Page name: Ravenwood Estates 8 [Exported view] [RSS]
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2011-04-15 06:31:02
Last author: Nuktae-tal
Owner: Nuktae-tal
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The Andorian Chronicles

Chapter Eight

In which we watch and follow as the ladies and remaining men in the Capitol are dealing wit hthe rest of the family still being away on route to Sildea.

"What do you mean Grandma? How would I approach Darryl.. he spends every waking moment with Asper... and when he isn't it's because he's off fighting or battling or helping or... something else. what contracts? You mean like... with the business and stuff? I don't think that would be a good idea. I know practically nothing about business and even if Asper did why would she want to? that would be a lot of pressure on her don't you think?" Lily asked before she dunked her head back to wet her hair so she could wash that as well. She wondered why Lai would offer to let them make deals when Lily was only sixteen and never had any training in that area of running a household.

"Talk to him when he comes to get food for them. And I want Asper to see that anyone man or woman in Andor has a right to guide their own destiny. If she was a slave no one would listen to her voice now would they." Her plan did have a couple of hitches, that is why level headed Lily was needed. Lai was still somewhat young, but she still had some tricks up her wizard's sleeve.

"But Grandma... If she says no then what? We can't force her to accept it... and what if she goes to Darryl about it? I mean... It sounds like a good plan to me... though I don't really know enough I don't think to make a good descision but Thank you for thinking I am anyways, but if she doesn't want to then what do we do to try and help her and she is supposed to go into labor two weeks from now anyways. WE still haven't heard from Mom and Dad... have we? I think we should talk it over with them first." Lily says rubbing the soap in her hair and lathering it up nicely. She loved being clean, almost as much as she loved being in nature.

Lai was also taking care of her hair and washing up the rest of her. "Well, I prefer she not be so snappy during the delivery of the baby." she sighed. Perhaps it was a good idea to convince her to restart learning to read and write first. "Perhaps we should encourage Darryl to finish the house and work with Asper to pick back up her studies, while we wait to hear from your parents then." She rinsed her hair out and waited for Lily to finish.

"I think we'd all prefur her to be less angry at us all. All the time. Do you... Do you think she really doesn't want the baby? Like she's always saying she doesn't? She stopped insisting their marriage wasn't real once the baby got big enough inside of her. Do you think she'll be the same way with the baby Grandma?" Lily asked curiously rinsing her hair and making sure it was suds free before standing up and wringing out her hair. Then fetching towels for them both.

"My sincerest wish is that once their daughter is in her arms, that she will accept her. Darryl would be crushed if she still refused her, I believe most of the family would as well." Lai said as she dried herself off, deciding to go and comb it out in fron tof her fireplace later. A birth in the house was always a time of great joy and happiness. "A baby is unconditional love, between parents and child, you'll see." Lai said.

"I have seen it Grandma... it's not like there wasn't eleven children born after I was. Nor did Elsa have twins either. I would say you but... you and Mommy had me Conner and Lyssa at the same time roughly so I don't think she counts. I pray that Asper will love the baby. Poor Darryl... She's so rough why did he fall in love with her?" Lily asks looking over at her grandmother as she too grabbed up her comb and followed suit. She would get dressed fro the night and put on her robe then go to the sitting room to comb her hair in front of the fireplace.

"When it is your baby you'll see that watching others pales in comparison. We can't control who we love, something about Asper called to his heart." Lai fought tears for a second, remembering her and Conner and the relationship they had. She did smile Lyssa and Ethen would be home soon, she missed them terribly. She also wondered about Flint and Lyriel and what was going on between them.

"Maybe tonight... we should contact Grandmother Sirrus and let her know Mom and Dad are just a few days away and maybe you can talk to Lyssa and Ethen." Lily said softly looking up at her grandma worriedly, she hated seeing that sad face on Lai's face. It made her feel bad for planning on leaving them too. Just a few days too, four more days and... and the kids would be back... six days until she planned on leaving the house and running away with Gerard. Lily sighs softly wishing this wasn't so difficult. But they really hadn't left her with any other choice. It was the only way she was going to be able to go adventuring and Gerard really cared for her.

"I think that would be nice, who knows they may already be there." She hugged Lily tightly, her granddaughter was growing up and become very special. "I am so proud of you Lily, and your grandfather would be proud too." They gathered the rest of their things and headed back to the house. Most everyone was bedding down for the night and Lai instructed Bowers to make sure he also got some sleep.

Asper blinked and yawned, looking around blearily trying to figure out why she had woken up. It was completely dark in the room but for starlight in the window and she saw everything clear as well... day for most folk. Sitting up she rubbed her belly and realized she wasn't tired anymore. The baby was moving but not enough to really bother her. Though her stomach growling did make her aware of something else, they had missed dinner. She turned and looked behind her at the figure of Darryl laying on the bed. She smiled softly and moved his bangs out of his face, he needed a haircut.

He opened his eyes and kissed her hand, "How did you sleep?" His own stomach also growled and he looked a little embarassed. "Are you hungry? I could go downstairs and get us something." he told Asper. He sat up and stretched unsure of what time it was. It didn't matter however, the kitchen was always stocked with food to eat.

"Yeah... it's... pretty late, we missed dinner." Asper says touching her stomach and drawing his attention to the movement of her stomach. As far along as she was now it was easy to see when the baby moved inside of her. She left her hand on his arm though, for some reason wanting some kind of contact with him. Making sure he was still beside her. She didn't like it though, the feelings of uncertainty and worry. She had done it a few times with Jake when she had had a close call some nights. She would wake and check on him threw out the night. Now she was doing it with Darryl, which meant she had let him become to close to her.

He scooted close and kissed her stomach and smiled as the baby pushed lightly against him. "I love you Asper and I want our little family to be strong together." he whispered. He squeezed her hand and raised up beside her to kiss her lightly. "What do you wish for our meal? If I know our family they probably had the cook make a few things you and I fancy. I can go fetch it and bring it back, for dinner in bed?"

"No... Yeah... Go get whatever and bring it back but... Not in bed. I hate eating in bed. At the table. So... that would be good." Asper says drawing her hand back and placing both hands on her stomach. She didn't like the affection being laid on so thickly but by the verly slight bruised color of her cheeks, she was flattered by some of it. She scooted to the side of the bed to slip on the slippers and to grab a robe. It really was getting cold out, autumn really wasn't lasting vero long this year. Asper wouldn't be surprised to see snow falling soon.

"Ok, let me set and light a fire for you though, before I do." He got up and grabbed a shirt and restocked the fireplace. Standing back he used his power to light it, bringing the room to a warmer and a tad brighter state. "I'll be right back, maybe I might bring you a little wine?" he said before he vanished. Leaving Asper and the baby alone in the bedroom in front of the fire.

Asper nodded and pulled his robe around her tieing it above her belly. She was glad he had lit the fire, not so much because she couldn't see but because of the warmth. Though even with the fire lit now she felt like the room was colder once he had left. Her stomach twisted a little and she had to keep a tight reign on herself to keep from fidgeting or anything else. Though if he brought her wine she would deffinetly reward him with cuddling more. She wasn't above bribery as such. Actually she used it all the time. She disliked having to be nice and proper all the time and Darryl... let her get away with things.

He showed up into the kitchen and found the food and note from the cook. Smiling broadly he checked the contents of the basket, now he only had to get her a little wine. Darryl knew where it was stashed, he had seen it once while rummaging for a minor snack. Once he had everything and made sure of it he proceeded to jump back to Asper. Smiling broadly seeing her wrapped in heis robe, "I think you are in for a surprise."

"A good one or a bad one?" Asper said immedietly suspicous of the things he held in his hands. Her entire face was written with suspicion as she eyeballed the basket he held. But she relaxed a little more now that he was in the room again. She walked over to the table and motioned with her hands for him to bring everything over as well. She pushed some of her hair behind one ear as she waited near the table for him.

"Good unless I brought the wrong basket," he teased. Upon opening the basket to reveal meals of some things that they enjoyed. After letting her look he produced a small cask and two glasses along with a another cask. "I hope everything is to your enjoyment." He then proceeded to set her place at the table and poor a glass of wine.

Asper smiled brightly at seeing him pour a glass of wine, the food was going to be good of that she was completely certain. The chef Alehial had was... uncanny at how to prepare food and making something the eater would like no matter what. She stepped close to Darryl and when he stopped pouring she leaned up and kissed his lips softly. She had to lean against him a little for balance, as he was a little tall for her to reach without effort of some kind. She was still far to round and heavy to do anything longer then a peck either.

He leaned down following her and the kiss, she had surprised him. "Have a seat and I will at least move the basket out of our way." He sat after clearing the basket and waited for her to start eating. When they were alone sometimes she was different from the woman the family saw. Darryl remembered the night in the oasis when she under influence tried bedding him, he smiled lightly.

"What's the creepy smile for? Don't tell me it's nothing either cause if you start pulling that shit... I'll stop being nice." Asper warns pointing her fork at him with a slightly threatening look about her. It didn't last long though because she was hungry and the food smelled great. After a few bites she took a sip of wine and had to close her eyes to savor it. She really did love alochol, for the entire year of her pregnancy she was rebuked from having any. If it wasn't for Darryl and Jeremy Bowers, Asper might have gotten really cross here at the end. She still wasn't looking forward to it mind you. But it was better with alochol.

"I was remembering when you stole that item and you became overcome with passion." he smiled again at her. Then he also started to clean his plate, it was all very good. He also had not touched his wine yet, he liked wine just not all the time. And he decided maybe if Asper was good he'd let her have his. "So, you almost told me once your idea for her name, care to share with me?"

"Oh... well. I mean it's not that good of one. There was... this rich guy who passed through the town... and A friend of mine and me did a job and stole some stuff... well... Apparently some of it had been payment for his daughter... and Since it was gone she wasn't going to be given to the guy who'd paid for her... but I thought her name was nice. I didn't really remember it until a week or so ago. Um... yeah it's Karina. Not a really great name or anything. But I liked it and thought it was nice I mean anything is nicer then Asperteramine. But you wanted to know if I liked any names and." Asper stopped talking and bit her tongue. She felt stupid for having rambled on about some stupid story and everything. She was such a blathering idiot sometimes. She really did like that name though, it had been with her for years. Asper took her wine glass and took another drink it was more then half gone already and she just needed something to occupy her since she had eaten all of her food already.

"Well I like Asperteramine, Asper, or any function of that name. And I think Karina sounds rather.....perfect. I like it very much, and I love the fact you thought of it. Because I have to admit, I was stumped for ideas." He smiled sheepishly, then stood up and walked around the table to place a hand on her stomach. "Hello, Karina Ravenwood, daughter of Asper and Darryl."

"No offence Darryl but the name Asperteramine was the worst choice by half. It's the worst name. But Asper isn't bad. But... she needs a middle name and... I only had the one name." Asper says softly hesitantly setting her hand on his shoulder and not looking at him. Instead looking at what little food was left on her plate. Taking another drink of wine. She winced suddenly as the baby inside of her pushed out against the large warm hand. She did look down at him then and frowned deeply. The look on his face... was the same as when they had sex. He called it love all the time but... she didn't know how to love. She didn't beleive in love.

He noticed her look to the plate, "Are you still hungry? I don't think I could finish what is still onm mine." The frown made him concerned, mother had always been happy, but Asper didn't have much that had happened in her life to be happy. "What troubles you Asper? I can't help you if you won't share with me." Karina would be the first Ravenwood to actually have a 'middle' name, it would need a lot of thought.

"No.. I'm not hungry. I'm just thinking that's all Darryl. I do that from time to time. Think. It's something I enjoy doing, sometimes I think all day." Asper said in a rather acidic tone. She didn't mean to be mean about it though, it just was her default for everything. He always wanted to know about everything she thought or did. He was like... well a baby always wanting her to focus on him and tell him everything and show him everything she was doing. "There's nothing Darryl I'm sorry. Just everything catching up with me from today I guess." Asper said softly slumping in the chair and leaning back.

He frowned at her first comment, like the acid of her tone had burned him. It was like running a race to keep up with her changing mood sometimes. The apology allowed him a chance to control the hurt the comment had caused. Standing he went back to his chair, would she be like this with the baby? Without meaning to as he picked up his glass and his eyes flashed, turning the alchol to something else entirely.

Asper flinched as his eyes shifted between regular to glowing and back to normal. She closed her eyes a moment and let out a breath softly, not a deep sigh or anything just letting out the tenseness in her body. "I... I'm going to take a walk." Asper said softly standing and walking towards the door. She didn't want to be alone but... she knew she had hurt Darryl and right now... she was feeling hurt enough not to want to see that expression on his face right now. She blinked a few times as her eyes got hotter and misted. She turned the knob on the door and opened it. "I'll be back later, you can... go back to bed." Asper says softly.

When she left the room he shook his head, "How do I fix this?" He felt a pang of despair, he sat in front of the fire. "Was I wrong for hoping we could be happy together? I never seem to be able to find out how to make her happy." Darryl wished he could talk with his father or Flint perhaps, they always knew how to deal with women,

Asper swallowed thickly as she stepped away from the door. She didn't know why but for some reason Darryl seemed different from before. More nervous and worried about everything, more...distrustful of her. She hadn't thought it would bother her as much as it really was. Besides she'd apologized for what she said. She had told him she wasn't a very nice person and they'd been together more then a year now... did he really not want her around anymore? Just like... Lash said? Once the baby was born they'd just dump her back out onto the streets? Asper wiped her cheek clear of the tear that had fallen. She hadn't beleive Lash when he said those things but... It seemed like he was right, he knew what was happening better then she did apparently. That more then anything else hurt Asper. If she only had the baby already... She would be free to leave this house and Jake would be assured a safe place with the Ravenwoods if they couldn't find her.

"M'Lady," a handkerchief appeared in front of her, attached to Bower's hand. "I was coming to get the plates and such, is everything alright?" He was dressed a little less formal then his normal attire. The look on his face showed concern, but with a hint of discretion. Being a good servant required that and in this house he was praised for being helpful, but not too helpful.

Asper jumped back and panted hard for a moment. "Jeremy you scared the shit outta me!!" She growls before wiping her cheeks again not taking his handkercheif. She didn't need it. She wasn't crying either. "Why the hell do you sneak around this house! and how did you know we were finished eating anyways?" She asked suspiciously, had Alehail and Altair sent Jeremy to check on her periodically? Asper really wasn't in the mood for all this suspicion and crap. She had just wanted to take a walk and... not be pregnant and dissapear. She sighed softly and held her bulging belly in both arms. "I don't... know how to be a normal person." She says softly looking down at her stomach, wondering what the baby inside looked like.

"My apologies, I saw the tear it was my mistake for assuming something was wrong. I really wasn't sneaking, you just seemed a little preoccupied and must not have noticed me. Master Darryl has always been very fastidouis eater, I had again assumed the same as you. And being normal in this family is being yourself and trusting that they care about you." He refolded the handherchief and placed it back into his pocket.

"Yeah right... Well if this fantasy land of yours exsisted then why didn't someone clue me in. No one wants me around or me to be myself here. That's all a lie. It's not the truth at all." Asper says scowling softly, not really at Jeremy persay but at his words certainly. It wasn't true, the entire time she had been there... they had only been happy if she acted like they did. they didn't like people who didn't think like they did or acted against what they acted. Asper was... one of those people.

"If I may be so bold to say it Miss Asper, you shouldn't expect like you'll be betrayed at every turn. You arrived here, but never really left Venir." he was looking for another way to say it. "Master Darryl loves you more than you could ever imagine, and to me it seems like only Jake has shown you such love before. I am a servant in this house, but I am regarded as part of this family even though I try to be a servant first. But, I don't wish to upset or anger you, I'll gather the dishes and take them downstairs."

"News flash Jeremy... I was born and raised in the filth of Venir. I can't exactly be an Andorian when no one shows me how... or when they all keep me cooped up in here. Forgive me for having to follow the marriage custom of the land I left and become pregnant so quickly. There's no such thing as love and everyone does betray you, always.I've never met a person who hasn't yet." Asper says walking away. She was tired of having these types of conversations... Darryl had been the only one who didn't press the issue and let her just be. Though he didn't take her out... and she had to become pregnant or be taken back. That wasn't his fault, but she had never blamed him before. As for what she said it wasn't completely true... SHE had never betrayed anyone who didn't deserve it.

"Miss, would you like to learn? Perhaps if you tired to soften your approach, others wouldn't be rebuffed so eaisly. I apologize if I speak harshly, my father told me of these children when I was growing up. I have known them almost as well as my ancestors." He didn't atempt to stop her, but he hoped it would give her something to think about.

Asper scowled deeply and walked off. She was heading downstairs. She wanted away from all this soft hearted sappiness. Why should she change who she was to please people when all people had done was try to hurt her. Darryl had spoken of his mother and promised things... Alehial's reaction to Asper had been hatred and to attack her... like everyone else Asper ever came in contact with. People weren't worth the effort. Asper had been trying to give Darryl a chance, a real chance too. But he had betrayed her too. It might have.. been not the best circumstance but... he did something he had promised her he would never do. It was probably best if she did leave.

Upstairs, Bowers entered the room while Darryl sat in silence. "I am here to gather the dishes young master." Darryl smiled a little and nodded, the saddness radiated from those usually happy eyes. "I know it is not my place, but is there anything I can do to help?" It broke his heart a little to see both of them upset and hurting.

Darryl didn't know where to begin, he had always tried to show Asper he cared. He didn't know what else to do, "Am I not supposed to find love Bowers?" If he couldn't find some way to prove he loved her they would not survive. It suddenly occured to him that he had not followed through with a lot of his promises. "That's it, I will finish the house, show her how much I want her to be here, and convince her how much I love her. Without another word he vanished.

Asper sighed softly and lay on the couch, she was almost exhausted from walking down all the stairs. Now that she was so heavily pregnant it was a major chore to go up and down all of those stairs. There were to many stairs. She hated going up them and down them all the time. But she couldn't always manage them all, sometimes having to wait and sit down on one of hallways to rest until she thought she could again. She was tired of walking and well actually she was just really tired. Getting comfertable as she could on the couch she pulled the blanket over her and laid down to sleep, it was cold and she didn't like it by being alone and on this very small area.

Bowers on his way back down stairs saw Asper, he quickly took everything to the kitchen then returned. "Miss Asper, please you need not sleep here in the sitting room. Let me help you at least to the spare maids room or mine." He wouldn't allow her being pregnant to sleep on a sofa in this house. "There is already a low fire burning in my room, and it would be more comfortable than this."

Asper groaned and put her hand on her stomach. Pushing herself up on the couch. "I'm tired Jeremy. I don't want to walk around and I just want to go to sleep. Can't you just leave me alone?" Asper grumbles unhappily wrapping herself in a blanket and rubbing her stomach. She just wanted to sleep and be for once completely undisturbed. It seemed like everyone wanted to bother her or make her something that she wasn't and tell her what to do and make her do many things.

"My lady please, or I could call for Master Darryl to move you if you're too tired. I just do not feel right leaving you to sleep here in the sitting room." He also thought it may not be good for the baby either. "Between my room and the extra maids quarters, you'd be undisturbed as long as you like. Out here in the sitting room any member of the house or servant may 'bother' you."

"Fine... I'll take a random maid's room." Asper says testily pushing up against the sofa she sat on. Wincing a little at the stiffness she felt and standing slowly. Rubbing her stomach again softly she yawned. She hated this, she didn't want to have people push her around. She didn't want to be here, not like this and she didn't want to be pregnant and she didn't want to be the scapegoat for everyone's troubles here in this household.

The bed was more comfortable than the couch and after a few minutes Bowers had a fire warming the room for her. "I must confess lady Asper, Darryl left the house." He felt awful for telling Darryl's movements but, was concerned about the young man's train of thought. "He didn't seem quite himself. I thought maybe you should know." Bowers then waited for her to tell him everything was adequate before he left.

"Great, wonderful... I wish the best for him and whatever the hell he's doing. Maybe if he changes his mind and decides to really continue to love me or maybe stop lying to me all the time then I'll have a place to stay for another year or so. I sure would hate to be divorced and left on the streets." Asper bites out pulling the covers over her protruding stomach and her shoulders as well. Asper right at the moment couldn't care less about what Jeremy told her about Darryl, he'd never called her back or... told her he understood her anger. He... stopped being Darryl to her for several moments.

