Page name: Rules and Regs [Exported view] [RSS]
2008-07-30 19:17:02
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Rules. &. Regs.
Please don't deny me the right . . .

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a . ] No harassment; we will kick you out.
b . ] No "sex talk"; that's what those dirty wiki's are for.
c . ] No vulgar comments about people's pages/characters/character's art/character sketches/name/ect.; it is wrongrude.
d . ] Absolutely no stealing art; please abide by the uploading rules of Elftown.
e . ] No editing wikis; they are soon to be password-protected. Also, please allow the moderators to handle adding pages, images, crew members, storylines, ect. The truth is, if we need help, we will ask you for it.
f . ] No walking out; please send us a nice note explaining that you would like to leave the wiki. An explaination is not necessary, but if you feel it is, then feel free to tell us why.

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