Page name: The Black Prophecy Chapter2 [Exported view] [RSS]
2010-10-10 19:23:44
Last author: Silver Moon
Owner: Silver Moon
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Chapter 2

<-The Black Prophecy

Eros nodded and took Vali to the other room shutting the door and locking it. He pushed Vali onto the bed and kissed him.

Vali struggled, pushing against him, a deep blush on his cheeks. "Please..."

"Settle down. I am not hurting you Vali." He said. Vali noticed there was a deep loneliness in his eyes.

Vali stopped struggling, and just stared up at him. "Sensei....I...why are you doing this...?"

He gently kissed him. "You are cute and I...feel..."

"I...." Vali started to blush deeply, and he turned his face from Eros. "Sensei....I'm not....cute..." he whispered.

He turned his face gently back. "Why do you say that? I think you are adorable."

Vali blushed deeper. "Sensei....I..."

"Yes Vali?"

"I... adorable? No... I'm not......" he whispered sadly, he didn't think he was cute or adorable, and no one has told him that before. "I...feel...." he started.

"You feel what? And you are adorable and cute...Gwen even agreed when I said that about you."

"Feel something for...... I...I'm not cute...or adorable....I...." he whispered.

"Stop saying that or I will make you believe you are adorable." He said nibbling his neck

Vali gasped. "Sensei...."

"Do you believe me yet?"

"I...I...." Vali was blushing very deeply.

He kissed him again on the lips and ran a hand through his hair

Vali continued to blush, but then started to kiss back.

He smiled. "See. You like it." He trailed a hand down to his leg and gently caressed his thigh

Vali gasped at the touch. "Eros...I..." he blushed deeper.

He began to undress him gently

"Wha...what are you doing? I...Sensei...." he whispered. "I..." He didn't stop Eros, blushing even more, and unconsciously found his own hands trying to undo Eros's shirt.

Eros smiled and helped him soon they were both naked. Eros's eyes swept over him hungrily. "A work of art." He murmured as he lowered his head over Vali's manhood and gently nipped it

Vali gave a squeak of surprise. "Sensei...."


"'m not of art....I...Sensei...I..." he blushed, breathing hard, lips parted.

He growled in anger. "STOP THINKING SO LITTLE OF YOURSELF!" He said angry at his continual self-bashing. He grabbed some lube from the drawer by the bed and looked down at him

Vali looked up at him scared. It had been a long time since the time he had left he's father's, and his father had yelled too at losing his 'piggy bank'.

He stopped and looked at him. "I..." He sighed in exasperation and began to pull his clothes back on. After he was dressed he headed toward the door

"Sensei....?" Vali whispered, having sat up, watching him.

"Yes?" He said not turning around.

"I...I...." Vali pulled his knees up to his chest, resting his head on them, and wrapping his head with his arms. He started to cry softly. "I...I'm sorry....I'm....terrible....." he cried softly into his knees.

He sighed and went over to him and hesitantly took him into his arms. "Don't cry...I...damn....I don't know what to make of you..."

" make of me....? You yelled at me for thinking so little of....myself....I've never been told what you said...." he cried softly into his chest. "I'm sorry...I....I'm sorry...'

He sighed and started to dry his tears. "I am sorry... I are adorable. I don't want you to think so little of yourself."

"I...was...." Vali stopped himself. He didn't want to bring his old life forward. "I'm adorable?" he asked softly looking up at him as a few more tears fell. "Truly?"

he held him close. "Truly...did...someone hurt you?"

" the may think...." he whispered.

"Tell me...who hurt you and what did they do?"

"I...that's a life that I've left behind...." he whispered.

"Tell me."

"Sensei..." Vali looked up at him. "I...." He looked back down. "I...Vali isn't my birth name...."

"Ok. That is nothing to be ashamed of."

"I changed it myself....legally....after I sued my parents.....when I was fourteen....."

He hugged him. "So you live on your own?"

Vali nodded. "I couldn't take the added stress my father was giving me...." He sighed. "But....I....just got kicked out of my apartment....because they said I hadn't been paying my rent.... I....Masa had said that I could stay with him....." Vali wasn't going to tell Eros what his name had been, he knew that he had been pretty famous as a child author, but he had let it come that something had happened to him so that that life wasn't brought back. And even now he was private about who knew that he was the new author, Vali, an author who only went by his first name, while he has legally changed his last name to Darkwal.

"Will you live here with me?"

"I...I couldn't put you out....." Vali said softly, blushing.

"I have plenty of space."

"Really?" he asked softly.

"Yes." He said kissing him

Vali blushed. "You.....I....thank you Sensei...."

He kissed his neck

Vali sighed into the kiss, forgetting his nude body.

He trailed kisses down his chest

Vali gasped. "Sensei...."

"Hmm?" He said as he kissed down to just above his private area

Vali's whole skin flushed pink.

He removed his pants and slowly thrust in after using lube

Vali gasped, scared but feeling happy. "Sen...sei..."

"Relax..."He gently moved in and out

Vali tried to relax. "Yes....sen...sei..." he whispered.

he gently thrust in and out

Vali gasped again, arching his back more with every thrust.

He came hard in his ass and than just held him. "Did you like that?" He asked stroking his cheek

Vali just held onto Eros. "I... I...did....sensei...."

He kissed him

Vali kissed back, not knowing what else to do.

He stroked Vali's hair

" I feel drawn....and repelled by you...?" Vali whispered against his chest.

"I...don't know..."

Vali nodded against him.

he closed his eyes trying to fight the feelings he was developing for the boy

Vali continued to rest his head on Eros's chest. "I...wont tell would get you in trouble....seeing with.....someone underage...." he whispered, just staring off into space. "I...promise...."