Bowers began to leave the room but under his breath, for the first time since he served the Ravenwoods, something un-Bowers like. "Yes, he only mystifies the entire family by trying to prove you are the most important person to him." The young woman made no sense sometimes, acid etched comments followed by a panic at the thought of being left alone. Wanting a loving family for her brother, but having no desire for one herself. Would she believe Darryl to be the love of her life, if he died with her name on his lips?

Asper's bottem lip trembled and hot tears spilled from her eyes, but she made no sound and kept her back to the man leaving. Darryl was so busy trying to prove to everyone else... that she was the perfect person for him that... He left her alone. This just proved all the more how much this place was not meant for someone like her. Darryl didn't want to... be with her he just wanted to be with... someone. It didn't have to be her she wasn't imortant and the fact that she was having his baby was... while nice enough didn't have to be her. All his words and the devotion... could have been handed to any hundreds of girls out there, so she couldn't count herself lucky. It was clear that even the servants didn't want her around either. It was just like Lash said. There was no room for a halfbreed like her, to live among real people. To pretend to be a real person. More tears rolled onto the pillow and Asper struggled not to show any sort of weakness to Bowers.

Darryl felt strange, he had been working hard for the last several hours. Already a room was done for Jake, Karina's nursery and later a bedroom, the master chambers. And to be extra helpful a room for Asper to call her own for anything she wished, and one for himself. Somehow, he continued to use his powers to mold everything he needed. And in the morning he would make everything right with Asper, he sat for a couple of minutes and waited to head back to the house.

Minutes passed and he began to get antsy, he wanted to make things right between them. He used his powers to locate her, then teleported to a spot outside the city to get something, then to her. The room was very dim, but he could see Asper sleeping on the bed. Taking a deep breath he leaned over the bed and ran the flower down her cheek. "Asper, I need, no, have to talk to you please." he whispered to rouse her.

Asper jerked quickly and turned to look up at Darryl, panicked at first and then she turned again quickly to his her face. Her eyes were dark purple bruises and the pillow was stiff from her salty tears. She didn't want to see Darryl right now but she couldn't stop the fluttering in her stomach as the knowledge that he had come to get her made her feel. Other then that Asper only knew she didn't want him to see her face. Didn't want him to know she had cried herself to sleep down in one of the empty maids rooms.

He hadn't realized his words had hurt her so much, how what he hadn't done what he promised. "I'm so sorry Asper, I've been selfish and haven't done what I've promised you. But, if you can see it forgive me, I'll do better. I finished our house, with a room for Jake and a visitor or two, and one for you to have for anything you want to do." Darryle handed her the flower and waited fo her to answer him.

Asper didn't take the flower. Instead she let it sit on the bed beside her where he had put it. How was she supposed to forgive him for being... for being a person. He was something she could never be and he wanted her forgiveness for pointing it out to her? "What's there to forgive." She asks though her voice was deepened and slightly rasping from the crying she had done. She still was facing away from him on the bed. She didn't want to look at his face and feel the tightness in her chest, nor did she want to try to figure out what the hell he was trying to make her forgive.

"I said that I'd complete our house and we could live there. And I've realized that with everything happening no one was helping you continue to read. It's my fault, I should have been doing that, and I failed. And you have been cooped up in the house so much, please Asper, I need you. You make me happy, and until we met I didn't know I wasn't, please forgive me."

"You are such.... an idiot." Asper says turning to look at Darryl slightly over her shoulder. He was thinking it was all his fault and he was... compltely a fool. How he didn't know... that she wasn't a person like everyone else and how he claimed to still love her? It was stupid actually. But if they moved into the house it solved the problem of her being in everyone's way. "Darryl... Take me home?" Asper asks softly turning her body to be laying flat on her back as she looked up at him from the bed. She was still tired and maybe... since he was trying really hard he would... Take ehr to the house and they could sleep.

Without a word he took her hand and the moved from the estate to the house. It was even better than she had hoped, the main bedroom was appointed just the way she had described. And the door to the nursery and the other one out to stairs were partially opened. She was laying on the bed, completed and made with a beautiful comforter. Darryl was seated beside her and looked hopeful that she liked it.

Asper looked around a moment before she looked back at Darryl. "This would only be better... if we both got in bed and slept." She says hinting heavily at the fact she was still tired and didn't exactly want a grand tour of the new house right at the moment. "Then promise you won't make me stay at the house all the time. Or often... or at all. Just visiting for a few hours type of thing." Asper says swallowing thickly, not knowing if he would do it or not.

He settled in beside her, "Well, since Bailey is going to help you birth the baby. But, maybe she would come here for that, I just want to make it easy on you. And only staying otherwise in emergency, and if they can visit here sometimes I guess it is ok. I do want us and them to remain family, and I know mother and father will want to see Karina often. And I really want to help you with reading, you were doing very well."

"Jake understands more then I do. I don't see why Bailey can't come here to do everything. It's our house and now that it's done... I want to have Karina here." Asper says not even touching the other two topics he had brought up. Everyhouse should be christened with blood... or Sex. Seeing as how heavily pregnant she was though sex was sort of out of the equestion for a little longer. So blood it would be.

Darryl knew their house would be packed the night of Karina's birth. But, if Asper was more comfortable here then so be it. He was also planning on not returning to the caravan, she would need him more. "I don't think Bailey will mind. And when you want we'll pickup with lessons." Moving closer to Asper he felt better, a weight let up from his heart.

"Stop talking and get in here and hold me." Asper says scowling at him for talking for so long. Really the hint that she was tired and wanted to sleep, the fact that she told him to get in bed with her. Next thing she knew she would have to get naked and start the show by herself for him to join in. But... it was nicer now then it had been hours ago. Didn't change how she had resolved herself but made her feel exceptionally better.

He walked around the other side of the bed and removed his boots and shirt. Then climbed into the bed moving to do as she asked, wrapping his arms about her. "I hope the bed and sheets are to your liking Asper." then kissed her cheek. It would be different here without the family around, but exciting too. Darryl slowed his breathing, knowing that shortly he would fall to sleep.

Asper smiled softly and snuggled back against him. His warmth and heart beat made her relax a little more, for the last year she had been sleeping with him behind or beside her. She had found it harder to sleep without him then she had liked. "As long as they function I like them." Asper said as sleep thickened her voice, she felt Darryl fall asleep and with a soft smile she let herself do the same.

In the morning Asper woke to the smells and sounds of a kitchen in use. Darryl was no longer beside her, but it didn't take long to figure out where he was. Down the short flight of steps in the kitchen, Darryl was using the kitchen to cook them breakfast. He had also teleported around to gather some things, peppermint and sweet cream for tea. And a short stop in Venir to get some meats for breakfast, he hoped she liked what he cooked.

Asper got up slowly letting herself relax in the bed a little while. This bed was better then the one they had in the other house. Slowly getting upright and out of the bed she washed her face and decided she didn't look too bad after all that happened last night. Pulling her hair up for a moment before letting it drop with a smile. She was glad she had short hair again, it was much more comfertable and way easier to take care of. Finally deciding she had wasted enough time she walked out and slowly descended the stairs. There were a lot less of them then at the Ravenwoods Manor, she approved. She stood in the doorway to watch Darryl prepare things for her.

Being the child of a druid and ranger, he was used to having a lot of vegetables and fruit in his diet. But Asper enjoyed a different diet, so he started with eggs and added some vegetables she liked, venirian sausage. Fresh bread with honey-butter, and some cut up fruit, rounded out by tea infused with mint. And rather than having to clean up a lot of dishes, most were being cleaned as he finished with them. Oddly though he felt like humming and that then turned into whistling.

Asper grinned watching him moving around as he cooked. The Dishes being cleaned all the while as he whistled. It was sort of cute. Though all the food he was making could easily have fed a family of eight in Venir. Or her and Jake for a week, though she knew she didn't have to think like that anymore she did often as habit. Finally tired of waiting she coughed softly into her fist and waited for him to turn around and tell her good morning and lavish attention on her yet again.

Darryl perked up and turned when she coughed, "Good morning. Have a seat unless you'd rather I bring it upstairs." Unable to hide it, he smiled seeing her just out of bed and even grinning. Plating everything he set the last two pans into the scullery tub to soak. He stood and waited for her to decide where she wished to eat the first meal in the new house.

"How about we stick to the table, and keep it simple alright?" Asper says softly walking over to the table and sitting down slowly. She did continue to smile at him but it faded slightly and as she sat watching him she wondered why he was putting the charm on her so thickly. Trying to make it up to keep her around? Maybe he had other idea's or he thought he could trick her into being comfertable and staying so he could continue to use her or maybe get her pregnant again.

He noticed that she was thinking, and probably questioning what he was doing. WHen he set down her food, he leaned over and kissed her lips. "I hope you like everything." he whispered before stealing another peck. Darryl sat down at his own plate and waited for her to try it first. Most likely she would chastize him about going to get everything fresh this morning.

Asper looked a little startled at the chaste kisses and blinked at him a few times. Other then that she started eating, though she realized very quickly what had happened. "Did you waste your juice getting this stuff.... from the other countries?" Asper asked frowning deeply as she continued eating. It tasted good but... it tasted fresh too and if he wasted all his energy doing that it meant he had less energy to protect them with during the day.

"It was only a couple jumps, nothing that I can't get back from the crystal." he smiled sheepishly at her. "Besides, I think you are worth fresh food, cooked at home." he continued. Darryl was hoping after breakfast she would want to see the rest of the house. Finishing the house for them was very important, and he had been to busy to see that. It took the fact of almost losing her that woke him up to what he wanted and that was simple, he wanted Asper.

"Well you need to stop that... and I mean it. I can eat Andorian food same as any other food. There is fresh enough food here in Bearlon." Asper says with a slight groan and a rolling of her eyes. She sipped the tea though and continued eating, it did taste good. Even if she was not the happiest with him popping in and out of other coutnries all over the place. She didn't know why but he seemed... watchful of her so far today... a little too intent on her as a whole.

"So, I take it, the next meal should be closer to home then?" he gave her a small teasing smile. Darryl continued to eat his breakfast and waiting for her to say something about the rest of the house. However he couldn't help but steal glances at her. Remembering everything they had been through to get to here, made him smile. Hoping at some point she would call what was between them love.

"Yes, Yes you should. I thought you said that the house wouldn't be done for almost a week still." Asper says looking around at the kitchen and wondering what was going on. He had told her something very different, but she was wondering why he had changed so much. Why had he been so distant to only now be so close and observent over everything she did yet again. The looks and the smile had all come back as well, she wasn't sure what to do or what to make of all of this.

He took her hand and looked in her eyes to tell her the truth. "I wasn't being fair to you or your feelings, so I made sure to finish everything before coming to get you. But, I didn't just throw it all together, and I even tried to improve somethings." The distant feeling had overcome him, but after what Bowers said he figured out what he needed to do. "I shouldn't have let you leave our room after our words, I should have asked you to stop or apologized, anything to spare you pain.

"I don't expect you to ever know anything about me Darryl. Thank you... For the house. I really appreciate it." Asper says leaning forward and kissing Darryl's lips. After a moment licking his lips and worming her tongue into his mouth as well. Putting her free hand to the back of his head and running her fingers in his hair, pulling him closer. She didn't want to talk about feelings and everything he was sorry about or wanted.

Taken aback at her boldness, he jumped a little. But, he began to return the kiss with equal fervor. Darryl's free hand slid up her leg and squeezed her thigh. His heart began to beat a little faster and a light headed feeling settled over him. Releasing her leg her brought his hand up to stroke her cheek and then her back.

Asper continued to kiss him deeply, she didn't mind the small touches and petting, it was... nice actually. Her own heart sped a little and the baby inside of her squirmed around, moving more inside of her now then it had been previously. She almost giggled at his skittishness but kissing him felt... really good, if only it was safe for them to play a little before the baby came and she left. She was sure he would enjoy fucking her one last time, or 'making love' as he prefurred to call it.

Darryl wasn't really a good student at kissing, but he attempted to massage her tongue with his. This unexpected kiss was exciting to no end, they really hadn't kissed like this often. Asper continued to say she was ugly and not worth anything, he thought she was mistaken. Brining his hand up he ran his fingers from her neck down to her shoulder. Praying she wouldn't be angry that he wasn't very skilled at seduction. 

Asper twirled her tongue around his, and teased him a little sucking his tongue into her mouth and chasing it with her own tongue back into his mouth. She didn't really feel like kissing most of the time, of course most of the time she was angry rather then... well anything else. His soft touched made her shiver and bumps to raise all over her flesh though. He was cute in a hesitant obviously still unsure of sexual ways.

He was trying to keep up with her, needing to learn how she wanted him to react to her. Darryl slipped his free hand into her robe and ran his hand along her body. He attempted to scoot a little closer to her making it easier for them to continue this kiss. Hopefully once the baby came they would be able to learn more, connect more with each other. Any breakfast on the table and the soaking dishes were forgotten, the only thing he thought about was his wife.

Asper sighed breaking the kiss with him and resting her head on his shoulder. "I'm still tired Darryl... Thank you for breakfast... Show me the Den?" Asper asks stifling a yawn, she really hated waking up in the mornings and it was far to early for what she liked. She had eaten and now after their little bit of fun she remembered how tired she was. Though she liked the house, everything was... so well... nice. Silks and other fine materials, there was also browns and reds painted on the walls and carpets and dark polished furniture. It was a lovely lovely place. Far too rich for her though, it was obviously a very expensive cage.

"Den, we don't have one of those. There is your room, though." he stood and offered her his hand. They went down another set of steps, and in a small hall there were three doors. "The one in the center is a place to exercise, the left is mine for meditation, and this is yours." He opened the door to a spacious room with a built in bookcase in a wall. "I just need you to tell me what you want for furnishing; locks for picking, practice dummy for pickpocketing, books once we finish your lessons, art, anything you can think of.

"What a silly queston, a table... A chair... A soft chair of some sort or chaise lounge. My weapons of course... and all of my tools, my trick weapons like my boots with the follow bottems for my tools. My sheaths and such as well. Cleaning kit... oils and rags. I think that would cover it. But nothing very expensive, just an old oak table would be fine, I wouldn't want to ruin a nice polished one. The same for the chair too. Though the chaise lounge I would like padded." Asper says softly before stifling another yawn. "Isn't there anywhere I can lay down? No sitting room or Den or anything?" She asks softly.

"Yep, our sitting room." he told her as he took her hand. Then jumped them to the sitting room, he helped her sit on the lounge chair. The room was cozy and warm, he had made sure it felt the same as a room she liked during their travels. He sat beside her, "I'll make sure to get those things for your room. Do you like everything else, I can make any changes you want."

"No it's fine. Darryl... This is a Den. According to my country at least. Please don't jump us around inside the house Darryl, I would.. prefur the footed meathod in the future okay? It's fine, honestly, I'll have a better look when I wake up in a little bit okay?" Asper asked, why he had felt it neccesary to use his powers for that short of a move she didn't know. why he seemed obsessed with her liking everything she also didn't know, it was nice though but none of it was hers. It was all his.

"Sorry, I just didn't want you to get too tired." he explained. He stood and grabbed a blanket from the sofa. "WOuld you like this, I haven't finished making sure all the rooms have enough heat." He yawned a little and smiled at her again. "Every room in the house is open to your inspection, and I hope you'll tell me anything I missed."

"I understand but... in the house I'd prefur it that I walked alright? Would you sit down? So I could use your legs as a pillow? I'll be much warmer if you are with me." Asper says softly looking up at him wth a slight smile. Just wanting him to shut up and leave or be of some use to her. She did reach out for the blanket though and covered herself with it. The baby had settled down inside of her and she felt like she could get in a nap easily. As tired as she still felt anyways.

"Alright.", he sat down and when she laid her head on his legs, began to stroke her cheek. Darryl felt like this was the first time they felt normal, in respect to other couples. He was going over in his mind what they would do for diner. Asper giving him a list of things he needed to get for her, hopefully meant she was happy. "Is there anything else you want for our house you've seen yet?"

"Sleep Darryl. I want sleep in this house right now." Asper says closing her eyes and pulling the blanket up over her shoulders. Relaxing on the sofa with her had in his lap, she really wanted him to stop bothering her. Perhaps she could convince him to leave the house for a while so she could explore on her own without his worrisom and ever so helpful being lurking only inches behind her at every moment.

He continued to stroke her hair and neck even though he fell silent. With a small gesture he lowered the lights to make her more comfortable. Darryl then reached out with his mind to let Grandmother know they were no longer in the house. She would worry if they had just vanished from the Estate without a word or note. Once that was done, he closed his eyes and relaxed still stroking and soothing Asper.

Asper woke an hour or two later, groaning a little turning onto her back. Rubbing her face with her hand, before blinking a few times and looking up at Darryl's face. She laid both hands on top of her swollen pregnant body. Stroking it softly she yawned again, "Good afternoon." She says softly with a slight smile on her face, she really did feel a bit better for the nap.

Darryl was asleep, his chin rested on his chest. Rain was falling outside, unlike the Estate, she could hear some people moving around in the street. His hand was resting beside her shoulder, his other hung limply at his side. The fire in the fireplace still burned steadily keeping some light and warmth in the room. Otherwise the house was silent and truly belonged to Asper.

Asper smiled and slowly very carefully slid away from him and got up. Careful not to disturb him, he had used more energy then he should. He only ever took naps with her when he had done such, but it gave her time to look around on her own. That was exactly what she did. Walking around the room touching things with her hands and looking everything over, going from the sitting room as he called it out into the hall and the greeting room, the kitchen again, dining room, even all the extra rooms. Then she went upstairs and began to explore there was well.

She came to most of the bedrooms, they were labeled with a piece of parchment. The room for Karina wasn't overtly decorated yet. Most likely they would decorate it later as the baby grew. Jake's room was a nice size, and was well appointed with a nice desk and books for his studies. The others were guest rooms or for later family members. There was steps leading higher towards the roof.

Asper afting checking out all the rooms headed upstairs she wanted to see the view and where they were in town from the rooftop. She had always prefurred rooftops to being inside buildings. Except in foul weather of course, then shelter of some kind was a deffinite must. though it was a little harder for her to climb any stairs as heavily pregnant as she was she wanted to see everything. Preferrably on her own so she didn't have to hide her expressions or put on fake ones.

Upon opening the door at the top of the stairs she saw something beautiful. Darryl had turned the roof into a garden area with an amazing view of the city. There was a sitting area under a small trellis, and even a few plants that still bloomed. It was all very beautiful, and she could even smell the salt of the ocean air. No building in the area stood quite as tall as her house.

"What a dunce... Might as well paint we're rich on the house and be done with it. Bah plants." Asper scowls and swats one of the leaves of one. It was pretty if you were girly enough for such things, Asper liked different things though, but it was nice all the same. Darryl had worked hard well... as hard as he had to she supposed, to make sure she would like it. Hadn't spent much time with her and talking to her about it but it was nice all the same. She just didn't want to ruin silk sheets giving birth, besides cotten was much warmer. Silk didn't hold up for anything, it was so fragile she really didn't care for it much other then how pretty it was to look at.

Darryl stirred and looked down, "Asper?" Standing her took the blanket and went to see where she was. The louder sound of the rain meant the upstairs door was open. He followed the steps to find her on the roof, standing behind her he wondered how much she would tell him how the house fell short of her desires. "Are you cold?" he asked holding the blanket for her. Perhaps there was nothing he could do to make everything better, maybe better was letting her do as she wanted.

"Yes." Asper says turning and letting him drape the blanket over her. She had enough of the roof besides she didn't want to get too wet, might bring complications to the birth or something, it was only three weeks away, inless it happened early and then two. It was a scary enough though though... Alehial and Altair were supposed to be back in time, they might or might not make it back. She didn't care if they did or not. She just wanted Bailey there and Darryl too. "Let's go back inside now." She says softly, suddenly sort of lethargic.

"Are you alright, Asper?" he asked his eyes expressing concern. Was she sick or was the baby coming? "Come let me get your comfortable then I can get Bailey." He held her close and escorted back to the bedroom and the bed. Never moving his eyes flashed once, meaning he was in mental contact with Bailey or someone else from the house.

