Page name: Ravenwood Estates 9 [Exported view] [RSS]
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2011-04-15 06:34:05
Last author: Nuktae-tal
Owner: Nuktae-tal
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The Andorian Chronicles

Chapter nine

In which we are still following half of the Ravenwood family on their journey to retrieve the youngest children of the families and the drama that ensues from the truths that get revealed.

"Please don't go Lyriel, we don't have to talk or anything else. Just stay a little longer." he weakly smiled as he asked her. She was important to him, and if he could offer her solace like this then so be it. At least then he was important to someone as more then a bargining chip. Flint looked into her eyes trying to tell her wordlessly that he needed her.

"A-alright... I'll stay." Lyriel sighs softly and relaxes back into his hold again. Laying back on the bed. She couldn;t stand to see such a painful expression on his face. Maybe... Maybe he needed her like she had needed him. Not just to 'love' her but for someone to see who he really was and be comfertable with. To confide in and be able to relax completely. Lyriel didn't want to admit it but it sounded a lot like how the Ravenwoods always described the feeling of Love.

Flint suddenly released her, got up and went to the door, and locked it. Returning back to Lyriel he took the hat of disguise off of her head. "While you wear this to spare bogpted people from seeing you, I don't care I see the beauty in you." Flint wrapped her into another hug seeming a little happier now. "This is my cousin, not an illusion just special, unique and breathtaking Lyriel." he told her.

"I'm not your cousin Flint... It's a pretty lie to tell children to make them feel like they belong. To help them understand the complicated world a little easier." Lyriel says squirming in his grip a little to get more comfertable, she didn't really want to talk about this topic again though. He always was bringing it up, she really hated repeating herself all the time. He was one of the most stubburn and irritating men when it came to something like this.

He wasn't going to argue with her, if she didn't want him to call her his cousin he wouldn't. Holding her close he felt at peace, and wished to impart that peace to her. "Well, I find you without that stupid hat more the woman I grew up with." And more the woman he loved, the one he shared most of the joy and saddness in his life. Flint put his cheek to hers and inhaled her scent, and tried to commit to memory the feeling of her soft, smooth skin.

"That's because I never used a hat when we were younger. I was always just... Lyriel the drow child. Alehial once told me... that if I enjoyed spending my time with you... then she wouldn't press the issue of having me attend court with the other girls. Besides playing sword fighting with you was always more fun then being in a stuffy dress in that ego stuffed castle anyways. We always had grand adventures as children didn't we Flint?" Lyriel says softly smiling a little as she looked over at him. She enjoyed spending time with Flint, almost as much as she enjoyed being in nature. When they weren't argueing and when he wasn't forcing the painful issue of love between them of course. She knew that she had been witness to more of the unfairness in his life then any other person, she also knew she had been the one to console him as a child most often, therefore making her one of the most important people in his life.

He laughed and smiled at her, "That reminds me when are we going after those onery pirates?" Lyriel went through a phase where all she wanted to fight was pirates. "And I still say I'm the stronger swimmer, you'd just distract them with those lady charms and wit." He had never told her about some of the fights he got into when the boys refered to her as the drow Ravenwood. When Tess questioned him he just refused to answer the question, she probably figured it had to be the aggression of his father showing through.

"Oh hush I seem to remember a certain little boy who always insisted on playing dragon rider too. Something about being the General and having the gold Dragon cause you were the best and the smartest and strongest." Lyriel laughs softly that was one thing she remembered clearly, while she never minded playing it had always hurt her... the Dragon wars were the times she remembered first of her life. While as a child she trief to hide it so it wouldn't both Flint when he had gotten older he had learned and they had never played again about that topic. She also knew that Flint got into fights with boys over her nature. Everytime Lyriel found out she always scolded him. It didn';t matter what people called her or said about her. Sometimes it was true and there was nothing you could do about it and sometimes it was lies and you shouldn't do anything about it.

"Well, the pirates made it so we had to leave home to fight them. And I admit the idea of traveling and fighting beside you was inticing." he snickered. "I also remember you kept telling me it wouldn't cost us much since we could share a cabin." Lyriel was smart and figured out about a handful of fights, usually only the ones where he suffered any injury. People should have shown her courtsey and judged her on the person on the inside not the outside.

"Well... I was a smart kid what could I say?" Lyriel smiled wryly as she said it before a slightly more serious look covered her face. Her thoughts had shifted and her eyes too got harder, more focused as she looked up into his own face from only a few inches away. "Flint... we could... still go and adventure together... Leave Andor and... just go where we could find jobs that paid. If... If the kind doesn't let you out of your betrothel." She says softly, she didn't want to leave the family not when she knew Altair depended on her like a well... General depending on a Leiutenant. But Flint was... Precious to her in a way that even Altair fell a little short. Only Elsa was second to Flint in Lyriel's mind.

"What about the family and the trouble looming on the horizon? I mean, I think I'd love finding new trouble and enjoyment with you. Only if we could return to help if things start going badly, they will need us and you in particular." he squeezed her lightly and without thinking kissed her cheek. "Time to find the pirates and make them pay for their wicked ways?" he quoted her war cry from childhood.

"I meant... yes. You're right. But Flint... Don't forget... You have options open to you... and if you leave... you don't have to go alone okay?" Lyriel says shaking her head, at him trying to lighten the mood. She always thought too much and ruined things anyways. Elsa told her she was too serious for her age and if she kept it up she'd lose a hundred years too early. Sometimes Lyriel wished she was right. Besides Lyriel still had her Grandfather to worry about. Though she often didn't. HEr father had told her he took care of it... but now her father wasn't... there. Lyriel sighs and rests her cheek against Flint's chest, wishing life was easier.

The feeling of hearing her talk of options made him happy. Only marginally so that she didn't react to the peck on her sheek. "Well, where would be our first job? Malkier, Illian?" he asked. Flint began to rub her back and shoulders. She did it once as a gesture that she cared, he sought to return the favor.

Lyriel relaxed in Flint's arms, his large warm hands easily working the tension out of her back. "Would it matter? As long as we weren't in Andor? We could even go across the sea fully to Mu or the great Desert." Lyriel said softly taking a deep breath and letting it out. She was relaxing even more against him. She felt almost... lethargic. This must be what it felt like when Human's got sleepy. Lyriel thought to herself in a musing kind of way. She hardly ever felt this way personally.

"I suppose bashing our way across the desert might be fun. What about Hablock or Taramis, anywhere would be a good place." He smiled as she began to loosen up and relax. Flint wondered how their relationship might change while on the road. Would it be possible that they may fall into each others arms again?

"They are all good places, no Ravenwood has been their either so we wouldn't be known as well. We would have to gather a few others though to join our party, a healer and mayhap a theif. Or a wizard if not a theif it could go any number of ways really." Lyriel said thoughtfully, she wanted to be ready just in case. Alehial said she had a plan but... if Gareth refused even that then... there were only three things Flint could really do... Marry Poppy, Run with Lyriel, or...well... okay four but she didn't want to beleive he would kill himself and as sad as it was she knew he might be tempted to join his father. Like she had once been.

"The bigger question is what if no one would join us? I think we might have to supply ourselves with some magics. And even more so a concern who is cooking out on the road?" He grinned at her with the last bit, meaning to lessen the seriousness a little bit. Flint's hands continued to work on her back moving around to her arms.

"There are plenty out there as would join us Flint. No worries about that, we just have to find the ones we are compatible with. Besides I know you can cook, and I can cook well enough. With Wolf at my side there will be no shortage of Rabbits and such for stew. Or campfire cooking. mmmm Your hands are amazing Flint." Lyriel sighs softly relaxed and simly laying against him now. Her eyes closed and her breathing steady as she enjoyed this time with him. She was completely comfertable with him and content to stay where she was.

"I guess my hands would be a reason to keep me around huh?" he teased. He drew her hand into his and managed to work those as well. Flint was a little taken her ebony skin against his own tanned hand, he had accepted her long ago and that would be a requirement to join their band. Placing her hand back on his shoulder he returned his to her hip. Gently he rubbed her hip and squeezed lightly. 

Lyriel grinned and hummed softly as if in thought. "That and I guess... you aren't a total failure with a sword." She says opening her eyes and grinning at him wryly. She felt comfertable and relaxed now. He hadn't done anything to make her worry or put up her guard and so she was completely at ease just enjoying his company. Even though they were so close. She didn't mind too much, she wondered though if they would be able to find adventurers willing to work closely with a drow.

"Oh thank you, and I guess I shouldn't bring up that time you slipped and dropped yours?" he noted with a playful sarcasm. He drew her close and cuffed her chin. She apparently didn't mind affectionate things, just romantic. "It could be worse, we could be taking Elsa, would be coinless in a week after paying her ransoms. But, she might be very helpful in the future if we do this.

"No... Elsa... Elsa and Feal need time to themselve and their children Flint. We can't... We can't get in their way of their future. WE can find someone I'm sure. Bringing up the one and only time huh? Going for low blows are we? Shall I bring up a few of my own?" Lyriel says with a grin before spidering her fingers over his ribs through the shirt. She knew he wasn't overly ticklish but she did know a few spots that always would be.

"I heh mean aha that hehea way!" he managed to say before having to grab her hands. "Now what I was trying to say is, I had to make some plans in case I was exiled. But, it was going to benefit Elsa and Fael and help with the exile." Flint continued to hold her close, almost nose to nose so she couldn't tickle or try beating on him. Not only was he trying to control his laughter but his breathing as well.

"Oh really and how was that exactly? Considering Elsa is pregnant and has twin's who aren't even a full year old yet?" Lyriel asked raising one eyebrow and grinning at him. She tried to free her arms quickly though to see if she couldn't get loose. It was too much fun tickling him and hearing his laughter. It was a rare sound to hear anymore from him. It made her think of when they were children and playing, he was always a serious nd brooding child. She had done her best to play with him and give him laughter and fun.

"If I'm exiled, I forfit everything, house, money, everything. So, I figured to leave it in Elsa's control with concessions. If not then I'd have to pick someone else trustworthy. You were a shoe in, but I figured you wouldn't want to be tied down like that." He looked at her waiting for her to call the plan stupid. Flint loosened his hands a little knowing how she hated to be bound up.

"Oh... no that's... very generous of you. I'm sure they would be honored Flint. You are right though... I'm going to live for a very long time... it would be pointless for me to have a townhouse. I thought you handed over the business dealing to Alehial and Altair?" Lyriel says curiously, she hadn't known he had given this so much thought already, sure it was on everyone's minds but... she hadn't thought of that yet. She felt a little ashamed she hadn't.

"I will have to take it back over when we return home, and I need to discuss the situation with Elsa and Fael first. Then draw up the papers, and prepae to make the king very mad at me." He took her chin in his hand, "So, gonna turn me in for defying a king's command?" He smiled at her and released her chin, again holding her close. "And I was going to make sure that Elsa and Fael always make sure to have a room for you so you can be near their little ones."

"Flint... I'm not always going to be around... I mean... it's nice and all but... Eventually I might not even end up visiting very much. I don't want to see everyone get old and watch them die... attending their funerals and their childrens. I love you all... but I don't think I could handle it. I know... Elsa wanted to make me the godparents of her children... but I refused Flint. I am too young to be a mother, and as much as I love Elsa and Feal... I really... don't want the burden of watching their children grow up and find lone have children and die. I would never betray your trust Flint, but you need to understand." Lyriel says softly resting her forehead against his chest, not wanting to look into his face when she told him this again. She was getting really tired of the repitition of getting these things out in the open with him. He was so hard headed not wanting to beleive her and purposefully ignoring her.

He sighed heavily, "I meant in the next couple of months to a couple years. I remember this conversation from the other day, believe me everything from yesterday is fresh in there." The conversation did nothing but sound depressing, to forego love and relationships until you are old enough NOT to die before that lover or relationship. If he died tomorrow he would love her and his family, if she or they died tomorrow he would love and miss them but carry on knowing he'd see them again. "Just forget I brought it up Lyriel, I'd rather not revisit it al again."

"I'm sorry... I... Ruin everything don't I? I can't even manage to do the most simple things right. Like just enjoy being with you. I'm sorry... Maybe... we should see if Altair and Alehial are awake." Lyriel says softly resting her cheek against his chest again and hugging him tightly. She hated how she kept bringing up painful topics and he... well he did too sometimes but he was always trying to make her feel better even when she refused him. Even when she turned him away it seemed he would never truelly leave her and that was what she counted on, more then anything she clung to his closeness even though she knew she shouldn't.

"Damn it girl, you don't ruin things it's just that this distancing yourself from us is a sad way to be." He took her hands and tipped her head to look at him. "Are we so unworthy of being a part of your life, that because we will die before you, you live for future friends and lovers that will die closer to the time you will? You've told me how you love playing with Xeph and Katilyn and their tails, are they not worth Aunt Lyriel's love?" He didn't know how else to say it, the more she pushed the more alone she would be, and the more it hurt all of them.

"No! Of course not! I love Xeph and Kaitlyn, I love everyone I just... I see Elsa and Lily growing up... and Alehail and Lai never changing... looking the same as when I first met them. Seeing The human's changing and growing so rapidly... even though I seem to.. not change very much at all. I don't... I just... wish I could be... a human for you Flint. I like who I am... I enjoy being different... but it's because I'm different. I won't have children only to watch them die hundreds of years before I will. I don't want to be a widow several times over before I'm even three hundred. Flint... I can't be a proper woman, I can't be... a wife and a mother, because... I don't understand what being an adult is yet." Lyriel says staring down at his chest. She didn't want to look in his eyes, she knew she might cry if she did.

"I just wish trying to find a place in your heart didn't feel like fighting the dragon war alone. And I know I am not the only member of the family that worries about you pushing all of us away. Remember my mother wasn't that old before she died, what if that happens to any of us?" He hated trying to explain this, it was a hurtful subject. But, unless they laid everything out it would never get any better, just more painful.

"I know Flint. I know... I really do. But... I leave and adventure because I enjoy it! It's fun! I like being home... but it hurts too. Seeing everyone together and so happy. I don't hate them for it... and I don't really want it... but it just feels like... I won't find my true love like they did. I don't want that... I don't want a family of my own Flint. I just want... to be allowed to be free.

He held her close and tried to comfort her, it was so hard this back and forth. "I know it's sad when you feel like you don't belong, I handle that everyday." Things seemed like they might get better between them, even this plan of running away. He kept thinking about what she said about wishing she was human. What would she say if he wishing sometimes he were an elf, so they could be together.

"I'm being stupid... I'm who I am for a reason. I just haven't found it yet. I'm where I'm at and who I'm with for a reason to. Whenever the gods decide to show them... well it's their will not mine. I'm just glad... you understand and... don't get angry or hateful at everthing I keep messing up." Lyriel says hugging him tightly and resting her cheek against his braod chest comfertably. She nuzzled against him a little and allowed herself to feel content and peaceful. She forced away the other feelings and let herself just be happy.

"You don't mess up, and how could I say that I love you and not accept that your feelings are complicated. Besides I try to live in the moment, for that is all life is moments." He again began rubbing her back, they had broken through a lot of what caused the tension between them. And now he honestly could saw he never felt closer to this force of nature. Perhaps these kind of things are the what Altair and Alehial had to work through as well.

"I know. But it just seems more complicated when it's around us then any other time." Lyriel sighed softly and relaxed fully as his hands once again began to relax her. It had to be a trick of some kind that he knew. She was always a little tense unless in her meditation or nature commune. For some reason he always seemed to be able to get her to relax.

Altair opened his eyes and looked at Alehial, they were sleeping together in their room. A force of habit even when sleeping they gravitated to each other. He reached out and very gently and stroked her cheek, they both had watched over the younger generation until they were tired. Smiling he allowed himself to reminesce about waking up beside her from the time in the frontier until now. Even the mornings when the horde came to wake them.

Alehial stirred a little at the hand on her cheek. Blinking a few times to clear sleep clurry vision. The light however drove her to nuzzle her face against Altair's chest to block it out. She loved sleeping next to her husband because he was like... well a wolf. He was always hot, physical tempature wise. He always kept her warm and she prefurred being warm to anything else. He also smelled... earthy. That was the only way she could think to say it. Like earth but not mud, like the scent... of a forest only without there being any forest. She squeezed him slightly and burrowed against him a little more, she really didn't want to wake up yet... or at all.

He smiled, then wrapped his arm around to hold her close. Everyone had felt chilled with what had happened. They had all been out in the weather and even though warm clothes and food helped, the sitaution and weather was still miserable. Altair kissed her temple, "Go back to sleep my love, I'm sorry I woke you." She might not have gotten a great amount of sleep if she was too concerned about the family.

"No. I'll stay here." Alehial mumbles into his chest. She kept her eyes closed and continued holding him tightly in her arms. She just lay there and continued to drench herself in his scent. If she could she'd roll all over him and soak up his scent until she was covered with it. She didn't know why she got so stubburn and let things get in between him and her. "Let's wait a few years before having another baby." She says pulling her head back enough to not be muffled by his chest. She wanted him to live for a long time yet. And if she had to wait until he was sixty before trying for another baby... by the gods above she would wait until he was sixty.

"WHat brought this on?" he chuckled at her. Bringing her mouth to his, they shared a kiss. Altair knew why, she wanted to keep him as long as she could. Ever since they heard the declaration when he returned for the dead during the war. "Only if you promise that it is the pregnant part we hold off on." he commented with a smile.

"Obviously, you think I can just walk around and live around you without needing a taste? I'd be crazy... oh wait... according to the Andorian courts... I am crazy. Actually... that's what the Sildaen courts think too." Alehial muses thoughtfully before leaning up and sharing another kiss. She knew she didn't have to explain, she was worried about Galin returning and if the prophesy of the baby and his life span would even be correct. What if Galin somehow killed him again like last time. Alehial had to protect her children and make sure Altair was never in a sitaution she could not help him in again.

"No one calls my lover crazy. She is passionate, and I find that intoxicating about her." he commented. Galin was worrying her, it didn't take a scholar to see that. Altair reached down and pulled her closer, feeling her muscles and curves through her shift. He had always loved the fact she kept herself in amazing shape. Although it kept him on his toes and working to remain in fighting shape.

"Likewise. Besides the only person allowed to call you crazy if family... or me. Which is actually a lot of people... come to think of it." Alehial laughs softly wrapping her arms around his neck. She could feel his... Morning appetite and leaned forward giving him a soft kiss. She didn't really feel up to it after the night they just had but she didn't want to tease him and leave him either. So she did her best to lay still and not move around much.

"So, lay here a bit longer hoping everyone thinks we're asleep? Just to avoid any chaos for a few more minutes." He smiled at her then returned the kiss. Altair could live for hours cuddled up sharing gentle kisses with her. "I haven't heard anything in the form of warfare in the hallways, so that is a good thing."

Alehial giggled softly. "Goof! I'm sure the ladies are downstairs just laying in wait for me. Probably with a feast they will call breakfast." Alehisl sighs softly, even though she loved cuddling with him more then ever. "I do think... I will indulge in a hot bath though..." She said softly with a small smile up at Altair. She leaned forward to kiss his lips again. She could kiss his lips all day long if life would let her. In fact she had done that a few times... in the frontier and at the manor.

"Shall I call for hot water, and maybe remain to scrub your back?" he requested. He loved to watch Alehial bathe, not just because he found her beautiful, but because she was happy and stress just left her when she did. Their room at home had a tub sunk into the floor just big enough for two. "Or would you prefer to handle it yourself while I go verify everyone is ok?" Altair kissed her again and squeezed her backside lightly.

"I was thinking maybe my smelly husband could help me bath so I could help him be a little less smelly afterwards." Alehial said with a smile, she knew how much of a pervert her husband was. She in fact loved teasing him a lot about that very fact. She held back her groan but she did tighten her rear in his hand. She was worried about last night but, she thought to give the kids a little more time to themselves first and Altair was always the best distraction.

He smiled at her, "Smelly am I? I thought you rather enjoyed th smel of nature?" Part of the love between them depended on thos banter back and forth. It defined and sometimes caused on more than one occasion a night of passion. "I know, I need to get a bath as well. Wiping down before dealing with Lyriel was not hot water and soap."

"I like the smell of nature darling but not the smell of whatever you were rolling in last night." Alehial teased gently kissing his lips again. Looking up into his eyes, she could see the changes time had on him. But it only deepened her love for him. "Let's ask the ladies to bring us hot water alright? We can bring up the large tub you and I." Alehial says softly with a smile on her lips.

He grinned at her, "I suppose we could do that. So, that means we need to get up." He patted her backside and began getting ready to get up. Once out of bed he gathered some clothes and waited for Alehail to get ready as well. "Lai hasn't contacted us with any news, do you think everything is alright?"

