Page name: The Ultimate Bounty 2 [Exported view] [RSS]
2010-05-23 01:30:37
Last author: Aimi_Vollfied
Owner: Aimi_Vollfied
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Chapter 2: Where The Predator Is Discovered

    The night had descended, Sven and Train had finally tracked their own prey after evading them several times. The man was a petty thief, stealing hundreds of dollars worth of diamonds, not even worth that much in bounty, however they needed the money, badly. Sadly the life of a bounty hunter was never as glamorous as it seemed. No, when Sven first decided to switch from IBI it seemed great, being a bachelor, never being in the same spot twice, and always having something to hunt. But then there were the hard times, living out of the car, never having a bed to sleep in or even a real relationship lasting more than a night. But there was nothing else he enjoyed anymore, nothing could fill the void he felt.

    Train stalked beside him silently, the light reflecting softly off of his gun, his own weapon of choice. The wind sighed softly, barely ruffling his hair as he motioned for them to stop, the target faintly in sight, cornered in the alley way. Something did not feel right, not to Sven at least as the hair on the back of his neck stood on end.

     The man knelt down showing that his hands had been bound as someone descended behind them, cornering them in the same area as Train stiffened.

    "Hello Kitten" A female voice said as she slowly came into view. Dark hair, color unknown in the faint light was draped over one shoulder, medium length and up in a ponytail. She was pale, her skin as creamy as the moon, her eyes were a deep violet, a violet that showed something a bit more than human.

     "How nice to see you Ice, should I guess that this is to trade for my partner?" Train said as he nodded to the target who didn't move. Sven grabed for the trigger on the brief case.

     "You should know Train, or did you lose your touch?" She asked, a corset top, the same violet of her eyes showed off her curves, the hourglass figure, and black leather pants finished off her look. "Besides, I am only here to talk"

     "I would beleive that if I could, but we both know you better than that" He said as she slowly circled them like a shark circles her prey.

     "You are right, I am supposed to bring him to Sephy, but I dont plan on doing that just yet, I figured I would toy with you, ruin your life like you ruined mine then do it" She said as she grasped the handles on her swords and swung them in a graceful motion over her head, the movement bringing up her top, showing the numeral she had tattooed to her hip bone.

      Train braced himself, moving in front of his friend with his finger on the trigger, aimed at his old partner. The third in the trio called Phoenix. "Aisling dont make me shoot you"

      "You couldnt if you tried Train, besides, maybe I would just jump in front of it" She said as she walked towards it and placed the barrel to her chest, where her heart would be. "Why didnt you keep your word train? I was tortured for letting you escape" She said as he lowered the barrel. Even in heels she was barely Trains height as Sven moved to the left of his partner.

      "Ice, you know Baldor would have killed me if I took you" Train said and she laughed.

      "Baldor would kill you no matter what you did. Besides, just because mummy and daddy want me and him to be, doesn't mean its going to happen" She said as she tilted her head back and laughed. "You already know that we hate each other, he just misses the sex" She giggled. She sounded slightly evil as she placed her swords into one hand and ruffled her hair. "I just want to talk for now Train, and if you run, you know I will find you" She said before slowly walking off, her high heels in the boots clicking harshly off the brick walk. Slowly she stopped and threw a bag at him. "Use this phone when your ready Kitten, and there is the occasional earpiece, and as a gift, some oricalchum bullets for the gun" she said and then disappeared into the night.Train clicked the safety of his hades, his gun as Sven looked around, wondering if there were anymore traps.

    "The partners you used to have all seem like such good people" He said as he knocked the bounty unconscious by a hit to the head with the suitcase.

    "Yeah well after what Chronos did to her, I wouldnt even expect her to be as sane as she is Sven" Train said as the sound of sirens sounded, alerting them to the money to come as an officer of the law jogged in, gun drawn.

Aisling sighed as she bounced onto her bed, it had been two days, and she had heard nothing from Train and Sven. She opened her phone, and figured it was time to send a message to Sephy, saying that it was time to let her do this her way, not Chronos' way. Looking towards the door, she thought she heard the noise of someone trying to pick her lock. She picked up her swords and and silently stalked towards the door, placing herself in the right position as that she would not be seen when the attackers made it in. She was right, she thought as she heard the lock click open and two people walk in quietly, not noticing that she was behind the door. It looked to be Baldor and Kranz, but one couldn't be sure as she shut the door with a bang, causing them to look at her.

   "Hello darling" Baldor said as she ruffled her long hair, should she kick his ass now or later.

   "What are you doing here Baldorius?" She asked as she walked forwards slowly, making sure that every move was watched. She got right up in front of him, her eye level square with his chest as she looked up, her eyes half shielded by her bangs, looking up with a glint of innocence. "I mean, its not like you love me, or even like me for that matter." she said and he traced his right hand up her left arm and cupped her cheek.

   "You know better than that Ash, we are just playing the roles given to us by our superiors" He said and kissed her on the forehead gently. "But I did come to check up and see how the capture of Vollfied was going" He said and she sighed. This is why everyone wanted them to be, they would have strong kids bred even stronger than them for the job. And in some ways they were perfect for each other, each valuing the job more than anything.

    "I am doing just fine thank you, now get out of my room or I will be forced to wound you" She said as her phone began to ring, the sounds of State Of Shocks song Too Pretty, came on as the call came through. She picked it up and slid the lock key so that she could answer with a touch of the screen.

    "So kitten, ready to talk" She said as she grabbed a white jacket to throw over her deep violet tank top, her swords, and her back pack, before leaving with Baldor and Kranz still in the room.

The Ultimate Bounty 3

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2010-05-07 [~Spirit Fox~]: Well I guess so. XD

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