fall open. "We will just re-tie it afterward, any other aches, perhaps your jaw if you attempted to take him into your mouth again?"

"I... No... I didn't." Cybil stutters softly and nods her head, her face bright red. She just wasn't comfertable with Helene applying the cold thick balm to her... Nether area and touching her again as she was. She did sit up a little and pick up the tea and begin drinking it though. It didn't taste great but it wasn't too horrible warm. She finished it wuickly and set it back on the nightstand. She didn't want Helene between her legs again but she close her legs or tell her to go. The more open she seemed the better for them and their case. So she bit her tongue lightly and laid back, open to Helene.

"You know, I saw you and Mathius, quite a intense connection between you two." she stated offhandly. Helene felt she had covered everything she needed to. Moving up beside Cybil she pulled the robe shut, but left it untied and her hand on her stomach. "You did however try to force yourself down on him in the bath. You should be more careful, I'd hate to have to cast a healing spell should you hurt yourself."

Cybil couldn't have stopped the deep red covering her face, neck and chest even if she thought she could. The fact Helen was watching them made her flustered and nervous and angry and scared all at once. Her sleepy mind woke up and yet she really couldn't do much. She was so physically tired she actually ached in her joints. "I... Managed enough of him... It really didn't... hurt that bad." She says softly looking away from Helene to try and recover some. She needed to handle this though, she knew that she couldn't call for Mathious again... if Helene was keeping that close of an eye on them. Besides she could already feel the pain dulling in her sensitive area's Helene had applied the salve to.

Laughing lightly and cuddled up beside her, "You think me the enemy because I've seen you without clothes and making love to him. I've also pleasured you at your agreement, I am right now the only friend you'll find right now other than those you brought with you." She rubbed Cybil's stomach, drawing designs with her fingers. "I am willing to help you, you know both with Mathius and the Matron. We are both at risk in that she believes you are a spy from Andor." she commented drawing Cybil's gaze back to her own.

"I'm sorry I don't mean... to drag you into this or... make you feel I don't appreciate the things you've done. I just... being with a woman... is still a very... new and bizarre idea to me... regardless if I've done it somewhat already." Cybil says softly looking only at Helene's face, Helene had pretty eyes but if Cybil looked in them she was afraid Helene would work her over again, and really Cybil was very tired and wished she could just rest. But with Helene pressed so closely to her side and with ehr arm over her. "Thank you for your help... I know I'll... need it." Cybil says softly and hesitantly.

"I enjoyed every moment you allowed me to share with you. But, there is more to us than moans and other sounds of pleasure. If you are found to be a spy, I may lose everything I have. You understand why I am concerned now? Having said that I believe I am going to bed as well, goodnight Cybil." When she stood she re-tied the sash and kissed Cybil on the cheek.

"Thank you Helene... for everything. and pleasent dreams." Cybil says softly wishing she wasn't the one to possibly ruin the poor woman's life like she was probably going to. Cybil thought about it a moment and not only kept the robe on but also got under the covers and pulled them all the way up to her shoulders. It wasn't even more then a few moments that Cybil was fast asleep and gone from the world.

The next morning Mathius was awakened by the others, and after a long conversation any disagreement was put down. "It is simple guys, with all of you out of the line of fire, we will figure out how to remove theses. Then release you and we head home." They mostly agreed with was being asked of them. Then a servant came advising them that Helene wished to see Mathius now.

He looked at the others and wondered allowed, "I wonder how much trouble we are going to get into now?" Standing he headed for the door, since keeping the host waiting was in bad form. "If I'm not back before long, I'd appreciate someone telling Cybil to come save me. Bowing to the servant he followed behind her. She may put him in a unfair position, and he would refuse if she came onto him.

Minutes later he was in Helene's study watching her for a sign of what was happening. "Mistress is there anything I can help you with?" he asked, dreading the answer. She tossed him a scroll and after he opened it she smiled. "Your parents are the famous dragon-riders, but yet you left home to come here to be a slave?" she asked. "No Mistress, I came to be with Cybil." he countered. 

Helene narrowed her eyes, "You are giving up your freedom to become your loves slave?" She found the whole thing deploreable, and rather unbelieveable. "I know that Cybil is worth almost anything, and would believe a common man would chase her to the ends of the world. You are a son to heroes, and they wouldn't let you leave Andor with or without Cybil." She finished her glass of wine that she had been nursing before he arrived.

"I take it your questions will be getting to a point soon mistress?" he quipped. Mathius was trying to think of what she was getting at. Standing like he should when dealing with his parents or the king, it would let her know he understood her station. There was concern her comments would include him removing his pants. But, he would not indulge Helene's interest, Cybil was his and no other woman would ever take her place.

"I have already explained to Cybil what will happen to all of us if you are found to be spies." she informed him. "I have so much to lose as do the rest of you, even more so. You and your friends may escape back to Andor, I will lose my home, freedom, and possibly my life." She raised an eyebrow to make it apparent she wanted an answer. Watching Mathius she could see the deffiance and intelligence that he was hiding from her.

"I will wholly tell you again mistress, we are here so that we may be together. But, if you do not believe us, perhaps the Matron should exile us from Pachuca." He was careful about his tone, but allowed a little hint of weariness to show through. Maybe he could head off any problems by getting them kicked out of the country. He tried to make his look honest to his mistress' host.

"That is doubtful Mathius, I believe the Matron intends on meeting with me and Cybil in the coming days. You should prepare your friends for the trip to her farm." Helene told him. She waited for him to argue the point or try to make a deal to get out of sending them away. It was possible since he was from Andor that she should not underestimate him. "I must say you and Cybil put on quite a spectacle today."

Mathius bowed, "My mistress commanded and I obeyed. Is that not how a slave should act when ordered?" If he allowed her to get any inside information it may get really bad. "Will the Matron wish to meet me as well? I do mean everyone keeps refering to me as a son of heroes." He hoped she'd have him tag along to see who this 'Matron' was and how or who knew about them.

"Go, I have no further need to speak with you, check on your mistress later with dinner." she dimissed him quickly. Children of heroes always tended to believe they were better than everyone else. And given those who 'loved' the Ravenwoods, he must feel very entitled. Helene looked at the scroll again and set it aside humming to herself. "Cybil are you a spy or a pawn to one? All very curious my dear."

Cybil yawned and rolled over, now resting on her stomach. She rubbed her face lightly though. Her hips ached and her insides hurt a lot. In fact it hurt a lot lot, what Helene had used had helped her though, it had numbed her and now... she was very sore. Helene was right though, she shouldn't have tried to take him in the baths. After a few moments of resting she slowly got to her feet and dressed. The only comfertable thing she could think of that wouldn't be a hassle to put on was one of the many Pachuccan dresses. So once dressed she brushed her hair and carefully and slowly walked out of the rooms she was staying. She wanted to speak with Helene again... see if she knew anything to help with how sore she was. Three rounds of intercourse and then the baths, she really hurt. But she wouldn't go back and change a thing. She was glad she did it. So with those thoughts in mind she sought Helene.

The servants were quick to point her in the direction of Helene's chamber and private study. Another servant was exiting those rooms when she arrived at the top of the stairs. "Mistress is inside, would you like something to eat or drink m'lady?" he said quickly looking down. It was against most rules for a servant to look a lady in the eyes unless ordered. And while he had heard mistress Cybil was kind and charitable, he would not risk her or Mistress Helene's anger.

"Oh... I suppose some tea would be lovely. Perhaps a little bread and cheese too, please." Cybil says smiling softly at the servant. "Thank you" Cybil says with a gentle smile before she walks over to the door and knocks softly. She didn't want to just barge in that was terribly rude and she had better manners then as to do something so crass. So she knocked and waited for a reply before entering Helene's rooms.