"No Darryl, Karina is fine. She's still in there and I'm just... Overwhelmed I guess. This place is... hundreds of times larger then the only home I had ever known. Everything is thousands of times nicer and more expensive and lavish. I'm not used to this... or this house or... being treated like this. Don't call for Bailey Darryl, there's nothing she can do here anyways." Asper says sitting on the bed, she refused to lay down, she wasn't tired anymore and she was tired of being treated like she was glass. He hadn't left her alone really at all or treated her like a real person since she had woken up that morning. She wasn't an invalid, and she didn't like being treated like one. If she needed help she would ask for it or suffer until someone noticed and helped her on her own.

"I just wanted to make somewhere you'd like and could be happy. That and I tried to tone it down even from the estate." He smiled at her, then crossed to start unpacking the clothes he had brought over for them. Looking at her to see if she objected to his current activity. Darryl was concerned about her sudden bout of lethargy, if something happened to them he'd be lost.

"Let me unpack my clothes. You'll probably mess it up." Asper says getting to her feet with a sigh. Walking over to the dresser she opens the bottom two drawers she kept her regular clothes in and picking up an armful before just dumping it into the drawer. Shoving it all down and then closing it before doing it again to the second drawer. It had taken a long time to fight off Darryl and Jeremy from folding them all the time. While she had made Jake always fold his clothes, she rarely did, or rather she rolled them into a ball and shoved them into the drawer. Thinking back on such things made her realize that this was the perfect place for Jake. This 'free' city with all it's churches and all the lessons he could ever want... even a family like the ravenwoods, it was all perfect for him. Whereas it held Asper down and showed disdain for her. She didn't like how stuffy it was how regulated and rule oriented it all was. "Darryl... can we go to Finn's tonight?" Asper asks suddenly, wanting to speak with the little thief Lyle.

"As long as you feel up to it, I don't see a reason why not." he said with a small smile. He never told her, but he would wait until she was asleep or not in the room and fold her clothes anyway. Darryl would laugh inside when she would declare that Bowers did it again. Suddenly, something made him very interested in changing something in the room. "Why don't you get a bath and relax before we go?" he suggested.

"A bath sounds great though actually, so...can you help me? I don't know... er anything around the house yet." Asper says having put another armful into another drawer. Without Jeremy in the house she hoped that this time her clothes would be left the way she preferred. Shirts in one, and pants in another, underthings in yet another. All jumbled together without any orginization, just the way she prefurred it. A warm bath sounded really great to her right at the moment though, Darryl always let her relax when she was in the bath, no matter what mood she was in.

"Of course, we have our own bath through there and the upper rooms share one. I assumed we would bathe the baby so I made a special area for that in the nursery." He held out his hand to escort her to the other room. He had remembered the scents she liked and made sure the soap smelled right. And to top it off there was a robe in silk and one in cotton, which ever she felt like when she was done.

"You've gone too far, why make everything lavish Darryl? Honestly... who wears silk robes? Other then ostensive people and your mother. Why anyone would wear them is beyond me. Really what good are they? They don't hold heat they billow around and won't stay in one place to cover you. Other then they don't itch or anything they aren't very useful." Asper rambled on as she took his hand and used it to help her stand. Which wasn't an easy task now with the baby so large inside of her like she was. She did like how forthoughtful he was though. When she had raised Jake on her own she had to use a small pan heated by the fire to wash him in. When her mother died, and usually it wasn't the cleanest water either, sometimes she even reused the same water several days in a row.

"It isn't lavish, I want you to have a choice either due to weather or mood." he explained. He got close enough to Asper to whisper in her ear. "I only want to make you happy, I always have." Darryl knew sometimes she doubted everyone, even him. If Asper would just let him back into her heart and tried to let him make her happy again. That one wish prevaded his mind and his heart, just to make her happy.

"It is lavish Darryl, don't tell me it's not, I'm not blind. I don't know why you have to work so hard at trying to make me happy. Saying good morning in the morning after sleeping on such a fine bed. Telling me I look nice? Asking me my opinion on things that might be nice. Or thoughtful or whatever. Heck... asking me if I want to go out instead of being shut in like I am? How about some better locks for the upstairs doors and such." Asper says, for once not minding how much she was actually talking, not really paying to much attention as he helped her to the bathing room and showing her how the tub and everything worked. Another gnome design full of round metal pipes and such, the ravenwoods sure liked spending money on such things. She was relaxed enough though that she was actually talking to Darryl.

"Asper, I stuck as close as I could to what you and I talked about the last time we were here." He hadn't gotten around to the better locks yet, but had toyed with the idea of having Lyle make better ones. "Actually most of the house except your private room is as we discussed it. And I wanted you input before I did anything. The same goes for the nursery, I wasn't sure you'd want anything like the Estate's."

"Yes well for one I didn't think you could afford it all, secondly I thought you would have wants of your own you know. Besides I thought there would be fighting and argueing over certain things, I hate that aweful rooms they call the nursery. The baby only needs a crib to sleep in and a basin to be bathed in. I didn't even have that! A basket half eaten by mice and a stolen cooking pot aren't exactly risty I'd say." Asper says waving her free hand around, normally she wasn;t this outspoken. In fact Asper was downright tightlipped most of the time or what she said was angry and bitter. What she was saying now had a hint of bitterness to it but, she was relatively calm, just talking to Darryl. Like when she was pretending for the Venirian authorities, only it wasn't pretend it was genuine, because the acid sharpness was still there just... lurking.

"If I hadn't liked your ideas I would have debated with you. Secondly, you seemed so full of dreams of what you wanted, that I wanted to make them come true." He started the hot water for her, then got a rag for washing and a towel. "If you want, I'll take everything away and we can fight and argue over everything. I'd live in a tent with you if that is what would make you happy."

"That's stupid Darryl! Living in a tent wouldn't make YOU happy. Why has what I want to be happy to live here with you become the most important thing? Why hasn't it just been what makes us happy? why don't you ever want something for yourself or for your own?! Stop making everything my fault!" Asper says turning her back to Darryl and getting out of her clothes. Letting the soft material fall to the ground, because she never picked up after herself unless she actually needed to for some reason. Frowning now Asper's movements were jerky and tight with her own attitude of unhappiness, she wasn;t quite angry yet but it could become anger very easily, as most things could with Asper.

"Being with YOU makes me happy Asper, what I want is you ever since we were first together." He put his hands on her shoulders, "I will never say or blame you." Darryl was trying to figure out how he could make her understand his feelings. It wasn't the house any money or power he wanted, it was Asper and the baby, and Jake that made him happy. "I know my answers make you mad sometimes, but I'm trying to show you what I want."

"Darryl, you just don't understand. I want to be free. I want Jake to be at the Ravenwood household. I want to be a thief. You can't just want me. That's impossible if I asked you a question right now... would you want me in a red dress or blue one. What would you say? Whichever makes me happy? That's not an answer that's an evasion! I like you Darryl I do. I know it may not seem like it ever... but I like it when you help me sometimes. I like it when you stop lying to me and to yourself. Be human or male or whatever have wants Darryl." Asper says shaking her head, still not being as mean or snide as she usually was. She just couldn't rally herself to get really angry. Asper shivered in slight cold as she stood naked and completely exposed with Darryl's hands holding her still.

"Blue." he answered, "I always thought you look prettiest in blue. And I do have wants and asperations. I don't want you to change what defines you, or imprison you. I do want to give you and our family better than Venir, in case anything happens there are good memories left behind. Now get in the tub before you both catch cold." he told her.

Asper couldn't help but grin at his last remark, she clambored into the tub and sank into the hot water sighing softly and relaxing. Closing her eyes and letting herself float a little. She would never get tired of being able to bath in an entire tub of hot water. "what would you do Darryl, if I said I thought you were more attractive when you order me to do something? Or were a little rougher in getting what you wanted, or if for once you took charge while having sex? What if those were some of MY wants?" Asper said with a sly grin on her face, opening just one eye to look at Darryl. She had to see his reaction to her questions. She wanted answers to them before he slunk off to do whatever it was he was going to do.

"Well our first foray into sex got you pregnant, so I'd suppose to find a way to maybe learn more about that between us. I'd order you to, smile more or not be so supicious sometimes. If that is what you want, then I think I was looking the wrong way." He moved beside her and kissed her neck as he picked up the rag. Darryl soaped the rag and began to wash Asper, he did however steal a kiss from her again.

"I will never not be suspicious Darryl. And don't pull that baby shit. I had sex with you plenty, I ought to know. It was my Vagina you thrust into. Besides we rolled around plenty enough in the months after I was assuredly pregnant. That's not what I meant by ordering you nitwit. I meant like taking what you wanted instead of just going without." Asper says letting him help washing her, she wasn't as flexable now as she was, she couldn't even get to her legs even. It was a drag, and a strain and a burden and one she was counting on getting lifted.

"Even when it comes to you, Asper I get a feeling sometimes like you are always concerned about our future after the baby." Quickly he stripped his pants off and got partway into the tub to wash her legs & feet. "I see it has been hard for you to take care of everything." he raised each of her legs and focused his powers to remove any hair that was there. "I want to assure you that I am committed to you, because I love you it has nothing to do with money or anything else." He hoped she believed his sincerity, he needed her to believe that.

"I am not! And it is too. It always is! And shut up. I can't reach down there anymore." Asper says crossing her arms and looking grumpy, shifting a little bit and relaxing into the tub of water. She didn't like that he had noticed her worrying, or that he had caught on that she hadn't been a ble to take care of a few things. It was embaressing and she hated it. She hated depending on someone so much that she couldn't even do things like that without his help or having him do it for her instead.

He focused his eyes, reading the pathways of energy in her legs and how a slight pressure might help. Very deliberatly he began rubbing and applying pressure to ease any pain or physical discomfort. "Well, I am glad you are allowing me to help. I just wish I knew a better way to make you believe, you are precious to me." Darryl smiled noticing that one of the pathways opened up allowing a great deal of tension to release.

Asper groaned deeply and her head lay on the edge of the tub. Her body relaxed in places she didn't know she had that could be tense. "There is no way, my mind is made up, I'm more stubburn then anyone you'll ever know or meet Darryl. I will never believe differently then what I see and hear." Asper says breathy and moaning softly. So relaxed she couldn't stop feeling completely at peace.

"What do you want Asper? for you? us? the future?" he asked quietly. He didn't want to ruin the peaceful feeling she found. "Maybe we both need to lay out what we want rather than just existing on what is given." His rubbing and pressure flowed right up her leg to her hip. Maybe if they could talk plainly about their own desires things could improve.

"I want to be free. I don't want to be held down, I don't want to be caged. I don't know how to be somebodies mom and I don't want to learn. I want to just go where the going is Darryl." Asper says softly and picks up her head and looking up at him. He was so concerned about things such as the future and the baby all the time. He always wanted things from Asper. She didn't have plans she never did. She only ever reacted to actions that happened.

"Being a parent isn't easy, I've seen that growing up in my family. I don't want you to feel that being here is sacrificing freedom." Again, her tone made him think that after the baby was born she was going to flee. He kept the emotion to himself, if it truly was what Asper wanted. "I can understand your desires Asper."

"No you can't. The only time you ran off was when you thought you killed your cousin. Which you didn't which made no sense and in which all this happened. Darryl you enjoy living in the golden cage your so called parents give you. I'm sorry but I know that nothing in this world is free, there is nothing more expensive then something given freely. Besides I was lucky with Jake, being his sister is far different then being a mother and I know that. I sacrificed everything for Jake. Food, water, clothes. There was nothing that I didn't do my best to get him. For whatever reason it worked out okay but I won't be so lucky again. I don't have good luck. Ever." Asper says sighing softly and pulling away to sit up properly. Rubbing her forehead with her fingers she sighs again. Then leans forward and makes herself comfertable against his chest resting her head against his shoulder.

"But this time caring for the baby it will be you and me, together. And together we can do anything Asper." He wrapped his arm about her and squeezed her. His parents found time to be parents and still lead interesting lives. Finding a sudden fear of Asper abandoning them after the baby came, what would happen to them?

Asper sighed and leaned against him. Letting him take her weight what the water wasn't anyways. "No... you Darryl, you can do anything. Literally, even, but I can't do anything at all. I can only kill and run. It's all I've ever been able to do, that and steal." Asper says softly leaning against him and relaxing. Turning to the side a little so her stomach lay across Darryl's abs and not pushing against him and unsetting the baby any further inside of her.

"But, you proved you can be and do more Asper. You wanted to learn to read that shows an interest in growing as a person. I think being a mommy, will let you, and even me learn new things." He used a calm but straight forward tone with her. Darryl wanted them to talk before going to Finns, not argue that would get them nowhere.

Asper tensed at being called mommy. It was something she never wanted to hear. Something she had no right to. She raised her brother and now, it seemed Darryl was intent on using her to breed more, but a mongral like her really had no place in creating offspring. She wanted no other children abused like she had been. She wasn't a person, she couldn't be held by the normal rules from any one society because she wasn't from any of them. She was a mutt. A dog or worse, she was the result of a horrid act and from an abominable race of beings.

He could see the tension return, and things began to clear up for him. "Asper, are you afraid that what Lash and your mother did to you, that they were right? They placed their failures on a little girl that never derserved such treatment." Tilting her head to meet his gaze he continued, "Jake credits you with guiding him all his life. Please let me help you shake those posionous words you are beautiful and good." Leaning down he kissed her deeply as he held her close.

Asper let herself lean into Darryl and kiss him in return. She didn't want to discuss that topic for instead kissing Darryl was a great alternative to that. Besides she didn't think he would mind if she distracted him. Speaking of since they were both naked. Asper kissed him more and reached her hand down to inch it's way down his skin past his hips as well.

His mind felt fuzzy, for some reason being so close to Asper and how he felt about her. Moving his hands as well reaching down past her hip, squeezing lightly. Darryl realized they had spoken enough about her fears right now, and it would be best to let it go. But, he decided to find a way to break the control Lash and her mother held over her. If she was going to object to his hand pleasing her, then he wouldn't continue.

Asper reached down and firmly grasped his member, She couldn't do anything really fun with him being pregnant... or in the water. It meant she was stuck just using her hands and that was fine just not as fun. She had found though that she really found everything about sex to be really fun and enjoyable. She was glad she had married Darryl as long as she could have fun like this.

Remembering what she had said, he rubbed her nethers as he gasped. Quickly he redoubled the kiss and slipped his tongue into her mouth. He hoped she'd allow him to make her climax, just to help her relax. At the Estate they wouldn't have had as much privacy to play like this. Asper's touch excited him instantly and he hoped she liked his effort to.

Asper groaned deeply into the kiss, he was getting better and she enjoyed his touch more each time. But she had to break the kiss to let him know. "Darryl, no you have to stop. Bailey told me, any play would be bad. might make me... you know go into labor early." Asper says pushing his hand away from her and smiling softly at him. "Just let me play. You'll love it, I promise. Help me out of the tub and to the bedroom. I'll take care of you." Asper promises softly.

He helped her up and helped her dry off, before they went back to the bedroom. "Only if when your up to it, I can return the favor Asper." he told her. But, he gave into what she wanted, in some form or another he always did. His heart was racing and breaths seemed baited, waiting to see what she had in store for him. "All right you win Asper, for now." he resigned himself to her whims.

"You bet your ass I win. Now sit." Asper says giving him a slight push against his shoulder backwards towards the bed. Once he was seated Asper took the towels and dropped them on the floor, before getting to her knees. Once she was situated and comfertable she smiled up at Darryl from between his legs. She gently placed her hands on his knee's and slowly inched them forward until one hand was cupping his genitals and the other was teasingly tracing the skin around his cock but not it outright. This had become a pretty fun game for her, though Darryl didn't often like to do it because he couldn't please her in return. But she liked having him at her mercy.

He groaned at her attention and tried to tell her how good it felt. Her smile made him realize he was in serious trouble. "Oh, Asper you steal my will evrytime you do this." Then he smiled back at her, she would never understand how much this affected him. "I can't wait until I can have a chance to make you feel as good as you have made me feel." he croaked.

"Shut your gob, and let me play in peace!" Asper says rolling her eyes before leaning forward and gently kissing the throbbing vein on the underside of his straining member. She loved watching it twitch and the looks on Darryl's face were just fantastic! Palming his sac a little she softly kissing her way up and then back down his member. Once at the bottem again she grins almost devilishly and licks the base, not a long lick but small quick repeated ones. Her hand on his thigh gripping him to help her keep balanced, because she wasn't the most balanced or at all graceful creature in the world right now she needed support. Though she'd be damned if she let him try to 'help' her again during this act. It was too much fun for her to control everything. She hated it when he took it away from her.

Darryl didn't say anything else as she ordered. However groans and moans escaped him as she continued. Placing his hands a little behind himself and reclining slightly. Her little licks made the muscles in his stomach convoluse and him to moan. In his mind Darryl blocked out everything else just to focus on Asper and how she was enjoying her play.

Asper grinned and took his member in his hand releasing his sac for a moment to lick the head of his swollen member, after a few small licks Asper blew a little cold air across it before taking it into her mouth and running the tip of her tongue all around him. She was still looking up at his face and she loved hearing the sounds he was making. He might be the only person she ever made love to in her entire life, even if she did leave him. But right now all she thought of was what would please him the most.

The noises he made were a continous and unintelligble string of moans and other assorted noises. Everytime he managed to open his eyes and look at Asper she was watching him. It made what she was doing even more amazing he managed to squeak out, "Oh Asper!" Darryl did long to pleasure her though, maybe when they could do this for one another things would be better between them. He could hear his heart pound in his ears as his excitement began to build.

Asper almost grinned but instead sucked against his members head and slowly took all of him into her mouth and down her throat a little. Sucking on him the entire time she had to close her eyes concentrate on actually managing his entire length. Both hands holding his thighs now she took care and slowly moved up and down his length, running her tongue against the underside against the large throbbing vein. She wanted him to enjoy this completely and fully.

His breath came quickly as he exclaimed, "Oh Asper, I want you so badly!" She was being so good to him, and when she did things like this he wanted to make this marriage work even more. Darryl would work on those things she had said, become the husband she wanted. EVen more so he want to keep her happy in the marriage bed, just like his parents did as well. Trying as he might he knew if she kept this up he would not be able to hold back his climax long.

Asper hummed when he was fully taken into her mouth, she knew the vibrations would make him crazy. She sucked harder on his member as she hummed and opened her eyes to look up at him and his expression once more. To know she was powerful enough to bring such a powerful being to his knees. Figuratively speaking of course. Made her feel almost of equal value to him. To prove to Lash she was no whore Darryl would be the only man to touch her, whether she was with him or not. She decided, and she really did like Darryl it was hard not to. Even if much of what he did annoyed her, he was kind and let her do what she pleased... mostly. With those thoughts in mind Asper worked hard on his phallus to make him climax.

Darryl's eyes opened wide and for a minute his mind was overwrought with the wonderful pleasure Asper was giving him. Looking down he tried to smile, but gave a comical look as he was panting for breath. The longer she worked the closer he got to the inevitable climax. Gasping as her her suction increased again, his climax could no longer be denied. "Oh, Asper I..I ohhh." the rest was lost as he groaned spilling his seed into her.

Asper drank it down before releasing him from her mouth. Wiping her lips with the back of her hand, the only part she hated was all the drool. She grinned though at Darryl, he was such a cutie when he orgasmed, blue eyes neary rolling up into his head, a bright red spread across his face like a blush on his pale skin. His entire body tensing and then relaxing completely, she felt like a devil ravishing an angel and then she did laugh, there was an angel and she was being ravished alright but not by any devil, just by Lucas. Using Darryl's knees to get to her feet she stood up and kissed Darryl's lips softly, tenderly, before wlaking over to the pitcher of water to get a drink. Darryl didn't like the taste of himself in her mouth when they kissed, so she swallowed a glass or two and made sure she couldn't taste it in her own before walking back over to the bed and laying down on it.

He got close and kissed her, "there is no words to say how I feel about you Asper." Her laughter brightened his mood, no longer so worried that she would leave after the baby. The windows to the outside showed that the day was slipping by, in a few more months night would fall sooner. Darryl moved a couple logs into the fire to keep the room warm. Running his hands over Aspers skin, she disliked it saying she looked like a bruise, but to Darryl she was everything he wanted.