"Thank you..."

Vali turned, laying so that his back was away from Eros, as he was confused.

He gently wrapped his arms around him

Vali looked up and back over his shoulder at Eros, his hands coming to rest on top of Eros's hands and arms.

He gently kissed his neck

"Sensei...." Vali whispered, blushing some more. HE leaned his neck into the kiss, holding on more to the arms around him.

"I...want you happy."

"I want for you to be happy too....sensei...."

He held him close

Vali leaned back against him.

He stroked his hair

"Wha....what's going to" he whispered.

"You stay with me and be my secret lover?"

"Secret....?" he repeated softly.

"You are underage."

Vali nodded. "One....year...." he said in a whisper.

"We keep it a secret until then."

Vali nodded silently. "I....don't in...trouble....." he whispered.

he held him close. "Damn it..."

Vali jumped slightly, looking up at him. "Sensei?" he asked worried.

he looked at him with love and confusion. "You threw out my plans.' He said with a smile

Vali looked at him in worry. "Your plans??"

He sighed. "I...told myself I would never fall in love...looks like I lied."

"You....told yourself that.....?" Vali said softly.

he kissed him. "all my past relationships have ended aren't in love with another are you?"

Vali shook his head. "'re not....are you Sensei?" he asked remembering what he had seen before in his head.

he kissed him. "No."

Vali kissed back, sighing.

"I love only you."

Vali sighed against him. "" he whispered.

He kissed him and nodded

Vali looked up at him. " you...."

" you too."

Vali kissed his cheek.

He smiled and held him close

Vali fell to sleep, breathing softly.

He stroked his hair

Vali snuggled in more in his sleep.

he held him close and closed his eyes

he fell to sleep too.

Vali dreamed he cheated on him

Vali shook in his sleep.

Eros stirred and held him closer wrapping the blanket around him

Vali buried his face in Eros's chest.

"What's wrong?"

"A....dream...." he whispered.

He kissed him and held him close. "Want to talk about it?"

Vali told him about the dream in a whisper into his chest.

He held him close. "I won't."

Vali nodded into his chest, holding on to him tightly.

Eros held him close stroking his hair

"Thank you...."

"I...think I love you..."

"I....feel the same...."

he kissed him

He kissed back, and snuggled against him, happy, though still scared.

"I have you.

"I...know....." Vali whispered.

"I am here for you."

"I...know...Sensei...." he said softly, and kissed his chest.

he purred

Vali looked up. "You.....purred...because of...that...." he whispered blushing.

"I liked it."

Vali kissed his chest again.

He purred

Vali blushed and kissed his chest again.

He moaned softly as he slid a hand around Vali's manhood

Vali gasped against Eros's chest, before kissing it again, and taking Eros's manhood in his hand.

He purred

Blushing, Vali started to suck his manhood, not really taking it deep, sucking really just the tip area.

He groaned in pleasure and gently shoved his head down further

Vali coughed but kept his head down all the way, sucking him deeper.

He groaned in pleasure

Vali continued.

He held him

Vali continued to suck till he cam.

He cam hard

Vali swallowed not knowing what else to do.

He held him close

"I...that was.....I..."

"I loved it."

Vali blushed deeply, feeling like his skin was on fire.

He kissed his neck and began to massage him

"Mmmmm...." he whispered.

He sucked him and fingered his ass

Vali gasped.

He continued

Eros heard his name called.

He looked up and sighed pulling on his pants

Vali pulled on his pants and his shirt, following Eros.

Masa struggled against Gwen. "Please...just let us go...please..."

Gwen took him into his room, locking the door. He pushed him back onto the bed, then straddled him, leaning down and kissing him. "Don't fight it..." he whispered.

He started to breath rapidly and hyperventilate. (I am making Masa a sickly child...he has been hiding it because he doesn't want to worry people lol))

"Masa?" Gwen asked softly, moving off of him, and then scooping him up close. " fine...."

His breathing slowly steadied but he looked terrified.Tears rolled down his face. "S...sensie...please no..."He passed out.

Gwen moved so that his back was against the back board, and held Masa against his chest, slowly and gently stroking his hair.

after awhile he started to stir.

Gwen continued to stroke his hair, and rubbing his back, holding him close. "I will not harm you..." he whispered.

Masa stayed still not sure what to do or say. "S...sensei...why...did you...and your friend...kidnap us?"

"We feel something for you two...I for you...and him to your friend.... I feel something deep in my heart for you...." he whispered, still holding him.

"W...why were you kissing him than?"

"We're friends in many ways.... plus if it weren't for hearing your voice in my mind....we wouldn't have thought to use the school database to find you two..." he said, and kissed the top of Masa's head.

"I...didn't do anything..."

"I heard your voice shout 'Stop!' in my mind...."

He looked down. " when you and he..."

Gwen tilted up Masa's head, and then kissed him.

His eyes went wide and he started to kiss back despite trying not to

"Please....don't leave....." Gwen whispered.

Masa looked uncertain. "But...classes..."

"Please don't leave me....." Gwen repeated and continued on. "I wish to have you continue with your education....I would be a bad educator if I stopped you..."

" a minor..."

Gwen kissed Masa on the head. "Would you turn me in....?"

He blushed not sure what to do. " what if they find out?"

"I wouldn't let them take you from me...." he whispered, as he tilted up Masa's chin and claimed Masa's lips with his own.

he blushed eyes going wide. He doesn't even know who I am talking about...

"No matter who...I will not lose you..." he whispered.

" not from a wealthy loving family like I orphan..."

"Did I say that that mattered to me?"

" don't understand...if they found out..."

