Page name: RoL - Enzo Ginevra [Exported view] [RSS]
2012-01-01 08:48:18
Last author: Duredhel
Owner: Duredhel
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Player – [Ms. Steel]

Name – Enzo Ginevra

Race – Human

Sub-race – Ravillan

Class – Adept

Age – 15

Appearance – Typically, Enzo's somewhat gangly 5'4" frame is draped in an unbelted and slightly oversized t-shaped tunic and slouchy breeches that successfully obscure what evidence there is of her female form. In fact, most of what she wears are probably hand-me-downs. From the looks of it, she cut her own hair at some point, though the hack-job appears to finally be growing-out. Her hair is a warm, dark brown, just beyond chin-length, and she keeps it out of her face by fastening it back into a couple of sparse pigtails; it frames a face possessing what she considers to be her most regretfully girly feature: Large, light blue eyes with long, dark lashes. Her complexion is a medium tan, mostly from the sun.

Personality – Enzo is a charming young lady. Charmingly... annoying, some would say, though she's really quite friendly, with the marked tendency toward loquaciousness that her race bears. The girl means well, most of the time, though some find her persistent and forthright affinity toward nosiness and wanting to have her hands in everything all at once somewhat tiresome, but she just chalks it up to a voracious hunger for knowledge and life. Unfortunately, the scrappy and meddlesome Enzo is a also little slow on the uptake when it comes to taking a hint and can be viewed as immature at times. She is so exceptionally excited to be attending Malche Academy that she can barely put it into words. But that won't stop her from trying.

History – The youngest of four siblings, the young Ravillan was granted her name with the thought that she would be the fourth son for the Ginevra family-- whatever prognostication methods her parents used proved faulty, however, and her mother, who was too stubborn to select another, more fitting name, decided that Enzo would suit her daughter just fine. Raised in a cramped houseful of rowdy boys in Ottavia behind the small inn that their parents own, Enzo has become quite the tomboy and was introduced to a variety of races and walks of life from an early age. Her oldest brother stayed home to pursue the matters of the family business, while the younger two, who are closer in age and demeanor, decided that a foray into the calvary suited them much better. She considers hers to be the utmost in a normal upbringing, adores her family, and, in fact, practically idolizes her older brothers, whom she would like to assist in the fray some day.

Weapon of Choice – Axe

Element – White


Level – 1

Experience/To next level – 25/350

Main Hand:
Bronze Handaxe (Medium Axe/ Slashing One-Handed, Crit 1 / 2 Atk, 1 Def, 4 Spd, 1 Enc, 1 Rng, 3 Wgt)

Cloth Doublet (Light Armor/ 2 Def, 1 Enc, 5 Wgt)

Gloves -
Boots -
Necklace -
Earrings -
Ring -
Cloak -
Belt -
Lesser Healing Potion x 1 (0.5 Wgt)
1 GP

Stats - 0
HP – 10/10
MP – 10/10
STR – 4
CON – 5
DEX – 5
INT – 6 (S)
MAG – 5 (S)
CHA – 5 (S)

CC – 8.5/27

Lv 4 Handle Axes 
Lv 2 Basic White Magic You know two Lv 1 White Magic spells.
Lv 1 EnchantmentYou can enchant an item with any Level 1 or 2 spell for an experience cost of 500 XP for Level 1 and 1000 XP for Level 2.
Lv 1 Awareness+2 to Spot, Listen and Scent.
Lv 1 Discipline+3 Charisma against Fear, Panic and Terror.
Lv 1 First AidThe character can heal 5 + Intelligence % of the target's maximum HP once a day.
Lv 1 ChargeIf you are moving at least four squares in a straight line before your attack, you gain a +2 bonus to your Attack Power.
Lv 2 Leadership+3 to Diplomacy and Intimidate.

SP - 0

Special Skills -
Alter Spell - Every 5 levels, the Adept can select a yellow magic spell and alter it, either increasing all of its effects by 1 or more grades ( 1 grade means from 4 turns duration to 5 turns, from d4 damage to d6, etc) or adding an extra GM-approved effect. The alteration of the spell has an XP cost of 500XP per spell level.

Level 1 - Courage, Heal

Back to RoL - Test Party 2

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2011-08-21 [Duredhel]: Ok, first off, we need to decide on your bonus and penalty stats :>, you get + 1 to Charisma or Constitution and -1 to Strength or Dexterity.

Once you've assigned that, you get 6 points to distribute among your stats however you wish. Remember the max is 7.

2011-08-21 [Ms. Steel]: +1 Constitution, -1 Strength please.

2011-08-21 [Duredhel]: Gotcha :D.
Now you have six points to distribute :>

2011-08-21 [Ms. Steel]: 1-STR 1-DEX 2-INT 1-MAG 1-CHA

2011-08-21 [Duredhel]: Ok, now you need to pick a stat to specialize in (You already have Int & Cha because of your race and class, you can pick an extra one, whichever one you'd like.)

2011-08-22 [Ms. Steel]: hmmmm, MAG.

2011-08-22 [Duredhel]: Gotcha, awesome. Now you need to do two things. First off is selecting the type of weapon your character will wield, and then, pick the special skill you'd like to start with. If you go to the adept's page on the wikispaces, you'll see the little chart there with the skills. The red skills are the special ones, you get to pick one of the three top ones.

2011-08-22 [Ms. Steel]: Her weapon is an axe, and special skill is... Alter Spell.

2011-08-22 [Duredhel]: Finally, you have six skill points, so you can use those to get new skills from the Adept's skill tree (the blue skills) and/or improve the ones you have. Lemme know if you need any help :>

2011-08-22 [Ms. Steel]: 1 to Basic White Magic, 1 to Diplomacy, then Awareness, Discipline, First Aid and Charge. That okay? Also, do I need to specify what type of axe she's got?

2011-08-22 [Duredhel]: nah, you can pick one out later, you'll start with really basic stuff. The last thing to do is to pick two Lv1 White Magic spells :>

2011-08-22 [Ms. Steel]: Okee-doke. Courage and...Heal.

2011-08-22 [Duredhel]: Gotcha ;3. That be it :>, now, to fill out the top sections, but you don't need me for that XD

2011-08-23 [Roma]: XD She sounds awesome.

2011-08-23 [Ms. Steel]: Tanks! We'll see how long it takes her to get under everyone's skin. teehee.

2011-08-23 [Roma]: She has dark vision?!

2011-08-23 [Ms. Steel]: I was wondering about that myself...

2011-08-23 [Duredhel]: Sorry. my bad XD

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