Page name: Silver Realm Capter2 [Exported view] [RSS]
2010-03-24 20:39:04
Last author: Silver Moon
Owner: Silver Moon
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Silver Realm Capter2

Silver Realm
Silver Realm Capter3

Keda hugged her gently. "Thank you..."

"You are welcome...." she said hugging back.

"Now what?"

"We get you settled in..."

He nodded. "OK..."

"This tent is unused, and near mine.... you can use it..."

"Thank you."

She kissed his cheek. "You're welcome..."

He blushed

She blushed too. "I... would you like something to eat?"

"yes please."

Chyrosa called for one of the younger girls to bring food to her tent. Chyrosa was handed a tray of food. "Here you go..."

"Thank you." He said with a smile as he began to eat

Chyrosa smiled, sitting down with him.

He offered her some

"Thank you..." she said, smiling.
Silver Realm Capter3

"And thank you."

"So... could you tell me about yourself?"

he told her about his past

She told him about her's.

They had allot in common

"Do you want to rest or...would you like to walk with me?"

"I want to walk with you."

Chyrosa smiled, nodding. Standing up, she said, "Thank you again for sharing that cave with me...."

He smiled. "I was glad to." He said walking with her

"So.... I...can...I kiss you again...?"

He blushed and nodded

Chyrosa kissed him softly.

He kissed back

Chyrosa then walked with him, enjoying the company.

"I am glad we met."

"I feel the same way...."

He smiled.

Chyrosa smiled, then kissed him.

He blushed kissing back

Chyrosa pulled back blushing.

"I love you."

"I....I love you too..." Chyrosa said blushing.

He kissed her

She kissed back, and continued walking with him.

He smiled happy to have met her

There were screams then, coming from the camp. Chyrosa looked at him before running towards the camp, weapons out. ((Remember, I have in her story that she is to become a slave to the one that has the young elven boy))

((Oh yea))

He rushed after in worry

Chyrosa rushed into the camp, her steel fans out, to attack the attackers.

He drew his sword following

Chyrosa rushed the attackers, intended on protecting her family and home.

He did the same trying to study their opponents.

The attackers were Orcs, and attacking in hordes.

"Damn..." she shouted as she was hit to the side.

He tried to maneuver toward her to help protect her but he was pressed by attackers,

((I like that ^_^ I can control the people that have him, and you can control people that have her)) ((Sounds good,))

Chyrosa and Keda both ended up being knocked out.

Chyrosa woke in a cell she could hear the sounds of a child crying. Her feet and wrists were bound.

Chyrosa struggled with her bound, wanting to get to the cry.

One of her ankle restraints loosened

Chyrosa struggled harder, she was the future leader of her clan, she had to escape.

Her ankle became free but that was it

"Damn..." she breathed softly. "Child..." she called out softly. "Child...where are you?"

The crying stopped. "H...hello?" came a melodic voice

"I'm here...what's going on? Where are we?"

"I...was taken from home...I don't know where we are...."

Chyrosa struggled against her binds. "We have to get out of here...."

"I've tried...they want to use me against my people..."

"You're just a child... what impact could you have....besides the anger and grief of your family....?"

"I'm...the prince..."

"The prince?"

"Of the name is Satchare"

"You're that prince? I had heard of that...but my family group is normally the type that...gets accused of things like that...." she said, struggling again with her wrists.

"I just want to go home..."

"So do do I...." she struggled more to get her wrists free.

"Where is your home."

"Anywhere that my father decides that our family and group should set up camp....and if I ever get out of here...I will lead our family....gypsies....that what we are...gypsies...."

" you think we will get free?"

"I hope so..."

"Me too..."

Chyrosa started working more heavily on the ropes on her wrists causing her to start to bleed.

The sounds of someone coming could be heard

Chyrosa looked to the sound.

Several humanoid guards began to approach

She glared at them. "Let us go!"

"You have someone interested in buying you, but the boy stays."

"No! I will not be bought and sold! And I'm not going to let you harm this child!" Chyrosa shouted upset, struggling again.

