Page name: The Dark Lord's Secret Lover pt. 2 [Exported view] [RSS]
2011-01-23 04:31:48
Last author: ~Crimson Angel~
Owner: ~Crimson Angel~
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The Dark Lord's Secret Lover

Part 2


Harry slowly began to wake up, when his eyes finally fluttered open he saw that the common room was empty, he got up out of bed and got dressed before making his bed and heading down stairs.

Hermione was situated in a chair near the fire, reading a book. She hummed softly to herself as she read.

Ron was on the sofa in front of the couch he looked to the stairs as he heard them creak, "Good morning Harry." He said as Harry came into view.

"Good morning Ron, good morning Hermione." Harry said smiling and walking over to his two best friends.

Hermione closed her book and smiled at Harry. "Morning, Harry. Did you sleep well?"

Harry smiled and nodded, "Yes, I did. Shall we go to breakfast?"

"Well I would've already had been there, but Hermione told me to wait." Ron said looking at Harry.

Hermione huffed softly. "It's called manners, Ronald. It would be rude to leave Harry behind."

"Sorry Hermione, you know I was raised in a house that was mostly males." Ron said kissing her cheek.

Harry smiled, "Maybe I can see Samuel today."

Hermione sighed softly and smiled at Ron. "I know, but sometimes think before you act." She them smiled at Harry. "I'm sure you will."

Harry smiled and headed for the portrait hole.

Ron took Hermione's hand and headed for the portrait hole after Harry.

Hermione smiled gently at Ron. "Did you hear about the two new teachers that weren't at the dinner last night?"

"New teachers?" Ron and Harry said together.

Hermione smiled to herself. "Yeah. I heard that they will be teaching classes to the fifth years and up. Something about muggle warfare and such. I think it's a fabulous idea." She nodded to herself. "It will show those purebloods how more advanced muggles are and how dangerous they can be when provoked."

"Yeah, it does sound like fun." Harry said smiling.

Ron smiled, "Anything that will teach purebloods a lesson sounds good to me."

Hermione patted Ron's arm. "Ron, sweetie. You're a pureblood as well."

"Yeah, but I'm not one of those stuck up purebloods." Ron said.

Harry laughed at Ron as he walked to breakfast with him and Hermione.

Hermione shook her head. "Yes, but you don't know what muggles are capable of." She glanced over at the staff table and spotted two young gentlemen.

The shorter of the two men had shoulder length blonde hair that was tied back and bright blue eyes. What gained a lot of attention was the two blonde rabbit ears perched on top of his head.

The male sitting next to the blonde also had blonde hair and blue eyes, but they were both paler. He was a good few inches taller than the other and he smiled fondly at the young man.

Ron looked up at the teacher's table, "Look that one has rabit ears." he whispered to Harry and Hermione.

Harry looked up at the teacher's table at the man Ron was referring to.

Hermione hummed to herself. "I think he's a forest born. I read how they look human, but have attributes of certain animals."

"Forest born?" Harry and Ron repeated together.

Hermione nodded and held up her finger. "Forest borns are shape shifter of sorts. They can change from an animal to human. They even have a halfling form in which they look human, but have the attributes of their animal form. They are rare in nature and have even taken to staying in their human form due to the fact that a long time ago their body parts were used in potions and rituals. All forest borns have this natural magic to them and can use various types of elemental magic." She smiled at them. "Plus, I read that rabbit forest born have this unique magic of being able to summon things right out of the air."

"Really, that's wicked!" Ron said with a huge grin.

"I agree, that is cool." Harry said before scanning the room for Tom.

Tom was sitting at his table, trying to enjoy breakfast, but a year mate of his was going on and on about something. He was very temped to stab the other with his fork.

Harry spotted Tom at his table and waved to him with a smile.

Tom chuckled softly and waved back at Harry.

"Why are you waving at Potter?" asked Draco.

Tom gave him a look. "He's an interesting fellow. If you just talk to him you would find out."

Draco snorted softly.

Pansy who was sitting next to Draco looked at Tom as if he was crazy, "Him, interesting?"

Harry smiled happily as Tom waved back.

Fritz looked at Isaac at the teacher's table, "Do you think we'll have fun teaching?"

"I'm sure we will. We might end up causing a few mental breakdown with all of the information we're going to stuff into their heads, but..." Isaac just shrugged and went back to fiddling with a shrunken German Tiger 2 tank. "It will help to open their eyes to how dangerous muggles can be and how advanced they are." He poked around the inside with a tiny screw driver.

Tom gave her a look. "He is interesting. If you took a moment to get to know him you'll notice how he shies away from unwanted attention that his name gains."

Pansy scoffed, "Whatever." She said looking at Draco and smiling at him.

"Yeah, at least they'll learn that much." Fritz said smiling to himself as he ate.

Harry walked over to the Griffendor table with Hermione and Ron.

George elbowed his twin in the side and jerked his head over in Harry's direction. "Look who showed up, dear brother."

Draco shook his head. "Stay away from Potter. Trouble follows him everywhere."

"I'll take your warning to mind, but I won't necessarily follow it," said Tom in return.

Isaac shrugged and paused when the tank gave a loud click. "I'm glad father made sure all of the tanks were empty." He picked up a slice of apple and munched on it thoughtfully.

"Ah yes dear brother, it's the love sick Potter!" Fred said grinning.

Harry blushed as he heard Fred's comment.

Fritz smiled, "You know, I think those first years are staring at your ears." He said looking at some first year girls.

"Well we warned you." Pansy said.

Tom rolled his eyes. "I'll be fine. I can take care of myself."

Isaac glanced up at the girls and wiggled his ears slightly, smiling when they started to giggle. "I think it's cute. They're young and curious. Remember the first time we met? You tugged on one of my ears, wanting to know if they were real or not."

George laughed softly and make kissy lips at Harry.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Knock it off, you two. Harry's love life is no one's business but his."

Pansy shurgged and took Draco's hand under the table.

Fritz chuckled in rememberance, "Yes, I do remember."

Harry blushed, "H-How'd you find out?"

George chuckled and smirked. "Not telling~"

"Just ignore them, Harry," said Hermione as she took a seat across from the twins.

Draco glanced over at her and blushed slightly.

"I'm just glad you didn't pull hard like Dei did." Isaac rubbed at his left ear in remembrance.

"Yes, we have our ways." Fred said grinning.

Harry sat down next to Hermione, "O-Ok.

Pansy smiled at Draco, and placed her hand on his leg.

"Yeah, these students are lucky he's not their teacher." Fritz said grinning.

Isaac snorted softly. "Oh, they're lucky they have me for one class and you for the other. I think I would end up messing with their heads just for the fun of it if they had me for both classes."

George chuckled softly. "So, tell us about him."

Hermione gave them a look. "You two are horrible. Let him eat first."

Draco's eye twitched slightly and he took her hand into his own, removing it from his leg.

Fritz chuckled, "That's true."

"I bet he's oh so sexy!" Fred teased.

Harry blushed as he ate.

Pansy looked at Draco and settled for holding his hand.

Draco turned his attention back to Tom. "What do you see in him?"

Tom smiled as he watched Harry and his group of friends. "I see a young man who just wants to help people and have a normal life for once."

Hermione kicked Fred under the table.

"Ow!" George pulled back his leg and rubbed at his shin. "What was that for?"

Hermione blushed slightly. "Sorry. I was aiming for your brother."

"I hope I don't get any whiny prats in my class. I'll be so tempted to send their arse back to father in Russia and let him deal with them." Isaac stabbed at a piece of fruit. "That will give them something to cry about."

"Are you blind Hermione, I'm over here, do you need glasses?" Fred asked.

Ron was sitting on the other side of Hermione and kicked his brother hard.

"OW!" Fred exclaimed loudly rubbing his shin and glaring at Ron.

Harry laughed.

Hermione smiled at Ron. "Thank you, Ron."

George snickered softly. "He got you good."

