Page name: Room N1G [Exported view] [RSS]
2014-09-27 06:26:58
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Room N1G

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Delilah sat in her night gown at the desk in her room, wings pulled back beneath the skin, leaving raised imprints down her back, with just the feathery white tips protruding from her shoulder blades. Her room didn't have much in it yet, but she'd figured, with some help, how to set her windows so they lit up like screens with pretty pictures and made it feel less dark and cramped in the room. Currently she had it set so that it felt like she was looking out over a grassy slope leading down to a lake that reflected the sky and the grass and the tress and the mountain on the other side. She hummed to herself while her fingers tapped away at the angled screen on her desk.

Do you think they'll lift the lockdown soon? I can't wait to go back outside!

She hit send and shifted in her seating, waiting eagerly for a reply. Moments later she heard the voice of the computer announcing that the lockdown was over and noticed a change in the light of her room, realizing that she was now looking out over at the actual field behind her dorm. Her face lit up with a smile and she moved back to type out another message.

It's over!

Delilah had been changing out of her nightgown and into some real clothes for the day, her wardrobe curtesy of the clothing printer built into her closet, but hurried over in the middle of it when she heard the ping of a message from Luca.

Yeah, it's over. Ready to go outside? How about you meet me in the garden?

Her face lit up with a smile, excited to get to see Luca again. He’d been very nice to her since she’d arrived here, helping her with all of her inprocessing stuff and showing her how to work the many machines and stuff she didn’t really understand. Plus Delilah thought that he was kind of cute. She finished slipping on a blue, denim fabric skirt and white halter blouse before typing out her reply.

I’d love to, I’ll be right there.

Slipping on a pair of sandals she opened her door to move out into the common area of Dorms: N1.

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