"Well... We haven't exactly contacted her to tell her about... What happened last night either." Alehial says standing up and shedding her shift, walking over to the clean clothing she had put out last night before going to bed. She pulls on the pants and laces the front before grabbing the bra and putting that on. Snatching up the shirt next and pulling it over her head. She didn't bother tucking it in or tying up the front either. They were going to get the tub and bring it back.

"Well, here is a hope the most we hear is Asper is being snipey, Lily is talking to everyone, Elsa and Fael haven't been seen in days, and Darryl is being himself." he wished. And hoped that would be the report they would recieve. He moved to the bedroom door and opened it for her. "Ladies first, see I do have some manners." Altair was more concerned about the children with them, then those left behind.

"Here's to hoping." Alehial says with a smile kissing his lips softly as she passed him. Walking out into the hallway. "Besides I know you just like watching my ass as I walk past. You can't fool me with gentlemanly behavior." She grins at him, pushing that worry away for the moment as she waited on him to exit the room as well. She really did want to relax in that bath before she had to do anything terrible again today like she did yesterday.

Once downstairs her prediction was correct, "Morning Lady and Lord, are you both 'well rested'?" They had deal of food on the table and Conner was smiling telling stories to some of the younger ladies who were staring doe eyed at him. He looked up and greeted them, "Did you two get enough rest? I hope so, the sargent was curious if we would be departing tomorrow." The room was warm and very inviting with the smells of baked goods wafting on the air.

"Yes we slept very well thank you SON.I do hope your not promising anything... anything to these girls while your MOTHER slept?" Alehial asked walking over to him and kissing his cheek hugging him from behind. "Cause I will hurt you child." She whispered in his ear while she hugged him closely. The food made her stomach rumble in hunger, she really was very hungry and the food looked delicious and smelled even better.

"Do I look insane, all their mothers and grandmothers are here." he quipped. The women giggled and smiled at the reaction along with a couple jokes. Altair's stomach rumbled the minute the food hit his nose. "So, any sign of Lyriel or FLint lately son?" Conner shrugged he hadn't seen them since he got up and found himself in here.

"You'd better not follow your fathers footsteps into insanity." Alehial says roughing up his hair just to get on his nerves. Laughing softly she sits down and fills herself a plate of food, but wait until Altair was beside her and had his own plate filled before she began eating. She did wonder what her Drow daughter was up to but... Lyriel always was a daddy's girl.

"My father was never insane, look who he married?" Conner retorted. The woman in the room roared with laughter. Altair paused a few mintues to smile before starting to eat. Conner had a way with retorts sometimes and that one was great. One of the women set a mug of tea before each of them and produced some sugar.

"Right and a completely sane man will leap off of ledges and dragons and giants and ceilings and walls with the thought that of course he would make it to the ground alive somehow." Alehial says dryly though one of her hands was beneath the table and laid gently on Altair's thigh, though not his inner thigh, she just wanted to touch him anyways. As she spoke of such things as he had done everything she had spoken of. She thanked the lady's softly and used her free hand to begin eating with her fork.

He put his free hand on hers and squeezed gently, little things like this meant more to him now. "There have been a couple things, I've jumped from that were less than intelligent. And I don't recall jumping from a dragon, seiling or wall. Although I am advancing in age, and the memory ain't what it used to be." Altair teased her and hopefully entertained the rest of them.

"Inside the Drow tunnels you jumped from the ceiling, after you had helped rescue Lyle's family and village. Let's see... you jumped from one dragon's back to another and leapt from a balcony in Feal's home of the oasis. As much as you cannot recall... I'll remember everything bad you do so that I can remind you all of the time. Then tell you all the good things you've done to me." Alehial says with a soft smile, leaning over and kissing his cheek softly. She then went back to eating a little. Taking a sip of the juice placed before her. She would eat a little of everything and then stop. She hadn't overly filled her plate and she still prefurred to eat less in the mornings.

The women laughed and more than one started counting children while another commented on other good things. Conner rolled his eyes and led the procession of younger girls out of the room. Altair shook his head before asking, "How soon before we start calling for family members and transferring back and forth?" He was less than happy about leaving Alehial, "I wonder how the house has fared while we have been away?"

"Tomorrow morning. We'll figure things out and call on others in the afternoon. We can check in later tonight with everyone, I'm sure they will love to see us and hear how we've been. I miss Lily actually as silly as that may sound." Alehial smiles softly and finishes the little bit of food, she ate half her plate and thought that was good enough for the dayly dosage of breakfast. It was of course whether or not Altair let her get away with eating so little or made her eat more.

He looked at her plate then her and smiled, "Is the food not to your liking?" Alehial hated to offend nice people and that might get her to finish the plate. "Maybe we should push to have Lily and Conner swap places as well. She could use some real world time to hone some of her skills. And I would have liked for her to ride out with you, but back will do as well."

"No it's delicious it is but... There is so much of it and... I really... don't prefur to eat anything in the mornings. Altair we can't... We need fighters at home... especially once the children are there, they must be protected! Lily is a strong girl and she knows how to be responsible. If anything happens I feel much better with her being there to fight and help protect her siblings. As much as I love Conner, he simply isn't the fighter we need to protect the homestead." Alehial says softly squeezing his knee with her hand gently.

He watched her then smiled, "perhaps then we should trade her now and switch once the children are gated home? After a little talk, I feel she does need a chance to use her skills in a practical manner. But, if it makes you feel better I will submit to your decision." Altair was a guest in her caravan, he could make suggestions but let his lover decide. Leaning over he stole a kiss, then lightly dabbed her lips with a napkin.

"That sounds like a really good plan actually honey. Besides you outrank me, whether with this caravan or just with us. You know that right? I will always appreciate and love you. If you think so... well, she is your pupil. You are her teacher and your say goes." Alehial smiled softly laying her head on his shoulder. She stared at the plate of food still and with a sigh picked up the fork and began eating a little more.

"We will see what they think, and go from there. And I only kid about you eating more." He bowed his head to the remaining ladies, "I thank you for the wonderful hospitality, but I fear if my lady eats much more that she may burst." He smiled at her and kissed her forhead, the women all laughed and agreed lady Ravenwood did a marvelous job. "Shall we prepare dinner for you then later?" they asked almost in unison.

"Yes please but... only if you don't mind. I mean I can cook... well I mean I attempt to cook whether it happens or not is... not always my fault." Alehial says putting the fork down, pursing her limps together. She leaned against his shoulder though and yes she admitted it she was pouting. It wasn't fair that she couldn't really eat very much... Nor the fact she was cooking retarded. Everything she tried to cook was still raw in places or crispy. It just wasn't fair that she couldn't be domestic and... properly wiferly.

Altair ran his hand down and patted her lower back. She was his wife, and while she didn't do so well cooking, she was perfect for him. "I usually handle the cooking duties, leaving Lady Ravenwood to handle the children and and diplomacy with visitors." Tilting her head up he kissed her deeply, he wanted Alehial for everything she was, not for her cooking ability. Knowing the ladies didn't speak high elven he whispered, "Shall I take you back upsatairs to erase that pout?"

"I feel I may be neglecting my duties as Leader of our caravan if I do not check in with the men. I suppose however I am as leader able to order Conner to check and get whatever needs to be done checked over. He knows the perameters of detail and the results of which I expect from men. I would love to have you resolve my problems my love." She says in return, the speech flowing almost more easily then the common tongue, of course she still had far more familiarity with high elven then common.

"How about we check on the men and the children, then sequestor oursleves for a planning meeting?" he offered. Alehial was always taking other people into her considerations. He would never hold his military rank over her. They were friends as well as lovers, she held his heart and he was stronger for that. The women were looking back and forth trying to figure out what they were saying back and forth.

"It sounds like a wonderous plan to me, my beloved. Let us go then and accomplish our plans." Alehial says with a soft smile on her lips. She leaned forward and nuzzled her nose against his chin and jawlength. "Lady's we are going to go out and check on the men. I need to make sure we are getting the supplies and everything has been repaired. We'll see you later, We;ll be coming back to discuss the plans in the bedroom. Unless called for we need to be undisturbed please." Alehial smiles even as she nuzzled Altair a little. Altairs accent in high elven was rough and huskier then most male elves used their voices. He spoke well but it was obvious he was a little rusty. Whereas she fell right back into it, even her words spoken to the lady's had a more lilting elven tone left behind then she normally spoke with.

Roma, one of the older women laughed lightly, "We'll see that your 'planing' meeting isn't interupted." The other women chuckled and joked a little bit. "Shall we expect your daughter and young Flint anytime soon? They have been upstairs for quite awhile now. Also we will need a soldier or two to come round and gather some baked goods for the rest."

"I'm not sure. I was unaware they were still in the house. Lyriel doesn't like to be cooped up in any one place for too long. I imagine they'll be down soon enough. We'll send some around to gather anything you wish to send them. Tell me Roma how is your husband? Still not upset over his leg I hope? It was many years ago... you were both quite young. I would hope he would calm down about that." Alehial says softly, she had healed his leg enough so that it would heal on it's own fine, and not leave him damadged for life. But last Alehial knew he refused to come out of his house when she was in town. To Alehial it was worth saving the then young Roma from the almost daily beatings he gave her.

"He fared better with you then me a couple years later. I took the frying pan aside his head during one, and left him to sleep it off." In truth a great number of wives turned the tables on their husbands. "Once he learned that you showed us we women meant something, he changed his tune. Never beat me again, even quit drinking so much." Roma smiled and nodded to Alehial giving her a lot of the credit.

"There is no reason for man to be seen as any different then a woman. We are just as capable if not more then. Sometimes men need to be shown that. The hard way." Alehial says shaking her head and smiling softy, she squeezed Altair's shoulder and kissed his cheek. "Things can be resolved, and good will come of it." Alehial says softly before nodding to the ladies and heading for the door to check on the soldiers.

Altair finished his coffee and bowed to the ladies before hurrying to catch his wife. "You have changed a lot of lives, not just mine." he said as he took her hand. Many people held Alehial in high regards, she proved that she was capable in so many roles. They walked a short distance to the soldiers encampment. The first guard they came to saluted smartly, "Hail Lord & Lady Ravenwood."

"What's with the Hailing? I thought we had gotten over that and decided very decisively that we were okay with Ma'am. What happened to the Ma'am? Did she leave? Am I someone else now? Charley... It's Ma'am, or Lady is fine too. I don't mind that. Hell even Alehial is fine by me. Round everyone up. We are planning and have a quick meeting. Go now." Alehial orders before blowing air out of her mouth expressively. She hadn't meant to rant at poor Charley, he hadn't done anything to her.

Altair blinked a few times as Charley hurried away to gather the officers. "I always wondered where Lily got her style of talking from." he teased her. The sargent and a couple of wagon drivers returned with the guard. "We have been inform you wish a word Lady Ravenwood." he began after nodding to both of them. The rest of the men were either resting or drilling in expectations for moving out soon.

"Shush husband man. The lady's of the town and baked you men some goods. They want a few of you to nip 'round and fetch them for everyone. We leave tomorrow afternoon. We are swapping a few people out and packing up while that is happening. That's all I have to inform you. Just knock and the women will let you in. Be courteous, I tought these women a thing or two." Alehial says back in her commanding and in charge sort of way and attitude. She had lost the grip she held tightly overherself, in front of anyone but her family and her husband, she had to erect some sort of person they could understood and follow.

"Yes ma'am, I'll send so men to gather those things and spread the word amongst the men our plans." They all turned and moved away, all except Altair who watched her with amusement and mirth. "From speedy talking Lily to Elsa, they have learned a lot from their mother." Chuckling her wrapped his arm in hers and waited for her to announce their next stop. He frowned for a second and let out a slight belch behind his gloved hand.

"Ew... so much for the well groomed and versed duke of Ravenwood. Back comes the barbarian of the forest I met half naked in a sweaty tent in the Frontier. Right but of course the boys learned from their father. Conner and his womanizing ways, that seems to ring a bell with me. Flattering woman and dancing with them, then of course MAthius with his single minded devotion to one single woman. Darryl bending over backwards for that... Asper. Deffinite resemblance." Alehial says with a scoffing laugh, squeezing his hand with her own and walking him around to check on the equipment. Once that was done they could go back and enjoy some time together, privately.

"I know I don't have to remind you a grandchild is forthcoming from Darryl and 'that Asper'. It would be nice that you and her could maybe bury the perverbal axe?" Altair didn't want to admit it, but the coffee wasn't sitting well with him. "And I never womanized once, you were the one with numerous interested parties. That and I'm glad Mathius is devoted to Cybil, just like Lucas is deeply in love with Tani."

"I know but... everything from within me screams out that Asper just... isn't right. From her heritage to her personality. My teaching and instincts all tell me to be rid of her. I AM trying you know. Are you feeling alright Altair? You look a little pale... You didn't get sick did you?" Alehial asks her head up to his forehead and her own in seconds. A worried look in her eyes as she checked his eyes as well since they were so close. She wasn't the healer that Tani and Arten were, but she considered herself passing fair. Besides she didn't really like talking about Asper very much, nore about all the children it made her nostalgic to see her babies.

"I'm fine my love, the coffee isn't sitting right today. Before we head up to our room I'll get a little milk it'll be fine." He smiled and kissed her gently, hating to see her worry over nothing. Altair agreed about speaking about the children. They both missed the little ones terribly, and he hoped they had behaved while they stayed in Sildea.

"Best to drink some water and I'll ask the girls for some peppermint. It should help settle your stomach. I suppose the equipment is in good condition so we can head back now anyways. We don't have to... do anything you know Altair... I love even just laying beside you." Alehial says softly not wanting to pressure him into anything. She knew she was still as young and healthy as she had been when they first met, in fact other then maybe a single scar she didn't think she had changed physically at all. She had even healed after each child quickly and with little scarring. Altair was deffinetly starting to show his years. In crows feet, and laugh lines, to a little bit of white hair's coming thorugh that she refused to tell him about.

"Usually because laying beside one another leads to sex anyway." he teased. "Let's start with the laying and see where we go from there." Altair had no intention of passing up a chance to make love to his wife. A little indegistion wasn't going to stop him, even the most dire of injuries wouldn't. The wind was blowing as they arrived back at the house, passing the soldiers who hurried back to the encampment with some baked goods.

"Alright we'll see about it then, I'll get the water and peppermint though. It will help, and I want you to drink as much of it as you think you can." Alehial says softly holding his hand entwined with her own. He might not believe it but she really did love just laying with him. Hearing him breathing beside her, being alive and with her still. It gave her great comfort. She missed her babies and the closer they got to them the more she cuddled and sought to be with Altair.

As they entered the house, Conner was singing to his little group of friends. His tones were warm and vibrant and the ladies in a wide range of ages listened with rapt attention. Altair took her hand and kissed her cheek, "I'll go get the water if you'll get the peppermint and we'll meet upstairs." He touched her bottom and gave it a playful squeeze, she sometimes hated when he did that. Alehial body and mind was addictive to him and even touches were amazing.

"Altair Ravenwood!" Alehial exclaims hotly as a blush rushed to her cheeks. She couldn't beleive him! Grabbing at her like that, in this household right in front of Conner too! Alehial put her right hand to her right cheek and blushed even harder at feeling the heat from her blush. Altair thought it was so cute when she blushed but she hted it still. Some things always made her blush though and nothing would change that more then likely. She loved the mn but he exasperated her to no end sometimes.

He smiled and headed to get a mug for the water and winked as he passed her. Conner shook his head and continued his mini performance, this was nothing new for the Ravenwood kids. His mother and father had moments when they acted like spouses half their age. The bardic side of him, found and romanticized that part of their relationship. However, the child side of him wished his parents would just get a room, as far from his as possible.

Alehial's cheeks grew redder at the brazen act of her husband. She glanced at Conner and gave him an apologetic smile, she knew he and most of the other children didn't like such displays of attraction between their parents. Alehial smiled at Conner then in just a doting happy look on her face, Conner looked just like his father, maybe a little smoother thin lines of the jaw and shoulders but, they could be almost twins but for a few differences such as hair color, voice, and like she had said those slight traces of elven blood. Even Conner's eyes had green in them, as did all the children from her loins. Alehial blew a kiss to Conner before going to the indoor window box of herbs, plucking the spear ment she headed upstairs to meet Altair.

He chuckled when she came into the room, "You're not too cross are you?" The mug of water sat by the bedside as did his wand, just in case. He came to her and unbuckled her weapons belt, as he kissed her deeply. Everything else in the world would meltaway in that moment his lips touched hers. "My dearest wife, friend and lover, my life is better for being with you."

"I never considered my life being lived until I met you my love. I shall always remember our time together with the greatest of fondness and love. Each and every time we are together." Alehial smiles softly, she loved the feeling of his arms wrapped around her and the heat from his body, the broadness of shoulder and arms. No Elf could compare to the stature Altair had. "And no, I'm not cross. A little grumpy mayhap but not cross." Alehial smiled before resting her cheek against his chest, inhaling the scent of him, Leather and oil, metal and woods. He smelled musky and she knew she would long for the scent of him long after he was gone as well.

"Come, let's get comfortable and rest for a little bit. I wish to hold you close and nuzzle my wife." he declared, begining to loosen her armor straps. He released her long enough to remove her armor pieces and her cloak. Then he sat her on the bed and began to remove her boots, smiling at her as he did so. "So, how long do you think we have until dinner Lady Ravenwood?"

"A few hours at least, we did just finish breakfast you realize. So I figure around eight hours. Barring lunch of course. Don't forget to crush the peppermint in the water and drink it. It'll ease the discomfort in your stomach." Alehial says with a smile helping him help her out of her boots. She wanted to nuzzle too quite frankly, she was missing her small children and missed her big children being small and being with Altair always made her feel a lot better.

He released her after removing her boots, "Of course and barring lunch I'll take those hours." He crushed the peppermint and after letting it soak a little, downed the glass. Returning to her, he removed his armor and began to open his shirt. Looking at Alehial made him happy, even with the knowledge she wanted him beside her still. "Well m'lady, up under the covers and get ready to snuggle." he said with a smile.

"You are such a wierdo you know that." Alehial said with a laugh before getting on top of the covers. It was too nice of a day for her to be under the covers and still fully clothed. Besides she loved making love in broad daylight, that way she could see all of him and see exactly what she was doing with him. It was the biggest thrill for Alehial. That and in the forest.

He playfully pushed her onto her back and began unlacing her pants. Then as he pulled them down, he leaned and kissed her stomach dipping his tongue into her belly button. Next he began to undo her shirt and after it her undergarments. Once done he looked upon the most beatiful person he ever could. Laying beside her, he kissed her deeply and let his hands roam her body.

"Altair! You said snuggling! This is not snuggling!" Alehial sighed softly, she was loving his touch on her body but he had promised they would lay together and this wasn't exactly what she had in mind. She didn't hate it but she wondered where he got the energy and how long did he have the urge to do it all the time like this anyways? She gently traced her hand up and down his arm and over his shoulder, there would never be a more handsome and perfect man then this.

He looked at her and smiled, instantly becoming the younger man he was once. "My apologies, snuggling I can do that I promise." he quipped, mischief sparkling in his eyes. Leaning forward he nuzzled from her breasts up to kiss her before continuing to nuzzle her neck and ear. Altair knew time was catching up with him, if Galin's return meant a war was coming it most likely would be his last. Once he set the worlds balance right and succeded in completing their family, he would walk another path to the next life.

Alehial cought her breath, she nearly purred from his attention to her neck. It was a weakspot of hers. Her own hands still moving lightly and tracing benign designs over his shoulders and back. She wanted to spend as much time as possible together with him but she had a bad feeling about this war. About Galin's return, and everytime she had such a foreboding feeling, she knew something bad was going to happen. Something she wouldn't be able to stop.

He smiled again and started to move from her ears to neck again. Knowing ALehial like he did, her neck was perfect to nuzzle. Gently he licked her clavical and kissed across to the other. Then her went up the other side of her neck and lingered there. "Is my snuggling adequate?" he asked as his hands held her close.

"Still full of lies and deciet like a barbarian's true nature." Alehial moaned softly, his fingers finally rounding his shoulders and her fingers make quick work of the ties to open his shirt. It wasn't fair that she was the only one naked as they snuggled together. She liked him nude as much as she was sure he liked her, though he was more self concious almost more so then she was which was humorous, seeing as she was born and raised for forty years a high born lady.

"Never you know I sometimes mix up snuggle and nuzzle." he chuckled. He kissed the lobe of her ear, then kissed around the back of it. When she moaned he always felt a swell of pride. Altair knew that he could still do things men half his age in court could not. But it was making his wife happy, that was the only accomplishment he truly cared about.

