Page name: TH Wedding text [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-08-11 13:54:24
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[Mirime] and [All_Most PUNK]: the wedding and the honeymoon

~Discussing Elfpack and the Town Herald~

Post nr: 222539
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: Mirime Posted: 2004-10-29 15:25:35 Comment to: 222364 by All_Most PUNK
I was doing what you told me to :P

Post nr: 222777
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: All_Most PUNK Posted: 2004-10-29 23:52:13 Comment to: 222539 by Mirime
Subject:( Watch Hide) Elfpack
Ah, good girl, good girl. Now, will you marry me or not?

Post nr: 222849
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: Mirime Posted: 2004-10-30 11:40:25 Comment to: 222777 by All_Most PUNK
Subject:( Watch Hide) Elfpack

Post nr: 223041
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: All_Most PUNK Posted: 2004-10-30 20:41:35 Comment to: 222849 by Mirime
Subject:( Watch Hide) Elfpack
Do I have to beg?

Post nr: 223290
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: Mirime Posted: 2004-10-31 16:14:00 Comment to: 223041 by All_Most PUNK
Subject:( Watch Hide) Elfpack
you could, at least, get down on one knee *smiles*

Post nr: 223444
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: All_Most PUNK (Are you a musician? Check MusMakers!) Posted: 2004-11-01 00:37:47 Comment to: 223290 by Mirime
Subject:( Watch Hide) Elfpack
I've been on one knee since this started. It's starting to get pretty uncomfortable...
And I changed my guitar's strings, so I can sing to you.

Post nr: 223634
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: Mirime (I want my husband!) Posted: 2004-11-01 16:29:44 Comment to: 223444 by All_Most PUNK
Subject:( Watch Hide) Elfpack


of course!

Comment in 223814


Post nr: 223814
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: All_Most PUNK (Are you a musician? Check MusMakers!) Posted: 2004-11-01 23:50:10 Comment to: 223634 by Mirime
Subject:( Watch Hide) Elfpack
So, you'll marry me?

Post nr: 223857
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: Mirime (I want my husband!) Posted: 2004-11-02 00:46:09 Comment to: 223814 by All_Most PUNK
Subject:( Watch Hide) Elfpack
yes :)

it smells like perfume :P

Post nr: 223889
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: All_Most PUNK (Are you a musician? Check MusMakers!) Posted: 2004-11-02 03:39:18 Comment to: 223857 by Mirime
Subject:( Watch Hide) Elfpack

Err, what smells like perfume

Post nr: 223932
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: Mirime (I want my husband!) Posted: 2004-11-02 11:24:37 Comment to: 223889 by All_Most PUNK
Subject:( Watch Hide) Elfpack
the air!

Post nr: 223983
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: All_Most PUNK (Are you a musician? Check MusMakers!) Posted: 2004-11-02 15:19:38 Comment to: 223932 by Mirime
Subject:( Watch Hide) Elfpack
Can you hear the music?


Post nr: 224024
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: Mirime (I want my husband!) Posted: 2004-11-02 16:10:18 Comment to: 223983 by All_Most PUNK
Subject:( Watch Hide) Elfpack
very romantic :)

Post nr: 224176
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: All_Most PUNK (Are you a musician? Check MusMakers!) Posted: 2004-11-02 22:01:45 Comment to: 224024 by Mirime
Subject:( Watch Hide) Elfpack
YEah, of course.

Err, I'm not sure what I should do now :P

Post nr: 224187
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: Mirime (I want my husband!) Posted: 2004-11-02 22:39:19 Comment to: 224176 by All_Most PUNK in private forum.
Subject:( Watch Hide) Elfpack
*moved to the fellowship*

Kiss me ^_^

Comment in 224190


Post nr: 224190
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: All_Most PUNK (Are you a musician? Check MusMakers!) Posted: 2004-11-02 22:49:06 Comment to: 224187 by Mirime
Subject:( Watch Hide) Elfpack
*kisses Mirime*
Now, people, rice!

Comment in 224194, 224202


Post nr: 224194
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: irulan (why do I bother) Posted: 2004-11-02 22:58:16 Comment to: 224190 by All_Most PUNK
Subject:( Watch Hide) Elfpack
*showers both of you in rice*

And bubbles - I love those little champagne bottle bubble things. :P

Comment in 224196, 224203


Post nr: 224196
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: All_Most PUNK (Are you a musician? Check MusMakers!) Posted: 2004-11-02 23:05:25 Comment to: 224194 by irulan
Subject:( Watch Hide) Elfpack
*brings the champagne and open it* Everyone is invited!

