Page name: SSEB Saint´s Favorite Music [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-05-03 21:18:43
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Saint´s favorite music

Some theories about Saints and Music...



Seiya I think Seiya must like country music... he must have a cowboy hat *thinks* after all, he likes guitar...
Shiryu Mh... chinese music. He´s quite traditional!
Shun most probably likes relaxing music
Hyoga...soft music, something relaxing.
Ikki Hard rock!

Mu Mh.. something nice and calm
Aldebaran Oldies music
Saga mh... music? What´s that?
Deathmask Screms don´t count as music
Aioria Eye of the Tiger XD
Shaka "the heart beats are so soft music..."
Dohko Tao music
Aioros Lira
Shura Spanish music (ole!)
Camus Piano, soft and sweet
Aphrodite Fashion pop



Seiya I perfectly imagine him with the cowboy's hat, and santiags, having fun with all that stuff !
Shiryu yeah, traditionnal stuff is good, like Ghost in the shell music, I think.
Shun disco. I see Shun with the shining suit dancing in the spotlights *laugh*.
Hyoga I agree with soft music

Mu : Enya
Aldebaran : Brass orchestra ;)
Saga : Bjork !!!!
Deathmask : Heavy punk Metal
Aioria : soft pop and rock
Shaka : birds singing.
Dohko : waterfall noise
Aioros : eeerrrr
Shura : The Cranberries
Camus : Classical french opera (l'Arlesienne)
Aphrodite : hot music...don't know how to translate it (imagine Sadeness part. 1 from Enigma)



Seiya 80´s Rock
Shiryu Famous opera
Hyoga Ballet? Maybe the Swan Lake?
Shun Queer pop
Ikki Jazz... but he will never admitt it

Mu New age
Aldebaran Big Bands or something
Saga No idea
Deathmask Hard rock, I guess... because of the screams coming from his temple...
Aioria Soft pop
Shaka Birds sing?
Dohko Relaxation and meditacion
Aioros Angels sing?
Shura Zarzuela
Camus Violin music
Aphrodite He must like disco...



Seiya Ottmar Liebert and soft pop like Sting´s
Shiryu Traditional chinese, and a bit of Vanessa Mae
Hyoga He does not care the music, as long as the female singer is a blonde blue eyed girl.
Shun Barbra Straisend and silly pop
Ikki Oh... maybe something soft for his tortured soul... something as Yo-yo Ma. But honestly, I´d LOVE to see this hunk enjoying hot sexy music as enigma´s...

Mu Joyful music!!!! A bit of pop, maybe soft rock, and a little new age but light (as Libera, for instance).
Aldebaran Samba, chico!!! Maybe he gets a little crazy with the Black Eyed Peas.
Saga Saga: Mozart, Zigy: mmm, Marilyn Manson?
Deathmask Screams can be considered as music?
Aioria All about rythm!!!! Pop and rock which can help him to work out that incredible beautiful body of his.... can you imagine him working out at the rithm of "eye of the tiger"...oh my.
Shaka Little bells and a lot of Oms?
Dohko The guy needs some fun!!! Rock baby!!!!!
Aioros Traditional greek, I guess
Shura The Gipsy Kings!!! Olé
Camus Opera, classic, and maybe a bit of romantic violin.... mmm
Aphrodite Queers enjoy pop, right? I suppose Kylie Minogue is his example to follow.



Seiya : metal
Shiryu : japan techno
Hyoga : russian choirs
Shun : classical music
Ikki : hard rock

Mu : classical
Aldebaran : flamenco
Saga : Rita Mitsuko
Deathmask : Marilyn Manson
Aioria : Edith Piaf
Shaka : Mozart
Dohko : Japan Techno
Milo : Scorpion
Aioros : Era
Shura : The Cranberries
Camus : Mylene Farmer
Aphrodite : Britney Spears



Seiya Seiya would probably like either J-pop, something good and bouncy, or classical guitar music for inspiration for his own playing
Shiryu I do think he'd like things like enigma, or enya, as it's soft music that would be good for doing tai chi or other types of meditation
Hyoga I see Hyoga as liking alternative, something like linkin park or evanescence, some people find that stuff depressing, but he'd probably find it reaches all the feelings he keeps bottled up inside
Shun I see Shun liking classical as well, he seems to have a real appreciation for flute especially
Ikki I guess I'd have to agree with the statement about something soft and soothing.

Mu Mu would be instrumental new age stuff *tries to think* or maybe some celtic music?
Aldebaran Aldebaraan...*ponders* The Beatles *LOL*
Saga Saga, acid rock from the 70's, especially Alice Cooper
Deathmask him I could see listening to opera, I think he'd like all those loud, high notes *LOL* I've heard them hit notes that almost sounded like a drawn-out scream *chuckles*
Aioria classic rock maybe?
Shaka Shaka, I think if he had to choose a cd he'd choose those nature sounds ones, like songs of killer whales or something
Camus Camus would probably be classical music, I don't see him liking opera all that much *chuckles*
Aphrodite I could see him listening to really sexy R&B or pop songs


Any other idea?








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2004-09-06 [Erthalos]: mwaaahahahahahaahaha ! Barbara Streisand for Shun !!! I didn't think of that, but that's terribly true !

2004-10-12 [Moluco]: For shure, INow I know, everybody knows Shun really well!!!!!

2004-10-12 [Moluco]: But almost all forget about Miro, he must listen some like ...I'm to sexy.....

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