Page name: The Little Red Riding Hood`s Diary [Exported view] [RSS]
2007-09-08 14:14:19
Last author: Chrysilla
Owner: Chrysilla
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This text is © Chrysilla

Dear Diary,
I saw that adults have a new fashion trend right now: to keep a diary. Usually that`s secret, so I`ll hide you in the wardrobe, under the red coat my Grandma gave me. Anyway, no one else will read you, because Mum is always busy and Grandma is old. You know, old people don`t see too well. So you will be safe. You know to keep a secret, right? Because I`ll write some things that Mum doesn`t have to know. Such as that I don`t like going alone to see Grandma. The forest is huge and there are lots of animals. Mum says there are wolves too and they can eat me. But the only wolf I meet is very kind and accompanied me. With him by my side I wasn`t afraid of anything. Who could attack me? Everybody fears him, but not me. How can you be afraid of an animal that is so kind and that has such a fluffy furr? You know, he allowed me to caress him. He`s very nice. But don`t tell Mum, she`s gonna be upset! This will be our first secret, ok?
Since now I didn`t really have whom to talk to, but from now on you`ll be my friend. Mum says that I am only 5, so she doesn`t have what to talk to me about. Fortunately the midgets taught me to write. They live in a forest, with a very beautiful girl that always gives me cookies. When I grow up, I wanna be like her! Unfortunately, she is busy too. Just think a little, she always have to make the house clean and cook for the 7 midgets! But I can`t play with them either, because they are all day long in a mine. I don`t really know what this is, but they told me it`s a kind of hole in the ground from where they take gold. And more, they are as old as Grandma, only that they`re little, like me. With old person you can`t play too much, they only tell you fairytales. But I can`t stay much with them, because my Mum would be angry that I am late and I walk through the forest at night. So what? The Wolf protects me. But what does Mum know… This adults have all sort of funny ideas.
Another good friend of mine is the Hunter. Do you know what this means? I don`t. Snow White told me that he saved her life once. I don`t really understand that but I know she is grateful to him. The Hunter is nice too, I`d like he was friend with the Wolf, but I don`t understand why this one always hides when I tell him that my adult friend is coming. It`s weird.
The midgets gave me a rabbit yesterday. It`s very sweet and fluffy, but Mum says I can`t let it inside the house. Of course, that damn tomcat is allowed, even in bed! And it makes me nervous when I see it how it`s watching me sometimes, as if he was smarter! When I teach my rabbit to chase mice, it`ll see it`s not the best. I`m too little and I can`t catch it, but once, I revenged! I got it when it was sleeping and caught is under a bag. He tried to meow at me, but I`m not a fool! So I took it into the backyard and released it under the very muzzle of the dog. Fortunately for the cat, for a second my dog couldn`t believe he had his enemy right in front of him and the cat had the time to run. But I laughed all day long watching it trying to fix its furr, because it was all raised up. Mum slapped me for “torturing the poor cat”, but I was too happy and I didn`t say anything. But why does the cat have the right to torture me? And it was slapped only once, when Mum caught it in the act, drinking my milk.
Wow, that`s a good idea! Next time I`ll catch that cat I`ll dip its muzzle into the milk… like that it`ll be the only one to get kicked. But don`t tell Mum!
In a short while I`ll leave you, I`m going to play with my neighbour. He`s a cute, 8 years old boy, and he always tells me what new things his sheep did. Actually it`s a box drawn on a piece of paper, but the sheep is really cute, you can see it inside if you watch closely.
He says that the sheep takes walks at night, but I don`t believe him. My dog always barks when someone passes near, but I didn`t hear it during the night. So my neighbour lies. But I forgive him, because he tells me beautiful stories. He says he is a prince and he comes from a star far away from here, and I tell him I`m a princess hiding in this village because of Cinderella`s step-mother that wants to get me work instead of her. So both of us are pleased with each other`s stories.
I told Mum about the Little Prince, as I call him, but she frowned at me and told me that no one can travel towards the stars. I don`t like when grown-up people don`t believe me. As he said: “Adults are very weird.” And he is right. When he figures out how to go back, I`ll go with him. This way, Mum will see that kids tell the truth sometimes. The Little Prince said his star is not bigger than a house, but I`m little too. What do you think, we`ll have enough space? I could take care of his flower, Grandma taught me how. And I also could watch for his sheep so that it won`t eat the flower. Mum says that women know to take care of their home better than men. You know, when I grow up, I`ll bt a woman. That`s what Mum says. But Mum can`t see the sheep in the box.

Dear Diary,
Today I am very happy. I learnt to read the hour on a clock! Do you know to do it? Untill today, when Mum was asking me what time was it, I was answering her, for example, that the small hand of the clock was at 4 and the big one at 10. The Hunter explained me that the big hand shows the minutes and the small one – the hours and he explained me how to know the time.
Mum had a surprise today when she asked me wat time it was! She was glad and she kissed me on the forehead. You know, this doesn`t happen too often, because she`s usually serious. But I understand, because she is very busy and she doesn`t have the time to smile. I help her as much as I can, but I`m too young now. Still, I feed the chickens and I put them into their shelter in the evening. I also know to water the flowers! Don`t you think that`s important too? I`m not old enough to milk the cow yet, and I`m a little afraid of it too, because it can hit me. But our cow has kind eyes and I think we`ll be good friends.
When I am obedient and I help Mum, in the evening, she takes me into her arms and she caresses me. I am very happy when it happens, because I know she`s satisfied of what I did. So I smile and I don`t tell her anymore about dwarves, stars and sheeps in boxes. This will be our secret, because you do believe me, don`t you?
Dear Diary, it is late now and Mum should come in any minute. We`ll talk more tomorrow, if I have time. I`ll hide you in the wardrobe again, next to the doll that Snow White made for me. You sleep well in the little bed i arranged there for you, isn`t it? I am sure that you and Miss Doll get along very well.
Good night!

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