Comment in 224199


Post nr: 224199
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: irulan (why do I bother) Posted: 2004-11-02 23:08:55 Comment to: 224196 by All_Most PUNK
Subject:( Watch Hide) Elfpack
Woohoo! :D

Comment in 224200


Post nr: 224200
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: All_Most PUNK (Are you a musician? Check MusMakers!) Posted: 2004-11-02 23:10:15 Comment to: 224199 by irulan
Subject:( Watch Hide) Elfpack
WAit, you brought a present, didn't you?

Comment in 224208


Post nr: 224202
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: Mirime (I want my husband!) Posted: 2004-11-02 23:18:58 Comment to: 224190 by All_Most PUNK
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!
*kisses Punk back*
Post nr: 224203
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: Mirime (I want my husband!) Posted: 2004-11-02 23:19:38 Comment to: 224194 by irulan
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!
*picks rice out of her dress*

Post nr: 224204
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: All_Most PUNK (Are you a musician? Check MusMakers!) Posted: 2004-11-02 23:21:02 Comment to: 224202 by Mirime
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!


Post nr: 224207
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: Mirime (I want my husband!) Posted: 2004-11-02 23:30:06 Comment to: 224204 by All_Most PUNK
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!

Post nr: 224208
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: irulan (why do I bother) Posted: 2004-11-02 23:31:53 Comment to: 224200 by All_Most PUNK
Subject:( Watch Hide) Elfpack
Uh, of course. You don't already have 10 bread machines do you? :D

Post nr: 224209
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: All_Most PUNK (Are you a musician? Check MusMakers!) Posted: 2004-11-02 23:32:56 Comment to: 224207 by Mirime
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!
Err, I need the ring

Comment in 224213


Post nr: 224210
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: All_Most PUNK (Are you a musician? Check MusMakers!) Posted: 2004-11-02 23:33:34 Comment to: 224208 by irulan
Subject:( Watch Hide) Elfpack
No, no 10. I have 11, but no 10. Thank you very much!


Post nr: 224213
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: Mirime (I want my husband!) Posted: 2004-11-02 23:37:49 Comment to: 224209 by All_Most PUNK
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!
I'm wearing one :)

Comment in 224250


Post nr: 224250
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: All_Most PUNK (Are you a musician? Check MusMakers!) Posted: 2004-11-03 04:06:41 Comment to: 224213 by Mirime
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!
Really? Fast!
Now, where will be the honeymoon? On the polls district?

Comment in 224340


Post nr: 224340
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: Mirime (I want my husband!) Posted: 2004-11-03 16:27:43 Comment to: 224250 by All_Most PUNK
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!
Haha, that would be like visiting a battleground!

Post nr: 224502
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: All_Most PUNK (Are you a musician? Check MusMakers!) Posted: 2004-11-03 21:50:52 Comment to: 224340 by Mirime
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!
where do you want to go, then, my dear?


Post nr: 224576
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: Mirime (I want my husband!) Posted: 2004-11-04 00:10:15 Comment to: 224502 by All_Most PUNK
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!
Hmm... Oz!!


Post nr: 224626
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: All_Most PUNK (Are you a musician? Check MusMakers!) Posted: 2004-11-04 02:48:48 Comment to: 224576 by Mirime
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!
Well, step on the magic carpet, then!

Post nr: 224709
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: Mirime (I want my husband!) Posted: 2004-11-04 15:19:49 Comment to: 224626 by All_Most PUNK
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!
*steps gracefully on*


Post nr: 224889
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: All_Most PUNK (Are you a musician? Check MusMakers!) Posted: 2004-11-04 21:16:26 Comment to: 224709 by Mirime
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!
*takes off*

Post nr: 224974
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: Mirime (I want my husband!) Posted: 2004-11-04 23:43:47 Comment to: 224889 by All_Most PUNK
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!
wheee.... windy, isn't it?

Post nr: 224982
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: All_Most PUNK (Are you a musician? Check MusMakers!) Posted: 2004-11-05 00:57:14 Comment to: 224974 by Mirime
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!
Yeah. Have you thought about the weeding night? ;)

Post nr: 225180
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: Mirime (I want my husband!) Posted: 2004-11-05 16:28:55 Comment to: 224982 by All_Most PUNK
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!
depends on where we're ...sleeping

Post nr: 225344
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: All_Most PUNK (Are you a musician? Check MusMakers!) Posted: 2004-11-06 01:08:56 Comment to: 225180 by Mirime
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!
Umm, the possibilities!

