Page name: Rock Against Bush [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-04-05 20:58:01
Last author: operationivy123
Owner: operationivy123
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Rock Against Bush

Anyone ever get one of those feelings. Just one of those akward ones, like your not alone, or someones following you? I have a similar feeling, but mine is that WERE ARE BEING LIED TOO!!!
yep, thats it. home of the brave, land of the free and justice served. Served in a blender of hate, fascism and shovonistic lies while there under the impression these lies are to help us. " if your gonna fight someone, you'de like to see who your fighting, right?". And if your like me, you'de rather not fight at all.
But each day, these.....patriots live there lifes believing that war is okay, and god supports that. well guess what..... WRONG! god does not support any killing or violence! yes there was holy wars, but god appointed that information to a prophet, bush is not a prophet!! the dumb ass cant even eat a pretzel!(ask me about that one if you dont get it). Our goverment just released a video. this video had some people of iraq cheering in our favor, but there was one slight mistake our government made while putting this video out; THEY PUT MADE IN THE USA ON THE BACK!!! ( that was not a joke) they distributed that video out, realized the mistake and tried to recall it. but some media stations who arent owned by conservative capitalism exposed it. revealing the truth. we dont need war to save the world, we dont need bigger weapons, or deadlier guns. we need love, and truth.
"only the truth, will set us free" - i dont know who said that. lol

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