"Enter," Helene said in a crisp manner, she was still vexed after her meeting with Mathius. When Cybil came into the room she felt a smile spread across her face. "Good morning dear guest, did the balm help you sleep?" she greeted the young woman. Watching she wondered if Cybil needed more tending to, which she would not doubt considering Mathius. "Is there something you need or want Cybil?"

"Yes it did... um... I wanted to thank you for that. I um... also wanted to ask if... there was anything er... anything you had to perhaps ease the discomfert I still feel. I... I think you were right I-I shouldn't have tried to take him in... such a manner." Cybil said blushing brightly and looking at her feet rather then at Helene's face properly. She didn't know why she was still acting so shy but discussing her private matters with HElene made her rather uncomfertable. Especially after HElene had told her she had been witness to them in the baths. But Cybil knew Helene was wiser and had more experience dealing with discomfert the way Pachuccan's seemed to. So she came to ask, besides she didn't want Mathius to worry about her.

She smiled, "So that huge member caused a little discomfort that you need help with." She stood and approached Cybil and pressed her fingers against the lower stomach to see how much discomfort she was in. After guaging the reaction she said, "I'll need you to undress and lay down whilst I fetch what we need. And you will not be able to leave my bed for a while." Helene waited for the blush and stammering to begin.

Cybil did indeed blush a bright rosy red at not only the order at laying and stripping but the way she spoke and what words she used and well... everything. As much as Cybil was trying to her it was still very much so embaressing. "H-how long? I... I did want to get out and see more of the kingdom a little bit. A-and I'm n-not sure if staying here would be... um would be proper. I... would be intruding." Cybil says having hoped for a tea or some kind of herbal remedy to ease her discomfort. She wasn't sure about all this and she was already nervous asking for the help and knowing Helene had been watching and Cybil soon began to fidget with the dress she was wearing as her thoughts continued on.

"No intrusion, I am your host and you comfort is my responsibility. And I think galavanting around the kingdom would make things worse. But, you are scared that laying on my bed naked might entice me to dive between your long lean legs." She smiled and while pleasuring Cybil sounded like a wonderful distraction, she wanted it to be Cybil's decision. "You are safe, I just need to monitor and remove it when the time is right."

"Oh well... If you beleive it to be so... then I... I guess it's fine. You are... wiser in such matter then I am. Though I do hope you will be willing to teach me. I don't... want to useless as I was back home." Cybil says softly looking up at Helene shyly. Her blush was still bright and had traveled down her neck at Helene's words of diving between her legs. It was slightly vulgar but flattering at the same time. "I... will follow your instruction then." Cybil says softly looking down at her hands again and frowning at the way they were moving about the material of the dress if you could call it that, that she was wearing. She stopped their fidgeting immedietly.

She offered Cybil her hand and escorted her to the bedroom. Then she began to untie the light dress. It slid from Cybil's body and fell about her feet, Helene bent and retrieved it. "Onto the bed dearest and I'll be right back." she instructed. She gathered up a bunch of the ingredients and returned to the main bed chambers.

Cybil went to the bed and after only a moments hesitation laid down on it. She lay on her back and looked at the ceiling forcing herself to remain calm and not to worry so much about what she would do. When Helene did return and with an armful of small vial and such she got nervous again but took a few deep breaths and watched Helene. "Will... You teach me what it is your are doing Helene?" Cybil asks softly fighting the urge to cover herself from Helene's eyes.

Helene smiled as she mixed the ingrediants, "It is an old recipe from Shadizar. And the only draw back is that someone else needs be around so you do not get burned." Once it was all mixed Helene climbed onto the bed and made herself comfortable. She then began to rub the warming mixture onto Cybil's lower stomach and down to almost her nethers. "Well, it will get warm and work to the muscles you stretched out on that tree trunk." she giggled, moving to was her hand and prepare to wash Cybil in an hour or so.

Cybil blushed brightly and kept her tongue. Helene always seemed to find her blushing so fascinating that she tried to get her to blush everytime they spoke. But Cybil couldn't help but be embaressed by it. Cybil also couldn't help wincing slightly as Helene rubbed her lower abdomen. It really did hurt a little when pushed on like that. He was very large though, not quite a tree trunk. Cybil wondered if Helene was jealous of Mathius and Cybil being together... even if it caused such discomfort to Cybil. Though Cybil supposed being a virgin probably didn't help matters too much. She just hoped no one reported the blood stain on her sheets to Helene.

Helene returned to the bed to wait and looked at Cybil with interest. "A shiny copper piece for your thoughts right now." she commented with a smile. Cybil was always thinking or blushing, which she found so cute. "So what shall we talk about while the balm does its work?" Rolling to her side she could see almost every inch of her guest.

"I... was just wondering... about Mathius and I... er... enjoying... uh... each other." Cybil says softly blushing again as she sought to put it politely, it wasn't a complete lie so she was confident Helene wouldn't catch it. "I... honestly don't know Helene... I'm still... trying to understand everything that happened... Like why it would matter that Mathius came with me here... It's true we didn't know exactly what to expect but... We just want to be together... Somewhere... that... I'm not a bargaining chip for men, or passed over just because I'm a girl." Cybil says softly with a sigh, she was watching Helene's face and while it bothered her that Helene's eyes continued to wander over her body she thought she might be getting used to it just a little.

"You are not a girl, you are a woman." Helene corrected her. "Especially after what I saw darling." She moved a bit closer to Cybil and took her hand. "Mathius is a Ravenwood and the Matron believes they are looking to meddle in our affairs. We do not want nor do we need Andor or its heroes help." She was fighting her urge to make contact with Cybil's body again.

"I admit... Helene... he is their son by adoption. But... he and I... well... Andor wouldn't let us be together... My father wouldn't let us be together. He said since he had nothing to gain as far as inheratence and because he was an adventurer... that there was no reason and no gain from my marriage to him. He refused and... was going to marry me off to some... some Merchant. I couldn't stand it... Mathius was going to take me somewhere we could find a place together... His friends were going to help us and then... then hopefully Mathius and I... could be together forever. I knew of Pachucca from the trading of my father and some from the Ravenwoods. That's why we came here... I had no idea the changes that had happened." Cybil says ignoring the comment of womanhood and what she had done with Mathius. She was hoping she could get a little more information out of Helene on the matter at hand as well. She hadn't any idea the change in Helene towards her laying there either, Cybil sometimes was still very dense or naive.

Helene laughed lightly, "The Matron rose to power six years after the Dragon war. So, you would have heard of the changes in our government by now." She took Cybil's hand in hers and smiled at her, she didn't mind the quest for knowledge. "So, how about you admit you wanted information from me, or just being honest." Releasing Cybil's hand she gently parted her legs to check the balms progress.

"But contact came to a stop... Daddy said Pachucca no longer traded with Andor. That there was no warning or reason. Their ships were turned away and sometimes didn't come back at all... I mean not just my step father's but others too. I... Had no idea. No one... told me." Cybil said frowning, no one really had told her. That was as much as she knew. No one bothered telling her it was six years after the war, they had all just said after the war. Or that it was a matriarcle society... or anything. Cybil frowns as she thought everything over. Not tensing as Helene opened her legs to inspect anything or flinch from Helene's soft touches. She was trying to think, had Mathius been told? Had he been given information she hadn't? Was she busy training or had everyone just thought she didn't need to know?

"I am willing to bet that no one told you, since Mathius was coming here for information." Helene gently touched the balm and Cybils skin, watching for any pain. She could smell the freshly washed skin and soap on Cybil. "So, what other things do you wish to know about Pachuca?" Running her hand down Cybil's thigh she gently pushed it back over, "Has it begun to warm up yet?"