Isaac stabbed at his last piece of fruit and held it out to Fritz. "Here. The last strawberry."

Ron smiled and kissed Hermione's cheek, "Your welcome."

Fred glared and stomped on his twin's foot.

Fritz looked at the girls watching them, "Want to mess with them?" he whispered to Isaac.

Isaac chuckled softly and smiled. "I would love that."

George cried out and yanked his foot up, cradling it slightly. "What was that for?!"

Hermione blushed slightly and kissed Ron's cheek in return.

Ron's ears went red but he smiled happily.

"For being rude." Fred said.

"Feed me the strawberry, and give me a kiss on the cheek." Fritz whispered grinning.

"I'll do better than that." Isaac fed Fritz the strawberry and kissed his lips gently.

The girls blushed and a few of the girls let out some squeals and a few awwed.

Hermione glanced over at the first years, then at the staff table. She blushed even more.

George stuck his tongue out at his brother, then grinned and chuckled. "Well, that's one way of knowing someone is together."

Fritz blushed as he kissed back.

Ron blinked, "Y-Yeah."

Harry blushed brightly.

Fred sighed, "Oh great girls will form a fan club."

Pansy looked at the teacher's table, "Oh, my!" She exclaimed blushing.

Isaac wrapped his arms around Fritz's neck and played with his hair slightly as he kissed back.

George nodded. "I'm sure guys will join that fan club as well."

Draco glanced up from his plate and blushed at what he saw.

Tom hummed softly. "My, my. This will make my classes more interesting."

Fritz blushed and wrapped his arms around Isaac's neck and deepened the kiss.

Fred nodded, "Wouldn't doubt it."

Ron blinked, "Are they allowed to do that?"

"Apparently." Harry said watching them.

Isaac closed his eyes and moaned softly into the kiss.

George looked over at his twin Fred. "Who do you think tops?"

Hermione blushed and kicked George. "Don't ask that!"

Fritz moaned and slipped his tongue into Isaac's mouth.

Harry blushed bright red and looked away from the tearcher's table.

Fred laughed, "Maybe we should ask them."

Ron kicked Fred, "DON'T YOU DARE!"

Isaac groaned softly and tugged on Fritz's hair some.

George rubbed at his other shin and held his legs up and out of the kicking range. "We do have a classes with them, so...." He grinned at Fred. "We can ask them then."

Hermione glared at the twins. "That is enough you two."

"Yes dear brother, I agree, we should." Fred said pulling his legs out of kicking range as well.

Fritz groaned and ran his fingers through Isaac's hair.

Isaac pulled away slightly to catch his breath. "Wasn't that better than a kiss on the cheek?"

George chuckled and grinned. "I have so many questions to ask that rabbit."

Fritz panted and nodded, "Y-Yeah, it was."

"I wonder if those ears are real?" Fred said curiously.

Harry turned and sighed when he saw the make out session was over.

Isaac laughed softly and gave his lips a quick peck.

George shrugged. "Not sure. I wonder if he has a tail."

Hermione shook her head at the twins.

Fritz smiled as the girls nearest them sighed in a fangirl way.

"Would be interesting for sex, wouldn't it?" Fred commented.

George nodded and grinned. "Yeah. I wonder how sensitive his ears and tail are."

Isaac's ears twitched slightly and he glanced over at Harry and his friends. "They're talking about us."

Hermione noticed Isaac's stare and raised a brow. She glanced over at the twins, then back at him. She pointed a finger at the twins and smiled when he nodded and pointed at his ears.

Harry looked at Isaac for a moment before blushing and turning away.

Isaac chuckled softly. "I think we embarrassed that young boy."

Hermione patted Harry on the back. "What's wrong?"

"Maybe he thought our kiss was hot?" Fritz suggested with a smile.

"N-Nothing, I'm fine." Harry said smiling at Hermione.

Hermione smiled back and gave him one last pat on the back. "Okay, Harry."

Isaac laughed softly. "Maybe. We did get a good bit of the female population to fall in love with us."

"Indeed we did." Fritz said looking at the girls that were still staring at them.

Harry looked over at the Slytherin table curiously in search of Tom but didn't see him.

Tom crept up behind Harry and wrapped his arms around his waist. He then gave his cheek a kiss. "Hello, love."

Isaac chuckled and winked at the girls, causing a few to faint.

Fritz laughed, and put an arm around Isaac, "Now now, don't tease."

Harry blushed brightly, "G-Good morning." He smiled.

Tom nuzzled Harry's neck slightly. "Good morning to you, too."

Hermione giggled softly. "Fred, George. Meet Samuel."

Isaac pouted slightly. "But I like teasing and playing with them."

Fritz grinned, "So do I," he said kissing Isaac's cheek.

Fred looked at Samuel, "Hi, I'm Fred."

George smiled brightly at Samuel. "And I'm George."

Tom nodded to both of them. "Pleasure to meet you."

Isaac smiled softly and kissed Fritz's cheek in return. "I'm rather glad I get the snakes and lions before you do. I'll pick out the troublemakers and tell you about them between classes."

"Thanks, I'll make sure to 'punish' them." Fritz said with an evil grin.

Harry looked at Tom, "Want to sit down?"

Pansy pulled on Draco's sleeve when she realized Tom was gone, "Look!" She said pointing at the Griffindor table.

Draco looked over to where Pansy was pointing and raised a brow. "He's sitting with them now?"

Tom chuckled and sat down beside Harry. "Thank you."

"And I'll try not to mess them up too much." Isaac chuckled softly. "Oh, and make sure Comrade and Liev don't scare them too much. I know Pryvate will behave, but I don't know what Seifer will do."

"And neither do I, if they misbehave I can have him freak them out." Fritz said smiling.

"It looks like it." Pansy said glaring.

Harry smiled and took Tom's hand under the table.

Tom smiled back and gently squeezed Harry's hand in return.

Draco shook his head. "Looks like Potter is doing the impossible again. A snake and a lion. Together."

Isaac laughed softly. "Oh, yeah. Liev can freak out the bravest of people."

Pansy shook her head, "What a shame."

Harry smiled happily, and ate with his other hand.

Fritz grinned, "I know."

"They're probably be more freaked out by him talking than anything else," said Isaac with a smile.

Draco nodded and sighed. "Yeah..."

Tom chuckled softly.

"I'm sure they would." Fritz said.

Pansy looked at Draco, "You ok?"

Harry blinked and looked at Tom confused with a sliver of cheese stuck to his chin.

Tom smiled gently and bushed the sliver of cheese away. He then placed a gentle kiss on his lips.

Draco looked away from Tom and Harry. "Yeah. I'm kinda jealous of Harry."

"I'm sure they would be used to the punishments by the time winter comes around. We can Christmas here and invite the family over to meet the staff and students." Isaac chuckled.

"Sounds like fun." Fritz said.

Harry blushed as the girls watching them swooned.

"You're Jealous of Harry?" Pansy asked shocked.

Draco waved his hand over at Tom and Harry. "Samuel is paying more attention to Harry than me. Damn it! I'm the Slytherin Prince! I deserve more attention!"

Tom chuckled softly. "Just ignore them, love."

"Hogwarts will never be the same when both brat packs are here. I'm glad I haven't heard anything from my younger brothers. Usually they would have destroyed something or hurt someone on their first day of school." Isaac shook his head.

Fritz laughed, "I know what you mean."

Harry blushed but nodded, "Ok."

"I pay attention to you." Pansy said a little hurt.

Draco patted her shoulder in reassurance. "I didn't mean it like that. I was hoping that I would get attention from the older Slytherins. You know how little they think of me."

Tom smiled gently.

"Diedrick alone blew up a large section of the school in Denmark. Now, he's banned until the school is repaired. And Alaric beat up this one kid in Austria because he made fun of his accent." Isaac shook his head. "Idiots."

"I could've told you that." Fritz said rolling his eyes.

Harry smiled and kissed Tom's cheek.

"Yeah, but why do you care what they think of you?" Pansy asked.

