Page name: Sophia`s Song [Exported view] [RSS]
2007-09-15 22:40:57
Last author: Chrysilla
Owner: Chrysilla
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Sophia`s Song

  Sophia`s legs are bleeding. She tore away, once again, the bandages of her feet soles, still painful after she had walked bare feet on the rocks. She cannot make a step anymore; she has to stay always in the same place, and her motionless body aches. The large wings, of angel or butterfly, are numb since long time ago. Sophia doesn`t know she has them, and she never used them.
  Last days, Sophia climbed on the mountain. Maybe she wanted to touch the silence or maybe to reach the stars, bare feet like a hermit or like the little prince on his way home.
Through the sharp rocks of the mountain, Sophia didn`t care about her legs. Now, wounded and painful as they are, they can`t help her anymore to discover her Way. And Sophia has to stay in bed, stopped by her own obstinacy.
  And she is so lonely. Her friends are her books, nicely arranged on the shelves. Maybe it was them who told her about the way that leads to the stars. This is how she found the story of the little mermaid, the one that sacrificed her voice to get painful legs. Sophia reminds me of the little mermaid. In front of other people, she`s mute. She doesn`t want to cry her pain and her nostalgia. This is why she doesn`t speak. But no one knows what songs sound inside her soul, what forests rustle, what rivers pour, quiet or stormy. In a way, Sophia`s soul is a mountain. Lonely, with its peak lost in unknown heights, covered in snow and not traversed by anyone. Maybe this is why Sophia is so lonely.
  I`m the only one that found out her thoughts. It`s just that my soul doesn`t look like hers. Mine is an open sea. And my eyes have the color of my soul.
  I wish Sophia wasn`t that sad anymore. That`s why I opened my soul in front of her, of the little mermaid with painful feet, of the little prince with unknown, numb wings.      
  Sometimes I want to take her in my arms and lull her sadness like a little child, and kiss her front where, maybe, she had once a star that guarded her sleep and her dreams. But Sophia closes inside herself when you less expect it. Her soul is like a virgin, untouched by stranger looks. That`s why Sophia protects is so fiercely.
  I hope that the little mermaid finds again her sea and her fish tail, which is freedom. I hope that the little prince rediscovers his wings, so that he can reach his star and his flower. And I hope that Sophia will be happy.

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2007-08-05 [Ka1iBuR]: Very good stuff. More work of a genius. Slight grammatical errors, but otherwise, a solid piece.


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