Cybil winced a little and nodded her head. "Yes a little... Not a lot but it has warmed a bit." Cybil says softly looking down at Helene, wondering if what she said was true or if maybe... They just forgot to tell her? "Mathius... loves me. He want's to be with me. As I want to be with him Helene. I... We thought that Pachucca would be the place to go to where we could be together. Besides why does the Matron hate Ravenwoods so much so that even Mathius an adopted son would be under suspicion and contempt? Why does she not just expell us from this country instead of keep us here if she detests us so?" Cybil says frowning still, doing her best not to let Helene's words get to her. She had to beleive in Mathius and Aunt Alehial and Uncle Altair, they wouldn't lie to her.

"I have seen the amount of love he holds for you dear." she placed a hand against Cybil's face. "The Matron's reasons are her own, and she will not expel you because she wishes to make sure Andor has no plans against Pachuca." Helene told her exactly what the Matron's mouthpiece had told her. "Is there someone that would have asked him to come here to spy on us? I do not distrust you or your reason for coming here Cybil, I just hope Mathius isn't a spy for all our sakes."

"Mathius is no spy! He came... he came because I asked him to run away with me... To take me somewhere we could be together. His parents helped yes but... They love him adopted son or not! And they love me. they couldn't force my step father into accepting Mathius as my betrothed so they helped me leave. Us leave. What reason would they have to spy anyways, if Pachucca wishes to live without trading with Andor it's the way it is. The Ravenwoods nor the King of Andor himself could force Pachucca into trade." Cybil says looking up at Helene, she truelly beleived half of what she was saying, she beleived her aunt and uncle would help her and Mathius run off if need be. On the other hand Mathius truelly wasn't the spy in this case. So fighting on his behalf was easy to do, she was the real spy. But it made her wonder Who was this Matron? Why did she fear the Ravenwood name and the case of spying from their family so badly?

Helene hugged Cybil, rubbing her forehead to hers. "No, I did not accuse him, in truth I have not been told what the Matron thinks. I cannot speak on what I do not know, and even though I wish to help you it is hard with your secrets." Her hand sought out Cybils and squeezed it tightly while her other wrapped around her shoulders. "What is it the you want Cybil, for you and him, what do you want from me?"

"I just want Mathius. I just want to have him for the rest of... forever. I want us to be allowed to be together and to... have food and a house and... kids someday. I want to learn about Pachucca from you Helene. I didn't lie when we first came here... I may not have told anyone it was so I could be with Mathius but... it's the same with or without. I want to learn and I want to live and I want him to love me for always." Cybil says softly holding Helene's hand and resting her head on Helene's shoulder. She wasn't completely comfertable laying against Helene like this but she kept herself relaxed and paid attention to the slowly growing heat of the compound that Helene had placed on her skin.

"It is a wish most women have, dearest. But, I caution you to have him be honest and tell you eveything. Then judge your ability and his to be lovers forever." Helen spoke as a woman who understood or had been so betrayed once. She kissed Cybil's head and laid her own against it, still holding her hand.

"I know... I... Can't help loving him though. I just wish... it was easier for me to... erm handle him now. I can't beleive I... ended up hurting myself. He was so sweet and did everything I asked... and never pushed me at all Helene. I'm sorry... for causing you problems and making you help me all the time." Cybil says softly she understood a little more about Helene or at least she thought she did. She sounded like some of the girls at court who had gotten betrayed or had given themselves and the men had not come through with their promises.

"He is good to you, that is why you pushed yourself to 'accept' him. And I don't mind, you are exotic to me both in sight and 'taste' dear." she said as she squeezed her hand. She realeased it and again pressed lightly around CYbil's lower stomach and nethers. "Still warming and is the pain lessening? I may need to reapply it perhaps later tonight for best effect." She wiped the balm from her finger on the towel and returned it to Cybil's.

"It's quiet warm now yes... um... it's eased much of the soreness. I was thinkinbg... a hot bath might ease my pain as well. There might be... herbs or salts? That might ease pain. I hear Illian uses sea salt as a soothing balm somehow." Cybil says blushing again at how Helene chose to say things and had decided to say such bold things about Cybil herself. Even though she was no longer an innocent in such wyas Cybil couldn't help but still be embaressed.

"Perhaps, I do have some Illian bath salts, but this should help better then they do. I would ask your permission to check how much he stretched you, but I would be refused. You still have a while or until it becomes hotter than you prefer a bath or tea on your skin." She ran a finger over Cybil's stomach, dipping it into her belly button and smiling at her. Cybil was a beautiful woman inside and out, and her love for Mathius reminded her of herself long ago.

"um... Do you need to see? I mean... how much I'm... er... stretched?" Cybil asks slightly uncomfertable with it, but she was trying to overcome such things and she was taking things a step at a time. She still didn't really like how short her hair was but... it was cut and would eventually grow back, like Mathius had said. Her stomach tightened at the ticklish touch of Helene's finger to show off a slight set of six muscular abs beneath the previous flat stomach. Showing that she was quiet toned and not all plush.

"If you prefer I not check that is fine, however you'll need to be more careful about how you take Mathius." She smiled at the thought, remembering CYbil and Mathius in the baths. Contuning to run her finger over Cybil's stomach. "Was it so horrible, me touching you Cybil? You had given me permission and told me you liked it. I only wished to help you and him, I guess."

"Um no... I... Don't remember a whole lot near the end... er... but no it wasn't bad. I... I did enjoy it. Um. No, I... er... yes... uh... please check. Please. If it's no trouble uh... I... Don't want to... do anything um... wrong." Cybil says as the red began to travel down her neck and down her shoulders. It had receaced a little but came back stronger then ever as Helene boldly spoke and reminded Cybil of that night. Not that Cybil hated it but it was something she wasn't quite ready to discuss openly as of yet. So with long pauses and stuttered words she finally got something out.

Helene smiled reassuringly, "We will wait until I remove the balm, alright? I want you to get the maximum use out of it, since it can only be used when someone is able to help you." She laid beside Cybil, "Dearest, why did the others come with you? I know the Ravenwoods are powerful and influential, so why not borrow from their coffers. She stretched a little, pointing her toes and yawning.

"Well what if they didn't come and instead of us being drugged on the ship and taken here safetly and Me being treated well it was like Illian and we were all drugged and chained and naked and sold to people... the more of us the better chance at escape. Or what if we landed without meeting anyone and a bunch of... I don't know savages came that souldn't speak a language I understood or any of us and tried to kill us. Then the others would be very helpful. If we took money from Lord and Lady Ravenwood then my father could have traced it back to the Ravenwoods. It was better to use our own money." Cybil says shaking her head, she shivered and goosebumps rose over her skin. It was then that she noticed how hot her lower stomach felt. "Um... It... It feels pretty warm now." Cybil says softly her eyebrows drawn together at the almost tingly feeling rawness of her skin. How she had managed to ignore it this long she wasn't sure.

Helene, quickly and carefully used a wet rag to wipe the balm then dried her with the towel. Finally she looked closely at Cybil and blew across the area to reduce any discomfort. "Well, would you like me to check now or wait a little bit." She didn't move from her spot just above Cybil's nethers. There had not appeared to be any burns on her body, that made her glad, she didn't want to hurt her.

"Um... N-now I think... uh mi-might be best." Cybil said softly her voice almost a whisper as the slowly fading blush bloomed back into life on her skin once again. She was glad she wasn't burnt or anything, she should have been paying more attention to it but Helene kept asking such probing questions and Cybil didn't dare leave them unadressed. Besides if she was going to get checked which she wanted to just in case. Then now after the warming balm had been on her and she was relaxed would be best. She tried to keep breathing and not tense up and it was hard.

"Just breath dear one, I will abide by any request you make. And remember what I do is not to sate a sexual hunger for you, it is to help you." She moved forward, parting Cybil's legs being very careful and deliberate. Helene moistened her long fingers in her own mouth, then began to gently work them into Cybil. Looking up at her guests face to see if there was any pain or perhaps enjoyment.