"Enough of your lying tongue! Off with your shirt you heathen." Alehial says breathily, stopping the urge to moan and press herself against him. No need to rush things, or make him think he was doing so well. If he worked at it he always felt better about himself afterwards. She'd learned that one the slow way. It was a carefully balanced game they played together, him making her moan and her making him work for it.

Doing as she asked, he doffed his shirt tossing it off the bed to the ground. Then her returned to kissing her neck, his fingers dragging over the skin of her thighs. "I thought you liked my tongue my lover?" he laughed as he continued. Over the years they had tried various things to maintian a loving relationship. But, in truth this worked out best for them both.

Alehial moaned softly, his fingers roughly pressing into the sensitive skin of her thighs more then she could handle keeping the moan in. A little rough play always got the best reaction from Alehial after all. "I do like your tongue, expecially when it's not wagging in your mouth." She says with a smile up at him, her hands traveling down his sides and untying his pants slowly, brushing her fingers over the bulge every so often while unlacing the britches just to keep him interested.

Now it was his turn to moan and he sought out her mouth. Kissing her deeply he slipped his tongue between her lips. Altair loved when they decided to tease one another until all they could do was give into their desires. Fingers continued to draw designs on her thighs, moving closer and closer to her nethers then drifting away. And with every one of her touches he strained against his britches.

Alehial wiggled her hips under his hands as she thoroughly engaged in the kiss. His pants unlaced she pulls them open to free his... interest. Once free she shoved the pants down off his buttocks and hips. She couldn't reach any further she was simply too short to be able to do so. But it was fine becouse it meant she could play as he was, though she was far crueler, she touched his tip gently and ran her finger lightly down the top of him to the base where his hair grew. Then ever so lightly still dragged her nail up it back to the top.

His body shook and he groaned into the kiss, as if the woman needed more than a simple touch to excite him. Using his free hand to graze her neck as the other hand conintued to draw ranger and druidic symbols on her leg. They had traded so much knowledge over the years, except the language of the Druidic language. How many times had they found excuses to slip away and enjoy one another in nature. Altair stared across for a minute to the wand on the table, he would need that before this went to much farther.

Breaking the kiss Alehial smiles. "Go and get it, and take off your trousers while your at it." She whispers into his ear before nibbling the edge of it and his lobe. Scratching her nails from back thigh and over his buttocks she giggled, how she loved to toy with this man and push his buttons. How the man loved to toy with her for that matter, his hand gently touching her neck was driving her crazy. She prefurred the feel of skin on skin, holding, digging, clasping. Alehial was deffinetly one for the wild passionate animal like lust that drove to coupling, but she equally loved the slow enjoyment of their bodies too.

He got up and let his trousers drop to the floor, retriving the wand he cast the spell inside. As he returned to their bed, he smiled at her and stroked open her thighs and leaned down. She had told him that she loved his tongue and he sought to see how much. Altair washed his tongue over her nethers while watching her face, he continued to do this while he stroked her body with his hands. Alehial would most likely try to get him to stop, but he didn't always do what she wanted, not when he had her at his mercy.

"Ah! Altai! Uuuhhn! YEs uuhhh so good." Alehial's skin twitched at first contact but was soon swept adrift in pleasure by Altair's tongue and touch. The man knew her every weak spot, they had been together long enough he knew exactly what to do to drive her crazy. He also knew how much she relished the feel of him inside of her more so then any play before hand. "No! No Altair stop! It's AH! Enough enough! Ooooohhh no I... I can;t wait... please no no no no ahah yes!!" Alehial moans as after only a few minutes she climaxed from his touches, he was crueller then she was some days. She forgot about that.

Being loving as she rode out her climax, he then moved up to pull her close. "My lover, I hope I pleased you well." he cooed into her ear. From the first time together he knew there was no other for him. Stroking her gently while she pulled herself together, he worried for a second how she would retaliate.

Alehial rumbled in her chest before reaching out and yanking his head back with a hand in his hair. She at once leaned down and bit the muscle of his neck. Not just a love bite but not enough to draw blood, she bite down and sucked hard on it for a few seconds before releasing his neck from her teeth. She gently bit his chin. "I told you to wait." She scowled at him, though it wasn;t an angry scowl more of a mocking scowl. She pulled his hair until his entire body shifted onto his back, She rolled on top of him. "Now you're going to be punished." She said before letting go of his hair.

"I could not help myself, you were making such wonderful noises." he playfully said. "I guess I will have to accept my punishment, please be gentle." still playing with her. He did stop her long enough for a quick kiss, before giving her complete control. He was always shocked when she would bite him, but she never hurt him and his trust was absolute. Their lovemaking was always a little more primal when they weren't in Baerlon.

"You have no choice but to accept it." Alehial says gruffly, reaching down and gripping his cock with her hand. Holding it tightly but not nearly enough to be painful. She then aligns herself before thrusting down on top of him hard and fast. Crying out sharply at the sudden intrusion and shuddering on top of him for a moment to adjust. Her hand holding his thigh as her other one was holding his hip instead of his hair now. She sat completely straight on top of him, joined at the hips. Uniting them together in the most primal and fundamental way possible.

He gasped as her weight came down pressing him into the mattress, then it returned him, pressing deeper into her. Altair reached up and wrapped his hands about her waist. "Oh..gods Ali...Alehial you, my gods so wonderful." he rushed out to her. Momentarily he wondered if anyone in the house heard them, then quit caring. Nothing else mattered to him then his beautiful wife and falling into their desires.

"Blessed G-gods!" Alehial moans before moving on top of him with her hips. Not yet raising up but using her skill of dancing to grind and twist her hips to drive him even further inside of her. Bumping against her very center. Alehial shuddered and after that before to raise and lower her hips, gripping his rigid length inside of her tightly. Using her grip on his hips and thigh to keep centered and balanced so that she didn't lose the contact between them and the delicious friction.

Altair's eyes practically rolled up into his head, she was amazing. He roamed a hand to her breast and massaged it before pulling lightly on her nipples. "I must have done something very good in another life." he gasped. Her movements and friction, he figured would kill him one day, but as long as they were together, he'd never refuse her. After a moment he made a decision that they would discuss later.

"AH! Ah! Ahn! Y-yes! Alt-altair! AH!" Alehial cries out before thrusting down harshly, her body squeezing Altair tightly as she threw back her head. Her hair brushing his thighs and her spine rigid as her climax washed through her causing her to cry out harshly, her hips rotating a little as she was wont to draw out her pleasure and his with the skills she had learned over the years.

"OH! GODS ALiehial....yes! nnhmmm" he echoed her as her movements brought on his climax as well. Sitting up and wrapping his arms under her bottom to hold himself near her. While so close he pressed his lips to hers, searching out her tongue. Part of him wished they had been outside in nature. "Gods above, Alehial. You make me feel so good." he moaned.

"D-damn... I was... going to make you h-hold off." Alehial moans softly after the kiss. She went loose in his arms and let him take her weight. She didn't move off of him though, she loved feeling them joined together. She nuzzled his neck and kisses the bite bruise gently. Everyone would know what had happened the imprint of her teeth were the darkest bruise on his neck. It would show above any color he wore unless it was elven. It made her smile though.

"You're the one with amazing control of your lower body, dearest." he chided playfully. Working on catching his breath, ever since sheh learned to dance, she could mesmerize him with her gyrations. Alehial had even taught the girls how to dance as a way to remain limber. "I love you, Alehial, and I always will." he told her before kissing her deeply again.

"What can I say you make me forget things sometimes." Alehial says after joining in the depe kiss. She loved this man more then she loved her own life and her childrens as well. She hugged him tightly and smiled softly laying on top of him. "I would trade my life to let you and the children live freely and the way you wished it." Alehial said softly.

"Wouldn't be much of a life without you in it Alehial." he whispered to her. If only it was so easy to chuck everything and head back to the frontier. They had met and fallen in love there, amongst the people and nature. It was a running thing between them, to leave Baerlon and settle back into life out there. Many years had passed since they even had visited the old place.

"Don't I know it." Alehial muttered softly, laying against him. She closed her eyes and just breathed deeply and relaxed for a little while. Tomorrow she would be back on the road again, her and some of the children. To go pick up her youngest from her mother in Sildea. She was not looking forward to that. There was always some formality involved and some kind of greating with the council's. She was thankful that her mother kept clothes for her at the house still however. But she didn't want to be rude and she wished Altair still wasn't treated with disdain, he may have saved them from the greater demon but... the elves still didn't like how brash and quick he was to just run head first into trouble.

"Are you sure that you don't want me to continue on with you to Sildea?" he asked. He knew that most of the elves though he was considered a hero in their eyes, that he was human. And because of this he acted rashly, and that sometimes made elves nervous. Most of the children were well accepted in Alehial's homeland, some more than others. "I mean you are taking Flint there as well and I wonder if you all will encounter the Wisdom there?"

"Altair... The house is left unattended by any real fighters other then Feal. We can't leave four pregnant women in the biggest target zone in Baerlon completely undefended by any real experienced fighters. Unless we sent Lyriel and Flint and Conner all home then I don't see how this will be really possible. I know the wisdom will probably be there but beleive it or not Altair, I actually can handle myself without you supervising me all the time." Alehial said teasingly as she pinched him gently at his stomach. She hoped he either had a better plan or would just keep following the one they already had.

"I know the plan is sound, I just hate being away from you so often." he admitted. "It seems so much of our life has been spent chasing each other across the world for one thing or another. And besides, I can remember quite a few places near Sildea that you and I slipped away to be alone." He ran his hands along her frame, savory the feeling of her skin. Leaning down he suddenly put his mouth to her shoulder and nipped her playfully.

"Well it certainly has been true... apparently we need something to chase otherwise we get more and I get hmmm what's conner call it? Like a bitch in heat from hell I beleive her termed it. Besides Altiar... we don't have to sneak around anymore. We've been completely accepted as we are together." Alehial says goosebumps rising over her skin, she nuzzled her cheek against his chest. She was always so sensitive and Altair seemed to love that more then anything.

"Remind me to take my crude son to the training circle and work the crudeness out of his words concerning the woman who gave him life." Altair bristled at him making such a rude remark about her. He never allowed anyone to insult her. People had a way of catching a fist for slights against her. Holding her closer her kissed her neck and stroked her cheek.

"I had Lai freeze him and I let his sisters play with him, Orissa and Samantha and Sirrian too. But if you want to teach him more swordsmanship, then okay because he needs it, he's weak and it worries me. He's the heir to our Estate, if anything happened to him... it would go to Daniel and Daniel just isn't ready for that no matter what. Besides my son's will always have me around to protect them, and my daughters. As well as their children." Alehial promises softly, she was barely of age to leave as it was. She would have a long enough life span to protect her grand children and possibly her great grandchildren.

"Conner will one day have to reconcile who he is going to be, I have faith in him. And Daniel is going to find the path in life that won't be controlled by violence and villians. Don't you find that comforting, Alehial, a chance to live life without waiting for an enemy to attack?" He held her close to him and smiled, knowing she would begin to think about how he would leave her. "But, those are many years away for both, and I'm sure our children will find their own niches in history to fill."

"You may wish for that but I do not. I hope that our children will be forgotten by history. That all the pain and enemy's and fame seekers will leave the grandchildren alone. We were protective enough with the older kids... But Conner goes out looking for the fame seekers and girls who want to be well... the wife of the famous Ravenwoods, and while he is being careful... It gives them all hope. Not only hope but drive. They will be after Lily, the twins, Sirrian when he is old enough too. He just doesn't understand that what he is doing will have back repurcussions." Alehial said softly she knew he was thinking of what she might have been thinking about, but this time that wasn't it exactly. She was thinking of what was already happening. The flocks of girls around Conner, that somehwat oddly completely normal older boy seeking after Lily, now Orissa was a showing latent magical powers that as far as she knew hadn't run into the family before, for a few generations in the very least.

"Being the spouse of the famous Ravenwoods is not everything glamourus. You should know that, before we returned from Illian the estate was a trash heap. Conner and the other kids will have us to advise and guide them through the rough patches in the future." He gave her a reassuring squeeze and kissed her neck. If left to her own devices, he sometimes thought Alehial might lock them all in their rooms.

"I know that trust me, I also cleaned up the estates back then I'll have you know. I am just afraid that they will run like Darryl did... like Elsa tried. They might think because it worked out for them it will work out for them too.It's not advise I'm worried they need. It's a guard twenty four hours of the day and night. For each of them, not to mention Elsa breeding the new race and the followers that has gained them. I only pray they can raise our grandchildren safely and as they wish to with the freedom they should have. I almost think it would be better if we were a small country then at least we could negotiate terms of things." Alehial sighs entertaining the thought a little actually. Surelly perhaps Gareth would give them some land on the edge? Perhaps next to Sildea? Since they were a family tied to both races it sort of made sense.

"What would we name our country, my love?" Altair asked. It was truly intersting her musing. He shared some of her concerns, but unless there was an actual army amassed in front of Fael that would be the only way his family could come to harm. Guards were one thing, the rest of the Ravenwood clan would assemble in a minute to defend their own. "And how do we handle those negotiations?" he continued curious still.

"Probably badly. Knowing you and your... hotheaded tendencies. Obviously it would be named the Raven Wood. It would only be fitting I feel. I think I would do quiet well, after all being raised as an Elf. we can stall for literally twenty years if we must on any decision put before us. It's in our blood to be so cautious most human's give up and go away or die of old age thus the problem resolving itself. My mother was considered strange and... quircky by the other elves. though it turned out rather well for her I feel. How Gareth never found out about Drake though I will never know." Alehial says shaking her head a little, her thoughts were all jumbled and she knew she was jumping from topic to topic so instead of more thinking she decided more serious issues needed to be delt with. Leaning down she gently bit Altair's nipple and laved it with her tongue. Gently rubbing her hand down his body to his hip and in teasing light touched to his manhood before she took it in her hand and gave it a playful squeeze.

He gasped at her quick playful attitude, and he began to move his own hands so not to be left behind. "My is this your attempt to get me to petition the King for our own satilite land?" he teased. The future of the family was going to be a rough subject in the coming months. However his goddess of a wife wanted his attentions and as he grazed his fingers over her nethers, he pushed everything else aside. The other hand rubbed and carressed her breast, pulling gently on her nipple.

"NNH! No petitions... We'll just AH! Take over another country! MMN!" Alehial says between gasps of pleasure, and moans. She was trying to hold most of it in but he was talented and she was very sensitive for an elf. She pumped her hand holding his girth, and continued to bite and lick his chest. He kept himself clean of hair for her. After the whole werewolf brother and slave pits thing they had decided it was best. He kept clean when she did. So it was easy to mark his chest with her attentions and flirtations. She leant her chest into his hand and his ministrations. She spread her legs a little so his hand might have access easier to her nethers. She reached down with her other hand to also play with his flesh. Bringing him to full hardness with her hands and teasing the soft skin of his sack.

He released her breast long enough to moisten his thumb which he drug over her nipple as his fingers slid over the soft skin. He moaned several times from her attentions, and smiled as his finger slipped inside her. She was excited and his finger explored inside her. "Ah, gods Alehial, Yeess! I nnwant you so baad." he declared. Altair began to circle her clit with his fingers and rub it.

"AH!" Alehial cried out shuddering hard from his touch, If she wasn't careful she would finish and soon. Dropping her head against his chest she panted hard for control. Releasing his own length gripping his hips tightly. Spreading her legs, her inner muscles clenched tightly. "S-stop, I... want MM! you." Alehial moans gasping as her hips rotated for her husbands skillful hands. She couldn't think enough to get herself up and over his body to join them together. Unless he rolled them and took over. That sudden thought in mind she pulls herself together and pulls back away from him. "Now." She commands her voice husky and passion filled, she turns away from him on her knees and positions herself on hands and knees on the bed, laying her chest almost on the bed and leaving her hips up high, she spread her legs widely and waited, this was one of her favorite positions even if he laughed at her or teased her for it. so close to the wilds of home and about to be seperated from him again for another few weeks, she wanted her and his favorite things to be done so they could remember their time together for when they are apart.

Wasting no time he got behind her and placed his manhood against her nethers. "Ohnn, yes Alehial." he moaned as he began to push forward into her. Knneling on one knee he set his foot onto the bed so that he could be as deep inside her as possible, then grasped her hips. Altair began to thrust, slowly at first and at varying depths inside her. Leaning down he kissed the skin of her back and ran a hand across her belly, before returning to continue making love to his wife.

Alehial couldn't stop the noises she made even if she actually wanted to now. Whimpering at each slow rocking into her, crying out at each hard delicously fast stroke. Feeling his weight above her, his lips on her back. She couldn't stop from rocking back against him, laying her head on the bed with her shoulders, being taken, held by his hands her hips unable to do more then rock forward and back. He controlled it all and she loved it. She panted and clutched the sheets on the bed tightly.

She was driving him insane with desire, but he slowed wanting to make this union last as long as possible. Trying with all his control to keep them dancing along the edge of climax. He echoed the noises she made, their unions like this was always primal and would leave them both spent. Feeling his manhood rub directly over her clit and knowing she loved how deep he was in her. He decided to really make her howl, by dragging himself against the tiny bud on his way back then again on his way in slowly.

Alehial cried out, gripping the sheets beneath her tightly. Gasping for breath her body shuddering and trembling, almost screaming at each thrust inside of her. Wanted more, needed to feel him driving hard inside of her. She needed to feel him giving her everything he had. Putting everything he had into her body, even though they had used the wand and they were safe she needed him to give her his seed as deep as he could get himself inside of her. She needed the reasurance that Altair was with her and would be always. "Please! Please!! A-aLtair PLEASE!" She begged and cried out.

He grunted and gripped her harder and plunged as deeply as he could. The thrusts were faster and harder as she had begged for it. And Altair wanted nothing more than to give her what she wanted. As his climax overcame him, his manhood spasmed deep inside her releasing his seed. Even as they cried out in pleasure, most of the house could not doubt what was going on.

Alehial screamed reaching out and clutching the sheets as her orgasm ripped through her body. the bed had even rocked as hard and vicously as they mated. This was what she wanted what she had begged for. This was the man she loved giving her what she wanted... and what she needed so desperately. This man was who she would sacrifice everything for. The warmth in her stomach warmed her very soul as much as it did her womb. As she lay nearly collapsed beneath her husband Alehial gasped for air and basked in contentment with what they had done and accomplished together.

Altair wrapped his arm around her waist, he too was gasping for air senses slowly returned to him. "Good gods above, you are the most amazing woman in the world." He withdrew from her and laid beside her, holding her tightly in his arms. Truly amazing, Alehial could never be replaced, she was the only one for him, ever.

"You will... forever be the... only man for me." Alehial panted out snuggling back against him, it was only a few moments after that that she so spent from their many love makings fell asleep.His tight embrace his love spoken words and the warmth still inside of her. His heartbeat steady at her back, she was content and relaxed for once. Completely and totally relaxed in his arms and his presence she slept and didn't dream. She was open and calm, for once not an inch of her body was tense with unease or concern.

Not far down the hall, FLint and Lyriel could hear the sounds of passion between two people. He looked at Lyriel and looked a bit disconcerted, the noises had died down a few minutes ago. Flint still held her in his arms and knew she heard them as well. "Wow, I wonder who else heard that, maybe Grandmother Lai?" he teased. Admittedly they sounded very impressive, and wondered what Lyriel thought.

"From the ringing in my ears, I'd say the neighbors if not more. Though I hope Lai or Elsa didn't try to look in on them... that would be aweful! I do wish... they would gag each other or something at least." Lyriel sighed softly, though secretly she wished to ride Flint until they both made the same noises. In fact they had before. She missed the casual acceptance between them in which they could do such things. But he had fallen in love with her... so deeply that anything they did was torture together, even this right now must hurt him.

Flint smiled at her remark, and his mind floated back even to the night in the woods while coming here. What transpired between them had been amazing and he remembered it fondly. Suddenly he realized he was aroused and Lyriel was against it and his leg. "Um, Lyriel I...err, um, I'm sorry." he stammered being a little ashamed. He knew if she felt it, it may cause an argument, but he was unable to control the flicker of desire.

"Pervert." Lyriel teased, listening to her adoptive parents, his own aunt and uncle by blood. Men were all the same though, it was what they lived on. Death and Sex. A powerful combination, but she had to admit... by the sounds of it they had gotten pretty wild down the hall. "This isn't really the place... no... it kind of is but I mean we can't do anything. I don't... want t lead you on Flint." Lyriel says blushing softly, though none would be able to tell considering her black flesh didn't show the rise of the purple blood in her veins.

He was trying to find a convinceable lie, not wanting to admit his memories of making love to her did this. "I uh, I it wasn, I mean erm, nevermind." he stumbled over anything he could say. If she figured it out he honestly hoped she wouldn't bring it up. Except he did so badly want to join with her and feel like they belonged.