Post nr: 225437
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: Mirime (I want my husband!) Posted: 2004-11-06 13:40:02 Comment to: 225344 by All_Most PUNK
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!
the Emerald City?

No wait, all the houses are see-through >.>


Post nr: 225485
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: All_Most PUNK (Are you a musician? Check MusMakers!) Posted: 2004-11-06 16:35:48 Comment to: 225437 by Mirime
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!
Weird place!
I'd prefer somethign more private.

Post nr: 225487
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: Mirime (I want my husband!) Posted: 2004-11-06 16:46:54 Comment to: 225485 by All_Most PUNK
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!
which is why I said, never mind that :P

ok, you pick

Post nr: 225488
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: All_Most PUNK (Are you a musician? Check MusMakers!) Posted: 2004-11-06 16:54:23 Comment to: 225487 by Mirime
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!
Have you choosen where we'll live?

Post nr: 225493
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: Mirime (I want my husband!) Posted: 2004-11-06 17:29:09 Comment to: 225488 by All_Most PUNK
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!
hmm... not the US :P

Post nr: 225503
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: All_Most PUNK (Are you a musician? Check MusMakers!) Posted: 2004-11-06 17:36:50 Comment to: 225493 by Mirime
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!
Yeah, I agree with that... Maybe Australia?

Post nr: 225534
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: Mirime (I want my husband!) Posted: 2004-11-06 19:50:49 Comment to: 225503 by All_Most PUNK
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!
*chuckles* isn't that Oz?



Post nr: 225550
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: All_Most PUNK (Are you a musician? Check MusMakers!) Posted: 2004-11-06 20:08:47 Comment to: 225534 by Mirime
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!
With less wizards.

Post nr: 225572
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: Mirime (I want my husband!) Posted: 2004-11-06 20:37:24 Comment to: 225550 by All_Most PUNK
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!
True. And it's hotter.


Post nr: 225651
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: All_Most PUNK (Are you a musician? Check MusMakers!) Posted: 2004-11-06 23:24:13 Comment to: 225572 by Mirime
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!
I'd like to go to Oz.

Post nr: 225658
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: Mirime (I want my husband!) Posted: 2004-11-06 23:50:24 Comment to: 225651 by All_Most PUNK
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!
So would I :)

Post nr: 225659
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: All_Most PUNK (Are you a musician? Check MusMakers!) Posted: 2004-11-06 23:55:37 Comment to: 225658 by Mirime
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!
Let's think other nice places to live.
Not Ankh-Morpok, that's sure :P

Post nr: 225661
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: Mirime (I want my husband!) Posted: 2004-11-06 23:57:50 Comment to: 225659 by All_Most PUNK
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!

Maybe Kandor?

Post nr: 225662
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: All_Most PUNK (Are you a musician? Check MusMakers!) Posted: 2004-11-06 23:58:40 Comment to: 225661 by Mirime
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!
Kandor? Which one was Kandor?

Post nr: 225663
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: Mirime (I want my husband!) Posted: 2004-11-07 00:02:10 Comment to: 225662 by All_Most PUNK
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!
One of the Borderlands ;)

Post nr: 225829
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: All_Most PUNK (Are you a musician? Check MusMakers!) Posted: 2004-11-07 19:02:02 Comment to: 225663 by Mirime
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!
Borderlans? I think I'll need more explanations for this one :P

Post nr: 225854
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: Mirime (I want my husband!) Posted: 2004-11-07 19:37:09 Comment to: 225829 by All_Most PUNK
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!
Wheel of Time, dearie, just look at the map ;)

Comment in 225945


Post nr: 225945
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: All_Most PUNK (Are you a musician? Check MusMakers!) Posted: 2004-11-08 00:31:39 Comment to: 225854 by Mirime
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!
And my perfect memory failed me on the worst moment... in front of my wife :P

Comment in 225947


Post nr: 225947
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: Mirime (I want my husband!) Posted: 2004-11-08 00:33:25 Comment to: 225945 by All_Most PUNK
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!
it's ok, I don't mind :)

