Page name: Slayers Chapter Eightteen [Exported view] [RSS]
2009-07-29 22:07:07
Last author: Zel_Naga
Owner: Skuyfads
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Slayers Chapter Seventeen

Fads paused to see what the commotion was about and saw Zel changing, she was frightened, but knew that she mustn't let anyone get to him. She charged the men running towards him, slashing their throats with her claws. She wanted him to stop, because she didn't know what he was going to become, but she was wise enough to understand that approaching him might result in an unintentional injury. She sent all her willpower on fighting the men before they got to close to him...

soon after zel went down the air around him crackled with an unholy aura so evil it almost seemed to electrify the air around him with it's energy, then........ a large shock wave exploded outward causing everybody to be thrown to the ground. zel was no longer where he had fallen instead a full fledged daemon stood in his place.standing nearly 8foot tall with large bloodied wings protruding from his back. "i will consume your souls" the daemon growled

Fads layed where she was, staring at him. Her brain working very fast to come up with a plan to get them out of here. She jumped up almost smiling "Hey, nice wings, do those work? Mind giving me a fucking lift out of here buddy?" She looked in the beasts eyes, making sure there was a hint of recognition in them before she kept approaching. She was so busy looking at him, she momentarily was unaware of the others, and was soon tackled down. "What are you doing foolish girl! He'll tear you apart!"

faster than you could blink the daemon was on a group of three stalkers with one of their heads in his hand, with little sign of effort the daemon crushed the stalkers skull in his hand, then threw him into the other two sending them to the ground "There is no escape from me!" the daemon bellowed in a voice thunderous enough to feel, he then placed his hands together in such a manner as to resemble holding a sword as he began to chant, after a few undecipherable words were spoken a flame lunged upward from his hands in the shape of a blade then slowly materialized into a dark red metallic blade. the daemon opened his eyes and at such a speed almost unseen he drove the blade through the second stalker then ripped it out tearing the stalker in two and striking the third cutting him clean from head to abdomen "ALL SHALL KNEEL BEFORE HIM" the daemon shouted

Fads knelt in front of the beast, now the height of his knee, and looked at him. blood dripped from his sword and arms, "you're lucky I ate already or the sight of all this blood might turn me into a monster too." she said smiling at him. Ever so slowly she'd move an inch or two closer while trying not to break eye contact with him. Her senses told her that any other stalkers were to shook up and hesitant to act for the time being. If she could just get to him, and try to get them out of this, she scooted closer. She watched his expression as she slowly stood up, and reached out to touch his chest. "Hey, you with the face, can we go now?" She almost whispered.

the daemon brought it's sword down swiftly as it crashed into the ground next to fads, it slowly began to glow a dark red color then dissipated into the air like embers from a fire, the daemon stood there with a look of confusion upon its face, almost as if it were having an inner struggle with itself, then it looked fads directly in the eyes "I'm sorry you had to see this, let us make our way from here." the daemon spoke his words so softly that they were almost silent, the daemon then grab fads around the waist in one of his arms, kneeled ever so slightly then the next instant they were above the trees almost to the low hanging clouds that dotted the sky

The sound of air rushing past her ears almost hurt, but to be flying was exhilarating. She clung to Zel, hesitant to put her arms out and be like superman, even though the thought was severely tempting.

As they reached the cloud line they slowed to a stop and floated in the air for a few moments before they began to fall back to earth the daemons massive wings suddenly opened and seemed to glow like embers in a fire with each flap of them. "I can only stay like this for a bit longer, i will get us somewhere safe then... I'm sorry but it'll be just you for a bit, till i come to, i think about another hour or so till i change back but i don't know how long i can stay in control, i don't want to hurt you, but.... i don't know." zel said as he looked ahead.

"It's no biggie, I'm not afraid, just curious. Why didn't you tell me? I mean, after everything that's happened, that seems like something I should have been told about.....and I don't want you to leave me alone, cos I swear I'm bad luck and the last few times you've left me alone I've been attacked.

"You're right I should've told you but I thought you would think less of me for being what I am..... I just don't think i could be alone after having met and shared so much with you, and as for not leaving you...... I'll be close i just don't want this thing to do anything 'bad' if you understand what I mean." zel gave two mighty flaps of his wings and they were far above the cloud line "Hold tight I'm gonna make this trip short as possible, we're going to the mountains for a bit till things calm down out here." With that being said his wings folded into his sides as they shot like a bullet across the sky with the mountains approaching extremely fast. he then spread his wings back open slowly, bringing them back to a much more comfortable speed as they approached the mountainside.

Once they were on the ground, Fads turned to Zel as he began to walk away "You think that what you are is bad, but honestly, we've all got our dark sides, yours just happens to be a big deamon thing. I wouldn't leave you alone because of that you know. I can't think less of you because of it either, because I really am no better."

"I guess you're right but i'm not safe to be around right now... i'll be up the hill side a little ways, not too far just far enough, okay?" zel said without turning around

She stood there a while, watching him go deeper into the woods, and then taking a deep breath sat down and leaned against a tree. She closed her eyes a while, listening to the wind in the leaves. All other animals were quite, well aware of their presence. It was peaceful, and she was beginning to unwind.

After about an hour or so zel had finally changed back to who he was and slowly made his way back in the direction of fads, he saw her resting silently beneath a tree and slowly walked up and sat down beside her. "I like it here, I used to want to live in a place like this before things changed, before the wars, before my masters, before my losses, I could've stayed in a place like this forever." zel said looking up into the night sky

"mmm," fads said in agreement. "It is really lovely." She wrapped her arms around her knees, not because she was cold but out of habit because she knew she should be cold.

Slayers Chapter Nineteen

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2009-07-25 [Skuyfads]: yeah I don't know what to put after this...

2009-07-25 [Zel_Naga]: i dunno either

2009-07-25 [Skuyfads]: I don't want to ruin your power moment here..... but um.... how are we getting out of this? cos you're all posessed and such, and I can't leave you and go off on my own otherwise there's no story

2009-07-25 [Zel_Naga]: as you and i both know my character would never hurt yours so i would suggest possibly finding an opportunity to try and reach what little bit of my characters sanity remains

2009-07-26 [Skuyfads]: as your character sends mine flying through the woods face first into a tree

2009-07-27 [Zel_Naga]: no never would i let that happen

2009-07-28 [Skuyfads]: it would be funny, cos it's not like it would Kill me... I'd just have a broken face for a bit, and then I'd yell at you for making get blood all over my new clothes... :D

2009-07-28 [Zel_Naga]: lol yeah i'm sure you would give me quite the trashing if i did that

2009-07-28 [Skuyfads]: Damn right I would punk... Course I'm sure whatever physical pain I inflect would be nothing to your guy.

2009-07-28 [Skuyfads]: tag your it

2009-07-28 [Zel_Naga]: true but it's okay i'd say it hurt later, oh and by the way TAG YOU'RE IT!

2009-07-29 [Skuyfads]: you would too, tag... by the way I'd write more but I'm a little out of sorts.

2009-07-29 [Zel_Naga]: yeah i'm kinda thinking myself but i'll get it

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