"It's okay... I understand. Well... not completely but I... I mean I get it. I... would I mean your amazing but... it would hurt you and I know that." Lyriel said softly, she didn't move away from him, she didn't want him to be ashamed. But she didn't move at all either because she didn't want him any more excited. It seemed everything to do with her was overly complicated. From her upbringing to living life to the bad guys. Her life had never been easy, figuring out who she was and where she belonged. She was still struggling with it, even now.

"Um, thanks? I mean your awe inspiring...I, you know." he tried to compliment her back. He couldn't look at her and remember tasting her or kissing her as they thrust against each other. It did nothing to help the fact the object of his desire was in his arms, but so far away. Continuing to try to find a word or words that could convince her he wasn't desiring her. However he could not get himself back under control, he wanted Lyriel.

"Flint!" Lyriel gasped softly eyes widening just a bit. "Stop thinking about it!" She said squirming just a little against him as she felt his member throb and twitch in his pants and against her lower stomach. She knew exactly what he was thinkiung about and it wasn't making him any less aroused, in fact he was more so. she didn't want to run away from him, not really but she really didn't want to be held by him as he remembered what they had done and was pressing her right against the whole starter of such things. she almost wished Xibix would come and do something... though being a Demon he'd probably make them lust each other more or something...

"You know telling me that I was amazing in one breath and the next saying not to think about it is conter-productive." he responded. Everything he was thinking of disappeared when he looked at her. His breathing was heavy, but she could tell by his voice it might be a losing battle. "Perhaps you might want to go, else I might give in to, well you know." Flint was appalled he wanted to be with her, but could they not even be close without desire appearing.

"I would but you tightened your grip on me! You're stronger then I am you know!" Lyriel says softly a little indignantly. She knew he was already aroused but now he was holding her and if she wiggled too much he might throw her down and take her or something. that was something she shouldn't have thought of because... well it was an arousing thought actually. She didn't need to think arousingly. She needed to get out of the room and while he was holding her so tightly she couldn't. She could hurt him but she really didn't want to. He was so ridiculous really.

"I'm sorry...It just, I mean I was I just" he bumbled averting his eyes. There was nothing else he could do, he released Lyriel and buried his face behind in his hand. He couldn't help but wonder if he was wrong about trying to be with her. He would always want to be in love with her. He let out a frusterated sigh and waited to be berated by the one he loved so much.

Lyriel sat up instantly upon being freed and gently punched him on the head. "Just jerk it and let me know when you're done. We can go into the forest together." Lyriel says kissing his forehead gently before jumping off the bed and opening the door. "I don't mind if you remember... Just don't push it on me. Have fun." Lyriel says before slipping out and closing the door silently behind her. She walks quickly to her own rooms and closes and locks the door. Walking over to the bed and collapsing on top of it she sighs.

"AHHHHH! What's? HOw's? Whoseits? Someoneis LAYING ON ME!!!!!!" came a shrill cry. His tail protruded and waved terribly in a panic. One minute he was sleeping comfortably then BAM someone just dropped on him. "Narfula, ibanna cosseda, lokiun Morbadia."

"HEY! That was foul! I am not fat!" Lyriel scowls grabbing his tail in her hand quickly, his barb was dangerous and she didn't want hit with it. She had forgotten he was sleeping in here on her bed though. Getting up quickly she pulled him up by his tail. "It's me Xibix now calm down." she said setting him back down gently. Though not releasing his tail until he quit lashing it about. She did feel kinda bad though for dropping on him like that. "Look I'm sorry okay calm down!" She sighs and rolled her silver eyes.

"I's thoughtsie you's was spendin times wis Fwent?" he asked her. Although something seemed wrong. "Somesing is worngies, tell youse friend Xibik, I's listensie goods." He stretched and extended his wings and again flattened his tail barb. He blinked his eyes and sat on his haunches to look at her.

"I was... yes... Everything is so complicated Xibix. I love him but... I don't think I love him like that. He loves me and wants to get married and have children and... be Altair and Alehial. I am not though, I love spending time with him, and the sex is amazing, but I cannot be with him forever as he wants." She let go of his tail and lay back on the bed looking over at him. "I want to be with him... But I don't know. I'm a creature not meant to be on the surface. He doesn't seem to understand that! He doesn't understand how hard this all is for me and it's not fair! Alehial and Altair were having rough and rowdy sex and he got horny and started pushing it on me, then let me go and seemed terrified! which isn't fair at all because hte moment I want to have sex he thinks it's me accepting marriage or something." She says looking over at him.

"Simpsies, be wis him, life too shorty and disent youse says he will dies befores you?" Xibik didn't quite understand her hang up, he watched her and Flint and everything seemed not to matter when they were together. "Ifs you likes thes sex and likey him,, who caresy?" Maybe he needed to plant the suggestion that she should just let attraction just happen. "Maybe you over thinks what is goings on, just let feelings come." he told her.

"I will not give birth to children I will have to watch die hundreds of years before me. I do not want to love someone and be with them before my adulthood begins. I will be with him only a short time and he will be gone. I would be with him... if he did not tell me I am the only woman he will ever love... that there is no other then me for him. I would stay with him and have sex with him... if it didn't mean marriage and seeing him age and die so slowly." Lyriel said softly covering her face with her arm. Did everyone think she was wrong? Was she wrong? gods she needed to talk to the wisdom about some of this or something. she needed guidence and no one was giving her anything good or solid. Just if you feel like it do it. Which wasn't helpful in figuring out the right thing to do.

Xibik hated to admit this, but he was having a pang of consciense. "Youse is tryins to avoidee paine and lossy. Buts, evens ifs youse coulds pick nother elfsie ands 'aves elfsie babies, youse coulds stills loosey shem." He retracted his claws and patted her arm, it was the most decent thing he had to date ever done. Was he only being nice to her because she was a link to the master, or was because she didn't find him repulsive?

"No elf would take me. No Drow would leave the underground to live as I do. I will never go underground, I will be alone forever Xibix. I won't ever have children or babies because no one would stand to actually breed with me. I'm looking at the truth... Alehial will watch over her family for as long as she can but even she has made plans to eventually withdraw from their lives so they can live them properly. I will watch over the Ravenwoods always, they gave me a home and family when I didn't have any but... I don't want to see them all die and love them." Lyriel sighs swallowing thickly. Wiping her arm across her eyes, she didn't want him to see how much living the way she was was already hurting and conflicting her. She patted his hand in return with her other hand though, to show she appreciated what he had done. HE was inherently evil so she expected mostly to be made fun of or things to be shoved in her face. She was grateful he hadn't.

"Lyriels, if'n noes elfy wants youse ans noes drowy comey up, why knots letsy a hooman shows youse infections?" He was not sure if the last word was right or not. "Peoples needs peoples, plains ans simpleys, youse saids youse have sexes withs Fwint. Soundsy likes hes peoples for youse peoples, if youse get my dwift?" He blinked several times and realized all this talking hurt his head.

"But he is in love with me and because I refuse to wed or to admit loving him the way he wishes... It only hurts him more in the end. Go back to bed Xib, you're probably still tired, I promise I won't lay on top of you anymore." Lyriel says shaking her head and pulling her arm from her face. Her eyes were a little puffy but because of how dark her skin was you couldn't really tell. "I'll find some men to have daliances with and men to adventure with. There are always those willing to have a druidic elf among them now. I can keep the image of an elf forever if I must." Lyriel says with a shrug.

He shrugged and went back to his hiding place, there wasn't much else he could do. "Thens youse knot cares if hes marriesa someones elsey?" he asked sleepily. It seemed that mortals even elves would deny something, but hated letting anyone else have it. Master said that he didn't care who Lyriel wound up with, just no Ravenwoods. There was nothing else to say though, it was a thing between them.

Lyriel stopped a moment and looked away from the imp a moment until she swallowed and blinked a few times. "Night Xibix." She says thickly before putting the gathered armor back onto herself. Doing up her hair again and putting the HOD back on her head. Adjusting the image of herself in the mirror, a.k.a. her skin color and eyes, and hair, she put her weapons on and a small day pack. She would go and hang out in town a little while or check on Lucas and Tani outside the walls waiting to see if Flint would join her in the forest.

Lucas was keeping busy helping the nice people who allowed Tani and him to use the barn while they were visiting. He currently was chopping wood, and stacking it for them. Earlier he had told Tani to go and strecth her wings for a little while. He had been checking up with the soldiers and finding out when they might be departing. This brought him back to mind of when he and Tani first met, and he enjoyed the work he did then.

Asper strode out of the doors of the city and out to the farm house where Tani and Lucas were staying. She had seen Tani in the sky and smiled, once freed from the church and from hiding she really liked to fly as much as possible. Her wings were so strong now it was incredable. She heard wood being chopped and followed the noise back to it's source. She grimanced a little seeing the wood, a few of the larger peices were still green... still alive when they cut it down. "Lucas!" She shouts and waves once she saw him around the corner.

He looked up and waved back, burying the axe into another piece. "I thought you wouldn't get out this way until we left." Embracing her tightly before he let her go. "You look like a woman who has things on her mind." he observed. "If it is the wood, I saw the green, but they cleared some area for a new house for their kids."

"Did they at least plant a few new ones?" Asper asked looking over at the wood on the ground and sighing. she knew she shouldn't take it so personally but there was clear feilds untouched by trees just a bit further away... she just didn't understand why they had to hurt the forest. "You've been learning to hug from your wife though... I've been out by here a few times. It was still dark though...during my communion with nature." Lyriel informed him, and rubbed her ribs through her armer. He really was starting to pick up some things from Tani. Lyriel wondered if Tani had seen her walking out this way and would come back or if she would keep flying on. She sort of wanted a little time with Lucas alone though.

"I believe so the family very much revers Obed-Hai and Meliki, observing the rituals and holy days of the harvest and planting. And you are deflecting from what is bothering you, sister dear. Because I take it that Flint is nowhere to be seen he is part of it." Lucas picked up his water skin and took a drink then offered it to her. Looking up he noted where his love was in the sky before sitting down.

Lyriel sat down and huffed taking the waterskin from his hands and taking a small drink. "Why do you have to be so intuitive about things like this." She asked before leaning against him and resting her head against his shoulder, the hat was a hair pin in her hair and so it didn't budge from the simple movement. she had hoped he wouldn't have picked up on the whole Flint issue as quickly as he had. But then again just about everyone in the family knew about it and Alehial and Altair both had spoken to her about it privately.

"It is this amazing gift Pelor graced me with, considering the size and complexity of my extended family. Now quit changing the subject, so I can help you." He nudged her and smiled, if he could help her, or any of them he would do so. Tani was still riding the air currents above them and he knew if she wanted to speak privately. So turning to look at her, and giving her his full attention so she could tell him.

"we were talking and... then Altair and Alehial decided to get 'wild' if you get my meaning and he got all excited and he freaked out... and I left him and fuck it's hard to explain." Lyriel says hanging her head and drooping her shoulders. She had told him once... that she had had sex with Flint... but she hadn't told him they had done it several times and even on this trip and how much things had gotten twisted between them and how... how she wanted to love him but was afraid of everything that would happen and afraid of hat she would do to him if she didn't. Or if she even loved him like he wanted her to.

"And he flashed back to the two of you enjoying each other." he put together what happened. "I should say I don't blame him, Lyriel you are both young. And he always found your comfort the only thing that made him hapy. Perhaps, Tani would be better to guide you, she will survive me by about the same amount of time you would Flint." He turned his head and kissed his sisters temple.

"You say that like I'm not a few years older then you." Lyriel scowls but smiles regardless not even a moment later. "That's not the point Lucas... My point is... I don't know how I love him. Like... that or like... sometime else entirely. Anything I do hurts him either way though. Not only that but... My blood father made some sort of deal with my grandfather... which he never told me... and then he... well... I mean now I don't know what my Drow kin are thinking or up to. I don't have time for all of this love nonsense and he keeps demanding answers from me that I don't have!" Lyriel says rubbing her face with her hand. She stumbled a little over the mention or thought of her father being killed but... there was nothing for it. She had always known he was evil but she had always hoped maybe... he would want her around or something. It was stupid but... now he was gone for good.

"Lyrie, you need to decide what you want, Flint loves and accepts you for your heiritage. And I remember you fearing no one would ever. Does he ignite passion in you, or bring you peace? Tani has calmed my soul, even after everything I did before I left. Time isn't as important as fate sometimes, and maybe no matter when you would lose him, it's more important the destiny in store."

"I remember the wisdom once telling me... that there would be a time when my decision would decide the way fate would take her path for the future. But she never explained and I still don't know what it means... I'm afraid it means now. What if I choose the wrong one and something terrible happens Lucas? Love isn't everything... love can't make everything work out. Tani is half Angel she was sent by your God to help you. Who sends me and for what purpose Lucas? How do I know it is not some Drow goddess of evil and distruction? How do I know whose heart to break... his or mine?" She asks before standing and kicking the axe Lucas had imbedded into a peice of wood and swearing heavily in draconic, a bad habit she picked up from Alehial. The Axe hadn't even moved an inch.

"Choice is unknown, never expect to know everything a choice may bring. Love maybe doesn't fix everything, but it is a motivator for our choices. If you love Flint from the moment you first coupled until he died, wether tomorrow or seventy years from now. Would you trade the joy and all the good you might do, for the certain pain you'll feel either anyway?" He stood and put a hand on her shoulder, he couldn't tell the future and doubted he would want to see what would happen to his family.

"I loved him since the days I took care of him because his mother learned the truth. I swore to look out for him and take care of him forever. I feel closer to him then anyone I've ever met or known... but I don't think I love him the same way he loves me. I can't just abandon the family to run out of country with him to keep him safe after defying the king!" Lyriel says shaking her head. she didn't know what to do and it seemed like no one was helping her either way. If they did run off together... she would never bear him children. she would take care of him forever... until his dieing breath and then she would take him home and taken care of. But she didn't feel like he was the only one. She still enjoyed having sex with other men... enjoyed the idea of going out on adventures and living on the edge...not weighed down with his words of love and devotion on her. Not with him wishing for a family she couldn't... wouldn't give him.

"So, he plans on defying the kings command. I am of two minds on the subject, but if do not wish him in a sexual manner, why not encourage him to marry or find someone that makes him happy. Lyriel its not an easy answer, mortals hearts can't simply be ordered to forget feelings of love, or lust. This may be something I am ill equipped to speak on, but I will say I know why Flint loves you. Its plain when you are near him, but perhaps the question is which would hurt you less, never loving him or loving him for the time fate decrees and letting him move on?"

I did and he said he would go to Poppy and wed her but never let her give birth to anything that was his because he... was a monster. Poppy won't make him happy! I'm so afraid if I turn him down he will do something stupid. I do love him and I enjoy our time together... I just wish he didn't also lust after me. I have loved him as a lover but... I do not love him like a wife to her husband. He is more to me then that... he is family and he is a child and... it is all far to complicated for me alone to decide!" Lyriel says clearly exasperated about it all and becoming slowly unraveled to the point she was going to do something rash herself.

He caught her by the shoulders and pulled her to him, "It is no one's decision but yours. And if you look for someone to tell you that refusing him is ok, or to accept him is ok. It doesn't work like that, and that is the nature of love and life. The wisdom might tell you what fate has in store, but won't that taint your choice? For what if his destiny is to die before his time, would you not show him love knowing what will befall him?"

"I will always love him Lucas. I always have loved him. But I will not marry him and live out a dilusional life. It would be a lie and I won't lie to him. My indescision is hurting him and I know that, but I can't see what road to take. It's like there are two choices left or right but there is a fog so thick I can't even see my hand outstretched. I lost track of where each path was. He should not be denied the happiness a life can bring him but he refuses to beleive he should even have the life he does. What can I do? I love him and I pity him... I pray for him and I stay by his side but what more can I do?" Lyriel says resting her forehead against Lucas's chest. She was so lost and it was more the obvious she was. She knew no one else could tell her what the answer was, but then again she was at the point she might never answer at all anyways. It felt as if this descision would decide the rest of her life and it scared her. She hoped someone could give her advice something to help her make sense of it all, she didn't want someone else to choose just to help her understand but it seemed there was no one.

"How different is the love you feel for him, versus the happiness he brings you? I know you and he shared each other before, and your road is the same road we all face. You think because of your difference you don't deserve love or happiness. And you are wrong sister, you do deserve someone to love you and recieve your love." He held her tightly and wished he could help her find her path.

"He brings me a sense of rightness and peace... it's like... when I go to long without reverie... I either pass out or I simply must stop and begin it. I go as long as possible before I need to be... refreshed of who I am. The entire family does that. But... when I am with him it is pleasure, if we simply stay together it is like talking to a brother or sister. I do not... I do not feel for him the love Alehial and Altair have. I will always enjoy sex.. I know that, but I feel connected to him, we have lived very closely to the same kind of life. but it is not enough to make me tell him I will marry him and go on a lifelong lie for him to be happy... I love him but I don't know how much or to what extent... I would give my life for his I know that, and I would give anything to see him happy and laughing like when we were children." Lyriel says shaking her head a little before just hugging Lucas tightly, she just hoped someone could help her figure something out or give her some advice that would make this all clear to her.

"I don't know what else to say, He wants no other than you and you feel for him. There isn't much more you can do or say Lyriel, there is no easy answer." Lucas was trying his best to find a way to advise her without overstepping the bounds of brotherhood. Tani might be better able to help Lyriel with her problem with FLint. It was too bad that the gods played such a trick to make one elven and the other human.

When thinking of her often Tani returned. She came walking up the road, her wings tucked comfertably against her back. She raised her arm and waved to them both, she knew there was a lot of seriousness in the air and that they were both tense. Lyriel was certainly a troubled young woman and Tani had prayed while in the clouds above that Pelor give her the guiding hand that she needed to help Lyriel with her problems. Poor Lucas everyone went to him for their troubles and he often simply didn't know what to do for them.

He smiled at her approach, "Well, perhaps Tani can help with more wiser words." Lucas always said that Tani was wiser than he was and could guide others better then he could. If anyone other than the Wisdom could offer wise words to Lyriel, it would be Tani. "I wish I could offer better advice or guidance to you. But, a priestess might be better equipped to help, any monsters give me a call ok?"

"That's rich, according to humans I was born and monster and you tried to become one through revenge." Lyriel said with a half smile. It had become a joke to her somehwere along the lines. How she was born evil but the evil forgot her and how Lucas was born good and he had forgotten the good for a short time. It always made her wonder if she would remember the evil. She almost had more then once. "Stay and help figure this out... I know she means well but... but she... is a pure creature and I feel... edgy around her." Lyriel says softly, mostly because Lyriel gambled and drnk and slept around and killed visciously and enjoyed it.

Tani walked slowly for how she normally did, she knew they might have a few more words they would speak to each other that were private and didn't want her to hear. She was okay with that, after all He was their brother and she was his wife, there was no blood or bond between her and them. Lucas was what joined them together, and pelor proved to her every day tey were together that her suffering before was now being rewarded highly.

When she arrived he released Lyriel to croos and hug Tani. "Did you have fun during your flight?" He kissed her cheek and smiled at her, he enjoyed being her husband. They had been spending their time in the barn while the weather kept the caravan in the city. And for the most part it was a nice vacation from Baerlon.

Tani smiled brightly. "I did yes, Pelor has bless us with another fine day. I see that your sister is here... visiting or... "Tani asks softly, she didn't want to pry but if it was private and she was not included she would go do some work on the farm. the farmers were very greatful for two people who were quiet strong. But if she was needed she would stay and help of course. Tani had hugged him gently back, she had gotten a lot better hugging people while not squeezing them too tightly. It was hard to learn to touch and hug casually when all her life she wasn't allowed to touch anyone other then placing her hadn on them in very specific area's.

He smiled and kissed her again, then turned to Lyriel waiting to see if she wanted to share with Tani. "Lyriel came out to stretch her leg a little and maybe talk some." Not wanting to push her into something she wasn't comfortable with. He sometimes had to be careful how he tried to convince others to share pain with him. While he soiught to do Pelor's will, he needed the wisdon to know when to let secrets remain in the dark.

Lyriel sighed, and shook her head sometimes Lucas was a bit silly it was sweet but still rather silly. "We were talking about how Flint and I get along. Flint is in love with me to the point he wants to marry me and run off, But even though we've slept together and I love him I'm not sure it's the same love he has." Lyriel says with a shrug, all the pain and torment she had been feeling over all of this being summed up so easily like that for Tani made her feel stupid, that was the brunt of it, that one little sentance and yet it was causing her no limit of greif and stress and worry.

