Page name: Ricin Sickert. [Exported view] [RSS]
2011-05-13 14:23:19
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User Name: [Rice]

Character name: Ricin Sickert

Mutant Name: Rice.

Abilities/powers: Toxic blood. Ricin’s blood isn’t precisely blood and more a black toxic substance that is extremely dangerous to everyone, even Ricin himself. It is black and sticky in appearance, almost like melted tar and is only poisonous of acidic once it reacts with oxygen, thus his blood acts like normal blood until he is cut and it exits his body. Once he is cut the blood with burn anything it touches usually involving more pain for Ricin since it will scold his skin. Luckily only a few of the toxins affect Ricin but if the blood got on someone else is would poison them much more. The level of poisoned the person becomes depends on variables, if it were to hit a weakened person with a low immune system then they would suffer greater symptoms than someone stronger and healthier. It also depends on how it gets into the system, if it is just on the skin then not much of it is absorbed and the person would probably only feel light headed and weakened, however if they ingested it or got through a cut it would go directly into the blood stream and react quicker and heavier. Another setback of Ricin’s is that his symptoms of the toxicity are general fatigue and increased aging, most of his energy is being used to fuel this black blood so he ages quicker and isn’t what you would call physically capable.

Sex: Male.

Age: 31. (Physically: 50s/60s)

Birthday: October 30th.

General appearance: Standing at 5'11ft Ricin is slightly taller than average for a man, though his body appears more stretched and thus taller due to his frail frame and long angular limbs. His features may have once been handsome but are now weathered by age, his sickly white skin always pasty with dashes of grey and his light blue eyes forever adorned with thick under eye circles which make him look tired and weary. He has heavy lidded eyes, a long nose, thin lipped mouth and pointed chin, his cheeks are very sullen making him look gaunt and only add to his apparent 'ill looking' form. However, Ricin is never one to dress casually even if he is feeling under the weather, he will always wear some form of smart attire and depending on the situation can dress it down or up. For informal situations he will wear a white shirt and black trousers, then if he is needed to look smart he'll wear a black suit jacket and tie. He is your proper english gentleman and also has a habit of carrying around a white handkerchief, just in case a lady is crying.

Additional Appearance: He has a love for pocket watches and a fascination with time, he wears two watches, one on each wrist and has a pocket watch in the left breast pocket of his jacket.

Personality: Ricin is, for all purposes sake, an Englishmen born and bred. He speaks in a very formal and polite tone though is prone to suddenly phasing out through sentences due to social anxiety and worry, he can sometimes be rendered mute in tough situations but is the last person you could imagine raising his voice out of anger. He plays the stoic but is apparently blissfully unaware of this fact, his expressions are limited to tired and, well, very tired. He is thoughtful and methodical about things, very precise and also very cautious, especially around people who confuse him. Ricin is quite isolated and reserved in his ways and likes his secrets being kept inside the closest along with all other manner of skeletons he'd like to forget. He can come across as a little cold and cruel, more so to people's feelings, but he would never intentionally insult someone as it is not civil. A darker side of Ricin's nature is his callousness when dealing with other people, he more than often views people as objects creating a sense of desensitisation to their sufferings and even death. He is not morally unsound but is far from an affectionate empathetic person, in fact his disregard borderlines that of a sociopath.
Special Skills: Scientific background so his intellect and academic achievement is another defining quality. He is a trained doctor and has degrees from many areas of science, mostly Biochemistry, Immunology, Cell Biology and Virology. Since his condition worsened however he has stepped away from the more common diseases and is instead focusing on mutants abilities, namely searching for a cure for his own mutation.

Place of birth: London, England.
Weapon(s) of choice: None, though he tends to carry around scalpels a fair bit so that could be used as a weapon if he felt a little strained in a fight.
Medical information: As mentioned above.
Brief History: Ricin held little love for his family, end of that story. He has lived all over the world, Antarctica, Africa, Japan, he now currently lives in America where he was contacted by Xavier who offered him a ‘job opportunity’, having been keeping a close eye on him. Ricin has accepted the offer though claims it is because it has peaked his curiosity. He met Xavier and McCoy around five years ago but was only aware of their scientific background, he was rather surprised when he found out their school was a home for not only mutants but a group of people known as the X-Men. He is currently a teacher and teaches science, mainly teaching in Biology and Chemistry, though he does teach Physics from time to time.
Mother - Evelyn Sickert/Deceased
Father - Patrick Sickert/Deceased
Daughter - Lynn Sickert/Alive
Possible Lover - Muriel Farfeather/Deceased

How long your character has been in the mansion: A few weeks.

