Page name: Tacticoholics unite- FFTA section [Exported view] [RSS]
2004-10-14 13:02:05
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Final fantasy tactics advance

This is the FFTA section of Tacticoholics unite.

Here you will find: Tips and tactics (coming soon) FFTA Humor Discussion about FFTA


Five ways to tell that you have played to much FFTA: 1: You go to a bar and asks for a misson. 2: You think the whole "dragon" thing is ripped of Adrammelech. 3: You try to check the rules before hitting someone. 4: You say "kupo" all the time. 5: You don't see why this list is humorus.
Anyone who is a member in Tacticoholics utnite is a member here.
Founder and for the time being only contributor: [The Coffee-Prophet]

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