Page name: Ruby Woods [Exported view] [RSS]
2008-03-26 20:12:33
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Little Red Riding-hood

Name: Ruby Woods
Race: Human
Age: 21
Height: 5'3''
Eye/shape: Bright Blue. Wide and expressive. Doesn't hide her emotions well.
Hair/style: Chestnut brown. Short with a slight wave to it, cut in a bob like style.
Face: She has a pretty heart shaped face. Small nose and adorable bow shaped lips. Her skin is very pale and smooth. Her features are aristocratic and delicate looking. 
Body: Small and fit with graceful looking limbs and a swanlike neck. Her breasts and backside are average size. Over all, she's pretty tiny and petit looking. After her grandparents were shot she became obsessed with finding and killing Wolfe, thus resulting in intensive training and her development into a fit, hot, killing machine. 
Occupation: Rich heiress that becomes a vigilante.     
History: The Woods family was one of the oldest and richest families in the City, and were one of the founders of the police force. When she was 10, Ruby's mother and father were killed in a carriage accident. After that she was taken in by her grandparents, and as a only child, wanted for nothing. Troubles for the family were far from over, however.  During her grandfathers time as police commissioner the police arrested a high ranking gang boss. While the boss was in jail he orchestrated the deaths The Commissioner and his wife, hiring Wolfe to do the deed.  When her grandparents where killed it left Ruby as an orphan and heiress to the Woods fortune. It also left her with a unyielding hatred for Wolfe. 
Personality: Cheerful and content with her life, she grew up a spoiled child that was well loved and wanted for nothing. After her grandparents were killed she became withdrawn and depressed. This depression soon changed into anger and hatred for all things corrupt and especially Wolfe. She's kind of obsessed with him, and longs to make him pay for what he did to her family. If she takes down other evil bastards in the process, then that is not her problem. She is clever and quick witted and has a dry sarcastic sense of humor. She's vindictive, sometimes cruel, and if you get in her way then she will take you down. She's not heartless though, and tries to help people if they are in dire need. She hates seeing people in pain unless she's inflicting it. She doesn't have much patience and has quite the temper.
Relations: Mother and father are dead. Grandparents are dead. She has a love/hate relationship with Bernard Hunt. She hates Wolfe with an obsessive passion.
Sexual Preference: Men. Bernard Hunt, it's just going to take her a little while to realize it.
Talents: Because of her privileged childhood and her families police based roots, Ruby was taught how to ride a horse, shoot, fence, and handle some hand held weapons. On her 18th birthday she was given a knee length blood red cloak with a lovely large hood, made by her grandmother. The cloak was a magical item, designed to protect and defend. It has build in shielding charms and when Ruby is wearing it her strength is boosted times 3. It also has some disguising abilities. It can make her invisible but that takes extreme concentration and if she gets distracted or hurt then the invisibility powers will fade. In general the cloak makes her very powerful and allows her to sneak about with relative ease.
Other: Aside from her cloak she wears an almost skin tight long sleeve white shirt, the sleeves and neckline of which are lined in sliver. Over the shirt she wears a tight blood red vest that buttons up the front with silver clasps.  Her pants are brown and tuck into knee high brown boots. She also wears brown leather gloves.

Period Outfits- This is to give a general Idea of some of the outfits that Ruby, and other upper class member of the City would wear.

React to the following statement ic (in character):

"Hey! Don't think I'm stupid. I know what you're up to."

"Get out of my way." Ruby growled at the pudgy young police officer standing in front of her. 

The man didn't move, "The file room is for personnel only. You're not allowed to access it."

Ruby's eyes flashed and the air around them seemed to crackle with energy. The people at the nearby desks started to back away. The man was new and clearly hadn't had the pleasure of meeting Ruby Woods yet. They almost wanted to feel sorry for him, but not quite.

The girl moved fast and in a flash had the cop's neck in her hand, cutting off his air flow as his eyes bulged out in surprise and he swatted at her arm to try and free himself. "You will move now." She snarled, squeezing his neck once more causing him to whimper. Pushing him aside she strode into the room, slammed the door, and locked it behind her.

The cop scrambled to his feet and stared at his coworkers in shock. "Isn't anyone gonna go in and stop her?"

People chuckled and shook their heads, "Benson, that was Miss Ruby Woods. Of the Woods family. She owns this building and essentially everyone in it.  You'd have to been an idiot to try and stop her." Someone smirked before they all returned to their work.

Belongs to: [Crankychangeling]

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