Cybil was breathing and concentrating hard on breathing. She was watching Helene trying to gauge her reaction to what she was doing and if she had hurt herself. She winced a few times as Helene worked her fingers further inside of her. SHe was really sore, even the small amount of friction from Helene didn't exactly hurt but deffinetly wasn't comfertable. Cybil winced and continued to breath through her nose specifically, She was fighting not to tense up and that tension made her abs tighten and relax again.

"When you took Mathius into you was your nethers moist? If you were dry then it would hurt worst, which is why I moistened my fingers before I inserted them. You should have Mathius do like I and use his tongue to help that along. There is some other things I could get for you that would help." She moved her finger very gently trying not to harm poor Cybil.

"No he... he's very um thorough... He doesn't do anything unless... I've... er finished twice at least. He's very afraid of hurting me. I... don't want him to know how much I'm sore. It's not his fault really Helene... I told him I wanted to be with him. Ouch. Mathius is very careful to make me... uh wet." Cybil says wincing again as Helene moves her fingers again. She was very embaressed about talking about all this but Helene needed to know she knew that. It seemed though that Helene had gone in deep enough that was where Cybil hurt the most. The deeper in.

"I think we will try one of those things, wait a moment." She withdrew her finger and got up. Leaving the room, she returned with another small jar and returned to the bed. OPening the jar she coated her finger in the slippery stuff. "Now you must tell me if you feel pain or if there is any other odd feelings." she instructed. As she slipped her slippery finger back inside of Cybil. 

Cybil gasped and couldn't stop her hips from thrusting back aginst Helen. Though when Helene went deep again with her finger she did still wince. "It hurts just a little there... um... what's this and what's it supposed to do exactly?" Cybil asked a little nervously. She didn't want to get off track here or have Helene take advantage of her either.

"Its just a couple things mixed together, maybe best you not know." she told her. It had not escaped her notice that Cybil pushed back, was she getting excited again? "So up until this point no discomfort?" she withdrew her finger a little to the point before Cybil winced. "It is just adds a little more slickness to your natural juices. And it won't harm either of you during ciotis either.

"No.. no discomfort. I... I don't think he and I... need anything to make me slicker Helene... I told you... he... makes sure I am very um... wet first." Cybil says blushing again brightly as she watched Helene at her nether region and feeling her slickened finger inside of her. Cybil was so nervous and she was trying not to stay as tense as she hoped she wasn't but, the more nervous she got the more she tensed.

"Well, it may help considering his member is quite long and it is not slick. Just try to remember taking too deep with compound your problem and too much of that will hurt. What may also help is if you can reach your clitoris and rub it while he is thrusting. If you climax before he goes too far, your clenching muscles may milk his climax." Helene stroked her finger back and forth and from hip to hip slowly.

"I... I understand... I'll give it a try then... um in a day or two though... not not right now though." Cybil said clenching her inner muscles a little against the strange feeling of HElene's finger inside of her. She couldn't stop the fact that she was becoming a little moist on her own, if someone was there it was what happened as far as Cybil knew for now. She was... a little worried Helene was going to start... using this against her though.

"Well, it doesn't seem like you did too much damage." Helene commented. She was aware of Cybil becoming aroused, but said nothing of it. "Shall we use the balm on you again later? I think it will help you even more to have another encounter with it." The sight of Cybil's body from her vantage point was so tempting, but she fought the urge to lower her mouth to her guest.

"If you think it will help me Helene... You are the only person I can really go to here... or that can help me." Cybil says softly nodding her head in agreement to getting this done again later in the day. Cybil was just ashamed that she had done damadge in the first place. Cybil blushed again as she saw Helene's gaze darken and travel down her body. Taking in her naked form, Cybil knew Helene lusted after women as much as she did men, their drunken encounter told her that much.

"I am always available to you Cybil, and it is no trouble to 'help' you with any troubles." She began rotating her finger checking all of the woman's interior for damage. Although she was trying desperatly to keep her desires in check. If Cybil asked for her to please her she would oblige, but as she didn't so there would be no pressing of the matter. "Well, you feel perfect-ly intact and significantly more lubericated." she advised begining to withdraw her finger.

Cybil bit her tongue but couldn't stop the soft moan that left her when Helene continued to wriggle her finger around inside of her. She couldn't help that it felt good a bit. She did enjoy the other night too even if she didn't fully remember it or understand it completely. Cybil winced a few times as well as Helene moved her fingers but it was a soreness and not a pain like the other place. Cybil felt a great deal of releif when Helene finally began to pull her fingers out and finish her examination.

Helene heard the moan and felt herself get aroused. "Did you say something, my dear?" She started to move back up to lay beside Cybil again, "So, none of that hurt it was just sore right?" Reaching over CYbil she pulled her blanket over Cybil giving her back some measure of diginity. Leaving her hand lay on Cybils stomach she smiled at her.

"I... um no. Not say..." Cybil blushes brightly before looking gratefully at Helene when she covered her with the blanket. She didn't mind the hand as long as she was covered from those seeing eyes. "Just sore." Cybil nodded agreeing with the safer question Helene asked of her. Cybil looked over at Helene and wondered... what it was like to live... seeing everyone as an object as a potential partner.

"Do you have a question Cybil?" she asked noting her look. She laid her head on Cybil's shoulder. "So, tonight shall I come to you or will you be coming back to my bed?" After while she would make more of the balm and perhaps add a bit of a flower that would numb any soreness. The earlier conversation with Mathius was all but forgotten now.

"Um.. Whichever works best for you Helene, You are welcome to come to my room... or I can come to yours if you like." Cybil says softly relaxing as they laid together and she finally was covered again. Cybil thought Helene was lovely and sweet and very kind but more then a little scary especially considering what Cybil was doing in the country in the first place. She just hoped she could pull this off without really getting into any serious trouble.

"I would love for you to return here, since my cupboard of ingredients is here. I could also make a tonic for you to imbibe to relax you for the next time you and Mathius couple." Smiling, she snuggled a little closer, enjoying the warmth and softness of Cybil. It was easy to like the young Andorian, she was earnest to have people like her. Once this loyalty question was solved, everything would be better for them.

"Then I will come later tonight, Um thank you for all the help you're giving me Helene I do appreciate it. There's no one else here that I could come to for any of this stuff Helene... Other then Mathius I'm all alone here, well I mean the other guys came too but they are Mathius' friends more then mine. They are really nice people too though." Cybil says softly cuddling against Helene only comfertable to do this because she was covered under the blanket.

"You should go then, I had sent instructions for Mathius to bring you some dinner when you woke." Helene told her. As much as she wanted to keep Cybil here and close, she knew not to force anything. Standing she fetched the dress and returned it Cybil. "You should be able to walk without any discomfort. Although is decide tonight to stay here with me I have no trouble with that."

"No... I'll stay in my own bed... But thank you I will stop by later tonight for another um... session. Thank you Helene... I really do mean it." Cybil says standing and putting on the dress. Once it was resettled she smiles and walked out of the room. She felt a lot better actually and walked with a little more ease. She headed across the lawn and to her rooms quickly, if Mathius was already there he would wonder where she had gone.

"As you wish, my sweet." she chirped and kissed her cheek. When she arrived back to the guest house, Mathius was sitting in the eating area. He had some food waiting for her, and smiled brightly. "Welcome back dearest, how are you feeling?" The smell coming from the food made Cybil's stomach growl.

"I'm very well thank you." Cybil smiled brightly and walked over kissing his lips softly before she sat down to eat. She was starving suddenly and was really glad that he brought her food. "Mathius... I was wondering... if you spoke with the guys and made them understand what was going on?" Cybil asks softly between bites of food. She wanted to know if the guys understood what was going on and if they were okay with what was happening.

