Page name: The First Chapter:The Meeting [Exported view] [RSS]
2006-11-28 22:22:54
Last author: Alleria
Owner: Alleria
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“Let the record show all races which are represented here today: faeries,” boomed the man’s voice, “represented by me, head of this meeting, the great Lord Oberon; elves, represented by Lady Fauna; our always gracious hosts the sky elves, represented by Bree Stratus…”
At the mention of her name Bree pushed her silky blonde hair out of her sky blue eyes and stood. She then returned to her seat and watched all of the other representatives stand and be recognized. The gathering (which is held every 300 years) was the Meeting of the races, held in Bree’s hometown of Keioso. Represented there were: elves, faeries, sky elves, centaurs, satyrs, hobbits, dwarfs, high sprites, nixes, and leprechauns; but these were not the ones which captivated her attention. In an area on the other side of the room, sat the dark creatures: a high darkling, a nightwalker, a night elf, a lycan (currently in human form, thank the fae), and a strange man with silky black hair, red eyes, and horns which protruded from his forehead. Because she had only ever heard tales of these creatures and never even seen pictures of them, she currently did not wish to take her eyes from them.
“Also,” said Lord Oberon with a slight sneer on his face, “let the record show please,” he nodded to the high sprite who floated behind a typewriter and wore a pair of golden spectacles, “those races which are not represented here today: shadow creatures, oakshee, lower darklings, and, the lowest of all creatures, humans, who are probably off fighting each other for land or something of equal stupidity.”
The whole assembly snickered. The dark races whispered amongst themselves, and Bree longed to be over there, finding out what they were saying. The strange man-dragon was turned from her speaking, rather harshly, to the high darkling who wrinkled his nose and bared his teeth in disgust, beside them, the lycan was conversing with the night elf and in the back speaking to no one, sat the nightwalker. His green-brown skin pulled tight across his chest, showing the structure of his muscle. The only clothing he wore was a pair of breeches, which fell to mid-calf, and were off white in color. He was bald which Bree was glad of because hair could not hide his striking blue eyes. His ears we pointed, similar to an elf’s, but longer, at least 7 inches, and pierced through with a bone, a large stone, a hoop, a smaller stone, and a cuff at the top of one. It was strange for anyone to pierce any part of their anything; women did, on rare occasion, pierce their ears, it was primitive and unheard of, yet some how, she found it intriguing.
“Today’s meeting is called to a close, we shall resume tomorrow when we shall hear from the hobbits, high sprites, and leprechauns. Please do not forget that all who attend this meeting are to stay within the grounds of Nimbus Mansion. In order for this meeting to uphold its secrecy, none may be seen by outsiders, save, of course, Miss Stratus and Lady Fauna, who visits quite often. Also you are reminded of the banquet held in two days to mark he middle of the meetings, formal wear is required and all must attend.” With that and a flip of his fancy cloak, Lord Oberon exited, followed closely by Lady Fauna.
All of those around her stood and moved to the dining hall where a meal was set out. There were foods that Bree had never seen before as well as some cuisines from Keioso. Nearly everyone was seated, the dark creatures on one side and the light on the other, with Lord Oberon and Lady Fauna seated at the ends. There was very little talking as all of the people ate as kings, in the respects of their races. Bree found herself seated across from the nightwalker. He ate with his hands, but in a delicate manner.
“Strange,” she thought, “They are supposed to be beastly. Sure he eats with his hands and without a napkin, but he has no need for a napkin or utensils…”
“WHAT!?” he growled, angry.
“You’ve been staring at me for the past ten minutes! WHAT DO YOU WANT?”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Bree slouched in her chair, everyone stare, and the tips of her ears went pink.
“The council is not going to like this,” she thought, “Father, let me live up to your legacy.”
Sitting up, she tried to act regal and attempted to seem as though she had some sort of power.
“Please excuse my rudeness, Sir. I was just noticing the delicacy with which you ate. It is strange to see one eat in such a manner.” He laughed.
“You’re the strange one, Elf,” he said matter-of-factly. “Please excuse my rudeness,” he mocked, rolling his eyes. It was then that she noticed that he too was very young.

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2006-11-25 [maggie the pie]: I really like it so far.

2006-11-26 [Alleria]: WOOT! YAY!

2006-11-26 [.soldier]: Interesting...

2006-11-26 [Celeste of Darksword]: Wow, nice. I love your portrayal of Oberon. nice and haughty. only a couple of notes I need to make. you spelled Keioso wrong. ("kei" as in "air")
and Lord Galah's hair isn't wild...its smooth on sexy. ^^

2006-11-28 [Alleria]: lol.. that's how I've always spelled it... It is in this sceen. I can if I wanna... I may fix it later...

2006-11-28 [Alleria]: I change just for you... feel special!

2006-11-29 [Ceres of Laedun]: Yay Lara it's absolutely beautiful you should be keep writing please

2006-11-29 [Alleria]: <3 <3 <3 <3 <img:img/mood/44166_1164099989.gif><img:img/mood/44166_1164099989.gif><img:img/mood/44166_1164145197.gif><img:img/mood/44166_1164145221.gif><img:img/mood/44166_1164557371.gif><img:img/mood/44166_1164145171.gif><img:img/mood/45154_1117568632.gif><img:img/mood/45154_1117568632.gif><img:img/mood/45154_1117568632.gif>

2006-12-02 [Lizisthebest]: wow i liked it ^^
which means i got unlazy and read it lol bravo write more

2006-12-08 [Alleria]: bravo!

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