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The Town Herald


The netpaper about Elftowners, by Elftowners, for Elftowners.



by [Mordigen]


[#december08]  [#january09]

January 2009 Horoscopes

courtesy of revised by [Mordigen]

The year begins with plenty of dynamism and activity in your professional life, dear Aries. You’re especially serious about pursuing your goals, and your ambition runs very high. Love matters take a back seat this month, perhaps as a result of this pouring of energy into professional channels. 2009 brings plenty of activity, development, and opportunity with friends, groups, and business income. You will be enthusiastically pursuing some of your innermost wishes and goals. This month, you begin to experience some of these themes. On the 10th, domestic matters require attention.


The year begins with a strong instinct for adventure, learning, and risk-taking, dear Taurus. Your desire for experiences that reach beyond the usual routine is strong. Some of you will be satisfying this craving through adventuresome travel. 2009 brings opportunity and expansion into your professional life. Expanding your professional reach, developing your skills, and advancing your business will be strong themes this year, and January offers you a taste of this. Friendships are especially rewarding this month. A friendly surprise occurs on the 23rd, and romantic matters blossom around the 10th.


The year begins with a strong need for inner change, transformation, and self-mastery, dear Gemini. New Year’s resolutions mean more to you than usual, as your conviction to rid yourself of bad habits is stronger than usual. 2009 brings wonderful energy for adventure, learning, and travel into your life. Your desire to expand your horizons and to reach out beyond your usual circles brings opportunity and reward. January offers you a sample of these themes. Special attention to finances is required around the 10th. Important decision making is best attempted before the 10th.


The year begins with a strong focus on your social life and a significant relationship, dear Cancer. Relationship matters are especially lively--full of conflicts and resolutions. 2009 brings a strong emphasis on intimate relationships, financial expansion, and psychological growth. Partnerships deepen and bring rewards. A personal revelation occurs on the 10th, when the Moon is Full in your sign. Watch the words you choose to express yourself. A romantic surprise or chance meeting occurs around the 23rd. Financial matters seem pressing on the 26th, but can be handled with more objectivity in February.


The year begins with plenty of work activity and energy for health and fitness routines, dear Leo. Getting organized and “back on track” is the focus now. You are willing to pour more time than usual into doing just that. 2009 brings opportunity and development with close personal relationships and partnerships. Many of you will attract or enhance a significant relationship this year, and the beginnings of these new developments are happening this month. Balancing your own needs with a significant other is not only easier, it’s rewarding and pleasant.


The year begins with a whirlwind of romantic and creative energy, dear Virgo. You find it especially easy to pursue what you want, and your propositions are received well. 2009 brings fabulous opportunities in the areas of employment and health routines. You’ll begin to feel this theme brewing towards the end of January, when new beginnings seem inevitable. It’s time for a change that will reap rewards as the year unfolds. A friend or group you’re associated with needs special attention around the 10th. A surprising relationship development occurs on the 23rd.


The year begins with a strong need for family and attention to domestic matters, dear Libra. This nesting instinct is a chance to rest up for more adventurous experiences to come. 2009 will be an especially opportunistic year for romantic and creative energy. The last week of January offers a flavor of these exciting themes, with events that seem to demand the need for new beginnings on romantic, creative, and entertainment fronts. Professional matters reach a head on the 10th. A special opportunity or chance meeting through work brings surprises on the 23rd.


The year begins with a scuffle of activity, learning, and communicating, dear Scorpio. Tending to errands, handling paper work, and networking are important matters now. For you, 2009 will be a banner year for family, home, and domestic matters, and you’ll begin to feel this energy towards the end of January. Opportunities to expand, develop, and derive more enjoyment from your family and home life crop up. Some of you will be moving into a bigger home and/or welcoming new additions to your family. A surprising romantic or creative opportunity arises on the 23rd.


You begin the year with strong financial initiatives and the desire to boost your income, dear Sagittarius. As long as you avoid impulse buys, you will come out ahead! 2009 opens up doors for you through new contacts and friendships, opportunities to learn and improve your skills, and sharper communications. You are filled with ideas and willing to take on new projects. Communications with others increase and bring much pleasure into your life. New friendships figure strongly this month, and through the year. An important financial discovery occurs around the 10th.


You begin the year with tremendous energy and initiative, dear Capricorn. You are especially focused, goal-oriented, and willing to go after what you want. 2009 brings new opportunities with money and personal possessions, and you’ll get a taste of this energy towards the end of this month. You’ll be discovering new ways of making money and expanding your resources. A partner or significant other requires special attention around the 10th. January is a month in which rethinking plans is better than implementing new ideas. The 23rd brings a pleasantly surprising communication.


While the New Year won’t necessarily start with a bang for you, dear Aquarius, get ready for an exciting year ahead. You’ll begin to feel this energy towards the last week of January, when the urge or need to start fresh overcomes you. 2009 is a year of discovery, expansion, and new beginnings. The urge to improve and grow is strong. You project confidence, optimism, and enthusiasm, and others receive you especially well this year. The 10th brings some confusion surrounding work and health matters, which requires sorting out. The 23rd brings a financial surprise.


