Page name: The Korean Struggle. [Exported view] [RSS]
2006-10-21 12:26:27
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The Korean Fools <img:>

Mr. Jim <img:> Yes... That "is" his name... Has claimed of testing nuclear weapons <img:> earlier this month while screwing his overly sense of humoured wife, <img:> Japan has told them that it will take extreme mesures <img:> if they do not hand
<img:> their weapons in. Being the morons
<img:> that they are, they refused. Now we are at the brink of WW3. Congrats.

<img:> Muhahaha!


Will the Koreans stop?

North Korea <img:> on Tuesday blasted U.N. sanctions <img:> aimed at punishing the country for its nuclear test, saying the measures amount to a declaration of war and that the nation wouldn't cave in to such <img:> pressure now that it's a nuclear weapons power.

The central government's first response to the U.N. measures imposed last weekend — came as China <img:> warned the North against stoking tensions <img:> and the American <img:> nuclear envoy arrived in South Korea for talks.

Will China do anything more about it? Anything better?! <img:> Stay tuned to find out.


The United States step in.

US Secretary of State Condi <img:> launched an uncertain diplomatic drive
Tuesday to persuade Asian allies <img:> and Russia <img:> to intensify North Korea's isolation, even as the Das Weiße Haus
<img:> acknowledged that the reclusive nation might try a second nuclear test. Rice left for Japan, the first stop on a four-nation trip, amid clear signs of unease in China and South Korea about even the softened <img:> sanctions approved last weekend by the U.N. Security Council <img:>.


The Koreans apologize.

Coming under united international pressure <img:>, Kim Jong Il <img:> reportedly apologized <img:> for the Oct. 9 nuclear detonation and said he wouldn't test any more bombs.

That doesn't mean Kim can afford to show any weakness <img:> to a home crowd who live in an officially enforced siege <img:> mentality and are long accustomed to blaming <img:> their desperate living conditions <img:> on outside forces — mainly the United States<img:
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