Page name: RoL- Falkyre Everto [Exported view] [RSS]
2012-01-01 08:39:36
Last author: Duredhel
Owner: Duredhel
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Player - [AccountUnavaili able]

Name - Falkyre Everto

Race - Human

Sub-race - Rysallean

Class - Adept

Allegiance -

Age - 17

Appearance - Standing at 5"11 and weighing 160 lbs, Falkyre has a slight muscular build, but nothing too grandiose. His skin is a light tan from spending some time outdoors, the sun also turning his hair from a light brown to a dirty blonde, cut medium with a slight wave. Due to his heritage, his face is smooth and lacking in facial hair. He has shockingly green eyes that display a curiosity and wildness of adventure, an aspiring mind lay behind those eyes. He can usually be seen wearing a yellowing white linen shirt with tanned trousers, but has taken to wearing scale mail when hunting.

Personality - Falkyre has the "every-man" persona. He has a dry sense of humour, quick to help others, but can also be temperamental. He is very protective of friends or others he cares about. Falkyre is also fairly quick-witted, finds humor in many of the dangerous situations he finds himself in, makes mistakes and improvises his way through things. However, he seems to have a somewhat sadistic regard for those against him.

Falkyre is often armed and ready for inevitable interference, and has adapted quickly to many a situation. Accustomed to fencing and sparing with his brother he is able to hold his own in both swordplay and hand-to-hand combat.

He received training in the past from his father, a long time mercenary and jack of all trades. Despite trying to avoid conflict whenever possible, he does demonstrate great proficiency when fighting. This suits his adventurous nature, as he longs to journey out of the forest to distant lands, despite this however, once away he longs for the company of his kin and the sweet song of the woods.

History - Falkyre grew up on the outskirts of a forest, living an uneventful life of a Rysallean. He spent the larger part of his life in a large wooden house, seemingly woven with branches. He and his family were seen as 'strange' because of his fathers career choice of a mercenary. Falkyre had taken on the adventurous and ambitious nature of his father, and spent some time wondering in the fields outside the forest, taking to hunt on the plains rather than deep in the woods as his fellow kinsmen would.

He was taught by his father to hunt, also to fight when he needed to. Unlike his kin who would prefer the bow, Falkyre chooses to duel with a blade, but finding no partner amongst his people other than his father, lives in hope that one day he can venture beyond the forest and plains.

Weapon of Choice – Swords

Element – Blue


Level – 1

Experience/To next level –50/350

Main Hand:
Bronze Short Sword (Medium Sword/ Slasshing One-Handed, Crit 2 / 2 Atk, 2 Def, 6 Spd, 1 Enc, 1 Rng, 5 Wgt)

Cloth Robes (Light Armor/ 2 Enc, 5 Wgt)

Gloves -
Boots -
Necklace -
Earrings -
Ring -
Cloak -
Belt -
15 GP

Stats - 0
HP – 12
MP – 12
STR – 6
CON – 6
DEX – 4
INT – 5 (S)
MAG – 6 (S)
CHA – 4 (S)

CC – 10/27

Lv 4 Handle Swords
Lv 1 Handle Bows This Character knows how to handle a Shortbow
Lv 3 Blue Magic You know a Lv 2 Magic spell and two Lv1 Magic Spells of a particular type.
Lv 1 EnchantmentYou can enchant an item with any Level 1 or 2 spell for an experience cost of 500 XP for Level 1 and 1000 XP for Level 2.
Lv 1 Discipline+3 Charisma against Fear, Panic and Terror.
Lv 3 Awareness+4 to Spot, Listen and Scent, character cannot be flanked.

SP - 0

Special Skills -
Elemental Blessing - The Adept consumes 2.5*level% less experience when enchanting an item with a spell of their own element.

Level 1 - Chill Metal, Frost Beam
Level 2 - Ice Fang

Back to RoL - Test Party 2

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2011-09-08 [Duredhel]: Ok, first off, as a Rysallean, you get a +1 to your Dexterity or Magic and a -1 to your Strength or Constitution.

2011-09-08 [AccountUnavaili able]: Ok, So I put the 6 extra stats on whichever ones I want? and when it comes to the dice roll I get a -1 to strength or constitution?

2011-09-08 [Duredhel]: Nah, first you need to pick whether you want to boost Dex or Mag and whether you wanna penalize Strength or Constitution.

2011-09-08 [AccountUnavaili able]: Well if my weapon is swords I think it might be better to penalize constitution? And I think it might be an idea to boost Mag.

2011-09-08 [Duredhel]: Aye aye. Now, you distribute the six points you have among your stats (to a maximum score of 7 in any one stat)

2011-09-09 [AccountUnavaili able]: Ok, points are distributed.

2011-09-09 [Duredhel]: Erm.. try to tell me here rather than straight up updating, please. Ok, now we have to do skills (you can ask for my help or the help of any of your fellow players for this). This is the Adept's skill tree;
You can select skills from that (from the blue part), sort of.. connecting the dots. You can also spend points on skills you already have to improve them. You can see a description of all skills here;

2011-09-09 [Duredhel]: Oh, btw, the 5 skills at the top can be gotten without prerequisites.

2011-09-09 [AccountUnavaili able]: Oh, my apologies on that. Ok, so how many skills do I get? Including the ones already owed to my character? I'm thinking Awareness, Discipline and Frost resistance. Do I need any more?

2011-09-09 [Duredhel]: You get six skill points. Each skill point can be used either to gain a new skill or improve one you already had.

2011-09-09 [AccountUnavaili able]: Oh ok, in which case I'd like to have awareness and Discipline and add points to; Awareness +2 (lv3), Blue magic +2 (lv3). I think that's right?

2011-09-09 [Duredhel]: Ok, seems good :>

2011-09-09 [Duredhel]: Ok, now you get to pick one of the Level 1 special skills (the red ones) for your character. You can find their description here;

2011-09-09 [AccountUnavaili able]: Ok, let's go with Elemental Blessing ^^

2011-09-09 [Duredhel]: Awesome. And now, the last thing is to pick spells. Your character gets two Lv1 Blue Magic spells and one Lv2 spell.

2011-09-09 [AccountUnavaili able]: Ok, Lv 1 = Chill metal, Frost beam. Lv 2 = Ice fang.

2011-09-09 [Duredhel]: Ok, all set, I think we're ready to start soon. If you'd like your character to have a pre-existing relationship with someone else's character, be sure to message them.

2011-09-09 [AccountUnavaili able]: Ok great, thanks for the help :)

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