"If who? I am confused now...." he asked concerned, looking down at him.

"T..the orphanage..."

"Do you live at the orphanage? Still?"

He looked down and nodded. "They...did this..." He lifted his shirt enough to show where a cross had been carved into his chest, the scar remained.

Gwen growled. "How dare they...."

"They purify me..."

"An orphanage? There is an orphanage that purifies the children?" Gwen asked looking down at him.

"No...just me...they father is...Satan..."

"Satan?" Gwen then laughed. "You are not Satan's child...."

He looked down. "They think I am..."

Gwen kissed him on the lips.

He blushed eyes going wide as he hesitantly kissed back. " one...wants me..."

"I told you....I want you..."

"No one wants to adopt me...I am not adoptable..."

Gwen kissed Masa again to get him to stop talking.

He blushed and slowly kissed back

Gwen looked down at him. "I said...I want are wanted..." he said softly, hugging onto him closer. "You are adoptable....I want to adopt you....just to take you from that..."

He looked up at him with wide eyes. "R...really?"

"Yes... though I don't know what you'd think about your adoptive father...kissing your lips..." he said softly, before kissing him again.

He blushed and hesitantly kissed back. "I...studied really hard hoping to be adopted if I was smart..."

"Masa....I will adopt you just to take you from there....but I love you..." He kissed him again.

He blushed kissing back and nodding. " one wants me as a son..." He said looking down

"Masa.... would you want or mind a 'father' that you were romantically involved with?"

He looked down and shrugged

Gwen sighed. "I have an idea...but we have to wait a while...." Gwen kissed him again, strong hand holding him close.

He nodded. "Ok...."

Gwen hugged him close to his chest, and kissed the top of his head.

he blushed.

"I love you...and I want you happy....I think my friend would love to adopt you....I would love to adopt you so that I can take care of you..."

"I...don't trust him...and is he going to hurt Vali?"

"He feels for I feel for you..."


"Yes?" he asked softly.

"But...we are...underage."

"Not for long...." he whispered, and kissed him before Masa could protest.

He turned scarlet not understanding what he meant

"It won't be long...til you aren't underage anymore..."

" sixteen..."

"Masa..." Gwen said softly, tilting up his head. "I love you..." He kissed him.

He blushed kissing back

Gwen ran his hands along Masa's back and sides.

"W...what are you doing?" He asked blushing

"Caressing you..." he whispered.

He turned scarlet

Gwen kissed his neck, as he continued to caress him.

He purred

He moved his kisses to his shoulders and top of his chest.

He turned scarlet but moaned in pleasure

"Masa..." he whispered against his skin, a hand slow caress Masa's side, and sliding up his shirt to caress the skin of his chest.

His body trembled and he gasped softly

Gwen swiftly lifted Masa's shirt off of him, and went back to kissing his neck and shoulder. "So...beautiful..." he whispered.

He gasped. "uhhh...."

"You are so beautiful..."

he turned scarlet. "Umm...S...sensie...what....are you doing?"

"Kiss your beautiful body..."

He blushed deeply. "Just kiss....?"

"I want to do...much more...."

He jumped up blushing deeply. "'m not ready!" He said his breathing quickening

Gwen got up, and hugged him close. "I said I want to...I didn't say I was going to....yet...."

He turned scarlet. "T...thank you...."

He kissed his neck.

he moaned softly

Gwen slowly started to undo his shirt so that he could kiss it better.

He turned pink and gasped softly

Gwen started to kiss and rub his chest.

He blushed and gasped softly

A hand rubbed low on his stomach.

There was a sharp intake of breath and he trembled a little

"I told you I wouldn't...unless you want could be our secret...." he whispered.

he turned scarlet. " not ready..."

He continued to rub low on Masa's stomach, and kissed his neck. "Then I won't...."

He was blushing all over

"So beautiful..."



"am not beautiful..."

"Yes....beautiful...." he whispered into his skin.

he shook his head

"Yes you are...I am not lying about that...."

"No one has ever said that before..."

"You are..."

He blushed and hugged him

"The most beautiful I have ever seen...." he said and kissed him.

he blushed kissing back

"So cute..." he whispered.

He blushed but yawned

Gwen laid back holding him. "Sleep..."

He snuggled into him with a blush

Gwen stared up at the ceiling.

He kept wanting to do intimate things with him. Soon he could hear his soft breathing

Gwen looked down at Masa, and smiled.

He kept wanting to see him naked and do intimate things to him

Gwen leaned over, and kissed him gently.

He kissed back in his sleep

Gwen continued to kiss him, and his hand gently slipped under his shirt, and softly caressed Masa's chest and stomach.

He moaned softly ((he is a deep sleeper lol))

Gwen slowly moved his hand between his legs, and softly and gently started to massage his manhood.

He gasped and tried to move away

Gwen pulled his hand away, watching him.

He rolled over his shirt slipping up a little to reveal skin, he noticed part of the scar

Gwen lifted the shirt up more.

He saw the scar

Gwen gently traced the scar, upset that anyone would scar His Masa.

Masa winced in his sleep and he realized it still pained him

Gwen pulled him closer, careful of his scar, against him. "My Masa...." he growled.

he mumbled

Gwen reached down into his pants again and gently started to massage his manhood again.

His eyes opened wide. "W...wa?"

Gwen pulled back, sadly, and looked away.

he blushed deeply. "Sensei?"

"I'm sorry... I know you asked me not to...but...I..."


"I love you Masa...."

"I love you....but...I am not ready..."

Gwen nodded, but then looked at Masa very seriously.

He looked down "I am sorry...."

Gwen got the urge to force him

Gwen closed his eyes, and then looked at him again. "I saw... the scar...what happened?"

