Page name: The Goths [Exported view] [RSS]
2008-01-14 08:18:18
Last author: Pnelma Tirian
Owner: Evolution X
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The Goths

Goths are the sluggers of the school, one of the few clicks that can stand up to the Jocks from sheer anger. Their massive amount of black, heavy clothes makes them very hard to kill but also leaves them to be easily overwhelmed by lots of zombies, they have one hell of a punch though. They can take out a small group of enemies easily so long as they dont get surrounded.

Goths weapons:
Fist weapons (brass knuckles, spikes ect) and medieval weaponry.

Mental or Physical conditions:

Username: [Ravenclaw]
Name: Maxine Martigen, or Mad Max Martigen, or Mad Martigen, or Mad, or just Max
Description:5’2” long black hair, naturally pale skin. She usually wears blue eye shadow with black or blue lipstick. She dresses in black and varying shades of sorrow. Usually t-shirts, jeans and the noticeable spikes and chains. She wears a military issue fatigue jacket, which she dyed black and adorned with spikes, chains and homemade patches. She's ripped the shoulders down and adorned them with spikes so her shoulders are bare. She wears black combat boots but in shop class fabricated solid steel external tips, which are great for smashing in zombie skulls. They have skulls engraved on them also. Inside her nifty jacked comprised of a maze of pockets she carries all her weapons and such to prevent being over laden or hindered in her movements.
History: She transferred from her previous school after being expelled for breaking a Jock’s nose. Being from a broken home she’s been in six different schools since the age of five due to her tyrannical temper. She’s been going to Horror High only a few months but already she can tell that things aren’t exactly right around here.
Mental or Physical conditions: Anger, lots and lots of anger. If you stay on her good side you may be lucky enough to not witness the blood rage that follows when Max is slightly miffed at something. It doesn’t take much to make her really angry so be on your guard cause she hates just about everyone.
Personality: She’s normally quiet and keeps to herself unless she's confronted or aggravated. She’s almost just like a loner only with spikes and other pointy things. However if you just so happen to be her friend you couldn’t ask for a better one. Just so happens she has only one friend, Sacha. If your not a tall goth named Sacha tread safely.
Specialty: Knives and pointy objects especially. Her twin butterfly knives never leave her pockets. It’s the only thing that truly makes her happy even before the Zombie apocalypse. She is an ace at throwing knives and shuriken. She even went as far as to threaten a nerd with demolishing his computer so he would mount toe blades into her boots. She also keeps a scimitar inside the folds of her jacket. At her previous school they offered fencing lessons.

Username: [Pnelma Tirian]
Name: Sacha Rhata
Age: 16
Description: Sacha is extremely tall and willowy, shaped like a stick but with a little bit of pudgy fat sticking out in places. She wears heaps of black makeup and you can hardly see her eyes through all the eyeshadow. She peers out through a shock of badly dyed black hair, her orange roots showing from between the massive curls. She wears long striped stockings and platform boots, as if she needed tower any more above everyone's heads, bringing her up to 6'7". She often wears shortish pleated black skirts and corsets to try to hide her less appealing spots, and spikes and chains stick out everywhere on her outfit. She keeps a pocket knife in her boot and big, scarlet red headphones around her neck. She also tends to wear a massive black trenchcoat that reaches down almost to her feet. Whenever she wears it, it's always closed, and there are rumors that she keeps machetes and shotguns in there. Hanging around her may result in an early onset of lung cancer since she smokes like a chimney.
History: Sacha comes from a well-to-do family with nothing better to do than to spoil her rotten with technology and to send her to fancy schools like this one.
Mental or Physical conditions: She's insecure.
Personality: Sacha is insecure and abrasive, and occasionally flighty, but handy in a crowd. She's practically attached to Max and hangs onto her every word--it was her that got her into the whole goth scene in the first place. 
Specialty: Sacha takes Archery and has won medals for her marksmanship as well as with rifles and handguns. She also plays with fire sometimes and draws violent pictures in Physics class that earn her trips to the school psychiatrist, who has become a friend.

Username: [Kiss My Sass]
Name: Kitten
Age: 16
Description: Kit is not very tall, but her glare more than makes up for it. She only reaches 5’ 1”, but she almost always has on platform boots that raise her up 3 inches. She wears long sleeve shirts and a see through one on top of it. She wears a skirt that reaches her mid-thigh and her boots reach her knees. She always wears a pair of black gloves and a spiked collar and no one knows where she got them. Her hair is dyed blue and black, it is cut into a bob, with a few select pieces left long around her face, and she has blue eyes. (
History: She grew up with Brad, but stopped being friends with him in middle school. Her father is a rich business man whom she never sees, and her mother is a reitred modle who runs a fashion magizine. A few years back she got sick of it all and, cut off her own hair and dyed it blue to rebel against the world she was raised in. She’s been that way ever since. She was born with a serious heart problem that carries no name.
Mental or Physical conditions: She has a unnamed heart condition that can cause her heart to stop and restart at odd times, when it stops, she seems in a coma like state.
Personality: Withdrawn, quiet and keeps to herself
Specialty: A knife that she hides in her sleeves, and she has a short sword that she has tucked away in her left boot. She is very flexibale and has excellent hand-to-hand combat, but is useless in long distance combat.

Horror High

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2008-01-13 [Ravenclaw]: Hey Professional Dreamer, is that persional artwork or something you snagged off Photobucket? We're not allowing copyrighted pics.

2008-01-13 [Kiss My Sass]: I had a link up for people to click..not that pic..I know who has the original but it's not mine...

2008-01-13 [Ravenclaw]: Ok, can you switch it to the link? We just don't want anyone getting in trouble.

2008-01-13 [Ravenclaw]: Gracias! ^^

2008-01-13 [Kiss My Sass]: okay no problem... n.n

2008-01-13 [The Black Goat]: you can get in trouble for that? ...Do the elftown mods even bother?!

2008-01-13 [Ravenclaw]: they just deleted stuff from my BF's house and it was his own artwork generated onto yu-gi-ho card formats. I've seen in wiki's where they closed the game because of copyrighted artwork. Since this is Evo's first game I don;t want him to get into trouble foir it.

2008-01-13 [The Black Goat]: beh.. stupid rule!

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