Tani smiled, she understood more then Lyriel had said and was showing. "I may not have much experience with people... Pelor will guide me in my knowledge... Lyriel... If you had not helped raise him when he was younger... if you only knew his story from three years ago... Would it still be brother like affection for him in your heart? If you were one hundred years older would you not still feel his pain as you feel your own and wish to help in some way?" Tani asked softly, she was blushing softly by the second part however. "when you made love with other men... did it not feel closer and more connected with Flint then those men?" She asked softly and had to raise her hand to her red heated cheek.

Lyriel who had been thinking deeply giggled at the sight of this angle blushing and hiding her face some as she counciled her. "It's all true... but... I will not birth a child I will outgrow so long. I don't want to lose him if I give in so soon." Lyriel says softly, if that was the way things were it would have been easier but it wasn't. It wasn't the way things were and that changed things didn't it? "Am I the only one in this world for him? what if I am not the right one for him but because he closes out everyone else... he loses that chance?" She asks softly.

Lucas cleared his throat knowing Tani may chastize him later for this. "Lyriel he more than likely will be forced to marry Poppy, if the chance for love isn't with you, then he will live without it. And with Poppy, he may wind up raising children that aren't his anyway." Almost immediatly he was wondering if the farmer needed something else done. Both women might take some offense to the fact, but it was true Poppy hopped beds like frogs hopped lilly pads.

"HAH! More like he would be counting on it. I don't think he would ever actually do it with Poppy. Though I'm thinking Alehial has something up her craft elven sleeves if it were to come to something like that." Lyriel says shaking her head in disagreement. HE had told her that if it wasn't her then it would be Poppy and that was no way to give a girl a fair chance delivering ultimatums like that and with such a poor second choice.

Tani punched Lucas in the arm though gently her for at least. "You should never besmirch a ladies honor without proof! Do you think so ill of your cousin Lucas? And so ill of the man you think you love Lyriel? That he would simply give up if it is not you? Is that the kind of man you think Flint to be?" She asked, if that was the truth then... Well B'Tani was never wise in the way of relationships but it seemed to her that she only had two choices. Be with him or not. Perhaps if they were together he would come to realize what they had was not true love, or she would realize it was. "It is hard to think of living without your beloved one at your side. Trully I know this, but too I know that I will hold Lucas with me forever and in my childrens faces. He will be awaiting my at Pelor's side." Tani said softly stroking his hurt arm she had punched, gently.

Lucas had taken the tap without fussing, "Tani, Poppy once had a daliance with Conner. And we have it on many an authority about her nobles-bed-adventures. "Flint is a good man, one who took the fact his father." Lucas stopped, Galin as Soth was responsible for the deaths of his family and it pained him to speak it. "And the loss of his mother, stepfather and sisters to an unknown assailent as well as he could. I give Lyriel all the credit in the world for keeping FLint from pulling away from everyone."

"Then perhaps the gods have already given you your path but are leaving the last steps to you. Would it be so bad if the two of you... loved one another? Even if you never wed... at least being together and having each other would be better then him lieing to himself for the rest of his miserable and unhappy life yes?" Tani asks softly, she wasn't sure what her role was or how to guide Lyriel but she knew how to put things in perspective at least.

Lyriel sighed. "I... I think you might be right but... what do I do if Gareth refuses to accept it? Especially if I ask that we never get married. I love Flint... but I don't... I don't thik I could handle being his wife." Lyriel says shaking her head and sittig back down where she and Lucas had been sitting. There were so many possibilities of it all going horribly wrong and becoming so broken that nothing could fix it. It was what was making her hesitate. it seemed everywhere around her all the options she could take were all glass shard lined paths.

"I mean if you never wed and he defies Gareth, then you two can get to chase pirates like you used to play. Personally, if you told me have Tani, but never marry or marry someone I didn't love. There is no option, I'll walk beside her rather than be miserable." He sat back down and tried to smile to brighten Lyriel up a little. He looked at Tani and winked at her, he was going to cook for them tonight and he hoped she would like it.

"Why does everyone bring up the pirates that was a long time ago!!" Lyriel says blushing and getting highly embaressed, though the blush couldn't be seen it was obvious that's what had happened when she put her hands to her cheeks. The problem was that sometimes it was nice to get away from Flint too, Lyriel didn't know if that meant she didn't care as much or what but... maybe they should just be together?

Tani smiled and sat down beside Lucas. she had to open her wings and move around a little but managed well with it and settled down. "I would have sought out a preist of Pelor in disguise but I too would have gone with Lucas no matter what. Pelor willed it. So too you must choose the path you are to take Lyriel. I pray you take the path that will benifit you both the most." Tani says smiling softly, sometimes she wondered if the way she spoke was too archaic, and that was why not a lot of people liked to speak with her.

"Have we helped at all Lyriel? I do hope so." Lucas placed his hand upon hers. "Nothing about this family has ever been easy and I know going to maother and father isn't easy either." Advice and guidance was always some of the hardest things to give. Too much and people began to depend on you & not themselves. Too little and they wouldn't make a decision, for themselves.

"No... What Tani said makes sense.. it sort of cleared things up a little in my head. I won't act on it yet but... when I do act... don't blame yourselves or anything okay? You really did help me, the both of you did. It's more a question of faith and trust then it is just a matter of love. I didn't understand that." Lyriel says with a soft smile standing up she gave Lucas a nice long hug and Tani a ginger one. Too many hard hugs from that woman and sometimes you got a little skittish, that and Tani still wasn't really used to being touched so casually. This was a moment that required a hug as thanks however, and Lyriel wished to pay it off. she knew what she was going to do now... but she would wait until the time was right to do it. for now she would wait for Flint so they could blow off some steam in the woods.

The conversation turned casual until Flint showed up, coming around the bend in the road. His pace wasn't quick, he needed to find a way to respond if Lyriel brought up what happened again. Maybe he should talk to Altair and Alehial again. He hated hurting Lyriel and hated being so confused around her. However when he saw them he waved, smiling broadly at them hurrying to catch up to his family.

Lyriel grinned watching him hurry once he spotted them, She was still wearing the hat of disguise just in case any of the villagers or farmers came around. She just didn't want to startle anyone was all. She prefurred to stay low key and under the radar sort of. But she was glad he didn't look too upset over what had happened earlier. she had been kind of nervous about him trying to bring it up and trying to talk about it or something.

When he arrived he greeted them all warmly he had meant to come and speak with Lucas earlier. After some discussion about the next leg of their journey and the hopes that it would be quiet he looked at Lyriel. "You said something about entering the woods for a stroll? I am ready whenever you are, hopefully they are devoid of monsters today." He nodded and waited for Lyriel to respond or come with him.

"Let's go." Lyriel said giving a descisive nod of her head before saying a short farewell to Lucas and Tani, she turned and walked straight for the treeline. She knew Flint would keep up with her so there wasn't really a problem with that. she wondered if she should tell him her descision, but thought a little better about it and decided to wait until after the children were safe at least. The woods would give her peace and let her relax some, not completely but some, she felt more... connected to the forest then in cities or in the Ravenwood household.

Flint also nodded to them and kept pace with Lyriel, he hoped the weather would hold. They needed to get going and make it to Sildea before long so they could get the children home. "So, Alehial didn't tell me, are we going to the city or to the meeting spot where we dropped them off?" He had only seen Sildea once when he was little and they had been evacuated away from Baerlon. HHe kept his eyes on her as the went further up the trail, Lyriel was a great guide he had nothing but faith in her.

"Most of the men and the wagons will stay at the small clearing. The rest of us will be traveling into the city and staying for a day or so. I was thinking of returning to Bearlon, the elves aren't comfertable when I am there. Sirrus is kind but she tolerates my pressence for Alehial's sake. I don't like to put them out anymore then I have to." Lyriel says walking into the forest with confidence. She had never gotten lost in the forest, not since she was very little and only begining to learn from Alehial. Now the forest felt like home to her.

"I thought the whole reason you came was to help safeguard the kids return? Not that I would question your motives, I just want to be certain of when you intend on leaving." He wondered how much of her leaving was because of him. Trusting that she would not lead them so far that they would not find their way back. "So, who would take your place, Altair or perhaps Lucas?" he asked trying to guage her responses.

"I will wait until they have been teleported home. I don't think any of them will be traveling with us home. I figured I can buy all the supplies I'll need for my next... journey." Lyriel says softly confertable walking through the forest, she could never get lost even in

"And that next journey entails what exactly?" he asked concerned that their earlier plans had become ruined because of what happened. Flint needed counsel, his plan to leave his house and warehouses to Elsa to live in and run when he refused Poppy. He picked up a green stick off the forest floor he flexed it once or twice and swung it like a toy sword. "How has the lay over been for Lucas and Tani, they seemed to be happy at that farm." Lucas was always a close friend and they talked often about finding adventure and love, Flint often talked about finding someone he felt passionate about.

"What do you mean lay over? The next journey... is the one that happens after everyone is home Flint. I thought you wanted to go on a journey with me." Lyriel asked not even looking back at him, she wasn't walking fast or anything, she was just walking comfertably in the woods. Lucas and Tani were like the perfect couple, of course being a messenger of a god it was sort of to be expected after some hardships and whatnot. Lyriel thought Tani deserved someone like Lucas after living caged and unable to be what and who she trully was.

"Well, for lack of a better term staying here at the farm rather than in town. I do want to go with you, but you said 'my next journey' I thought you changed your mind." He felt stupid, Lyriel was a constant person, when she said she wanted to do something it usually happened. He wouldn't have blamed her for not wanting to go along. To distract the comment he poked her lightly with the stick, like he used to on many a nature walk.

"Tani likes being free, and she hates being a show... she doesn't want to be a bother and she doesn't like being forced into anything, She's like all of the Ravenwood kids, whether by blood or adoption. We all just want to be free and the world only ever tries to cage us down, not many of us ever manage it as completly as Lucas and Tani have been able to though. I always call it the same, my next Journey... I think it's because Alehial always called her adventures Journeys, she learned something everytime she went out. We all have different skills and... different racial traits. That's certainly true, but when going on a journey, we learn our strengths and weaknesses and how to become stronger." Lyriel says swatting the stick away, it didn't bother her it was just he was always insistant as a child until he made her stop and they would often duel. With sticks from the forest floor until they were both dirty and sweating. they were rambuntious children.

"I suppose you are right, I can't imagine any of us thought we'd be asked to submit to something like what the king is asking of me. Are you sure you want to go through with this, I don't want anyone thinking you are being sedicious." He nudged her with the stick again and smiled, keeping track of the number of times before she picked up her own. "Things just don't make sense anymore, the family and Andor, my father and so much else. Any other ideas on where we'll head once we decide to go?"

"I was thinking Tessia, or Ophir. I like Ophir a lot. As for the situation right now... I don't think even Altair or Alehial thought the king would ever ask such a thing... As for Galin, he always makes sense. He wants what Altair has and more. He wants Alehial... and I suppose now he wants you... He wants his own country or the world as well. He wants to be in charge. He always has. If you don't quit right now I won't take you with me." Lyriel says calmly stopping and turning to face him, stick poking got annoying after a while and unlike when she was little she had no desire to prove to him she was a better swordsman, because he already knew it. Why he continued to be childish was a human's way of fixing situation, she had seen that enough to know it was the truth.

"Well, if you are going to be eternally grumpy maybe its a bad idea." he chided. Part of the reason they wanted to go away was because of how they felt about each other. Minus the feelings that showed up when they had sex, they were close and suddenly switching off emotions concerned him. Was she doing this to push him away, or convince him to marry Poppy. "Are you sure you want to do this Lyriel, if you feel like it is a mistake I will make other arrangements." he asked unsure he wanted her answer.

"If you are going to go on a journey with me you should know that who I am at home... is a different person then who I am on the road. I have to be more cautious and more wary. I'm not as trusting and carefree." Lyriel said, though if she could ever be called carefree it was when she was really drunk or just drugged. Which was never. She was thinking very seriously about what they were doing and what they were planning, they would most likely be banned and his land would go straight to the king. To do with as he saw fit.

"Lyriel, I just want us to be free to explore and do as we see fit. That is why I agreed earlier, just like we used to talk about." Was she really so different when not around family, he wasn't afraid of disliking anything about her. He accepted Lyriel, warts and all so to speak, there was nothing about her that shocked him. "Are you having scond thoughts of coming with me, Lyriel?"

"No... Just thinking what Gareth will do when we run off without any warning. We will be free and do what we wish. Why are you so worried? What's wrong you think I'll figure out your suicidal Ravenwood tendacies really are hereditary and I will have to save you all the time?" Lyriel asks with a grin putting her hand on her hip and cocking her hips, grinning at him tilting her head as well. He was so cute when he was worried, his eyebrows crinkled together and he frowned just a little. It almost was enough to make her giggle.

"No, I will not slink away like my father would," he said straightening, "I will tell the king at court that I will not marry her." Flint knew he would anger a lot of people, but wasn't going to be a coward in front of anyone. Stepping forward he got nose to nose with her, "And you may have gotten those tendencies as well. So, won't we just have to save each other? And I like the idea of freedom no one to order us about, unless you plan on getting bossy." he said with a grin. How would heir relationship change on the road, would they get close or drift away.

"There's a difference, I get dragged into messes you so far have been jumping straight into them. Whether or not you wanted to. I'll help you run before they put you in the stocks or in the jail. Once your in there I can't rescue you so that we can run off. I know some people who will venture with us. There are always those willing to travel for the sake of adventure. Trying to get close and cosy? I thought you took care of that in the room before we left?" Lyriel asked running her other hand not on her hip down his chest. Besides she knew these woods, she had traveled this way often... she could run off whenever she wished.

He hooked his hand into her sword belt, "I did, but it doesn't change the fact that I like being close to you." Flint pulled on the belt, drawing her close to him while dropping the stick. "I know you wouldn't save me from the stocks without taking the chance to punish me yourself." A funny thought occured to him about the idea of running away together. "Do you think ALehial and Altair will object to our plans?" he asked bringing the possibility to light.

"I don't think it is their choice, as much as they want to help you they are not your parents. They don't have any legal rights to stop Gareth. Only you have the complete choice in what will happen here Flint. Gosh I don't remember your libido being this high maintenance, if this keeps up I may have to draw things out just to torture you. Besides you in stocks I may have to hire a sketch artist to capture that for me." Lyriel giggles softly not moving away from him, She let herself be pulled forward, their hips flush against the others. She left her hands loose now, and left their hips together as she spoke. The image in her head included the rotten tomatoes in his hair and with the juice running down his cheeks dripping from his chin. It was a pretty amusing image.

"I seem to remember you fidgeting through the time with the last sketch artist. And I figured you'd make me promise to behave myself before letting me free." He wrapped an arm around her waist and smiled at her, he was glad that she wasn't cross about earlier. "I didn't earlier, I need better self-control it'll seperate me from my father. And besides, it would have just been creppy alone in the room beside my aunt & uncle." he explained before kissing her cheek.

"I don't like sitting still while people draw me. Something about being seen all the time weirds me out though. Ahahaha they don't seem to think it's creepy at all. So let me guess you're still rather interested in getting off?" Lyriel says raising an eyebrow, she didn't mind the intimacy. Actually she didn't mind sleeping with him but... not if he was going to profess his love to her while they were doing it. It was something she was worried about more then sleeping with him.

"No, just reminding myself that your still going to be the closest person in my life after I make this decision. I will depend on you for a lot, and I'm glad its you." he said just before kissing her deeply. Cupping her bottom in his hands and squeezing. "Besides last time we were in the woods I remember you were the frisky one. But I wouldn't pass up the chance to make you squirm again."

"Yes I... I don't know why though... I just... I suddenly needed it. But I bet that's what your thinking now too huh?" Lyriel asks with a grin, wrapping one arm around his neck and shoulder. "Good thing I've journeyed so much I know a thing or two about how these things go right?" Lyriel asks with a grin still on her face, to be a little more teasing she ground her hips against his, her heart picked up a little and she had to admit sex in the woods was intoxicating. She loved doing it and there weren't always men willing to do it.

He undid her sword belt and let it fall to the ground, his own followed. Flint began to undo her armor and his own as well, keeping his hands in contact with her. "I was glad to be there for you, yes I am thinking it now." he whispered. They always had amazing sex together and it was because of love or trust for each other. Once he lossened the bottom of her armor, he slipped his hand insde wanting to stimulate her.

Lyriel helped remove his armor as his hands undid her own, she gasped when his hand went straight to her nether and spoke softly to him. "I think we can rememdy that fire in your blood with a little tonic of Lyriel." Lyriel said before nibbling on his neck and his shoulder she could get to. Dropping his chest peice after a minute, and his other peices right after. She worked to loosen his belt and his pants then reached her hand inside his pants too and gripped his manhood.

"Uhhh, and I plan on lapping all of that tonic I can." he grinned and removed his hand to strip her of everything she wore. And once she was nude he laid her onto the ground and began to kiss down her body. Flint kissed her hips and one thigh, then the other before he gently pushed apart her legs and inhaled her scent. Lyriel liked when he did this, but would make him stop before he got his fill. Any other time when he pleasured her he paid attention when she said something felt good or a hitch or panting.

Lyriel smiled softly as he laid her down gently and carefully spread her before him. She however was not so gentle, reaching down she spread herself for him to see her and to begin. Why Flint sat and marveled she would never know, she hadn't known many men to do so. She reached her free hand up to her own breast and kneaded it before pinching her own nipple and gasping softly, waiting for Flint to do something more then stare ot her. Unbidden almost her fingers began to rub and tease her own body even as she held herself open for him to see. She was completely smooth prefurring it rather then Alehial who liked to keep a small patch, or Elsa who just liked to keep it clean around the edges.

Flint began to lick her nethers using all of knowledge he had learned from her. Using the last time as a guide he licked roughly at her clit and squeezed her thigh. Lyriel was amazing he had always thought so, the way she handled herself to her grooming habits. There was only one problem as far as he was concerned, she still wore the hat of disguise. Sometimes he missed her onyx skin, he was so used to her skin that he saw daily growing up.

Lyriel used the hand that was previously on her breast to remove the hairpin that was the hat of disguise's alternate form she prefurred. She hadn't thought of it until she saw Flint's pink skin against her own pink looking skin. She prefurred to have it natural when they were together, so when the hat was removed she lay it nearby and out of the way. Opening her silver eyes once again she looked down at Flint and smiled, this was much better, her black skin against his pink. She relaxed and let herself feel the roughness of his tongue across her sensitive bundle of pleasure moaning as he skillfully began to work her body into a frenzy of passion slowly. "Don't hold back Flint mmm, give me all you've got." Lyriel taunts looking down at him, her hand still holding herself open for him, her other returning to her breast.

He heard her and answered in kind, pulling that bundle into his mouth and sucking and nibbling on it. Adding one of his fingers slipping inside to add to the stimulation. Now that she removed the hat everything was right and he gave her everything she could handle. Flint was determined to make her climax before joining with her. Although it would be interesting to see if her plans conincided with his.

Lyriel moaned and quivered at his focused attention, he had been lacking before and it was obviously because of the hat of disguise. He was so transparent that she had noticed right away because of him. But the feeling of him licking and gently biting her, his broad human finger exploring her made her moan and quiver, she felt... Like a woman... or rather like a girl. In the hands of this large attractive man she felt weak and dependant, as if just him being there made everything better and safe.

His other hand fingers creeping along walked up her stomach to gently knead her other breast. He hazard a look up as he pleasured her to see if she was enjoying his attentions. She was beautiful and he loved being with her, it felt natural. Then he redoubled his efforts to make her climax wanting to taste that wonderful tonic. Flint hummed a moan as he continued to suck on her clit, hoping that would also help her.

It took several more minutes of pleasing until Lyriel finally arched sharply and stretched out her legs. "AAH! aah! F-Flint!!" She cried softly as he made her feel pleasure almost achingly sweet through her body, trembling and moaning beneath him. Feeling his tongue and his fingers, his warmth and the roughness of the earth beneath her, the cotten of his shirt of the clothes he still wore. Her eyes closed as pleasure ran through her body in waves and goosebumps followed.

He released her clit but kept her riding the wave of pleasure, licking her and nipping her nether lips. "Well, that was wonderful tonic, but I think I need more." he whispered. Flint brought his mouth back down and licked her again. He hoped this was going to last for a little while, Lyriel looked peaceful here with him. Continuing to knead her breast his other hand stroked her thigh.

"Stop wasting time! F-flint hurry up! I want you... in me." Lyriel moans as her body continued to tremble, his touch was so soft and gentle and she wasn't used to being treated that way. All the other men she had coupled with her out for desire and the need to be pleased. This selflessness was slow and tender but took a long time and though the pleasure was sweet it was soft too. It wasn't as lasting or as fulfilling to her as good rough sex. Putting ones all into the act of coupling, giving it energy and force and throwing in need and want. Lyriel wasn't a maiden in need of care she was a woman in need or pleasuring.