"They dislike the idea of leaving us alone, but understand they will be able to figure out the collars while we handle the rest. I just fear with this 'Matron' we may not have a lot of time." He noticed a different smell about her. "Are you sure you are ok? You smell a little like liniment almost." There was a smell like the stuff Alehail and Altair used for sprained muscles.

"Uh... no I'm fine... That's good. I'm glad they are being understanding about this... I'd hate for them to... hate me." Cybil says softly continueing to eat her food a little. She chewed her food a little more slowly, she didn't want him to find out about her soreness with Helene helping her. She didn't want him to know about her being sore. Or about him being the one who made her be sore, that would be bad as well and she relly didn't want that to happen.

"Without them here we will have to depend on each other all the more." he kissed her cheek. "Not that I don't trust you with or without them here, but you already have my heart, so my life isn't far behind." He smelled it again it was coming from Cybil, he was almost sure of it. "Are you wearing liniment CYbil?" he stepped back and looked at her. Part of him began to wonder why she would need to be wearing it.

"Um... No I'm not wearing it. I did stop by Helene's rooms though and spoke with her. She's very touchy though perhaps she was wearing it and it rubbed off?" Cybil says softly, she was starting to worry a little that he might catch on now. "I mean we did hug... um and she grabbed my arm and held it." Cybil says softly looking up at him. "Mathius... Whoever this Matron woman is... It's not me she isn't mistrusting right away. Helene told me... that because your Altair and Alehial's son... that the Matron beleives you will try to overthrow her or well something like that anyways." Cybil says trying to change the subject quickly.

"Well, the amount of enemies we have who knows what could happen?" he quipped. He realized that Helene was touchy, although it seemed just with Cybie. Now he had a lot to think over while they worked on finding a exit stragety. The Matron was more concerned about a child of heroes, maybe she had some kind of dealings with them in the past. "I wish I had a way to contact Altair and Alehial, they could really help right now."

"We can't run to them for every problem we encounter Mathius. We are here together... Besides... You have me here... and I'm good enough aren't I? Together we can figure anything out and overcome any problems right?" Cybil asks softly with a bright smile. Really inside her stomach was twisting and churning, not only had she lied to Mathius but... now she was doubting he really did want her there. What if he did want his parents more then he wanted her there to help him with this. "Besides what would they do that we cannot?" Cybil asks lightly trying to keep the chipper side of her personality up and out in the open.

"You are excellent help," he kissed her cheek, "They seem to remember the lists of enemies better than I do." He smiled at her, she was exceeding his expectations, even more so now that his identity was out. "Our host questioned me earlier. I think she is trying to figure out what we are up to. Frankly, I've almost thought to call for Darryl to start getting us out of here."

"Well... It is their list of enemies they made themselves you know. We can't call for Darryl we haven't figured out who the matron is or why Pachucca changed so suddenly." Cybil said softly smiling brightly up at him. She was worried about Helene asking them as well. Snooping and prying, of course Cybil couldn't really blame them but... they had to wait until they got their information first otherwise the whole trip was wasted. Though... Cybil's love of Mathius and the closeness they shared was well and more worth it then any information.

"Well, apprarently no one is either saying her name out loud or they don't know it." Which is smart, in Mathius's opinion if your history was a mystery no one could use it against you. As long as Cybil could do this safely he wouldn't call for Darryl. "Has Helene given you anything we can use? Otherwise we need to find another source for information."

"No not really... She even goes through a speaker... The Matron has never spoken to Helen directly. I don't think the Matron makes appearances very often Mathius. Everyone seems to be on guard, especially with her name." Cybil says softly, picking at the food and eating it as they sat and spoke. She was still hungry and while they needed to talk about this, she wanted to eat the food he had brought for her before it got really cold.

Mathius smiled while she picked at her food, something she had done since he knew her. "Well, is there anyway either of us could get a chance to see her?" He figured due to his low status it would be a no, but maybe Cybil could get close enough to see her at least. "I hate to ask you to do something that could be really dangerous." Taking he hand and squeezing to give her strength.

"I had asked before but... Helene told me the Matron wanted to meet me and would do it sometime soon. Other then that I couldn't say Mathius." Cybil says softly, she really didn't know very well what it was that Helene had meant by that. But she was sure she would find out soon enough on that end anyways. She saw him watching her and it brought a slight blush on her face as she continued to pick and eat at the food.

"Ok, so anything else we need to discuss about Helene or the Matron?" The topic was kind of single purpose one end deal. Helene was a wild card, after seeing her and Cybil in bed with one another he was down right confused where she stood. Rather than keep wondering he stood behind Cybil and kissed the spot on the back of her neck. "Have I told you how amazingly cunning and beautiful you are lately?" he asked wrapping his arms around her middle.

"No... Not today." Cybil says smiling brightly and leaning back against his embrace. She was in love and it was rather obvious, while at home she always tried to keep herself calm and unbothered. Not to let anyone else know how deeply she had fallen, but her infatuation with him here was... okay because everyone here was open about lust and such things. She didn't know what Mathius was thinking right now but she really didn't mind as long as he touched her and spoke to her like this.

He laughed and nibbled the nape of her neck. "Can you forgive me my tardiness mistress?" he took a servants tone. "How can I make this up to you?" he chuckled, squeezing her waist lightly. Mathius kind of enjoyed playing servant to Cybil, not enough people let her be in control back home. And she was feeling empowered and it made him happy to see her like this.

"You can make out with me until all I see are stars in my eyes and your words in my ears." Cybil orders softly turning in the chair to wrap her arms around his neck, She was too sore for sex. Helene had told her that much basically, so it sort of limited what she could tease him with or for how long. She didn't want to make him... er like that and then leave him high and dry.

He tilted her head up and kissed her deeply, letting his hands rub her sides and back. After a few minutes he pulled away, "As my lady commands." Mathius then targeted her neck for his attentions as he squeezed her thighs gently. There wasn't any part of Cybil that he didn't like to kiss or touch. For a fleeting moment he wondered if anyone from home had been watching them.

Cybil moaned at his touch and leaned into the kiss. She loved everything about Mathius, she only hoped one day... when they got married she could give him the joy he gave her. Then they could have a family some time after that as well. In the meantime she moaned softly at the feel of his hands roaming her body and the feel of his lips against her smooth skin. If this wasn't heaven it was close, being in his arms and with him was more a dream come true then any fairytale Cybil had ever had read to her as a child.

He scooped her up from her chair supporting her weight in his hands. Cybil had a tight posterior and he enjoyed squeezing it. This was something they couldn't do at home, at least anywhere near their houses. With one hand under her the other tilted her back, he started kissing her neck and chest. "Mistress favors me by allowing me to show her my devotion." he smiled at her then kissed again.

Cybil squealed and tightened her legs around his waist. She couldn't help but to tighten her rear as he palmed it, she felt the solid muscle of his stomach and each muscle was tight from holding her weight. Cybil wrapped her arms around his neck and moaned again as he teased and loved her skin with his mouth. He made her feel so good, she loved him so much and each time he held her in his ardous embrace she only fell further in love with him. Which she thought was impossible until the next time he held her again.

He took quick little pecks all over her neck and cheeks. When he made it to her lips the kisses were slower and deeper. The hand on her rear squeezed as he moved along with the kisses. A thought occured to him that he could do this for hours, making her giggle and moan. "Does my mistress aprove of my technique, for I live to make her happy."

"I do." Cybil breaths out heavily almost moaning the words, as she let him overwhelm her body with his mouth. She was more then happy with Mathius and he knew it. He seemed to be getting a kick out of the mistress servant thing though and she was only too happily to oblige his wants and needs. Being held by him and loved with his entire body made her feel like the most incredable woman in the world.