"You will be."

"No I will not!" she screamed, and then spit at the guard.

"she is spirited...I like that." Came a male voice as someone approached

Chyrosa looked up at the voice and the man that it belonged to. "I will not be bought!"

A cloaked figure stood there. "Than would you rather rot here?"

"I'd rather us be freed!" she said, glaring at the man.

He handed over money and she was handed to him on a leash. "You are coming with me." She noticed his voice sounded like Keda's

Chyrosa pulled against the leash, shocked. "K...Ke...da....?"

He pulled her close. "Follow along.' He whispered as he lead her down the hall.

Chyrosa followed him, silently. She was confused as to what was going on, how Keda had been able to fool them.

He lead her to a manor house and removed the hood when they got inside. He looked like Keda but there was something different

Chyrosa looked at him, unsure. "Keda.....what's going on....? How.... did you trick them...? That boy...he needed help too..."

"I can't help him yet..." He said sadly. He hugged her close and kissed her, but the kiss was a little more possessive and claiming.

She kissed back, but it didn't feel the same. "'ve never kissed me like that...."

"I am just happy you are safe...sorry."

"Keda....what... happened?" she whispered.

"I escaped..."

"Oh...I'm glad..." she said softly, though she couldn't get rid of the feeling that something was just so off about Keda and this whole situation.

"Are you hungry?"

Chyrosa nodded. "Yes..." she said softly.

He lead her to a dining hall where delicious looking food was laid out. "Help yourself."

"Keda...where are we? My father must be worried....we need to get back...."

"It isn't safe to get back and this is my home." He said

" had said.....?" she questioned, leaving it unfinished because she know Keda knew what she was talking about.

He shrugged and looked at her. "You ask to many questions." He said in annoyance

"Keda..." she whispered softly, looking down.

He grabbed her and forcefully kissed her. She had a flash of the real Keda in a cage

Chyrosa's eyes widened, and she struggled in the man's arms, trying to push away from the kiss. "No! Stop!"

He grabbed her roughly. "No. You are mine."

Chyrosa slapped him, making sure her nails scratched him. "I am no one's slave!"

He grabbed her roughly. "What does my twin have that I don't?"

"Right now, kindness! And he has never been rough with me!"

He eased his hold as though slapped. "Is that all...? Everyone....thinks he is better,.."

Chyrosa held herself ready. "I don't know you enough to judge you, but this is not helping you..."

He released her. "My name is Klise...I am his twin."

"Klise..." she said softly. She looked up at him. "Thank you...for releasing me from those people... but how? How did you know...?" she stuttered, unsure.

"I didn't but when you said my brother's name I decided to play the slave business."

Chyrosa nodded. "I...I didn't know about you....Keda and I...we had just really just met the day I was taken...." she said softly. "That wasn't enough time to know alot about someone... I..." She looked up at him. "I'm sorry I slapped you...and clawed you....I..."

"It's don't want to be with him...he is evil."

"Evil? He's not evil....I...." she shook her head unbelieving.

"Oh? He murdered our parents than left home after taking the money."

Tears formed in her eyes. ""

He gently hugged her.

She cried against him, then pushed away from him, hugging herself. " can't be true...." she whispered.

he had tears in his eyes and looked convincing. "I speak truth..."

"Klise..." she whispered, "I....I..." She dropped to her knees. She closed her eyes. She had to study the situation, she was trained to tell a lie from the truth. She concentated on the situatiom.

Keda woke up in a cell, his wrist and ankles bound.

He struggled against his bounds worried about Chyrosa

He could see that his cell was in a small room, very small, with only a single door into the room. He heard the growling voices of the Orcs on the other side.

He growled in anger. "Chyrosa..."

An Orc stomped in, and throw slop at Keda.

Keda growled. "where is my friend?!"

"Where...slaves belong..."

He growled and struggled to get free

The orc thumped out of the room, slamming the door.

He struggled harder

He got a foot free.

He worked harder

He was able to get both feet free.

He worked at his wrists

The room that his cell was in started to move as if on wheels.