He looked down. "I told you...they wanted to 'purify' me..." He whispered. He felt the urge to dominate him, force him...make him beg for more.

Gwen kissed his neck, and nibbled it, growling softly against his neck.

He blushed. "Why are you growling?"

"Because you make my body insane...." he whispered and then moved so that Masa was laying on the bed flat, and then Gwen kissed him gently holding him down.

he blushed and shivered

Gwen unbuttoned Masa's shirt with his teeth, and kissed him down his chest.

He gasped and shuddered in pleasure. "W....what are you doing?"

"Kissing your chest...." he whispered, and continued.

He blushed deeply. Gwen noticed some bruises as though someone had struck him with a baseball bat or something similar to it.

Gwen stopped and just stared at his chest. "What...happened?" he asked softly.

He tried to cover himself. "N...nothing..."

"Masa....don't hide this from me...what happened?"

"I...they...wanted to...purify me...."

"By beating you!? We're going to the hospital...."

"! We can't...I...will get in trouble..."

"No you won't... they will be the ones in trouble...." Gwen scooped him up. "Eros!"

"G...Gwen! I can't..."

Gwen carried Masa out into the living room. "I'm taking you to the hospital, and that's final..."

he shook his head.

Eros came out. "What's wrong?"

Vali had followed him. "Masa? Sensei..?"

"Masa has been abused...." growled Gwen.


Gwen nodded. "Drive us..."

He nodded grabbing his keys . "Let's go."

" will be fine!"

"Masa...." Vali said softly, worried for his friend.

Gwen carried Masa out the door.

Eros gently hugged Vali. "We will make sure he is alright..." He lead them to the car and got in the driver's seat after opening the door for Gwen and Masa and the passenger door for Vali.

Gwen carried Masa into the car holding him.

Vali got into the passenger side.

Eros headed to the hospital

When they got there, Gwen hurriedly carried Masa inside. "Help....he needs to see a doctor right away..."

A nurse came over. "What's wrong?"

"It looks as if he's been beaten over and over again....possibly broken ribs as well...." Gwen said.

Masa covered his face. They lead him into an examination room. "Are you his guardian?"

"I'm his sensei...I fear it is his guardians that are abusing him...."

"What makes you suspect that?"

" Masa thought he was going to get into trouble coming here....and two, as a teacher, I am trained to notice such things...."

she nodded. "I will inform the police. The doctor will be here shortly."

Gwen nodded.

Vali stayed back with Eros.

Eros waited

Masa trembled in fear. "I...gotta leave!"

Gwen looked at Masa. "You are not leaving....I am not one is going to hurt you again..."

Tears ran down his face. "But..."

"No one will hurt you..."

He looked uncertain

"What is wrong?" Gwen asked.

He looked down. "What will happen to me?"

"You were hurt.... what is wrong?"

He looked uncertain. (You can have his legal guardians show up lol)

"Masa.... what happened?" came the voice of one of his guardians.

Masa hid his face.

The nurse looked to the guardian. "Who are you?"

"I am Masa's guardian..." the man said.

Gwen didn't look at him, and just watched Masa.

Vali looked nervous for his friend.

"I am sorry sir but until the police speak to you you can't see him." The nurse said

Masa covered his face and tried to make himself appear as small as possible.

Eros narrowed his eyes studying the guardian.

Katashi blushed wondering if he was getting himself into trouble

Nivk pulled back from the kiss, still holding him. "I am sorry I kidnapped you..."

He blushed. "Just...don't do it again..."

"Even if I wanted to, I couldn't..."

"Why is that?"

"I yelled at the police, and they seemed to not notice my scream..." he said softly, and then kissed him.

He blushed kissing back. "I mean don't kidnap..."


He nodded not sure what to do.

"What is to become of....?" He wanted to say 'us' but stopped himself.

"I...want to know you..."


he blushed and nodded. "Please...."

Nivk pulled him into a hug. "Thank you..."

He hugged back and nodded

Nivk looked down at him. "What are your plans now?"

"I got the day off...maybe...tell me things about yourself?"

"You really want to learn about me?" he said softly.

He blushed and nodded

Nivk pulled him into a close hug. "Thank you...."

He blushed and nodded. He hesitated and rubbed him between the legs a little

Nivk looked down at him. "You..." then he smirked, scooping up Katashi, and carrying him inside.

He blushed. "Umm..."

Nivk carried him into the apartment. He sat him down on the couch. "Can I....get you a drink?"

He blushed. "Y..yes. please..."



Nivk left to get the tea.

He sat down and waited

Nivk came back in with the tea. "Here you are..." he said handing him some tea.

"Thank you.' He said with a blush

"You're welcome.

He drank as best he could his hand shaking in nervousness.

"If you wish to can if I make you nervous...."

"No I...I'm sorry...I have never actually...been in a relationship..."

"I haven't we are in the same boat..."

He looked surprised. "You haven't? kissed me....and..."

"I... was overwhelmed with feelings...for you..."

He blushed deeply. " don't exactly understand what you wanted to do can do what you want to me..." He said with a blush


He hesitated and nodded

Nivk kissed him.

he blushed kissing back

"I wanted to have you with me....close to me..." he whispered.

"I would like that...would you...move in with me?"

"You'd allow me to?"

He blushed and nodded. "Yes. I live on my own and have plenty of room..."

"And I live alone too...."

" want to stay here?"

"I'd love to move in with you...."

He blushed and smiled. "I am glad..."

Nivk looked around the apartment. "I don't really have alot that needs to be moved...."

"Want to pack up and go now?"

Nivk nodded, and started to pack things up.

he helped

"Thanks..." he said as they finished up.

