The Art Store Titles
Long awaited titles are now in order! ^_^ There will also be badges made for the title holders to go in the Art Store's main page.
How this works: Members, as they contribute to certain areas of the wiki will earn titles. These titles will be awarded by either [
Lady of Lore] or someone she says can help with this. Other than that, please do not take a title unless you've earned it! Badges will be made and colored in the hopefully near future.
Anyone interested in making the images for the titles please message me!
The Titles
Art Store Art Donor-artists who have donated thier art for the use of the beautification of the store.
Art Store Graphics Donor-artists who have donated graphics for the use in the Art Store.
Art Store Offical Well Loved Critiquer-member who gives the best most insightful helpful comments on people's work. This will be awarded upon nomination. Memebers who get a comment from a member which they feel helped them improve can send me [
Lady of Lore] (or those who will ba appointed as officials) a nomination for that kind person. Then it is up to me and a selected few who will review the nominations and decide who will be awarded.
Art Store Brilliant Idea Contributor-members who give brilliant suggestions for things like; changes to better the wiki, contest ideas everyone really likes, etc.
Art Store Official-those running the official parts of the Art Store, checking to be sure gallery links work, extending welcomes to new members, decifering nominations, etc.
Art Store Sweet Heart-a member voted on every year who is the year's recognized sweet heart. This will be voted upon after nominations have been submitted and narrowed down. They will recieve a special privaledge for the duration of the year.
Art Store Sentinal-the though guy/gal of the Art Store who is the one who draws the line, busts art thieves, guards over the members and thier art, quells arguments, and goes over (if the need ever arises) that a member has to be removed from the Art Store.
Art Store Tutorial Donor-members who make tutorials for the benefit of all artists kind and donate them to the Art Store.
Art Store Request Filler: artists who have fulfilled the requests made by memebers of the The Art Store.
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