He struggled more

He's wrists came free.

He tried to escape

The door won't open and the window was too small.

He cursed

The movement continued for hours, until it finally did. He heard growling as if in conversation.

He tried to find a way out

He heard a female non-Orc voice ask, "Do you have anything special inside your wagon?"

Grunts in reply.

"I'll buy it..."

He stiffened and growled in anger

A cold chill started to fill the area around him.

He tried to fight off against it.

His arms and legs froze together.

He tried to fight against it

They still froze, and a woman walked in, smiling. "What a handsome man we have here...."

He growled in anger. "Let me go bitch!" He said worried about Chyrosa

"You belong to me now..." she said with a smile. They then just disappeared. ((Go down to Valikan ^_^ ))

Valikan sighed in pleasure.

There was a knock. "Damn..." she said.

He echoed her sentiment and slowly pulled out.

She dressed, and went to the door, and spoke quickly with a creature. "I have to go..."

He kissed her and nodded getting dressed/.

She left the room.

He sighed and headed to take a bath

The bath water was warm and felt good to the skin.

He sighed contentedly as he washed his hair then soaked

The water turned cold.

He frowned and stood shivering and looking around

He didn't see anything.

He got out and dried off dressing. "Strange..."

A growl came from the caged creature.

"was that you because you are starting to piss me off!"

"...No..." it growled.

"Than who was it?"

It shrugged.

He sighed and killed the creature. "So much for that.Damn pest."

It screamed as it died.

He sighed and heated his bath than sank down into it once more

Daydreams of his old love came to his mind.

His smile faded and a tear rolled down his face.

She kissed his cheek.

"My dearest..."He whispered.

"...Love you..."

"I love you."

He felt a feather like touch on his lips.

He looked around

He didn't see anyone.


"How did you know?" the Mistress asked as she was walking into the room.

He tried to hide the sadness with a smile of welcome. "Did you take care of what needed to be done?"

"Yes I did.... how was your bath...?"

"Nice until it turned cold."

"Turned cold?"

He described it


"I know."

"No worries...I am here now..." she said seductively.

He hugged her but it appeared his thoughts were elsewhere

"What are you thinking on?"

"My old lover..."

"Why are you thinking of her...?" she asked softly.

"I miss her...."

"YOu have me now...."

"I know...but I still loved her." He whispered hugging her

"Let me ease your mind..."

"I...don't know if I am in the mood."

"Really now?"

He nodded he did trully look distracted

"I have work..." she left.

"I will see you later love...."

She nodded and left the room, leaving him completely alone.

He lay down and closed his eyes

There was a gentle brush against his skin.

He looked around

He saw nothing.

He wished sadly

He felt the brush of lips.

He called out his old loves name in a whisper


Tears filled his eyes. "I...forgive me..."

...will always love you....

"I love you..."

He heard the footsteps of a creature coming to his door

He sat up

There came a knock.

He opened the door. "Yes?"

"Mistress wishes for you to come to main hall..." grunted a creature.

he nodded and headed that way.

When he got there, he did not see her.

He frowned going a little on guard

"Mistress.....had to go get something from traders...."

"Oh..."He said setting and waiting

It was an hour later and still not back.

He growled in frustration. "Why send for me than leave?" He wondered aloud

She appeared with a young man that had his arms and legs frozen together. "I'm sorry Valikan... I have some last minute business..."

He sighed and slowly nodded. "Who is he?"

Keda growled trying to get free. "I belong to noone!"

"A new creatures are for the defense of our home...but he seems like a strong specimen....I think as long as he is not killed, I'm sure you could use him as a test subject..." she said sweetly to Valikan, before kissing him.

Valikan kissed back and nodded. " long as that is all he is for."

"I would never replace what we have, darling..." she said.

He kissed her

She then moved over to Keda. "Name..." she demanded.

"Piss off" He growled

She back handed him. "Name..."

He spit in her face and then cried out in pain as he was shocked by Valikan

"You shouldn't have done that..." she sneered, wiping her face before slapping him, her nails cutting his face.