"Then stop trying you dope." Asper said still smiling a little. His eyes were a bright blue, and cheeks still tinted pink, her certinly looked like he had been ravished. It was that that kept the smile on her face, but she groaned at the baby pushed out against his hands tracing against her skin. Then her stomach rumbled and it must have startled the baby because it moved much more pushing out and stretching inside of her. Making Asper grimance and put her hands over her stomach.

Darryl heard the noise as well, "Are you hungry or is something wrong?" He wasn't so well versed in birthing, since his sisters and father or Arten mainly handled that aspect. Already concerned he stretched out with his mind to locate Bailey should they need her. Part of him was hoping their daughter was ready to greet the world. Just as long as she & Asper were healthy that is all that mattered to him.

"No hungry. It just scared Karina, she's pushing is all. She's... big now, not enough room for her to stretch. I just hope she doesn't push out my ribs or spleen or something." Asper jokes softly before grimancing again as Karin pushed out her little foot against her skin. She certainly did seem much more excited or startled then before. It made Asper worry maybe the baby would come much sooner then Bailey had said, she still had two or three weeks according to Bailey. Asper looked worriedly up at Darryl's face and reached one of her hands out to grab his. She didn't know what was the matter with the baby. Why she kept pushing against Asper like she was.

He placed his hand upon her stomach and felt Karina push, unsure what might wrong. "Perhaps it was the talking or something like that?" he guessed. "Do you want Bailey? She will know better than I what is happening." To calm Asper he would bring the entire family here to help her. Darryl focused his mind and began to pull not only Bailey but food for Asper through space to them.

Asper groans again as the baby shifted inside of her. Her stomach tightened and then her lower abdomen did to. "Bailey... Get Bailey." Asper said shaking her head her hand gripping his tightly and her other holding her stomach. It was painful and the baby was moving and she didn't like it one bit. She had been fine only moments ago with nothing going wrong or anything. Asper kept her breathing even, it was useless panicking and hyperventilating only made things worse, what use was she if she was unconcious.

No sooner had the words left her mouth than Bailey appeared in the room, looking very confused. "How'd I get here...." she stopped and hurried to the bed when she noticed Asper. Casting quickly to get knowledge on her current situation. "Now everyone just try to breath wilst I get a handle on this. And Darryl, I'd appreciate my clothes since I'm in my sleep shirt right this minute."

SHe began to cast and look her over with a healer's eye, then looked up and smiled reassuringly. "Alright children, it is a false Labor, and no there is nothing wrong they just happen. HAve you eaten lately Asper? And Darryl I'd appreciate at least my robe and midwives kit. There mights be something I can give you to take care of this." Amazingly for a dwarf her touch was light and confident.

"Why the fuck are you in your fucking robe? It's the middle of the fucking ow ow ow afternoon. Make it stop hurting!!" Asper groaned grimancing in pain. Her muscles kept tensing and releasing it waves of pain. Still trying hard to breath evenly and not pass out. "We were heading out for Finn's." Asper says between breaths, she actually really appreciated Bailey being calm and taking care of her like this.

Bailey looked at her even as her robe and kit appeared beside her. "Not that is much of your business lilttle miss, but I was late returning from Finn's as well." She pulled out some herbs and a small book, "Darryl some hot water for tea if you please. And Asper you need to breath like me." which she then demonstrated the same breathing she taught the other Ravenwoods. He quickly left and returned with the water still with a look of concern on his face, "Good young man, now please hold Asper's hand and keep her calm."

"Fuck calm make it stop! you said it wouldn't start for two more weeks!" Asper says reaching out and taking Darryl's hand quickly. She dismissed Bailey's breathing and ket her own even and slow deep breaths. She knew how to deal with pain but it scared her to be going through it now and what was a false labor anyways? did it mean the baby was dying?! Asper gripped Darryl's hand with as much strength as she could, her fright and her pain clouding her thoughts.

Bailey mixed the tea and moved up beside her, "I said remain calm you ninny! Here drink this and relax. It is in the front of the abdomin right, it means your body is getting ready for the real contractions later." Wrapping her hand around the cup and lightly touching her stomach. She did decide not to mention much about them being naked currently. "The room looks nice, are you wishing to give birth in here or another room?" she asked trying to calm Asper with her tones.

"I... I don't know. Isn't here best? Is there somewhere else I should?" Asper asked sipping the tea and grimancing. It tasted like leaf juice. She preffured coffee always to tea. She always had. But right now she hurt. It wasn't constant so neither was the pressure with which she held onto Darryl's hand. Reasurred she wasn't birthing quiet yet she was taken back by how much pain there was so suddenly. Drinking the tea quickly though because she hated the taste she tried to relax and continue breathing.

Bailey sat, knowing this would be a good time to calm her and make future plans. "The bed and pillows will be useful to make you comfortable, and the proximity to the fireplace to heat water. Some women prefer a harder surface such as a table, it is up to you. Who will be in attendance, I know you and I and Darryl, but I could use another pair of hands or two. Either of your in-laws, wether father, mother, or sisters."

"Anyone but a man or Alehial. I don't care. As long as she is born safely and the person is useful to you." Asper said shaking her head a few times. She didn't care, nothing would be worse then the birth of her little brother. Even delivering Alehial's youngest child was easy and fast compaired to the birth of her brother. Even though Alehial delivered and Asper had been the only girl to know what to do and was free, birth scared her. After all Alehial had pushed out ten before this last. Which was still amazing to Asper, who in their right mind wanted to go through all that pain so many times! She certainly didn't even want to do it once.

"I think honestly Alehial may be a better choice, Lai doesn't have any healing spells if needed, and Tani may not be able to fit comfortably in here." Bailey was being pragmatic in her remark, her own magic could be exhausted quickly if there was a problem. "Still that is saying she would be willing, if not then Lyriel could be useful." She looked about as she put her robe back on. "And I wouldn't be remiss to remind you both that with time so close, sex is not advisable." she said noting that they both were naked.

"We were bathing. And Lyriel sounds great use her." Asper says before groaning again in pain. She didn't know how the tea was supposed to work as long as it did. But she did wish it would hurry the hell up. Asper was so tired of only reacting to things around her but, there was no other way to live in the world but to react with what was around you. It would help if Alehial Ravenwood wasn't a stick in the arse pragmatic little up tighted nobler-then-thou type either. Gods Asper hated that bloody woman.

"Well, I will forward your request, but I will act in what is best for you and child understand?" After that comment she stumpped around the room for a little bit until the tea took effect. The pain subsided and she could breath with out pain. Darryl got up, "I'll go get you something to eat Asper." He dressed and covered her then hurried to the kitchen.

"Why is it every single time I try to leave any of the houses... I get beaten... kidnapped, mind fucked or go into false labor! Fuck I hate being pregnant." Asper scowls but made herself comfertable on the bed. It was much much better not being in pain anymore, and the baby had calmed down considerably but it didn't mean Asper wasn't worried. She didn't know what a false labor was other then it hurt and wasn't real labor.

Bailey snickered and stared, "And where would your pregnant arse waddle off to? Fancy going to get a steak and a flagon of mead at Finn's while listening to the minstrel? Asper, we don't know each other well, but I know that your husband loves you something fierce. And if'n he had to drill a hole through every mountain to reach you he would." She let her point fall away as Darryl returned with anything Asper might want.

"Yes that is where we were going! And he could to that's sometimes the problem." Asper says before beconing Darryl closer to see what food he had for her. She was hungry and he had food and that was nice besides she didn't want him to far away in case that false labor thing started again. Bailey though it seemed had inherited her aunt's favorite way of seeing things nd blunty knocking people in the head with it. They even spoke the same way, it was no wonder everyone loved them both so much though. Even Asper liked Bailey, and admitted that.

"I brought another apple and some bread, cheese and a bit of chicken. And some normal tea is that ok for her Bailey?" Bailey nodded, "I don't see any trouble with that. Lastly, will you be jumping me back and forth, I'd hate that to happen while I would be in the tub or worse." Darryl looked surprised suddenly, as if he hadn't eve thought about the fact of were Bailey was.

"Ew naked dwarf images." Asper piqued up before grabbing the cheese and bread and nibbling on them both. "I hate tea. Can't I drink anything else?" Asper complains picking up the cup though and taking a small sip. It helped wash down hte dryness of the food she was eating. It was funny though to see tht expression on Darryl's face. She almost wished she had done it, it was cute. Besides Bailey was funny, always amusing Asper to no end. Maybe Asper chould make another dwarf friend or something.

Darryl asked, "How about when the time gets closer, you stay with us a little while Bailey?" He looked at Asper to see if she agreed, it would be far easier if the midwife was down the hall. Bailey looked warily at them, "I'm actually here for my Aunt but, I'm willing to help you as any member of your family." He hoped Asper would say yes, he was really worried about her. "I will however leave some of this tea behind in case the begin again, as well as explain what false labor pains is."

"Aunt Arten can stay with us too. I'm sure she'll be happy for a little scenery change, that way you can take care of both of us pregnant women." Asper says still munching away on the cheese and bread, she was hungry and wanted meat but there was little hope now for food from Finn's. After this she doubted Darryl would even let her leave the house. Which sucked a lot. And was stupid, wasn't walking good for babies or something.

Darryl seemed to read Asper's mind, "So, no trips to Finn's then?" He looked at her almost apologetically. She had her hopes up for going to the tavern, and he felt bad if she wouldn't be able to go. "I could bring you anything you want, I guess." He liked the idea of Arten and Bailey staying with them for a little while.

"It will be up to Arten, and I don't think a tavern would be very healthy. Asper, would you like to give birth in Finn's?" Bailey asked, hoping the answer was no. She would bring this up to Arten and Lai even, before giving them an answer. She took the next couple minutes explaining false labor pains and how to use the tea, until they both understood. "Alright, now if there is no more need for me to remain, Darryl you may send me back to my room."

Asper sighed and relaxed in the bed, no taverns, no walking, no stress and no fighting. This was going to be the worst two or three weeks of Aspers short life. She couldn't read without the glasses and even then unless she needed information from the book it was useless to read or so she thought. She was not going to sew or any of that lady crap because Darryl had enough money to hire people for that. Though slaves would be cheaper she had a feeling that Darryl would really dissaprove of that suggestion. She would be bored to tears and pulling out her hair. She could only care for her weapons for so long before it was bad for them after all.

Bailey knew that noise, "Isn't there any garden area for you to enjoy or anything you'd wish to learn? Most mothers that I have seen like to knit or sew, or there is a long list of activities to do. Is the nursery ready or similar things for the baby?" Asper was going to be antsy in the waning weeks of her pregnancy. "Well Darryl, I believe you should return me so that I can ask Arten if she is willing to visit."

"I'm a thief Bailey. I steal and stab people in the back. No there is nothing for me to do. Darryl has the nursery all set up and prepaired besides what do I know about gardens. Bunch of plants to stupid things." Asper grumbles folding her arms above her stomach and below her breasts. She hated all of this, waiting and not knowing just waiting for hours and hours of pain before a squealing weak and helpless creature was thrust at her for her to feed from her aching inflated breast.

"Maybe then you should take this time to expand your mind and horizons. Be more than a thief, is that all you ever wanted to be, Asper Ravenwood, thief. Good thing you weren't a serving girl, here lies Asper, serving girl." Bailey thought it odd the girl had no ambition, goals, or dreams. Life would be so boring without something to do when you weren't being an adventurer.

"I've never been viewed as a person before meeting Darryl might I remind you. Most of the world still doesn't consider me a person because of my birthright. Being a theif is what was neccesary to keep me and my brother alive Bailey, maybe I haven't adjusted even after a year and a half of living in a house like a caged rat." Asper scowled deeper, at Bailey's attitude. "I never expected to be more then a corpse in a ditch, I didn't have a loving Aunt or father or mother. No one to teach me to wield an axe or live by the divinity of a figure made to relieve people's fears." Asper said growling out at Bailey, fighting for Asper was a hobby or so it seemed at least. Because she loved to instigate.

"Why would you compare yourself to a rat, Asper?" Bailey asked raising an eyebrow. "Have you any interests whatsoever? Cooking, Writing, Poetry ro Prose, almost anything." Something in how she talked about herself made Bailey concerned. "Alright Darryl, time to send me back to the estate and I'll let you know what is decided. And I will make it a point to come and keep an eye on you Asper."

"Because they are dingy and dark colored and sneak around stealing food? Seems pretty similar to me. Right cause I need checking on. Send her back Darryl she doesn't want to be here anymore." Asper said disregarding the interest comment, she wouldn't like the answer of picking locks caring for her daggers and getting the best equipment to protect her body with. It wasn't something a mother should think of obviously.

Darryl thanked Bailey again before sending her back to the estate. "Asper, is there anything you would like to learn?" He looked at her, hoping she might give him an idea of anything that interested her. Sitting back on bed he gently took her hand, and smiling at her. If she showed any interest in something he would help her pursue it.

"Better locks. I'm getting rusty I just know it... I mean I picked every door in your parent's palace I could find but... They were easy... I wanted to talk to Lyle about better locks... and about a few other things. But I guess I'm under house arrest now huh?" Asper said with a sigh, leaning back against the pillows and closing her eyes. She was tired of this, of not being allowed to do anything. Of being cooped up in houses and told to rest at all times.

Darryl thought about it, "I suppose I could hop us back here if you started a false labor again." He didn't want to make her stay here, but as long as he was with her, it shouldn't be to bad. "We may not go tonight, due to all the stress you had today. But, perhaps tomorrow evening we could stop by for a little bit." She wanted him to be more assertive, and this was a good place to begin that.

"Wha? Really?! We will?! Do you mean it?" Asper said opening her eyes quickly and smiling up at Darryl. She didn't want to be stuck in this house all the time, not that it wasn't a nice house it... was just above her station... above what she deserved was all. Still smiling Asper brought Darryl's hand to her face and gently rubber her cheek against his palm. His hands were so different from every other man's. He had never... hurt her with these hands before. Just with his powers. It was his powers she feared but never his hands at all.

Darryl knew she thought it sappy, but his eyes adored her pressing his hand to her cheek. She was beautiful and wild to him, and sometimes she wasn't strong and she needed him. "As long as you feel up to it, we will go." he said with a smile. Their relationship was unique, but he liked that about them. Not being normal wasn't ever bad and he would instill that in their daughter.

"Yes okay." Asper said softly closing her eyes, just feeling his skin against hers. A nobleman's hands. What plans did he have wanting to use her for? When would he dump her back on the streets he had picked her up from? When would he tire of how difficult she was and made him? It was all a matter of time. Before he left her in the gutter. "I'm tired Darryl..." she says softly slowly opening her eyes to look up at him from beneath her eyelashes.

He leaned over and kissed her cheek, "Then sleep Asper, I'll be right here in case you need me." Darryl had lain close, but far enough that he didn't crowd her. Leaving his hand in hers, "I know you find it silly Asper, but I love you." In a few weeks their daughter would arrive and then life could be normal again for the both of them. "Would you like me to get something for dinner, I'll get anything you want."

"Fish... I want fish." Asper says softly before letting go of his hand and turning a little on her side somewhat to ease the weight of the baby inside of her. Settling down she closed her eyes and was asleep within only moment. She had to admit... it was nice hearing lies sometimes. Even if she knew them to be lies. It was still okay because Darryl wouldn't hurt the baby... she was more important then Asper was.

Once she was asleep, Darryl felt it was time to do what he had been thinking. Placing a crystal beside the bed, he began to concentrate on it imbuing it to act as an extension of his senses. Then he could take care of dinner without worrying that she may get sick or the baby coming. Quickly, he teleported to the estates cook and ask what would be a very good fish and how to prepare it. Then he obtained said fish and everything else, then returned to begin cooking for them. He finished just about the time his sense told him she was waking.

"After all this and you still sit on my bladder." Asper grumbles unhappily rubbing her eyes. Pushing herself up and slowly making her way to the privy. Once finished she rinsed her hands and yawned stretching out her arms. The nap made her feel better but waking up alone was strange, it was happening more often but still was strange to her. So pulling on a robe to cover her nude form she headed in the direction of the cooking smells. All the way back to the kitchen, though the stairs really slowed her down.

The fish was baking nicely with a little lemon and butter, the other vegetables were steaming. Darryl was cooking some rice as the cook had told him. He also had rolls baking and his special desert for her, the meal was hopefully going to boost her spirits a little. And it was the least he could do after what she had done earlier. He looked up and realized he had not lit the candles on the table, and she was coming down the steps, he lit them with his mind.

"Darryl?" Asper calls softly hand on the rail as she went down the last few steps to the bottem. Once there she took a minute to get her breath back, she needed it. After getting her breath back she walked towards the kitchen. She could see just fine with the little light she had but she had to get used to the bright light in the kitchen where Darryl was cooking. It was strange, Asper knew how to cook but not well, and it was odd seeing him cooking and knowing what he was doing on top of that even. Like a housewife or something. Asper laughed softly.

He looked up and smiled, then came to escort her to a comfortable seat. "I hope you like the fish, it's served on rice with some vegetables. And other than rolls I have something sweet and good for desert for you." Darryl noticed she had laughed wen he first looked up. Her smile was dazzling sometimes, he just wished he saw it more often.

"Thank you and uh... I didn't think you knew how to do all of this? Also Where did you get the fish? did you go and get it yourself? Please tell me you didn't." Asper said looking up at Darryl from her seat. She was ready to be pissed if he had gone to a stream or something and gotten the fish. How he learned to cook it she didn't really care, how he cooked it she didn't really care either. What it tasted like she didn't mind, as long as it tasted like something.

"Father thought it was a good idea we all learn practical things, so he taught us all how to be decent cooks. And it is local fish so all I had to do was walk to the market." he smiled. "The rest of it I bought from the families warehouse. Have you ever had pears? I poached them and with some advice drizzled them with a carmel sauce." Darryl hoped that everything would be good and she'd like them.

"You have a very interesting father... and yes it sounds... really good, really really good. Are you going to sit with me then? Or have you have to prepare the presentation or something." Asper asks actually looking forward to all the food Darryl was telling her about. She wanted to taste it now to see how good of a cook he really was or could be. She was hungry and he looked silly in that apron.

He untied the apron and placed the fish, rice and vegetables in front of her. "Now, no dessert unless you eat your vegetables." he smiled at her as he repeated his parents from long ago. In truth he always thought that a silly thing to say. Of course you'd eat the vegetables, or else you'd jump downstairs and get it later. "I'm kidding actually, you can always have your dessert whenever you like." he stated as he sat beside her.

"I wouldn't ever refuse any food Darryl. I don't know if I'll ever get to eat again." Asper said fighting to keep her face neutral, sometimes he really stepped into things and she right now after this week didn't wan to deal with more shit and bullshit and fucking ignorance the nobility had. She just wanted to eat, and enjoy her time with him but he seemed to make it impossible. The joke's that a person made... were not that funny when you lived on the streets and mostly ate moldy or old left overs stolen to feed oneself then using the little amount of money you had to feed your baby brother. She waited until he was seated before she began to ate. He always said a prayer before eating but seeing as she didn't beleive the gods exsisted or rather she thought they were assholes who played with lives that she wanted nothing to do with, she didn't.

Darryl noticed that she didn't pray, and he didn't mind that she didn't. MOther and Father insisted that everyone should be free to decide faith for themselves. Sometimes he'd see annoyance when he would say something, Asper had taken offence to something he said. Cutting his fish with his fork and taking a bite, he savored the taste. "Well, how is it, I hope it wasn't too heavy on spices?" he asked her.

"It's good... surprisingly so!" Asper says soflty, deffinetly shocked at how good of a cook he actually was. It was a little heavy on spices but then... she thought most things overspiced since she had never had spices on food before coming to Andor. She still wasn't used to the clean and earthy taste spices gave everything though.She did however not eat the skin he had left on one side. She didn't like it. The meat of the fish was good though, and so was the other things he had prepared though she left the pears for last. Asper still very much ate everything given to her to eat, as if it was the truth when she said she didn't know if she'd ever be able to eat food like it again. Like she beleived the words she said. Though she learned not to eat certain foods while pregnant, like sugar. Though she was able to eat some and feel nothing which was great because she loved sugar.

