Page name: Sarafine Hillshire [Exported view] [RSS]
2008-02-08 20:29:41
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Name: Sarafine Hillshire
Age: 24
Height: 5’9’
Eye/shape: Opal and constantly changing. large and oval.
Hair/style: Black, although she has been known to dye it. Currently it is worn in short messy spikes, the ends of which are dyed silver.
Face: Long and narrow.  Small sharp nose and a long pointed chin. Thin lips and an average sized mouth. Teeth on the yellowish side. Her skin is almost white and you can sort of see the blue veins running under the surface.
Body: Tall and very thin with a willowy frame. She has very narrow hips and basically none existent breasts.  Her hands are large with long thin fingers.
History: “Born” into a Scottish family, Sarafine’s parents, William and Sally Hillshire, are not her biological parents. Shortly after their child was born the fairies cameg and switched the child with a changeling. William and Sally never suspected any change since both had dark hair. The babies eyes were a mystery but the excepted and loved her none the less. After primary school Sarafine was sent to Oakshire academy, a boarding school for girls. There she met Nell Brightwood. Both girls were outsiders, Nell because she was very smart and strange things tended to happen around her, and Sara because of her looks and rebellious attitude. Although Sarafine was two years ahead for Nell they became fast friends watching out for each other. After school, Sara moved to London where she formed a band with some of her mates called the Banshees, playing guitar and being lead singer. By the stroke of luck and good talent the began get really famous. Currently that have toured over Europe and have Cut two C.Ds and are working on a third. She lives in a flat about fifteen minutes away from Nell’s shop and visits her when she can, maintaining a close relationship with Nell.
Personality: Very creative and funny, Sara went though the rebellious stage that every teenager went through and stayed like that, maturing only slightly.  She loves having fun and is in fact a bit reckless. When it comes to Nell, she is very protective. Nell is her oldest friend and she will defend her at the drop of a hat. She knows that Nell is a very powerful witch but is concerned for her emotional state and doesn’t want people to her hurt her. She is basically the only sister she has ever had. She doesn’t take bullshit, is a fast talker, and is very good at letting people know how she feels, not giving and fuck what other people think about her.
Occupation: Scottish Rock Singer.
Sexual Preference: Men. She as had her fair share of sex with a fair share of men and has no intention of settling down for a good long while.
Other: She hates dogs, smokes brown cigs, and drinks black coffee.

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