Venus, the goddess of love, is in your sign most of the month, dear Pisces, and your charm soars. It’s especially easy to attract who and what you want into your life in January. Your social calendar is busy, but you enjoy even the most hectic moments. 2009 brings a cycle of regeneration, spiritual protection, and an increased desire to contribute to, and invest in, altruistic activities and causes. The desire for rejuvenation becomes especially clear towards the last week of January. Romance blossoms all month, but particularly around the 10th.

December 2008 horoscopes

courtesy of revised by [Mordigen]


Work is very rewarding this month, dear Aries, yet you still manage to find ways to break the routine. You are very busy expanding your horizons, whether it’s through actual travel or “armchair travel”. At times, you may come across as opinionated, but it’s more likely enthusiasm for sharing your thoughts. Romance is to be found when you are enjoying non-routine activities. December presents a nice balance of recognition and accomplishment, as well as recreation and love. A stellar romantic opportunity occurs on the 4-6, and professional rewards arrive in the last week.


Sharing, intimacy, finances, and power plays all figure strongly for you in December, dear Taurus. In the first three weeks of the month, you are thinking strategically, making plans, and watching others around you more than you are participating. You stand to gain much from your observations! The last week of the month brings with it buzz of travel or educational opportunities, most likely involving a partner, who has been going through a lot of changes recently. Creative avenues open up on the job this month, and your credibility soars.


Balancing your needs with those of a significant other involves plenty of negotiating and back-and-forth before arriving at any conclusions this month, dear Gemini. Times like these require a certain amount of tact and a need to let others take center stage for the time being. A loan or repayment is likely to make headlines for you towards the end of December. A personal project could bear fruit around the Full Moon on the 12th, which occurs in your sign. An intimate conversation with someone special can be very revealing mid-month.


You simply can’t wait until the New Year to begin fulfilling your resolutions regarding health, fitness, and lifestyle changes, dear Cancer. The time is now! You are raring to go, ready to completely rework your routines. You have more energy than usual for work, projects, and anything that involves reorganizing and restructuring. Taking care of details is what’s on your mind now. The last week of December brings intense energy to a partnership or significant relationship. The need for changes in your approach to a partnership becomes apparent now.


The first three weeks of December are exciting and stimulating for you, dear Leo. This is a decidedly romantic and creative period for you. You have special magnetic appeal, extra energy, and a real yen for excitement now. Creative Leos will be on a roll, producing more than ever, and publishing opportunities may be forthcoming. The last week of December features a job offer or opportunity, possibly a work-at-home endeavor. Don’t wait until the New Year to make resolutions regarding health and fitness—the time is now.


A scurry of activity in and around the home or with family is in store for you this month, dear Virgo. You are busy with preparations, repairs, and re-organizing—and enjoying every minute of it! It’s a fabulous time to get your “nest” in order and functioning smoothly. The last week of December is positively intense for romance and intimacy. An exciting proposal or opportunity regarding love, recreation, and creativity comes your way. The holidays for you in 2008 are likely to be especially magical and memorable. Love is in the air!


An especially busy—mostly pleasantly so—period is in store for you in the first three weeks of December, dear Libra. It can get a little hectic, with many errands to run, more ideas than you can realistically implement, and plenty of contact with friends, siblings, and neighbors. It’s a time of networking, and you’re coming across very smoothly. The last week of the month (and year!) is revealing and perhaps intense for family matters. From the 7th forward, great energy for attraction, entertainment, and romance is with you.


In many ways, December is a “money month” for you, dear Scorpio. You enjoy extra energy and enthusiasm for increasing your income. It’s an excellent opportunity period for a bonus or raise that truly makes a difference in your life! You could be taking on a bigger work load at the same time. If you’re waiting for money in the form of a loan or repayment of a debt to you, it’s likely to arrive around the Full Moon on the 12th. December is a banner month for finances, communications, and learning.


Energy, verve, and confidence are with you this month, dear Sagittarius, until the last week of the month when your life winds down, quite appropriately! Until then, it’s hustle and bustle, and matters are definitely working in your favor. Don’t be surprised if romantic opportunities find you easily and when you least expect them—it’s just that kind of month. A love interest has your best interests at heart just now. A proposal involving money comes to you in the last week of December. Writers and artists are especially inspired during this period.


Issues revolving around your family and the past capture much of your attention this month, dear Capricorn. While others are racing around you, preparing for the holidays, you are enjoying a sense of peace. The last week of the month begins a power period that you take with you into the New Year. Tremendous energy and initiative is with you as you embark on a journey of internal change and personal discovery. It feels like you can move mountains. The key to harnessing this energy is focus—a natural talent for you!


December is ripe with opportunity for envisioning new projects and goals for your future, dear Aquarius. Friends, acquaintances, and groups will certainly keep you busy. Romance, however, is mostly quiet until after the 7th, when Venus, the goddess of love, enters your sign and stays there into the New Year, bestowing beautiful energy for attracting what and who you want into your life. It’s a mostly easy month, save for some impulsive energy mid-month, when overspending or speculation could be costly.


In most ways, December is a high profile month for you, dear Pisces, except for on a romantic level, which is satisfyingly private. You may be put “in charge” of a private matter. Secrets are revealed—and revealing. Intense energy comes from a friend in the last week of the month. It’s virtually impossible to escape professional attention this month. The 12-16 is especially fortunate for work and financial matters. Your work is recognized and rewarded, you come across as especially competent, and you experience a professional peak of sorts.


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