Page name: Red Palace [Exported view] [RSS]
2014-10-12 18:48:55
Last author: Eyden13
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Kingdom 6- Red Palace

 The Castle of the sixth kingdom is ruled by an iron fist of Red Riding hood. 
Her people are hunters and are known for their  cooking skills, especially in the castle.


Rp Below

Nicole Rád sighed as she looked at the man in front of her. She was in the stables, just returning from a mission, where a messenger was waiting for her. It seemed that the Queen was summoning her presence. And I thought I was going to get rest She thought. Nicole was the best hunter in the kingdom, but as much pride it brought her it also resulted in the Queen using her more frequently than any of the other. "Very well, tell her I'm on my way." When the messenger left Nicole turned, but quickly jumped from the man standing right next to her.

"You know that woman is going to run you into the ground some day." Alex told Nicole, who only glared at him. "What?" Instead of replying she rubbed her head and went over to a stable hand. Alex shook his head. He had been friends with Nicole since they were both young, but he hated the way the Queen abused her.

Seb Sighed as he approached the red palace. He loved traveling around the world, but this was the one kingdom he preferred to avoid. He could sense the wolves around him, as they watched him in an eerie quietness as he moved closer to the heart of the kingdom. The ruler of the kingdom was as fierce as the beast that guarded it. The ironic part was that the same wolves that kept the kingdom safe and secure from war were the same wolves that the people of the kingdom treated with malice and hate.

Gildor arrived at the palace after their long travels with his current companion as he tried his best to be charming and entertain the young lady. "... And then the window just burst open after that comment... It was just crazy."

"It does sound like it," Petra said before looking towards the man they were following behind. She wasn't sure why she volunteered to join them for this, but it seemed like something that her father would do. Gather more information.

Nicole's ears perked as she heard the newcomers arrive on their horses, drawing her attention. She sighed, only Dawn was able to stand being near her. Horses tended to be skittish around her, they didn't like wolves. "Alex, We should be going. The queen hates to be left waiting." She had the patience of a fly, Nicole muttered as she walked past the stable hand.

Alex hid a frown. Nic rarely mutter. Only when she was irked or agitated, which took a lot of effort. He'd known, he spent years trying to get under her skin. "You should disagree to her request or whatever she wants of you. You're exhausted and have barely rested."

Gildor caught sight of the two near the stables as they themselves approached from the gate. "Ah, looks like either more for the meeting or people in employment here... Both of them look rather displeased about something either way..." He looked thoughtful about this conundrum for a moment then returned his attention to his traveling companions. "What do you think m'lady? Fellow guests or employed workers?"

Seb snorted as he entered the stables. "The girl is the Kingdom's Huntsman, or rather woman. The young man is Alex Snow, the heir to the 4th kingdom. They are here because the queen wants them here."

Although she already knew of both, Petra didn't respond until Seb said something. She just kept walking towards the castle. "I do not like this land. Too many beasts...not enough..." Her eyes went towards the people and she frowned. "Tamers."

Gildor nodded to show he understood. "Ah, thank you dear colleague and as for you m'lady, do not worry about any beasts, either they're more unwilling to do anything than they appear or else then they'll stay away due to us being in a group." He said with an assuring smile to Petra.

"Alex hush." Nicole said, she had heard his little remark. "She a bit stricked, but she is a good woman." She would know. The queen was the one person besides Alex, who wasn't even from this kingdom, who didn't hate her for being who she was. Nicole directed her attention to the new comers. "Sebastian, a pleasure as always. My lady you do not have to worry about the beast. They have a treaty with the Queen, which prevents them from harming anyone under the her protection.

Alex rolled his eyes. For some god damn reason Nic gave the queen more credit than she deserved. "Either way what could she possible want? No, offense, but I can't ever remember the queen ordering people to a summons for something good." He nodded at Seb, placing his hands in his pocket as they walked out of the stables. "Sometimes I hate my job."

"One created by Rumplestiltskin," Petra said with a nod as she looked distastefully at the surrounding area before snapping her attention back to Nic. She didn't seem to be directly insulting anyone, but she was definitely on guard. "However I am under no one's protection. What say you to that?"

Gildor smiled and added. "If you do not mind then I'd gladly protect you m'lady, it would be an honor to do so if you'd accept."

A new figure made its way down the wooded path towards the kingdom. The wooded path widened as he came into focus clad in blue and white accented by buckles. His blonde hair hid his ice blue eyes from the group. "It would seem the kingdom of hunters is quite popular at the moment." Jellial mused to himself. He had no fear of the wolves that might be near by, he kept his chin hi and proud, slowing as he neared the group but keeping a decent distance, his hand resting absently on the hilt of his blade across his shoulders. "Greetings." He addressed to no one in particular."

Seb looked at the man scrutinizingly, trying to figure out what it was about the man that just seemed so important. He has the feeling that what ever he was forgetting or sensing was very crucial.

Nicole tilted her head as the man approached. "Hello, are you here to see the Red Queen as well?" She sniffed the air as she spoke, just to make sure that she didn't sense any danger from him.

Alex looked at Petra with a curiosity. Not many people would openly say Rumplestiltskin's name out loud. "You my lady are a mystery that I think I'm going to rather enjoy." He turned his attention back to the new comer. "Dude, if you here for the same lame thing we are we should all getting going now. If the Queen asked for more people she might have to knock down walls just to accommodate us all."