"Of course." He lead him to his car. "We can put some things in here and the others in your car."

Nivk nodded. "I'll follow you..."

he nodded and lead the way to his mansion

When they got there, he got out and just stared up at the mansion. """

He smiled. "Told you I have plenty of room."

"Not this much room..."

He smiled and lead him inside


"What do you think?"

"It's huge..."

"yea I know...I was content with the idea of getting a smaller place but my agent insisted."

"This is huge for just one person..."

"I allow some of my workers to stay here when they need it."

"That's kind of you..."

he showed him around and blushed when they came to the master bedroom remembering what he had told him about him being able to do what he wanted to him

"Where would you like me to stay?" Nivk asked.


"What room...."

"Umm...well this is my room...if you want your own room you can have on next to want to...s..share.."

Nivk wrapped his arms around Katashi, and he kissed his neck.

He blushed and moaned softly

"I'd love to share with you....." he murmured.

he turned scarlet and nodded

Nivk kissed him, scooping him up, and heading into the room.

He blushed deeper. The room was large and consisted of earthy colors

Nivk smiled and laid him down on the bed, before laying down on it as well, pulling him close.

He blushed and smiled

Nivk slipped a hand up Katashi's shirt, as he started to kiss his neck.

He turned red and his breath caught in pleasure

His hand then slipping into his pants rubbing against his manhood.

he gasped in pleasure and kissed him

Nivk slide his pants off, and took all of his manhood within his mouth.


Nivk continued to suck him.

He started to come

Nivk swallowed all of his cum. "Yum...."

He panted

Nivk moved up and held Katashi.

He kissed him with a blush

He kissed back.

"I love you."

"I love you as well...."



"I...want me..."

Nivk smiled. "As you wish...." he moved and thrust gently into him.

He gasped in pleasure clutching the sheets

Nivk worked his ass, thrusting in and out.


Nivk cam hard within him.

he fell forward panting

Nivk pulled him against him, holding him.

He snuggled against him

"I will keep you safe...."

"I love you."

"I love you as well..."

He kissed him

Nivk held him close. " Katashi..."

"You rest to my Nivk."

"I will....I will..."

He snuggled against him

Nivk kissed his neck.

Katashi shivered in pleasure

Nivk nibbled his ear.

he purred


He blushed

"You are mine, right?"

Katashi blushed. "Yes."

"Good.....very good...." Nivk kissed him.

"And you are mine....aren't you?"


He kissed him

Nivk kissed back.

"I love you."

"I love you my Katashi...."

''love you

Nivk nipped him, and then smoothly, and gently slip inside him.

He gasped

Nivk worked his ass more.

He grasped the sheets

Nivk cam hard, kissing Katashi's neck softly.

He panted

"Love you..."

"Love you."

"So...." he laughed. "What's for dinner?"

"oh...umm...Pizza?" (He doesn't know how to cook lol)

"You don't have a cook?" he joked, smiling. "Pizzas cool..."

"I do but he is off for the night." He smiled. "What type of pizza do you like?":

"Something with a lot of meat..." he said and kissed the tip of his manhood.

He moaned softly. He called in for a veggy lovers and a meat lovers

Nivk smiled and kissed him.

he kissed back. "You eat meat??"

"Yes...I do..."


Nivk looked at him concerned. "Hmm?"

"I am a vegetarian..."

"And you love meat..." he whispered with a smile, licking his neck.

He shivered. "No...I love veggies...."

"You still do love meat..." he whispered again, rubbing between his legs.

He gasped

"See you do...."

He blushed

Nivk kissed him, and when the pizza arrived, he paid for them. He handed him his vegetarian pizza and kept the meat lovers. "There you are...."

"Thank you...but you didn't have to pay it.'

"I wanted to...."

"Thank you."

He nodded.

He started to eat

Nivk leaned over and nibbled his neck.

He purred in pleasure

"Love much...."

"I love you too."

Nivk started to feed him his pizza.

he blushed deeply and ate it. He did the same for Nivk

Nivk took a bite, smiling as he ate.

He blushed deeply

He nipped his ear.

he blushed and gasped

"Like?" he whispered.

he nodded

Nivk nibbled on his ear.

he moaned


"Love you."

Nivk kissed him.

He blushed as he kissed back

"So...oh what shall we do?" Nivk said smiling.

Katashi blushed. "I...don't know..."

Nivk started to nibble on his neck.

He moaned softly

Nivk slipped his hands under his shirt.

He moaned softly

Nivk smiled, and covered his mouth with his lips in a kiss as his other hand slipped into his pants, and started to massage his manhood.

Katashi moaned against his lips

Rygin looked at him. "I was moving too fast."

Aqui blushed. ""

"If I go too far tell me." He said kissing his neck and nibbling

Aqui blushed, nodding and then moaning softly.

He slipped both hands under his shirt

His breathing changed. "Rygin..." he whispered softly, closing his eyes at the feeling of the touch.

"Want me to stop?"


He started to kiss near the waistline

Aqui trembled at the feeling.

He slid his pants down a little and kissed at the base of his manhood

Aqui gasped loudly. "Rygin..."

"Too much?"

"Please....I..." he whispered.

He started to pull away

"Wh...what...are you....doing?" he asked.

"You do want it?"

Aqui blushed move and then slowly nodded..

He gently undressed him and himself and trailed kisses along his body.

A blush crossed Aqui's whole body.

He smiled and began to gently suck him

Aqui gasped, sitting up, looking at Rygin. "I... huh....Rygin.... oh...mmmm..." He leaned his head back again.

"If I stop now you won't like it."

"I...I won't....?" Aqui breathless let escape. "I....oh god..."