"Because, Pansy, if they're not with me, then they're against me and that can be a dangerous thing," explained Draco.

Tom blushed slightly.

Isaac threw his hands in the air. "The headmasters should have listened to dad and let Diedrick and Alaric finish their schooling with Arthur, but no. They have to finish learning in a certified school." He sighed loudly and pinched the bridge of his nose. "At least if those two can get by this year and next year with minimal damage dad is going to ship them over here. With us teaching here those two won't think twice about causing any chaos."

Fritz looked at Isaac, "Something wrong with your nose?"

Harry chuckled at Tom's red face.

"Oh, I get it." Pansy said nodding.

Draco nodded and frowned. "I would rather have the upper years showing respect to me."

"No, just a headache from thinking about those idiots." Isaac huffed softly. "I wonder if all mages have their stupid moments."

Tom pouted slightly and poked Harry in the side.

Harry jumped a little, let out a giggle and turned red.

"Yeah, I wouldn't doubt it." Fritz said.

"I want that for you too Draco." Pansy said taking his hand.

Draco gave her a small smile. "Thank you, Pansy."

Tom chuckled softly.

Isaac started to count on his fingers. "There was the time where Arthur bound dad's powers and made him human. Then the time where Arthur tried to summon the devil and got father instead. The time he tried to turn Francis into a cat and did that to Alfred." He thought for a moment. "Then there are the mages whom own the schools. France is off limits, Austria is off limits, Germany is accepting just because of Uncle Ludwig and Russia is accepting because of father and that Diedrick has a powerful name there."

Fritz listened to Isaac nodding.

Harry poked Tom back int the side.