Darryl smiled at her compliment, "Thank you." The fact she liked it made it worthwhile to do. And he took extra care to make sure the dessert had only as much sugar as needed & wouldn't make her sick. Outside the skies darkened and a light rain began to fall. "The stairs weren't too much of a pain for you were they? I know that there are less than at the estate, but I could try to figure something out to make it a little easier."

"No they were fine, I refuse to be carried or carted up and down even that little amount of stair's. I don't care what Bailey says I'm still walking around. I am not going to be confined to the bed for the next three weeks!" Asper said with an angry glare at Darryl. If he even thought about trapping her even in one room of the house after she had already been confined to not leaving the house, she would be seriously pissed off. She would call for his father to help her then stay with him and be forced to suffer entrapt in the house and in the room, to the bed. Not allowed to do anything for herself, not even allowed to walk in her supposed home.

He was in mid-bite when she began her rant about him confining her to bed or one room. "I meant I could figure out a way to change them to ramps instead, I would never keep you from moving about. Just try to make it easier for you." he said quietly. He stood and went to refill his glass and motioned if she would like more as well. Did she really consider herself a prisoner here, this was what she wanted he used almost all of her desired ideas to make the house.

"...Oh..." Asper said and blushed brightly, the blood filling her veins making her cheek's purple, like angry bruises covering her entire cheeks. She had thought he was... working with Bailey and wanting to confine her as Bailey said she should rest as much as possible. Now she felt stupid for ranting on like that and making a fool of herself. She shook her head that no she didn't want more, she had barely drank any of her own glass yet. She was glad they had a house... That he had made a house for her. But it didn't feel like her house. It felt like a noble house, and she was certainly not noble.

He saw the blush and realized that she had misunderstood his earlier words. Instead of saying anything else he smiled at her before coming back to the table. However he took her hand and kissed it, "Thank you for you compliment on my cooking, perhaps tomorrow night we could cook dinner together?" A thought that perhaps if they made their home less like mother and father's things might be easier. Things already felt a little better here and it was a good direction to move in.

"My cooking is... uh... not exactly... like yours though." Asper said softly in return. In fact she only knew how to cook bland plain food. The simplest of things, searing meat, porridge and thin soup. It was about the extent of what she knew. She could make bread but it was hard and flat. Jake was a better cook then she was, because everytime she had the coin for it she paid for him to have a lesson and he got to choose. She went without and simply stole what she needed unless she had to use coin. There were worlds of differences between Darryl and herself. As much as she tried to rise she wasn't comfertable, and as much as he did things for her and lowered himself to her standards... the worse she felt of shackling him to a world far beneath him.

"Well, not all Ravenwoods can cook, but if we never try we never get better. I bet together we can cook a meal fit for anyone." he said with a little enthusiasm. If they had some fun cooking together it may lighten her mood. "Besides, we will have to go to the market to get supplies and maybe Finn's for lunch?" He raised his eyebrows in attempt to look like he was tempting her to be bad.

"Well... If you insist on it I suppose I can't say no to my husband now can I?" Asper says with a devious little smile. His tempting was too much, he was offering her a way out of the houses and to be protected from anything, including Bailey's over protectiveness. smiling brightly she felt the blush lesson on her cheeks and was glad for it. She hated blushing, always looked like most human's bruises. It was ugly.

"Only if I'm out of line, or don't listen to your point of view." he continued to smile. Never did he expect her to obey without question, that would suppress the woman that he loved. "Are you finished? I'll take your plate if you are." he offered. Dishes were a job everyone hated, but if you had to so be it. They would have to discuss what dinner would be, and then discuss who they would buy the food from.

"No... you cooked I'll clean. Its how Jake and I always did things. you did so much work already there is no need for you to clean it all up too." Asper said standing up and picking up her own plate. Carrying it to the other room she set it in the sink and returned to get the rest. It was the Venirian way for the woman to follow what her husband said unquestionaby. If she questioned she would be beaten or worse. Depending on her husband of course. Asper still very much followed the way of life she had been beaten into. One year and some odd months in Andor wouldn't change that easily or quickly at all.

"Can I help you clean, perhaps you wash and I'll dry?" he offered. Otherwise he was going to see about activities for the evening. "Asper do you know any card games? Like the one I saw at your friend's place in Venir." He didn't feel like chess, it sometimes was too stressful to plot and scheme to relax.

"Of course I do. I'm rather good at them too. Though I only know Venirian and a few Ophirian, I have not learned Andorian cards and Tessians are hated by those in Venir. So no Tessian anything was ever known. Let's see... there's the King and Slave, Mine, there's also a good fun game called village whore you can play with cards. There's Labors, and poor man's house." Asper names them all off, nodding her head to let him dry what she washed. Most of them were gambling game's, one of them was simply for fun, a gentlemen's game if you would, and the village whore was a sort of strip gambling game. Where for each hand you lost, you took off some clothes. She had played them all and was profficient in cheating with them all as well.

"Well, you pick the game and I'd love to learn." he told her. He dried all of them and returned them to there proper place. She seemed really happy and knowledgeable about them. And Darryl was intrigued by there names, "So where did some of the names come from?" He then proceeded to dump the garabage into a bucket, to be added to the compost pile at the estate.

"I don't know, they were named long before I arrived. The village whore is a strip game. If you love you take off clothes. I've used that tactic to drug men and take their money before. King and Slave, the winner is the king and the one with the lowest points in the game is the slave it's a four to six person playing game. Mine is another gambling game, there's a board you lay down gold on, betting on what the winning cards will be. Labors is a slave game, the winner gives one of his chores to the loser to do. The poor man's house is just a game that you can play with or without money on it." Asper continues explaining each of the games to Darryl, as she washed the dishes she remembered with fondness using each game to win coin and kill different men. She remembered her friend teaching her all the games when she was young and teaching her how to best cheat at each game.

"SO, which one would you like to teach me? At least until you get bored or sleepy." He thought about when Elsa used to make up the games, and how everyone quit playing with him before he learned to control his ability to read minds. "I haven't played in a while, before I got control I used to know what everyone had. Even though I didn't mean it, it made the others cross." He reached over and finished his drink then set the glass aside incase he wanted more.

"Suppose that means I shouldn't cheat cause you'll just run back into my head again hm?" Asper says finishing her own glass and washing it. It was healthier to drink water or juice or something other then watered down wine. As much as she really didn't want to, she knew it was healthier for the baby. Jake had been sick as a baby, she had stolen enough to get him well, but when he got sick he really got sick still. She didn't want her child to be like that. She couldn't afford her child to be weak like that. "I suppose the poor man's house would be easiest." She said dropping the issue of how much he slipped into her head or her emotions or whatever.

"Ok, maybe after the baby comes you can teach me Village Whore." he said with a slightly mischevious smile. Taking the glass from her he dried it and put it away as well. He looked about to see if anything else remained to be cleaned. All in all the kitchen was spotless, only the bucket of inedibles remained to be delivered to the estate. "Shall we go play?" he offered her his hand and a smile.

"We don't have any real deck of cards. Andorian cards are different, no one has Venirian cards here. I've looked, I haven't even seen any Venirian peoples here other then me." Asper says softly taking his drying towel and quickly drying her hand before taking his. If there weren't any proper cards to play with then they couldn't. "Why don't you teach me a card game of Andor?" she asks softly, if he was curious then she wanted to be too.

"Well, I can show you Go, Sail or Mead, There is one that they also play for clothes, but I never tried it. I'll see if I can't get a deck or two for the next time." They went into the sitting room and he opened the cabinet holding the chess and checker board and cards. He turned around and smiled at her again before dragging a low table over so she could sit comfortably on the sofa. Then he got up and lit the fire so they could see what they were doing.

"What are go, sail, or mead? I thought mead was a drink?" Asper asks curiously, she yawned suddenly and blinked a few times. She wasn't really tired tired but her stomach was full of warm good food and after everything that had happened today she was a little out of it anyways. Half lounging on the little sofa she was on she wondered what they would play. It was interesting because in all the time she had been there Darryl had never really shown her much of the small things that made Andor so different or made Andor... Andor.

"Well, we deal the cards and you ask me if I have, like any 3's. If I don't I say "Go, Sail" and you pick up a card, first one out wins. And Mead we deal the cards and you play in groups of 3 or runs of 4 and discard, first one out of cards wins." He smiled at her to see if there was any interest in playing them. The fire felt wonderful and it kept the room warm and bathed it in soft light.

"Go sail huh? Well let's give it a go then huh? Before I get so bored that I fall asleep." Asper says with a smile, though she really didn't get it, he wasn't that great with explanations she was finding. Or had found really. She was curious how the game was played though, in Venir there were no childrens games of card games. Children worked were slaves or were theives. If you grew up and were good enough you could get hired as a spy or assassin. So she had learned adult games and carried on learning skills above her age and from men older then she.

For the next hour they played Go, Sail and talked a little. "So, what time would you like to get up so we can go shoping and have lunch at FInn's?" he asked. When she got her fill of the game he put the table and cards away. Then he returned to sit beside her, watching the fire and just enjoying her company. After a little while he yawned and looked to see if she was ready for bed or was going to stay up.

"I always wake up after breakfast and just before Lunch. Let's go to bed. I'll stay up a little but stay in bed I promise." Asper says softly rising to her feet slowly. She hated how awekward she was at doing evertything now. Even standing up was hard. She held onto the sofa edge to keep her unsteady balance but was actually very tired now. Bed sounded like a really good thing to her right now. The warm soft covers, the arms around her and the heartbeat against her back.

He waited for her, but made sure the fire was low enough that it couldn't catch the house ablaze. And when she was ready the headed to the bedroom he took his time using the chamber pot before changing clothes. "May I take your robe, while you get settled?" he asked. It wasn't easy for him to see her in the dark room. So, he quickly changed his vision to allow for seeing in the dark.

"Yeah and help me to the pot to. The bigger she gets the less space my bladder has." Asper syas taking off her robe and putting it in his hands. She then noted his glowing eyes and knew he was using his powers to see. She always forgot he was still human despite those powers. What was normal for her was not for him. There was so much light in the room though she wondered why he had trouble seeing. It had to be close to a full moon by now at least. She wondered breifly what her daughter would look like... grey like her or tan and pink like her father. She would be blonde that much was assured, but her eyes... perhaps would be something else.

He helped her as best he could and then helped her settle into bed. He climbed in behind her and kissed her neck. "Good night Asper, sleep tight." as he brought his hand around to settle on her stomach. It had been an interesting night, she pleasured him and the had a little scare. But, now they seemed comfortable and perhaps ready for the next challenge.

Asper lay down and once she was comfertable she actually did fall asleep rather quickly. The first time in a very long time that she slept most of the night away. It meant she would wake up a little early maybe but she was tired as it was and sleep came easily to her. With his arm around her and his heartbeat strong against her back. His hand soothing the baby inside of her, she was asleep within only minutes. She did wish just before dropping off into sleep that tomorrow would go a lot smoother.

Darryl woke up a little earlier than normal, something or someone was thinking or calling him. Once he focused he realized it was Garndma Lai, she was wanting to know how everything was. He thanked her for her concern and that everything seemed to be going well. "I'm going to get up soon and when she gets up we are going to have breakfast and decide what to do next. If you guys need me just call, otherwise I'll try to find time to pop in."

Asper woke as soon as Darryl spoke out loud. She simply opened her eyes and once assuring herself it was Darryl speaking to someone not in the room closed them again to at least rest a little bit. She was looking forward to going out to the market and going to Finn's, it was something she had been wanting to do for a little while now. It was only a few more moments before Asper fell asleep again, still calm and relaxed she just drifted off and fell back into sleep.

He settled back down beside her, even though he was awake he didn't want to leave her. Darryl instead focused for a second to see how the weather outside was, still a little cold from yesterday's rain. But, everything seemed to be fine for the trip to the market and Finn's. He also checked on everyone this morning, having done it for years as a force of habit. And with out really meaning to he fell asleep again.

The next time Asper woke Darryl was asleep on the bed and she really had to pee. The baby was moving around almost restlessly and was pushing hard against her bladder. "Darryl get up! Let go!" Asper groans pushing at his arm wrapped around her upper midsection, just beneath her breasts. "Fuck gonna piss myself if you don't move!" She warns, she was never happy in the mornings, the sun was too bright, the day too long and she had to pee like a race horse.

He woke up and released her, not quite uderstanding what she said at first. "Did I fall back asleep?" he asked groggily. He sat up and looked toward the window to see what it looked like outside. It was well past breakfast and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. "Well, it looks nice for our trip to the market." he said as she went behind the screen.

Asper finishes and rinses her hands in the water basin behind the screen as well. She walked around it rubbing her eyes, her other hand resting on top of her stomach. "too damn bright outside." She mumbles unhappily sheilding her eyes from the blaring sunlight coming in through the uncovered windows. It hurt her eyes to be exposed so quickly to such bright light. She fumbled a little until she reached the bed again and sat down on the end of it. Yawning softly and lightly stroking her distended belly.

Darryl looked at the window again and realized her forgot to get a curtain. "I think we need to get some while in the market today, would you prefer any particular color?" he asked. He hoped she would pick, because he wasn't sure what color would look right. "While I'm thinking about it, what would you like for us to make for dinner?" Getting up he opened the wardrobe and began looking for what he would wear.

"Anything dark I don't care, just thick enough to blosk out most of the sunlight. I don't know what I want for dinner. I'll figure it out when we get there." Asper says getting up and going to the other basin to wash her face and neck. Once clean and refreshed for the morning she too went to the wardrobe and scowled. "I'm so heavily pregnant I'll look obscene in any clothes!" She realized suddenly, she would look like a pregnant sow covered in clothe walking around. The entire image didn't sit well in Aspers head and she suddenly had a bad feeling about going out into the market.

"You won't look obscene, Why not that one?" he asked pointing to a light colored number. She was beautiful in anything and he wanted to be supprotive. He agreed that they would have to decide dinner while they were in the market. He felt she was always too hard on herself, believing what Lash and her mother said. "Dark and thick curtains, well that should be easy."

"But I'm huge! It'll be like draping a cow with a tableclothe! No... No I'm not going out!" ASper says frowning heavily before turning away and closing the doors. She stomped back to the bed and laid down on it carefully. She didn't want to go out and have people stare at the pregnant half drow. She didn't want the looks and the stares. Andorian women were all housebound while pregnant, especially in the last months, they were rarely allowed to leave their homes. Asper didn't know why but she thought it was shameful to be seen while one's stomach was bulging out in such an odd and ugly way. That had to be the answer and She didn't want to be stared at and glared and shunned and hated.

Darryl laid down facing her and touched her face, "Asper, you are not huge and there is nothing remotely cowish about you. And you wanted to go to Finn's so much yesterday, this might be the last chance before she comes." He found it more odd and frusterating when she declared she was ugly or huge. While she wasn't like the girls from court, he loved that about her. They had shunned him because he was different and most of them would wet themselves had they seen what Asper did.

Asper closed her eyes when he touched her face so tenderly. He just didn't get it... She couldn't walk right anymore... she was constantly bumping into things with her stomach... she was clumsy and dropping things all the time out of her hands. She couldn't bend down, getting up from the chairs and couched were getting harder and harder. Her skin color would be whispered about and her pregnancy so blatantly shown would be spoken of. she didn't want to be a spectacle like a circus freak or some kind of filthy animal.

Darryl kissed her and touched the back of her neck. It was the only way he could think of to show her she was wrong. "Asper, if you want to stay home it is ok. But, you are the mother of our little girl and the only woman I'll ever love. And if you want to go anywhere, than I want to go there with you."

"I don't want to be hated any more." Asper says softly as hot tears spilled from her closed eyes. She pushed her forehead against his and for once told him exactly what was bothering her so much. Once the first few tears left she couldn't really hold them back and after a shuddering breath more tears rolled down her skin and she burried her face into his neck, she shuddered a little as she fought not to sob, she didn't want to appear this weak to anyone. For so long she had to be strong that she didn't know how to be weak. Not like wives in Andor were supposed to be and she couldn't help but feel she was always messing everything up and they hated her all the more for it. Everyone even the ravenwoods did.

Her tears broke his heart, "Asper no one hates you, they just don't understand you." He kissed her cheek again and gently wiped away her tears. "Just let them try to get to learn how to love you too. And you don't need to worry, no matter what I'm going to love you." He hoped his words comforted her, silently he prayed they would.

"You are such a child." Asper sniffles trying to stop the tears. She deffinetly hated being pregnant. Everything was stupid and she cried and got mad and was stupid! "You don't get it at all... you're mother will always dislike me... I'm an abomination, a crossing between two species that should never be crossed. Just take me out... Take me to the market and don't leave my side for anything okay?" Asper says still not looking at him keeping her head in the crook of his neck. She didn't want to look up until she wasn't crying anymore. He had such a naive way of thinking how the world worked. Unfortunately it wasn't the truth.

"Maybe, but I think you and her could find comon gound if you were willing to try. And no one, had better ever refer to you as an abomination." He would not stand for anyone calling her that, she was his lover and wife and he would defend her physically and emotionally. He kissed her neck and continued to stroke her face and neck. Knowing what she was afraid of, he wanted to find a way to remove it.

Asper took comfort from him and let him sooth her fears for a little. as long as he didn't use his powers she was fine but... it still frightened her a little the idea of what he had done. She didn't want to stay cooped up and he was right this might be the only day she could go out until after the baby was born. "Help me get dressed." she commands softly waiting for him to get up to help her get up too. The way she had lain on the bed she needed help getting out. Having lain in the middle, it would be really hard for her to get off again.

"Yes my love." he said stealing one last kiss. He stood and went around to help her get up. Then he went and got the clothes he had pointed out and brought them to her.  He also gathered up everything else she needed and brought it all to her. Darryl had a couple ideas of places to go so he could get her a good dinner.

Once Asper was dressed she sighed and made sure to not look in the mirror at all. she was sure it wouldn't be good at all and it owuld make her not want to go out again. She was completely ready to go and she still didn't want to see the stares and glares. Putting on a hat to sheild her from the sunlight, she offered her hand to Darryl, she didn't want to do this alone. If Jake had been there she would have wrapped her arms around his and made him walk beside her. Or rather held his hand and acted like it didn't matter. For Jake she would illusion she was the bravest person on the planet. Even though it was a lie and most things scared the crap out of her.

He smiled and they left the house, after going down the staire and out the door. The walk to the market was brief and most everyone hurried about the market stalls. When they stopped to buy some vegetables, Asper felt a little tug at her sleve. A little girl who stood between Asper and her mother was looking up offering a flower, "Here for you miss." Her mother looked down then over at Asper and smiled, "If I may miss how far along are you, she loves giving presents to mothers to be and is rarely wrong."

"Uh... I don't.... mmm e-eleven months? I was told anywhere between two to three weeks from now... is when it would happen." Asper said softly taking the flower, the entire time she had kept ehr head down and the hat covering as much of her face as possible. Her hands she let the sleves of the gown cover as much as she could too. She tightened her hold on Darryl's hand not even letting him go to barter for their food which he insisted on doing. so with his hand in her and the flower in her other she nervously tried to not let them see too much of her skin or hair or eyes. Nothing about her was natural, looking at the Andorian people it was so much of an obvious difference.

The little girl could see her eyes though, "Mummy she has pretty eyes, can I have eyes like hers?" Her mother smiled again, but it was short lived the merchant she was purchasing from gruffly said, "six silver." "Um, pardon sir I only have four silver and seven copper, could you allow me to bring the rest tomorrow?" "No, I've been burned by people vowing to bring me money before." he began to unpack their groceries. The little girl frowned and took her mothers hand, "Is ok Mummy, we can go to the church, maybe they help us."

Asper Sighed softly and adjusted her clothes to continue to cover her skin. It was cold even wrapped up in a thick dress and with her heavy wrap around herself she felt a little chilly. She just wanted Darryl to finish so they could move on. Already she had been noticed and she didn't care for it. Besides Darryl had all the money so there wasn't much she could do but stand and wait for him to finish bartering. Or whatever he was doing.