Her call made him decide to show her he could give her what she wanted. He moved up and slid inside her, groaning as he did so. Lyriel was warm and very tight and he savored the feeling. Then he drew himself back and began to thrust going faster and as deep as he could. He leaned down and licked and nipped at her neck then breast.

Lyriel cried out wrapping her dark legs around him, her arms embracing him and holding him against her. Pleasure and ecstasty filling her as he drove himself deep inside of her. As if he was trying to get into her himself, not just his seed. Lyriel blinked though the mention of see din her thoughts. "No!! Flint stop!! wait! We didn't use! We didn't use protection!" Lyriel says alarmed, even though they had just because the thought of him getting her pregnant here and now scared her, no it terrified her. She wasn't ready for that. "My bag... a wand in my bag." She says not knowing where he had dropped it exactly. She looked for it.

He heard her and for a second almost didn't stop, but because he did love her he did. "Oh gods, hurry, here is your bag." he grabbed it and put it in her hands. If they ever had a child, he wanted it concieved in love, not regret. Easing over the situation he teased her a little, "I thought you were always prepared? Does this mean I need to check your pack before we leave?" He rubbed her thighs and kissed her chest lightly while she used her wand.

"I was a little distracted okay!!" Lyriel says pushing his head away, if she could blush she would be doing it heavily, but she grabbed the wand and quickly recited the incantation. She relaxed a lot when it was finished and she put the wand away. She decided that for teasing her, she wrapped her legs tight around his waist and pulled him close before swueezing tightly with her inner muscles around his length still buried deep inside of her. Now that she was safe for the next two hours she was full of frisky pep. She loved having sex but, it always came with a price and she knew that but she didn't want to explain to Alehial why she was drinking the morning after tea.

"Ohhh, gods woman." he moaned and nibbled her chest and neck, as he began to thrust again. Being here in nature joined like this was amazing and made him happy. Would this happen while they were out on the road to gain solace. Lyriel was in such good shape she could squeeze muscles others couldn't even use. FLint loved the feeling of her warmth against his length, and savored her sounds as he thrust harder.

"Ah! Yes mmm More!" Lyriel moaned softly egging him on even more. He was strong and virile and deffinetly was a perfect specimen of the human race. She loosened her legs grip on him to give him more room to work himself in and out of her, she wanted to give him freedom to do whatever he liked to her body. He had a lot of skill and more then likely it was because he memorized all of her sensitive spots, like the bag of her knees, her collar bone. Even the area where her floating ribs were, his touch was almost ticklish but it aroused her so much.

Flint wasted no time in using his knowledge of her spots, kissing her collar bone and stroking her ribs. He desired Lyriel, she was a balm to the wounds he suffered from. He continued to thrust and touch her body, hoping that this was what they both needed. He changed his angle of entry, so his length rubbed her clit until he was deep inside her. He gasped and fought to maintain control of his breathing.

Alehial paused as she brushed out her still almost knee length hair. she only wore her underclothes having just started preparing to depart the room again, after all Altair needed to leave today, but they were going to inspect the troops and carraiges. Her skin was covered in goosebumps. She had shimmied a little in the seat too as a chill ran down her spine, which she thought was odd but she finished brushing her hair and began braiding it to put it in a bun on the back of her head. she couldn't really dress properly until it was up so she sat in her underthings doing her hair while Altair was probably watching from the bed still.

Indeed he watched her wash and get back into the underthings and start brushing out her hair. "I still cannot believe you do not wish to cut your hair?" he said with a smile. Andorian fashion was to have it long, but Alehial beat everyones. Under the blankets he was still without garments and hated to dress, soon he would go back to Baerlon and leave her. But, the trip had re-ignited their desire and he felt better about that.

"I will but... the elves too prefur long hair, though their's is usually down to ankles or such, mens is often where Andor prefurs it. Come here and scratch my back I had a chill and now it itches." Alehial says continueing to braid her hair, really the reason she wasn't cutting it yet was because her mother would be unhappy with her having it so short, even though she rarely cut it shorter then her shoulder blades. Expect for the time The blue lady had cut it off very short indeed. Alehial loved the fact that given the option Altair often would rather go nakes or just in his britches, just like when she met him...

He got up and stretched, coming up behind her began to scratch where she directed him, the other hand rubbing her thigh. "So our planning meeting was it a good one?" he asked with one brow up and his customary grin. He could recall when they woulkd sneak away, just to have time to enjoy one another. Gazing at her reflection in the mirror he remembered how she stole his heart all those years ago. Alehial made him become the man he was today, until her he didn't care about a noble title and only now did he care about the good that could be done with it.

"mmmmm yes it was wonderful Altair, even if it just reafirmed the plans we already had and refreshed some things in our minds." She said with a sly smile on her lips. She was refuring to the actual plans and the sex with that one sentance, she moaned softly as he scratched her back, it felt so good! She tied off the last of her braid and let it fall for the moment not worried about it. She let her legs fall open a little to accept his hand on her thigh, out of habit she kept them closed but for him she opened them a little. How she missed that mischeivious look on his face and that oh so familiar grin on his face that meant he was up to no good.

He slipped his hand closer, he knew that it would be a little while until he had the chance again. Moving up he kissed her deeply, and drew his hand tight against her. "I am going to miss you like crazy, I always do." he whispered and parted her nether lips. Alehial had lean strong legs and he loved to kiss them right about the thigh and higher. Wondering if he should press he luck, he gave in to temptation and slipped a finger inside her.

"AH! A-altair! Uh! y-you cad." Alehial moans, at first her body tensed but once he pushed his finger deeper inside of her she relaxed and opened her legs wider to accept his hand. She blushed softly because in the mirror right in front of her she saw her entire body, with him beside her and his hand at her crotch. She blushed harder after looking and turned to kiss him again, in the very least it let her close her eyes and not look. For some reason today she was feeling well shy after they left the bed. But he couldn't possibly get around again after all they had gone at least three rounds together already. She would miss him too... especilly now since they would not see each other for another two weeks.

"Why so shy my love?" he asked as his hand continued to slip his finger in and out of her, trying to get her interested once again. He nuzzled against her breasts and smiled up at her. "I never can get enough of you from the first kiss to the birth of the children. Even if we could have no more, I would still need you."

"Th-the mirror... It's embaressing to see." Alehial whispered, almost afraid to speak loudly in case... In case this was all just a wonderful dream and she would wake up. His words of love, the feelt of his breath on her skin, the feel of his hands worshipping her body. She was so afraid this all might have been some dream, that they were still angry at each other and no longer close. Afraid she had ruined their love somehow. She whispered because she was praying this was reality but that she didn't have to see it in the mirror. Because even after having so many children, even after so many adventures she was still the shy elven princess he had once convince he was a barbarian to.

"Why I think you look ravishing, or ready to be ravished." he leaned her back and gently kissed the side of her breast. "There are nights you have no idea the amount of selfcontrol I need not to pleasure you until you wouldn't be able to walk straight." He moved a little and licked her nipple, as his finger continued to move back and forth, teasing her clit before sliding back inside her body. Altair marveled at how tight she was even after the children. If she was still shy about how they made love then so be it, but there would never be any sensation that could beat it for him.

"Oooohhhh... Al-Altair... Ah! Nnnn!" Alehial moans softly looking at his face even as he licked her breast and spoke these loving words to her. Her breasts felt full to her, as he lapped at them, her body trembled lightly as his fingers toyed with her below. His words spoken in that deep voice with the air warming her skin warmed her soul and made her curl her toes. She was so in love with this man... How was it that she continued to get angry and worried and frightened and refuse him? Why did he let her have that freedom?

He continued to lick and nip and suckle her chest, even as his finger searched out every exotic inch of her moist warmth. His eyes locked with hers and he rubbed the length of his finger against her clit. Her shyness, anger and worry, made him love her more. And even after her refusals at some point her desires gave over and he made those moments into something specail. Others asked where he found the desire to love like this after so long, "I approach every moment of passion with my wife as it was the first time and that I might find something that provides her with the most passion she ever felt."

Alehial didn't last long against Altair's assualt on her body, it was as if he was going to battle he was always so serious and straightforwad about sex and them being together and intimate. When their eyes locked she could no longer hold back the pleasure in her body and with a yell she tightened around his finger inside of her, her wetness seeping out and dripping down her thighs. Only he could ever elicit such a response from her body, only her soulmate could ever pluch the string of peace and harmony and pleasure from her lyre. He was her other half without him she wasn't complete and after she regained her breath she hugged him tightly not wanting to release him, not wanting him to go back.. not wanting him to leave her now that they had made up.

He held her close to him, and whispered he devotions to her and their family. "I am strong as long as you stand with me, I know love as long as I hear your voice. You complete me and I will never find peace with another, Your body is my place of refuge and solace. Our love will guide us always to one another until the sun burns away all life, and still we will endure." Altair believed those words and he sealed them to her with a long deep kiss.

Alehial kissed him deeply, her arms holding him tightly. Tears silently rolled down her cheeks and she held him and kissed him. After several minutes when the kiss was over she took a breath and couldn't stop the flow of tears. "Don't go!! Don't leave me please please Altair don't go! Please I need you don't leave me again... Please please don't leave me!! Don't leave me!!" She cried burrying her face against his shoulder as she wept. His words sounded to final... too serious and full of love. She was so afraid of when the time he would leave her for good, she was so terrified of living for another hundred years without him by her side. She was so afraid to be alone after she had met him and fallen in love so deeply.

"My love, I will never leave you. We may be parted by distance and time, but I am always beside you. I had planned to tell you after we got home, but I am going to start turning the title over to Conner. I want to spend time with the younger children and grand children, and my wife. We have done our part for kin and country." He hoped to ease her fears and calm her, Alehial was so important to him and he hated to know she suffered.

"W-what do you mean? C-conner isn't ready to become the Duke of Ravenwood yet. He d-doesn't even attend court or pay attention to our businesses!" Alehial said softly, wiping her eyes and taking deep wobbly breaths. She hadn't meant to burst out on him, it wasn't fair to him and she knew she needed to be strong enough to support him in anything he was doing but... Conner was still out playing with other boys and being interested in girls, he didn't care about the market stalls of Fruit and goods, nor the stores backed by Ravenwood loans. He didn't care about the now three ships that went out to trade their goods and make money for them. Conner simply wasn't ready to become the heir he really already was supposed to be.

"He will need to start paying attention, in time I will give him all the power and retire to do as I said. Of course we will mentor him until he can stand on his own. Do you agree, I think it is time we focus on living instead of court gossip and petty problems." He wiped away the last of her tears and kissed her lightly. She could turn his plans on a dime if she disagreed with them.

"If you think it will work and he can actually grow up and mature enough to be able to handle then okay, if he doesn't show any aptitude for it then we'll have to wait until he is ready. We can't force him to be able to handle all of this." Alehial said rubbing her cheek against his hand. She liked the plan but the application might not be possible actually. Conner was the one child who was wild, who did everything he could to go around the rules and bend them so he could get away with them.

Lucas had watched Lyriel and Flint go of into the woods together. "If ever I could ask fate a question it would be why she had to be drow and he had to be human." He looked at Tani and smiled, love didn't make sense sometimes and it was hardly ever easy. However with his princess it was easy as breathing, from the moment she blessed him. "I hope Orissa and Samantha give you more of a chance when we all get together again. I know that you three would be fast friends, and probably keep me on my toes all the time." he grinned as he took her hand.

Tani smiled softly at him, squeezing his hand gently. "Love isn't supposed to be easy Lucas, if it was easy everyone would have it. As for the girls... they are young and stubburn. I took you away from them, you no longer pay them the attention you used to. They feel like I've stolen you and in a way I have. I'm sure someday we will get along but... let's give them time to work out their sadness at losing the closeness between alright? It was Pelor's blessing that sent us to each other. I thank him every day for the vision of you that he had given me. If not for him I would still be trapped and worshipped as a mouthpeice straight to him." B'Tanee said before leaning her head on his shoulder, they were almost the same height and with her wings tucked comfertably back, though the one was open enough to almost rest against his back too, otherwise it would bump him, this was comfertable and peaceful. "Do you want me to help chop wood?" She asked after a moment looking at the woodline.

"I just finished, they don't like cutting too much of the green heatlhy trees. But, I would like to spend some time with you maybe a walk ro if you give me a chance to clean up and get the wings. Maybe take a flight togehter before dinner?" he suggested. He remembered those days when he despaired and lost Pelor's favor. And he hoped that because Tani saved him, soon his little sisters would see how much they loved each other.

"I'm sure there are more fallen logs to be brought back from the forest, but if you think they have enough then I won't push the issue. A walk sounds nice actually. Taking a break from all they flying I've been doing is... relaxing I have to admit I'm not used to such long flights day after day. Once we get into the forest properly I won't be able to fly anymore, not until we get into the very heart of the country near the capital at least, and even then it'll be tight." Tani says softly, she was a little dissapointed in that regard but, not flying gave her a prespective of everyone else. It would keep her level headed and not let herself get to conceited. As long as she had Lucas by her side Tani felt there wasn't any mission or quest Pelor could send them on that they would fail.

Tani had a point about a great many things, he wished they could get to Sildea quickly. Lucas did miss his little sisters and wanted to spend sometime with them. Perhaps with the wings Altair gave him they could both tempt the girls to go flying with them. Turning he kissed his wife's cheek and touched her hip. Sometimes he felt a little blasphemous touching and kissing her like this, but Pelor told him it was destiny that she save him so he could save her.

Seeing Lucas face go from thoughtful to somewhat disheartened to that all too familiar look of apprehension on his face she leans up against him and kisses his lips chastely. "We are man and wife, male and female. There isn't anything wrong with touching me as long as it's decent. Besides the Elders and the council always want to disscus things with me when we go to Sildea, you can play with your sisters while I am otherwise occupied... if they let me in again that is." Tani says with a soft smile, the first two trips she had not been allowed into the city, the third one they let her in but only so far and still she was accepted only minimally. She was not allowed to wonder about freely, and she had to be accompanied by someone who was trusted. She didn't mind though in fact she understood very well, and didn't hold it against them, even when she had to calm Lucas down and out of his fit of anger.

He accepted the kiss and returned in kind as he continued to touch her hip. "My very understanding wife and lover, there has never been a time when you seem angered or out of sorts with the world around us. I pray the elves are more accepting of you this time, Sildea is an amazing place full of beauty. I would like you to see some of the favorite places Alehial showed us long ago. Even her grotto which now that I think about it is like where you blessed me."

"Truthfully I don't think I've ever been really angry about anything... I do have to admit I didn't care for my father very much... but I see Pelor as more of a father then my blood father ever was to me. I would love to see the places you went to as a child, to get to know how you thought and what you were like long ago... the elves are still afraid of human retribution... they open their gates to strangers sparingly it's no surprise they are leary of me still. this will make my fourth trip and even though I have behaved I might not. Is this the same Grotto that Alehial said her father took her to in the forest? Another follower of Pelor if I remember what you told me?" Tani asked softly, the fact that Lucas wore what he thought or at least his emotions on his face helped her deal with him a lot. Even when they hadn't been married it had helped her with him. She took his other hand and twined their fingers, letting his hand on her hip remain undisturbed and her wing was still at his back. Cupping his back with soft warmth, many times she was a little weary her wings got in the way so often, other times she was touched by how much Lucas did and would continue doing to overcome the awekward things like chairs and such.

"The very same, it was a great trip I remember that was when we had confirmation about Elsa's horrible sense of direction. I think your father was broad sided by those who wished to keep you in a gilded cage. He has tried to express how he cares for you." He reached up and placed the hand from her hip on her face. They both had family issues, perhaps that is another thing that they shared.

"The only one I see as a Father is Pelor, it was through his teaching that I am the way I am today. Poor Elsa, I've heard many stories about her bad sense of direction... It's a good thing she has Feal with her to keep her safe and to guide her. I just hope we can get both of our churches to actually agree on an alliance so we can work better to benifit more peoples all around the world." Tani said with a smile, it wasn't that she really hated her father or blamed him, she just didn't care much. He was a total stranger to her and his attempts recently at being Fatherly were strange and he didn't know how to send the message and she didn't know how to receive them.

He brought her closer and wrapped his arms around her back. "It is odd that during the wars, the countries were so close. Now we have to discuss how to best work together. I think Pelor brought us together to better show them how to be united." The wind blew from the north bringing with it a slight chill.

"I will wait for Pelor's messages on what to do... but I think you may be right... I think Pelor put us together to make a change and let everyone see it. To make them see it perhaps?" Tani speculated though she wrapped her arms around her husband and gently hugged him, she knew if she hugged him too tightly he couldn't breath sometimes. so she hugged him gently and rested her head on his shoulder, her wings out away from her back to give him and his arms room. It was a little awekward but she was very used to it now.

He moved his hands lower, while people might think he was touching her bottom, it made it easier to hold her close. "Later I will need to wash up, could I tempt my wife to let me help her clean up?" he asked with a smile. They were both rather new to sex and he still hated to ask about it really, but longed to touch her like he did the night they were wed. Lucas loved how she tried being gentle even with him. Everything about Tani was a blessing and he loved her with all of his heart.

Tani smiled, his touch near or over her rear was always so hesitant but her wings often got in the way and it was the only way he could hold her so comfertably, besides they were married and as long as they were not out in public she was perfectly okay with it. Though she hadn't thought much of it she was rather hesitant to lay with him as was her wifely duties when they were not in their home where it was peaceful and quiet and she certainly hadn't thought to releive him while they had stopped on their way to Sildea. Tni blushed brightly, the red deep and covering her cheeks instantly. "Oh! yes um... yes I always... appreciate your help in my bathing... perhaps... um perhaps afterwards when we bed down for the night we... er we could... lay together?" She hesitantly offered, she didn't really know how one went about letting their spouse know when to have sex.

He held her close and smiled, "I would love to lay with you Tani." Lucas laughed a little and kissed her deeply. When she blushed like that, he thought of Alehial in the book that they read when they were younger. He felt the warmth from her wings, she always kept them near and there embrace was warm. It was a great blessing Pelor had bestowed on him when he brought them together.

"Don't laugh at me like that... you always make me think I am some kind of unsocialized beast! Like I don't know how to behave as if... I were a regular person." Tani says softly very gently punching his shoulder. She was embaressed yes but she didn't want to hurt him. She knew she wasn't normal and he thought it cute... but it was very embaressing. She didn't know how normal people went about such things. In fact she really didn't know how to be friends let alone a wife. she had read the book Alehial had of her family and how it all started... she had read it eight or nine times... she had even secretly purchased some other books for marriages. But none of it helped her feel more comfertable. She didn't even bath with any other women, it was still a way to purify one's self in the blessing of Pelor she washed her body alone... unless of course Lucas came and helped her. Which was far and few between, much like their sexual encounters. Tani did not want to have children until she saw a sign from Pelor, until then they would do his will.

He laughed a little more, "I would never say you are unsocialized or a beast. You remind me of how Alehial was when she first met Altair, and there is nothing wrong with that. We are each others firsts, and when Pelor shows us his blessing then we will start our family. Until then we will discover what we will about one another." He kissed her again and smiled at her as he continued to hold her.

Tani returned the kiss blushing softly still. "It just reminds me when I am in your old home that your sisters always tell me to be so... much less formal. We are family but... I've never had family before... I've never been allowed to relax not until I ran away... So I don't know how to do it with people... I'm not normal and I haven't ever been. It's hard. Really hard to figure out who I am... what the difference between the formal me and the relaxed me are? Am I too formal now Lucas? Am I stuffy and unbendable? I don't wish to be... I wish I knew how to be... normal... like everyone else sometimes." Tani says softly resting her head on his shoulder before bringing her wings around to cucoon them in the soft white feathers and the gentle heat.

"You are yourself, the woman I fell in love with and married, that is all I can ask for. It takes a little while to become accustomed to family, especially the Ravenwoods." He stroked the area between her bottom and her wings. "They love having you in our family, and you just need to allow yourself to belong. Believe me, I lived that once upon a time, trying to figure out if I truly belonged living in that house with them."