He started to finger his ass as well

Aqui's eyes went wide. "Rygin...." His asshole seemed to close on Rygin's finger nervously.

He gently pulled away. "Will you stay here? I need to go to the store."

"Wh...why....are you leaving....?" he whispered.

"To get some lube and condoms."

Aqui blushed deeply. "I....."


"I....I' here..." he said softly.

"Anything else I should pick up?"

Aqui shook his head.

he left. After awhile he came back. "Are you ready?"

Aqui looked over at him as he came back, and nodded nervously, blushing.

He undressed and took out a condom and lub. "I will be gentle."

Aqui nodded slowly. "Please...." he whispered, as he laid back.

he put on the condom and used lub he slowly thrust in

Aqui gasped outloud. He arched his back, gripping the bed.

He thrust in and out and gently worked his shaft as well

"AhhhH! Rygin...." he said breathlessly. His body now moving with him.

"I love you.' He said making love to him

"I love you..." he whispered through it all.

He cam and slowly pulled out.

Aqui laid on the bed, breathing softly, his eyes half closed. "Ry...gin...."

"Aqui." he said kissing his neck as he held him close

Aqui shivered, but snuggled in.

"I love you."

"I love you too..." he whispered.

He smiled

Aqui blushed, looking up at him.

"You were great."

"I...I was...?"

He nodded. "Very." He said kissing him

Aqui kissed back, blushing.

"I love you."

He blushed more. " you..."

He sucked him

Aqui's whole body trembled as it seemed to reawaken from before.

He smiled. "What do you want me to do to you?"

"I..." he blushed.

"Tell me."

"I...want me....a...gain..." he whispered, shyly.

He smiled and gently thrust in

He arched his back again, holding onto him.

he thrust in and out gently

"Rygin...." he moaned out.

"Yes love?"

Aqui just held onto him as he thrust in and out of him.

He came hard in him

Aqui moaned.

He lay next to him holding him

" you...."

"I love you too."

Aqui blushed, laying beside him.

He closed his eyes

Aqui snuggled against Rygin, falling to sleep with exhaustion.

He dreamed of two dragons fighting, one was light the other dark

Aqui's eyes fell open, and he looked around the room.

Rygin slept next to him

Aqui sighed, and just stared off into space.

Rygin stirred

Aqui closed his eyes to look as if he was asleep.

He stroked his hair gently

Aqui kept his eyes closed, and snuggled into him.

He smiled and slowly got up getting dressed

"Rygin...." Aqui said softly, looking at him now.

He turned to look with a smile. "I thought you were asleep, I was going to make you something tasty to eat."

"I' that..." he said softly.

He smiled and went into the kitchen, He looked at what he had

He found some bread, cheese, milk, one egg, no butter. He did find a lot of energy bars.

Hmm...he needs to eat better He looked for cooking oil. After finding just a little he started to work on cooking. He came back into his room carrying a tray. On the tray was a cheese omelet and toast with cheese melted on it. There was a glass of milk as well. He handed him the food

Aqui blushed taking the tray. "Mmmm...this looks good Rygin...."

he smiled. "You didn't have much so I made do with what you had."

Aqui nodded. "I...don't cook or eat at home...."

"You can't just live off of energy bars."

"I eat one on the way to practice at the ice rink....then I grab more of a breakfast before classes....I..."

"Move in with me. I will make sure to keep you properly fed."

"But...." he looked around. His place was huge, but....

"Or...let me move place is small,and I hate rats..."

Aqui blushed and nodded. "Of.... course....."

He kissed him. "I am going to go shopping. I will be back." He said heading out.

"I...I have to go to practice...." Aqui said sitting up.

He kissed him. "When will you be back? And is it ok if I move my things in?"

"You can....I...I normally get back...late at night....morning as a life guard at the gym....evening practice at the rink..." he said softly.

He kissed him. "What time? I will have dinner waiting."

Aqui looked down. "Nine..." he whispered. "Why don't you come with me to dinner....?"

"You don't want my cooking?"

"I...I do...I..." Aqui looked down like he had offended Rygin.

He kissed him. "Than what's wrong?"

"I...don't was just routine....that's all....I'll be here....for dinner...but....could me at the rink during my evening practice....I'd love to give you a private show...." He said blushing.

He kissed him holding him close. "Of course. Is there anything you can't eat though?"


"Anything else?"


He kissed him. "Than is there anything you don't like eating?'


"No seafood and no nuts. Ok. I can do that."

"Really?" Aqui asked smiling.

He kisse him. "What is your favorite dish?"

"You're going to make it aren't you?"


Aqui smiled, and then told him. ((Surprise me ^_^ ))

"alright." he kissed him

Aqui kissed him.

He kissed back

"I have to go....see you at the rink tonight?"

"Of course." He kissed him

Aqui kissed back, and then got ready for the rink.

He started to get dressed

"I'll see you later...." Aqui said with a kiss.

"I love you."

"I love you...." with that Rygin was alone in Aqui's home.

he went to get his things

"What are you doing?"

he looked

"You should have killed him."

"Who are you?"

"A friend...."

"He is my lover!"

"He is your enemy..."

"Why is that?"

"You are stronger than this....kill him as you are destined to...."

He growled. "I love him!"

"It is your destiny!"

"I will change my destiny!"

"You can't..."

"I will"

"Then I shall assist doing as you should have..."

"Touch him and I will kill you!" He rushed the figure

The figure disappeared, but laughter rang in his ears.

He rushed to find Aqui

He got to the rink and saw Aqui rushing out.

he rushed over

Aqui walked out of his home, and headed straight for the ice rink to get in his morning practice.

he got there

Aqui sat at a bench, and pulled on his skates before heading out onto the rink.