"Your welcome Draco." Pansy said with a smile.

~~~~After class~~~~
Tom walked out of Fritz's class room with a slightly pale color. "That was scary."

A Slytherin girl beside him nodded. "I never knew muggles could cause that much death and destruction in the matter of hours."

A Griffindore ran out of the room, with his hand over his mouth, and down the hall towards the nearest bathroom.

Tom glanced over to the other classroom as students filled out. He watched as Isaac came out of the room.

Isaac smiled at his students. "Remember to study up on the Roman Empire and I expect that essay on what caused the fall to be ready by Thursday."

It was time for Harry's break, he walked down the hall to speak with Tom, he looked confused at all of the pale faces.

Isaac frowned slightly when he noticed how pale Fritz's students were. "Excuse me, Samuel?"

Tom looked over at Isaac and nodded. "Yes, professor?"

"What exactly did Fritz show you to make everyone so pale and sick?" asked Isaac.

"Some kind of war footage. I think he said it was from a second war." Tom shivered slightly. "He also said that a good bit of the footage was of Germany."

Isaac frowned and crossed his arms. "I told him we weren't going to touch on the major wars until after the winter holidays." He sighed slightly and shook his head. "What is done is done. I didn't get a chance to tell your class this, but I'm having a study session once classes are over for the day. It's offered to every student that wants to join, even those that aren't taking these classes. I feel that everyone should know about the history of the world, not just the magical world."

Tom nodded. "I'll keep that in mind and pass it along to my fellow house mates when I see them. Thank you."

Isaac nodded and smile. "You're welcome." He walked into Fritz class room and shut the door behind.

Tom winced when he heard yelling coming from the room.

Fritz looked at Isaac, "Jeez, calm down wiil ya!"

Harry walked up to Tom, "Hey, how was class?"

Tom gave Harry a small smile. "Isaac's was okay, but Fritz..." He shivered. "So much blood and destruction."

"I told you we were going to ease them into things! Not showing them the worst of the worst!" Isaac pointed at the door. "Most of your students are pale as sheets and a few of them ran down the hall to the nearest bathroom. I thought we agreed on not showing them anything from the great wars, especially World War Two!"

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to get it out of the way, probably not my best idea though." Fritz said rubbing the back of his head.

"Blood and Destruction?" Harry repeated looking scared.

Tom nodded. "Muggles are scary. Very, very scary."

Isaac crossed his arms and gave him a cold glare. "You think? This is really up there near the top of the 'worst ideas ever' list, Frederick."

Fritz knew he was in trouble now, "I said I was sorry, I'll just show them the light stuff from now on."

"Yeah, they can be." Harry said taking Tom's hand.

Tom sighed softly and wrapped his other arm around Harry's waist. "Let's go back to my common's room and relax. I don't want to remember that terrible stuff. I didn't even know what most of the weapons were."

"You should have done that in the beginning." Isaac rubbed at his temple with two fingers. "We were going to ease them into this stuff."

"I-I'm sorry Isaac, please don't yell any more." Fritz said looking at Isaac with puppy dog eyes.

Harry followed Tom, "I don't think your fellow Slytherins will like me in there very much."

"If they know what's good for them they'll stay quiet," said Tom with a smirk.

Isaac glanced away. "I won't yell any more, but you best hope we don't get in trouble with the headmaster and other staff because of this."

"Yeah, if we do I'll tell them it was my idea. I'll take any punishment you give me." Fritz said kneeling in front of Isaac.

"Thanks, Samuel." Harry said then got closer, whispering Tom in his ear.

Tom smiled gently and kissed Harry's cheek. "You're welcome, Harry."

Isaac glance down at him. "You have a lot of making up to do. You went against my wishes, my advice, and better judgement. You can start off by helping me grade papers and comforting the students that will show up at the study session once classes are over. Be glad this is only the first class of the day. We still have the sixth years to teach, then the seven years."

"Ok, I'll help you." Fritz said smiling up at Isaac.

Harry continued to walk with Tom until they reached the common room portrait.

Tom looked up at the snakes and hissed softly at them. "Open."

The snakes slithered away from the entrance in a hollow tree, revealing the entrance into the tower.

Tom held Harry's hand as he stepped on through.

Isaac gave him a smirk instead. "You better. This is only the beginning of what I'm going to have you do."

Fritz gave Isaac a worried glance, "O-Only the begining?"

Harry followed Tom in through the portrait hole.

Tom stepped into a large room decorated in green and silver with also black couches and chairs. The tables were made of a dark hard wood to help balance out the lighter colors with the darker colors. "Here we are. The snakes' lair."

"Oh, yes. You will help me organize all of the books I brought with me and you can watch the students that get into trouble in either of our classes." Isaac tapped his chin as he thought. "You will have to please me very well both inside and outside the bedroom to get me to forgive you before the semester is over."

Fritz sighed in mock relunctance, "Oh, ok."

"It's nice in here." Harry said smiling as he looked around at everything.

Tom nodded and smiled gently. "I'm rather fond of it. The light and the dark have a perfect balance and the colors aren't so blindingly bright like your colors."

Isaac rolled his eyes, but gave Fritz a small smile.

"So, this bedroom pleasure, when does it start?" Fritz asked with a wink at Isaac.

"Yeah, that does get annoying at times, maybe I should've let the hat put me in this house." Harry said admiring the room.

Tom raised a brow at that fact. "You could have been in this house?"

Isaac chuckled softly. "Well, we have a class with the sixthth years before lunch, then another class with them after lunch, then after that is the seventh years. If we skip lunch we could get some time in."

"Well then let's have each other for lunch." Fritz said with a wink.

"Yeah, but Ron said that there wasn't a witch or wizard that didn't go bad that was in Slytherin, which got me kind of spooked." Harry said.

Tom snorted softly. "That's only because of a few bad witches and wizards. The wizarding world focuses more on the bad stuff than the good stuff."

Isaac blushed slightly. "Oh, you." He leaned up and gave Fritz a gentle kiss on the lips. He pulled away before it could get heated. "That's all you're getting until lunch."

"Aw, no seconds?" Fritz asked with a gleam in his eye.

"Yeah, maybe I shouldn't have listened to Ron." Harry said kissing Tom's cheek.

Isaac gently swatted his arm. "Hush, now. You'll get your meal at lunch. We need to prepare for class. It starts in a few minutes."

Tom smiled gently and kissed Harry's forehead in return. "You didn't know. Besides, I rather like the idea of a snake among lions."

"What about a Lion among snakes?" Harry asked.

Fritz sighed, "Oh alright, what do you need me to do?"

Tom laughed softly and smiled. "A little lion cub among snakes. I like it. Just know that this king snake won't let anything bad happen to his lion."

"I need your help looking over the notes for the Roman Empire. I want to make sure I'm not forgetting something." Isaac headed over to the door, leading to their shared office and opened it. "I can't put my finger on it and I would ask Rome, but he's not around any more and the Italian twins don't remember that much about their grandfather."

"Yeah, which really sucks at a time like this." Fritz said following Isaac.

Harry blushed bright red, "Th-Thanks, I feel safe with you around." He said kissing Tom's cheek.

Tom wrapped an arm around his waist. "Good."

Isaac headed over to his desk and opened up his school book. "I've covered the building and establishment of it. I also started the great accomplishments they did. I've marked and highlighted important battles that were near the start of Rome. We're going to get into the gladiators and the persecution of Christians during that time tomorrow and we're going to start to decline of the empire on Wednesday. We'll finish up with the fall of Rome and what happened to the Empire after it collapses."

"It sounds good to me." Fritz said smiling as he watched Isaac.

"Let's sit down." Harry said taking Tom over to a couch and sitting down with him.

Tom smiled and sat down next to Harry. He glanced around the room and smiled when he saw no one. He leaned in and gently kissed Harry.

Isaac scratched one of his ears. "Really? I feel like something is missing."

Fritz thought for a moment, "I don't think so." He said moving to stand beside Isaac.

Harry blushed brightly as he kissed Tom back, pulling him close.

Tom wrapped his arms around Harry's waist and pulled him into his lap. He nipped at his bottom lip, asking for entrance.

Isaac nodded and closed the book. "I guess it will have to do. It's not like they're majoring in ancient history."

"Yeah, you're right." Fritz said leaning over the desk and looking at Isaac.

Harry blushed as he opened his mouth for Tom's tongue to enter.

Tom slid his tongue into Harry's mouth and began to explore it.

A familiar blonde haired boy stepped into the common's room and sighed softly. He stopped as he saw Tom and Harry on the couch and blushed brightly. His grip on his bag slipped and it fell to the floor with a thunk.

Isaac glanced up at Fritz and blushed. "Yes, love?"

