Page name: THE POEMS OF THE RAVEN'S DEN [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-08-18 12:27:10
Last author: RA\/E/\/
Owner: RA\/E/\/
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Welcome to the poems of The Raven's Den. This is where everyone and anyone can submit their poetry and can really be appreciated for their work. Some of these are mine and some aren't. I hope you all find something you like.

You Were Always There
Whenever I needed someone to talk to
You were always there.
My eyes filled with tears, my heart filled with pain, and
You were always there.
There was no time when I had doubt
to come to you because
You were always there.
I could see in your eyes you wanted to help, and that you really cared.

Whenever I was down and blue
You were always there.
No matter my problems, are what was wrong
You were always there.
Whenever I felt like nothing matters
You were always there.

Now your gone, and I don't know what to do
I close my eyes and think of you, and how
You were always there.
It's hard to look at the pictures, and get memories of you
Can you hear me now
At night I pray, and I speak to you
I guess you were right when you told me no matter how far you were
You would always be there.
I know one day I'll see you again, but till then I have to say goodbye

Even though it hurts to hear your name, and speak of you
One thing I will always say is
You were always there.

Big Picture
Things have now changed and may have been forgotten
about the events and the feeling that is rotten
People doubt if it was real
if her life is worth to steal

Nothing stays the same
they live their life as if it was a game
The old friendships and trust
have changed to betrayal and lust

Secrets and feelings remain untold
as their friendship begins to fold
It is something they do not wish
they both keep each other in the mist

One cuts and dies
other rots and cries
One tries to rebuild the trust
other puts it to her lust

He does not know the whole story
and he tries to not worry
Her writings are fantastic
it is not enough to make her ecstatic

One walks and is unspoken
other talks and is broken
One does not understand
other tries to make things grand

He hears they fight
it’s not about who is right
Break through the defensive crust
and rebuild the everlasting trust

He is manipulative
and is repetitive
She gives in to him, causes a stir
she does not remain true to her girl

Forget about what is right
do not give in to his might
Two miss the big picture
remain friends for the future…

Always for you
When I see your face
My heart is filled with love,
When I feel your touch
I fly away, graceful as a dove.

When I listen to your voice
I can sense the magic flourish,
Like a rose, I blossom
Like a fruit, I nourish.

I can't hold it in
And every breath i take,
I can feel your love
My body beings to shake.

You have no idea
How his love makes me feel,
I can't help but doubt it
Asking if this is real.

You've come from above
Your body & your mind,
You couldn't help
But to be so kind.

This is always for you
Now I'll take this time,
To tell you I love you
And that you'll always be mine.

My Secret
I sit on my chair
And i can't help but weep
For I'm hiding a secrete
Its building down deep

I have kept this secrete
For over a year
I wish i could tell you
I wish you could be here

If i told you my secrete
I'm afraid it would break
Our very special friendship
That took so long to make

I'm debating whether to tell you
With extra special care,
But i don't want to ruin our friendship
Because our friendship is so rare

I have decided to tell you
Tell you my secrete , friend
My secrete is that i love you
I don't think my love could end

I hope my secrete doesn't ruin
What we had before
But if you agree to love me
I think I'll love you even more.

Puddle Of Blood
Walking an empty street
On a cold dark night
Tears falling down her face
Wishing to see the light

Abandoned by her friends
And no place to call a home
No one there to hold her hand
She's left broken, all alone

This wasn't what she wanted
To make of her life
She wanted to be happy
Not filled with pain and strife

She looks up into the sky
And sees a shooting star
She starts to make a wish
Then says f u c k it, I've had no luck this far

The tears are rolling down her face
So much she can barely see
She goes into a public washroom
Looks in the mirror and thinks "What has happened to me?"

She opens up her purse
And finds her friend the blade
She slices both her wrists
And watches her life fade

They find her a few hours later
The tears she cried almost a flood
They finally see her pain
As she lies in a puddle of blood

She stared out her window
into the cold mid-night sky
watching the snow fall from the clouds
whispering her final goodbye

her diary's empty pages
fall to the cold floor
she has so many mixed emotions
she's never felt before

her tattered torn skin
visible under her sleeves
depression ruined her life
and destroyed her dreams

watching her blood touch the blank paper
deciding what to write
she took her invisible pen
and wrote about how she'd die tonight

her emotions poured out
her invisible ink on the paper
tears rolling down her face
waiting for death to take her

her pen fell from her hand
blood dropped to the floor
her eyes went blank
she couldn't breathe anymore

a tear glistened in her eye
her diary on the floor lay blank
cold, and withered
except one bloody page

" my thoughts wont end
and no one can help
i pray endlessly
for someone to answer my yells,

i tried to lock up the pain
but it only grew inside
and so to night
i had my last cry

these emotions burn
i know i didn't matter
so now i lay on the floor
dead, broken, and shattered"

If you have any poem you would like to submit to my page, please do so.


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