Page name: Shoot 02-09-10 [Exported view] [RSS]
2010-02-09 22:32:42
Last author: Nioniel
Owner: Nioniel
# of watchers: 6
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Shoot 02-09-10


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Melissa's Shoots

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2010-02-09 [Teufelsweib]: I love the make up!
and the funny faces are great XD

2010-02-09 [Nioniel]: haha, thanks, I didn't want it to be too serious!

2010-02-10 [organicparadox]: great series:) love the faces, love the honesty of the shots

2010-02-10 [sweet.tx.tea]: I want your eye make-up!

2010-02-10 [Nioniel]: *gives you eye make-up*

2010-02-10 [sweet.tx.tea]: I must say, I love all of these. I seriously love the color contrast of the red and the blue with the green of your eyes and the white of your skin.

2010-02-10 [Nioniel]: *beams*
Thank you!

I personally wish that I could have made my eyes blue or violet, and in retrospect, I suppose that while I was messing around with some of the images, I could have changed the eye colour, but oh well.


2010-03-03 [elphaba]: You should blend your eyeshadow around the top/up to the brow more. Otherwise, awesome shadow.

2010-05-03 [davidkatsu]: great angles my friend melissa :)

2010-08-31 [Daisy le Fleur]: *likes*

2010-08-31 [Nioniel]: Thanks!

2013-08-04 [davidkatsu]: i loves your style, i know i have said this over and over, you are sooo talented!!! you so need to open business in some way with your photography!!!

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