Page name: Testing Angel [Exported view] [RSS]
2011-09-24 22:42:34
Last author: Mira Ravenheart
Owner: Mira Ravenheart
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Testing Angel

Worlds Between

Ann and Tera entered a small barren room. The floor, walls and ceiling were all made of that silvery metal. A pile of dirt is in one corner of the room, a jar of water in another, and a few candles in the third. In the center of the room there are two metal chairs and a small table between them.

"Please sit down," Tera said, gesturing to the chair furthest from the exit. The door slid shut behind them. "Most people develop an ability that has an elemental affinity. I am simply going to ask you to perform a few tasks to see which affinity you have."

Hesitantly, Ann sat where she was instructed, she looked around the room, taking in every item. Of course the woman would tell Ann to sit with a table between her and escape. She took a deep breath and placed her hands on her lap, moving one over the pocket that held her knife.

Tera noticed Ann's movement, and remebered what was in that pocket based on Tom's earlier reaction, but didn't show any sign of intimidation. All of the operatives at ASPIDA were trained in combat before being given a position as a Seeker. Walking accross the room to the candles, Tera brought them forward and set them on the table, observing Ann carefully. "Please try to light one of these candles without physically touching it."

Ann blinked, "Ummm...How...?" Even if she did have some sort of strange ability to light a candle without touching it, she wouldn't know how to use it.

Tera smiled patiently. "It is different for each element. For fire, find an emotion in yourself - like anger, fear, love - let it build inside of you, and focus on lighting the candle. Channeling the emotion into the candle flame."

Ann suppressed the urge to give Tera a funny look and instead looked at the candle. What emotion should she try to use? Fire probably needed a strong emotion, she thought, and little as she wanted to admit it to herself, she knew which would be strongest for her. As she started at the candle, Ann's eyebrows pulled together and up and her eyes slowly began to fill with tears. Despite all the emotion churning and the sick feeling in her stomach, she willed the candle to light.

Tera observed Ann's chosen emotion, and immediately understood that the candle was the wrong choice. "My apologies," she interrupted in a kind, gentle voice and reached forward to remove the candle from the table. "I think that this may work better.." she mused as she set the candles back in their original corner and returned with the jar of water. The water quivered and churned slightly as it was set on the table before Ann. "Ah yes..." Tera nodded. "It feels you. Calm yourself dear, and will this water to stir, as you would with a spoon for example, but use no physical force. Again, focus with your mind, feel the water, move the water."

Irritably, Ann wiped her eyes, thinking to herself how stupid it was to let herself cry, especially in front of a stranger. She closed her eyes, drew in a slow breath, and concentrated again. And she...felt something. She wasn't sure how, but she knew that the water was moving. She opened her eyes to look, and it stopped. She watched the water for a moment as it swirled slower and slower, and then looked up at Tera, eyes wide.

Tera saw the tension in Ann's demeanor, and she wished she could ease the young woman's chagrin. "The water speaks to you," she spoke again in that rich, earthy voice, and she smiled a gentle, welcoming smile. "This concludes our test. If you choose to work with us, we will give you the training you need to master that afinity." Tera moved towards the door, but didn't open it quite yet. "Do not be ashamed of your emotions, Ann. They are what they are. Embrace them. Use them. Find power in them. Trust in them." Then the door slid open, and Tera stepped through the doorway.

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