Bow Stance
Here you can find the perfect way to wield your sword just like the Rohirrims or the Gondorians:
Note: When beggining use a stuffed dummy not a real person or you'll be the dummy!)
[Erestor]'s tips on using a sword or blade:
Stance: When beggining stands side ways on at your opponent. If you are right-handed point your right shoulder at your target or If your left-handed point your left instead. the best position with your feet is your front foot pointing towards your opponent and points your other foot the way you are looking.
Head: Make sure you look at your opponent when getting ready and attacking, then you will know if they make a sneaky attack. If you lock swords make sure that you look at both your opponents and his blade, as if you only do one your opponent could use it to its advantage.
Arms: First of all it depends if its a one or two-handed weapon. If its is a one-handed weapon then you hold the blade away from your face and ready to guard if your opponent tries to strike. make sure your other hand is either carrying something orclenched ready to hit your foe.
Mouth: It doesn't really matter what you do with your mouth as long as it is not invitind somebody to stick thier wsord down it, some people find it easier to close and breath at regular intervals but others prefer to keep it open all the time, this decision is up to you and there is no right or wrong way to do it.
Eyes: Make sure you are watching your foe at all times, make sure you are not distracted by enemy else. Your full attention needs to be on your foe otherwise you are likely to loose.
Safety: I you are practasing with a friend please only go for hits on legs and use small thin pieces of light wood. Make sure you don't injure the person you are fighting with as it is not a real war!
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