"You're so cute." Fritz said kissing Isaac gently.

Harry was too into Tom to notice the thunk, he moaned as he rubbed his tongue against Tom's.

Tom turned his head slightly and noticed Draco. He smirked into the kiss and trailed a hand down lower.

Draco swallowed hard and looked away, blushing darker.

Isaac smiled and kissed back. "Thank you."

Fritz smiled and kissed Isaac again this time with more passion.

Harry still kissing Tom blushed and put a hand on Tom's and guided it ever lower.

Tom chuckled and gently squeezed Harry's ass. He turned his full attention back to his lover.

Draco picked up his bag and hesitantly made his way over to the two. He bit his lip as he stopped a few feet away from them.

Isaac moaned softly and wrapped his arm around Fritz's neck.

Fritz grinned as he sucked on Issac's bottom lip.

Harry moaned as Tom squeezed his ass, he rubbed his tongue against Tom's and squeezed Tom's ass in return.

Tom removed his other hand from Harry's waist and beckoned Draco over.

Draco drew closer to the two. He knelt down slightly near Tom.

Tom growled softly and sucked on Harry's tongue some. He ran his fingers gently through Draco's hair, gaining the full attention of the other. He watched the young blonde for any reaction.

Draco leaned slightly into the caresses, enjoying the touch of another.

Isaac willingly parted his lips for his lover.

Fritz's tongue darted immediately into Isaac's mouth as he explored it.

Harry moaned and blushed when he finally realized that Draco was present.

Draco closed his eyes when Tom's hand started to gently caress his cheek.

Tom chuckled softly and kissed Harry's cheek.

Isaac moaned softly rubbed his tongue against Fritz's.

Fritz moaned softly and pulled Isaac closer.

Harry looked at Draco curiously, then back at Tom.

Tom gave him a shrug in response. He glanced down at Draco and went back to caressing his hair.

Draco sighed softly.

Isaac pressed up against his lover and started to play with his hair.

Fritz moaned as he sucked on Isaac's tongue.

"Should we include him?" Harry whispered so only Tom could hear.

Tom thought for a moment, then nodded. "I think we should," he whispered back.

Isaac groaned and started to rock his hips against Fritz's.

Fritz groaned and rocked his hips against Isaac's.

Harry placed a gentle hand on Draco's cheek.

Draco opened his eyes and looked up in confusion. He blushed and looked away.

Tom chuckled softly and tucked a few strands of hair behind Draco's ear. "Little dragon, there is nothing to be embarrassed about."

Draco blushed even more and shook his head.

Isaac's ears twitched slightly and he groaned loudly.

Fritz groaned as he rocked his hips and rubbed his tongue against Isaac's.

Harry got off of Tom and knelt in front of Draco.

Draco glanced up at Harry. "Potter?"

Tom leaned back slightly on the couch to watch.

Isaac rubbed back and lightly gripped at his lover's clothes.

Fritz moaned and rubbed Isaac's tongue as he rocked his hips against him.

Harry blushed as he crashed his lips on Draco's giving him a gentle kiss.

Draco blushed brightly, but kissed back just as gently.

Isaac gave a soft whine of need and want. "Fritz..."

Fritz looked at Isaac, "Yes, what is it?"

Harry blushed as he deepened the kiss wrapping his arms around Draco and pulling him close.

Draco leaned towards Harry, wrapping an arm around his neck.

Tom smiled as he watched the two.

Isaac rubbed against him. "Please?"

"Please what?" Fritz asked with an evil grin.

Harry sucked on Draco's upper lip, then his bottom lip.

Draco parted his lips with a soft moan.

Isaac gave him a look. "Don't push your luck. You're already in trouble." He hopped up onto his deck and leaned back some, scattering some of his notes. He spread his legs in invitation.

Fritz grinned and undid Isaac's pants, he slipped Isaac's cock out and kissed it lightly.

Harry's tongue darted into Draco's and began to explore his mouth as Harry ran his hands down Draco's back slowly.

Draco hesitantly rubbed his tongue against Harry's as he ran his fingers through his hair.

Isaac groaned softly and leaned back more, being careful of his tail.

Fritz smirked as he took Isaac's cock into his mouth and began to suck on it slowly.

Harry moaned and rubbed his tongue against Draco's as he rested his hands on Draco's ass.

Draco blushed and leaned into Harry slightly more. He gave a soft groan and started to play with Harry's tongue.

Isaac moaned loudly and reached up to tug at one of his ears. He whined and bucked his hips slightly.

Fritz started to suck on Isaac's cock faster and rubbed his entrace teasingly.

Harry moaned as he played with Draco's tongue and pulled him onto his lap.

Draco moaned and gently pulled back to catch his breath.

Isaac spread his legs more and whined loudly. "Fritz..."

Fritz sucked on Isaac's cock as he purred making his throat vibrate.

Harry panted as he looked at Draco blushing.

Draco panted softly and looked up at Harry, blushing even more.

Isaac moaned loudly and arched his back.

Fritz sucked on Isaac's cock even faster as he purred louder.

Harry blushed as he kissed Draco's neck softly.

Draco arched his neck and moaned softly.

Isaac gripped Fritz's hair gently and moaned loudly. "I'm close..."

Fritz continued to purr as he sucked on Fritz's cock as fast as he could.

Harry started to suck on Draco's neck slowly.

Draco groaned softly and closed his eyes in pleasure.

Isaac threw his head back and cried out his lover's name as he came.

Fritz moaned as he swallowed Isaac's cum, he looked up at Isaac with a grin.

Harry sucked on Draco's neck harder as he removed Draco's tie, and started to unbutton Draco's shirt.

Draco gently tugged on Harry's hair as he moaned louder.

Isaac lightly ran his fingers through his lover's hair as he panted. He closed his eyes and relaxed against the desk.

"I love how sweet you taste." Fritz said smiling happily.

Harry took Draco's shirt off and threw it on the floor as he kissed Draco's shoulder.

Draco groaned and arched his back.

Isaac pulled shifted back and rolled over onto his back. "Play with my tail?" He wiggled it some.

Fritz chuckled as he swated lightly at Isaac's tail.

Harry sucked on Draco's shoulder and ran his hands down Draco's bare back.

Draco arched into Harry's touch and shivered slightly.

Isaac whined softly. "You know how to play with it." He wiggled it even more.

Fritz grinned as he started to rub Isaac's tail slowly.

Harry sucked harder on Draco's shoulder as he ran a hand up and down his leg.

Draco buried his face in Harry's neck and moaned in pleasure.

Isaac groaned softly and arched back against the touch.

Fritz grinned as he rubbed Isaac's tail a little faster.

Harry kissed and sucked on Draco's other shoulder as he undid Draco's belt.

Draco blushed and moved his hands down to Harry's to stop him.

Isaac moaned and rocked his hips slightly.

Fritz tugged on Isaac's tail a little before rubbing it again.

Harry looked at Draco curiously, "D-Draco?"

Draco looked down at the floor, blushing brightly. "I-I'm not ready for that."

Isaac moaned louder and rubbed himself against the desk.

Fritz grinned as he rubbed Isaac's tail faster while stroking Isaac's cock.

"Oh, that's ok. We can just make out." Harry said blushing at what he said.

Draco blushed and shyly nodded. "O-okay..."

Isaac moaned loudly and rocked against the hand on his cock and the hand on his tail.

Fritz grinned as he rubbed both Isaac's tail and cock faster and faster.

Harry blushed as he kissed Draco passionately again.

Draco moaned softly and kissed Harry back just as passionately.

Isaac panted loudly and clawed at the desk some. "Fritz, oh, Fritz..." He arched his back some. "I'm getting close..."

Fritz rubbed Isaac's tail and cock as fast as he could to make him cum.

Harry put his arms around Draco and held him close as they kissed.

Draco wrapped his arms around Harry's neck and held him close.

Isaac arched his back and cried out his lover's name as he spilled his seed onto the desk.

Fritz smiled and licked Isaac's cock clean of cum, "Well, we've made a mess of your desk." he said when he was finished.

Harry deepened the kiss as he slipped his tongue into Draco's mouth.

Draco groaned and slowly rubbed his tongue against Harry's in a slight teasing way.

Isaac frowned and held out his hand. His wand instantly appeared from it's hiding place and he waved it, softly muttering a cleaning charm to get rid of the mess.

Fritz chuckled as Isaac cleaned his desk, "Well, I guess we get to have lunch today." he said winking.

Harry moaned as he rubbed his tongue against Draco's.

Draco let his eyes flutter close as he kissed back.

Isaac fixed his pants and waved his wand again, getting rid of the smell of sex off his close and in the room. He blushed slightly as he picked up his fallen notes. "I guess, but we still have a class before that could happen." He glanced up at the magic-proof clock on the wall and wince. "A class that we're late to."

Fritz looked at the wall, "Looks like it."

Harry pulled apart from Draco and looked over at Tom.

Draco opened his eyes when Harry pulled away and blinked a few times.

Tom chuckled softly and ran a hand through Harry's hair.

Isaac gathered his things and kissed Fritz gently on the lips. "Remember. Only weapons from the beginning of the empires. No guns or tanks. Just swords, spears, shields, catapults, and other ancient weapons."

"Alright Isaac, I got it." Fritz said nodding.

Harry blushed, "D-Do you want a threesome?"

Tom hummed softly. "I wouldn't mind. It would be a rather interesting experience."

Draco blushed brightly. "A-Are you sure, Samuel? Harry is your boyfriend after all."

Tom chuckled softly and smiled. "I don't mind sharing, young dragon."

