Page name: The Terydactle [Exported view] [RSS]
2009-09-24 13:27:11
Last author: Miaye
Owner: Miaye
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The Terydactle

2005: The Beach

Fort Peirce is home to a creature of the prehistoric era (amongst other things). Almost everybody in the area has had some sort of encounter with it. It flys by, hides in buildings, construction sites, and combs the beach at night. The only's never around when a camera is....

Me and [Zable] were sitting on the beach watching the sun rise after a long night, and ditching dipshit (Duh-Duh). We were 'unwinding' from the night before, just enjoying the worlds natural beauty with it's magestic sunrise, which has refleted in the water to make the surf a soft purple lavender type color that morning.

The cool sea breeze in are faces, the sound of waves crashing and gulls calling to the newly formed sunrise...

It was about a couple of minutes after witnessing the sunrise that we saw it...flying by. It was not a seagull. It was not a pelican. It was a fucking terydactle. How did we know? We've lived in Florida all of are liveess and been to enough musems to know the difference, especialy in their flight patterns.

We were in shock for the entire walk home, still not sure if we were the only ones to have seen it, but it turns out that we weren't, just the only ones to have seen it that DAY...and one other than those who have seen it also believes us...:(.

It's completly understandable...but it;s still true XD I know what I saw, thats my story and I'm sticking to it :).

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