He kissed lower, lavishing attention on her clevage, then back to her neck. Cybil was so light in his hands, it was almost like she weighed a feather. And the more she moaned the better he felt about being here with her. Who knows how she'd be if she never found this adventurous streak. "Mistress has such smooth and tasty skin." he said with a smile.

"The better t-to devour, my l-love." Cybil says breathily as he continued to enflame her flesh. Teasing her with his lips and his words, holding her so easily in his arms like she didn't weigh anything. When he held her like this it didn't matter how short her hair was or what she dressed like, how she acted or what she spoke like. All that mattered was that he was holding her and the attention he gave her was enough for her to live off of for a nice long time.

The hand at her back moved and began to move the dress off her shoulder baring more skin for him to give attention too. MAthius chased the retreating fabric with his kisses, then moved back to her chest. Her breathy response, intriguied and made him more interested. Pachuca probably wondered why these new arrivals spent so much time behind closed doors. If they could see her body and the passion they were sharing, there wouldn't be any questions.

Cybil moaned softly her heart was racing and she felt herself getting wet and squirmed against him. She was feeling so heated and hot, there was nothing better, then the feel of Mathius against her skin. Her breasts were tight and heavy with passion her nipples tight, his lips on her felt amazing. She only wore bottems under the dress she had been in a pretty big rush that afternoon after waking up from her nap. She had needed to see Helene and she felt much better for having it taken care of.

Once the dress fell away from her chest he smiled micheviously at her. He began to kiss and suck at her nipples. A slight moan escaped his throat as continued to pleasure her. A little confused she hadn't yelled or screamed for him to take her. Squeezing her bottom a little firmer, he gently nibbled the nipple in his mouth.

Cybil moaned deeply and gasped at the feel of his teeth on her breasts. She longed to make love to him, but Helene's warnings stuck in her mind, curbing her desire just that much. She didn't know how much of this she could take before begging him to fully pleasure her though, it wasn't only love that drove her, lust for him too was a strong point here in this mixture.

He pulled her close to him and nibbled her ear, "I think I should stop Mistress. You had only said about kisses, and things are getting heated between us." Mathius began to kiss and play along her again, grinning up between each and every one. Setting her on the table, after pushing the plates away, to free his other hand. Then he leaned down and kissed down her body moving towards her legs.

"You say you should and yet you continue. Ah! Don't stop!" Cybil begs softly moaning and breathing heavily her words to Mathius. Cybil's dress was bunched up around her waist, both pushed down from the top and from the bottem pushed up. Only her panties were between them and She lay on top of the table like a meal about to be eaten. She blushed at the imagery, spreading her legs waiting for him. Anticipating and needing him, she tried not to writhe beneath him but it was hard.

With a deft tug, he removed those panties and began to devour her. His tongue drew designs on her thighs then wormed inside her. Sitting in the chair he used his hands to stroke her thighs and tease her breasts. Stopping for a slow second, "Mistress is so generous to provide me with something so tasty to sate my hunger." Mathius wasted no time going back to pleauring Cybil, licking hard against her clit.

Cybil cried out as his tongue tortured her, his hands ghosting over her heated flesh. HEr legs parted wide to accomadate him pleasuring her. She couldn't speak to answer his teasing, and she squirmed at his touch on the top of the table spread as she was. She was wanton and completely unhindred, she felt freed from the social boundries from home. She twisted and tensed as he continued to tease and touch her.

Normally he would have made a joke or slight quip, to make her laugh. This time however he focused on Cybil, licking and sucking on her nethers. His fingers traveled her body, tweeking nipples and squeezing her breasts. This haircut and changes to her was making her more desireable. Mathius could please this amazing body, make her produce these sounds all night and day.

Cybil continued to moan and cry out as he pleasured her. Twisting and arching while she lay on the table. Helpless to his whims, and how he wished to please her. His large hands on her breasts made her moan and quiver, she wouldn't last very long if he pleased her like this, with all of his concentration and all of the things he knew.

Mathius could barely keep a hold of her, loving the movements and noises. He kept up pleasuring her nethers, licking and sucking, while his hands continued exploring her body. There was nothing more in this life to him then making Cybil climax. All of the social normalness, no longer counted in this place. It was that thought that made this all so much fun and amazing.

Cybil buried her hands in Mathius's hair and pulled him tightly against her flesh as she cried his name loudly. Arching her back and pressing against his mouth with her hips. HEr entire body quivered from the intensity of her orgasm from his skill at pleasing her body. How he had become so skilled so quickly Cybil didn't even know how to explain, but she wasn't going to complain about it either, she panted hard quick breaths trying not to pass out.

His hands reached out and stroked down her sides from shoulders to hips. The licks became lighter, her nethers would be a little sensitive after her climax. He relished in her enjoyment and mentally noted where he had gotten the best reactions. Revisiting them often when they would find time to be together. Mathius moaned into her hips as he continued to please her while she rode out her orgasm.

Cybil once the orgasm had rode through her dropped her arms and lay limpy on top of the table, panting hard and just lucid.Her chest rose and fell but her eyes were unfocused before she closed them, her nethers glistened from the attention he had paid them. She couldn't even concentrate enough to be embaressed about having it been done on the table. Or the way he stared at her from the seat he sat in.

Mathius sat back and smiled at her, "Have I done well my love?" Reaching up her pulled her into his lap and held her close. He smiled at her and kissed her neck. She was limp and probably spent, needing a nap might be on her list. "Shall I carry mistress to her bed for a rest to recover her strength." he asked.

Cybil snuggled a little against him in his lap, though finally a blush rushed to her face as she was sitting on his large and heavy erection. He was still wearing his pants and thank goodness. She hid her face against Mathius's chest and nodded her head yes that going to the bed to take a nap sounded really good to her. She didn't want to just leave him though... pained as he... er probably was.

He lifted her up, holding her close with one hand and headed up the stairs. Kissing her neck lightly and nibbling at her ear. Mathius laid her down gently and ran his hands down, removing her dress. "Shall I cover you mistress or do you prefer to sleep like this?" Then leaned down and kissed her stomach, slipping his tongue into her belly button.

"c-covered please MAthius... I'm sorry for leaving you... um like that." Cybil says blushing brightly and tensing her stomach under his tongue. It almost felt ticklish to her, almost. Besides she was trying to think of a way to help him with his problem too, but the only thing she could think of was to use her mouth and he was sort of really big... and she was still embaressed over what had happened the first time she had tried and she didn't think she was really up to it a second time.

"It's alright Cybie, I can always take care of this myself with my hand." He kissed her stomach again, and pulling up the covers over her. Her blush was again very cute and always made him smile. He moved up and kissed the tip of her nose, "I love you little Cybie. Would you like me to stay, or would you rather I go?" 

"Stay please? I always sleep better when you're here with me." Cybil says softly stifling a yawn with the back of her hand properly. His smile though warmed her in ways simple sex couldn't. Though sex with him was lways amazing and she loved it and him very much, the tenderness between them meant more to her. Turning to lay on her side so she could face him she closed her eyes, covering another yawn she slowly relaxed.

"Alright, I will do as mistress asks." he whispered. Getting into bed beside her, he snuggled close to her. They weren't having an easy time here in Pachuca. But he thought they found another way to deal with that stress. "Are you going to sleep on me Cybie?" he whispered kissing her cheek.

Cybil turned and laid her cheek on his shoulder, throwing her arm over his chest and snuggling against him. She was already half asleep and hadn't a spare thought for him finishing with his hand if he was laying in bed with her. Nor for the fact that it might pain him to stay that way for to long. She was soon enough fast asleep and snuggled comfertably up against him. While she lay completely relaxed and comferted that he would protect her against any vile intent while she slept.