Hmm he is an unrefined fellow. Jellial though of Alex. "Yes i am here to speak with her highness about her country's alliances." He paused to shift his blade on his back and swept his hair from his eyes. "Shall we make our way?" He asked motioning towards the gates.

Petra looked at Gildor and almost smiled. Her glee was outwardly invisible, however. "It would be an honor," she said. Now that she had the promise of 'protection', things were looking up. She turned her attention to Alex and gave him a half smile. "I am no more of a mystery than you are, Alex." She used his name, mostly to unnerve him, before looking at the castle. "You can all stay and chat, I am heading inside."

Nicole lead the group into the thrown room and bowed as she approached the Red Queen "My queen you called for us."

"Yes, I have. Something has arised that demands attention right at the moment. I'm afraid it has reached deadly circumstances." The queen said. "Nicole can you tell is anyone else is in the vicinity, we should be the only people in this room." The Red Queen asked. She eyed Jellial, knowing exactly were he was from and knew he could help.

Closing her eyes, Nicole, smelt around the room and tuned into the surrounding sounds. "No, I can't smell or hear anyone else."

Gildor closed his eyes and mumbled a few words under his breath then a slight glow appeared from his hands as he moved one of them up and traced from one corner to the next until coming full circle. "Neither is anyone here under cover of magic your Highness." He said calmly with a slight bow of the head to the Red Queen.

"Good." The Red Queen leaned in and turned her attention fully n them. "It come to the attention of the royal houses that their heirs, the next generation, are starting to disappear. The children of the third and first kingdom have all ready gone missing. If any more are to do so, we would no longer be able to keep this secret as a result the country would go turn into a mass panic."

"What is it exactly you want us to do?" Alex asked nonchalantly. He was an heir himself. By taking part of this could very well put him in danger. He was unsure of what the red queen was planning and why he's needed. He was of very little use battle or magical wise.

Jellial had been out of the loop since the Decay. He had received some word on his travels but this was unrepresented. Am i at risk as well? He wondered. No, i have my blade at my side, i will not fall until She does. He furrowed his brow the hate surging in his mind. He was on a journey, but maybe something that could be done here could help him.

Seb's raised his eyebrow as he spoke next. "I had heard rumors but I was unaware it had gotten this far. If it only of this world and detention, or are other places in danger as well?" Honestly he knew the answer to his question all ready, but he wanted to see what the queen knew. Blood was a very powerful thing. Especially royal blood.

"To my knowledge only our world has had any problems. I spoke to Jack the Pumpkin King and he reported no disturbances any where else. From what has been discussed within the inner council is that whomever is behind this their interest lies with Arethusa only." The Red Queen said.

Nicole watched the people in room as the discussion progressed. As she observed she could feel that their interest were peeked; however, she knew it wasn't that they cared about the well being of others, but rather they wanted to know who could capture some of the most well guarded and powerful people in the Country. Also many of the identity of the Heirs were highly kept secret.

The only person who wasn't really interested was Petra. She did pipe up upon discussion of Jack. "You aren't likely to learn anything of use from him. But I suppose that's because his debt has yet to be settled and he hasn't eyes for other places." Then she grew quiet again, looking over at Seb with slightly amusement. She was pretty certain about him, but it wasn't her place to meddle.

Alex's interest peeked when the woman he never met before spoke. He noticed her choice of words very carefully. And there was only one reason anyone would use the word debt. "Jack must have heard something new by now. There have been many rumors of dimension travels as of late. Maybe he has acquired new information since you spoke last."

The Red Queen pondered Alex's statement. "It is possible. The last time I spoke to him as two months ago. I've get to hear rumors of frequent travels you speak of, but as queen much misses my ear. It's difficult to talk to jack often. This is what you all shall do. Go to the forest and seek passage to the door leading out of this land. To do so you must first get permission from the wolves, thus Nicole you will guide them. There is no one else who can find them."

Archive1- RP


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Kingdom 6
The Miss Guided Story
A Book of Miss Guided Fairytales

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2010-10-03 [Talos Cyrion]: i thought Nicole was played by His angel?

2010-10-03 [Talos Cyrion]: brb gonna go to dinner

2010-10-03 [Eyden13]: No she's my character.

2010-10-03 [Talos Cyrion]: ah ok

2010-10-07 [Talos Cyrion]: Ha! i was right ;p last to have edited the page!

2010-10-07 [Eyden13]: What happen to my post? I updated after this, ahhhhhhhhh someone is out to get me. Man I finally introduced the red queen to. damnit!

2010-10-07 [Talos Cyrion]: o.O i swears it wasn't me....hmmm maybe your comp is taking a cue from mine an misbehaving

2010-10-07 [Eyden13]: it better not I'm in no state of mind to deal with ir.

2014-08-29 [twitchboy]: hmm should i have jellial appear outside the kingdom or inside to request a meeting with the queen?

2014-08-29 [Eyden13]: jump in right now before they head into the castle. right now everyone is outside the stables. 

2014-09-08 [Eyden13]: Sorry guys. I just realized it didn't save my entry from friday. posting again now.

2014-09-09 [twitchboy]: ill wait for the queen to post once more, it would be rude for him to ask his purpose while she is addressing another matter

2014-09-24 [Eyden13]: Sorry it took so long. I'll be updating more frequently now.

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