Page name: The Washer and The Hanger [Exported view] [RSS]
2009-09-24 13:21:49
Last author: Miaye
Owner: Miaye
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The Washer and The Hanger


Time for all you people in your brainess to hear about the washer and the hanger...

Once again, as always, I was at [Kiarrahka] house and she wanted to wash her socks cause she was bored (Makes sense, I know)...she was going to use a whole load thingy just for them, so I decided to make things more fun. I looked around on the floor for random things to throw in the washer while it was open...

First it was 4 pennies and a nickle...they hit the sides and cause it was going so fast they stuck. So I tried a red plastic cup...yet again it stuck to the side, it didn't crumble though for some odd reason. Then I tried a hanger... DING,DING,DING we have a winner...the washer stopped and we thought it was broken but, after we removed the hanger it continued to function properly. Then we tried a metal spoon...since we had done the pennies we had realized that when you throw things into a spinning vertex of doom they have a tendence to seek arial revenge and we didn't want to get attacked by a spoon so we ducked...luckly nothing attacked use and we survived are run in with stupidity, green tea, and boredom...well...that is until [Kiarrahka] decided that she wanted to put a butter knife in their which came hurtling out and stuck into the wall after wizzing right by are faces...

And for all thoughs who wish to try are stupidity impusle, know this I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE IF YOU BREAK ANYTHING...ok...have fun.

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