Page name: TH 15 Review: Shrek the Third [Exported view] [RSS]
2007-07-31 12:24:20
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The Town Herald


The netpaper about Elftowners, by Elftowners, for Elftowners.


Shrek the Third

by [Sir. Robert]


You know that because it is a "Shrek" movie it has to be good! It is only because it comes in the shadow of Shrek one and two that it is any bit of a disappointment. Many of the surprises and gags that would have made this movie amazing are not as funny the third time around. There are a lot of great parodies here, including a great scene from the “Six Million Dollar Man.” The plot may be getting a little old with over half the movie still spent sieging or escaping a castle, but this time it is the princess’ job to rescue the prince in distress.

Overall it is a good movie with great morals and still a pretty decent job with the animation, but none of it could have been pulled off without the great voice acting of a top notch cast. I personally give it 3.5 stars!

Director: Chris Miller

Voice actors:

Mike Myers as Shrek
Eddie Murphy as Donkey
Cameron Diaz as Princess Fiona
Antonio Banderas as Puss in Boots
Julie Andrews as Queen Lillian
John Cleese as King Harold
Rupert Everett as Prince Charming
Eric Idle as Merlin
Justin Timberlake as Artie
Susan Blakeslee as Evil Queen
Larry King as Doris


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