Page name: The Highs and Lows of Whoredom [Exported view] [RSS]
2009-11-04 05:03:30
Last author: Miaye
Owner: Miaye
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The Highs and Lows of Whoredom

Everyday and Everywhere


1st offense:
Me and Fluffy were driving thru Morehead doing 80+ in a 50 zone...when we see an undercover. Now, me and her had a little debate as to whether or not it WAS an undercover, so I decided to flirt with him to see by looking him up and down and smiling...he responded as most cops do not.
After which, he followed us for a bit and decided to attempt to race us...we pown'd...and it was just about the time that we were passing him that we saw his radar gun on his dashboard. Needless to say, we thought we were fucked because he pulled behind us.
Instead of pulling us over, however, he followed us for a bit and then decided to pull over and bust another car going down a side street ^.^.


1st offense:
Drake use to get BBQ chicken for free from this lady behind the deli counter at the store by flirting with her. Now this was all well and good...that is...until she saw him walk in with his wife and daughter.
Needless to say, that never worked again...oh, the looks thats she gave him were priceless :P.

2nd Offense:
(God Bless You For This One Drake...)
Drake was in the bathroom, enjoying a little 'Alone Time' with his laptop that was hooked up to the neighbors WiFi. Well, right as he was about to finish...they cut their internet off. So all you heard across the house was "Computer: ah, Ah, AH! *Click*, Drake: GOD DAMN IT!!!". It was so horrible...well, priceless really :P. Sorry Drake >.<

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