Mathius sighed, his manhood was in an excited state and now there was nothing to do bide his time. "I love you Cybil and rest easy." he whispered to her. Then allowed the noises of Pachuca to drone into his ears. People seemed to mill about at all hours, moving things here and there. Even the staff of this house were in motion most of the day.

Cybil slept easily, not stirring for any of the noises. She did though after a while turn on her side with her back against Mathius's side. Curled slightly with her knees drawn up and her hands tucked under her chin. Still beneath the blanket but now no longer laying on top of him. She wasn't really used to sleeping with someone and so she reverted back to the position she normally slept in on her own.

Mathius smiled at her, and turned towards her placing his arm around her before nodding off. He wasn't very tired, but suddenlya drowsy feeling hit him. They both curled up under the blankets slept soundly, neither one stiring. The door opened and a figure entered the room, moving to the edge of the bed. The woman really wasn't remembered probably that woman that carried on with Taringail, but Mathius Ravenwood could not be mistaken, and they left shortly after.

Cybil woke a few hours later. Turning to cudle into the warmth behind her, she blinked a few times though to clear her eyes and look at what she was cuddling. A chest. Looking up more she smiles softly at seeing Mathius's sleeping face. Being unable to resist it she leaned forward and up and kissed his lips. This was the perfect way to wake up, she wished they could do so... every night but that would be to risky and she knew that.

He stirred and returned the kiss, gently begining to rub her naked bum. "Did you sleep well mistress?" he asked before kissing her neck. Mathius grimaced slightly when she hopefully didn't notice, 'azuel balls' they called it in all male areas. Unsure why he fell asleep, he had intended to do a couple of things before she woke. Chief among those was relieve something that was probably poking her since she was so close.

Cybils face enflamed as soon as she realized exactly what it was poking her stomach so... rigidly. "Y-yes. um very well." Cybil stammers putting her forehead against his chest and hiding her face and the redness of her cheeks and chest. she had thought he was going to take care of that... but he must have fallen asleep as well, which meant now it was right there between them, and with how sore she still felt it probably wasn't a good idea for them to engage in anything very.... frisky.

"Um, Cybie I think I might need to go handle something." he said with a slight chuckle. Tipping her head back to kiss her gently, smiling as he noted the scarlet color to her face. Mathius didn't want to embarass her too much, so he didn't go into detail. Begining to untangle his arms from her, as he started to get up. "Shall I return with a meal for you later?" he asked grabbing his shirt.

"Yes! I mean yes. Return and bring dinner with you when you do come. Sorry about um... leaving you like.. that." Cybil says softly not turning to look at him while he dressed, putting on a shirt did not put away the... monster he had for a... well a penis, whether he was erected or not! Cybil blushed deeper at the dirty thoughts going through her head at the moment. She thought maybe it would be best if she cleaned herself up a little and went back to Helene for that other treatment they had spoken of.

Mathius once dressed turn back to her, and leaned down for a kiss. "Don't fret Cybie, and I know our escapde in the bath made you sore. I'm a Ravenwood, linimint is a common fragrance around the house." He smiled and stole another kiss, showing he wasn't mad. And headed for the stairs before he decided to hop back into her bed again.

Cybil covered her lips with her fingertips. His kisses always made her lips tingle but the shame she felt for trying to hide what had happened made her cheeks burn red. she should have figured he would find her out, while she was a good lier to anyone who didn't know her, to anyone who knew her well she couldn't lie even about the simplest of things. She hadn't wanted him to find out, she hadn't wanted him to know it had hurt her. That he had hurt her... even though she had wanted it, her body just couldn't yet be able to handle it.

Mathius went downstairs and headed to the baths again, normally he'd not be able to use it. But, no one was about and he'd be quick about it and no one would be wiser. He paused however, for just a moment like someone was watching him. That feeling in his gut cooled his excitement, deciding to simply piss and hold onto his seed until later. He looked back towards the guest house, he didn't feel it when they woke up.

Cybil decided to freshen up, washing her face and the rest of her body gently, doning a clean dress that wasn't quiet so wrinkled. Then giving a shot at the makeup, she used the standard andorian fashion but did try a little bit of what she remembered the pachuccan fashion of makeup to be. Putting on some shoes she smiled a little, things like this always cheered her up. Being girly and such was simply a part of who she was. She still felt bad over Mathius and lieing but, she should have known better. Perhaps another visit with Helene was in order, she was just getting terribly lonely for friends. while it was true she had Mathius because her ws her 'property' she couldn't really carry on with her like she would like. Helene while making her apprehensive was a person Cybil could talk to at least on rather equal terms.

When she arrived again at Helene's chambers, her host was waiting. "Welcome back dear one, before we start I took the opportunity to have a glass of wine brought for you." A single glass of deep red wine sat on the small dressing table. "Did you rest well, or were you entertaining guests?" she asked. BY her bed sat the two jars, one of balm the other of the lubrication she used to check for damage.

"I do hope I'm not intruding or anything. I did rest well... I uh... had a little... visit with Mathius again, but we didn't do anything much. He... helped me though." Cybil says softly blushing a little remembering how he had helped her while she had lain on the table. "What kind of guest would I entertain?" Cybil asked softly, she was actually quite curious as to why Helene had asked such a strange question. Though she wondered why Helene had had a glass of wine brought up, she had told Helene she didn't want to drink anymore, expecially of late.

"I figured Mathius would not stay far away from you for long. And I thought a single glass would help you to relax a little. But, if you would rather not, then disrobe and lay down." Helene like seeing Cybil's reactions and did hope she would trust her enough now. If Cybil didn't want her help then she wouldn't have come. She chuckled lightly and sat at the dressing table and smiled at Cybil.

Cybil after a moment of standing and hard thinking picked up the glass and took a sip. She was always fine with one glass. She had been drinking it almost her entire life with dinner. Her mother was a firm beleiver in propriety. It wasn't proper for a lady to become tipsy from a single glass, so when she was young she was trained to drink and take at least one glass without feeling the affects at all. So walking over to the bedside she took another sip before setting it down a moment and sitting to unlace her sandles.

Helene watched and smiled, Cybil knew she meant well in the glass. In truth she hoped Cybil would be even more relaxed after it. "I'm glad to see you are trusting me." She moved to the balm and began mixing it, hoping this time it wouldn't heat up so quickly. "Now is there anything else you'd like for me to add into the mix for the balm."

"If you could maybe make it smell less like liniment... Mathius knows about it... apparently he is familiar with the smell of your balm, I am rather ashamed to say but I'm not much of a lier... not that a proper lady should really be well versed in lieing mind you. I just seem particularly worse at it then others." Cybil said with a sigh, taking another few sips of the glass of wine. Leaving her sandles by the side of the bed, she shimied out of the dress after also untieing it as well. Blushing demurely she took off her underthings and scooted over onto the bed near the middle, like Helene had asked her to before earlier the same day. It was late now though, with night animals and the cool night wind blowing out Helene's curtains from her balcony.

She laughed lightly as she added rose oil to the balm, it should help. "But I doubt the smell kept him from nuzzling your nethers did it?" Approaching the bed she moved beside her guest and waited for a few breaths. Normally she would have came directly at her, stretched out like that. "Well, Cybil when you are ready, just part your legs and tell me." she instructed.

"Er... yes um well... I think I'm quiet ready." Cybil says picking up the glass and taking a larger sip then before, almost a mouthfull. Setting it back down and laying again she tried to make herself relax and not be so hesitant about doing this. Not only that but Helene was going out of her way to help and even be nice to her so as not to make her... too uncomfertable. Though a bright blush was going to be permenantly staining Cybil's cheeks unless Helene stopped teasing her quite so much.

