Page name: The damn character page [Exported view] [RSS]
2007-11-13 21:44:59
Last author: KnightAngel
Owner: Dark Shiva
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The damn character page

Okay now before you all go "Wheee! OC making time" understand that not all of you can have an oc! There is a limit of five, counting ours! So that leaves three spots open! It's first come first serve so don't go bitching to us if there spots are filled in!!><

With that a side in order to have your char in, you must either show it to [Dark Shiva] once it is approve it'll be put up here. Now don't even try to be a sneaky bitch and post your oc up here without permission! You'll be wasting your time cuzz it's password protected so you have to get our approval! BWAHAHA! And one more thing. If the spots are full that means no more ocs will be accepted for the time being. NO exceptions for anyone! No means no means no! End of it!


six openings!!!!

1. [Dark Shiva]
2. [Piercedskull]
3. [XxTsomexX]
4. [Keir Devlin]
5. [Evolution X]<
6. (Is being reserved)
7. [Earoluim]
8. [twitchboy]
9. [DarkMCat]
10. [KnightAngel]


Please use this form when making your char


Age: (They're in high school so no younger then 14!)

Outfit: (When not in school uniform)

Main Quote:

User: [Dark Shiva]

Name: Pyre En Li
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Height: 5'6"
Weight 125 lbs

Eyes: One blue the other red
Hair: Long smooth crimson red hair with black tips
Outfit: When not in school uniform it's a short scarlet red tanktop, black low-raiser pants, black sandals, and arm wrappings and fish-netting on right arm.
Accessories: 3 black studded earrings, and a chain dangled from her belt

Personality: Quiet, sarcastic, and abit of a smart ass sometimes
Likes: Hanging out with her best bud Zimia, elements Fire and Ice, training, and nice nice quiet areas.
Dislikes: Anyone that is rude or harms those she cares about, pervs, and getting wet
Main Quote: "You Fucktard..."

Name: VicePrincable Shiva Hi-kaha
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Height: 6 ft
Weight 160lbs lbs

Eyes: Dark blue
Hair: Short black hair with blue streaks
Outfit: Black tanktop, with a Jounin vest over it, simple pair of jeans, black boots, and semi-open-fingered gloves
Accessories: Hoopped earrings, and a blue belt

Personality: Serious, cold, and sometimes abit scary if mad. And she's the last person your want to make mad. Students beware!!!
Likes: The colors black, and blue, sake, meditating, and scaring students sometimes
Dislikes: Students skipping, annoying people, getting touched, and the color pink
Main Quote: "Getting your fucking ass to class..."

User: [Piercedskull]

Name:Zimia Horogashi.]
Age: 15]
Gender: Female
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 101 lbs]

Eyes: red
Hair: red
Outfit: When not in school uniform it's black short sleeved shirt with a skull on the chest, and low-raiser blue jeans.
Accessories:black spiky choke collar, and fish-net sleeves

Personality: Bad ass,druggie,drunkie
Likes: beer,ciggs,scary stuff
Dislikes: preps and anything pink
Main Quote:"FUCK OFF!"


Name: Tsome Uchiha
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 145 lbs

Eyes: Dark blue
Hair: Black with purple tips, long
Outfit: (see image)
Accessories: (see image)

Personality: She is very calm, and kind. She always smiles.
Likes: Shikamaru, Ramen, Shikamaru, DDR, and did I mention Shikamaru?
Dislikes: Cats, her brothers, school
Main Qoute: "Eat me!"

User: [Keir Devlin]

Name: Keira'Don Leray
Age: 16
Crossdressing female [;) I love making my female character crossdressers.]
Height: 5'7 1/2"
Weight: 128 lbs

Eyes: Orangeish red.
Hair: Jet black
Outfit: See photo.
Accessories: multiple silver rings, cross necklaces and such.

Personality: Cold and rude. Hates people that want attention and talk about the history. Only friendly top a selected few.
Likes: Being more like a guy and passing as one, which she does, only a few people know she isn't a guy outside of her family, Watermelon, she has an odd obsession, and silver things. Abuses anyone that has ANYTHING sliver.
Dislikes: Most things
Main Quote: "Who cares? I don't. Shut up."

User: [Evolution X]

Name: Trapper Izumei
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 136lbs

Eyes: Grey
Hair: White and spiky
Outfit: When not in his uniform he's got a shirt and pants on with buckles and straps all over them. The shirt is white and strapped around the back and the pants and black and buckled all over.
Accessories: Trapper wears a backpack at all times, has a rubix cube and two metal spirals around his forearms.

Personality: Quiet, Submissive but smiles when noticed. He tries not to show how powerful and smart he is and denies it if anyone says he is.
Likes: Books, Games, Making puppets and small devices. He likes to know that he is powerful.
Dislikes: Meaningless violence, cheaters and people knowing how powerful he is.
Main Quote: "I'm not..."