"More often then not we are only in that house for breakfast and to sleep. It doesn't always feel like we are a part of the household to me. But as long as you are at my side and there to help me when I falter then... I will be grateful to Pelor for sending me a truly perfect man for me. Even when you doubted him and had lost your way... you called to me so strongly Lucas... as a man of power and rigid belief... as a man who would give his loyalty and live or die by it. A knight in Pelors defence and a man unlike any other. Even with thoughts of revenge in your mind you stopped and helped others... you worked hard and followed Pelor's teachings... you... weren't afraid of me." Tani says softly hugging him just a little tighter. They rarely had time just together like this, between the churches and the people they helped in Bearlon, the meals and now travel. There just didn't seem like there was much time for them to be together and get trully accustomed to one another. When they flew together they could not speak, too many bugs and to much wind to be heard over. At night they lay together and slept, but then Tani had always been busy with Pelor's worship and doing good in the name of Pelor and studies that she rarly had time to herself when she was growing up either.

"Well you are more adept at reading signs and omens than I am, and because you will give birth I figure you'll get them before I do. Are you concerned about what kind of parents we will be to our children?" he asked. He loved the warmth their embrace and her wings provided to them both. "How about we go and sit and just talk or not for a little while?" he tried to tempt her into taking time to themselves. He did enjoy spending time together just talking and laughing together in each others company.

Are there no further chores for us to do to earn our keep for the night? Besides never underestimate Pelor Lucas... from what I understand you did get visions too so you said, while mine were stronger you are a knight in his defence and I a priestess. I'm not concerned, I know your parents will help if we ask it... and I know your sister Elsa might be able to help some... though I don't know if the babies will be... like me or human instead." Tani said softly pulling her wings back some to give them room to move around freely if Lucas so wished to it down. If the work was done or there wasn't much left then she was very willing to sit in his company and just enjoy being with each other.

"The wood was all and that being done the day belongs to us, I need to go wipe down or head to the small pond and bathe. Unless you care to come along with me?" he grinned and kissed her again. Many men said how lucky he was to have an angel for a wife, they truly had no idea in that. Tani and he had an instant interest in each other, he to her beauty, and she to his lost soul. It was her grace and love that led him back to Pelor's service and his reclamation of palidan status.

"I can come... with you if you don't mind. I know you prefur getting completely clean to just wiping off." Tani said softly blushing lightly, she still did that whenever he got naked or she did too, though not when they were dressing. They had been married a few months now but they could count with one full hand the number of times they had lain together as husband and wife. So she still wasn't quiet accustomed to the act and the fact of seeing him naked or being naked before him. She didn't bath often because it took hours and hours for her wings to dry and she smelled like a wet bird all day long, it didn't matter what she did. But she would put her feet in.

"If you wish we could bathe your skin around your wings, I know you hate to get them wet sometimes." Maybe they could find time to talk or begin play before they would sleep tonight. Lucas never pushed her to join with him, and never would she meant that much to him. Part of him wanted to laugh a little, for she had wrapped her wings around him once when he had bathed. The warmth they created dried him almost as good as any towel or robe.

"If you're gentle then yes please... I cannot reach and I hate to ask you to always wash it for me... but it would be nice if you would. I suppose they could do with a cleaning though... I've been flying a lot and we have been sleeping on the ground... If you won't mind the... Odor." Tani blushed softly, she hated the fact she smelled like a wet owl or worse sometimes. But her wings weren't the pristine white they usually were, after all she could get gently wet them and clean them then annoit them with fragranced oils like at the Ravenwood estate. She would need to lay out in the sun to help dry them faster but it would take hours to dry if she washed them.

"I never mind anything, and would gladly help you anytime you need it. I would wash anything you want me to, my love. Maybe we could ask one of the other spellcasters in the family to come up with something to help us?" He smiled and held out a hand to her, a real chance to be alone together. She had to only saw something to him and he would be happy to go anywhere and do anything she needed.

"If you think they may be able to come up with something that would be nice..." She took his hand gently and smiled softly at him. "Let' get our things for our bath then." She says with a soft smile, she was actually looking forward to bathing together now, after all it had been a while since they had been together for very long at all. and other then that she would get to see him without his clothes on which always gave her a chill and shivers, very delicious shivers.

He smiled and escorted her to get the packs, then head into the woods following the farmers directions. He had used it in his younger days, and he believed his son and daughter-in-law would sneak away there to meet. Lucas smiled at the thought of a private place away from people where they could be alone. There was something that made his heart light when he saw Tani naked, something almost poetic. It never failed to give him such a complex mix of emotions, deeply revrent, and completly in love with her body and soul.

Tani was getting more and more nervous now, holding Lucas's hands wings tucked against her back, heading to a spring and small pool of water in the woods. While she loved Lucas and honored him and did enjoy being together she just didn't care to see the worshipful and reverent look in his eyes of all people. She used to be gazed at like that her entire life... she knew he loved her and she had saved him but she didn't like facing that look. Not only that but it made something tighten low in her stomach and made her tense as if she was waiting for something bad to happen. Mostly it never happened in fact Lucas was always very gentle and caring but... it was hard to get rid of the old fears and apprehensions, after all there always had to be guards around to insure her bathing was private.

As they continued along the path ever so often he looked back and smiled again. Keeping ahold of her hand until they emerged at the clearing where the pool was. "He wasn't lying when he said this place was beautiful, I don't think I've seen a more peacful spot in quite awhile." Lucas turned and embraced Tani again, letting the peceful quiet fall about them. "I don't think I've said it often how much I truly love you, Tani."

Tani hugged him back tightly, though careful of her strength still. The clearing and the pool were very beautiful and it was deffinetly a blessing from Pelor given to these people. She was nervous but she trusted Lucas with her entire life and whole being. She didn't know why she was so nervous about being naked and near him or in the water on top of all that but she really was. Her wings quivered just a little with her nervousness, she was almost always nervous when they were together and intimate together.

Lucas smiled again and undid her weapons belt, then his own and let them fall to the ground. "Its ok Tani, I won't hurt you, not ever dear one." he whispered after seeing her wings quiver. Releasing her for a second he pulled his shirt over his head and dropped it with his pack. Gently his hand than slid underneath her shirt to the bare skin beneath. His other hand began to pull at the lacings so he could take her's off as well.

Tani smiled softly and moved her wings just a little to give his hands more room. She blushed lightly and gently ran her fingers and hands over his chest and shoulders. She would have helped him with his clothing but he only had boots and pants and she just couldn't go there yet. But after a few tentative touches she reached down and unlaced her pants and let them slide down. Pulling her legs up and pulling the strings to loosen her sandels they came off within seconds and she stepped out of her pants. Her wings quivering and her cheeks red as she stood bare before him once he had removed her shirt.

He drank in her beauty with his eyes, then unlaced his pants as he stepped on the heels of his boots to remove them. Lucas leaned forward to kiss her as his hands moved along her body, memorizing every inch of soft skin he touched. When the parted lips he smiled at her, rather nervous himself at being like this. "I love you Tani." he kissed her neck and held her hands. Then he led her to the edge of the pool before grabbing the rags and everything to clean themselves, "You'll have to be patient with me when we droom your wings."

"I love you toon show you how to do it with the underwings. I can't reach the back of my wings but I can do my own underwing." Tani said her blush a deep red, she really did love him but her eyes feasted on his chest and shoulders and that's where she stopped. Too embaressed with him looking her over to be able to look him over. His hands felt good but they awakened a heat in her lower stomach and it was always an odd sensation that she wasn't sure what to do with. She let him get in first and then she took his hand and tentatively stepping in. she miscalculated the mud however and her foot slid out from under her making her clutch onto Lucas's hand tightly and her wings flap frantically. the beating of her wings stopped her from falling in but they beat Lucas a bit and splashed water all over when she finally righted herself to standing in the water her wings were wide outstretched and held abovew the water and she was still clutching Lucas tightly. She didn't like water much, she never really had, she had never been submerged before and it terrified herto think of being surrounded by water all over.

He was ill prepared for her slip, but weathered the beating without damage. Her grip was almost like the younger brothers and sisters when they learned to swim. "You don't have to come in deep Tani." he soothed her, "Allow me, ok?" He cupped water into his hand and let it pour onto Tani's skin, the other held onto hers. Lucas poured a second handful and let his hand trail down her skin, grazing her breast and resting on her stomach.

Tani gasped at the cold chill of the water being poured over her skin. It made her nipples tighten slightly, as she continued to hold him tightly, she stayed as deep as she was with the water up to her bellybutton. If he could do it then she too wanted to be able to, though she'd never submerge herself fully like he did. HEr nipples tightened more fully when his hand grazed her breast and her stomach became even warmer with the odd sensation she got before they... joined. HEr wings trembled lightly this time not because of the water though, this time it was because of the look in his eyes, so dark now and filled with a look she had only ever seen on his face he was handsome and beautiful and frightening all at once. Tani leaned forward and wrapped her arm around his shoulder for better stability in the water and she blushingly and hesitatingly leaned forward and gently brushed her lips against his.

He smiled and chased her kiss wanting to keep contact with her. Lucas brought his other hand around and into the water to rub her bottom, and squeeze it gently. Tani's body was something amazing to behold, and their feelings were pure and true. "Well my light, where shall we begin?" he asked with another smile. Then leaning his head down to kiss her heart then gently kiss her breast.

"S-skin... w-washing the skin f-first." Tani said breathily, his hand on her rear and his lips on her breast made her warm all over and made her... want things. But they were in the water to bath and as a creature of the sky she as a rule was not overly fond of water. As a still rather pure and untried person she also was afraid if they tried to... join... outside someone would see them and the only times they had joined before was in their bedrooms and behind closed doors. She knew it was a wife's duty to please her husband and tend any need he might have and that she had skirted the issue of joining many times but... When he didn't start it she didn't know how. That and she wasn't often comfertable enough to try joining being to nervous, someone would see or hear or something and the thought that anyone might made her often leary to do anything. Right now she knew Lyriel and Flint were in the woods and Even though she loved Lucas like no other, other then Pelor and in very different ways, she was afraid they might hear them or walk in on them if they were joining.

He continued to wet her skin and touch her softly, he had always told her if she ever didn't wish to join to tell him to stop. Knowing they were so close and alone here in the woods, he allowed himself to become aroused at the contact. The hand from her bottom came around and grazed her nethers, and he kissed her again gently. Already he had used protection before they had left the farmstead. "Are you sure, I cannot tempt you?" he asked as he again kissed her breast again.

Tani was already sorely tempted, she was skittish and nervous too, but also very sorely tempted. She was breathing a little quicker, and she tingled in the places he touched her. His warm mouth on her breast and his warm fingers gently teasingly grazing her precious place, she knew she was caving oh so slowly. Afraid of being caught and yet being seduced by her loving husband. She wanted to tell him no... that they could hurry up and clean and then go to the barn, but she didn't want to speak to tell him no... she wanted to make him happy and if he thought it was okay... that they wouldn't be seen or caught then maybe... maybe this was okay. Though not IN the water, because that was too scary. B'Tanee moans running her fingers through his hair on the back of his head, her body warm and tingling with pleasure, she didn't tell him no. She held onto him tightly with her other arm, and she continued to hold her wings above the water but she did not tell him that she did not want this.

Lucas began to rub with a little more pressure against her nethers and brought his mouth to hers. It was rare that he even would have even attempted this, but he wanted Tani now so much. When he was younger he used to hope he'd find someone to make him happy like the Ravenwoods were, and now here she was. "Dearest, relax and trust that nothing will happen to you while I am here with you." It was easy to see the water still concerned her, but she was enjoying his touches.

"I... I'm trying but, there's so much water..." Tani blushed brightly her voice breathy and with an almost moaning quality to it as he continued to teas eher with his hand beneath the water line. Besides that she continued to hold her wings above the water as well, if they got wet and weren't properly tended to some of them might rot out. There were many reasons why she didn't like water and this was at least two of them. But she kissed Lucas and held onto his tightly with her arms so as to not fall or slip or anything.

He stopped and smiled trying to reassure her, "Come then, I desire you too much right this second to bathe. Let us join before we bathe my love." he whispered as he placed the tip of his finger inside her. Lucas started to bring her out of the water. Then he laid out one of the towels he then began to rub her skin. Bringing her mouth back to his and kissing her deeply.

Tani quivered against him, her wings gently outspread comfertably as she sat on her butt to let him help dry her. It was a lot easier for her to sit like this with her wings gently outspread then to try to hold them up and not sit on them painfully. It would be the easiest if she lay on her stomach but Lucas always wanted to face her see her and kiss her. In truth she loved seeing him and kissing him too but it was hard with her wings. She also didn't have the hole with her so no laying on her back comfertably. Well she could but it might be hard, and she was a little nervous at being out in the open this time... but he clearly professed his wish and she could not deny him since he had asked.. In truth she wanted this too, his hands and body would often drive her strange warm feeling all the way through her body.

He waited a second and then told her, "I was thinking, if I laid down and we coupled with you on top it would be easier. Your wings would be free, not pinned down and I could still touch you and if you leaned down we could kiss." These thoughts had been with him for a while and he asked Fael and even Flint about it. Both responded that they thought coupling with an angel could only be done with her on top. Gently he kissed her again and rubbed her breast while he awaited her answer.

"L-like the our marriage night?" Tani asked the blush covering her face all the way to her neck. She was nearly panting from his attentions to her body, his hands as he touched her and where on her body he was touching her. He was treating her like a woman... like his wife and it was embaressing and sweet and she was still nervous, even though they had coupled a few times already. "O-okay." She says softly leaning up and kissing him. She didn't want to think about it too much because they were already outside and it was foreign and scary and yet she loved him so much.

"Yes. like that wonderful night." he answered kissing her again. He laid back and held out his hands to her to join him. Lucas wanted to lay with her so badly, sometimes he wondered if her upbringing would have ever allowed her to have a husband and children. The quiet of the woods was tranquil, they were probably the only people for miles. "Please come to me, my love, I desire to please you." it was a simple request, but was his hearts fondest wish.

Tani blushed brightly continuesly as she got onto her knees. Crawling a little on her knees over to him she hesitantly leans over his chest kissing him deeply. She wasn't quite ready to mount him yet, he was... very... excited and... stiff and well she wasn't used to seeing him naked yet or even half naked really or... fully... well like that. She was somewhat worried about how they would fit but... she knew they had before and they would again... and it was either on her hands and knees while he came from behind or her on top which was equally as scary right now.

When she made contact with his mouth, he moved his hands to touch her breasts and as lower as he could. They had not laid together that often, and if they did not learn to overcome the aversion when Pelor wished them to begin a family, it may be a while. He took his hand placing it on his manhood and placed it near her nethers. "Tani, it's alright I promise I will not hurt you." Putting her fears and concerns to rest would be difficult and would require understanding and patience.

"I... I know it... I... I'm trying." Tani says softly before kissing him again, she loved kissing him and it distracted her enough from how he had menuevered her on top of him properly, and brought her hips down until the tip of his... manhood brushed her nethers. Pulling her wings tight to her body to stop their quivering, they reflexively opened a foot or so and closed back up. She held her hands on his chest and slowly very slowly moved her hips until they were aligned properly. Breaking away from the kiss she took a deep breath and rested her forehead against his collarbone before slowly pushing down making her body accept the head of oh flesh into her. It felt good and the warmth spread through her hips but it was embaressing to her at the same time.

He groaned loudly as her body enveloped him, "Ohhh, Tanii...I love-love you so much." Lucas began to stroke her body as they found a rythm of thrusting together. The way she approached sex with him was just like any woman becoming interested in sex. He tipped her head back so he could kiss her lips again, gently inserting his tongue between her lips. He held her close after a few thrusts, then began to thrust again waiting to see how she would react.

Tani gasped and moaned at his actions, raising and lowering herself on top of him. HEr wings spreading out a little further as the pleasure spread through her, she kissed him back fervently. Though it was a little difficult leaning over so far and trying to move on top of him. How he thrust into her felt so good though, really she didn't know why she was so afraid of this every single time.

Lucas would bring thrust until he sensed them getting close to the edge of a climax then slow down, he wanted this to last for Tani. He held her hands so she could lean forward without pitching wildly. Smiling and praising how good she made him feel with moans and holding her gaze, this was what he wanted a pure and remarkable love. Together they would do the good works that Pelor wished for those he shone upon. And when they had time from that path they would raise a loving and strong home.

Tani moaned and cried out softly above him, holding his hands with her own their fingers intertwined, she had needed the support to help her get the rythem correct. though he kept changing his rythem and it threw her own off until she caught on to his again and they built up close again. She couldn't beleive that they or rather she was always so afraid of this when it felt so good and so right to be in each others arms. HEr wings were half spread now fanning a little in each thrust as the pleasure built up in her.

Lucas moaned and began to thrust a little faster, he felt it was time for them to go over that edge. Pacing himself until he could see that they would reach that point together. Her wings created a small draft of air that made him shiver slightly, it was a good thing that they didn't bathe first before this. "Tani, I'm so close and wish to share the moment of true bliss with you my love." She was amazing and he hoped she was enjoying his attentions.

"Yes! YES!" Tani whined from above him, thrusting herself up and down on him, into herself. A few more and she slammed her hips down on his, wings fully outspread, her mouth open in an 'O' of pleasure. Her body gripping his as tightly as her hands squeezed his, at the same time. Sweat rolling down her spine and down her stomach. HEr wings trembled as her body milked his flesh, he was the only man to understand her and accept her as a person and he was the only man she gave herself to in the ways of flesh, and there was no greater feeling then joining with him.

Everything happened at the same time, he climaxed along with her, spilling his seed into her. Lucas brought her down and kissed her deeply, running his hands against her. She made him so happy, and at the same time she helped him achieve a measure of peace. Holding onto Tani for a long while letting the shared sensations linger between them. "I'm glad we waited to bathe until after this, I love you Tani, and I thank Pelor for bringing us together."

"Not as much as I do... I love you so much Lucas." Tani says breathing heavily as she laid on top of him. Her wings laying on the ground at his sides. Putting them in a warm almost tangible warmth like a blanket. Though her backside was exposed, she didn't mind as she lay on top of Lucas. Feeling their joining, as a tingle between her thighs she sighs happily. She wondered though what it would feel like... if the seed she held inside of her wasn't blocked by the magic... would she feel it impregnate her? What would it feel like to have another being growing inside of her? How would it look if it was born? Like her or a full human? Tani hugged Lucas tightly, lost in thoughts and images of her babies while warm and content with her husband.

He kissed her neck and basked in the wamrth of their coupling, a sleepy peaceful feeling settled over him. "What are you thinking about Tani?" he loved how she looked when thinking. Many times when she slept he would watch her, wondering what she dreamt about. "Have you considered when we might start our own family? I don't want to wait too long, and have asked Pelor for guidance on this, but I figure my wife is a better indicator to inquire for guidance."

"What it would be like to be pregnant. I've seen your mother... and sister, and grandmother... and aunt... and step sister... I'm just wondering what it feels like... or what our babies might look like... if they'll have wings like I do or be human like you." Tani says lazily, she had considered but she would do nothing until pelor guided her steps in that direction. After all with the sothites becoming a real threat by showing up all over in most countries, and with Galin alive again... there was a lot of danger and a lot of guidance to be given in this time of near need.

"Well, after Elsa and Fael's twins I think children with wings wouldn't faze anyone. And no matter what, I am sure they will have the grace of their mother." He kissed her again softly, wondering what her pregnancy would be like. Elsa weathered her pregnancy well, and the children were flourshing in Sildea. "I think Alehial and Altair would be estatic to hear the news when we start our family, they all will."

"Well your mother... seems to recover quite fast... Elsa too. though I understand pregnant women get more obstinant and needy. Often wanting specific food or time. I don't know how to take care of babies... so a winged child might be a little beyond me. I would have to find those who took care of me as a tiny babe to find out how I was taken care of." Tani says softly after laying her head back on his chest after the kiss. she knew it would be a while until they had their first child. There was too much need of her now to be able to think of raising a family.

"I can't quite picture you as needy, and I will give you all the time you could ever want. And if they are winged, I will have to petition Altair to let me keep the wings of flying to keep up with them." He chuckled imagining two year old, winged children zipping to and fro confounding nannies and parents alike. He stretched his hands down her sides, it was a clumsy way to hold her. But no matter how he had to adjust life, he was more than happy to, because he loved her more than he could say.

"I don't even know how old they will be before flying... I attempted a flight when I was eight... but crashed and got caught... They put the bars on my windows after that to 'protect me from harm.'. What will we do about our churches fighting still and argueing when the time needs action and not disputes?" Tani asked softly etting away a little from the topic of a family that wouldn't be until years later probably.

"Brother Meis had informed me several of both churches have asked to visit and see how the other church helps it's people. Perhaps we can visit and tend the people of Malkier, borders should not influence Pelor's will." He kissed Tani again and stroked her smooth skin, smiling at her. "Before long we should go back into the water, unless you would like to again. I'm rather fine with staying right where I am." he teased as he rubbed her bottom.