"Don't trust him."

Aqui spun easily on the ice towards the voice.

A cloaked figure stood there

"What are you talking about?"

"Rygin is a murderer"

"What?! I...I don't believe you!"

"He is a hired killer. Think about how he got into your home."

"'t...he can't be...."

he started to see images of what Rygin had done

"!" he screamed.

"You had to know the truth.:"

"It's not true!" Aqui yelled to him.

"Ask him."

"I...." he had tears in his eyes. "I....won'"

"Ask him. hear it from his lips."

"He's not a killer!"

"I am sorry...find the truth yourself." The figure vanished

Aqui quickly left the rink, to upset to continue to practice.

Strong and comforting arms wrapped around him. "Aqui are you alright?!"

Aqui spun in his arms and holding on to him, crying softly.

he stroked his hair. "I am here."


"I am here love."

"He...he were....a murderer......" he whispered.

"W...what? Who?"

"The figure at the rink..."

He scooped him up. "I'm taking you home."

"But my job...and my evening rink practice...I have a competition coming up....I..."

"Skip for once. After what happened I doubt you could concentrate."

Aqui nodded. "Rygin...."

"Yes?" He asked as he carried him inside

"Have you..kill....?" he whispered against this chest.

"If I said yes?"

"I'd....want you to explain...why?"

"It's my job...and...I am trapped in it."

"How....can you be trapped in it....?"

He took him inside and shut the door locking it. "I...was raped....and ended up killing him...I...."He explained the situation

He hugged him.

he hugged back. "I am sorry..."

"I'm sorry too....." he whispered.

"You don't hate me?"

Aqui shook his head."You...were hurt..."

he kissed him

He kissed back.

"I love you."

"I love you too Rygin...."

he held him close

"I'm not leaving you..." he whispered.

"i will never leave you...and I won't let that man hurt you."

Aquri nodded, snuggling in.

He held him close

"" Aquri whispered.

He kissed him.

Aquri kissed him back.

He slid a hand up his shirt

Aquri sighed. "Rygin...." he said lovingly.

"I will protect you."

Aquri blushed. " will?" he asked softly.

He kissed him gently.

Takamii slowly relaxed. "Um...I...was looking for insight..." Maybe...he isn't the same person from my vision...

Kyto motioned towards one of the private temple rooms that was open to the courtyard. "I can help you..."

He followed a little uneasily

Kyto lead him to the temple room, and Kyto seated himself. "Please sit..."

He sat down. " is connected with the moon..."

Kyto looked at him. "You felt the change...."

He looked at him. "How did you know?"

"I felt it too..."

He stiffened. "This...formed...."He pulled his shirt up enough to show the mark

Kyto nodded. "It formed on my back as well...but for the dragon that is bold on your back is the faded one on mine....I was informed by another priest that it has to do with a prophecy..."

"What prophecy?"

Kyto slowly told the prophecy to him.

"but...what are we suppossed to do?"

"I do not know....may I ask...did you have a vision of someone that you...felt drawn to?" he asked softly.

He turned scarlet and looked at him not sure what to say. "D...did you?"

Kyto nodded. "Yes I did...."

"W...was it me?"

Kyto nodded, " of you...."

He blushed. "Mine...was too..."

Kyto looked at him softly. "I won't force anything..."

" make me uneasy too..."

"I do?" Kyto questioned, looking confused. "I...don't know...why...." he said softly.

"I'm sorry...I...feel both attracted and...repelled."

" fine..." Kyto said bowing his head to him. "I should probably get another priest for you to speak with...." he said softly.


Kyto looked at him. "I don't wish to cause you discomfort...."

"I...can we...get to know each other?"

"I were repelled by me?"

"And attracted."

Kyto nodded. "Yes...and attracted...but I don't feel repelled by you at all...and....I don't understand what about me would make me repulsive..." he said softly.

"I don't know..."

Kyto sighed, closing his eyes, just sitting there. "I would like to get to know you had said...."

He blushed and kissed him

He kissed back

" you..."

Kyto gently wrapped his arms around him. "I love you...too...."

He blushed. "I know we have just met...but...that is how I feel..."

"As well as for me....I...knew that you would be coming the city..."

He blushed. "You did?"

Kyto nodded.

He blushed and kissed him again

Kyto kissed back, and pulled into a tighter hug.

He held on with a blush

Kyto still held on to him, but pulled from the kiss.

He was blushing

Kyto kissed his forehead. "I won't force you to stay..."

"Thank you...I want to know you."

Kyto nodded.

"Would to join my father and I for dinner tonight?"

He smiled softly. "I...would love too..."

He smiled. "I'm glad."

Kyto kissed him.

he kissed back

"I...hope I was able to help you some...."

"Yes...but I am still confused as to what the prophecy means..."

"As am I...."

"Why us?"

"I don't know....I really don't know...but please know....I don't want to hurt you...."

"I trust you."

He held him close. "Thank you..."

He kissed him

He kissed back, and held him close.

He snuggled against him

Kyto stroked his hair, just enjoying this.

he fell asleep

Kyto carefully scooped him up, and set him down in a guest area.

he slept peacefully

Kyto watched him sleep, a gentle smile.

"Kyto?" One of the priests asked

Kyto looked. "Yes..." he said calmly, his smile gone.

"Who is he?"

"One like myself..."

"Is he the one you spoke of?"

"Yes....he is..."

"I see.."

"What is it?"

"There isn't the same he a dragon of the light?"

"How do you know so much about this?" he asked not answering the question.

"Each shrine involved with the prophecy has someone who knows allot of the information in case the dragons need help and come to a shrine for guidance. But you will need to find the leader of your side. I recommend trying not to get too attached to will lead to heartache."