He growled in pain

"I will cut something off of that body of your's if you don't behave...."

He glared at her in anger

She looked at Valikan. "Take him to your room...your cage should hold him...."

He nodded and dragged him to his room placing him in the now empty and clean cage. "If you insult my woman again I will make you suffer!" Valikan said.

Keda glared at him. "Bastard!"

Valikan felt the strange brush against his cheek again.

"Love..."He whispered.

Keda didn't hear him as he paced the cage trying to find a way out.

Keda felt like something was wrong in his heart.

Valikan felt it again.

He worried for Chryosa

Valikan closed his eyes happy to feel the feeling

The mistress walked into the room. "Valikan..." she said seductively.

He opened his eyes and looked with a smile.

Keda turned away from them hoping they weren't going to do anything in front of him

She knelt and quickly started to suck Valikan.

He gasped in pleasure

Keda felt that Chyrosa wasn't safe.

Keda tried to find a way out once more frantically

He couldn't find a way out, but he did see them.

He turned away from them in disgust

Keda saw an image of Chyrosa with him?

"Klise...."He whispered growing more worried

The woman that was servicing Valikan looked at Keda. "Who?"

He looked away from her hoping Chyrosa was safe.

Valikan looked over at him. "He's talking to himself..."

"Find out who Klise is...and find what he cares about the most..." she said.


"When you can..." she purred.

He nodded and kissed her.

Keda worked harder at finding his way out

Keda got shocked.

The mistress kissed back and smirked at Keda.

He growled in pain

"Behave yourself..."

"I have to go!"

"You belong to me!"


" be used as I see fit..."

"Never!" He snarled trying harder

She just smirked at him. He felt like Klise was trying to turn Chyrosa against him.

"Do you know Taranis?" Avarana asked.

I knew someone once that had that name....


Just... a friend...he died....

"I am sorry...Taranis' family died...his wife and daughter."

His wife and daughter....

"Yea...when he was younger..." She said sadly and explained about how it had happened.

Asteria had tears forming in her eyes.

She hugged her gently. "What's wrong?"


"Are you sure?"

Asteria nodded, and turned to head back into the woods. I don't feel right here...

"Asteria...he's looking at you, like he saw a ghost." ((what was her mother's name?)) ((Wynia))

Asteria looked out into the woods. Should head back to my camp.... Her voice was soft in her mind.

"Wynia?" Taranis asked

Asteria froze not looking at him.

He came over to her and hugged her. "How? And you look younger..."

Asteria stood there stiffly, tears forming in her eyes as she continued to look down.

Dawning realization struck. " aren't....Asteria?! Oh my baby! I thought you were look so much like your mother.' He said holding her close crying.

Asteria cried into his chest.

Raith watched then looked at Avarana.

Avarana blushed and looked away not sure what to think at her attraction to him too. She was worried about Asteria.

"I'm here did you survive?"

Raith blushed, looking down.

Asteria just held onto her father.


Asteria looked up at him with tears in her eyes. Her mouth moved to speak, but then she just burried her face back into his chest.

his eyes widened. "What happened? oh my little one." He held her protectively


"Please tell me..."

They came.... mom... she hid me...the screams...the growls....the noises....then silent....she....blood....I ran....I tried to find you.... I was alone for weeks....and then I was attacked by slit my throat....just left me.... he heard in his head.

He held her tighter. "I am so sorry...I looked...I...forgive me!"

...I can't talk any more....I don't blame you.... she whispered in his mind.

He held her close.

Papa..... I love you papa....

"I love you angel."

Papa....I.... what's going to happen now....?

"I'm going to protect you better than before."

Asteria nodded. I...was coming here because of... She pointed over at Avarana, knowing she didn't want her secret known.

"Because of him?"

He didn't think it was safe for me out there....but...I'm not scared...because of all the years....He...said because of Bloodknights....

He held her close. "I want you safe."

Why is there fear for bloodknights?

Raith just watched and listened.

"They are an evil cult bent on torture and killing, they kill people and take their power,"


He nodded

Asteria looked back in the direction of her old camp.

