Page name: Sleep till Dusk [Exported view] [RSS]
2006-08-25 21:42:30
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Lord Vince: the one in the coat
Josie: girl on the right
Zack: boy with the tatoos
Luna: girl on far left

    Sleep till Dusk
The sun was setting, we had agreed to meet in the run down castle outside of town. With the town only a mile away, feeding was easy for us. Espically tonight, the town of Rena was full of tourests, easy pickings.

"My lord, Luna will be here shortly with Zack, the were going to meet up before comming. Sorry I wasn't here sooner, Lord Vince."

"My sweet angel, how many times have i told you to just address me as Vince. Lord Vince makes me sound so old. Come closer..... I love you." *kiss*

"Wow, we are late like a minute and your already making out GOD!" said Zack.

"Like your so much better....." "boys!!!"

"Sorry girls, Im just hungry so I am groutchy."

"Speek for yourself Zack."

"Lets go, Come on, Lord Vince where to?" said Luna.

"The town square."

Little did we know that waiting in the square ther would be a pack of lycans that had names next on their list for extermation...................

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2006-08-26 [EmeraldGrizzly]: Hmmm...

2006-08-28 [GothAngelPrince]: Lol I love the entry Josie ^_^ touched you used me as a character. Now Im going to have to enter as well =P

2006-09-04 [~Le Ange Gothique~]: yeah i know its short but it leaves more to add on if you would continue

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