Kyto looked away from him and back at Takamii. "I..."

"You are destined to fight..."

"I am a priest...and use my sword for meditation...not to fight..."

He looked sad. "But sometimes even a priest must fight..."

Kyto looked at him. "No..."

The priest looked somber and nodded

"I....I will fight this...." he whispered.

"I wish you luck than."

"You don't like what I say..."

"I know you are setting yourself up for pain."

"I would be in pain if I didn't go for it...."

He sighed and nodded

Kyto went back to watching Takamii sleep.

Takamii started to stir

Kyto waited for him to wake.

He rubbed the sleep from his eyes. "Sorry for falling asleep..."

"You were was fine...."

"I need to get back to my father. Here is the address and time of dinner." He said writing it down and kissing him

He kissed back. "Til then?"

"Til than."

He kissed him again.

He blushed and walked out heading home

He soon got there.

he went inside. "I am home."

"I was starting to think you were planning on becoming a priest," joked his father.

he smiled. "Father...we will have some company latt
er on is that alright?"


"One of the priests." He was blushing slightly

"Are you in that much need?" He asked worried.


"What....? You do?"

he looked down and nodded. "You aren't...angry?"

His father hugged him.

he hugged back

"He better not hurt you..."

"Father...why would he? And...he has the mark too...but the other dragon..."

"Really?" he said. "That's strange...."

A knock came to the door.

"I'll get it...if that's Kyto he is early." He hurried to answer it a blush on his cheeks

Kyto went back to his work.

He had someone come in. He felt uneasy at this person's presence and felt corruption radiate from him

Kyto looked to see who had come in, going on guard.

The person wore a hoody that hid his face. "I need to speak to you Kyto."

"Who are you? What is it that you need to talk to me about?" Kyto stood away from the man.

"You should have killed him."

"What?!" Kyto took up one of the Kendo swords. "Leave now!"

"Don't worry. I will kill him for you so you needn't tarnish your hands."

"What?! No you don't!" Kyto attacked him.

he grabbed his arm that held the weapon and clutched him between the legs

Kyto cried out in surprise. "Let go!"

"You will be mine. But don't worry. I will kill that bad boy of yours."

"Yours!?!? No...!!" Kyto kneed him.

he growled and backhanded him. "I will see you again. Maybe I will have fun before I kill him."

Kyto growled holding his cheek. "Bastard...."

He vanished

Kyto rushed from the temple, heading towards Takamii's.

he got there

He knocked.

The door opened and he looked surprised. "You are early..."

Kyto rushed in, pulling Takamii into a tight hug.

"What's wrong?"

He whispered into his ear what happened. "I want you safe...."

He hugged back worried

"I won't let anything happen to you...."

"I won't let anyone do anything to you either."

Kyto nodded, and just held him in a hug.

"I'm alright."

"I'm glad..."

"Want to meet my father?"

Kyto nodded.

He lead him inside

Takamii's father looked at the two as they came in. "Who is this?" he asked with a smile.

"Kyto...sir..." he said with a bow.

He smiled

" you are the priest that Takamii is crazy in love with...." he said with a smile.

Kyto blushed lightly. "I...yes...."


"Yes Takamii?" his father asked with a smile.

He blushed deeply

His father smiled.

Kyto blushed slightly too.

"Dinner is two..." Takamii's father said.

He smiled and lead Kyto that way

His father whispered to him, "He is cute...for a guy...."

He blushed and nodded

He lead them into the dinning room. "Sit...I'll go get the food..." his father said and left the room.

Kyot smiled gently to Takamii.

He blushed and smiled back. He kissed him

Kyto kissed back. "Thank you...for inviting me...."

"Of course."

Kyto kissed him lightly.

He kissed back

"Okay you two...dinner is now on the table, and the food needs somewhere to go...."

he blushed and pulled back. "Sorry...."

His father laughed as he looked at the two blushing men. "Eat..." he said smiling.

Kyto nodded to startled.

Kyto started to eat. "Delicious father."

"Yes sir....thank you..." Kyto said respectfully.

"You two are both welcome..."

He smiled

Kyto ate a little of everything, but not large helpings.

"You can eat as much as you want."

"I have never eaten alot....the food is good though..." he said softly with a smile.

He smiled a little

He kissed him.

he kissed back

Kyto smiled and drank some more water.

He smiled

When the dinner was over, Takamii's father cleared off the table and started the dishes.

He helped

Kyto came in and helped out as well.

"You don't have to..."

"I wish to..."

"Thank you."

Kyto leaned over and kissed him, before continueing.

He blushed and kissed him

His father left the area.

He blushed

Kyto kissed his cheek again.

he blushed and smiled. "Want a tour?"

"I would love one..." Kyto said softly with a smile.

He smiled and started to give him the tour

Kyto followed, smiling.

The place was big but it had the feel of happy memories and family

"You...have a wonderful home..."

"Thank you."

Kyto kissed him.

he blushed kissing back

He pulled him closer.

he blushed deeper

"Well he be staying the night?" asked his father comeing in.

He blushed. "Would you like to?"

Kyto nodded. "If you don't mind sir..."

The father nodded.

"Thank you father."

His father nodded, smiling.

Kyto smiled gently at Takamii

Takamii blushed

"May I see the room I will stay in?" Kyto asked.

"Of course." Takamii rose and lead him to a room

Kyto followed him. "Thank you again..." he said, and then quickly pulled Takamii to him, and kissed him.

He blushed and slowly kissed back. " you..." He whispered.

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2010-03-29 [Silver Moon]: hello

2010-03-30 [Gypsy Mystik]: boo! ^_^

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