"We should clean and go back... if you want we can again tonight... like I promised." Tani says softly blushing, she would like to be clean.. and after he promised to help her wings would be too. She loved being clean and often bathed twice a day, or at least cleaned herseld twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. To be clean after almost a week from traveling would be wonderful.

"Very well, as long as I may help you I will do a through job." he kissed her again lightly. When she allowed him up he brought her back into the water. This time though he was ready incase she slipped, he would not be taken by surprise again. Wetting the rag and using it to wet Tani, then soaping it to rub all over her, he considered himself very lucky. After a little while he looked over her, "And how should we begin grooming your wings?"

"I'll show you." Tani says softly with a smile, dipping her wings under the water and bringing them back above. The water cascaded off of them but she began to rub down underneath them letting water clean away the dirt in them. She continued to clean her inner feathers the same things over and over. Getting the dirt off of her wings and out of her delicate feathers. She flinched a little at the closer inner feathers, The dirt made her skin a little raw and it almost hurt.

He helped as much as he could, wanting to make her more comfortable. It was something he hadn't thought of until recently. Now being her husband, he needed to do what he could for her. Moving around behind her he followed her instructions and then carressed her bare bottom. "Just like this my love? I hope I am doing it right." he whispered in her ear.

"Lucas please... It'll take almost an hour to finish my wings. That's even with help. Please we can continue later... once I begin it'll take hours for my feathers to dry." Tani says softly unable to turn around holding her wings aloft. She didn't like not having him to hold onto though. She did like the teasing but what she said was true. once begun it would take longer if you didn't work quickly and she'd be unable to fly until tomorrow morning... possibly longer.

"Very well, I was distracted a little." he apologized. And continued to wrok with all to be a dutiful husband. "So, how did you used to do this before we got together?" Assuming that she barley had a monet to herself before they had met. Pelor convinced her ro take to the road and in doing so it brought them together.

"Servants there were four to a wing. If any of my feathers fell out on their own, they were sold at high price to pay for the churches good deeds." Tani says softly. Even as she did the inner wings two feathers had already fallen out as she had set them aside on the edge of the pool. It was a habit of her's now to collect them. She didn't know what she was going to do with them but... she figured there was something she could do with them anyways.

He smiled and continued to clean her wings like she had told him. "Four? What else did they do for you?" he was a little shocked to hear her tell him that. Lucas took the washing rag and cleaned between her wings taking a lot of care in doing so. It was a great way to touch her and run his hands over her smooth skin. "So, did they ever say how much the church sold them for?" it never crossed his mind that someone would sell bits of her to make money.

"I still don't know. It was never any of my business they told me. My job was to be the liason between humans and Pelor. They would often put oils in the bath for my dry skin, and they would be hot baths. Then they would clean my wings, you have to use your hands to do it and nothing more then letting the water reach each feather. Anything else and my feathers get ruined." Tani says softly twitching as the wrag touched the highly sensitive skin between her wings he was washing. She never stopped cleaning the inner wings though not once.

"Well, I thought to clean the skin back here first, then work on your wings." He then washed most of the skin, before going over her wings to help her. "You must really miss some of that pampering at times? I'm happy though that you married me." Lucas only wished every so often that they had known about her earlier in life. But, Pelor had a plan for everything & his faith in him had been reaffirmed.

"No. I don't miss it at all. With you... I'm free. Really and truly free. I was never free and never had a moment to myself until I was asleep. I met my father on only the most ostentacious of occasions. I only knew he was my father because he was the high priest." Tani says softly as she continues to clean her wing putting any feathers that fell out with the others on the bank of the pool.

He continued to work in silence, touching her lightly as he checked them all. Her words made him very happy and desire to kiss her to show how much he loved her. Lucas understood the situation with her and the former high priest, because her mother favored him with a child he was crowned the leader of Malkier's church. All that ended after she ran away and was brought back with a fallen Palidan following behind. "You truly are an amazing woman and wonderful wife Tani."

"I'm... not really. I don't know how to be a normal woman... I don't know how to be a wife in any sense of the term. We live in your parents home... or stay at the church in Bearlon. We spend our days at the church or helping the sick and poor... I haven't even been attending your needs as a proper wife." Tani says glad he was behind her as she was blushing softly. She continued cleaning it made her feel better even as it weighed her wings down heavily with the weight of water. But her skin beneath the feather was agitated from the dirt on the feathers.

Coming in around in front of her, he kissed her and stroked her hip. "You are Tani who I fell in love with, and I am a happy husband which means you handle that job well. And as long as we are togehter that room, house, cell, cabin anywhere is home while we are together." Lucas was surprised she had admitted any of this to him now. They would need to decide where and how they would live if they left the estate.

"Thank you. For saying that. For beleiving it." Tani says softly blushing brighter now. She didn't think she had to admit any of this. She thought he felt the same way but... it was good to know that... At least he was aware and could help her overcome some things like her issue with joining. Though she didn't want to do it again outside so close to strangers houses or farms or anything. Once was deffinetly enough and outside while an adventure was a little more then she was comfertable with.

He was back helping her with her wings after she spoke those words. They weren't a very normal couple, but the Ravenwoods proved normal was boring. "So, what do you want to do with the feathers?" he asked curious. If she so wished they would see about finding a home outside of the Estate, something he had given up on long ago. Perhaps he could have Darryl help them, he was putting a lot of work into a place Asper would be happy.

"I don't know... It's habit now for me to save them. Maybe your sister and grandmother can use them for spells? Would they work? Maybe we could make a pillow or something." Tani laughed brightly at the very ridiculous idea she had suggested. She was done with the one wing and bent the other closer to work on while letting Lucas continue working on the other one.

"Maybe we could do something, I'm sure Sirrian still likes soft things, not to sure about Rissy and Sammy." He hoped that soon his sisters would accept Tani as a good sister-in-law. Lucas ahd planned on making those two godmothers for their children. Tani had tried to make nice with them before to very little avail. He always held out hope that his life in the Ravenwoods and his life with the church would coincide in harmony.

"You think of it and I'll agree to it. As long as we only use the fallen Feathers. No plucking MY wings." Tani says with a grin, he couldn't see it but the very thought of it was ridiculous to her. It was a joke. People didn't make things out of their hair... and she didn't make thing out of her feathers. It was simply the way it worked. Though she wondered how long the girls would be unhappy about her taking their big brother away from them. It wasn't as if she had really taken him it was just that they were so busy... Maybe he should stay home one day to just be with them while she went and met with the churches and worked with the poor and homeless.

"I wouldn't dream of taking away your wings, besides they keep me warm sometimes." he tickled her lightly. The family understood them, Orissa and Samantha were just stubborn. Lucas wouldn't change anything about his family, just wished the girls were more accepting to the newcomer. "Could we wait to go to Malkier for a little while? I'd like to get the girls to accept us."

"Maybe a few days. Malkier and the church... don't like being told no. And they will keep us longer the longer we make them wait." Tani says before jerking away from his tickling fingers. She squealed a little and her wings flapped, tucking in tightly to protect her from the fingers tickling her. Though it dunked a little more than half of her wings underwater and soaked them thoroughly. Weighing her down making her balance not as good.

"Sorry, my love." he apologized already knowing her wings were now water logged. He wrapped his arm around her to steady her balance, it was the least he could do for her. "Although if we could ask Darryl to help us with the travel or Grandmother Lai we could wait until the day of arrival. If not then I'll borrow the wings and we can fly there." Hoping to keep both family and church in harmony, was a major gamble.

"That sounds like a plan to me. But I'm done now." Tani says pushing away from him and crawling out of the water. Once on land she ruffled her feathers and fluffed her wings out. Shedding water as if it was raining and shaking out her wings by flapping a few times. Her feathers were completely soaked, and a few more dropped from her wings because of it. She hated getting wet like that. She didn't like bathing in deep tubs and she really didn't like getting wet. Rain was fine but... submerging was in no way a good idea to her. She didn't blame Lucas but she wasn't happy. Being wet like this never made her happy.

Lucas hurried and washed himself dunking underwater to rinse himself clean. Then exited the pool and gathered up a towel to help dry off her skin, taking great care in making sure not to harm her wings. Perhaps he needed to speak with Grandmother Lai to see if there was a way to get Tani clean without risking her getting soaked in water. When he got to her lower legs he took her hand and placed it on his shoulder then lifted the leg to dry it. Hopefully she understood he chrished doing this for his wife, this was done because he loved her dearly.

tani gave him a soft smile. Lucas loved helping her so much. He always felt the need to show her how special she was or to try and show his thanks for saving him. But the truth was... he had saved her more then she had saved him. She had been caged litterally and her every move was monitered watched and controlled. With him... she was touched and held... like a normal person. She was seated at the same table as everyone and could talk about anything she wanted with them all. Lucas took her out to where people needed her most in the poor quarter where the sick and hungry were that needed the tending the most. He made the church consider her as a person first and a cleric second. But she was wet. And she wanted to get dressed. She was wet, her wings soaked... naked and in the woods. But other then that she was happy.

Once he dried her skin he grabbed her clothes and helped her dress, at least letting her us him for balance. And put her sandals on first one then the other and secured them. Then he stood and gathered his clothes and redressed, then handed back her weapons belt and secured his own. "I'll start a fire when we get back to help dry your wings." Lucas held out his hand to her again for the trip back.

"Thank you. I'm not mad or anything Lucas. I just... I'm not really comfertable nude... outside under all these... trees." Tani says softly taking his hand, her wings tucked her to her but held off of the ground so they wouldn't get dirty again. She was uncomfertable without open sky where she could get away. Again her wings were so wet there was no way she could actually ever get off the ground until tomorrow... hopefully not any longer then that. though her skin would get terribly Dry under her feathers. She would have to go into the Garrison town to buy oil.

"I completly understand, and once we get out of the trees I'm sure you'll feel a little better. Anything else that you need dearest?" he asked as they walked back to the farm. Lucas was sure that Alehail would have them leave in the morning if not the afternon. "I just thought what about dinner tonight, I know the women cook more than enough for a small army. We could head into Garrison and eat with the family."

"That sounds nice... but... could we use the hole? I don't... particularly care for the looks and talk while we are there. I will need a little bit of oil. To help my wings. Normally my body takes care of that on it's own but... when it gets compeltely wet that stuff washes right off and it hurts." Tani says softly, she didn't know why it was so easy to explain things to Lucas like this more then likely it was because he didn't freak out, he just tried to learn and understand and help somehow.

"Anything to make it easier on you Tani, we can go to the barn and affix the hole and go get the oil, eat then come back and apply it and make sure the wings are dry." Already he began to formulate a plan on how best to ask for magical help in making it easier. The walk back to the farm was rather easy and they discussed several things. "I wonder if Lyriel and Flint will be back for dinner or if they will fend for themsleves." Lucas hoped they were solving the problems that were making them both unhappy.

"They are both Capable people I'm sure they'll be perfectly fine on their own. Trust them and have faith in them like you do in Pelor. You take care of me almost as much as the staff of the church did. If I was spoiled before my husband surely spoils me worse." Tani says teasingly She was holding his hand and was happy enough, soon they would be out of the trees she could let her wings dry a little in the hole... though it wasn't the most comfertable thing ever it was alright.

He took he kidding with a smile, "I do for my wife to honor her as I repeated after the father on our wedding day. And you deserve some doting, considering you use all your magic which is more than mine to aid others." He held her hand and smiled at her, being close to her made him happy. The city and the farm stead came into view from where they exited the woods. "So, I will have faith that Pelor will guide everyone along side their own gods and goddesses."

Tani smiled and leaned forward kissing his lips softly before speaking more. "Well then let's get me gussied up and ready to go into town, and see your family. Tonight is the last night we'll be here, and tomorrow is the switch for all you men." she says with a soft smile afterward. She continued to hold her wings high so they didn't touch the ground, and she was much happier and more releived to be out of the trees and on the edge of the clear land of the farm.

"Yeah, I didn't think about the switch, father and I will return and Fael and Darry come back. I wish I could stay dearest and remain beside you." he admitted. Going into the barn he took out the portable hole and unfolded it. "This was a good idea using this to put your wings inside." smiling as he wondered if she would want to change clothes. He thought that if Tani wanted they could find a top like mother and the older women in the house wore.

"Yes I will change.... Just a moment." Tani says rummaging through her bag before pulling out a top and a new pair of pants. She changed quickly with her back to Lucas and her wings hiding her body from view. Even though that had just coupled she was still shy. Once dressed she turned around and smiled, the top was a very soft purple color and her pants were a light tan. It was one of the best outfits she had brought that weren't clerical garb. "Ready." She says with a smile.

He smiled with her wings inside the hole and it inside her top he could wrap his hands around her to hug her. "Then we should get going, any idea were we can find the oil you need for your wings?" Lucas thought a alchemist might be able to procure it for her. When they left the barn he actually wrapped an arm around her shoulders and smiled at her. "I bet we surprise the family, they would have figured we would remain out here until the left for Sildea."

"Your mother was very understanding in asking this family if we could stay for me. I would hate to become a spectacle in the town. As for oil, I prefur pure grain oil unscented. It's most like what I've got on my own. So it soothes me enough that it's fine." Tani said her own arm wrapped around Lucas's back and her hand resting atop his belt at his hip opposite of her own.

They entered into the city easily and made their way to an apothicary shop. The one floor shop had a great number of things on its shelves, oddly there was little room to browse. The owner Paulus had a high counter and all of his offerings were listed in paint on the walls, this cut down on people with sticky fingers from filching from his stock. When they walked in he was finishing business with a young lady who needed something to prevent pregnancy. "Just one moment my lord and lady, I will tend your needs." he said before handing the young lady her bundle and change back.

Tani held Lucas's hand tightly. She stayed close to his side, strange places always made her very wary and this was no exception. Even with her wings hidden in the hole, she felt sometimes that people continued to stare and speak of her. It had been that way her entire laugh... and hiding her wings didn't seem to change anything. She didn't bother reading the lists she just needed some oil, there were three kinds in total that she could use and he was bound to have at least one of them. She only needed to wait until he was finished serving the woman.

The young lady thanked him and left quickly, nodding to them as she passed to the door. "Ah, welcome what may I do for two of Pelor's servants today?" he asked in a slightly raspy voice. Lucas cleared his throat and looked at Tani, "We need some unscented pure grain oil, do you have any?" The elder man looked intrigued at the request and thought for a minute. "Is there another kind of oil, I am unsure if I have any left in stock this week."

"If you have any wheat oil then perhaps? Or pussywillow oil?" Tani asks softly either one would work just not as well, she still had a day or two of drying for her wings and for the oil she made naturally to return to her skin and wings. She was holding Lucas's hand tightly though and was staying very close to his side, she didn't much like this shop. Actually she thought all apothocaries were creepy and a little frightening. She hated going to them.

"I do have wheat young lady and how much do you need? I usually sell it in vials for 4 coppers." He went back to a rack of vials against the wall and selected a large glass bottle. COming back to a spot at the counter he set the bottle down and looked up at them for an answer. "May I ask what you use it for, I find it very interesting what my customers use my services for."

"Lucas can you help me get the hole off? It's best to show him... He'll help me figure out how much oil I need. I haven't used it in a long time so... I'm not sure how thick it is and how much I'll need. There's no one else here so... for a little while it'll be okay... right?" Tani asks Lucas softly. She wasn't actually sure if she should or even if showing her wings was a good idea while in town anyways. She needed the strength and desicivness Lucas always helped her with and gave her.

"Yes, here let me help you." Lucas began only to be stopped beforehand. "I have seen you before mistress I only wondered if you had disguised them. I figure you might need almost all of the oil I have in this bottle." He smiled and placed the bottle into a bag to protect it in case of a fall. Lucas fished out the proper amount to pay him for the oil.

"I... prefur not to make a fuss... If it can be helped. Thank you... For your help." Tani says softly with a smile. Tani took the package from him and held it close to her chest. She was waiting for Lucas to finish paying so he could get her to hte house his parents were staying in. That way they could go to the house and have dinner with the family. SHe was hungry and she missed having everyone together like in the house.

They left the shop and headed to the temporary lodging of the Ravenwoods. Conner was a little shicked when he saw that Tani's wings were not with her. "Ok, I'll bite what happened to your wings?" he asked with a lopsided smile. Inside their was lots of noise from those cooking, and enticing smells wafted from the kitchen. Lucas hugged his adopted brother and teased, "Aren't they going to swap you for Lily when we go back?"

"We're using the magical hole to hold them for me... It's just to hard to walk around in a small town like this with them... that and... they don't have... chairs and things I can use. It's easier this way and we were wanting to visit the family and have dinner." Tani says with a bright smile on her face. She wasn't going to hug Conner because the last time she had he's groped her butt. that was highly improper not to mention rude. Nor did she tease him... she only ever teased Lucas she didn't know really how to tease people yet.

Conner chuckled, "I thought you and father were going back for Fael and Darryl?" He took them both by the hand and walked them towards the dining room. Talking more to Tani, "Well, it is nice to see you here to interact with us. Mother and Father comment that they don't see enough of you two." He released them and opened the door to the dining room, being a gentleman.

"Thank you. I... I hadn't really thought of it... but... you are right. I will apologize to them once they come downstairs. I'll do better... um... What do... how... I mean... do families... uh... get close?" Tani asks softly blushing brightly because she didn't know even the most basic of things about a family and yet she wanted to start one with Lucas. She waited for Lucas before going to far mostly because Conner was always... touching her or teasing her.

Lucas knew her uneasiness, "You just spend time together dear one. There is no recipe or procedure to being a family. And mother and father understand what we do in Pelor's service." Drawing her away from Conner he smiled at her and gently punched his brother. "Would you like something to drink Tani?" he walked over and poured a mix of wine and water into a glass.

"Just a glass of wine please. But... Pelor teaches that one should... put your best foot forward and... in all things let others see you as you really are and... follow his teaching to be the best you can be and to help others. How can I do all of that if... If I don't even know your I mean... our family." Tani says earnestly. She stayed near Lucas, she was always very jittery around things she was used to... so basily anything that wasn't work or the church.

Conner leaned against the wall, "Exactly, being present and just getting to know each other. But, in our family loyalty to one another and to what we feel is right. You probably read all about the dragon wars and everything else the Ravenwoods have done. Most of that she be considered a guide of who we are." Lucas turned and looked at his brother, the comments seemed a little complex for COnner.

"I... Actually I didn't. I learned about it... afterwards." Tani says softly, sometimes she felt very... ashamed of how she was raised and how she functioned. Like she was missing something that everyone else had, Like there was something... fundamental that everyone was taught as children and she had never been taught it. She almost felt like like she didn't belong with anyone anywhere. The only time she had felt she belonged was in the city helping the sick and poor and in the small town helping the small community and the church simnply live on.

Lucas put it the glass in her hands, "It is alright Tani, I felt outside some when I was growing up there. It gets easier, I promise you that." he kissed her gently. He loved Tani dearly and wanted her to understand that it would take time. "Conner tries to make it sound simple and sometimes it takes time to find your place. Pelor knew what he was doing bringing you and this family together, we all just have to have faith."

"I have only... seen and heard what you have done since I came to live in your household. I was taught the dragonwars... but it circled more about actual facts and what happened and the damadges done... The people who gave the orders... not the ones who did the orders given. The dragons by color not by name... and riders by first name only. Since I've lived in the house... I know you enjoy women and alcohol and disobeying your parents. Lily is... exciteable and follows orders and is a wonderful young girl. Elsa is... very family oriented. Feal is devoted to his wife. Altair is a strong person who demands respect and love by almost everyone. Alehial is... the perfect woman. "Lyriel is conflicted and unsure but confident in her choices and her way of life. Darryl is... complicated, not stupid by any means but he thinks almost like a child... and Asper is a vicious woman who was hurt a lot and it doesn't seemed to have stopped. That is what I know Conner Ravenwood." Tani says softly taking a drink and looking up at Lucas. She hoped they wouldn't be mad but that is what she saw and knew from getting married and moving in.

Conner grinned hugely, "By Jove, I think the lady knows me very well. And most of our family too!" He thought for a long second, looking into his drink, "Wait! What about Flint, isn't there anything you've noticed about him?" Lucas smiled and wondered for a couple seconds if they really wanted to know. Lucas looked at Conner, "No using her observations for ill Conner." his little brother only shook his head and crossed his heart.

"Don't make fun! You asked and I've told you that's all! I haven't... spoken to Flint... but he's clearly conflicted and well... Just like You Lucas. He's fighting inside... fighting against... his father I think... Either in reality or... mentally. He doesn't know if staying on the good path... is the right path for him. Because everything good is pushing him away. The king... society... even this family. And Lyriel. Who doesn't know how to fight her own battle." Tani says softly looking at Conner hard. "It would be best... if we helped them." She says taking another sip and sighing softly, she didn't know how to help this family.

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