Comment in 225949


Post nr: 225949
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: All_Most PUNK (Are you a musician? Check MusMakers!) Posted: 2004-11-08 00:36:45 Comment to: 225947 by Mirime
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!
It's never a good idea, even if you are the most undertanding wife of all :P

Comment in 225955


Post nr: 225955
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: Mirime (I want my husband!) Posted: 2004-11-08 00:43:16 Comment to: 225949 by All_Most PUNK
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!
Well, sometimes I will mind

but you won't know when I do mind ;) so it'll keep you in line

Comment in 225956


Post nr: 225956
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: All_Most PUNK (Are you a musician? Check MusMakers!) Posted: 2004-11-08 00:47:48 Comment to: 225955 by Mirime
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!
Damn! I'm trapped with an expert on psychological warfare O_O

Comment in 225958


Post nr: 225958
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: Mirime (I want my husband!) Posted: 2004-11-08 00:55:17 Comment to: 225956 by All_Most PUNK
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!
*smiles* and is that a bad thing?

Comment in 225959


Post nr: 225959
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: All_Most PUNK (Are you a musician? Check MusMakers!) Posted: 2004-11-08 01:01:21 Comment to: 225958 by Mirime
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!
Being trapped with you is great. Now, the warfare part kinda scares me.

Comment in 225969


Post nr: 225969
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: Mirime (I want my husband!) Posted: 2004-11-08 01:19:45 Comment to: 225959 by All_Most PUNK
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!
ah, I didn't say anything about warfare :)

Comment in 225977


Post nr: 225977
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: All_Most PUNK (Are you a musician? Check MusMakers!) Posted: 2004-11-08 01:30:10 Comment to: 225969 by Mirime
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!
I did. And you agreed.

Post nr: 226065
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: Mirime (I want my husband!) Posted: 2004-11-08 16:21:02 Comment to: 225977 by All_Most PUNK
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!
oh, well, think of it as a metaphorical expression ;)

Comment in 226233


Post nr: 226233
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: All_Most PUNK (Are you a musician? Check MusMakers!) Posted: 2004-11-09 00:14:11 Comment to: 226065 by Mirime
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!
Of course I'm thinking of it as metaphorical... and it's still scary O_O

Comment in 226381


Post nr: 226381
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: Mirime (I want my husband!) Posted: 2004-11-09 16:27:54 Comment to: 226233 by All_Most PUNK
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!
it depends where the metaphorical battle is, if you get my drift yet...

(hehe, this is almost worse than explaining my 'Sopranos are always on top' motto)

Comment in 226484


Post nr: 226484
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: All_Most PUNK (Are you a musician? Check MusMakers!) Posted: 2004-11-09 23:51:44 Comment to: 226381 by Mirime
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!
Yeah, I get it.

Remember the time you ahd to explain the green aja thing to me? I think that was worse.

Comment in 226496


Post nr: 226496
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: Mirime (I want my husband!) Posted: 2004-11-10 00:49:30 Comment to: 226484 by All_Most PUNK
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!
Haha, really? I don't recall that

Comment in 226498


Post nr: 226498
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: All_Most PUNK (Are you a musician? Check MusMakers!) Posted: 2004-11-10 00:57:10 Comment to: 226496 by Mirime
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!
Long time ago. I ahve great memory for that kind of things.

Comment in 226499


Post nr: 226499
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: Mirime (I want my husband!) Posted: 2004-11-10 00:59:15 Comment to: 226498 by All_Most PUNK
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!
Hmm :) hehe, maybe I get better with practice ;)

Comment in 226500


Post nr: 226500
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: All_Most PUNK (Are you a musician? Check MusMakers!) Posted: 2004-11-10 01:03:00 Comment to: 226499 by Mirime
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!
In time, in time.