Draco blushed even more at the nickname.

Isaac smiled and kissed Fritz's lips again. "I'll see you once class is over."

Fritz kissed Isaac back, "I'll see you too."

Harry smiled and stood up with Draco and set down on the couch next to Tom.

Draco bowed his head and fidgeted with his tie.

Tom took Draco's hands into his own and kissed the top of each of them. "No reason to be nervous."

Draco glances up at Tom, then back down. "I've never been in a relationship before."

Isaac smiled gently and headed for the door to his class room. He casted a glance back at Fritz, then opened the door and walked into his class room. "Sorry I'm late students. Something came up that had to be taken care of. Now, today we'll be learning about the Roman Empire." Isaac's voice was silenced when he closed the door.

Fritz left to go to his class, which Fred and George happened to be in, "Sorry I'm late class, I had to tend to a few things before class and lost track of time."

"I haven't really been in a relationship either." Harry said blushing.

Tom smiled gently and kissed them both. "It's okay. We can learn as we go."

Draco blushed brightly and nodded.

George chuckled softly and grinned. "Did it have something to do with that bunny you were snogging at breakfast?"

Fritz looked at George, "That is none of your business."

Fred grinned, "I think that's a yes."

Harry blushed and kissed Draco and Tom.

Tom purred softly into the kiss and kissed back.

Draco watched the two for a moment and grew a little bolder. He started to run his fingers through both of their hair. He gave both of their cheeks a kiss.

"Oh, that's kinky. Office sex between classes." George shot his hand up. "I have another question. Who tops?"

Fritz remained calm, "I don't think that's any of your buisness Mr. Weasley." he said clearing his throat.

"I bet it's him brother." Fred said grinning.

Harry smiled and kissed Draco on the lips softly in return.

Draco softly kissed back, moaning slightly into the kiss.

Tom ran a hand up Draco's shirt, caressing his back and sides.

Draco shivered and moaned slightly louder.

George laughed softly. "I bet it is. That bunny is probably very demanding, though."

"Yeah, I got that vibe too." Fred said nodding.

Fritz flushed slightly at Fred and George's words, but cleared his throat, "Alright enough, it's time for class!"

Harry deepened the kiss as he ran a hand up Draco's leg.

Draco groaned and leaned into the kiss.

Tom pushed Draco's shirt up and kissed his back.

George whined softly. "But your sex life is so interesting."

Fred nodded in agreement, "Yeah..."

"Oh, and why is that?" Fritz asked.

Harry slipped his tongue into Draco's mouth, as his hand rested a few inches from his crotch.

Draco rubbed his tongue against Harry's and bucked his hips slightly when Tom suddenly grabbed his ass.

Tom chuckled and squeezed Draco's ass some more. He gently nipped at his back.

George held up a hand and started to list the reasons on his fingers. "One, you're a new teacher here. Two, you're in a relationship with another teacher. Three, you're both guys. And four, you're banging a bunny."

Fritz turned bright red at number four, "O-Oh, I see."

Harry rubbed his tongue against Draco's and ran his other hand up Tom's leg.

Draco moaned loudly and sucked on Harry's tongue.

Tom purred softly and nipped at Draco's neck.

George grinned widely. "So, how about we skip class and get to know you and that bunny of yours?"

"I'm already in serious trouble with him, I don't want to get into more trouble." Fritz said.

Harry moaned as he rubbed Tom's leg putting the other one around Draco.

Tom growled softly in Draco's ear and pressed himself against the other some.

Draco moaned and leaned back into Tom.

George raised a brow and leaned forward in his seat some. "What did you do?"

"Well me and Isaac agreed to go easy on the students with the muggle wars, but I showed my last class World War II." Fritz said.

Harry pulled away from kissing Draco and rubs Tom's crotch.

Draco panted softly and closed his eyes for a moment.

Tom groaned softly and arched his hips some, pressing his crotch into Harry's hand.

George gave him a confused look. "What's so bad about a muggle war?"

"I'd tell you, but Isaac will get pissed at me, so you'll have to wait. For now we'll be learning about the Roman Empire." Fritz said.

"Aw, that's no fun." Fred said frowning.

Harry rubbed Tom's crotch harder as he kissed Draco's neck.

Draco arched his neck and moaned out in pleasure.

Tom groaned loudly and wrapped his fingers around Harry's hand. "Let's take this some place else."

George pouted some. "We will still be learning about it this year, right?"

"Sometime after Christmas break." Fritz said.

Harry stopped kissing Draco's neck and looked up at Tom, "Yeah, that would be best, more privacy." he said.

Tom smirked slightly. "Think you'll be able to make it to the snake's chambers?"

Draco frowned in confusion at Tom's words. "Snake's chambers?"

George perked up slightly. "Okay. It's in our books, right?"

"Yes, but be warned, it might make you sick." Fritz said.

Harry chuckled, "I can make it."

"Good. I managed to set up rooms down there with permanent cleaning charms to keep the rooms clean." Tom lightly kissed Harry on the lips. "And with a little magic we can turn it into our own sanctuary."

Draco was very confused now.

George frowned slightly, but nodded. "Okay."

Fritz smiled, "Now then on with the roman empire!"

Harry looked at Draco, "We'll explain later."

Draco nodded slowly. "Okay."

Tom chuckled and kissed Draco gently.

Draco blushed, but returned the kiss.

George glanced over at his twin. "Do you think we can get some more info out of him later or should we try the bunny next class?"

"Let's try the bunny." Fred said grinning.

Harry chuckled, "Shall we go now?"

Tom pulled away from Draco and sighed softly. "As you wish, my cub."

Draco blinked and touched his lips. "Wow."

George nodded and grinned back. "Alright, brother."

Fred grined back.

Harry chuckled at Draco's reaction.

Tom smirked slightly. "I know. I'm a good kisser."

Draco nodded. "Y-yeah..."

George turned his attention back to Fritz, actually paying attention to what the other was talking about.

"Yeah, he is. I was shocked too." Harry said smiling.

Tom smiled at the comment. "Thank you, Harry." He leaned over Draco and kissed Harry gently.

Draco blushed at the feeling of Tom pressing against his body.

Harry blushed and kissed Tom back just as gently.

Tom smiled softly and pulled back. "We better go if we're going to have any time before lunch comes around."

"Yeah. Pansy will ask me a lot of questions later if I'm not there," said Draco.

Harry looked at Draco, "Is Pansy your girlfriend?"

"I think she wants to be, but I see her more as the sister I never had. I can always talk about things that I can't talk to anyone else," said Draco.

Tom nodded and hummed. "That's interesting."

"Well, maybe you should tell her that at lunch." Harry said.

Draco nodded. "I will. I'll make sure she knows how I feel."

"Well then let's get going so we can have some fun before lunch." Harry said standing up and blushing.

Tom stood up and helped his dragon up. "You'll have to lead the way. It's been a while since I've been to the chambers."

"O-Ok." Harry said taking Tom's other hand and leading them out of the common room.

Tom smiled gently at both of them. "Thank you, love."

Draco moved closer to Tom as they walked, practically cuddling with the other male.

Harry led Draco and Tom to the girl's bathroom on the second floor only going in after making sure no one was watching.

Draco raised a brow. "Isn't this where that girl's ghost haunts?"

Tom nodded with a slight look of guilt. "Yeah..."

"Yeah, and because of that girls don't use it." Harry said walking over to the sink with the snake carved into it.

Draco shivered slightly. "I really don't like ghosts."

Tom shrugged. "I don't mind them. They have a lot to talk about."

"You want to do the honors Samuel, or do you want me to?" Harry asked curiously.

Tom smirked at Harry. "I'll do it." He walked over to where Harry stood and let out a soft hiss. "Open." He stepped back slightly when the entrance to the chambers started to open.

Draco looked at Tom in confusion and gave the entrance a slightly look of fear.

Harry took Draco's hand, "You don't have to be scared."

Draco looked at the entrance nervously. "You sure?"

Tom smiled at Draco. "Yeah. Trust me and watch." He leaned back and fell into the opening, disappearing from sight.

"Do you want to go in together?" Harry asked Draco smiling.

Draco nodded and gave Harry a small smile in return. "I would like that."

Harry took Draco into his arms, "On the count of three I'll jump in with you, ok?"

Draco wrapped his arms around Harry and nodded into his chest. "Okay."

"1.....2.....3." Harry counted out before jumping into the entrance with Draco in his arms.

Draco tightly clung to Harry and buried his face into his chest as they fell.

Harry held Draco until finally they came to a stop at the bottom.

Draco shivered slightly. "Is it over?"

"Yeah, you can get up now." Harry said smiling.

Draco stood up slowly, still clinging to Harry.

Harry stood up with Draco, "Tom, do you think you could get rid of these bones, they're really creepy." he shivered as he looked at the ground.

Tom waved his hand and the bones disappeared, along with the creepy look around the large chamber. "It was just a glamor that was put up to scare away explores."

Draco looked around at the less scary place. He frowned slightly and looked back at Harry. "Why did you call him Tom when his name is Samuel?"

"His middle name is Tom, I like it better." Harry said thinking quickly, but remaining calm.

