Page name: Samual Keystone [Exported view] [RSS]
2010-04-26 12:17:12
Last author: Rice
Owner: Rice
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Samual Keystone

Username: [Rice]
Name: Samual.
Age: 29.
Gender: Male.
Height: 5'10ft.
Weight: 140 pounds.
Personality: Samual is the bipolar Revrend and leader of The Church of Blood, which is a radical group of people dedicated to appeasing their gods. The Church of Blood is strange in the fact they worship both the divine and malevolent entities, the gods during the day and the devils at night. Needless to say Samual is equip to dealing with both and acts accordingly whilst leading his flock. During the day he is a friendly, cheerful man with a polite demeanor that albeit odd is somewhat welcoming. He openly preaches of love and honour, and above all else the important of having hope. However at night it is as if his personality completely changes, he becomes sinister, creepy, and dedicated only to serving the malicious entities that take home in the Church. This can mean anything from sacrificing animals and humans to strange rituals. Samual is becoming increasingly dark and mad, something which has not gone unnoticed by his fellow Keystones, people find it best just to keep their distance now.
Picture: <img:>
Weapons: Bayonets and guns, and then Divine magic during the day and Dark magic at night.
Weakness: Physical combat, he only feels courage at a distance. Also his insainty.
History: Unknown. He has been the Leader of the Church of Blood for ten years and has accumulated quit a few followers he calls his 'flock'. Some joined out of the same misguided devotion to the gods he felt, some out of fear and others sheer curiosity, the only thing that is the same between them is that they are all terrified at the idea of leaving, heavens and hells would have no clue themselves as to how he'd react.


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