Page name: The Sands Of Mezrul [Exported view] [RSS]
2012-01-09 01:17:31
Last author: Barock
Owner: Barock
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The Sands Of Mezrul

In times long forgotten, the idols were carved from the Everice, a gift from the Goddess Sirr of fertility to Hekket the lone God of the Barren Sands of Mezrul. With the Everice idols, Hekket created the Oasis’, patches of fertile land in the rolling deserts, allowing life to at last flourish in Hekket’s lonely home.
Now with the advance of the power hungry, and mana craving Harudites, the fragile tranquility Hekket has created in his barren lands hangs in the balance.

The Races of the Sands- Here you will find background information on all the races of Mezrul.
The Sands Lore and Legend- Here you will find general Historic information on Mezrul.
The Characters of the Sands- Here you will find the character sheet, instructions on joining The Sands of Mezrul and accepted characters.
Enter the Sands of Mezrul- Here you will find the various episodes in the battle between the races of the Sands and the Harudite Scourge

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2009-01-22 [Thrice]: I MISS THIS OMG. -whine-

2009-01-22 [Barock]: Hehe,same!
I put SO much work into itt!
Ryan might coem bacj to ET for Epiphany, if he does, I'll try and get him playing this too:D
Really only needs us 3 to get it going then maybe others will join!

2009-01-22 [Thrice]: Yay! I hope so.

2009-03-01 [Chimes]: *watches*

2009-04-16 [Barock]: Ladies and gentle folk.
The new and improved Mezrul is coming.
The sands are shifting my friends, the sands are shifting.

Mezrul mk2 will be played in an episode based format, with the first being the liberation of Kheltan. (the only Town captured by the Harudites so far :-) )
If you were an origional player you're quite welcome to play your old char, but I'd also like you to play a member of the underground movement in Kheltan too :-). If you're new then feel free to just play an underground member.
I shall be playing Tayelle and the leader of the resistance :)
Resistance members can be any race but Skexx, though if you REALLY wanna play a Sekxx shout and we'll have words about how you can :-)
So yeah! Buzz me with questions or char sheets and i'll get the first episode dancing away in no time at all :-)
Love to you all!

2009-04-20 [Swollenfish]: *claps* I like Zyraal. :D

2009-04-20 [Barock]: Good, if you want to update him please do. ^_^ All the relevent data for the changes are on the pages :-)

2009-04-20 [Chimes]: I needs to think up a characterrrr.

2010-07-10 [Barock]: Anyone still around to play this?
I'm thinking of starting some kinda blog or free-site for Rp's...
Just invite the elites. Shanny, Emma and Ryan ^^ And others who're good...
Anyone alive? :P

2010-07-11 [Thrice]: I'm alive. ^_^

2010-07-11 [Barock]: Woo! =D
I was reading through this, Epiphany and a few of yours Shannie!
I miss them all!
Tyan has said to keep him informed =]
I'm sure Emma will be up for it :D Woo!

2010-07-11 [Thrice]: Yeah... I definitely miss rping.

2010-07-11 [Chimes]: Emma votes yes. But then, you already knew that. :D I just wanted to comment :'D

2010-07-12 [Barock]: Woo comments! =D
Okay anyone not in the leadership. If you wish to join this Rp for whatever reason, prove you're elite, I wont tell you how.
It's gone from here to somewhere and shiny!

2010-07-12 [Thrice]: XD "Prove your elite, I won't tell you how" God.. I love you.

2010-07-13 [Barock]: Haha, well. The rest of you guys have earnt a writers respect trhough SO many different means. I ddint tell you how to do it :P it would be unfair if others got told how =P
Love ye too dear! Am a lil over excited about Harpy!

2010-07-13 [Thrice]: I am too and can't wait to get it going. :D

2010-07-13 [Barock]: Saaaame!

2012-01-09 [Thrice]: -holds breath-

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