Comment in 226502


Post nr: 226502
Thread: [221955 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: Mirime (I want my husband!) Posted: 2004-11-10 01:10:27 Comment to: 226500 by All_Most PUNK
Subject:( Watch Hide) Wedding!

~~~~~~~~~~morning adventures~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Monthly Orgies?!?!

Post nr: 246900
Thread: [246670 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: All_Most PUNK (Are you a musician? Check MusMakers!) Posted: 2005-02-02 13:38:32 Comment to: 246894 by Lerune
Subject:(View Watch Hide) Pushed too far
Err, by the way, don't forget that the wife is in the forum too O_O

Post nr: 246902
Thread: [246670 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: Lerune (HBP Discussion) Posted: 2005-02-02 13:43:48 Comment to: 246900 by All_Most PUNK
Subject:(View Watch Hide) Pushed too far
You mean you didn't tell her about the monthly orgies? O.O

I mean, I know it has been a while, but she really needed to know about those...

Post nr: 246978
Thread: [246670 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: All_Most PUNK (Are you a musician? Check MusMakers!) Posted: 2005-02-02 23:32:11 Comment to: 246902 by Lerune
Subject:( Watch Hide) Pushed too far
Weeellllll, y'know... it's not an easy topic... You are not on the table and jsut say "By the way, we need to pay the rent... Oh, and tomorrow is the monthly orgy. Pass me the salt". It's not easy to talk about salt on a situation like that.

Post nr: 246983
Thread: [246670 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: Mirime (I want my husband!) Posted: 2005-02-02 23:37:56 Comment to: 246978 by All_Most PUNK
Subject:( Watch Hide) Pushed too far
We were on the table this morning?


(sorry, really, I know it's just grammar but taken the wrong way it's just so... well... lovely)

Post nr: 246989
Thread: [246670 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: All_Most PUNK (Are you a musician? Check MusMakers!) Posted: 2005-02-02 23:43:13 Comment to: 246983 by Mirime
Subject:( Watch Hide) Pushed too far
You are taking all the same way! I feel like I'm talking with Cali and Avaz, not you :P

And yes, it was the table and it was great :D

Post nr: 246993
Thread: [246670 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: Mirime (I want my husband!) Posted: 2005-02-02 23:51:18 Comment to: 246989 by All_Most PUNK
Subject:( Watch Hide) Pushed too far
*chuckles* well, I'm glad you enjoyed this morning

Post nr: 246909
Thread: [246670 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: Mirime (I want my husband!) Posted: 2005-02-02 14:24:33 Comment to: 246902 by Lerune
Subject:(View Watch Hide) Pushed too far
Yes, so what about these, Punky dear?

*smiles sweetly*

Post nr: 246987
Thread: [246670 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: All_Most PUNK (Are you a musician? Check MusMakers!) Posted: 2005-02-02 23:40:37 Comment to: 246909 by Mirime
Subject:(View Watch Hide) Pushed too far
Umm... y'know, those orgies aren't as interesting as being with you :D *backs away*

Post nr: 246988
Thread: [246670 (Unknown or private posting)] Author: Mirime (I want my husband!) Posted: 2005-02-02 23:42:59 Comment to: 246987 by All_Most PUNK
Subject:(View Watch Hide) Pushed too far
Hmm, well done there *grins*
~yes, I hid the commments just for my husband~

Username (or number or email):


2005-08-07 [FiSHr.]: ook

2005-08-07 [pixish]: *hugs ally*

2005-08-07 [FiSHr.]: awww *clings to ally*

2005-08-07 [All_Most PUNK]: Isi is going to kill you? What did you do to him? O_O

2005-08-07 [FiSHr.]: gad

2005-08-07 [pixish]: gad? O_o

2005-08-07 [Mirime]: a noise of consternation, I believe

2005-08-07 [pixish]: xD Thank you for clearing that up ;-) I shall now be able to sleep peacefully tonight ^___^

2005-08-07 [FiSHr.]: hehe

2005-08-07 [ally]: I talk too much in places I shouldn't :-( *hugs pixie while noct is clinging to her*

2005-08-07 [FiSHr.]: heheh

2005-08-08 [All_Most PUNK]: I don't know... I can't see Isi killing anybody. Now, paying somebody to kill you, that's a possibility.

2005-08-08 [pixish]: I think there was a post in the imates forum regarding the...said topic

2005-08-08 [All_Most PUNK]: i saw something. But there weren't any death threats

2005-08-08 [pixish]: something about 4 girls needing to be shot? At least that is what I am gathering it is about :P

2005-08-08 [All_Most PUNK]: Ah, yes.

2005-08-08 [ally]: He said I should rattle in Elfchat, I said I could chatter anywhere and then he said he'd have to kill me if we'd ever meet O_o

2005-08-08 [pixish]: aww *hugs* I think I would have to hug you if we ever met :P And then take you to see the zoo ^__^

2005-08-08 [ally]: ^______________________^ w00tness! yesh And then we'll se the dingos and the wombats and the koalas and the kangarooooooos !!!!! *is so going to Australia*

2005-08-11 [All_Most PUNK]: Please, no chat here! *ducks*

2005-08-11 [ally]: too late ^^

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