Page name: The Aligator Snapping Turtle [Exported view] [RSS]
2009-09-24 13:28:51
Last author: Miaye
Owner: Miaye
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The Aligator Snapping Turtle


Okay, so me, [Zable], her brother Cody, and my niece Ayla were all down at this teeny tiny little shore line for a lake on base. The mission: To retrieve minnows for my nieces fish tank...which we had to do with plastic cups because she doesn't have a net.

So me and Cody are chasing after these minnows...with cups...being laughed at by every single fish in that lake I'm sure XD. When we finally start making some progress, no thanks to [Zable] for trying to make it a game since she had to watch from the shore line.

Me and Cody were pretty neck and neck the whole time (I had more, but some of them tried to commit suicide by jumping out of the cup, which apperantly makes them some how not count). We had decided to make the number of captives 10, which is easy with a net, but takes forever with a cup.

It was right around number seven or eight when this conversation occured...

"Watch out for aligators!"- [Zable]
"Theirs aligators in here?!" -[Miaye]
"Well...their might be...I don't know...theirs turtles" -[Zable]
"Oh and let me guess, snapping turtles too?..."-[Miaye]
(Just then...I feel an all too familar feeling of somethings beck scrapping down the side of my left foot...Needless to say..I made it back to shore in about less than a half of a second.)
"Now you tell me?! After I was knee deep in merky water?! I could've gotten eaten!" -[Miaye]
"Woops..." -[Zable]

Why, half a second you say? Mainly because in Florida, if you fell something biting your foot, you don't ask questions, you get out of the water. Why? Only because if you don't, you might not get to keep it!

---Back to The Hall of Misadventures

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