Darryl heard the exchange as he counted out the money for their purchases. "Excuse me miss, have you been to the Ravenwood stalls? For three silver you can buy the same amount, and they will arrange credit for you." She seemed rather shocked but nodded and smiled at them, "May the gods bless you and your baby." Then hurried away towards the Ravenwood warehouses. He looked at Asper, "I believe we have everything, on to Finn's?"

"Yes... Let's- Jake?!" Asper suddenly stopped, her face looking startled and quickly covered with worry and confusion. She reached out and grabbed Darryl's arm to help her balance as she was caught off guard. She looked up at Darryl her Lilac eyes showing deep concern at having heard his voice in her head. She didn't understand how she could hear him or what was happening either, it was scary and it concerned Jake which meant it got all of her attention immediatly.

Darryl closed his eyes and reached back along the path of magic. "He is Grandmother Sirrus, she is using a missive spell to allow him to communicate with you." He smiled, holding on to her and moving to a small alley where they weren't very noticiable. "Tell him I say hello and look forward to seeing him. And we'll wait a little bit until the spell fades to head to Finn's." Then he simply waited to let her speak with her brother in peace.

Asper relaxed her grip on his arm and concentrated hard on thinking and not speaking out whatever it was she was telling Jake. Calm but for the concentration now, the worry was gone replaced by a sad look of longing. She leaned against Darryl and spoke to Jake in her mind through the spell, she hugged Darryl's arm a little and didn't let go, she missed being able to Hug Jake, she missed Jake. But there had nothing much to talk about, he was wanting to join the church and Asper was everything the church opposed really. They would grow further apart and then he would try to make her beleive and follow his god's chosen path. They all tried that. She didn't want Jake to be like that but she wasn't going to stop him or try and change his mind. It was his mind and not hers. She had no right to tell him how to live when She still didn't know what she was doing herself.

WHile she was busy, Darryl tapped into his powers to send the groceries home. He knew thw amount of time she could speak to Jake was limited, and didn't want to bother her. Wrapping his arm about her, so anyone passing by might think it was a couple just taking a moment to rest. Only a great fool would imagine that she missed him and he probably did too. He was unsure if she told him about the room, or how much of the house was ready.

Asper was still concentrating on Jake, the look of contentment crossed her face and then worry once again showed across her features. she continued to hold onto Darryl. Her grip simply shifting when he moved them around a little, she also closed her eyes and leaning her face against Darryl's chest, it helped her concentrate harder and focus more on thinking back the reply's. She had no idea how long she had to speak with Jake but she hoped it was at least a few more minutes. She had missed him a lot and hoped once he returned they would spend time together, or he would at least visit her since this would be her last trip outside of the house.

He stood patient and quiet, her chance to speak with Jake was very important. Darryl liked finding out what mattered so much to Asper, and while she said nothing mattered. It was things like this and her being upset earlier that showed she was vunerable. Looking up Darryl wondered if it was going to start to rain again. If it did he would take them home using his powers, Asper did not need to get chilled and sick in her condition.

Opening her eyes Asper blinked a few times and picking up her head from where it laid against his chest she looked up at his face, even though she squinted a bit to do so. After having her eyes closed and her face against his chest under the hat her eyes had to re-adjust. "He's gone... He said, that he'd like to visit and wondered if the house was completed. He wants to be what Lucas is..." Asper fills Darryl in, it wasn't all of what they said but the important bits certainly. She hugged Darryl then, because she couldn't hug Jake and she missed him. "let's go to Finn's and get food." She said softly pulling away from the embrace and putting on the wary and slightly longing look on her face, replacing the worry and concern that had been there.

"Of course he can visit and stay with us whenever you and he want to. I think he'd be a good Palidan or even swordsman, or anything he wants to be." He squeezed her gently and escorted her through the streets to Finn's. The place had not changed over the years, Lyle kept it the same and therefore the old customers brought their families and friends. He looked up from one of he conversations to see them, "Finally, I was begining to wonder when in the hells a Ravenwood couple would be stopping by!"

"You almost got lucky last night. We had to change plans." Asper said making the insinuation something sultry or naughty. Even if she was huge with child and looked like a tent, she knew the smile and the tone to use. She was nothing if not a good talker, though that was often all she was. Not that anyone would know it here though. She kept a tight hold of Darryl's arm and was waiting for him to lead her to a seat somewhere. She was tired of walking and her feet had gotten swollen, and it was cumbersome moving around as pregnant as she was.

Darryl spotted a table with a comfortable looking seat and pointed them in that direction. And Lyle motioned to one of his best serving girls, to hurry to take their orders. "Miss Asper, you should be careful coming out so close to your baby being born." She however smiled sweetly and prepared to get them whatever they wanted. Over at the bar Lyle was finishing a couple conversations, so he could come over to talk to them.

"Bullshit! With Darryl as my husband I can do what I like when I want to. Besides we had to make sure Lyle wasn't stealing gold from his customers pockets." Asper grinned as she said it, sitting down and getting comfertable, meaning putting her feet up on the other table across from her own, Darryl would sit beside her anyways and her feet were swollen and sore from walking more then she was used to.

"Hey now, this isn't your house! Who told you that was a footstool!" Lyle mockingly bellowed. He pulled up a chair and had a seat having brought along his mug. "And I never steal from customers, I have however had to have security relieve a couple to pay for damages." Antonia the serving girl waited for them to decide what sounded good. As was a newly acquired habit she was playing with Lyle's hair and rubbing his neck.

"I said it was one.... Honey you could do better." Asper said softly with a devious smile and a wink to the girl petting Lyle's hair and neck. It was so nice to banter back and forth like this. To tease someone who understood her crass manner of teasing. She did stroke her stomach gently though, the baby had moved a little violently inside of her as the noise they had walked in to must have startled her. It had made Asper jump too but she hid it well. Lyle's bellowing also made the baby flinch and so Asper was trying to sooth and comfort her. "Red Wine, the best and... whatever your chicken meal is I can't remember." Asper said ordering, she knew Darryl was going to have it watered down anyways so she wanted it to be of high quality.

Antonia smiled after Darryl ordered the same and added water for Asper's wine. SHe went to go and turn in the order and leave them to their discussion. "And no Asper I will not allow you to set up a nursery in my bar later." he smirked knowing why they had come here. He had always noted that Asper and Alehial shared some characteristics, it was probably what attracted Darryl. "So, what is new from the land of Ravenwood?" he asked casually.

"I can have wine again! sugar hasn't made me sick either. I'm due in about three weeks. got trapped in my head by a man like Darryl then got saved and now have an apparently safe head. Altair and Alehial went to get the kids from Sildea, OH! the house is finished too! We moved in. By the way I need some locks. Anything you suggest?" Asper listed things off casually, really excited about the sugar and wine and then excited about the house. She ignored the nursery comment, she wouldn't bring a small child in here ever. Though six and up was fine. Anything five and under was not.

"A safe head? Can I get that in writing?" he said breaking into a smile. Antonia brought back the wines and water as well as an empty glass, and curtseied. "Your meals will be ready soon, and Lyle the bard is asking for a five drink advance before he plays again. He sighed and held up two fingers, meaning that was the extent he would go. "I think I might need new talent soon, the man is drunk more then sober."

"why not just go to the Bard school and let them use your place as a real live stage for their students who are close to finishing practice on for experience before they set out and journey. Besides my head is safe squirt, always. Just not until you know some psions tried to invade it." Asper said with a shrug, when the baby continued to move uneasily inside of her she grabbed darryl's hand and moved it up and down as she had been soothingly stroking it. She just hoped he got the message and felt Karina moving around inside of her, and would help her sooth the baby a little. She always calmed down for his hands.

That brought a lot of fond looks from women around the tavern. "I see you two are solidly together, its nice to see." Lyle commented. Darryl rubbed her stomach lightly and felt Karina become calm again. He reached up and poured wine in the glass and added a little water. Smiling he moved the mixture closer to Asper.

"We'd be a lot more together if I weren't a fucking boat. And a lot more fucking often too dammit." Asper scowled at the glass of watered down wine but picked it up and sipped it anyways. Asper had let go as soon as he had begun though, Karina always calmed down easily to her father's touch. Asper thought it was a Psion thing actually. Asper wanted to talk to Lyle privatly but she realized Darryl wouldn't leave her side while they were here probably. she wouldn't talk about it in front of Darryl though, this was something she didn't want him to find out about and freak out about. She didn't exactly like all the tender looks from women either right now. It was always because she was pregnant, she hadn't taken off her hat because Darryl hadn't let her come with either make up or the HOD on.

Lyle chuckled and raised his glass in mock toast to her words. "Darryl, downstairs in my workroom is a small box about three feet wide and two deep with quite a few locks. Be a good lad and quickly jump it to your house for Asper. Consider it a house warming gift, it has numerous locks and more inside to practice on." Lyle prided himself on a great deal of horse sense, and something said that Asper might need to get something off her chest.

Darryl smiled at Asper at the mention of a gift for her. He remembered the box of locks from when Lyle lived at the Estate. Once before Lyle left to run Finn's, Darryl used his powers and unlocked all of the locks. "I'll be gone only for a little while, is that ok?" he reassured her. If she didn't want him to go she would say something, he waited a little just in case.

"I'm safe here, there's Lyle and a bunch of fighters in this room, not to mention an inebreated Bard." Asper said with a grin. She hoped he would take some time and arrange things for her maybe. It would give her a few more minutes to talk to Lyle privately as she was going to get in this place. She sipped from her glass and set it down trying to act normal so he wouldn't worry and leave already. She was anxious to speak with Lyle.

He stood and kissed her cheek, "I'll be right back I promise." Then he headed back into the kitchen area to the cellar stairs. Already he knew he would leave the chest in her study on one of the smaller sturdy tables. Then he would put the groceries away before returning again. Asper seemed more at ease here and dare he say it happy.

Once he had left Asper sighed softly, she slouched deeper into the chair more comfertably and grinned at Lyle. "Tell me how you do it. How do you live in this city and not go crazy being in one place? How can you shackle yourself to one place and not go crazy? How do you not want to be a Rogue any longer?" Asper asks this was what she had been trying to go to Finn's Tavern for for weeks. She needed answers if she were to be convinced she could stay... she didn't want to stop here right now. She wanted to go and do things and... just live off of what she could do. She didn't want a baby, she didn't want an overprotective husband who was rich enough to give her everything.... yet.

He leaned closer not wanting too many to overhear, "There are times I miss the adventure and chaos of it all. But, I've lost someone who shared that love and caring for our children, makes the life pale in comparison. There is no treasure chest or ancient vault that can fulfill like knowing the person you love is right there. And Alehial and Altair didn't stop adventuring when they had Elsa and Darryl in the beginning, they had trustworthy people who took care of them. Perhaps if you could bury the hatchet with Alehial, they could care for your daughter and let you and Darryl time to let that path take you where it will."

"To speak honestly, I was going to leave Karina with Darryl. I don't love. There is no such thing, for once I can be free, of poverty, of slavery, of being used. I could have a life of my own choosing once and for all. In a land such as this with a hat of disguise... I could be gone forever. I could live the way I choose to." Asper says speaking truthfully, no one was giving her a valid reason to stay. Love... compassion... because you are the mother. None of that stopped her own mother from trying to kill her when she was drunk enough. Of not feeding her when she didn't feel like it. Not clothing her or sheltering her. Asper did for Jake what had never been done for her. But there were other people in the world that could care of Karina, there was an entire nearly clan of people who would take her and raise her with money. There was no need for her and they weren't giving her a reason, so she figured they didn't need her to stay otherwise they would give her a reason.

Lyle was surprised, and that was hard feat to accomplish sometimes. "Is there a particular reason why you would leave your husband behind? And I dare say you may change your mind when they put the baby in your arms. Mira and I had talked many times about splitting before the kids. But, that was us, your situation may be different." He stared at the mead in his glass for a second, thinking about Mira and some of the fun they had.

"why would I stay? I'm a theif, I am the product of an evil creatures evil deed. I've killed in the name of money... I almost gave Darryl to those who would kill him... Hell I almost terminated Karina. I'm not a good person and I know that, for all I do it's for a reason either money orto make sure the Ravenwoods will be indebted to me and have to keep Jake. the only good I am, or can do, is to get out of everyone's way. Everywhere I go people are angry and hateful and abusive. I brought danger and hardship for Darryl. Lot's of it. what real reason is there for me to stay? Karina needs a mother? there are plenty of mothers in the ravenwood house. She'll have her father to teach her to use her powers. I'm useless to a child who has and will have everything taken care of them. You being a theif I thought you could give me a real reason to stay. Not love. Love doesn't exsist. Like the gods it's a fairy tale. Something to make people feel better." Asper says shaking her head, she really had thought Lyle might have been able to help her, turned out he was just as foolish and beleiving as the ravenwoods. she didn't know how she would feel later but right now this was honestly how she felt. Asper never lied... when she wanted something... that wasn't material anyways.

"You almost gave Darryl away, and you almost terminated Karina. Deep inside every thief there is a heart Asper, and while you may have brought Darryl all those things. You both endured and I've not seen him as happy since he figured out his powers scared other girls. And no matter what or who is there for a child, the birth mother is a link and bond that can't be duplicated. I see it in my daughter's eyes, she wishes her mother was here for so many things in her life."

"I've never felt such a thing. I've never needed anyone other than the occasional partner for a job. I may have a heart Lyle but I still bleed purple. Just like my fathers people, I cannot be good. why would a daughter need a mother like that? It would have been better if I had killed my mother when she was sleepin so many years ago. I never did. I always thought it was good that Lash would return and beat her. she deserved it, the pain and beatings. What good is a mother who only knows how to kill and steal? Even if I said I love you it's a lie. there is no need for me in Karina's life." Asper said shaking her head, she was just about convinced now... a month or so after Karina's birth, when she could get a nursemaid or goat or something to give milk for Karina... that was when Asper would leave. There was no need for her to be here. There was nothing in life you couldn't do alone that you needed to do.

"Asper, if you only want to go then you will justify doing so. And no amount of reassurance of how Darryl feels about you will change that. But, what if Darryl doesn't want to lose you? The Ravenwood men have been known to go to some amazing lengths for the women they love." Lyle was a little disheartened by her revelation and insistance she was going to leave.

"If there was a reason other then 'love' I would stay. There isn't one. There really is no need for me to stick around. I've asked everyone and they give me the same answer. Darryl loves you Karina will love you and you love them both. Lies. Darryl Lusts for me. Karina Depends on me. No one has given me one single logical reason to stay. I've asked and asked. I got punched by Darryl's mother, then I got slapped by her too, it's obvious from the way everyone avoids me that no one wants me around by Darryl. This is the best place for Jake so as long as they are taking care of him he doesn't need me here either. If no one can give me a reason to stay I'm not going to. I'm not some black canary in a cage here to sing for everyone when they feed me. Not going to happen." Asper says with a shrug sipping more of the wine. It was true, she had asked more then three people why she should stay and they all answered love... as if it meant something to her. the only reason to stay was for the protection from Lash. But she would rather leave and not have that be brought on to Jake and Karina.

Darryl walked back through the door and smiled at them before coming to sit with them again. "It's all done, any sign of our dinners?" he kidded. He smiled at Asper and reached out to touch Karina again. The server appeared a little after carrying a tray with the meals. She smiled and set the tray down before asking if they needed anymore wine.

"Water once I'm done with the wine." Asper says softly relaxing a little, she hadn't realized she had tensed up while Darryl was gone. She didn't realize she had relaxed when he reach out and stroked her stomach either. Putting her own hand on top of his she took her feet off the other chair under the table and sat up properly, it was starting to hurt her lower back sitting scrunched in the chair. Asper didn't say anything else just smiled softly at the affectionate gaze of Darryl's at her stomach.

Lyle was perplexed, her tension left when he returned. It didn't look like it was faked. And he saw Darryl look up at her, she was wrong it wasn't lust he saw there. It was the same look happily married couples looked at one another. "Gods, you two need to get a room!" he teasingly declared.

Darryl smiled at Asper, she just became more beautiful to him the longer they were together. "I got you something, well actually I made it yesterday for you." He opened a little box and showed her what was inside, a ring made of crystal. Focusing his powers had always created interesting things, but the ring was amazing. It was a red jade color and was a plain band but perfectly smooth.

"I already have the wedding band. Or is this a replacement? Besides I did better then that Lyle, I got a whole house." Asper winked at him before taking the ring and putting it on the same finger on the other hand as the wedding band. It was deffinetly worth quite a lot if she thought about it. Expensive gifts were always nice. It fit too, which was the other amazing part. Smiling at Darryl she rewardedhim with a kiss on the lips, before pulling away and picking up a utensil cutting up the chicken to begin eating. "Why haven't you found a girlfriend Lyle? I'm sure your children wouldn't mind by now." she says looking at him slyly.

"It is hard to find someone even now, they hold very dearly to Mira's memory. Even people they like they view as trying to replace her. Kids are fickle and sometimes don't realize there is room in the heart for someone else to care for them." He nodded and looked again at the new ring closely, "Darryl that isn't handcrafted?" Darryl nodded, "Nope, I did it with my powers out of crystal."

"He does that from time to time." Asper said she disregarded the whole hearts thing, the truth was children knew one thing and were stubburn, they didn't want a ne one when the old was in their minds was better. It was selfishness and loneliness, it had nothing to do with the 'heart' which was code for 'love' Asper had found here. It was rediculous some of the things these people said. But she was happy the ring was being admired. this wasn't eh first thing he had crafted for her, there were the two power necklesses too that he had made that held his powers. she was wearing one even now.

Lyle stood up and smiled, "I will leave you to enjoy your meal and order something sweet before you leave, on the house." He went to the bar and was speaking with some of the others there. Darryl like Asper began to eat, it was all very good. Perhaps he would talk to the cook at some point and get a couple recipes since Asper liked eating here. "I wasn't gone too long was I?" he asked between bites.

"No, only a few minutes. Lyle wanted updated on the house situation so I told him." Asper says softly between bites. She sipped the wine from time to time and continued eating. IT was true what she thought then... no one wanted her to stay here, no one thought she was a 'good guy'. If they did they would be coming up with all kinds of reasons to stay, but no one was. she loved homey food like this, hearty and not heavily spiced. Anything that filled your stomach and kept it full was great by her.

"Asper I know you sometimes hate when I might say something you say is mushy. But, I love you even more than when I first met you." he said looking into her eyes. Karina moved a little inside her seeming to stretch a little. "Is there anything else you want to get before we head home?" he smiled again. "And if you are tired then I can jump us back." he offered remembering how her feet were swollen.

"I want the free desert Lyle offered us first and then we can go. If you could... jump us... I don't think my legs are up to any more walking around tonight. I'll just probably read with the glasses in bed when we get there." Asper says softly rubbing her belly and Karina inside. She was still eating her meal she didn't have much left on her plate now but she was drinking water the wine was gone and once she was done with the meal she wanted the sweets. She was a sucker for them really.

"Anything particular, I saw those large sticky buns when I went downstairs, with the walnuts and icing." he said in a low tone. They were famous in Baerlon, and when they were fresh Finn's was always selling out of them. Darryl touched her stomach and whispered, "Karina if we get mummy something sweet could you let her eat it without making her sick?" He smiled at her again and it got wider when Karina touched his hand. "I think that was her saying its ok for you to have sweets".

Asper licked her lips and swallowed a little to keep from drooling. Those buns were amazing and delicious and even with Darryl's teasing her she didn't mind. "I think so too." Asper said a smile on her face and her lilac eyes sparkling with anticipation. She quickly finished the rest of the food on her plate, she was never one to leave anything behind having known what it was like to starve. The way he spoke and the way those buns tasted... if she was about to give birth soon she would have covered him in it and devoured him with her mouth and her body.

"Wait here, I'll go pick out two of their best." He gave her a peck before taking their plates to the kitchen. She was glad she was having fun out and not going to yell about him using his powers. "Two of your best sticky buns with a good deal of icing and walnuts." he joked with Kulley the cook. It seemed luck was holding with Darryl as an entire tray sat cooling.

Asper smiled and waited on edge of her seat for the treats. She loved anything to do with sugar and finally finally she was getting to have some again after eleven months of suffering without. Though he was using a lot of his powers and she worried about that a lot. She was wearing the neckless if he had to get energy she had some. but the promise of those stucky buns was enough that her worries weren;t in the forefront of her mind right now.