"What is it?" Her father asked in concern

Do...Can people like that change?

"Hmm? Did one?!"

Asteria just looked down at the ground. Yes....

"Did he hurt you?"

No... I... bandaged...helped him.... Asteria thought looking from her father to Avarana and back.

"What did he do?"

Avarana looked concerned


I hide him from... she looked at Avarana.

"Let's hope he changed his ways than..."

He didnt' hurt me...he feared I'd harm him...

"Strange...they don't fear death or injury..."

He seemed to be running from something...if I had not been there, he would have been dead...

He frowned.

They noticed two people approaching

Raith looked in that direction.

Asteria looked where the others were looking.

Ayslynn stayed close to Tainn.

"Tainn....who is your friend?" Asteria's father and Avarana asked.

"This is Ayslynn...we came for help."

Asteria looked at this Tainn and then at Ayslynn.

"Please....we...need a truth stone....." Ayslynn said softly.

"Truth stone? But why?"

Ayslynn looked at Tainn nervously.

"I...need to prove I can be trusted by an old friend...please..."

Taranis frowned slightly but pulled a smooth circular blue stone with a diamond of white in the center from his pocket and handed it over. "I hope you aren't getting into trouble again..."

"Thank you sir... thank you....Tainn...we have to go.....thank you again sir..."

"Be back later. Thanks again friend..." he said hurrying away with her.

"He better not get into trouble..." Taranis muttered

Raith nodded. "The young woman seemed in a rush..."

I've never seen someone so young with a thick stripe of white in their hair....

He frowned and nodded, "I know..."

"Could it mean something?" Raith asked.

"If it means one possibility than I am scared for them...that is how Deathknights mark their mate"

"Mate?" Raith asked. "As in she...then why are you letting your friend go with her...."

"He needs to learn."

Learn? You're just going to let him go?

"He is being watched and protected..."

Father....I don't understand....

"If he is in danger we will know."

Asteria nodded.

Raith just looked out into the woods.

"Are you alright?"

Raith nodded.

"Is there something you saw?"

"No...I'm just thinking that's all...."

Asteria looked up at her father. Could we eat....?

"Of course." He lead them toward the food area

Raith followed as Asteria walked close to her father her hand reached out to Avarana.

She gently took it. "Raith I hope...maybe members of your family survived too." Taranis said.

"Our home was burned to the ground...and my love's bones lay in ashes...." Raith said softly.

" so sorry..."He whispered sadly

Asteria looked at Raith sadly. I'm sorry too...sir...

Raith nodded. "My name is Raith... and thank you...."

Averann gently put a reassuring hand on his shoulder

He looked at Avarana, nodding, though there was something in his eyes that called for her.

She blushed not sure what to do.

Raith looked away, though it was obvious he didn't want to, but then again Avarana did look like a guy.

She looked down not sure what to do. She felt something for Asteria...and now him

Asteria squeezed her hand as they all followed her father.

She smiled a little at her

Only to Avarana, Asteria said, What's wrong?

I feel something toward him too...

Asteria blushed. You do?

She nodded

We may have just met...but I wish for you to be happy...

I don't want to betray you...

You wouldn't be if I said it's okay...

Is it?

Talk to him....I want to be with my father....I thought he was dead....

She nodded. I want to be with you that ok?

Asteria leaned over and kissed her. Yes....

Raith was walking a ways back deep in thought.

She kissed back and headed over to Raith. "Are you ok?" She asked in concern

Raith looked at him. "Avaran....I'm love her alot don't you? Protect her....for she could be gone before you know it..." he said softly.

She looked down. "I know...but what would you do if you felt love for two people?"

Raith looked at him. "I..." He blushed.

She kissed him with a blush

Raith blushed, and just stared at him/her. "I..." Oh my gods....a man....a man kissed me....

She looked down. " sorry..."

"I've..." Raith started. "...never felt this way...towards a... man...." He reached out and kissed Avarana.

She kissed back. " a girl..."She whispered

Raith looked down at her. "You...are....? But your....I...." He blushed.

