Page name: Robert Johnson [Exported view] [RSS]
2007-03-17 00:56:16
Last author: Pnelma Tirian
Owner: Pnelma Tirian
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Username: [Pnelma Tirian]

Name: Robert Johnson, don't forget it, foo!

Age: 21, an' still alive!

Alibi: I was off seein' my cousin up in Big Bear, man. I was on a plane back over and the airport was filled with zombies! I barely made it out alive, man!

Appearance: I'm about...I don't know, six foot, maybe. T's been a while since I've bothered to check. I'm black, obviously. I keep my hair short cause otherwise it gets all nappy and hellish n'shit. Y'know how it is. What'm I wearing? Uh, a T-shirt and some pants.

Skills(if any): I can shoot a gun! Kind of! My cousin taught me. Not like I've ever shot one at anybody. And I used to play football in high school. Not for very long, though--coach said I was too good to be on the team. Oh, and I can sing! Man, I got a voice like you wouldn't beleive!

History: I grew up, I got a job as an accountant, I visited my cousin, I came back to zombies!

Picture: I'm not very photogenic.

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