He found away to wrap them up so they could not get ruined, offered Kulley some gold for the recipe in jest and headed back out. "I tried to get us the recipe but, my offers of just about everything were refused." he said with a smile as he handed the bundle to her. Holding her hand hand he concentrated on home and jumped them. Reappearing in their room, he set the package down and offered to help her get comfortable.

"It's only the afternoon why are we getting in bed? Or is it a nap? Cause... I think I could use one." Asper said before fighting a yawn, it eventually won though. Once she was in the bed comfertably propped up for the moment she smiled and held open her hands for the delicious parcel he had gotten them. She was getting impatient though and wanted the warm sticky delicious pastry in her mouth now.

He smiled and sat beside her and unwrapped it for her, then he grinned at her. Broke off a chunk and offered it to her, "If I may?" As a child he had seen more and father do it with one another. And a lot of people did this at weddings. It had been such a good day, he hoped it would continue for a good while longer. He waved the tantilizing morsel under her nose playfully.

"If you don't quit teasing me I'll bite your fingers along with the bun!" Asper says grabbing his wrist and taking it from his hand. Sucking in his fingers to get all the sweet stickiness off of them. Pulling back she chewed it happily almost moening at the delicious sweet taste of it. Asper really was a sucker for sweets and good food. Nothing like sweets to make her salivate, not only that but the one man she has promised to sleep with and no other well... it was teasing for both of them she supposed.

He gave over and let her have her way, he was just glad she enjoyed the bun. A yawn escaped his lips and he began to feel sleepy as well. "If you don't mind, I'm going to get a little nap ok? But, if you need something do not hesitate to wake me alright? I love you, Asper so much." he kissed her cheek and settled beside her.

"too much energy." Asper shook her head before eating the bun in peices. Of course once she was finished with her own his was sitting right there... she she ate maybe a third before she stopped and left the rest for him. Settling back into the pillows and against Darryl she too closed her eyes and fell alseep taking a nap to help her recover from the hard day of waking and being out. Not only that but she was full of good food and the baby was settled and not moving either. Everything was perfect and so Asper closed her eyes and relaxed and was soon asleep as well.

A few hours later Darryl opened his eyes rubbed his eyes. Asper was settled up against him and fast asleep. He watched her, ingraining every inch of her into his mind. She seemed relaxed and content, even her breathing was relaxed. This was what he had always wanted, someone to love and a home that they could be happy in.

Asper groaned and wiggled back a little against him, his movement disrupting her a little but not enough for her to wake up. She really was worn out from going to the market. It had taken a lot of energy for her to stand and walk around so much. So she continued to sleep, the covers pulled over her since it had gotten so cold lately, and her back to his chest keeping her warm. the food in her stomach still pretty much ensured she would sleep a while longer at least until dinner time or a littel after that maybe.

He focused on the fireplace and stoked the fire inside, to warm the room for her. Opening his arm to allow her to get closer if she wished, and debated on if he should rise and begin dinner. What would happen to them when Karina was born, he mused hoping for the best. Suddenly he felt someone call out to him, only one voice at first. Grandmother Lai wanted them to come to the estate or permit them to come to see the new house.

Asper continued to sleep, unaware of the fireplace being lit. Of Darryl being called, or even of him snuggling with her. She relaxed into sleep fully when he put his arm around her though and the warmth of him soaked through her back to ease her. Warming her body that always stayed cold, and adding a protective quality that allowed her to sink into a deper sleep then before. Instead of napping she was genuinely tired and sleeping to regain energy.

He could feel their body heat merge and was aware she was going deeper into sleep. Did she feel more protected by their closeness, he hoped that is what it meant. He thought about it and thought back to Lai, telling her that he would discuss it with Asper when she woke up. Her response was positive and happy, wishing them the very best the house could bring them. Thanking her he went back to watching Asper and daydreaming about the future.

Three days later as the sun rose high enough to waken Lily. It had stopped raining earlier in the week and everything was drying out. Gerard had found a chance to see her ever couple of days, but was now overdue. Bowers would be by in less than an hour to summon her to breakfast. Since Darryl and Asper moved out, and now with Bailey contemplating the same the house was too quiet.

Lily sighed looking out the window, she was dressed already in a nice tan and red striped andorian gown, lately when she first got up she had been dressing properly. Not only that but she was attending court to keep her busy, when she returned home in the afternoon she changed into her gear and went out to practice, lately she had been practicing magic more, she was a good fighter already, and she had been practicing what her father had sown her. In fact he was due to arrive back today as well. He had been gone for about three days and that was how long they were stopping in Garrison town. She had been hoping to see Gerard before her father came back, it would be much harder to see each other then.

Bowers knocked at her door, having already changed his pattern to accomidate her new schedule. "Mistress Lily, shall I have the cook prepare breakfast for you?" he asked in his usual tone. As she considered her response, a small bird arrived at her window, it was Gerard in his wildshape. The young druid used it to arrive to visit Lily. It was secret and much safer then him trying to climb the walls and avoid the guards.

"Yes um... maybe today I'll have an omelette and um, toast and juice and um fried potatoes please!" Lily said loud enough to be heard through the door, she figured all of that would take enough time to give her at least twenty minutes or so with Gerard. Opening the window quickly Lily smiled brightly. After breakfast she was going to go to court but.. if there was time and she could get away with it, she would sneak of with Gerard instead.

The bird alighted into the room and changed into Gerard in his usual clothes. He crossed quickly and kissed her passionately as his hands encircled her waist. "Good morning, I missed you terribly." he whispered not to be overheard. The waiting to begin their trip was driving him mad, especially since he had to be the loving betrothed. "Tell me there is some way we can spend time together today." he played that the last couple days had depressed him.

"I can skip court! I often walk anyways, it's only up the way but if I sneak down a side alley I can meet you and we can spend a few hours together! Once father comes home it's only another sevenday until the children are back! the day after they are back I promise that's the day." Lily quickly rushed to answer him and assure him it would all work out. She had been spending a lot of time with Grandma lately, listening to stories and just talking together about things. Lily was going to miss all of her brothers and sisters, but at least... she would get to see most of them before she left and someday when they had forgiven her she could always come back.

"I would love that, but won't anyone get suspicious?" he asked. His hands gave her bottom a slight squeeze. She was so wonderful and he would almost give anything to take her. "How about if you leave a little early, or tel everyone that you stayed a little later?" Perhaps he would indulge in something that wouldn't rob her of her worth.

"I could tell them... I'm going shopping? Afterwards perhaps. for some soap, that usually takes some time. I mean to find the right scent and figure out which one is the best price, which one has the nicest feel to it and everything I mean it usually takes me a little bit of time for that and as long as I'm not too late it shouldn't be a real problem or anything. No one thinks about me, whether I'm here or not no one does, Asper and Darryl moved out and the whole house has been talking about it besides I'm just one of the younger children no one pays me any mind at all. No one but you." Lily said after a thoughtful moment. She gave him adoring eyes and hugged him tightly in her arms. She loved this man so much and she longed to bed him but she would wait until the wedding night, she was determind not to do things as any of her other siblings before her had.

"But, what will they say if you don't come home with any soap?" he asked. He couldn't help but continue holding her buttocks and squeezing still. The trip to Valusia would take a little time. And with a quick stop off in Illian to switch ships. "I would be honored to spend some time with you Lily."

"There is one type I always buy, I'll just buy that on my way home again afterwards. They probably won't realize how long I've been gone, it'll be fine! Besides you hold me so tightly in your embrace, I think you want me to stay later with you. She had to admit it was making her blush and made her heart beat faster the way he was holding onto her. Though how he felt much with the dress petticoat and hoopskirt she didn't know.

He continued to hold her close and brought his mouth to hers, sharing a deep kiss. Maybe he could convice her to shed the dress when they were together? "Lily, I'm glad things are moving ahead nicely for us to leave." smiling at her. Mario had informed him that he would authorize no more money for this endevour. His hand began to draw her dress up a little, hoping to place his hand upon her bare skin.

Lily was breathless from the kiss, the way he handled her she was positive it had to be true love. What else could make a man so passionate and hasty to be with a woman. Not only that but she felt him moving clothe but to what end she was not certain. Her mind was more then a little fuzzy now that they had kissed, always when it came to things of passion she was silenced either with embaressment or passion herself.

Once he got a hand under her dress he rubbed the back of her bare thigh. And marveled how her skin felt, if she wasn't so proper he would try claiming her on the spot. He broke the kiss for a second and then kissed her again, slipping his tongue into her mouth. He carressed her neck with his other hand. It was fantastic the feel and taste of this unique beauty.

Lily trembled again Gerard in lue of the passion he was showing. His large hand on her thighs, were so warm they made her blush. His tonuge in her mouth made her feel weak and cling to him fiercly. She could feel the callouses on his hand and knew him to be a fighter or archer. How she longed to be with him for real, but he had once said he would not touch her until they were married and in the land he was taking her. Though he wouldn't tell her where, he just promised that they would wed before actually laying together as man and wife, man and woman. He had made that promise to her.

He finally broke the kiss and looked deeply in her eyes. "I must get control of myself, I promised to honor you. And I will not break that promise." Before he took his hand away, he stroked her thigh lightly. She was so trusting in him, it would probably break her spirit when he turned her over.

Lily trembled again at the touch of his fingers to her bare skin. "Y-yes." She stuttered softly still clinging to him for support. He was so kind and sweet and honorable, her father was wrong about Gerard she just knew it. She trusted this man with her livlihood and her love. "They'll be coming soon with breakfast! You'd better go, just tell me where to meet you and I will be there I swear it!" Lily says fervently, she would not miss this chance to see him for there would be little time once her father returned.

He quickly told her how to find the room he had rented. Waiting for her to answer him, he kissed her again. Knowing he had to leave her soon made him want to find out how far she'd go. Lily was so innocent, that was why Mario had agreed to this in the first place. "So, I'll see you after a little while then Lily?"

"I'll be there!" Lily beams still quite flushed still from their contact. She loved staying with him, speaking of the future and the gentle yet hesitant touches. He actually listened to her too which almost no one did in this house and he loved her which was amazing to her because Conner told her if she didn't learn how to let other people talk no one would want to be near her let alone make love her to. That still hurt to think about, she loved Conner dearly but he was such a jerk.

He released her with one final kiss, "Very well, I must go and you need to go to breakfast. I will wait for you with baited breath, my love." he spoke quietly in her ear. Then went to the window and changed flying back out and into the city. As he flew away he thought about how things would go when they got to Valusia. Mario would contact his usual contacts to offer Lily up to the highest bidder, just like they had with Ada York.

Adjusting her clothing quickly and making sur it was all in place she exited her rooms and went to the dining room. she shouldn't be late yet, and with luck they wouldn't really inquire about her day and her plans for the day. She was a terrible lier and she hated to even think about having to lie to her family. Though it wasn't much better planning to run off either. Taking her seat once at the dining room she put all that out of her head for the moment and concentrated more on food.

Lai was sitting in the dining room when Lily arrived for breakfast, "Good morning sweetheart did you sleep well?" She had a bowl of oats and some fruit as well as her tea. "So, I take it you are heading to court today? otherwise you are overdressed for the training circle." Bowers placed Lily's breakfast before her with a nod and smile. When a knock at the door caused him to go investigate.

Lily smiled. "Oh yes I slept wonderfully! I had a strange dream though where I was out and fighting some mercenary's saving this farm and a shadow swept across the whole area and the bad guys were all dead and I was in a maiden fairytale like dress and then a dragon landed and I rode it to a dar castle but when I went intside it was all white and shiney and there was a king on a throne but I couldn't see who it was because he was all dressed in black and shadowing and when I stepped forward I fel through a hole in the floor and landed on my bed and that's when I woke up. Isn't that a strange dream Grandma? I thought it was weird but I woke up and dressed and though court today sounded good because well there are girls there I can talk to and I know you have things you like to do I thought I'd give you some time to yourself today. I was thinking of going shopping for some soap or fragrance of some kind afterwards so I might be a little late returning home tonight but that should be okay shouldn't it? MMmm Breakfast smells great today!" Lily says before saying a quick prayers and begisn to eat her food.

Lai listened intently to Lily's dream, "That is very strange dearest dreams guide us sometimes. And that is more than well, but you don't have to give me time for anything my love. Bowers is something wrong, you look a little unwell?" she asked as he returned holding a message. He brought her the message and Lily could see it had the seal of Poppy's father on it. Lai opened it and after reading it, a pronounced frown crossed her face, "I can not believe this family, to the nine hells with it all."

"What's the matter Grandma? What do they want now? um why are you so angry? Can;t you just say no and send them away? Mom does that sometimes you know, sends people away and just tells them no." Lily says eating more of her food and thinking a little about what Lai said about her dreams. Usually she just wrote them off, like she had one where she was standing on a pedastool in light and there were all these people looking at her and it was scary and cold and she hadn't liked it. It had changed but it sort of scaredher a little. She had been having a bunch of weird dreams but hadn't been talling anyone about them.

"Poppy's father wants her to see Flint's house either today or in the next couple of days. And he says unless he has agreement from us today, he will take it up with the king at court. I am unable to go and I hate to ask any of you to do the same for that arrogant family." She called for Bowers and asked he retrive a a quill and paper, as well as the Ravenwood signet. Lai's mood had very much darkened since she read the post.

"But his house is still covered inside and closed up isn't it? cause he stays here or at Finn's when he stays in town? they won't like to go if it's all musty and covered in dust and unclean will they? I mean he doesn't even really live there." Lily says worried now about how things might go today, she might have to cut things short with Gerard just in case she was needed here at home. Like... they would go to her first? They wouldn't but she was always hopeful that maybe before she left someone would see her and how important or helpful she was to the family.

"I know, and that is something I'm putting in the response to him and Gareth as well. If I could impose on you my dear, will you deliver my answer to them both. Until I hear from Flint or your mother, I will not ask anyone in this house to open Flint's. Could you be a dear and try to ask Poppy to wait until they arrive home? I'm sure you will be thanked to no end by FLint, your parents, and of course myself."

Lily stopped what she was doing and just sort of paused, if she did that she would be stuck at court all day, well until it was dismissed anyways. She wouldn't have the time to really be with Gerard today... but... "Of course grandma Lai, She'll probably be hanging all over me again today too, won't be a problem." Lily says with a smile, she was sort of dissapointed now but there was nothing she could do, Elsa and GRandma were both pregnant and they were the only family in the house other then her. She would have to take care of it on her own then for them it seemed.

"Now, don't go thinking you have to hold up our family name in defense. Just deliver the messages and see if you can't convince Poppy, then the day is yours. With my appreciation, gratitude, and love beautiful Lily." She smiled and marked both letters with the family signet. "I will have to contact both Alehial and Flint after while to advise them of the situation."

"Once I'm done I'll be sure to address the issue first thing I promise Grandma Lai." Lily says with a soft smile, though what grandma said and what was the actual context of what she had asked were two completely different things entirely. She decided to eat her meal wuickly and get it all over with, see if she couldn't squirm out of court early and make the date with Gerard after all like she had planned.

Lai smiled at Lily, it was asking the young lady to do alot to try deflecting Poppy and her ass of a father. She would have to include that in her talk with Alehial and tell Altair when he got home. "Is there anything else you want to get from the market that you need some money for?" It was only fair that she should get something for being a steadfast defender of the Ravenwood bloodline. Galin seemed a little more preferable to them, especially if they were pressuring Gaerth.

"Well I was going to look for a new fan... or possibly a new frog... my own is a hand me down after all and it's kind of starting to wear on the edges..." Lily says, though she wouldn't use the money but probably save it to take with her on the trip with Gerard. She finished her breakfast though and drank the last of her juice, after wiping her face with a napkin carefully so as to not smudge her makeup she stood. "I'll be off then." She says with a soft smile walking up to give Lai a kiss on the cheek and a slightly awekward hug, corsets and all getting in the way of bending to give the seated elf a real hug.

She returned the embrace and handed the letters to Lily, "I appreciate your desire to help." She handed her some gold coins, enough to buy what she needed. Then she kissed her cheek and blessed her, "I'm sure you will do admirably with Poppy, you are your mothers girl. Now, off with you and have a good time at the market." She then returned to her breakfast and the post.

Lily nodded and going to the door pulled her winter cloak on, it had been snowing recently not that it wa staying on the ground mind you. but winder was coming a little early this year. Making sure the envelopes were safe she asked for the carriage to be brought around to take her to the castle. She just hoped she could get away once she was done.

The ride to the castle took no time at all, she arrived well before the normally appointed time for people to begin going inside. The coachman opened the door and offered Lily his hand. "Shall we wait or comeback after while to take you home m'lady?" he asked. She spied Poppy drifting away from her father and to at the door Gaerth's steward. Most of the nobles were already discussing the news of the day and of course the gossip.

"I'll be heading to the Market afterwards it isn't far to go, I can make it on my own. You may go home." Lily says with a smile and taking his hand she used it to help her step down. Adjusting her dress she smiles at him before heaidng off to her normal group of young girls.

He nodded and remounted the carriage and it departed. The group of girls were all ones she had grown up with, Poppy was pretty much the leader of the group. They were all chatting about how one of the girls found a young baron's fashion was horrible. It was pretty much the same things they had always talked about, since she last associated with them. "Well, I haven't seen very much of you Lily Ravenwood." Poppy said.

"Oh you know how it is in my house, Do your training work on spells take up the Ravenwood code and honor. Protect the pregnant women, train hard to be smart, witty, strong and a heroin." Lily says with a little giggle, Poppy always tried to use guilt on Lily but pulling the trump of the ravenwood name usually got her to back down. It didn't use to be like this... two or three years ago... they were actually still very friendly and close to each other. Now she was spiteful and vindictive and angry all the time.

"So, any idea when your cousin will be back? I would like to make sure he measures up to the standards I have." Poppy's new friends giggled at the comment, the betrothment was a hot topic among many women. "And I hope the desire to have amny children is just your mum and dad's idea. I think I could barely tolerate having one or two. Did a horseman deliver my fathers message by the way?"

"Well gee Poppy I would hope someone brave and strong and dependable really did measure up to your petty needs of money and multiple lovers a week, not to mention the need for older men you have aquired. I wonder if my family could keep up with your need for a new partner would you go for Daniel if you ran out of everyone else who might have denied you? Oh but that's right they have to give you something precious like money or jewels even clothing right? I'm sure your daddy would love to know just how much of the court you've gotten to know... intimately." Lily said with a soft smile. She pulled out the letter's in a fan formation and fanned herself with them as if she hadn't noticed they were letters.

Some of the other girls gaped open-mouthed at her words and Poppy's face went a bright crimson. "How dare you talk to me like that you little trollop, your just mad because your father treats you like your five. And wouldn't let any man even close to you. Perhaps daddy knows you a little too well?" she shot back. Then began to turn back to her friends, in an attempt to ignore Lily.

"The kettle calling the pot black? I'm afraid unlike you I still have my virtue Poppy, and I don't need petty reasons like money or titles to keep me happy. I don't need to try to find a man above me to make me happy. I don't need a materialitems to make me happy. Flint is trying to give his business's and his home to Mother and Father Poppy. He would rather run from this country then to marry you. I'm sure a harpy would be better, at least death would be quick and painless." Lily says spitefully to Poppy's back, she was so tired of Poppy's sapiriority and bossing everyone around. Putting everyone down, even the men who bought her things and she gave herself too. "My Father is a busy man with important matters to attend to. I know he can't be with me like I want him to but at least I don't lie to his face and try to use him like you use yours!" Lily says before turning up her chin and stalking off into the throne, she would deliver the messages to Poppy's father and leave. She had no taste for games in the court today.

The Steward smiled broadly, having always enjoyed speaking with any Ravenwood (they knew how to treat everyone with respect). "Mistress Lily, may I be of service to you today?" Lily was a few years younger than he was, but he always enjoyed seeing her at court. Poppy's father had already went inside and was watching for his response from the Ravenwood estate. Lily could make him out having not yet taken his seat, probably waiting for Poppy to join him.

