Page name: Tepes Cemetary [Exported view] [RSS]
2007-11-12 01:57:04
Last author: Lady_Elowyn
Owner: Demetrius Duvalt
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Tepes Cemetary


A cold wind brushes through as the fallen leaves float through the air. This is the cemetary where all the fallen Tepes Clan members have been buried when they died. There are many tombstones that litter this ground due to the many battles the clan has fought. The rass here cracks as you walk on it and a feelin of dread creeps over you. The silver gate stands open allowing anyone to enter.

Back to the Tepes Vampire Grounds

Demetrius walked onto this place where the dead slept. He looked at all the tombstones and sighed. A grave was erected here for his human fmily, and along side it a grave for his father. He smiled as he drew Dragonkin. He was prepared to face the unknown darkness, but before he could do that he had to help out a friend. Te cool breeze hit him and forced his boy to shiver. e knew Gwen would follow him here, and he knew that she understood what he was gong to try to accomplish.

Gwen followed her love from the castle and hung out by the grave of Deme's mom. The worlds were almost finished with the merger, soon Earth and this land would be one. She learned earlier that Torr had sunken to the ground because of the merger and felt a cold dread. She looked at Demetrius and knew he was going to try to revive Kendra.

Pyre flew from the castle and landed on Gwen's shoulder. He loved her as a friend, and vowed to keep her warm while his master spared wih Kendra. His breath could be seen in the cold as it began to snow. "It hasn't snowed her in ages...I miss the snow."

"I do too Pyre, I do too." Demetrius stood steadfast as the snow fell upon his form. He found it strange that it could snow still. It was a contrast to all the evil that has been going on lately, yet the purity of the snow put his soul on ease for the time being. He knew what he had to do, right now this was the clam before he storm. He would enjoy i while it lasted.

Gwen also felt comforted by the snow. She thought back onto when life was so much simpler. As she watched the snow fall she remebered a time when Deme and heself were still kids, jut playing in the snow. That seems like a liftime ago..., she thought as she petted Pyre.

Kendra was just a few minutes behind Deme. In her hand she still loosely held the blade he'd tossed to her, but she looked detached and uninterested in using it. As a flurry of snow blew in her face the young teen looked up at the sky in bemused wonder. She wasn't dressed for this weather- she had on a simple loose cotton shirt and breeches. But she hardly felt the cold as she walked over to Deme, looking at him, waiting to see what he wanted.

Demetrius watched as the young teen aproached. He nodded his head at her. "You know I love the snow. Don't get me wrong I also love the rain. How do you feel about the snow "Little Sister"?" He had grown to care about Kendra. He thought of her as a little sister. He kept Dragonkin sheathed at his side.

She simply shrugged in response to the question. Once upon a time Kendra had loved the snow. Now, as with everything else, she simply didn't care. But the two last words he spoke were enough to get a reaction- 'little sister.' Suddenly Kendra's throat closed, her face burning. Some one else had called her that once... some one she hadn't seen since meeting Demetrius. Her older brother Jacob. Gods, how she missed him.

Gwen stood by and watched. What are you doing? She patted Pyre on the head and simply felt out of place. The world had changed, and now Deme thought of Kendra as a "little sister". She sighed wondering what he would do next. If there was one thing about being around him, it was that life never got boring.

Demetrius didn't miss Kendra's reaction. So there is still some of the old Kendra in there. "It's been awhile since we last sparred." He kept his blade sheathed and motioned for Kendra to follow him into the middle of the cemetary. "It's your move." He folded his arms. There was a determined look in his eyes as they turned completely red.

Kendra followed him to the middle, her thoughts still on Jacob. She didn't want to spar at all right now. She would just stand there for as long as it took for Deme to give up on her. But suddenly she heard, crystal clear in her mind, Jacob's voice. Kendra, always do your best in everything. Your best will always be good enough. But never let life just slide by. Never settle for mediocrity. Do as much as you can, as well as you can, because you never know when you won't have any time left. Now she had all the time in the world. But she couldn't let Jacob down. At least this once, she would give it her best.
   The fifteen year old adjusted her grip on the blade and fell into the stance Deme had taught her on their journey by sea. She set her jaw, leveled her gaze on him, and stood there for a moment perfectly still before making a sudden thrust for his midsection.

Demetrius narrowly dodged the attack and smiled. He knew that she was starting to find her old self again. He drew Dragonkin and heard the blade's voice. What are you doing Demetrius. You have two worlds that need to be saved! Demetrius ignored his sword before vanishing out of sight. He was behind her now, his blade going for her back.

Gwen simply stood by and watched. She was supprised still to see how fast Demetrius could move. A year ago he couldn't even move that fast, but now... "Pyre, was he this fast before he returned to Earth?" She already knew the answer though. She had seen his first fight with Reaper where he was nearly killed. Then only a few days ago he had returned and moved to such a degree it astonished her. Even with her keen eye sight she couldn't track all his movements. She shuddered when she thought of all the training he must have gone through to obtain such speed.

Pyre was supprised as well. He could sense the immense power buried within Demetrius, yet it was still supressed. "No he was never this fast before." How could he have gotten so fast in such a short amount of time. Then he heard it, the distress call from Philip. Something was happening back at the castle. "D we need to go, someone is attacking the castle again." 

Demetrius stopped his attack and vanished once again appearing right beside Gwen and Pyre. "What...", then he sensed it, and immense power level from within the castle. He gripped his sword and wondered who was attacking. He turned to Kendra, "I guess we will have to put this practice on hold. I hope you learned the lesson I was trying to teach you, but for now we have to go back to the Hearing Chamber." He looked over at Gwen and nodded.

Gwen nodded back at Demetrius and began reciting the arcan laguage of her coven. No one understood what she was saying but light encircled everyone in the area. It grew brighter as it encircled them all in a bluish dome field. Within seconds, the fields pulled them all together and disolved into a vapor. Everyone within had become a sort of vapor that was heading towards the Hearing Chamber.

Kendra was about to make another attack, slipping into battle mode with surprising ease, when Pyre sounded the warning. Few words made it through her concentration, but she caught the main point- attack. Still filled with the fire from the spar with Deme, she felt a sudden obligation to defend the castle. Without hesitation the teen followed the other two back to the hearing chamber, blade in hand. She wasn't sure she would be of any use... but she would try. For Demetrius's sake.

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