Page name: The Gruesome Threesome [Exported view] [RSS]
2007-09-10 00:34:38
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Woot! This is the wiki page dedicated to us! Us being [Rhymes With Orange], [Silas the Albino], and [Mags]! Actually, this wiki isn't just to immortalize our amazing awesomeness, but to show a list of all our rps that we have made over the past few months.


Weeeeeee!!!!!! Well being that we're showing off all of our rps, why not show off our characters?

From left to right: Marie Albou, played by [Rhymes With Orange], Andre Ledoux, played by [Silas the Albino], and Tari Menken, played by [Mags]

These characters are from an rp made by a friend of ours, [Lin-tastic], the rp being Thieves of the Blue Moon which you should probably join.

So first we have to introduce ourselves


Enjoys nice strolls on the beach that is nowhere around. Idolizes Spock off of Star Trek and thinks that the most amazing thing on this planet is bottled water. And ships in a bottle. How do you get the ship in there?
<img:> Batty! "From Fern Gully. He's just the best bat from a cartoon kid's movie about saving the environment!"
Thoughts on RPing
"Just don't be stupid. When going into a professional type of rp, know how to spell and follow the rules. If you do all this in our rps, I won't have to kill you."

[Rhymes With Orange]

Wishes that she could fly and talk to fish. At some point of time in her life, she intends to build a castle moat in her backyard, complete with alligators in it. And goldfish. She will also build a trebuchet. And then she will go to France with [Silas the Albino], build a barricade in the middle of the street, revolt against the French government and sing while doing it. Then she will go to England and spill people's tea. Then she will be the All Being Master of Time, Space, and Dimension. And the best flag twirler ever.
<img:> C.C. Deville! "He's adorable! Dontcha just wanna take him to the park and feed him cookies?! So cute! He's like ancient but who cares!"
Thoughts on RPing
"Don't just write sentences where you simply say hi and walk away, never to return. Do something interesting so people will actually give a care about the rp."

[Silas the Albino]

Dreams of becoming the real-life version of the Da Vinci Code albino, Silas (hence the name). Except he will not flog himself, nor will he get shot. He also apologizes if he just ruined the ending of the Da Vinci Code for anyone. He will travel the world with [Rhymes With Orange] but will form a mutiny against her being the All Being Master of Time, Space, and Dimension. But he will lose. But he will become the All Being Master of Time, Space, Dimension and a 1/2.
<img:> Silas from Da Vinci Code! "What more needs to be said?"
Thoughts on RPing
"DON'T TAKE CONTROL OVER AN RP THAT ISN'T YOURS! It tends to piss off the owner. I know from personal experience. If certain people take over any of our other rps, they just may have to be taken care of."

OUR RPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All six of them...

La Compagnie Set in the Paris Opera House where the characters are the cast and crew of the Opera. (made by [Rhymes With Orange]

Seven Seas One word...well...technically eleven once this sentence is done...PIRATES! (made by [Silas the Albino])

Breach Cops and Robbers, complete with Chameleons! (made by [Mags])

The Murder at Split Rock Minnesota+ Murder= RP! (Made by [Silas the Albino] and [Rhymes With Orange])

Curtain Call And probably our most random ever: Characters from famous musicals collide to perform a blended show. (Made by [Rhymes With Orange] and [Mags])

HSWW Of course everybody has to have some sort of Harry Potter rp... (made by [Silas the Albino] and [Rhymes With Orange])

The New Kingdom Ah the Crusades...good times. (made by [Mags], [Rhymes With Orange] and co-owned by [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]

Wikis made by others that we're in

Thieves of the Blue Moon made by [Lin-tastic]

The Wolves of Karn made by [silent_voice], [Vou], and [Erubeus]

Username (or number or email):


2007-07-04 [Kai Crewger]: hey, I've been looking around, and this was the easiest way I could find of contacting all three of you at once. I was wondering if any of you would like to join an rp I'm trying to restart? It's over at Oni Unmei. Thank you *bows*

2007-07-21 [Silas the Albino]: We're really dumb that we have a bat, C.C. Deville and Silas on Did Maggie do that?

2007-07-21 [Rhymes With Orange]: Her and me yeah. And duh, the bat has a name :P Get it right.

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