Age: 20
Weight:180 lbs

Eyes:Silvery white with red traces
Hair:Long waist length black hair with silvery white highlights and a single red bang.
Outfit: Black jacket with dark crimson undershirt, left arm covered in metal plates covered in runes. Black pants and heavy boots, and a long over coat. Several sword skirts from the waist down

Personality: Quiet and calm, warm and gentle unless otherwise provoked.
Likes:the moonlight on breezy nights next to a body of water
Dislikes: Fighting
Main Quote: A simple bowing of the head.



Name: Justin Steelheart Nakini
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 125 lbs

Eyes: Deep piercing blue
Hair: Sandy blond
Outfit: He likes to wear T-shirts with the Nakini clan symbol on the front, and baggy pants with an accessory chain wrapped around the right leg.
Accessories: The chain wrapped around his right leg and a cross necklace on his neck. The chain is used for his Kekkei gankai.

Personality: He is always joking around and wants to be the center of comedy in the group. Though he is very serious and determined when he sets his mind to something.
Likes: SHRIMP!!!!!!, cool weapons, has a little thing for Tenten,joking around, and SHRIMP RAMEN!!
Dislikes: Any clans thought superior to his- Uchiha, Hyuga, ect.
Main Quote: Thats what she said...

User: [DarkMCat]
Name: Kiseki Mio. (First name is Mio)
Age: 17.
Gender: Female.
Height: 5’4 ft.
Weight: 116 lbs.
Eyes: Purple, wide, with long lashes.
Hair: Long, white, reaches past her bum, with a blunt fringe. Two loops either side of her face. Straight and slightly wavy at the ends, pinned back with chopsticks, but it’s still left down. (Will draw soon, it’s complicated)
Outfit: A short purple kimono with a lily pattern that reaches down to just above her knees, teamed with long white socks and high sandals.  
Accessories: Her various hair decorations, several bangles on her wrists and a ankle bracelet.
Personality: Quiet but friendly, generally very nice and somewhat innocent in a way. She can be a bit blunt, however.
Likes: Music and dancing, designing things, traveling, and stories.
Dislikes: Pessimists, getting angry, studying, and dogs.
Main Quote: ‘How can I study when it’s so nice outside?!’

User: [KnightAngel]

Name: Nong En Li
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Height: 6' 2½''
Weight 75Kg

Occupation: Teacher.
Relations: Big Brother of Pyre, related to Hyuga but never really mentions it.

Eyes: One silvery and one red with three black semicolons in it surrounding the pupil.
Hair: halfway down on his shoulder blades and normally in a ponytail but also occasionally free where it lays down like a ice-blue drape.
Outfit: A pair of navy-blue pants and a tight sitting net-shirt that only enhances the vision of his firm muscles, the Jounin's special vest that's buttoned up to reveal the before mentioned T-shirt and some semi-fingerless gloves and his forehead-protector sitting a bit crooked, giving him a kind of laid back style like Kakashi.
Accessories:One worn silvery ring on his right hand, a tiger-shaped necklace around his neck and a tattoo of a tiger (Which is his demon's seal.)

Personality: Solitary and quite protective but on occasion friendly.
Likes: Solitude, knowledge, kids and women and Pyre (She is his sister, duhhh....! XD)
Dislikes: Bullies, Bad treatment of jinchiruku's and people hurting Pyre.
Main Quote: "Pyre? No incinerating or freezing your classmates..."

Get the hell back to class you skipper! DX Naruto:Konoha High

Username (or number or email):


2007-09-30 [shadow_walker]: so just mail my bio to shiva right?

2007-10-01 [Dark Shiva]: um sorry all the spots are taken now people so no more ocs will be accepted at the time being...

2007-10-03 [Earoluim]: what happened to my bio??

2007-10-03 [Dark Shiva]: It might got tooken out becuase me and Priecedskull are only accepting five OCs right now, and all five spots have been taking already *points up at the filled in spots*

2007-10-03 [Earoluim]: Oh, well she told me I was accepted.

2007-10-03 [Dark Shiva]: Yeah and she knew better TT_TT And I caught her.

2007-10-03 [twitchboy]: me too

2007-10-03 [Dark Shiva]: You also!? *growls* Preicedskull! ><;

2007-10-06 [~Crimson Angel~]: me three,but don't get angry at her

2007-10-06 [Piercedskull]: *hides under a rock*

2007-10-06 [Dark Shiva]: *Says in a chillingly calm voice to piercedskull with eyes glowing red* Dont. Do. It. Again. Okies?

2007-10-06 [XxTsomexX]: <

2007-10-06 [Piercedskull]: okies...

2007-10-07 [twitchboy]: i still love you pierced

2007-10-07 [Dark Shiva]: I do too pierced, just follow the rules too sillu! *glomps*

2007-10-08 [Piercedskull]: YAY!!

2007-10-20 [Earoluim]: So May I join now ??

2007-10-20 [Dark Shiva]: Send me your char bio to see is it's apporved first

2007-10-20 [Asalli_Angel]: Iwonder... Can I draw the whole cast? I want to try... Demo, I would need some help with people's descriptions...

2007-10-20 [Dark Shiva]: Sure! ^_^

2007-10-20 [Asalli_Angel]: Okay. Shiva, you're first! Send me details!!! Lolz~

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