Page name: The Mortal Characters [Exported view] [RSS]
2010-01-05 00:02:20
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The Mortal Characters


User name:
Character name:
Hair color:
Eye color:
Place of Living:(Name the country, state, town, street, and home style)
History:(No memory loss and nothing over dramatic please..)

User name:[Chishio]
Character name: Elizabeth Maaka
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Brown
Personality: Mostly quiet, is mostly either seen with a book or with her headphones on listening to music.
Place of Living: US, New York, Chinatown, two bedroom apartment(she lives alone)
History: Her father is Japanese and her mother is america. She's lived in New York for her entire life, but in the summer goes to Japan with her mother. In her free time she plays the piano and sings. She also never has had a boyfriend, and doesn't like to talk about it. She is currently attending college for art.

User name: [Flisky]
Character name: Allison Gallagher
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Hair color: Blond
Eye color: Gray-green
Personality: A do-it-yourself queen, Ally is independent above all else. She has never been in love, and she will only answer to the government because she has to. She has an even temperament for the most part, but if someone angers her, she burns hot.
Place of Living: Dublin, Ireland, she lives in the flat above the pub she owns and runs.
History: Having grown up an only child, Ally inherited her father's pub when her parents moved to the States. Blue Tune is known for booking the greatest unknown musicians, and Ally continues that tradition. She travels around the world, searching for talent to grace her pub. Ally had more money than she is willing to admit, but doesn't show it off like most of the rich do. She still works the pub right alongside the waitresses and bartenders.

User name: [Artsy]
Character name: Aubrey Ashford
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: hazel
Personality: Aubrey is a fairly easy going man, very relaxed and doesn’t get bothered by much. He is very polite and can be pretty formal, but he is not snooty. He was raised proper.
Place of Living: Seattle, Washington
History: Aubrey’s father is a diplomat in England, where Aubrey used to live. He wanted to go to university in the states, however, and so his father arranged it. He has plans to visit other parts of the world when he is done, possibly to spread mechanical advancement to better those areas. Or he might go into politics, like his father. He is a typical artist, often seen in the studio painting or in the practice rooms playing piano or violin, or some other instrument. For all his artistic talents, his masters degree is in Mechanical Engineering. He is just finishing school.
Image: <img300*0:>

User name: [The Black Cat in Your Path]
Character name: Amalie Jenkins
Gender: Female
Age: 21 years old
Hair color: Brown, black underneath and at her roots
Eye color: Bright green with some specks of yellow
Personality: She's very stubborn, but loves to have fun and smile. She also loves to wear out of the ordinary clothing. Anything colourful or outdated because she loves to stand out and be comfortable.
Place of Living:(Name the country, state, town, street, and home style) She lives in the USA, in Springfield, Missouri in a small apartment she rents herself.
History:(No memory loss and nothing over dramatic please..) She grew up a very innocent lifestyle with her mother, who struggled to make it work for them both. Nothing really dramatic happened to her, but she works as a roaming photographer. She loves to take pictures of nature, and because of her position at a prestigeous nature magazine company, they pay for her travels every month so long as she gets them great pictures. She's never really had friends, and her mother is sick back in Springfield, so she comes home as often as possible to take care of her.
Image: <img300*0:>

User name: [Bella HeartAttack]
Character name: Rose
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Hair color: Look at pic
Eye color: Look at pic
Personality: Laid back, can be talkitive at points and others she can be really quiet.
Place of Living:(Name the country, state, town, street, and home style) USA, Florida, orlando, rosebud A samll apartment
History:(No memory loss and nothing over dramatic please..) SHe lived in Milan Italy with her mother and father, they were all assassins. ONe day, at the age of 15, her parents were both kill at a banquet. soon after she left for america, to start a new life as a new girl. she never looks back on her past, except when she needs to kill if nessassary.

User name: [~Spirit Fox~]
Character name: Anya
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Naturally Blue but she wears red contacts.
Personality: Normally quiet keeps to herself and out of the way, untill she feel threatened. Anya is almost always brutally honest, sayng only what she feels and what she truely believes to be right. She is a solitary person but has been noted to use teamwork when her back is against the wall.
Place of Living:(Name the country, state, town, street, and home style) Brazil, Amazonas, She lives in the Amazon Rainforest shunning civilaiztion. Anya lives an area called Varzeas. This area floods in the rainy seasons. She lives alone in a small tree hut, watchful of the deadly creatures.
History: Anya's family was killed long ago, around the time she turned 16. She has been searching for a new place to belong, feeling the United States, the place she was born in, is no longer welcoming. When she hears that she may have a relative in Brazil, Anya hops on a plane and races there, only to find her lead was wrong. Anya has lived in Brazil since, hiding from people in the Anazon Rainforest. She has only recently surfaced to continues her search for a new home and family to belong to.
Image: <img:>

An Immortal's Quest

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2009-11-13 [Chishio]: is this alright?

2009-11-13 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: can you add a little more description to it. I want detail.

2009-11-23 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: OMG! Ur dudes name is Aubrey! *cries* i had an ex bf named Aubrey and people laughed at the name. I'm so happy that u named ur character Aubrey. it makes me feel SOOOOOO much better.

2009-11-23 [Artsy]: lol, aubrey is a cute name, it makes me think upper class.

2009-11-25 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: I know right. I love the name. It may be a typical female name but its not nessicarily uncommon as a male name.

2009-12-08 [Artsy]: .... Drama....

2009-12-08 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: Hey Bella...what's with the whole killing idea? lmao

2009-12-08 [Bella HeartAttack]: idk lol the unqinessesss

2009-12-09 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: lol

2009-12-09 [Bella HeartAttack]: i even editited her

2010-01-05 [~Spirit Fox~]: ^.^ there we go, Anya's up.

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