Page name: Sebastion Jafar [Exported view] [RSS]
2014-07-29 02:23:29
Last author: Eyden13
Owner: Eyden13
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This is for My rp at A Book of Miss Guided Fairytales

Sebastion Jafar

Age: 25

Race: Human, Wizard

Kingdom Born in: 8th Kingdom

Good/Bad Guy: Bad

Personality: Seb is a fickle man, who is strange in his own right. He is a over sensitive man who takes everything to heart, as a result he is easy to anger and hard to get along with. This results him in spending much time by himself. He has a thing for birds, and seems to prefer their company over humans.

Discription: He has power over time and sand.

Sebation grew up among a peaceful time; however, he was alone a lot, except for the bird Lago. Lago, and evil talking parrot, planted seeds in the young boys mind and when the parrot was killed Sebation swore to finish Lago's dreams. To have complete control over all the land. For in fact Lago was an evil mage who had been tranformed into a bird as punishment.


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2010-10-23 [Elwyne]: umm... could you give a written description of this character and his clothes? Please?

2010-10-24 [Eyden13]: why?

2010-10-24 [Elwyne]: I'm doing chibi's of the characters. And the outfit here is a bit complicated for chibifying, also can't tell things like the color of his eyes from this and if he's human should he have pointy ears like that? 

2010-10-24 [Eyden13]: his eyes are gold, and yes he has pointy ears, a reason that will later be found out. AS for the close think white sand out fit. I'm not to picky about his clothing.

2010-10-24 [Elwyne]: baggy? Sort of deserty maybe?

2010-10-24 [Eyden13]: yup. sounds good

2010-10-24 [Elwyne]: kk I'll try to do him next then.

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