"Hello, you look wonderful today! Very fresh and handsome! I was looking for Poppy's father. He sent a missive and since I was coming to court today Grandmother Lai asked me to take her responses to him. I'm afriad Poppy said some things and... I was going to deliver these and then perhaps reture for the rest of the evening. I'm afraid Poppy has... grown tired of our relationship of friendship. I suppose she might feel threatened by me... Or perhaps she is unhappy that Flint has not returned home." Lily said sounding dissapointed and a little more then down.

"Thank you m'lady, I could deliver it to him for you, and what of the other one?" he mentioned the letter in her hand due to the king. Normally, he would not volunteer, but mistress Ravenwood had been very gracious in her compliment. "I am sorry you will not be staying for court, but hope when next you do come you will stay longer. He let her comment about her former friend go without adding to it. Amongst servants it was common knowledge, Master Lorin's daughter got around to quite a few male members of court.

"Thank you... I will deliver this one personally. thank you I did love court... it seems not that long ago... I wonder what changed... perhaps the tension in my household? either way I will deliver this to my cousin." Lily says with a kind smile. It was true, court no longer really offered the thrill and the enjoyment it did before when... when she was more alone? She wasn't sure but she bid farewell to the steward and headed to go find her cousin or his wife. the King and Queen, they didn't always have time to see her but she had a message today and she was going to leave after delivering it.

Gareth was waiting in his antechamber with his queen, talking about what would be discussed during court. Alecia wished the Ravenwoods were back, Alehial was always present to make court more interesting. "Are you sure about forcing this union? I would think Flint deserves better." "Unfortunatly, I cannot change this again, it has to be a Ravenwood to continue stability." One part he hated as being king was having to do everything to keep the nobles happy.

Lily knocked gently, even though well she was family and all and she knew the way it was only proper they be given some warning she was there at all. Waiting to be given entrance into the room, she pondered over what she heard and what she had come to realize. That perhaps she was growing out of court. Growing tired of the greedy merchants and the uppity nobles. Tired of the people she used to call friends using the men they used to play with. This world of back stabbing and false smiles... the game of one-upship they played was tiring and useless, and the fact they played with lives as if they had the right made her all the more upset really.

"Come in." came Gareth's answer to her knock. It was a little out of the ordinary to have someone knock before he signaled he was ready to begin court. And before Lily could open the door, his curiousity made him open it first. "Well, if it is not young mistress Ravenwood." He smiled and embraced her. "It has been too long since I have seen you without your mother or father, since you wore pigtails if I am correct."

Lily smiled brightly and hugged him back. "No need to bring up ancient horrors of the past! Besides what with court and all you hardly ever get to talk to me right? You never invite me to Tea or anything you know? I mean I know I haven't been going to court too often or anything but I don't really see why I should be coming to often anymore, Poppy is always trying to tell me to make mom and dad give me money or let me do things and or cover for everyone and she keeps acting as if since she's been around with so many nobles sons in the court that she has the right to tell me what to do but... Just because I train to be a fighter doesn't mean that because I have my virtue I should listen to a hussy like her! Demanding to let them into his house when he isn't there, demanding lists of his assests and that they be treated like our own family.
She even told me to tell Flint if he wanted children he'd have to find other women to give them to her! What a bitch! I know we used to be friends but if she and her pompous ass father come to our house again and I see them while in my training leathers with my swords I swear to the gods I'll do something to them I'll try really hard not to regret! OH! Grandmother gave me a letter for you, I didn't open it or read it or anything cause she gave it to me sealed so I obviously didn't read it but she wanted me to give it to you, but I mean if you could do something to stop Poppy and her father from... being such... well anyways here's the letter." Lily says pulling back from the hug and pulling the letter out of her little bag. She was a little sad that she had acted so rashly to Poppy already. "And if you know Poppy says I did anything ealry today... I did but it's not really what you think it was okay? So... I'm going to go now." Lily says softly.

Alecia stood and went to her, "Do I not get a hug as well, young lady? And I am always here you may visit whenever you like, just like any woman of the Ravenwood house." Gareth was taking a moment to process everything Lily just said and opened the letter. He nodded as he read and grimmaced a little bit, "I'm sure they won't be happy, but Lady Lai makes excellent points as you do as well. I'll handle the situation today and will send a message after I have spoken to him. I thank you cousin for delivering this in a timely and honest manner." he said after ALecia moved and he kissed her cheek.

After he moved, Alecia came back to hold Lily's hands in hers. "How about you sit with me, let that busybody strain to listen from the back seats. Or if you prefer, I think James is sitting with some of his friends. I know sitting with the older generation bothers you youngsters." Gareth scoffed at her comment that they were old, he still looked at her and only saw beauty.

Lily hugged Alecia too, glad they wanted her to stay. No one else did anymore. Lily didn't really feel like sitting in court anymore... Even if she did want to if she sat with the king and queen... then the nobles would get angry and the merchants livid and... it would end badly. If it wouldn't be so supsicous Lily would like to tell Gerard to take her now... and leave together leaving all of Andor behind and all the troubles. "I think... I'm just going to go... I sort of blew up a little on Poppy and... I don't know I think I just want to... be alone I'm kind of more comfertable like that now, I mean, after all the brothers and sisters and baby's and marriages and more babies and evil badguys and forced marriages and being ignored for almost sixteen years of my life and all... so... I love you guys though okay?" Lily says softly hugging Alecia again, she almost felt like crying, even though she was here it was so complicated and it wasn't really her they were wanting to be with. It was Mummy or Grandma or any of the other sisters she had.

Alecia heard her words and read them deeper whispering, "You haven't been ignored little one. I have heard your father boast to Gareth about how well you progressed. He believes you could best almost any of the blades in service now. And I know I have been asked if you are being courted yet, ignore that dolt Poppy you are perfect as you are." She released Lily to Gareth to say goodbye.

Gareth again gave Lily a hug and another peck on her cheek. "Little cousin, I know how you feel no one notices. But, you are always a positive force in your parents, nay, everyone who loves you, lives. Do not strive to be too alone, it would pain us all to see you hide that light you have inside." He squeezed her once more and released her.

"I know... I promise I'll do my best... soon." Lily says with a soft smile. After having hugged them both and giving them kisses on the cheeks she went to the door and waved before stepping out. Once out she let her shoulders sag a littletaking a deep breath she once again stood properly and held her head high. She would go to the market buy what she needed and go straight to Gerards. Even though they said those things... even though her father bragged and they all said they loved her... She was still ignored. she was just there and everyone always expected her to be and they all protected her to the point she wasn't allowed to do anything, and they all said how much they trusted her but never let her do anything. One week and then Gerard would be there... he would tell her everyday how needed she was and he would let her do half of the work so they could be together. He would let her be useful and helpful, he would love her and tolerate all of her 'quirks' as Grandmother Lai put it.

Exiting court was simple and once in the market amid the hustle and bustle of people to find her destination. "Ah, young miss you have returned perhaps to buy more of my soaps? You are in luck I have several of the scent you like and even some new ones. I have some with the smell of pines, and another kind with more of a musky smell." The merchant smiled broadly, the young Ravenwood maiden was a wonderful customer.

"I'll smell them but I would like two bars of my favorite none the less please." Lily says softly smiling, this place always relaxed her and made her feel better. Besides they were always nice to her here and noticed that she was good for buying something at least. She had relaxed and was smiling softly now, at least this shop of all places really made her happy. It was one of very few places that did so. This place and Gerards arms... and Conners too of course.

He handed her the pine soap and grabbed two of her usual bars, then as he wrapped them up he let her smell the musky one. Both were decently sized bars, he prided himself in quality for people's coins. "Does either one interest you young miss? Perhaps for a male family member or someone special?" Ever since the young lady became a patron of his shop quite a few people started coming to him as well.

"Yes... just one of the musky one... I don't much care for the pine... I'd rather go outside if I wish to smell it." Lily said softly, after all she thought that the Musky smelling one would go quiet pleasently with her gardenia smelling soaps. She even usually bought Gardenia perfume too, or lilac when it was in season of course. Lily just loved flower smells though she had never actually smelled her namesake though, they didn't live near a pond, though she had once found in her mothers room a perfume called Lily of the Valley and it had smelled wonderful actually.

Smiling the merchant wrapped each bar seprately in a parchment and then put them into a small sack. "Here you are mistress, two silver pieces please." he anounced proudly. His prices were the best in town as was the quality of the products. It was an amazing thing, after young Lily Ravenwood came to his shop, then more and more people came to visit as well. "Is there anything else I can do for you this visit?" he asked in earnest.

"No I think for now that is fine... I've noticed your shop has become quite popular, Congratulations." Lily said with a smile handing him two silver peices, she smiled brightly at him and took the bag. She wanted to finish and seek comfort in Gerards arms and soon, perhaps her small present to him would get some extra praise or something.

"I attribute a lot of it to your patronage, thank you miss." he bowed as he praised her. Once outside the shop she could hurry to the place where Gerard was staying. It was a small apartment in a warehouse belonging to a friend from Valusia. He had been specific on the directions and even to the fact she didn't have to knock just come in. Outside the warehouse was very few workers but she could see there had been some there earlier.

Lily followed his instructon almost to the tee. She was nervous about it though, this seemed more then a little shady and she wasn't completely comfertable with all of this, but she wanted... or needed to see him tonight and get comfort from him over her day. Besides she bought him the soap and if she didn't deliver it there would be questions at home about it. She didn't really need questions from family after what court would bring of course, there was already going to be questions which was why she needed the comfort Gerard would bring her.

Gerard was waiting in his room for Lily and he saw her coming down the street. He smiled, he would have a little time with her to keep bringing her closer to leaving. However he would have to fight off his desire to take her maidenhood. She talked a lot about things he didn't care about, but her body and noises were amazing. Maybe he would touch her a little more then he should, but stop at claiming her.

"Um... Gerard? Are you in here?" Lily asked softly and touched the door gently, she was worried about whether or not he was in here. She knew he was getting a little more... antsy and wanting to leave soon, and wanting to lay with her properly, but he had promised and she took that promise very seriously. She wanted to give him the small gift and get some comfert from him, she had a stressful and lonely day and it only promised to get worse once Daddy got back.

He perked up at the sound of her voice, and centered his attention. "Of course my love, I'm here waiting for you." Crossing to the door he opened it and pulled her inside. Bringing her to him and kissing her deeply, thrilling to the fact she was here now. "I'm glad you're here now my love, I missed you so much while we were apart."

"I was only gone a little while!" Lily said after the kiss though, she hugged him tightly and rested her cheek against his chest. Behing held was fantastic, being the center of someones attention was even better because he really loved her, and let her know. Instead of having the love that has been shared with twenty other people and getting looked over there was nothing better then thi feeling of being loved and being th one person being loved almost solely.

He kissed her again and then kissed her neck, her skin was soft, smooth and smelled fragrant. "A little while seems like forever sometimes dearest." he murmured. Running his hand along her arm until he could no longer feel her skin. "Lily are you truly comfortable in this dress, perhaps we could do away with some of the outer layers, so I can hold you closer?" It was a risky request, but he tried to put a longing tone in it. The picture they had done of her was intoxicating and he wished to see all of her.

"Not completely but... perhaps we can lose the corset." Lily giggled softly. His kisses were the sweetest and he was so gentle and sweet in asking her. "I bought you something it's not an insult I just... thought while I was out and it smells nice and I picked up some of my own." Lily said softly handing him the small package out of the bag that didn't smell like flowers. she wanted to do this before they got too... close. He was almost always in a rush lately even when she helped him... finish... or helped him get to the point where he could finish on his own at least.

He smiled and kissed her neck again as he looked on where to begin removing her clothes. "I would never feel that your present could be an insult. Besides, if you are willing to lay with me for a little while things would be perfect." Moving his kiss from her neck back to her lips, he had done this before and enjoyed it throughly. "So, will you lay with me for a while while we discuss our future?" he asked after breaking the kiss.

Lily was on the verge of melting into his arms soon, he knew just what she needed and what would ease and calm her the most it was wonderful that someone other then her twin brother would know her so completely and thoroughly. "Yes of course I will." Lily responds softly, she never was a big talker when he was kissing her so sweetly and softly. She leaned against his chest to give him more room to get her clothes undone. It would have to be hung so it wouldn't wrinkle and he would have to help her put it back on but it was worth it to spend time with him.

He unlaced and stripped her down as far as she would let him. "My god even more perfect then your painting." he praised. Cupping her bottom and holding her close to him. "I suddenly feel like I am not worthy of you." continuing and kissing her. In the corner of the room was a makeshift bed big enough for them and made with clean linens.

"Can't be more perfect! The portrait was me!" Lily giggled softly, snuggling against his chest closely. She loved the way he paid attention to her, looked only at her and spoke only to her. Though she did want to spend some time just with him, but he was usually really calm and sweet afterwards when they could cuddle. Which was good, was really nice actually, she liked the cuddling and the talk afterwards.

He swept her up and carried her to the bed, and deposited her lightly. Then proceeded to crawl in and hold her close to him. "I know it was you, but you are even more real now. And soft and you smell so good, dear one." he whispered. Then began to kiss her as he touched her through what clothes were left.

Lily moaned softly and closed her eyes quickly, she never could look when he teased her and touched her body. Her face went red really quickly, however and she put her hand up to her mouth, the back of her hand covering her mouth, really she was the perfect innocent young lady of the courts. She was still innocent even though he touched her and she let him, she covered her mouth with her hand as if afraid to be loud. Her other hand clenched his sheets tightly, as if afraid to let go as well.

Gerard wanted to convince her to go sooner, even before Altair returned. "I kiss the heart that made me its slave." he whispered. Then leaned forward and licked then kissed above her heart. He knew Lily wanted someone to dote on her. "You know I love you, don't you Lily?" he asked gazing in her eyes.

"Y-yes, as I l-love you Gerard." Lily says softly she gasped at the heat of his mouth, his words made her heart beat faster and her blush spread further. His almost poetic words really touched her and wished they could hurry up. She had opened her eyes and after his mouth touched her skin she stopped and closed them again, unable to stand the heat in his eyes and the look on his face as he touched her.

He stroked his hand down her back and over her bottom, as he continued to hold his lips against her. Inhaling the smell of her skin, the plan was almost crazy. Mind racing, wondering what kind of trouble would he bring down if he took her maidenhood. Was this some sort of elaborate torture he devised for himself. Unable to resist a little he moved his head to the right, over her breast.

Lily moaned softly, keeping her lips covered by her hand, by the back of her hand. Her eyes firmly shut, but she clenched her butt when he continued his petting of her. She trusted him not to take ehr maidenhood, she was convinced he would wait until they had gotten to where they were going and get married before they actually got that far. Playing around was not the same as sex, that's what Mummy said. Lily didn't want to be the same as Elsa and everyone else. Everyone who had sex and then got married, the only one who had done it properly was Lucas. she also wanted to do it correctly.

He continued to hold her, "I must stop, I know how much being a maiden before marriage is important to you. But, I won't lie, I desire you in the worst way Lily." Gerard moved her hand and grazed her lips with his as he continued to rub and squezee her bottom. The thought struck him, what did she do when they got so close and then stopped. Did she touch herself, rid her mind of those distracting thoughts.

"I-I trust you Gerard, I know you'll do what's best. for us." Lily says softly smiling against his lips before leaning up just enough to push their lips together and kissing him. She felt comfertable and very relaxed in his arms and in his home, she wasn't worried or nervous at all. She wondered what he thought about at times like these... while they were together and embraced together like this.

Slipping his tongue inside her mouth and rubbing it against hers. Sliding one hand around to rub her thigh which was smooth and so very warm. He so wanted to see if she wore anything underneath, to run his fingers through her nethers. "Lily you said you trust me, will you allow me to look upon your body, at least your breasts. It would help fortify my resolve to wait for the right time to leave with you." he spoke softly his wish.

Lily panted softly, her face still red, what he said made sense and he was so sweet and kind and he had promised so it was alright. She nodded her head, not giving him a vocal answer to embaressed by what she was agreeing to to be vocal about it at all. Her leg twitched from his touch, it was... new something she had never let happen before. She knew she wasn't as big as anyone else in her family, in fact she was rather small in the chest area.

Gently he unlaced her top and opened it to his view, she would refuse him nothing, he knew it now. "My gods, Lily you are a vision of perfection, I will never see another woman like this. I can't wait for the day when our child will gain nourishment from such a beautiful mother." He drew the pad of his thumb across her nipple and realized he was holding his breath. Gerard remembered to keep control of himself though, and while there may be a slight pang of regret, it was dwarfed by the thought of the money he would make.

"Uhn!" Lily moaned at his touch to her sensitive breasts. She had been the only one to ever touch them and normally she only did it to wash. She continued to cover her face and blush. but his words touched her heart deeply. It was her wish to have a family of her own, to have those who loved her and needed her. It was her fondest wish to go out and experience the world and someday hold the most important thing the world could offer in her arms. She was completely and totally in love with Gerard and she saw no other future then the one he told her of so sweetly each time they were together. She was smitten and there was no going back now.

He kissed her again as he ran his thumb over the nipple again and his fingers across the soft flesh. His other hand cupped her bottom, wanting to slip inside the fabric and touch her bare skin. Lily was so innocent and sweet, someone would pay handsomely to have her. Mario was a master at getting a good price for the women he brought 'home'. This one would make them rich, probably very rich.

Lily moaned and gently bit her fingers covering her mouth, after his kiss she hid her face once again from him. She was so embaressed but he seemed so happy and when he was happy she was happy because she loved him so much that there really wasn't anything he could do other then murder that would pursuade her otherwise of her love. He was the most perfect man she had ever encountered and she was trusting him completely and with her body and her love. She knew he wasn't going to fail her ever.

He luaghed and kissed her again, "Let's cover you up and we can lay quietly until you have to leave me. For I hate when we are parted it means the time grows closer for our adventure." Gerard wrapped his arms around her and held her close. Mario wanted have manya report soon and since it was very early in Valusia, he would wait until later today. How many buyers were lining up with limitless coffers to purchase a virgin noble?

"O-okay... Gerard... you don't think... You think I'm a good person right? That I'm useful as me?" Lily asked softly holding him tightly. She didn't want what Poppy to have said to be true. She didn't want to beleive what she had said but... it made sense. After all no one paid attention to her at home and no one was concerned about what she would do or how she would act. did they beleive her or just take her for granted? Were they happy she was so quiet and in the background that they never had to worry about her ever? She was hoping to change that.

"Good person? my love you are wonderful and sweet, and I can think of thousands of uses for you.?" Gold mostly, maybe platinum too, he saw chests of coins as he answered the question. "Together we will grow rich and more in love, and when we come back to Andor they will hardly believe its you." He did feel a little guilty, Lily would never see Andor or her family again. Some noble or merchant would take her virtue and use her in the way her body dictated.

"Really? You really think all of that of me Gerard? Do you think everyone will be surprised the next time they see me? I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you, in love... and going on adventures together... spending every day together... and of course our wedding night." Lily blushed softly and she hugged Gerard tightly, his answer easing her troubled mind and helping her to relax especially after what she had done today in court and everything. Her mind was filled with vision similar to what she saw everyday that her parents lived. Being together, being in love, and parents.

He pulled her close and stroked her back lightly, hoping to quiet her for a little while. "You will do things that even you can't imagine and meeting people you will never forget." he whispered in her ear. Mario would be chomping at the bit to get her in place and arrange the sale to the highest bidder. He already showed copies of the clothed painting to his usual customers, and for a slightly higher fee he showed the nude. Gerard anticipated a huge turnout for the sale and if he purchased her, he'd thrust into her in front of the losers.

Lily blushed softly and beamed with pride and expectation of what Gerard spoke of. She envisioned their life together and it was much like her mother and fathers. Adventures and risks, saving each other and making that family. traveling to distant lands and entrancing people around he with her beauty. She felt no malicious intent from Gerard because she loved him so much and he promised her so much and he had come through on his end each time. She could only trust him all hte more when he told her such things.

For the rest of the time her stroked her body and mind. Whispering his love and devotion in her ear as he would brush his hands across her bare skin. Telling her how much he wanted today to be the wedding day so he may share the love of his words with her body. Time was running out though, she would need to head back to the estate. And he had too much to do, to keep stringing her along with his stories.

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