Relation chart (1: bad; 10: good)

Lynn Sickert - 8 - She is his daughter so of course his opinion of her is never going to dwindle below loving the child. She may be a constant pain in the backside but that is yours kids job, he is very protective of Lynn but also seemingly keeping her at arms reach.

Xavier - 4 - He respects him, but he doesn't entirely trust him considering the man can read his thoughts and invade his mind.

Hound - 8 - She cooked him dinner, enough said. No not really, Hound is the first person Ricin met at the mansion and at first he was a little confused and intimidated by her inability to not talk and be less than 5 feet away from a person when talking. He finds her out-spoken but delightfully refreshing since she tells it how it is, he doesn't however find her rude and while she grates on him at times she over all is growing on him. His opinion of her was heightened when she continued wishing to talk to him even after learning of his ability. Ricin likes her, even if he wont admit it.

Teena MacTormin - 5 - He has only just met this young girl so his feelings to her are mutual, she seems pleasant enough if not a little over eager. She is a polite young woman indeed.

Squid - 4 - Only saw him briefly so has no opinion of him other than the fact he is a bit scary to look at.

Elizabeth Charms - 4 - Neutral ground, no opinion as of yet.

Korvka Shostakovich - 4- Neutral ground, no opinion as of yet.

Vladimir Shostakovich - 6 - How could he not be intimated by this man? Even a person of a normal composure would feel out of balance and small in comparison, the man's energy and strength directly contradicts his own weakness and tiredness. Ricin get's tired just watching him laugh, but all in all the man seems to have a heart of gold.

Virgil Hawkins - 4 - Has only just met the young man so his opinion isn't fully formed yet. Virgil seems level-headed and calm, which are good traits so far.

Kaider Getalahan - 5 - Kaider baffles Ricin, he/she seems to know his/her way around things and has a level of intelligence which of course put's him/her higher up in his books. He can't quite gather what gender Kaider is, and for good reason, though is to polite to ask thus just dodges the subject of ever referring to him/her by gender.

Korvka Shostakovich - 6 - This young woman is a fortress but all in all he actually gets on rather well with her and thinks quite highly of her, especially since she started giving Lynn piano lessons. The woman can come across as a little abrasive and her mannerisms are anything but steady, but when it comes down to it she tells it how it is and can be trusted to always be truthful.

Everett Rowels - 4 - Neutral, he was having a bit of a breakdown in the kitchen over other students thus Ricin is a bit wary over his ability to control his power. By nature, Ricin isn't to fond of people who literally explode with force upon feeling emotionally threatened.

Endelyn Hagan - 7 - She is polite, soft-mannered, and well spoken thus Ricin likes her and is happy to teach the girl, she doesn't possess any of the overly dramatic traits many teenagers throw around and is very calm, also her desire to learn wins her favors since nothing is better than a student who likes to be taught.

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2010-08-13 [Rice]: Thank you Roma for adding links :)

2010-08-13 [Roma]: Old habits die hard, and it takes like, 2 seconds. You're welcome :D

2010-08-13 [Rice]: Nah I like it when people fix may pages....they know how it's supposed to be. I'd just mess it up.

2010-08-26 [Roma]: oooh, she is now neutral!

2010-08-26 [Rice]: She's growing on him XD

2011-05-07 [Roma]: It was his birthday "yesterday" :O

2011-05-07 [Rice]: And no one remembered. ;_;

2011-05-07 [Veltzeh]: But has he told anyone it was his birthday? ;)

2011-05-07 [Rice]: THAT'S NOT THE POINT BE QUIET YOU! ._.

Lynn will bring it up, she'll have made him a special little card out of pasta...and glitter.

Ricin: ....what is this *thinks: this is awful*

That's how it go down, Lynn is going to grow up to be so jaded at this rate. X)

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