Draco raised a brow, but shrugged and looked around some more.

Tom sighed softly and walked over to Harry. He wrapped an arm around his waist and whispered softly into his ear. "Nice save, but sooner or later we're going to have to tell him."

"Yeah, I know." Harry whispered back watching Draco look around the chamber.

Draco wandered over to a large snake skeleton with patches of skin still on it. "Is this the snake you killed?"

Tom kissed Harry's cheek, then turned his attention to Draco. He flinched slightly when he saw the snake skeleton.

"Yeah, it is." Harry said taking Tom's hand and squeezing it slightly. "Sorry about that." he whispered to Tom.

Tom gently squeezed back. "It's okay. I can always get another one, but I can never replace you."

Draco poked at it slightly, then jumped back with a yelp as the skeleton suddenly collapsed. "I didn't do it!"

Harry laughed at Draco's reaction, "It's ok Draco, it's just a skeleton now, it doesn't matter." he then turned to Tom, "Uh, do you think you could get rid of that thing?"

Tom nodded and pulled out his wand. He banished it with a flick of his wrist. "There we go. I just moved to one of the storage chambers. Basilisk skin is very useful in certain potions."

Draco glanced over at Tom. "How can you use silent magic and wandless magic? It takes decades for a wizard to master it and many don't."

Harry looked over at Tom then back at Draco, "Maybe he's practiced a lot at his old school, Hermione's pretty good at it too."

Draco raised a brow at Harry. "She's only able to do simple spells, not banish a bloody basilisk or remove glamor."

Tom rubbed the back of his neck as he sighed softly.

"Well he's older, maybe he's had more practiced?" Harry offered looking from Draco to Tom.

Draco sighed loudly, but nodded. "I guess you're right."

Tom glanced over at Harry and raised a brow.

Harry shrugged while Draco's back was turned, "So, shall we go forward?"

"Yeah." Tom held his hand out to Harry. "I think we should tell him while we're down here, though," he whispered softly.

"You sure?" Harry whispered back as he motioned for Draco to follow.

Tom nodded as he led them to his private chambers. "I think so. If we keep it from him too long he might find out and feel betrayed due to our lack of trust in him," he replied softly.

Draco followed after the two, pausing every now and then to look closely at something.

"Yeah, when do you want to tell him?" Harry asked in a low whisper so only Tom could hear.

Tom just shrugged in reply. "I'm not sure." He glanced back at Draco and chuckled softly.

Draco was frowning as he looked at a statue of a lizard like dragon. "What is this thing?"

"Fire lizard. They were abundant in this area a long time ago before wizards realized how they could make certain rituals and spells stronger."

Draco nodded and moved away from the statue.

"What about after we get into the other chamber, where I you know." Harry whispered.

Tom gave him a small smile and a peck on the cheek. "Alright. It would be best if we were in a comfortable environment."

Draco blinked as he looked way up at a basilisk statue. "Wow. I never knew there were so many statues down here."

Harry chuckled, "Yeah, it's kind of cool since the basilisk can't attack us."

Tom whispered gently in Harry's ear. "Pain in the arse to get it down here even with magic."

Draco looked it up and down. "Is it life size?"

"It sure is," said Tom.

Harry chuckled before turning to Draco, "Yeah, it is." he said nodding with a smile.

Draco looked at it in awe. "It's huge."

Tom chuckled and shook his head. "He's acting more like the kid he should be."

"Yeah, maybe it's because he's with us?" Harry said smiling at Draco.

Tom nodded. "And away from eyes that expect him to act just like a pureblood."

Draco eyes widen slightly as he paused at a large statue of a prowling tiger. "I've never seen a statue so realistic."

Harry looked at the statue, "I don't ever remember seeing that."

Tom chuckled softly. "Recently added."

Draco ran a hand over the side of the statue. "Amazing."

"Yeah, it's beautiful." Harry said smiling.

Tom tugged on Harry's hand. "Come on. We're almost there and the chambers are more beautiful than the statues."

Draco perked up and ran over to them. "Really?"

Tom smiled at him. "Really."

Harry smiled and grabbed Draco's hand as he followed Tom to the other chambers.

Tom led them to a dark wooden door and pressed a hand against it. "Open." The door unlocked with a loud click and he pushed it open revealing a large living room with dark hard wood floors, a fire place against one wall with a fire roaring in it, a couch and various chairs surrounding the fireplace, a table with chairs rested near the other wall, and a large painting of the founders hung above the fireplace. Various carpets ranging from a dark red to a emerald green covered parts of the floor.

Draco's eyes widen at the beauty and the size of the room. "Wow."

"W-Wow, I don't remember seeing this door when I last came down here, it's beautiful!" Harry said looking around the room in awe.

"It's the glamor I removed at the beginning. The glamor hid anything I didn't want found." Tom walked into the room and hummed softly. He nodded to the four founders as he walked over to the table. He drew his wand and summoned up a glass of wine for himself and butterbeer for Harry and Draco. "Make yourselves comfortable."

Draco slowly walked around the room, examining everything.

Harry walked around and looked at everything after grabbing his butterbeer and sipping it happily.

Tom grabbed his wine glass and retired to the couch, letting the two young boys explore the room.

Draco poked at a silver fire lizard. He yelped and jumped back when it hissed loudly at him. "It's alive!"

Harry chuckled and spilled some of his butterbeer.

"I had a strange fellow give that to me as a gift." Tom took a sip of wine. "He had the palest skin, the whitest hair, and these crimson eyes that practically glowed. For some strange reason he also had this little yellow chick riding his hair."

Draco narrowed his eyes at the statue. "Sounds like an interesting person."

"What an odd guy he must've been." Harry said trying to picture the guy in his mind.

"He was amusing. Even though he called himself the "most awesomest person alive" many times." Tom shook his head.

Draco shook his head. "Weird."

"Oh well, can't help crazy people." Harry said shrugging and drinking his butterbeer.

Tom gave his lover a look. "What about Voldemort? Wasn't he a crazy person?"

Draco shivered at the name. "Yeah..."

"No, Voldemort didn't know what love was. Some people choose to be crazy, some are driven crazy, and those are the ones you can help." Harry said looking at Tom.

Tom gave Harry a gentle smile. "Good answer."

Draco pondered what Harry said. "But what if a person is forced down the path of darkness and becomes crazy as a result, but can't return to normal. Can they be helped?"

"With true love, anything is possible." Harry said smiling gently at Draco.

Draco blushed slightly, then gave Harry a small smile.

Tom chuckled softly.

Harry smiled as he finished his butterbeer.

Tom drained the last of his wine and set the glass aside. "Harry, Draco. Come here." He patted the spots beside himself.

Draco smiled and walked over to Tom. He sat down on his right, close enough, but not touching him.

Harry set his cup down and sat down on Tom's left smiling at him.

Tom smiled at them both and wrapped an arm around Draco's waist, pulling him closer. "Draco?"

Draco glances up at him with a light blush dusting his cheeks. "Yes?"

"Harry and I have something very important to tell you and it needs to be a secret. Understand?" Tom raised a brow.

Draco nodded and looked at both of them. "I do."

"You want to tell him now?" Harry said looking fast at Tom.

"I feel that it is best if I do," said Tom.

"Ok then we'll tell him now then." Harry said taking Tom's hand.

Tom gently squeezed Harry's hand and turned his attention to Draco. "Draco, I'm not really Samuel."

Draco gave him a confused look. "Not really Samuel?"

"It's a disguise," explained Tom. "A way for me to get into Hogwarts again."

Draco frowned. "Then who are you?"

Harry looked from Tom to Draco, "He's Tom Marvolo Riddle, who became Lord Voldemort."

Draco looked at Tom in awe and a slight hint of fear. "Y-you're Lord Voldemort?"

Tom nodded and waved his hand, dropping the glamor. "I am. I turned myself into a teenager again to get close to Harry."

Draco blushed when he noticed how hotter looking Tom was without the glamor. "Why me, then?"

Tom smirked at Draco and cupped his cheek. "Because I find you interesting."

"I do, too." Harry said smiling at Draco with a blush evident on his face.

Draco smiled and leaned into Tom's hand. "Thank you."

Tom chuckled softly. "You're welcome, dragon."

Harry smiled at the two teens as his mind drifted in a daydream.

Draco blushed at the nickname and turned his head, planting a kiss on Tom's palm.

Tom smiled and kissed Draco's forehead. "Shall we take this to the bedroom, Harry?"

Harry was lost in his daydream, he was smiling dreamily.

Tom glanced over at his lover when he didn't get an answer and chuckled softly. He leaned in close and whispered softly into his ear. "What are you thinking, my lion cub?"

Draco shivered slightly at the hisses.

Harry shook his head and blushed as he put his hands over his lap feeling a tightness there.

Tom glanced down, then back up to Harry's face, chuckling softly. "Was it something naughty?"

Harry blushed bright red and nodded looking at Tom trying to hide the bulge in his pants.

Tom hummed softly and nuzzled Harry's neck. "Shall we take this to the bedroom?"

Harry blushed and nodded, "Y-Yes, you two can go in first."