"Don't tell anyone please..."

Raith nodded. "As you wish..."

"I am sorry..."

"Why are you sorry?" he asked softly.

"I...kissed you without asking..."

"I am the one that should apologize...."

"For what?"

Raith leaned forward and kissed her.

She kissed back

Raith wrapped his arms around her waist.

She blushed and leaned against him. " Asteria too..."

"I know...I could tell by how she looked at you..."

She blushed. "You...aren't angry?"

"You...are with her ever met me..." he said softly.

Asteria continued to walk with her father. I'm happy to be with you again father...

He smiled. "As am I, I am sorry I wasn't able to find you before..."

She hugged him. We thought each other dead...

He held her close as though wishing the years away

I love you much...

He hugged her. "I love you soo much."

Asteria snuggled into her father.

He stroked her hair


"Yes angel?"

what would you think if I liked girls?


She nodded

"That is perfectly fine as long as you are happy. both..."

Asteria stared up at her father. B...both?

He nodded. "Yes..."

Oh.... I...had...been....


She looked away.

"Please tell me."

She shook her head sadly, touched her throat.

He held her close. "I know angel I am sorry.'

I love....Avaran....

Ayslynn walked quickly through the forest trail. "The rock will work....? Right, Tainn?" she asked softly.

"It should..."

"I want all to be well...let's hurry...."

He nodded and followed

When the cottage came into view, Ayslynn ran towards it. "Aster..." she called out.

He came quickly

"We got it....we were able to get the stone..." Ayslynn said softly.

He held out his hand and Tain handed it over. "Do you swear you never told?"

"I swear I never betrayed you."

The crystal flashed blue and tears filled Aster's eyes

Ayslynn looked confused then realized what the flash meant. "He didn't tell... what's....going to" she asked softly.

Aster pulled Tainn close and held him. " so sorry."

Ayslynn just stood back watching.

Aster and Tainn both pulled her close and held her too

Ayslynn squeaked.

"Forgive me...both of you..."Aster said

"Oh Aster..." whispered Ayslynn.

He kissed her gently then looked to Tainn then her. "Can I?"

"Kiss him? You don't need my say..but...yes you can...always...."

He gently kissed Tainn who kissed back with a blush

Ayslynn blushed and looked way from them. Aster had asked her if it was okay....but earlier Tainn had just kissed and she wasn't sure how to tell Aster about it.

They both hugged her

"Aster...." Ayslynn said, hugging them back. "Tainn had...kissed me.... on our way to... get the stone..."

"If you were ok with it than I don't mind..."

Ayslynn nodded. "What's.... going to

"We care for each other."

Ayslynn nodded.

"Are you hungry?" Aster asked. Tainn nodded slowly and looked to her

Ayslynn nodded as well. "Where's....Larkon?"

"I am here."Larkon said coming in from another room. "So he was proven innocent?"

Ayslynn nodded. "He...was...."

He smiled happily and hugged her

Ayslynn hugged her son.

He smiled. "Are we going to be a family?"

"" she whispered.

"Is anyone hungry?" Aster asked kindly

Ayslynn's stomach growled then, and she blushed embarrassed.

"May I help?" Tainn asked. Aster nodded and Tainn smiled heading into the kitchen. "I still feel guilty I didn't believe him..."

"Aster... Tainn loves you....he'll forgive you...he'd understand...."

He hugged her gently and nodded

She hugged back. "We should head in..."

He lead her inside. Larkon was helping Tainn cook and Oden slept on the couch

She watched with a small smile.

Larkon seemed to be comfortable near Tainn as though he was familiar to him

"You three were close before...." she stated in a whisper to Aster.

"Yes...we were."

She nodded watching.

He hugged her

She leaned into the hall. "They seem so happy working together..."

"You...aren't jealous are you?"

"Jealous...? earliest memory of all of you is only from today..."

He nodded and hugged her

She hugged him. "I'm not jealous...I'm happy..."

"You are?"

Ayslynn nodded. "I'm not alone anymore...."

