Page name: seana kylstaar [Exported view] [RSS]
2007-02-18 03:19:29
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User Name: [Ylaraniala Majere]
Name: Seana Kylstaar
Race: Vampire
Age: Before Turning: 17   Total Age: 59
Appearance: Seana has long black hair worn down to her knees. When readying for battle, she ties it in a braid looping around her head. Seana has dark blue eyes that glitter coldly when she kills. She keeps her blood-red mouth closed to cover her long fangs. Seana has shiningly pale skin that almost seems to glitter in moonlight. She wears a very dark blue tunic and pants with black boots. Seana prefers to also wear a dark cloak and soft green-black gloves to cover her skin.
Weapons: Seana uses the longsword she keeps in her belt. The sheath is dark green with no visible marking, as is the grip. Seana also wears a normal dagger in her belt.
Fighting Style: Seana uses a lot of footwork, preferring to spend half an hour to kill an opponent than try to finish the opponent in too short a time and die herself. When using her sword, Seana uses mostly thrusting manuevers that give her more ability to take advantage of an opponent's mistake. She rarely blocks an attack, preferring to dodge. Seana uses her dagger as a backup weapon, stabbing upward with it when necessary. If she does not have a weapon, Seana will use her fists and grappling techniques she learned from watching the squires training under her father. In this position, Seana will bite her opponent if possible and drain him as much as is necessary for him to become weakened and then knock him out.
Powers: As Seana is still pretty young for a vampire, she has few powers. She is, of course, able to use her bite, both for turning and death. She is also able to sense other vampires or powerful beings, especially at night.
Personality: Seana tries to act cold, harsh, and dangerous so she does not actually need to fight. She has found that pure intimidation is much better than a pile of corpses. Seana also will not kill unless necessary. She likes to help people that she thinks deserve help, particularly intelligent and strong-willed children. Seana is sick of men's advances. After almost a hundred years of men believing she is beautiful she just wants to be left alone by them. Because of this, any man that gives her a compliment about her body will be treated with scorn. She also prefers women as friends because they are less likely to act stupidly toward her. However, Seana is loyal and happy to be part of the Clan and will accept the company of anyone in the Clan.
History: Seana was the daughter of a lord knight. She rarely saw her father away from his advisors and her mother was too busy with the other noble ladies to pay much attention to Seana. Seana followed what rules she had to, but what she most desired was to leave the castle that was to her a dungeon. Seana grew to despise her power-hungry father and her air-headed mother as she gained in years. When Seana was thirteen, suitors started visiting the castle, seeking her hand in marriage. Seana was repulsed by the greedy faces that so reminded her of her father's face when he was counting money or plotting to add another village to his holdings. She refused them all. Her father was furious and considered forcing Seana to marry, but his wife convinced the Lord Knight to desist. However, by her seventeenth year, even Seana's mother was worried that she would never marry. A marriage was arranged between Seana and the largest landholder that desired her. Seana ran away from the castle and was easily captured by a male vampire and bitten. She fled from him, hating her own existence once she understood what had happened. After a while, Seana grew to accept what had happened, even to like it. She has accepted that the Clan is where she belongs.
Alignment: Chaotic Good

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