Tom nodded and kissed Harry's cheek. He took Draco's hand into his own as he stood up. "Let's go, my dragon."

Draco gave Harry a gentle smile and got up, following Tom into the bedroom.

Harry got up soon after and followed them into the room with his hands over his crotch.

Tom led Draco over to a large king sized bed with dark red bed sheets and dark oak bed frame. He gentle pushed him down onto the bed and started to kiss his neck.

Draco moaned softly and arched his neck, wanting more.

Harry walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge watching the two teens as his pants got tighter.

Tom's nimble fingers easily undid both of their ties and he tossed them onto the floor. He started to unbutton Draco's shirt, revealing more of his pale skin. He pulled away from Draco's neck and ran his fingers along his chest.

Draco let his eyes close and he leaned into the caresses.

Harry watched Tom and Draco and got closer to the two boys.

Tom smiled at Harry. "Would you like to play with our little dragon?"

Harry smiled and nodded, "Yes, I would."

Tom chuckled and moved back some. "He's all yours."

Draco opened his eyes when he felt Tom move, then he glanced over at Harry.

Harry got on top of Draco as he kissed him deeply.

Draco groaned loudly and wrapped his arms around Harry's neck as he kissed him back.

Tom sat on the edge and watched his two young lovers.

Harry nibbled and sucked on Draco's top lip, then his bottom lip as he ran his hand across Draco's chest.

Draco moaned and parted his lips for Harry, arching up against the other's hand.

Harry's tongue darted into Draco's mouth and rubbed against Draco's as he ran a hand up and down Draco's back.

Draco groaned and rubbed his tongue back. He gently entangled his fingers in Harry's hair.

Harry moaned as he started to suck on Dracos tongue gently and rubbed his back.

Draco gently tugged on Harry's hair as he moaned loudly at the sensation.

Harry sucked harder on Draco's tongue as he held him close.

Draco groaned and arched his hips slightly. He gasped as he brushed his manhood against Harry's.

Harry groaned as Draco's manhood rubbed against his already hard manhood, he blushed as he continued to suck on Draco's tongue.

Draco bucked his hips up, wanting more friction.

Tom chuckled softly and moved over to the two of them. "Lion, that's enough. The dragon wants more."

Harry obeyed and pulled away from Draco then looked at Tom.

Tom scooted over so he was sitting beside Draco. He gently pulled him into his lap and leaned back. "Let me have a turn at you, my dragon."

Draco blushed bright as he panted softly. He shifted slightly in Tom's lap and blushed even more when he felt the bulge in his pants.

Harry blushed as he looked at Draco and Tom.

Tom ran a hand down Draco's chest and to his pants. "Are you ready?"

Draco bit his lip and nodded.

Tom smiled and unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. He pushed them down slightly, revealing his slightly leaking member. He ran his finger along his head, spreading the pre-cum.

Draco whimpered and bucked his hips up. "Tom..."

Harry watched what Tom was doing and blushed as he felt his manhood throb.

Tom wrapped his hand around Draco's throbbing cock and started to gently stroke it.

Draco moaned loudly and bucked up into his hand.

Harry moved closer to Tom and kissed his neck as he started to unbutton his pants.

Tom moaned softly and arched his neck for Harry as he continued to jerk Draco off.

Draco scooted up slightly so he was resting comfortably on Tom's stomach instead of his hips. He hissed softly when Tom rubbed his thumb against his head.

Harry unzipped Tom's pants and pulled them down and rubbed his cock slowly as he continued to suck on Tom's neck.

Tom moaned and bucked his hips slightly, nearly knocking Draco forward. "Sorry..."

"It's okay..." Draco moaned loudly and rocked his hips when Tom started to rub his balls with his other hand.

Harry grinned and started to rub Tom's cock faster as he licked and sucked on his neck.

Tom arched his hips and let out a loud moan.

Draco groaned loudly when Tom tightened his grip slightly. He panted softly and bucked harder into the other's hand.

Harry continued to jerk Tom off as he fondaled his balls in his hand and sucked harder on Tom's neck.

Tom hissed softly and jerked his hips up.

Draco let out a loud whine as he thrusted harder. "Tom..."

Tom gently pulled Draco down for a passionate kiss.

Harry jerked Tom off even faster as he sucked harder on his neck and groaned.

Tom slipped his tongue into Draco's mouth and rubbed it against his as he rubbed his thumb against his slit. He moaned loudly and rocked his hips faster.

Draco moaned loudly and arched his back. He lightly scrapped his nails down Tom's chest as he started to draw closer to his climax.

Harry jerked Tom off even faster as his bulge grew bigger in his pants.

Tom paused in his stroking to squeezing Draco, causing the other to pull back with a loud cry as he came.

Draco panted loudly and rested on Tom's chest. He groaned softly as Tom milked him of his climax.

Tom hissed and arched his back. He tightly gripped the sheets and soon came as well. He glanced over at Harry as he panted softly and noticed his bulge. "Come here.."

Harry nodded as he scooted closer to Tom blushing slightly.

Tom wrapped an arm around Harry's waist, pulling him closer. He nuzzled his bulge gently and started to work on getting his pants open. He glanced up at his lover and smirked slightly. "Ever have a blowjob?"

Harry blushed and shook his head, "No, I haven't."

Tom hummed softly as he pulled down Harry's zipper and opened his pants. "You'll like it." He pushed down his pants and boxer's, freeing the other's member. He slowly rubbed the tip with thumb as he slowly ran his tongue along his shaft.

Draco lazily watched them in interest from his slightly curled position on Tom's chest.

Harry blushed and moaned liking the sensation of Tom's tongue on his cock.

Tom ran his tongue along Harry's tip, licking it a couple of times before taking it into his mouth and sucking on it.

Draco lazily nuzzled Tom's chest and smiled when he felt a hand running through his hair.

Harry moaned as Tom gave him a blow job, he looked at Draco with a blush.

Tom took more of Harry into his mouth, sucking a little harder and stroking the rest of the shaft.

Draco glanced up at Harry and gave him a small, but tired smile.

Harry groaned and ran his fingers through Tom's hair.

Tom moaned softly and sucked harder, pausing every now and then to run his tongue over his slit.

Harry groaned and thrusted upwards as he pulled on Tom's hair gently.

Tom bobbed his head up and down, sucking harder as he went. He gently rubbed his balls.

Harry moaned loudly as he came ever closer to his climax.

Tom lightly scrapped his teeth against Harry's shaft as he moved up.

Harry groaned and pulled on Tom's hair again as he arched his back.

Tom moaned and continued to suck and rub Harry.

Harry arched his back more and moaned loudly as he climaxed into Tom's mouth.

Tom swallowed Harry's seed, then slowly licked him clean. "Did you like that, my cub?"

Harry blushed and nodded, "Y-Yes."

Tom smiled and pulled Harry down for a gentle kiss.

Harry kissed Tom gently and smiled.

Tom smiled gently back.

Harry looked at Draco, "I think you wore him out." he said with a grin.

Tom glanced down at the tired blonde. "I believe I did."

Draco whined softly and buried his face into the crook of Tom's neck.

Harry chuckled as he looked at Draco, "Poor guy."

Tom gently rubbed Draco's back. "I'm very tempted to skip our next classes and take a nap here."

"Me too." Harry said noding as he yawned.

Tom held his arm out so that Harry could rest against his side. "Then that's what we'll do."

Harry laid his head on Tom's side and snuggled up to him.

Tom rested his arm around Harry and his other arm across Draco's waist.

Draco sighed softly and snuggled closer as he started to drift to sleep.

Harry yawned and closed his eyes snuggling up to Tom as he drifted to sleep.

Tom let his eyes closed and drifted to sleep.

The Dark Lord's Secret Lover pt. 3

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2011-01-13 [~Crimson Angel~]: *giggles* Nosy Fred and George!

2011-01-13 [*dragonstar*]: They're just as bad as Alfred.

2011-01-13 [~Crimson Angel~]: I know.

2011-01-13 [*dragonstar*]: :D I'm sure they would get along wonderfully with him.

2011-01-13 [~Crimson Angel~]: Indeed, I'm having an idea. How about we throw some twincest in the story?

2011-01-13 [*dragonstar*]: Awesome!

2011-01-13 [~Crimson Angel~]: Maybe we can get them drunk with fire whiskey and they can have a threesome in the room of requirement with Ron.

2011-01-13 [*dragonstar*]: Awesome. *grins* Hmm.... I wonder if vodka is stronger than fire whiskey.

2011-01-13 [~Crimson Angel~]: Not sure...

2011-01-13 [*dragonstar*]: I'm sure Ivan sent Isaac with a large supply of vodka, knowing that he'll need it.

2011-01-13 [~Crimson Angel~]: Well maybe they should sneak into Isaac's stash?

2011-01-13 [*dragonstar*]: That's what I was thinking.

2011-01-13 [~Crimson Angel~]: You going to edit?

2011-01-13 [*dragonstar*]: Edited.

2011-01-13 [~Crimson Angel~]: Should Fritz tell Fred George and the others about World War II?

2011-01-13 [*dragonstar*]: Probably not.

2011-01-13 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yeah...

2011-01-13 [*dragonstar*]: Scaring one class is bad enough. Besides, they can look it up in their school books.

2011-01-13 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yeah.

2011-01-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: You mean the Chamber of Secrets right?

2011-01-14 [*dragonstar*]: Yep.

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