Page name: The Curtain Falls [Exported view] [RSS]
2009-01-22 17:27:36
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He sees her as through glass at her place upon the stage.
Where only players reach her in the glittering world that's made.

With baited breath he watches as they move with air and grace.
Her beauty fine, with eyes so green and a rosy smiling face.

Every night he's been there and every line he knows.
With each repeated move she makes his passion only grows.

Yet, fast the endings drawing near and she'll soon be out of reach.
His goddess will retreat to reality behind walls he can not breech.

Then the closing curtain falls and the show is finally done.
He understands that it's his last chance to meet his beloved one.

He lingers till the last have gone, then the stage he slips behind.
Down long dark halls, a stumbling search his darling for to find.

Soon he finds the door he seeks and quietly enters in.
She turns to see, then shock and fear replace her cheerful grin.

Although he finds her voice divine he can't imagine why she screams,
and he must admit that this is not the scenario of his dreams

Panic bound he reached out and grasps her swanlike throat.
Tightening fingers 'round her neck, he cuts off a final note.

The gasping starts and she struggles more, but soon it's all for not.
The body stills and the breath soon leaves the one he dearly sought.

Behind the walls the shouting starts and the door flies open wide
He will not run although she's dead for his love he can not hide.

When they lead him to the gallows hill there's no regret for his crime.
The noose pulls taut and he pictures her face as the church bells toll and chime.

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