Helene smiled, there was a comment to make but decided against it. Slathering Cybil with the balm she made sure to cover the same area as she did earlier. "Do you want me to check again to see if you are getting better?" It really wasn't needed right away so she returned to her guests side. "So, while we wait what shall we talk about tonight?" she began casually.

Cybil shook her head no that she didn't need checked so soon or at least she didn't think she did. How much would a few hours really change the soreness of one? She didn't actually honestly know. "anything you like Helene, I'm afraid I'm a very dull companion when it comes to small talk and idle conversation." Cybil admits relaxing on the bed more fully with Helene beside her on the bed rather then between her legs whether or not she was being touched approprietly, it still made Cybil tense.

"Very well, what did you do for Mathius? I assume it was not intercourse." she opened up with the question. More than likely demure Cybil wouldn't think to use anything but her nethers to pleasure him. "How about we talk about other ways for you to tame that serpent?" Taking one of Cybil hands into her own, she waited to hear what Cybil was willing to tell her. Then oddly enough Helene put her head on Cybil's shoulder.

Cybil sputtered for a moment or two, her face once again enflamed as she thought about it. "I... no I... well he told me not to... That he would take um care of it himself. He said he didn't want me to... do anything." Cybil says in hesitant and stuttered words. She wasn't comfertable discussing this all so openly, nor did she know the words to use in a situation like this. There was nothing in Andor that said talking about something so private was okay unless it was your mother or healer or husband.

"Dearest, he wasn't going to just come out and say he wanted you to handle him. Consider his manhood like our nethers, you can touch yourself and with practice do the same to him. Next time surprise him, don't say a word since you are the mistress." Helene looked up at Cybil, and brought her hand to the bright red of her cheek. It felt warm, but it felt good that they were talking like this.

"Do you need instruction on how to take him into your hands?" she asked quietly. Young and more innocent women like Cybil frequently needed a careful nudging in the right direction. "Do you want me to tell you how to truly make Mathius want only you, even more than he does now. Its quite easy and your hands seem like they will reduce him to putty. So, what do you say to my offer?" She took Cybil's hand and smiled at her.

"Um I... maybe I... Maybe I need a little help but... not a bunch right now. Uh I... I think we are doing okay right now... and I'm not feeling one hundred percent right now so... you know." Cybil says blushing brightly and looking away from Helene. She was so close though and seemed to know so much and want to help but Cybil just didn't feel ready for this right now. Espacially considering she was here getting treated for simply having sex with Mathius.

"Well, I'll let you do the asking then my little friend." Helene commented. She was watching Cybil to see how she was reacting to the balm. Admittedly she seemed more relaxed, probably more to the wine than anything. "Any discomfort yet, it has been a little bit since I put it on." Her finger gingerly touched the skin under the balm to see if it was warm.

"No it's warm... but not hot yet. I mean... not really hot or anything just more then body tempturature. Thank you for all your help Helene I know it sounds like I'm just repeating myself all the time but... thank you and I mean it. If there was something I could do for you I would. I just want you to know that." Cybil says softly smiling at Helene as she checked her skin tempurature. She picked up the wine glass and drank a little more. The glass was almost half empty and she still didn't feel any of it at all.

"The balm can rarely cause burns, but better safe than sorry. And since you have very soft, fair skin it would be horrible burns. And since you wish to keep Mathius ignorant to the situation, what are friends for?" She moved her hand back up to Cybil's stomach and waited for the next check. She waited to see if Cybil would bring up anything for them to discuss while they waited.

Cybil worried her bottem lip, she didn't want to be burned and Mathius already knew about the pain. "I feel like such a failure." Cybil sighs softly, everything she did she was mediocre at. Even Lyle had told her so while training. As a lady she was only passing fair or well in any of the things she was supposed to know and thanks to Terin-gail she had more of an educated mind then most other girls. It wasn't really fair all this happening to her when she just wanted to help people.

Helene turned her face and kissed her cheek, "you are no failure, aren't you here starting a new life with your man and friends? I think you just haven't embraced anything new and the old you is thinking in Andorian terms." Her fingers squeezed CYbils thightly and she gazed deeper into CYbil
's eyes. "There is no such thing as failure as long as there is a chance to achieve what you want. Even I hold out hope that I will find what I most need again, here in Pachuca."

"But I have!! I'm wearing your clothing and I've cut my hair, I've been using the wand and been trying to adhere to the rules. But I just can't do anything right. I mean the Mistress is angry and investigating. I couldn't even have sex properly. you keep telling me how to control the men and how to act and it's just very difficult. Cause I mean I am trying but it's very difficult, and I mean everything I try to do I keep failing at." Cybil sighed and lay her head on Helene's shoulder.

"Of course you are wearing the style of clothes and your hair is precious. The Matron is more suspicious of Mathius than you, and yes you have been doing better with the rules. And our sexual encounter was very good, I thought, if not very brief. So you aren't failing, you just need more practice." Her hands moved to encircle Cybil and hug her as she placed a kiss upon her temple.

Cybil sighed and rested against Helene, it was nice to get support, even if she was fooling the woman in the process though Cybil did feel this way mostly. She thought perhaps an Andorian lady would find this place so difficult and so halfway she made it so. "But it doesn't mean she isn't suspicious of me, and I didn't mean just ours I meant... well... the ointment and my encounters with Mathius. I just... I wish things were better, I don't mean to be so stuck to my old ways I suppose you could say." Cybil says softly hugging Helene back as well as she could and not turn and smear ointment.

"Why do you think I learned to make this balm, even I have taken one too large into me. The whole reason for encounters is to enjoy them, if it be a man's phalus, male or female fingers or tongues. It only matters that they make you excited and climax." Helene stroked Cybils side from hip to breast lightly making contact. "And leaders are always suspicious, it is part of their jobs." she said looking at Cybil.

"But I've never had one suspicious about me before!" Cybil says her cheeks bright red and her neck begining to also color slightly. Helene's bold words still had a way of getting Cybil's attention and to make her well squirm uncomfertably almost. She wasn't exactly comfertable with Helene's touching but since it was outright or anything Cybil was letting it go without a word. She kept herself relaxed and closed her eyes to try and stop the blush from getting too bad.

"How is the heat? Not too bad yet is it?" she asked. Her hand continued to travel Cybil's side. "It is getting a little late, how about you stay the night here with me." She made it less of a question and more like a direct comment. It had been a long while since anyone shared her bed, in truth she had been fighting an urge to just order a servant to simply sleep alongside her.

"I... No it's not bad at all. I haven't shared a bed since I was quite young I'm afraid, but if you insist I suppose it would be alright." Cybil said softly, something about the way Helene had sai it made Cybil feel the woman might be feeling lonely or nostalgic or something. It was a deep emotion and Cybil hoped it wasn't because of her and Mathius it happened. Though she might be there to spy Cybil's intentions were still good and she didn't want to hurt anyone around her or helping her at all.

She smiled broadly and wrapped one of her tanned legs around Cybil's. "I'm glad sometimes this house seems so empty. I enjoyed staying in the guest house with you the other night and more so than the sex." Her hand moved from CYbil's side back to her stomach. "I'm glad the balm hasn't gotten to hot yet, since your going to stay better to help you feel better."

"Yes I suppose it will. But Helene... why not choose a man to be your companion? Maybe not one you love but one to stay with you?" Cybil asks softly curious as to why when she had so many men to please her she didn't find one favored above the rest and to include him in her life for more then just a pleasurable few moments.

Her eyes misted a little at the question, "Attachment and males do not go together well. I find it best to enjoy want they can do for me and send them from my sight, before they can..." SHe shook her head lightly and laughed, laying her head against Cybil's shoulder. "I suppose you cannot understand, having Mathius barely a step behind you since arriving. I was betrayed, most plain and simple." she explained.

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