Page name: The Brinebright Coast [Exported view] [RSS]
2009-01-27 16:03:02
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The Brinebright Coast

Excerpt from ‘The Encyclopaedia of the Known World’, by Tarrasa Fullsmith
‘…The Brinebright coast is very similar to the farmlands with largely rural communities centred on small hamlets and fishing villages. The land is far rockier however meaning very few crops are grown here, but many sheep are kept in this area. The main export of course is fish and most of the inhabitants of Brinebright are fisherman and are descended from fishermen. The main point of interest in Brinebright is the existence of Nubias the god of the sea, no-where else in Ghelt is a god worshipped and no-one else on the peninsular has any reason to recognise Nubias…
…Nubias is said to live on the Jagged Crag, a large rock jutting from the ocean perhaps half a mile into the sea. Near the Crag on the land there is a large temple built of blueish granite which is dedicated to Nubias and everyone in Brinebright will leave a tribute to the god at various times of the year. This is to protect against storms according to the inhabitants of Brinebright, the coast is of course renowned for its wicked and lengthy storms which have claimed a great many lives…'

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