He smiled and kissed him

Ayslynn kissed him.

"I love you."

"I love you..."

He smiled. "Foods done." Larkon said

Ayslynn smiled at her son. "Wonderful..."

He smiled and went over to Oden. "Big brother..."He said gently waking him. "Food is done."

"How are you feeling....?" Ayslynn asked softly.

Taranis looked at Raith. "Want me to show you around?

Raith nodded. "Thank you..."

He began to show him around

"This is a good sized camp...."

"It is the ranger's central camp. We patrol the woods trying to keep it safe...I help them when I come through again."

Raith nodded.

He showed him the various areas

"It's well laid out..."

"Yes it is. It is strategically laid out for defense."

Raith nodded. "I see that..."

He pulled to a stop his eyes going wide. He was staring at a girl and a man. "It can't be..."

"What? What's wrong?" ((She would look like her mother....))((Exactly that's why he froze))

"That woman...she looks like my wife but younger..." He headed that way

"what? but that can't be... right...."

"I...don't know..."

Aster looked at all of them. "We will discuss this more inside...Oden needs rest and healing." He said leading the way inside.
Oden, Larkon, and Tainn followed

Ayslynn followed. "May I help? What happened?" she asked the last part to the one called Oden.

"I...was attacked and overwhelmed. A ranger helped me but she left with someone else..."

"A ranger?" Ayslynn asked, knowing that rangers seemed to be hunting Bloodknights like Aster and Oden and Larkon

"Yea...she surprised me...I thought for sure she would finish me off..."

Aster looked at him in concern. "Strange that she helped you..."

Ayslynn didn't know what to say.

"That's what I thought..."

Tainn looked sad not sure what to say

"Could... maybe... this ranger not be one of the rangers that hunt...."

"I don't know."

Ayslynn nodded.

"Aster...I swear I was not the one that turned you in..."

Ayslynn looked at Tainn and then at Aster. "Is there something that could help figure this out....?"

"A truth crystal..."

"Do we know where to find one?"

"The rangers have one..."

" and Larkan can't go...." Ayslynn said worried.

"I know..."

"I'll...go..." she said softly.

Aster looked at her in worry. "Are you sure?"

"I won't hurt her."

"I will go with her..." Tainn said

Ayslynn nodded. "I... yes...." she said softly.

"You hurt her and I will kill you."

Ayslynn looked between them. "I'll be back soon, Aster..."

"Ok be careful."

Ayslynn nodded.

"And watch him closely."

"I will..." she said softly. "Lead the way..."

He lead the way toward the camp. "He hates me..."

"I...I don't know him very well....I...something me....I don't's like I've lived two lives....." she said softly.

He hugged her

She froze then hugged back. "I....know in my heart I love him....and my heart says the same for you...." she whispered.

"I love you.."

"I....I love you..." she whispered.

He gently kissed her. "Sorry..."

She blushed. "I... don't be...I...liked it...I....."

"You did...?"

Ayslynn nodded shyly. "What...what happened between you two? ever know about me?"

"No. But...after he thought you dead we soon met and become lovers."

"Oh..." she said softly.

"I'm sorry..."

"For what...?" Ayslynn asked. "Over the last eighteen or so years, I have been growing up the Kyate daughter of two a village that never looked past what I am... I wasn't there....I am remembering some things....but I still don't know much...."

"I am, are still married to him..."

"Since I am still married to him??"

"I kissed you and you are married.,.."

"I...he kissed you in the past and he was still married...."

"He...thought you were dead..."

"And...I'm just starting to remember...and I feel something for you just as he does....." she whispered.

He blushed and hesitantly kissed her again

She kissed back. "We...have to get that item...please..." she whispered.

He nodded

"Which way now?"

He lead her toward the camp

"That's the camp?"

"Yes. It is the ranger's outpost."

Ayslynn looked around. "I had seen rangers this is where they had come from..."

"Yes. They patrol the woods trying to ensure the safety of travelers."

Ayslynn nodded, and slowly followed him.

Silver Realm Capter3

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